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Some people always think that the outside world is much better than our own country. They long for a happier life .However, is it true that the outside world is better than our own country? A lot of people who emigrate to abroad feel home-sick.

As a Chinese old saying goes that “east or west, home is the best”,when living in the outside for a long time, they will miss their motherland so much and will feel excited when hearing their native language. They will feel lonely when getting older. With the regret of sending yourself into exile, w ithout former friends’ or relatives’ company, the aloneness will come up from your heart.

Y ou are so far away from home and that will make you upset .In Chinese tradition,“Fallen leaves return to the roots” and family reunion ([,ri:'ju:nj?n])are very important. I t’s so pathetic to go outside.

It’s hard to be successful on you own in abr oad, at least, it’s to o painstaking(['peinz,teiki?]). A lot of people have the fantasy that living abroad means happiness and freedom. However, racial discrimination are still exist even in the United States.

In an age of terrorism, especially in western counties, it happens much more frequently than in China, so I really doubt that is it safer to emigrate from a relative peaceful and harmony country?

Recently, there are a lot of anti-China forces prevailing([pri'veili?]) in abroad. Maybe a bitter life is waiting for you instead of a better one.

Now China is progressing and developing day by day, it’s such a felicity([fi'lisiti]) to see the ever-changing achievements. If you are a patriotic ([p?tri'?tik])person, you should stay and serve our own county and make it a better one, escaping is a coward behavior. The worst

negative effect of emigration is the the outflow(['autfl?u]) of talents, so China should seek a way to leave on the talents instead of promoting them to emigrate (['emiɡreit]).
