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来华留学申请表 Application Form for Foreign Students Recent Portrait 4cm *3cm 中文 In Chinese 性别 □ 男 Male Sex □ 女Female Nationality 护照号码 Passport No. 婚否 □未婚Single Marital □已婚Married 期 年 月 日 年龄 Date of Birth Year Month Day Age 出生地 Place of Birth Mailing Address / 电话、传真、电子邮件地址 Tel &Fax& E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Highest Academic Degree Obtained 职业 Occupation 宗教信仰 Religion 工作或学习单位 Where are you currently studying or working? Educational Background( from Senior Middle School) Name of School Study Period Diploma or Degree awarded 1_______________________________ ____YY___MM until____YY___MM ___________________ 2_______________________________ ____YY___MM until____YY___MM ___________________ 何地学习过多长时间汉语 Where and how long have you studied Chinese ? 现有汉语水平Present level of Chinese Beginner □初级Primary □中级Intermediate □高级Advanced 来华留学类别 Categories of Foreign Students


1 外国留学生(研究生)入学申请表 Application Form for International Students (Master and Ph.D Program ) . 请申请人用中文或英文印刷体认真填写以下诸项,字迹要清楚。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。 该栏由学校填写 This is to be filled out by the university 编号____________ 类别____________ 专业____________ 语言____________ 推荐____________ 费用____________ 日期____________

4 申请人保证/I hereby affirm that: 1)上述各项中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; All information and materials provided here are true and correct. 2)在华期间,遵守中国的法律和法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不相符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student; 3)在学期间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。 During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my 预祝您申请成功! We wish your application success!


招收外国来华留学生管理规定 中国科学院研究生院招收外国来华留学生管理规定(试行)第一章总则第一条中国科学院研究生院(以下简称研究生院)受中国科学院委托,负责外国来华留学生的招收、培养、学籍及学位授予的管理工作。为做好此项管理工作,特制定本规定。第二条本规定适用于中国科学院所属各研究生培养单位(以下简称培养单位)招收的外国来华留学生的管理,包括:来华攻读学位的外国留学生(以下简称外国留学生)和外国来华留学的进修生(以下简称外国进修生)。第二章报名及招生的组织管理第三条申请人报名资格、所需提交材料、报考时间和地点,以及收费标准,请参见《中国科学院研究生院招收外国来华留学生招生简章》(以下简称《外国留学生招生简章》)中的有关规定。第四条研究生院统一负责中国科学院招收外国留学生的组织管理工作。(一)组织各培养单位进行招生宣传、咨询活动。(二)委托各培养单位向培养单位所在地省(自治区、直辖市)级教育主管部门申请接受外国留学生的资格认可。(三)负责组织、审核、汇总、编印研究生院外国留学生招生专业目录。(四)统一组织英语初试科目的命题和阅卷等工作。

(五)制定外国留学生的录取标准。(六)对各培养单位报送的录取名单和相关材料进行审核、汇总、上报及存档。第五条各培养单位负责本单位招收外国留学生的管理工作。(一)制定本单位招收外国留学生的招生计划。(二)编制本单位的招生专业目录; 遴选本单位上岗指导教师,报研究生院备案。(三)拟定本单位的概况、招生专业(不包含保密专业)及反映导师学术水平的介绍。(四)审查申请者的申请资格。(五)组织初试科目专业课命题及阅卷、录取工作,并将录取名单报送研究生院审核备案。第三章招生及入学考试第六条招生方式、入学考试的组织及面试等要求,参见《外国留学生招生简章》中的有关规定。第七条外国留学硕士生的初试科目为英语和两门业务课。外国留学博士生的初试科目为英语和两门业务课。以上考试均为笔试,每门课考试时间为三小时。母语或官方语言为英语的申请者,可免试英语。业务课考试科目由各培养单位组织命题和阅卷。命题难度应与国内招收硕士、博士研究生命题的难度相当。初试合格后,应参加复试。协议生参加考核的科目由培养单位根据协议确定。第四章录取第八条录取条件参见《外国留学生招生简章》中的有关规定。第九条研究生院委托各培养单位根据申请者考试和考核的成绩及研究生院的 录取标准,拟定录取名单,并在规定时间内将录取名单及成


西南科技大学外国留学生入学申请表APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (SWUST) 中国四川省绵阳市青龙大道中段59号,西南科技大学621010 No.59,Qinglong Road,Mianyang, Sichuan Province China 621010 电话(Tel): +86-816-6089963 +86-816-6089990 传真(Fax): +86-816-6089347 1.Passport Name: Array Family Name /姓:____ _______ Given Names /名:____ __________ 2.Nationality /国籍:__________________________________________________ 3.Sex/性别:M/男□F/女□ 4.Passport No./护照号码:_________________ 5.Marital Status/婚否:Single/未婚□Married/已婚□ 6.Religion/宗教: ____________________; 7.Education Level/最高学历:_____________________ 8.Date and Place of Birth/出生日及出生地: Year/年Month/月Day/日Place/出生地: 9.Present Occupation/当前职业:______________________ Employer/Institution Affiliated/工作/学习单位:____________________________________ 10.H ome Address /本国地址:_____________________________________________________ Tel. /联系电话:_________________________Fax/传真:___________________________ Email/电邮:_________________________________________ 11.D uration and Place of Previous Chinese Study/何时何地学过汉语: ________________________________________________________________________ 12.P resent Level of Chinese: □Excellent □Good □Fair □No Ability 现有汉语水平很好较好一般不会 13.P lan of Study in Southwest University of Science and Technology /来西南科大的学习计划: A.Chinese Language Study/学习汉语:□ B.Bachelor’s Degree/本科生:□Major/专业: C.Master’s Degree/硕士生:□Major/专业: D.Doctorate Degree /博士生:□Major/专业: E.None-degree Student/进修生:□Major/专业: F.Exchange Student/校际交换生:□Major/专业: 14.D uration of Study at Southwest University of Science and Technology/在西南科技大学学习时间:Year/年Month/月to /至Year/年Month/月15.F inancial Source /经费来源: a)SWUST Scholarship/西南科技大学奖学金:□ b)Sichuan Provincial government scholarship /四川省政府奖学金学生:□

外国留学生入学申请表 (本科生)

外国留学生入学申请表 (本科生) Application Form for International Students (Undergraduate Program) ● 请用中文或英文填写此表/Please complete the form in Chinese or English. ● 请用黑色或蓝色签字笔填写此表/Please complete the form in marker pens. 该栏由学校填写 This is to be filled out by the university 编号____________ 类别____________ 专业____________ 语言____________ 推荐____________ 费用____________ 日期____________

预祝您申请成功 ! We wish your application success! Contact Us: 地址: 中国山西省太原市坞城路92号山西大学国际教育交流学院 030006 Address: School of International Education & Exchange, Shanxi University No.92, Wucheng Road., Taiyuan, Shanxi, P.R.C Tel: +86-351-7011934 /7018987 Fax: +86-351-7010872 E-mail: hanhh@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/387025887.html, studychinese@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/387025887.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/387025887.html,


外国留学生(非学历进修生)入学申请表 Application Form for International Students (General Advanced Student/Senior Advanced Student) 请申请人用中文或英文清楚地填写以下诸项,并打印。不接受手写。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。 护照名(英语) Full Name in English according to your passport 姓Family Name: 照片 PHOTO 中间名Middle Name: 名Given Name: 中文名 Chinese Name 必须填写,不超过6个汉字。This must be filled in no more than six characters. 国籍Country of Citizenship 性别 Gender □男Male □女Female 出生日期 Date of Birth 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date 出生地点 Place of Birth 国家Country ______________________ 城市City ______________________ 护照号码Passport No. 护照有效期 Passport valid until 年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date 婚姻状况Marital Status 宗教信仰Religion 职业Occupation 工作/学习单位Employer/Institution 电话& 手机Tel & Cell phone 电子邮件E-mail 本国住址Home Country Address 邮政编码Zip Code 电话/传真 Tel/Fax 该栏由学校填写 This is to be filled in by the university. 编号___________________ 类别___________________ 专业___________________ 推荐___________________


外国留学生入学申请表 Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at Tianjin University, China ● 永久联系地址(包含国家、省州、城市、街道名、邮编)/ Permanent Contact Address (Street, City, State/Province, Country, Zip Code ) ● ● 最高学历/ Highest Diploma ● 是否曾经学习过汉语Have you ever learned Chinese 是/Yes 否/No ● 已学习汉语时间/ Years of Chinese Study Years ● 现有汉语水平/ Chinese Language Proficiency HSK 级/Level 分/Score ,HSKK 级/Level 分/Score BCT( A / B ) 分/Score ,BCT (口语/Speaking ) 分/Score / Desired Major 联系地址: 中国天津市南开区卫津路92号 天津大学 留学生招生办公室 邮政编码:300072 电话:0086-22-传真:0086-22- 邮箱:iso@ Address: International Admissions Office, Tianjin University No.92 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, 300072, P. R. China Tel:0086-22- Fax:0086-22- E-mail: iso@


1 复旦大学外国留学生入学申请表 Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at Fudan University 该栏由学校填写/This is to be filled out by the university. 请申请人用中文或英文印刷体认真填写以下诸项,字迹要清楚。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。

申请人保证/I hereby affirm that: 1)上述各项中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; All information and materials provided here are true and correct. 2)在华期间,遵守中国的法律和法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不相符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student; 3)在学期间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。 During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs provided by the university. 申请人签名/Signature of the applicant:________________________________________________ (无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the signature.) 日期/Date: 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd 预祝您申请成功! We wish your application success! 3


XX大学外国留学生入学申请表(学历生)Application Form for International Students (Degree Programs) 请在所选项目方框‘□’内划‘√’表示Please indicate with ‘√’ in the blank chosen.

1) 凡住宿以上学校宿舍者,房费按学期支付,中途退房,房费均不退还。The accommodation fees of the above university dormitories are paid by semester and will not be refunded if you leave during the semester. 2) 学费在课程正式开始之前,可退百分之五十,申请退费时必须提供缴费发票。课程一旦开始,所有已支付的 费用均不退还。50% of the tuition can be refunded prior to the commencement of the classes whereas no fee will be refunded once the classes start. The invoice must be returned for any refund requests. 9. 申请人保证I hereby affirm that 1) 上述各项中填写的信息和提供的材料真实无误;All the information and materials provided are true and correct. 2) 在华期间,遵守中国的法律和法规;During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of China. 3) 在XX大学学习期间,遵守学校各项规章制度。During my study in SISU, I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the university.


常州大学外国留学生入学申请表(附件二) Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at Changzhou University 该栏由学校填写/This is to be filled out by the university. 请申请人用中文或英文印刷体认真填写以下诸项,字迹要清楚。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。 Please fill in the form in standard Chinese or English carefully and clearly. Please write None if not applicable.

申请人保证/I hereby affirm that: 1)上述各项中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; All information and materials provided here are true and correct. 2)在华期间,遵守中国的法律和法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不相符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student; 3)在学期间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。 During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs provided by the university.


河南省外国留学生政府奖学金申请表 请申请人仔细阅读本表第四页的填表说明。请用中文或英文填写此表格。请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔仔细 书写表格内容。请在所选项框内划‘’表示。不按规定填写的表格将视作无效。 . . , . ‘’. . 护照用名: 姓: 名: 国籍: 护照号码.: 出生日期: 年月日 出生地点: 国家城市 男:□女:□已婚:□未婚:□其它:□ 母语 宗教 当前联系地址 电话: 传真: : 永久通信地址: 2.受教育情况: 主修专业毕业证书及学位证书学校在校时间 () .工作经历: 从事工作职务及职称 工作单位起止时间 () .语言能力: ).汉语: 很好:□好:□较好:□差:□不会:□ 考试等级或其他类型汉语考试成绩 ).英语: 很好:□好:□较好:□差:□不会:□ 我的英语水平可以用英语学习: 是□否□ ).其他语言

.来华学习计划 : ).申请来华学习类别 ).申请来华学习专业或研究专题 ).申请院校 : Ⅰ Ⅱ. Ⅲ 申请专业学习时间 : 自:年月 至:年月 .拟在华学习或研究的详细内容(可另附纸) ( ): .曾发表的主要学术论文、著作及作品 , : .推荐您申请河南省政府奖学金的机构或个人 : .申请人在华事务联系人或机构 : 名称 电话 传真 地址 .申请人是否曾在华学习或任职 ? 是:□ 学习或任职单位 : 在华时间 : 自:年月 至:年月 否:□ .申请人亲属情况 : 姓 名 年 龄 职 业 配偶: 父亲 : 母亲: ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡ 所附材料情况(请在所附附件前划‘’标明) ( ‘’ .): □ 两封推荐信 . 大学专科生 :□ 学士本科生’ :□ 硕士研究生’ :□ 博士研究生 :□ 汉语进修生 :□ 普通进修生 :□ 高级进修生 :□ 研究学者 : □


华中农业大学外国留学生申请推荐信 RECOMMENDATION FOR APPLICANT OF HUAZHONG AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 申请人姓名 Applicant’s Name 国籍 Nationality 性别□ 男□ 女出生日期 Gender Male Female Date of Birth Year Month Date 推荐人/推荐单位姓名 Recommender Full Name 单位名称 Organization 1. 推荐人与申请人的关系 What is your relationship to the applicant? □ 授课教师/导师□ 所在学校/留学院行政人员□ 其他 Teacher/Supervisor Administrator of School/Institution Others 如果是“其他”关系,请说明 If others, please indicate ____________________________________________________________ 2. 推荐人认识申请人的时间 How long have you known the applicant? □ 不足一年□ 一年至三年□ 三年以上 Less than one year One year to three years More than three years 3. 请推荐人为申请人的以下情况进行评价 Please evaluate how the applicant ranks in the following aspects. A –卓越 B –满意 C –需要改进 D –不满意O –无法评价 Outstanding Satisfactory Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Unable to Evaluate 评价内容 A B C D O Aspects to Be Evaluated 个人道德品质□□□□□Moral Quality 学习动力□□□□□ Motivation 独立学习能力□□□□□Capability of Independent Study 口头表达□□□□□英语语言水平Oral English Language Skills 书面表达□□□□□ Written 人际交往能力□□□□□Skills of Communicating with Others 适应能力□□□□□ Adaptability 心理素质□□□□□Quality of Mind, Reaction on Stress 第1 页,共 2 页 Page 1 of 2


中山大学外国留学生入学申请表 APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AT SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY 1. 姓 FAMIL Y NAME____ ________ ____ 名 GIVEN NAMES__________________ ___ 2. 国籍 性别 NATIONALITY____________ ______ ___ SEX_______ 3. 护照号码 Passport Number.________ ____________________ 4. 出生日期 DATE OF BIRTH __________year___________ month __________day 5. 出生地 PLACE OF BIRTH__________________________ 6.婚否 MARITAL STATUS_______________ 7.职业和单位 OCCUPATION (if a student, give the name of your institution) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8.学习经历 (EDUCA TIONAL EXPERIENCES ) __ ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9.汉语熟悉程度 (The CHINESE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY ): A. 汉语口语(THE SPOKEN CHINESE PROFICIENCY ) □很好/ excellent □好/good □一般/fair □不会/beginning B. 汉字(THE CHINESE CHARACTERS ): □很好/ excellent □好/good □一般/fair □不会/beginning C . 你曾经学过多长时间汉语(HOW LONG HAVE YOU LEARNE D CHINES E )? □600学时以上/ OVER 600 CLASS HOURS □400-600学时以上/400-600 CLASS HOURS □200-400学时/200-400 CLASS HOURS □50-200学时/50-200 CLASS HOURS □50学时以下/LESS THAN 50 CLASS HOURS D . 汉语水平考试等级(TH E CHINESE PROFICIENCY TEST/HSK ): □ 级/BAND □考过,没有级/YES ,BUT NO GRADES □没有考过 /NO


外国留学生申请书范文 上海复旦大学是国际知名院校,那么外国留学生如果想申请负担大学留学的话,需要怎么申请呢?跟着来看看吧!欢迎阅读。 外国留学生入学申请书范本 申请人认真阅读本表末页的注意事项后再填写下列诸项: Please read the IMPORTANT NOTES at the end of the form carefully before filling in the form 1.申请人简况/Personal information 姓/Family name________________________ 名/Given name________________________ 中文名/Chinese name______________ 国籍 /Nationality___________性别/Sex____________ 出生年月/Date of birth:___________年/Year______月 /Month______日/Day 出生地点/Place of birth___________________ 婚姻状况/Marital State___________________ 护照号码/Passport No____________________ 宗教信仰 /Religion_______________________ 现职业和工作单位/Current Employment & Employer ____________________________________________________________ _________________ 联系地址/Present Address ________________________________________________________ 邮编/Zip code_____________________________电话 /Tel_______________________________


上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请表(A类) APPLICATION FORM FOR SHANGHAI GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP (SGS) Class A 申请就读学校 Institution to Apply for 申请人姓名 Name of Applicant 填表日期Date 年月日 Year Month Date 上海市教育委员会编制 Designed by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission 申请编号 No. of Application

目录 一、本申请表填写说明 (3) Guidelines for Filling in This Application Form 二、上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请表 (5) Application Form 三、申请人保证书 (8) Letter of Guarantee 四、所附材料情况 (9) Materials Attached 申请表填写说明书 (序号与申请表中每一项序号相对应) GUIDELINES FOR FILLING IN THE APPLICATION FORM (THE ORDINAL NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO THE ORDINAL NUMBERS IN THE FORM) 本表为上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请表(A类),在填写本申请表之前请详细阅读《上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请管理办法》及《上海市外国留学生政府奖学金(A类)申请细则》,了解申请上海市外国留学生政府奖学金(A 类)的资格条件及有关规定。 This is the Application Form for Shanghai Government Scholarship (SGS) for International Students (Class A). Before you fill in this form, please read carefully The Administration Methods for the Application for Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students and The Details for Application for Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students so as to learn about the qualifications and related regulations of applying for Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Students (Class A) 请申请人认真阅读以下填表说明。请用中文或英文填写此表格。请用电脑打印或用蓝色或黑色钢笔认真书写表格内容。请在所选项的框内划‘X’。不按规


复旦大学外国留学生入学申请表 Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at Fudan University 该栏由学校填写/This is to be filled out by the university. 请申请人用中文或英文印刷体认真填写以下诸项,字迹要清楚。不能缺项填写,没有的请写“无”。 1

申请人保证/I hereby affirm that: 1) 上述各项中所填写的内容和提供的材料真实无误; All information and materials provided here are true and correct. 2) 在华期间,遵守中国的法律和法规,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不相符合的活动; During my stay in China, I shall abide by the laws and decrees of the Chinese government, and will not participate in any activities which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student; 3) 在学期间,遵守学校的校纪校规,尊重学校的教学安排。 During my study in China, I shall observe the rules and regulations of the university, and will concentrate on my studies and researches, and will follow the teaching programs provided by the university. IMPORTANT: PLEASE TYPE THE SIGNATURE AND DATE. 申请人签名/Signature of the applicant:________________________________________ (无此签名,申请无效/The application is invalid without the signature.) 日期/Date : 年/yy 月/mm 日/dd 预祝您申请成功! We wish your application success! 4


外国人签证申请表 VISA APPLICATION FORM 1. 英文姓名 - Name in English(as it appears in your passport) 中文姓名 国籍 Name in Chinese(if applicable) Nationality 性别 男□ 女□ 职业 Sex M F Occupation 出生日期 年 月 日 出生地 _ Date of birth yr mth day Place of birth 2. 护照或证件种类 普通□ 外交□ 公务(官员)□ 其他 Type of passport or certificate Ordinary Diplomatic Service (official) Others 护照或证件号码 有效期至 年 月 日 Passport or certificate Number Valid until yr mth day 3. 境外常住住址: Address of applicant in resident country 境外联系电话 : telephone number of applicant in resident country 4. 使用同一护照的偕行人 Accompanying persons included in passport 姓 名 性 别 出生日期 与申请人关系 Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant 5. 申请签证种类 Type of visa you are applying for F 商务 □ G 过境 □ C 乘务 □ Business Transit crew L 探亲□ L 旅游 □ L 因其他私人事务 □ Visiting relatives sight seeing For other private purposes 6. 申请签证的有效次数和有效期 Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for 入境次数 一次□ 二次□ 多次□ 有效期至 年 月 日 Entries One Two Multiple Valid until yr mth day 7. 申请其他证件 Applying for other certificate 外国人出入境证 □ 其他□ Alien ’s Exi-Entry Permit Others 8. 申请签证情况申报 (请仔细阅读以下内容,根据申请事由和申请签证种类的不同如实填写) of visa application 因旅游申请L 一次或二次签证者填写: 拟入境日期 年 月 日 拟出境日期 年 月 日 拟再次入境日期 年 月 日 拟再次出境日期 年 月 日 在华住址 联系电话 ________


外国人签证、居留许可申请表 Visa or Residence Permit Application Form 请用黑色墨水笔填写申请表内容 Please complete the form with a black ink pen (no ballpoint) 1、英文姓名姓:________________ 名 中文姓名:___________________________性别:男□女□ Name in Chinese Sex M. F. 出生日期:_________年________月_______日国籍:______________ Date of birth Y M D Nationality 在京住址: Address in Beijing 所属派出所来华职业或身份 Local police station Occupation or status in China 在京单位名称:电话: Name of employer/school Tel 2、护照种类:外交□公务(官员)□普通□其他□ Passport type Diplomatic Service(Official) Ordinary Other 护照号码:有效期至:________年________月________日 Passport No. V alid until Y M D 3、本次入境签证种类:L□ F □Z□X□J-1□J-2□C□G□ Current visa category D□居留许可□团签□免签□其他□ Residence permit Group visa Exempt Other 签证号码:入境次数:______次有效期至:_______年_____月______日Visa No. Number of entries V alid until Y M D 4、使用同一护照的偕行人 Dependents on applicant’s Passport 姓名性别出生年月与申请人关系 Surname Given name Sex Date of birth Relationship w/applicant ____________ ____ _______________ ____________ ____ _______________ 请填写双面 Please fill out both sides

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