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2015直击中考英语(人教版)总复习课件:第9讲 八年级下Units1~2 (共24张PPT)

2015直击中考英语(人教版)总复习课件:第9讲 八年级下Units1~2 (共24张PPT)


最新2015中考英语语法总复 习讲义 金社中学内部资料 专题一名词 名词是中考考查的重点。考查内容主要为: 1. 名词单、复数的变化规律及其用法; 2. 不可数名词量的表达法; 3. 名词所有格的变化及其用法; 4. 名词作主语的一致问题; 5. 常用专有名词的表示法; 6. 具体语境中名词的词义和一些常用易混淆名词的区别。 Ⅰ.名词的定义 名词是表示人、事物、现象和其他抽象概念的名称的词。名词可分为专有名词和普通名词。 专有名词是具体的人和事物等特有名称。专有名词的第一个字母要大写,人名、地名、公共节日及月份、周日的名称等等都是属于专有名词。(见资料) 如:Yao Ming 姚明;China 中国;Christmas 圣诞节等。 Ⅱ. 可数名词和不可数名词普通名词按照其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。 1.可数名词可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。如:an apple; two apples 。 ★注意:a 用于以辅音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前; an 用于以元音音素( 指音标) 开头的单数名词前。 如:a book/b uk/, a useful/ju:sful/ book ,an apple/’aepl/ ,a red apple , an hour/’aua/ 2.不可数名词: 不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,没有复数形式。 (1)物质名词。如:water; rice; tea; milk; food; fruit; meat; fish(鱼肉); chicken(鸡肉); beef; mutton; orange(橙汁);sugar; salt; paper(纸); porridge; bread; sand; juice等。这类不可数名词需要计量时要在名词前加表示量的词。如:a cup of tea; two bags of rice; three bottles of water等。 (2)抽象名词。如:news; music; time(时间); information等。 (3)不可数名词不能与数词或不定冠词连用。 (4)注意有些名词既可做可数名词也可做不可数名词。 如:fish; time; glass; orange; room; noise; chicken等。但使用时一定要区分它们表达的不同意义。 Ⅲ. 名词的数 (1)元音或词尾发生变化 如:man→men; woman→women; Frenchman→Frenchmen; tooth→teeth; foot→feet; child→children (2)单复数形式相同

2015年英语中考总复习-完形填空 中考真题 解题技巧及练习测试

2015中考复习-完形填空 中考热身 完形填空。(2014,湖州) When I was eight years old,my family moved from Edinburgh to London because Father started a new job there.It was hundreds of miles away from my grandmother,so we sometimes spent hours __1__ to Edinburgh to visit her when we missed her terribly. Granny never had much.She didn't have __2__ things,or live in a nice house,but I could feel with my __3__ that she loved us deeply,especially when my world was turned upside down __4__ my mother and father divorced(离婚) two years later. I still remember those little things.Granny allowed me to sit on top of her __5__ table,getting me to dip(蘸) my fingers in the sugar bowl or __6__ from her coffee cup.Granny had a fancy bottle high on a shelf.One day after her death,I received a box.To my surprise,I found the __7__ inside.She remembered once I had asked her for it. Granny __8__ her pennies in a glass jar.She could have used those pennies herself but she kept __9__ for my brother Tommie and me.And I was always excited to __10__ the pennies between my brother and me.“One for you,one for me.”I would repeat __11__ the jar was empty.I don't remember how much we got on our visits,but I know that's __12__ she loved us and cared about us when we were far away from her.So if I am __13__ enough to find a penny lying on the ground one day,I am sure it is just the one from Granny in heaven. Those childhood memories have never __14__ me.Instead,they still give me warm feelings through the years.A granny's __15__ stays with a grandchild as long as he needs it.You know,love is just like that. ( C )1.A.hiking B.running C.driving D.walking ( B )2.A.normal B.expensive C.cheap D.old ( B )3.A.life B.heart C.idea D.thought ( A )4.A.because B.unless C.while D.before ( D )5.A.bedroom B.garden C.bathroom D.kitchen ( D )6.A.fill B.eat C.use D.drink ( A )7.A.bottle B.box C.bowl D.cup ( C )8.A.used B.found C.saved D.lost ( A )9.A.them B.it C.her D.us ( C )10.A.store B.offer C.divide D.provide ( D )11.A.if B.as C.although D.until ( B )12.A.what B.how C.when D.where ( C )13.A.patient B.sad C.lucky D.bored ( A )14.A.gone away from B.come back to C.come up with D.got along with ( B )15.A.interest B.love C.smile D.Mind


2015英语教学 一教学目标 通过训练学生的听、说、读、写,使学生掌握最基本的语言知识和语言技能,从而培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力;寓教于乐,使学生养成良好的外语学习习惯,为将来的学习打下坚实的基础。 以教材为载体,密切结合教材,在课堂上努力创设各种情景夯实语言知识及语言技能,从而激发学生主动学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的记忆、观察、思维及想象能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。 二学情分析 我任教九年级(2)班英语。从整体情况来看,普遍学生英语基础较差,兴趣不高,甚至有部分学生的听说读写能力还不够小学三年级水平,所以在课堂教学时,出现有学生不守课堂规则,不愿听课、睡觉或是做与课堂无关事情的现象,难以形成英语学习氛围。有少部分学生基础较好,自制能力较强,能认真听课,按老师要求完成各项任务。总的来说,这个班的英语教学具有挑战性,需要耗费不少时间和精力。 三教材分析 九年级英语是湖南教育出版社出版的仁爱版英语,教材编排有以下目的: 1.要使学生受到听、说、读、写、英语的训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能以及培养初步援用英语交际的能力;养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法;为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基础。 2.使学生明确学习英语的目的性, 3.培养初步运用英语交际的能力和自学能力。 四课时安排 本书共四个单元,每单元都有三个话题,每个话题又分A,B,C,D,四课。依据本学期的教学进度,本学期具体安排如下: 每周上一个话题,中期考试前上两个单元,其余的两个单元中期后上。 五教学措施 1、依据学生基本情况,逐步激励学生对英语产生学习兴趣。 2、重视课堂教学质量,逐步提高学生英语交际能力。 3、有意识培养学生听力、表述、朗读、书写和作业的基本能力。 4、重视思维过程系统编排,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进,点面结合,逐步扩展,循环往现,以加深影响。 九年级的英语教学工作十分关键,而九(2)班的英语底子薄,兴趣不高,在这种情况下,就需要更加深入地研究教材,根据学科特点及学生特点研究切实可行的课堂教学模式。努力探索适合学生特点、学生乐于接受的教学方法及模式。同时,要进行分层次教学。对于好的学生要加大知识的容量,拓展知识的层面,使好学生成绩更上一层楼;对于差生要因势利导,因材施教,使差生在原有的基础上有所提高。


2015年曲石中学中考备考方案 科目:英语 备课组长:邵加鹏 时间:2014年9月12日

2015年曲石中学英语中考备考方案 英语是中考科目中非常重要的一门学科,对学生的要求也愈来愈高,不仅加强了对英语基础知识的考查,更突出了对运用知识的能力的考查。因此我们要对所学知识进行系统而全面的复习。近几年的学业考试试卷的难度系数0.75,也就是说容易题和中等题占的比例很大。要想拿到这些分数,必须依纲靠本,回归基础,回归课本。要在激发学生的参与意识和实践运用方面下功夫,设法促使学生积极主动地上好复习课,增强学生的语言运用能力,减轻学生过重的课业负担,提高复习课的教学水平,达到《中考英语考试说明》对学生知识和能力的要求。由于时间紧,任务重,因此,我们必须最迟在寒假补课期间,结束九年级英语全一册。 鉴于今年我校的特殊形式,学生成绩、综合素质良莠不齐。因此,我们第一轮复习的重点就是带领同学从第一册开始,梳理学过的词汇和语法知识。九年级全体英语教师分析近五年来的云南省中考试题,从而提炼出高频考点;并以《中考考试说明》、《中考面对面》、《英语教学教材研究》为依据,附以各种形式的复习练习。现将我们的复习计划罗列如下:在中考复习时采取“三轮复习法”的总复习计划,课本知识回顾、语法专题复习、专项复习及综合训练。同时还加强解题能力指导和临场经验积累。做到着眼全面,突出重点,点面结合,把全面复习和重点复习有机结合起来。 一、复习流程: (一)、课本知识回顾:(寒假补课第二轮至2015年3月中旬)

针对学生对已学基础知识部分遗忘的共性,本着温故知新的原则,学生还是得一步一个脚印,使学生从零散知识的学习自然过度到知识的系统归纳上,使基础更加条理化,扎扎实实搞好基础知识的复习。 在这一阶段我们计划按教材顺序归纳语言知识点,讲透语言知识点的运用,对各单元的知识要点进行梳理,同时重点把握基础词汇、词组的考查。 课本知识回顾是对课文基础知识复习阶段,是针对学生对已学基础知识,以课本为主。学生对以前所学的英语知识已遗忘,本着“温故知新”的原则,要求学生扎扎实实搞好基础知识的复习。在这个阶段按单元归纳语言知识点,对各单元的语法知识点进行梳理,同时注意基础词汇、词组、句型的过关。一般通过听写来检查学生复习情况,通过配套的练习、试卷等,复习检测,逐步形成英语语言综合能力。 A、布置适量、难度适中的课堂练习和课后练习,让学生巩固所复习内容。 B、实行小组合作学习及分层教学的复习方式,对学生进行分组分层训练,英语单科较差的学生,尽量在作业、试卷的批改中做到面批、面改。让成绩较好的带动帮助成绩较差的学生,让学生在合作学习中共同进步。 C、反复考试、自我检测考试,即每复习完几个单元后,进行测试,对考试中有进步的学生及时进行表扬和奖励,以充分调动学生的学习积极性和自觉性。复习课本并不是“眉毛胡子一把抓”,而是在研究了课标和考纲后,将课本中的重要的知识点条理化、系统化。 (二)、语法专题复习:(2015年3月下旬至2015年4月下旬)这一阶段着重扎扎实实搞好语法知识复习,按照考纲要求的语法项目,由易到难,对各个语法点的知识加以归纳和梳理,结合近几年各地的中考题加以训练。在复习语法过程中,复习几个语法内容后,进行一次小测。


下列考复习现状,您是否枪了? 有学者曾对英语考复习教学现状进行调查和分析,其结论如下: 1 复习耗时长,但教学效果差; 2 复习教学目标、复习教学内容与考考查目标、考查内容不一致; 3 复习依据辅导书、模拟卷、教材,面面俱到,教学目标不明确,重点、难点 不突出; 4 复习内容注重词汇、语法知识的掌握,忽视运用能力的培养; 5 对听、说、读、写技能的训练彼此割裂,学生综合语言运用能力没有得到有 效培养; 6 复习方法以教师讲解和学生做题为主,单一、枯燥,学生学习的积极性和主 动性没有得到发挥; 7 学生主要利用课外时间完成习题,未得到教师有效的指导、监控及反馈;8 面对英语水平参差不齐的学生,教师未能做到因材施教和分层教学; 9 教学资源单一,以辅导书和模拟卷为主,而教师对辅导书和模拟卷基本采用 “拿主义”的态度和方法,大多数不符合学生的需求和实际水平,同时“题海战术”导致了学生沉重的课业和心理负担,严重影响了学生的身心健康; 10 教师和学生对复习教学的满意度较低,教师和学生在复习阶段都深感身心 疲惫。 对以上的调查结论您是否有强烈的共鸣感? 您是否一直期待一套融话题、交际功能、语言结构、阅读提升和写作训练为一体的系统性的话题复习资料?我们《考英语话题复习》将为广大英语教师提供一套融话题、交际功能、语言结构、阅读提升和写作训练为一体的复习材料。从而实现您理想的考英语复习课堂: 语言知识复现的综合性 语言知识复现的习得性 学生语用能力的提升性 它遵循语言学习规律,充分体现语言知识复现的习得性与综合性,促进学生语用能力得到最大的提升!这也是学生获得考高分之源!

《考英语话题复习》包括: 考英语话题复习书+书面表达专用本+听说试卷+读写试卷+全套考英语话题复习精品课件(语言基础知识复习课件+话题复 习写作课件)。


中考复习汉译英专项练习 翻译 根据所给提示完成下列句子。 1.让我们尽最大的努力来帮助贫困地区的孩子们。 Let’s __________________________________________ the children in poor areas. 2.你去过盐城科技博物馆多少次了? _________________________________ Yancheng Science and Technology Museum? 3.要想更好地了解世界,我们有必要学好英语。 It is necessary______________________________ to know more about the world. 4.钟晶医生做着如此重要的工作,村民很感激她。 Doctor Zhong Jing is doing ____________________________ the villagers are grateful to her. 5.这部纪录片帮助人们近距离观察野生动物的生活。 This documentary helps people__________________________________. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。每空一词。 6.I plan to go on a trip in _______________ (七月). 7.After the whole day’s voluntary work, I felt fine ____________(除之外) for being a little tired. 8.The show I’m a singer helps audience rediscover many good _____________(嗓音). 9.To keep fit, we should have more vegetables and fruit _____________(代替) of too much meat. 10.The world is _______(充满) of chances, and we must make a quick decision when we meet one. 根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词。 11.熊猫主要以竹子为食。 Pandas mainly_________ ___________bamboo. 12.托尼的书在2012年出版了。 Tony’s book _________ ____________ in 2012. 13.开始我不太喜欢这个工作。 I didn’t like the job very much ______ _________. 14.我想去澳大利亚观光。 I’d like to_________ ___________ in Australia. 15.全世界人民热爱和平。 People _________ __________the world love peace. 根据中文意思完成句子。 16.很抱歉我没能参加你的生日晚会。 _____for missing your birthday party. 17.你在课余时间喜欢读书吗? Do you _____ in your spare time? 18.杰克会和同学们相处得很好。 Jack will _____ his classmates. 19.这个演讲非常精彩。我们都听得很认真。 The speech _____ we all listened carefully. 20.他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的办法。 _____ a new way in such a short time.


2015年中考英语总复习计划 一、指导思想: 结合我校实际,本着“培优、促中、转差”的原则,认真系统地研究整理英语教材知识和能力要求,以考纲为基本依据,抓好每一复习环节,强化基础知识的巩固、提高,针对中考题型,加大训练力度,努力提高学生整体成绩,让每一位学生发挥最大潜力,在中考中取得最好成绩。 二、现状分析 我校九年级共有四个班,优生少,及格率低,平均分低,仅45分左右,本届学生中英语没有特别突出的尖子生,缺乏引导者,大部分学生学习目的不明确,安于现状、不思进取。部分成绩较差的学生思想动荡,加之基础差,在枯燥的复习过程中,容易自暴自弃、进一步放弃学习,因此复习中在培优、促中同时,我们面临的最主要任务是转差。 三、复习目标: 1、掌握基本的词汇知识(以英语指导丛书的词汇为主)。词汇总复习主要分为单词拼写、词语释义和词形转换三个方面。既要掌握基本词汇知识,又要具有运用词汇的基本能力,用构词法、音形相同相似比较法、归类法等记住单词。 2、体会英语语法的实际应用。语法的复习要兼顾句法和词法。在掌握句法的基础上,分析理解词法。注意理清语法知识脉络,使之

系统化。归纳语法规则,指导语言实践,提高理解语法概念和规则的能力以及运用规则的能力。 3、正确使用交际用语。在复习中,要能运用初中阶段每个话题下的基本交际用语进行简单的交际。 4、注重阅读能力的培养。有意识地进行阅读技巧训练,如精读、略读、选读、速读、带着问题读,利用关键词、关键句去领悟隐含的意思等。 5、抓好听力训练。安排一定的时间进行强化性听力训练,熟悉测试题型。结合听课文原声带、听力训练题以提高学生的听力水平。 6、强化书面表达能力的培养。通过背诵典型的范文,大量的习作练习和指导,不断提高学生组织文章的能力,运用已学词汇进行描写的能力。 四、复习流程与时间安排: 1、课本知识回顾:(2015年3月中旬-4月底) 根据学生基础差的特点,拉长基础复习的时间,按教材内容顺序,抓纲靠本,使学生从零散知识的学习自然过渡到知识的系统归纳上,使基础知识更加条理化。在材料的整体处理及时间分配上,我们在三月中旬开始着手总复习,抓住课本,从初一开始,按单元归纳语言知识点,对各单元的语法知识点进行梳理,同时注意基础词汇、词组、句型的过关。一般通过听写来检查学生复习词汇、句型,一单元一听,配套的练习、试卷等,复习检测,逐步形成英语语言综合能力。在教学方法的选用上,坚持打破传统的复习模式,不搞填鸭式、满堂灌,


九年级英语中考复习计划 秦市中学九年级英语组 中考复习是中考前教学中最重要的环节,复习的好坏直接关系到学生的中考成绩。我们九年级英语老师结合中考复习教学方法的有关理论,结合其他多年教九年级的老师的教学经验,结合学校学生的实际情况,特制订了九年级英语中考复习备考计划。 第一阶段:以教材为本,回顾基础知识,并配以相应的练习加以巩固活用。(4月1日――5月13日) 这一阶段让学生以教材内容顺序,抓纲靠本,回顾七年级、八年级、九年级课本上的单词和知识要点,以知识点扫描为主夯实基础,将课文中的重要的知识点条理化、系统化。针对学生对已学基础知识部分已遗忘的共性,本着温故而知新的原则,主要是按教材顺序归纳语言点,对各单元的知识要点进行梳理,同时注重词汇、词组、常用句型和主要语法等知识,并通过配套练习培养运用语法知识的能力。在教学方法的选用上,坚持打破传统的复习模式,不搞填鸭式、满堂灌,而是利用提问式、讨论式、辩论式、启发式等方法让学生归纳、总结,群策群力,互相补充或由师生共同归纳出各个阶段的知识要点、难点及考点。让学生有思考的时间,有发言的权利,有查漏补缺的机会。 第二阶段:语法专题复习。(5.18――5.29) 根据中考考纲中要求掌握的语法项目,使学生从零散的语法知识过度到系统的归纳和掌握上,使语法知识更加条理化,扎扎实实搞好语法知识的复习,对各个语法点的知识加以归纳和梳理,结合近几年的中考题加以训练。在复习语法的过程中,复习几个语法内容,进行一次测验,找出学生仍存在的共性问题,再加以查缺补漏。让学生体会英语语法的实际应用。句法以掌握五种基本句型为核心,还要复习宾语从句,状语从句、定语从句等,在掌握句法的基础上,分析理解词法。词法以动词为重点,掌握正确的时态用法。在复习中要注意理清语法知识脉络,使之系统化。在感性认识的基础上归纳语法规则,再以语法规则指导语言实践,从而提高理解语法概念和规则的能力以及运用规则的能力。 第三阶段:中考模拟题训练。(6.1——6.17)


2015九年级英语中考复习资料 课堂考试卷(满分40分) 学校:_________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:__________ 一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) Peggy was a quiet girl. Not many words passed her lips because she was 1 , and also she sometimes felt she had nothing interesting to say. But all 2 when Peggy moved to a new house. After arriving at the new place, she 3 some strange things in a huge attic(阁楼). And she also found something 4 . It was an old book with a great, thick cover, with gold writing on it. 5 what made it truly special was that it could float in the air. Peggy tried her best to 6 the book down to her room and hid it there until night. That night, when she was sure 7 would disturb her, she sat with her dog and started reading the book. It was a(n) 8 . She had only just started when her dog started speaking to her. Her dog spoke to her, “What a(n) 9 book you have found! It seems to have some lovely stories!” Peggy10 believe it, but the dog continued talking, telling her all kinds of things, and asking a lot of questions. After some time, Peggy asked, “So how come you’re11 ?” “I don’t know,” answered the dog. “12 just thinking about things, now I’m saying them too. I guess it was the book that did it.” Peggy 13 to show the book to some other animals. One after another, the 14 all started talking, and, before long, Peggy was 15 —in the most friendly manner—with animals, her friends, her classmates or other children in her school. ( )1. A. brave B. shy C. happy D. angry ( )2. A. appeared B. continued C. changed D. happened ( )3. A. broke B. discovered C. bought D. made ( )4. A. special B. delicious C. empty D. boring ( )5. A. If B. Or C. So D. But ( )6. A. copy B. throw C. write D. take ( )7. A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody ( )8. A. phone book B. textbook C. exercise book D. storybook ( )9. A. latest B. interesting C. expensive D. famous ( )10. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. shouldn’t ( )11. A. singing B. playing C. talking D. dancing ( )12. A. Because of B. Instead of C. Thanks to D. Such as ( )13. A. refused B. decided C. forgot D. hated ( )14. A. animals B. flowers C. books D. girls ( )15. A. fighting B. living C. going D. chatting 二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


2015九年级英语中考复习辅导资料 课堂考试卷(满分40分) 学校:________ 姓名:________ 成绩:________ 一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) I got into trouble with my maths teacher, Miss Chulia. Yesterday, Miss Chulia gave the class two pieces of homework. And she 1 gave strict instructions that we had to hand them in today. That way, she could correct them over the weekend and go through (详细讨论) the 2 with the class on Monday. When I reached home, I immediately put down my bag, 3 paper and began doing them. I clearly remember 4 the paper back into my file (文件夹) once it was finished. When I went to school today, Miss Chulia 5 us to hand in our homework. I took out my file confidently, 6 for some reason that I could not think of, the paper was not in there! I then thought that maybe I had put them into my bag 7 rather than in the file. I searched the bag but in vain (徒劳). The paper was 8 to be found! Since I could not find them, I had no 9 but to tell Miss Chulia. I walked towards the teacher’s table s lowly. I was preparing 10 for a punishment (惩罚). When the class realized what I was doing, they held their breaths and 11 the scene. When I went close to Miss Chulia, I could 12 find my voice to talk to her. After I told her what had happened, Miss Chulia was very 13 . She started to criticize me. She told me to be more 14 in future. For the rest of my day, I was feeling sorry 15 myself. More importantly, I still didn’t know what could have happened to my homework. ( )1.A. either B. still C. after D. also ( )2.A. mistakes B. difficulties C. exams D. notes ( )3.A. took after B. took away C. took off D. took out ( )4.A. turning B. throwing C. putting D. giving ( )5.A. encouraged B. asked C. led D. wished ( )6.A. so B. and C. but D. or ( )7.A. differently B. directly C. quietly D. easily ( )8.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere ( )9.A. choice B. expression C. answer D. chance ( )10. A. yourself B. himself C. herself D. myself ( )11. A. cared for B. waited for C. found out D. put out ( )12. A. hardly B. nearly C. always D. never ( )13. A. bored B. tired C. angry D. happy ( )14. A. clever B. outgoing C. energetic D. careful ( )15. A. in B. on C. for D. at 二、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


2015年九年级英语中考复习计划 中考复习是中考前教学中最重要的环节,复习的好坏直接关系到学生的中考成绩。我们结合中考复习教学方法的有关理论,结合学生的实际情况,特制订了九年级英语中考复习备考计划。 第一阶段:以教材为本,回顾基础知识,并配以相应的练习加以巩固活用。 这一阶段让学生以教材内容顺序,抓纲靠本,回顾七年级、八年级、九年级课本上的单词和知识要点,以知识点扫描为主夯实基础,将课文中的重要的知识点条理化、系统化。针对学生对已学基础知识部分已遗忘的共性,本着温故而知新的原则,主要是按教材顺序归纳语言点,对各单元的知识要点进行梳理,同时注重词汇、词组、常用句型和主要语法等知识,并通过配套练习培养运用语法知识的能力。在教学方法的选用上,坚持打破传统的复习模式,让学生归纳、总结,群策群力,互相补充或由师生共同归纳出各个阶段的知识要点、难点及考点。让学生有思考的时间,有发言的权利,有查漏补缺的机会。 第二阶段:语法专题复习。 根据中考考纲中要求掌握的语法项目,使学生从零散的语法知识过度到系统的归纳和掌握上,使语法知识更加条理化,扎扎实实搞好语法知识的复习,对各个语法点的知识加以归纳和梳理,结合近几年的中考题加以训练。在复习语法的过程中,复习几个语法内容,进行一次测验,找出学生仍存在的共性问题,再加以查缺补漏。让学生体会英语语法的实际应用。句法以掌握五种基本句型为核心,还要复习宾语从句,状语从句、定语从句等,在掌握句法的基础上,分析理解词法。词法以动词为重点,掌握正确的时态用法。在复习中要注意理清语法知识脉络,使之系统化。在感性认识的基础上归纳语法规则,再以语法规则指导语言实践,从而提高理解语法概念和规则的能力以及运用规则的能力。 第三阶段:中考模拟题训练。 模拟训练是考前大练兵,是中考前的热身训练阶段。在前两轮复习的基础上以试卷为主进行模拟训练,以学生为主,对所学的知识重新整理,彻底消除学生的模糊意识,强化考点。运用一些模拟题、模拟考试时间、答题方式和答题卡


2015年深圳英语中考专练·参考答案 (注:答案仅供参考之用) 2015年·深圳中考·看图说话20篇及解题方法参考范文 01 It was raining hard yesterday.Rose went home by bike.Suddenly she fell off her bike and hurt her leg because of the bad weather.At that time,a policeman saw this and helped her.He stopped a taxi and sent her to a hospital at once.In the hospital the doctor looked her over carefully asked her to take some medicine.It was nothing serious.Rose was thankful to the doctor and the policeman.We hope that she will be better soon.That’s all,thank you. 02 Mrs.Wang is forty years old.she was too fat.She often felt tired even when she went upstairs.she had to see a doctor.The doctor looked her over and told her there was nothing wrong with her.The doctor told her to do more sports and drink enough water every day.From then on Mrs.Wang kept doing sports every day.She gets much thinner and healthier.She doesn’t feel tired at all.Doing sports is good for our health.We should do enough sports to keep healthy.That’s all,thank you. 03 Tommy's weekend There are six members in Tommy's family.They are his grandparents,parents,his younger sister and himself.Last Saturday,the family had a picnic in the park.They took many photos there. They were very happy.On Sunday morning,Tommy played football with his father and grandfather.They had great fun.In the afternoon,Tommy and his younger sister watched TV with their grandpa.They enjoyed it very much. That's all.Thank you. 04 Mrs.Jackson was walking her dog in the park.She ate a banana and threw the skin on the ground. Suddenly,her dog ran away.What would he do?He caught the banana skin and threw it in the rubbish bin.The banana skins make the earth dirty.Always remember to put rubbish in the rubbish bins.Everyone should learn to fight pollution. 05 The four pictures show us some fire rules. If you go to a place,make sure you know the location of the fire exit.When you find a fire, remember to call119.The firemen can help you.If there is much smoke,you should lie down on the floor.Don't forget to wet some towels and cover your nose and mouth with them. 06 Yesterday was Sunday.I went to the park with my classmates.There we had a picnic and played


2015年中考英语总复习:单词拼写 根据所给句子的意义及中文提示写出正确的单词,每空一词。 单词拼写(1) 1. –What does he look (像)? –He is of medium height. 2. I am very ____________ (饿). I want to buy some food to eat. 3. –How’s the weather today? –It’s (晴朗的). 4. Mum often tells(告诉) us to wash hands before each meal. 5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks _____________ (日语). 6. Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city. 7. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog. 8. –What would you do if you had a million dollars? –I’d give it to medical ______________ (研究). 9. English is very____________________ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it. 10. The people in the ______________ (村) are richer than before. 单词拼写(2) 1. I hope you’re feeling (更好)soon. 2. He has a good idea to (解决) the problem. 3. -What size bowl of (面条) would you like? -I’d like a large one. 4. There’s a bank near the post office. We can (节约)our money there. 5. Would you mind (关) down the radio? The boy is doing(做) his homework. 6. China is a _____________(国家)with a long history. 7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems _____________(容易地)now. 8. They are _________________(友好的)to each other. 9. His uncle is a ________________ (科学家). He works in Beijing. 10. Mr Wang’s _____________(办公室)is on the fourth floor. 单词拼写(3) 1. It’s impolite to ______________ (指向)at others with chopsticks at table. 2. This is an _____________ (空的)box. Could I have a full one, please? 3. It’s __________ (冷)outside. Please put on your coat.

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