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PART VIII The (early) Victorian Age(1832-1968) Critical Realism in England

I Background

I. The period

①The Victorian reign (1837-1901)

②A new era 1832—the Reform Bill

1902—the end of Boer war

(the Victorian roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria)

Part VIII. The Victorian Age

●Age Division

The Victorian Age can be roughly divided into 3 periods:

The Early Period (1832-1848): a time of social unrest.

The Middle Period (1848-1870): a period of economic prosperity & religious controversy.

The Last Period (1870-1901): a period of decay of Victorian values.

●Features of Victorian novels

(1)The plot is unfolded against a social background, which is broader than what it had been in previous novels.

(2)The cause-effect sequence is much more striking than in previous novels.

(3)Most of the Victorian novels first published in serial form, that is, by installment, before they were fully published in a single book.

(4)The Victorian novels were tainted by the spirit of Puritanism of the Victorian age.

(5)The Victorian novels were characterized by their moral purpose. Many writers wrote novels with a purpose to edify readers & to bring about reforms.

●Victorian Poets

Although the novel was the predominating genre of literature in the Victorian age, it does not follow that there were no prominent poets after the deaths of major Romantic poets.

In fact, poets like Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), Robert Browning (1812-1889), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), & Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)were important in the sense not only that they wrote highly lyrical poems as the Romaticists did, but also that they in their poetry reflected the spiritual search which was characteristic of the age.

●Terms—Critical Realism

Critical Realism is a term applied to the realistic fiction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It means the tendency of writers and intellectuals in the period between 1875 and 1920 to apply the method of realistic fiction to the criticism of society and the examination of social issues. Charles Dickens is the most important critical realist who applies this method.

●Terms—Dramatic Monologue

Dramatic Monologue, in literature, refers to the occurrence of a single speaker saying something to a silent audience. Robert Browning‘s My Last Duchess is a typical example in which the duke, speaking to a non-responding audience, reveals not only the reasons for his disapproval of the behavior of his former duchess, but some tyrannical and merciless aspects

of his own personality as well.

Two divisions:

a. Early Victorian period (1832-1868)

(first 14 years – filled with unrest, alarm, and misery

the succeeding 22 years— the growing prosperity and general good

feeling, ― the workshop of the world‖ )

b. Late Victorian(1868-1902)

II. literature

1 Critical realism

Charles Dickens (1812-1870) 狄更斯

William Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863) 萨克雷

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) 夏洛特·勃朗特

Emily Bronte (1818-1848) 艾米丽·勃朗特

Mrs Gaskell (1810-1865)盖斯凯尔夫人

Anthony Trollope (1815-1882)安东尼·特罗洛普

George Eliot (1819-1880) 乔治·艾略特

2. the chartist literature

3. the poets

Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)丁尼生

Robert Browning (1812-1889) 布朗宁

Charles Algernon Swinburne (1837-1909) 斯温伯恩

1. Charles Dickens: 代表作及其梗概

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

I. the three greatest Victorian novelists

Charles Dickens

Williams Makepeace Thackeray

George Eliot

Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

―He was a sympathizer to the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed; and by his death, one of England's greatest writers is lost to the world.‖——The Epitaph of Charles Dickens

●Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. His

works are intended to expose and criticize all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness of the 19th century England, particularly London. All his works are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos.

●Major works

The First Period

1836 Sketches by Boz 《博兹随笔》

1837 The Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》

1837-1838 Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》criticizes the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life.

1838-1839 Nicholas Nickleby 《尼古拉斯.尼科尔贝》

1840 The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》

The Second Period

1842 American Notes 《美国札记》

1843 Martin Chuzzlewit 《马丁.瞿述传》

1843 A Christmas Carol 《圣诞欢歌》(圣诞故事集)

1844 The Chimes 《钟声》(圣诞故事集)

1846 Dombey and Son 《董贝父子》

1849 David Copperfield 《大卫.科波菲尔》is about the debtor‘s prison.

The Third Period

1852 Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》attacks the legal system and practices that aim at devouring every penny of the clients.

1853 Hard Times 《艰难时世》lashes the Utilitarian principle that rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds.

1854 Little Dorrit 《小杜丽》

1859 A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》

1860 Great Expectations 《远大前程》expose the overwhelming social environment which brings moral degeneration and destruction to people.

1864 Our Mutual Friend 《我们共同的朋友》

The characteristics of Charles Dickens’ works

(1)As a novelist, Charles Dickens was first remembered for his sketches of characters and exaggeration. As a master of characterization, Dickens was skillful in drawing vivid caricatural sketches by exaggerating some peculiarities.

(2)Dickens is well known as a humorist as well as a satirist. He sometimes employs humor to enliven a scene or lighten a character by making it (him or her) eccentric or laughable.

(3)Dickens loved complicated and fascinating plot in his novels. He is also skillful at creating suspense and mystery to make the story fascinating. A plot formula in his novel is the happy ending.

(4)As the greatest representative of English critical realism, Dickens made his novel the instrument of morality and justice. Each of his novels reveals a specific social problem.

2.Charlotte Bronte:代表作及其梗概

Bronte Sisters

●The story of the three Bronte sisters, Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848),

Anne (1820-1849), all literary, all talented and all dying young, is one of the saddest pages in the history of English literature. They were the daughters of a poor clergyman in the little village of Haworth, Yorkshire, in northern England.

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)

●She is one of the three Bronte sisters. Her works are all about the struggle of an individual

consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life. Al her heroines‘ highest joy arises from some sacrifice of self or some human weakness overcome.

●Major works

―The Professor‖ (1846, 1857) 《教师》

―Jane Eyre‖ (1847) 《简·爱》

―Shirley‖ (1849)《雪莉》

―Villette‖(1853) 《维莱特》

●The Analysis of Jane Eyre

(1)Jane Eyre is Charlotte‘s masterpiece, and also one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age.

(2)It is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, e.g. the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions such as Lowood School.

(3)It traces the passionate love between Jane Eyre and Rochester.

(4)The success of the novel is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine, Jane Eyre.

(5)Jane Eyre is an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing to love and be loved, a poor, plain, little governess who dares to love her master, a man superior to her in many ways, and even is brave enough to declare to the man her love for him.

(6)In the novel Charlotte shapes a completely new woman image, a woman with the spirit of independence and self-dignity.

(7)The novel is a song of women‘s struggle for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a human being.

Emily Bronte (1818-1848)

●He was a poet and novelist, a more passionate and rebellious character than her sisters,

most gifted. Emily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled ―Wuthering Heights‖ in 1847.

●Wuthering Heights

(1)Wuthering is Yorkshire dialect for ―weathering‖.

(2)Wuthering Heights is a morbid love between Catherine and Heathcliff.

(3)It is also the story about two families–the Earnshaw family and the Linton

family, and an intruding stranger, Heathcliff, an orphan adopted by Mr. Earnshaw. (4)The novel is a bitter attack on the bourgeois marriage system.


The story is told in flashbacks.

The narrators: Lockwood & Nelly Dean(most part)


(1) A love that lingers in hatred of the past or totally governed by overpowerful passion can be extremely destructive to every one involved.

(2)Forgiveness is the best way to make life happy.

Anne Bronte (1820-1849)

●She is a novelist and one of the three bronte sisters.

●Agnes Grey《艾格尼丝·格雷》

Victorian Poets

●Victorian Poetry

The second half of the 19th century in England produced a number of outstanding poets such as Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892), and Robert Browning(1812-1889). Browning has paved the way for modern English poetry in the 20th century.

(1)Victorian poetry developed in the context of the novel. Poets sought new ways of telling stories in verse.

(2)All poets show the strong influence of the Romantics, but cannot sustain the confidence the Romantics felt in the power of the imagination.

(3)Victorian poets often rewrite Romantic poems with a sense of belatedness.

(4)Dramatic monologue –the idea of creating a lyric poem in the voice of a speaker ironically distinct from the poet is the great achievement of Victorian poetry.

4.Alfred, Lord Tennyson: “Ulysses” ;“Break, Break, Break” ; “Crossing

the Bar”;Idylls of the King ; In Memoriam (作


Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)

●His Major Poetical Works

In Memoriam《悼念》1833—1850

Idylls of the King《国王之歌》1850—1885

Selected Poems in our textbook

Tennyson’s Ulysses ―尤利西斯‖

Break, Break, Break”―拍吧,拍吧,拍吧‖

Crossing the Bar ―穿过沙洲‖

●Break, Break, Break

This short lyric is written in memory of Tennyson’s best friend, Arthur Hallam, whose death has a lifelong influence on the poet. Form—The poem contains four quatrains, with combined iambic & anapaestic抑抑扬格feet. Most lines have three feet & some four. The rhyme scheme is abcb.



The main theme is bereavement丧友, heartache, emptiness. In the narrator's dark hour of grief, the sun rises, children laugh, business goes on as usual. How could the world be so cruel and unfeeling?

Preciousness of Youth

Tennyson's friend, Arthur Hallam, was only 22 when he died. The shock of Hallam's death impressed upon Tennyson how priceless youth is. To underscore this idea, and to express the agony he suffers at the loss of young Hallam, Tennyson presents images of youthful joy: the fisherman's son playing with his sister and the "sailor lad" singing in the bay.

Indifference of Nature

Nature continues to function according to its rhythms and cycles regardless of what happens, good or bad, to human beings. The temperature may plummet just when a poor family runs out of fuel. The sun may shine and the birds may sing in the middle of the bloodiest of battles. And the sea will rise and fall in a defiant, indifferent rhythm that refuses to acknowledge tragedy in the everyday life of average men. Tennyson laments this cold indifference in "Break, Break, Break."

●Crossing the Bar

This poem was written in the later years of Tennyson‘s life. We can feel his fearlessness towards death, his faith in God & an afterlife. In the poem, the poet compares Death to putting out to sea in the dusk, which vividly reflects his fearless attitude toward death, for in his opinion, he may achieve lasting peace & see God face to face after death.

5.Robert Browning: “My last Duchess”

Robert Browning (1812-1889)

●Robert Browning is an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse,

especially dramatic monologues, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.

●Robert Browning‘s con tribution to literature: Dramatic monologue (戏剧独白):A

dramatic monologue is a combination of the words dramatic and monologue (obviously).

The ―dramatic‖ says that it could be acted out, and is a form of drama, while the ―monologue‖ defines it as a speech t hat one person makes, either to themselves or to


●His Major Works

My Last Duchess《我已故的公爵夫人》

Meeting at Night《月夜相会》

Parting at Morning《晨别》

The Ring and The Book《指环与书》

Home Thoughts from Abroad《异国相思》

●My Last Duchess

Main Idea—In this poem, Browning creates a character of chilling coldness and cruelty. The speaker is a Duke who is conducting negotiations for a bride, a new duchess. He is talking with the representatives of potential father in law. Almost casually, he shows them the picture of the ?last‘ duchess whom he had killed because he could not dominate her. Form—My Last Duchess is written in heroic couplets(英雄体双行诗), but most of the lines being ―run-on‖lines and the riming syllables(音节)often getting little or no stress, the metrical(有节奏的)effect of the poem almost resembles that of blank verse. Somewhere it was called rhyming pentameter(押韵的五音部).

III Artistic features

①The name of Browning is often associated with the term "dramatic monologue."

Although it is not his invention, it is in his hands that this poetic form reaches its maturity and perfection.

②Browning's poetry is not easy to read. His rhythms are often too fast, too

rough & unmusical

③The syntax is usually clipped & highly compressed. The similes &

illustrations appear too profusely. The allusions & implications are sometimes odd & far-fetched. All this makes up his obscurity.

On the whole, Browning's style is very different from that of any other Victorian poets.His poetic style belongs to the 20th-century rather than to the Victorian age.

Part IX Twentieth Century Literature

●Social Background

Two main factors influencing literature


2.Widespread demand for social reform

●Ideological Background

Ideologically, the rise of the irrational philosophy and new science greatly incited modern writers to make new explorations on human natures and human relationships.

1.The theory of Scientific Socialism

2.The Social Darwinism

3.Freud‘s analytical psychology

●The Poetry in England in the 20th century

The modernist poets fought against the romantic fuzziness and self-indulged emotionalism, advocating new ideas in poetry-writing. They advocate to use the language of common speech, to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood, to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects, and to use hard, clear and precise images in poems.

●Novels of the 20th century

The development of 20th century fiction is characterized by two simultaneous but contrary tendencies.

The first of these tendencies is modernism, a movement deeply affected by psychoanalysis and existentialism and represented in fiction by stream of consciousness narration.

The second tendency is a continuation of the tradition of realism inherited from the 19th century. Most critics today agree that the currents of 20th century fiction move like a pendulum swung between these two poles.

●The Modernistic Drama

The modern dramatist expressed their satire towards the upper-class people by revealing their corruption, their snobbery, and their hypocrisy.

The English dramatic revolution developed in directions: the working-class drama and the Theater of Absurd.


(1) Modernism is an international movement in literature and arts, especially in literary

criticism, which began in the late 19th century and flourished until 1950s. It is a reaction against realism.

(2) Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its

theoretical base.

(3) The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill

relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself.

(4) The modernist writers concentrate more on the private than on the public, more on the

subjective than on the objective. They are mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual. In their writings, the past, the present and the future are mingled together and exist at the same time in the consciousness of an individual.

(5) James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Virginia Woolf and William Faulkner are prominent modernist


●Term—The Angry Young Man

(1) A group of young novelists and playwrights with lower-middle-class or working-class

background in the mid-1950s and early 1960s.

(2) They demonstrated a particular disillusion over the depressing situation in Britain and

launched a bitter protest against the outmoded social and political values in their society. (3) Kingsley Amis was the first to start the attack on middle-class privileges and power in his

novel Lucky Jim (1954). The term "The Angry Young Man" came to be widely.

Term—Stream of Consciousness

(1) It is a method of story-telling in which the author tells the story through the freely flowing

thoughts and associations of one of the characters.

(2) It is used to depict the mental and emotional reactions of characters to external events,

rather than the events themselves.

(3) As apposed to usages of conventional plot structure, description, and characterization, the

action is presented in terms of images and attitudes within the mind of figures, often to get at the psychic nature of the characters at a level distinct from that of their expression of ordered, verbalized thought.

(4) Among English writers, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are two major advocates of this


Part IX Twentieth Century Literature The transition from 19th to the 20th Century in English Literature

Background of history


?Social reform


①A period of struggle between realistic and anti-realist trends

Realistic writers

George Meredith(1828-1909)乔治·梅瑞迪斯

Samuel Butler (1865-1902)萨缪尔·巴特勒

Thomas Hardy (1840-1828) 托马斯·哈代

George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) 乔治·巴纳德·萧

Herbert George Wells(1866-1946) 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯

John Galsworthy 约翰·高尔斯华绥(1867-1833)


P 310 –p311 (5 paragraphs )

Anti-realistic writers

Robert Louis Stevenson 斯蒂文森(1850-1894)


Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德(1856-1890)


Joseph Rudyard Kipling 吉卜林(1865-1936)

帝国主义诗人(the first English-language writer to receive the Nobel Prize)


Background (philosophical ideas)

(1)Karl Marx:scientific socialism

(2)D arwin‘s theory of evolution

The Social Darwinism, ―survival of the fittest‖

(3) Einstein‘s theory of relativity provided entirely new ideas for the concepts of time and space.

(4)Freud‘s analytical psychology

(5) Arthur Schopenhauer, a pessimistic philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism,

stressing the importance of will and intuition.

(6) Friedrich Nietzsche went further against rationalism by advocating the doctrines of power and

superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality.

(7) Henry Bergson established his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation,

intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness.

6. Thomas Hardy: Wessex novel; 作品特色,代表作及梗概

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

Thomas Hardy is a great poet as well as a great critical and naturalistic novelist. He is famous for his depictions of the imaginary county "Wessex" . His principal works are the Wessex Novel. Hardy's work reflected historical pessimism and sense of tragedy in human life.

Tess of the D’Urbervilles tells the tragic life story of a beautiful, innocent peasant girl, Tess. It is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and destruction of the English peasantry towards the end of the century. The subtitle of the novel is ―A Pure Woman‖. It shows Hardy‘s deep sympathy for Tess. In Tess, man is portrayed as not being abl

English poet and novelist

The Wessex Novels

pessimism and sense of tragedy in human life.

I His Major Works

Hardy himself divided his novels into three groups:

1) Novels of Character & Environment (性格与环境小说)

2)Novels of Romances & Fantasies

3)Novels of Ingenuity

1) Novels of Character and Environment

Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) 《绿荫下》

Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) 《远离尘嚣》

The Return of the Native (1878) 《还乡》

The Trumpet Major(1880)《号兵长》

The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) 《卡斯特桥市长》

The Woodlanders(1887)《林地人》

Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891) 《德伯家的苔丝》

Jude the Obscure(1895) 《无名的裘德》

II features

①Past & Modern ②Determinism ③Critical realism

III Writing features

①Hardy is not an analyst of human life or nature like George Eliot, but a meditative story-teller

or romancer.

②He tells very good stories about very interesting people but seldom stops to ask why.

③He is a great painter of nature.

④His heroes and heroines, those unfortunate young men and women in their desperate struggle

for personal fulfillment and happiness, are all vividly and realistically depicted.

⑤They all seem to possess a kind of exquisitely sensuous beauty.

⑥And finally, all the works of Hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor.

⑦In style, Hardy is a traditionalist, although there are obvious traits of modernism in thematic


7.Oscar Wilde:Art’s for art’s sake; Aesthetic movement

Oscar Wilde Wilde (1854 ---1900)

●Oscar Wilde, a dramatist, poet, novelist and essayist, is a spokesman for the ―aesthetic

movement‖ who advocated the theory of ―Art for Art‘s Sake‖.

●Major works

His only novel

The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林?格雷的画像》is a story about a handsome young man and his selfish pursuit of sensual pleasures.

Dramas: Wilde made his reputation in theatre world between the years 1892 and 1895 with a series of highly popular plays.

Lady Windermere’s Fan 《温德米尔夫人的扇子》

A Woman of No Importance《一个无足轻重的女人》

An Ideal Husband 《理想的丈夫》

The Importance of Being Earnest 《埃耐斯特的重要性》

Fairy Tales

The Happy Prince and Other Tales 《快乐王子故事集》

8. George Bernard Shaw: Mrs. Warren’s Profession 梗概

George Bernard Shaw: (1856-1950)

●He is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare. Most of

his plays can be termed as problem plays. Thematically speaking, he writes about the relations between men and women, husband and wife, and parents and children; the problems of conscience, character and disposition; the problems of individual and society.

●Major Works

Widowers? House 《鳏夫的房产》

Warren's Profession《华伦夫人的职业》

Caesar and Cleopatra 《凯撒和克莉奥佩特拉》

Saint Joan《圣女贞德》

Man and Superman《人与超人》.

Pygmalion 《匹格玛利翁》

The Apple Cart《苹果车》

9. D.H. Lawrence: 代表作,写作特点

D. H. Lawrence (1885-1930)

●He is one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century, and , perhaps, the

greatest from a working family.

●Major Works

The White Peacock《白孔雀》(1911)

Sons and Lovers《儿子与情人》(1913)

The Rainbow《虹》(1915)

Women in Love《恋爱中的女人》(1921)

Lady Chatterl ey’s Lover《查泰来夫人的情人》(1928)

●The major concerns of his novels consists in the tracing of the psychological

development of this characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. He holds that human sexuality is the dominationg ―Life Force‖, and defiantly and frankly describes scenes of sex, which is the reason why Lawrence had been accused of pornographic writing.

10. Virginia Woolf: 写作特点; Mrs. Dalloway; A Room of One’s Own

Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

●She is the most influential and probably the most widely studied woman writer in the

twentieth century.

●Major Works

Mrs. Dalloway《达洛维夫人》(1925) is about the life of a woman character‘s mind.

To the Lighthouse《到灯塔去》(1927) is much concerned with the nature of art and artistic creation. It is considered as her best novel.

A Room of One’s Own《一间自己的房间》(1929)

The Waves《海浪》(1931) is regarded as her masterpiece. It is her most experimental novel. It traces the lives of a group of friends from childhood to late middle age.

11. James Joyce: 写作特色;“Araby”; Dubliners; Ulysses

James Joyce (1882-1941)

●He is regarded as the most prominent novelist using the stream of consciousness


●Major Works

Dubliners 《都柏林人》is a collection of 15 short stories, the first important work of Joyce‘s lifelong preoccupation with Dublin life.

A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man《青年艺术家的肖像》(1916) is Joyce‘s first novel. The novel can be regarded as a naturalistic record of the hero‘s bitter expedriences and his final artistic and spiritual liberation.

Ulysses《尤利西斯》(1922) has become a prime example of modernism in literature. It is such an uncommon novel that there arises th e question whether it can be called a ―novel‖ at all; for it seems to lack almost all the essential qualities of the novel in a traditional sense: there is actually no story, no plot, almost no action, and little characterization in the usual sense.

Finneganns Wake《芬尼根守夜》(1939)

Araby 《阿拉伯集市》is the fifteen stories in Dubliners.

Part one. The literature of colonial America

I. Introduction of American literature

1. Definition of American Literature

Literature produced in American English by American citizens

2. Basic Qualities of American Writers

1) Independent

A. no close hold; free from its control

B. an independent action

C. free-lance writer 自由作家

D. their independence and their right to make up their own minds

2) Individualistic

A. their own efforts for success

B. the initiative; not give in easily

C. free from political prejudice and ideological conformity

D. their literary career; successful through their individual efforts

E. the rights of individuals; their own rights and interest

F. a means of self-expression; a way of expressing their personal views about life and society,

of advocating liberty, democracy and independent action of the individual.

G. a devotion to self-realization, to protection of environment and to suspicion of a mass

society and power

3) Critical

A. not satisfied with the contemporary society

B. question the prevailing values

C. discern flaws in society

D. criticize American society

E. a literary tradition in America

4) Innovative

A. the least restraints and bondage to the past

B. the new ideas, new attitudes, and new cultural faces

C. experiments in writing

D. different from others as much as possible; a new trend almost every ten years

E. America‘s changing values

5) Humorous

A. a strictly national characteristic; part of their life, their character, and their style

B. the ludicrous and mirthful

C. enrich American literature with humor of all kinds

II. Native American Literature

1. Background

1) A rich store of oral literature

2) Different literary taste

2. Three stages of development

1) Traditional Indian Literature

A. the category of oral literature

B. a regularity of metric pattern

C. an organic part of everyday life

D. functional

2) Transitional Indian Literature

A. translations of the great Indian orators; memoirs of the Indian experience

B. related by Indians to white audiences.

3) Modern Indian Literature

A. novels, short stories, and poetry

B. more good Indian poets than fiction writers

C. both their rich heritage and their tragic loss of identity

III. Literature of Colonial Settlements

1. Background

1) Neither American nor really literature

not American: the work mainly of immigrants from England

not literature: an interesting mixture of travel accounts and religious writings

2) The austere 简朴的Pilgrims to reform the Church of England

2. Puritanism

1) The New England settlements:

A. religious controversy

B. an urge for religious freedom and determination

C. fleeing from religious and political oppression and persecution

D. human thirst for greater economic opportunity, for land, and for adventure

2) Puritans -to ―purify‖ the religious practice in the church

3) Their own religious and moral principles

American Puritanism —one of the enduring influences in American thought and

American literature.

4) Predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement 补偿from God‘s


5) Their way of life — hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety

3. Literature (In the colonial period, much of the literature was produced by Puritan writers.)

1) A literary expression of the Puritan idealism

The Puritan optimism — enormous impact on American literature

2) A literature of discovery

The potentialities of the New World; The harsh reality.

3) The types of writing produced in the colonial settlements histories, travel accounts,

biographies, diaries, letters, autobiographies, sermons and poems

4) The purpose of writing

to record their experiences and to express their views and feelings

5) Writers in this period include

William Bradford(1590-1657),

John Winthrop(1588-1631),

Ann Bradstreet(1612-1672), one of the most interesting of the early poets

Edward Taylor(1642-1729). the best of the Puritan poets.

A and E: They can be called servants of God. Their writings served either God or

colonial expansion.

Some other colonial writers wrote for civil and religious freedom, and some wrote for

America shaking off the fetters of the savage British colonial rule.

4. Characteristics

1) utilitarian功利主义的, polemical好争论的, or didactic说教的

2) teach some kind of lesson

3) served either God or colonial expansion or both

4) a practical consideration of the sort impression

— each writer wanted to make upon a selected group of readers

5) symbolism as a technique

6) plainness

7) fresh, simple, direct, and with a touch of nobility

8) as much a product of continuities as an indigenous creation

Part two. The Literature of Reason and Revolution


1. The American War for Independence 1775-1783

The formation of a Federative bourgeois democratic republic: the United States of America

2. Enlightenment

A) The spiritual life in the colonies during the period was to a great degree molded by the

bourgeois Enlightenment.

(PS. The Age of Enlightenment, or simply The Enlightenment, is a term used to describe

a time in Western philosophy and cultural life, centered upon the eighteenth century, in

which reason was advocated as the primary source and legitimacy for authority.)

(1) Originated in Europe in the 17th century; Center of Enlightenment: France

(2) Sources: Newton’s theory;

deism(自然神教派); French philosophy (Rousseau, Voltaire)

(3) Basic principles:

Stressing education; stressing Reason (Order) (The age has been called the Age of

Reason.); employing Reason to reconsider the traditions and social realities; concerns

for civil rights, such as equality and social justice; the idea of progress.


孟德斯鸠(Montesquieu, 1689—1755) Spirit Law division of power 三权分立

伏尔泰(V oltaire,1694-1778) Philosophical(哲学通信)、思想:natural freedom

and equality人生而自由平等

狄德罗(Diderot, 1713-1784)

让·雅各·卢梭(Jean-Jacques Rousseau,1712—1778) Social Contrac t

康德(Kant, 1724-1804)

霍布斯(Hobbs, 1588-1679)

洛克(John Locke, 1632-1704)

B) At the initial period the spread of the ideas of the Enlightenment was largely due to

journalism. All the leaders of the revolution were influenced by the Enlightenment;

Representatives: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, etc.

The representatives of the Enlightenment set themselves the task of disseminating

knowledge among the people and advocating revolutionary ideas. They also actively participated in the War for Independence.

C) The new nation was set on the basic ideas and principles of the Enlightenment.

Influence of the Enlightenment

(1) American Enlightenment dealt a decisive blow upon the Puritan traditions and brought

to life secular education and literature.

(2) The secular ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in the life and

career of Benjamin Franklin.

Ⅱ. Literature

Literature in the period of American Revolution was predominately public utilitarian

1. Call for America‘s independence in literature

In 1783, N oah Webster declared, ―America must be as independent as she is in politics, as famous for the arts as for arms‖.

Yet throughout the century American literature was largely patterned on the writing of 18th century Englishmen.

2. Literary achievements: great political pamphleteering and state papers

Essayists and journalists had shaped the nation‘s beliefs with reason dressed in clear and forceful prose.

3. Representative works

Thomas Jefferson: Declaration of Independence

Thomas Paine: The American Crisis; Rights of Man; The Federalist

Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard’s Almanac;The Autobiography

Part three. The literature of romanticism

Ⅰ.General Introduction

1. What is Romanticism?

(English Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have begun in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge‘s Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott‘s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. It appeared in England in the 18th century; a reaction against the prevailing neoclassical spirit and rationalism during the Age of Reason.)

2. General features of Romanticism

A. Stressing emotion rather than reason

B. Stressing freedom and individuality

C. Idealism rather than materialism

D. Writing about nature, medieval legends and with supernatural elements

Ⅱ.Historical Introduction of American Romanticism:

(1)Time: from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War

(2)Reasons (Why Romanticism emerged?)

A. Fast development of the new nation (flood of immigrants; pioneers pushing the frontier

further west; industrialization; economic boom; a promising new land with prevailed optimistic moods)

B. Development of journalism (Some influential periodicals appeared, such as The North

American Review, The New York Mirror, The American Quarterly Review, The New

England Magazine, The Southern Review, The Southern Literary Messenger, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s Magazine and Knickerbockers. They need more literary productions.)

C. Foreign influence (Review history of English literature.)(From the 18th century classicism

To sentimentalism to Pre-Romanticism to Romanticism which can be divided into passive group and active group) (most influential British writers to American Romanticists-Walter Scott)

(3)Features of American Romanticism

A. Imitative

B. Independent

a. peculiar American experience (landscape, pioneering to the West, Indian civilization,

new nation's democracy and dreams)

b. Puritan heritage (more moralizing, edifying more than mere entertainment) (careful

about love and sex. example: Scarlet Letter)

(4)Two periods and representatives

American romanticism can be divided into the early period and the late period.

A. 1770s to 1830s - Early period

Representatives: Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper and New England poets

Two famous poets: William Cullen Bryant (first distinctive American lyric poet; writing

about nature, religion and life; famous poems - "Thanatopsis" and "To

a Waterfowl") and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (balancing

Romantic spirits with classical and Christian taste; famous poem - "A

Psalm of Life")

B. 1830s to 1860s - Late period

Flowering of American literature

Representatives: Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Melville, Whitman, Dickinson, Poe etc.

(5) Significance

Creative period of a Native American culture and literature

1.Washington Irving: 写作特点;“Rip Van Winkle”

Washington Irving (1783-1859)

American author, short story writer, essayist, poet, travel book writer, biographer, and columnist. Irv ing has been called the father of the American short story. He is best known for ―The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”, in which the schoolmaster Ichabold Crane meets with a headless horseman, and ―Rip Van Winkle‖, about a man who falls asleep for 20 years.

1. Several names attached to Irving

(1) First writer of American imaginative literature

(2) The beginning of short story as a genre

(3) The messenger先驱sent from the new world to the old world

(4) Father of American literature

2. His life

(1) Irving was born into a wealthy New York merchant family. From a very early age, he began to read widely and write juvenile poems, essays and plays. Later, he studied law.

(2) His first book A History of New York, written under the name of Diedrich Knickerbocker, was a great success and won him wide popularity.

(3) In 1815, he went to England to take care of his family business there, and when it failed, had to write to support himself.

(4) With the publication of The Sketch Book, he won a measure of international recognition.

(5) In 1826, as an American diplomatic attaché, he was sent to Spain, where he gathered material for his writing.

(6) From 1829 to 1832, he was secretary of the U.S Legation in London.

(7) Then when he was fifty, he returned to America and bought ―Sunnyside‖, his famous home.

There he spent the rest of his life, living a life of leisure and comfort, except for a period of four years (1842--1846), when he was Minister to Spain.

3. his works:

(1) A History of New York ?纽约外史?

The short story as a genre in American literature began with Irving's The Sketch Book. The book touched the American imagination and foreshadowed预示the coming of Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe, in whose hands the short story attained a degree of perfection as a literary tradition. It also marked the beginning of American Romanticism.

(2)The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. ?见闻札记? A collection of essays, sketches

& tales Marks the beginning of American Romanticism. He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this. It was published first in installment in America, then in full version in England. Two stories: ―Rip Van Winkle‖, ―The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

(3) The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus 哥伦布的生平和航行史

(4) A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada ?攻克格拉纳达?

(5) The Alhambra ?阿尔罕伯拉?

He gathered material for these three books in Spain, so they are also known as the Spanish Sketch Book

(6) Life of Oliver Goldsmith ?哥德斯密斯传?

(7) Life of Washington?华盛顿传?

4. Literary Position

―Father of American Imaginative literature‖

―Father of the American short story‖

?The 1st American writer to win international recognition.

?The 1st American short stories and the 1st American juvenile appeared in his sketch book.

5. The theme of Rip Van Winkle

(1) It reveals conservative attitude of Irving.

(2) It might be an illustration of Irving‘s argument that revolution upset the natural order of


The story is a tale remembered mostly for Rip's 20-year s1eep, set against the background of the inevitably changing America. Rip went to sleep before the War of Independence and woke up after it. The change that had occurred in the 20 years he slept was to him not always for the better. The revolution upset the natural order of things. In the story Irving ski1lfu1ly presents to us paralleled juxtapositions of two totally different worlds before and after Rip's 20 years' s1eep. By

moving Rip back and forth from a noisy world with his wife on the farm to a wild but peaceful natural world in the mountains, and from a pre-Revolution village to a George Washington era, lrving describes Rip's response and reaction in a dramatic way, so that we see clearly both the narrator and Irving agree on the preferabi1ity of the past to the present, and the preferability of a dream-like world to the real one. Irving never seemed to accept a modern democratic America.

2.Edgar Allan Poe: 代表作,梗概,写作特色

Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849 -- Father of Detective Fiction

1.He is one of the greatest and unhappiest of American poets, a master of the horror tale, and the

patron saint of the detective story.

2. First gained critical acclaim in France and England. His reputation in America was relatively

slight until the French-influenced writers and the Lovecraft school created interest in his work.

3. A poet, a short story writer, a critic (insight)

4. Life (1809 – 1849)

(He lived a short and tragic life.)

5. His Works

1) poems

(1) “The Raven”《乌鸦》

(2) “Annable Lee”《安娜贝尔?李》

(3) “The Sleeper”《睡梦人》

(4) “A Dream Within a Dream”《梦中梦》

(5) “Sonnet—To Science”《十四行诗—致科学》

(6) “To Helen”《致海伦》

(7) “The City in the Sea”《海中的城市》earlier entitled The Doomed City 《衰败的城市》Poe‘s theory for poetry:

A. The poem should be short, readable at one sitting (or as long as "The Raven").

B. He stresses rhythm, defines true poetry as "the rhythmical creation of beauty," and

declares that "music is the perfection of the soul, or idea, of poetry."

Style – traditional, but not easy to read

Reputation: ―the jingle man‖ (Emerson)

2) Short stories

Ratiocinative stories

(1) Ms Found in a Bottle《在瓶子里发现的手稿》

(2) “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”《莫格街谋杀案》

(3) “The Gold Bug”《金甲虫》

(4) “The Purloined Letter”《被窃的信件》

(5)“The Mystery of Marie Roget”《玛丽罗杰谜案》

Revenge, death and rebirth

(1) The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍屋的倒塌》

(2) Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque 《怪诞奇异故事集》

(3) “The Black Cat”《黑猫》

(4) “The Cask of Amontillado”(红色死亡假面舞会)

(5) “Ligeia”《莉盖亚》


英国文学 Alliteration:押头韵repetition of the initial sounds(不一定是首字母) Allegory:寓言a story with two meanings, a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning. Allusion:典故a reference in a literary work to person, place etc. often to well-known characters or events. Archetype:原型 Irony:反讽intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated Black humor:黑色幽默 Metaphor: 暗喻 Ballad: 民谣about the folk loge Epic:史诗in poetry, refers to a long work dealing with the actions of gods and heroes. Romance: 罗曼史/骑士文学is a popular literary form in the medieval England./Chivalry Euphuism: 夸饰文体This kind of style consists of two distinct elements. The first is abundant use of balanced sentences, alliterations and other artificial prosodic means. The second element is the use of odd similes and comparisons. Spenserian stanza: It refers to a stanza of nine lines, with the first eight lines in iambic pentameter and the last line in iambic hexameter. 斯宾塞诗节新诗体,每一节有9排,前8排是抑扬格五步格诗,第9排是抑扬格六步格诗。The Faerie Queene Conceit:奇特的比喻is a far-fetched simile or metaphor, occurs when the speaker compares two highly dissimilar things. 不像的事物 Sonnet: 十四行诗a lyric consisting of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme. Blank verse: 无韵体诗written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Elegy 挽歌 The Heroic Couplet:英雄对偶句 Lyric:抒情诗is a short poem that expresses the poet’s thoughts and emotion or illustrates some life principle. often concerns love. A red, red Rose. Byronic Hero: refers to a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. Stream of Consciousness:意识流the author tells the story through the freely flowing thoughts and associations of one of the characters. James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are two major advocates of this technique. Renaissance:文艺复兴14-15th, originated in Italy, encouraged the reformation of the Church and humanism. Humanism: 人文主义it is the essence of the Renaissance. It emphasizes the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life. Metaphysical poetry:玄学派诗歌it is commonly used to name the work of the 17th-century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. With the rebellious spirit, they tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The diction is simple. John Donne, George Herbert. The Enlightenment Movement:启蒙运动18th century flourished in France. Enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. reason, rationality, equality and science and universal education. John Dryden, Alexander Pope. Neoclassicism:新古典主义17-18th centuries of classical standards of standards of order, balance, and harmony in literature. Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson. Sentimentalism:感伤主义18世纪60-80年代,came into being as a result of a bitter discontent on the part of certain enlighteners i n social reality. use of pathetic effects and attempts to arouse feeling by “pathetic” indulgence. The Graveyard School: 墓畔派whose poems are mostly devote to sentimental lamentations or meditation on


英美文学 I. 本期讲过的所有名家名作 II.名词术语: Ode ——in ancient literature, is an elaborate lyrical poem composed for a chorus to chant and to dance to; in modern use, it is a rhymed lyric expressing noble feelings, often addressed to a person or celebrating an event. Alliteration ——It is a form of initial rhyme, or head rhyme. It is the repetition of the same sound or sounds at the beginning of two or more words that are next to or close to each other. e.g. He came on under the clouds, clearly saw at last Rage-inflamed, wreckage-bent, be ripped open Kenning ——a figurative language in order to add beauty to ordinary objects. It is a metaphor usually composed of two words, which becomes the formula for a special object. e.g. Helmet bearer—— warrior Swan road——the sea The world candle—— the sun Repetition &Variation e.g. Grendel / The spoiler / warlike creature / the foe / horrible monster A host of young soldiers / a company of Kinsmen / a whole warrior-band Caesura ——every line consists of two clearly separated half lines between which is a pause, called caesura. e.g. Grendel stalking; God’s brand was on him.


Chapter I The Renaissance Period Definitions of the Literary Terms: 文艺复兴时期的界定 1. The Renaissance: The Renaissance marks a transition from the medie val to the modern world. Generally, it refers to the period between the 14 th & 17th centuries. 历史文化背景It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture & literature. From Italy the movement went to emb race the rest of Europe. The Renaissance, which means "rebirth" or "reviva l," is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as the re-discovery of ancient Roman & Greek culture, the new discoverie s in geography & astrology, the religious reformation & the economic expa nsion. The Renaissance, therefore, in essence is a historical period in whic h the European humanist thinkers & scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that e xpressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, & to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. 文艺复兴到英国比较晚的原因The Renaissance was slow in reaching Englan d not only becaus e o f England?s separation from the Continent but also be cause of its domestic unrest. It was not until the reign of Henry VIII that the Renaissance really began to show its effect in England. With Henry VII I?s encouragement the Oxford reformers, scholars and humanists introduc ed classical literature to England. 15th century, began the English Renaissa nce, which was perhaps England?s Golden Age, especially in literature. 人文主义H umanism: Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. It sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the ancient author s and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its consci ous, intellectual side, for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on s uch a conception that man is the measure of all things. Through the new l earning, humanists not only saw the arts of splendor and enlightenment, b ut the human values represented in the works. Renaissance humanists fou nd in the classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see th at human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfections, and that the world they inhabited was thei rs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy. Thus, by emphasizin g the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, they voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the bea uty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wond ers. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the b est representatives of the English humanists. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimi lation.


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英美文学选读试题 课程代码:00604 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。全部题目用英文作答。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. Multiple Choice(40 points in all, 1 for each) Select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. Mark your choice by blackening the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 1. Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his ______ plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems.B A. 27 B. 38 C.47 D. 52 2. john Milton’s literary achievement can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last ______.C A. romances B. dramas C. great poems D. ballads 3. The novels of ______ are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower— class people.C A. John Milton B. Daniel Defoe C. Henry Fielding D. Jonathan Swift


British Writers and Works The Anglo-Saxon Period ●The Venerable Bede 比得673~735 ?Ecclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史 ●Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899 ?The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史 The Late Medieval Ages ●William Langland 威廉·兰格伦1332~1400 ?Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦 ●Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340(?)~1400 ?The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人 ?Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ?The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 ?The House of Fame声誉之宫 ●Sir Thomas Malory托马斯·马洛里爵士1405~1471 ?Le Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死 The Renaissance ●Sir Philip Sydney菲利普·锡德尼爵士1554~1586 ?The School of Abuse诲淫的学校 ?Defense of Poesy诗辩 ●Edmund Spenser埃德蒙·斯宾塞1552~1599 ?The Shepherds Calendar牧人日历 ?Amoretti爱情小唱 ?Epithalamion婚后曲 ?Colin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林·克劳特回来了 ?Foure Hymnes四首赞美歌 ?The Faerie Queene仙后 ●Thomas More托马斯·莫尔1478~1535 ?Utopia乌托邦 ●Francis Bacon弗兰西斯·培根1561~1626 ?Advancement of Learning学术的推进 ?Novum Organum新工具 ?Essays随笔 ●Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗·马洛1564~1595 ?Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝 ?The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人 ?The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧


英美文学复习材料 Geoffrey Chaucer Father/founder of English Poetry Major works: ?The Romaunt of the Rose 《玫瑰传奇》 ?The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》 ?Troilus and Criseyde《特鲁伊罗斯和克里塞德》 ?The Legend of Good Women《好女人传》 ?The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 The Canterbury Tales ?The story of a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury. ? A rich, tapestry (织锦)of medieval social life combining elements of all classes, from nobles to workers, from priests and nuns to drunkards and thieves. London dialect ?The General Prologue consists of character sketches of each member of the group that is going to Canterbury The Canterbury Tales ?Some of the characters ?The Knight :the first story teller ?The Prioress女修道院副院长 ?The Merchant ?The Wife of Bath巴斯妇: the first female figure in British literature ?Poor Priest William Shakespeare (1564-1616) Renaissance ?Meaning: rebirth or revival ?Time: began in the 14th century, end in the 17th century. ?Place: began in Italy, later spread to France, Spain and England. ? A keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture; the art and science of ancient Greece


美文学这门科目庞大之极,堪称英本自考之最。自己一个人看那么厚的一本书,不用说能不能看下来,能记住多少实在不好说! 我在复习的时候,总结了一些规律,与大家分享,望对你有用,帮你顺利通过! 1.题型分析: 一般来讲,肯定是这种类型:a.单项选择题(40道,40分) b.引文简析(无非就是问问作者是谁,出自哪个作品,主题意象什么的,4道,16分)c.简答题(4道,24分)d.论述题(无非就是分析加读后感,20分) 经验:你应该可以看出来了,重点当然是单选了,分数大,又好得分,实在不行还可以蒙。建议尽可能把书看一遍,但不要看作者生平,那肯定不会考。有个印象就可以了,不用去背,如果你汉语文学功底好,可以省去不少时间。 2.比例分析 据本人统计,历年来英美文学的国考试卷中英国文学占52%,美国文学占48%。(2003年4月例外,其中英国部分58%)其中,可以看出 单选题:前22题肯定为英国部分,其余为美国部分。 大题部分:基本上是一人一半,各占50% 经验:书上共652页,英国411页,美国241页。英国作家共38位,美国15位。其中,美国部分中,诗歌作品也比较少,比较好确认。结论:死学美国,顺带英国。 3.内容分析 历年命题的趋势逐渐由课文内容向选读作品转移,选读的比重越来越大。 经验:课文内容作到大体了解,但要特别重视作家艺术特色。选读部分加大力度,多注意书上的注释及选文大意和某些细节,尽量作到能用英语复述。实在不行,也至少作到能用汉语复述。 4.真题解析及预测 自学考试的一大特点就是重复率高,所以历年试题是必惫的复习材料,不可缺少。有人说:“一套真题等于3套模拟题!”这话绝对没错。所以要花大力气在上面。记得我考那回就有一道10分大题和前一年的一模一样。 注:马克吐温的《哈克贝里费恩历险记》的分析在2000~2002年中,连续考了三次。 经验:注意历年真题,尤其是去年的。去年的10分大题大致如下: a.《傲慢与偏见》中的三种婚姻 b.《白鲸》选文作品复述几分析象征意义。 ================================================ 4月14日]投机取巧教你过英美文学[压题篇] 本文是投机取巧过英美文学的最后一篇,收录北京市2004年4月10日英美文学考试的试题(除选择题外),是我在北京自考论坛处网友处所得,特此对提供帮助的朋友表示感谢。 二、1、Thomas Gray:Elegy in the Country Churchyard的第一段 2、Yeats的Down by the sallen garden,考的是他俩站在河边,那个女孩*在他肩头,他觉得自己年轻懵懂,而且泪流满面。 3、Emyly Bronte的Whuthering Heights里面Hethcliff在他lover临死之前的那段表现,还问了narrator 是谁 4、Emlily Dikinson的I Heard a Fly Buzz--When I died,问那个blue Buzz是什么意思


《英美文学选读》复习指导资料 Part 1 English Literature An Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature 一.重点:有关这部分的文学史内容 1.古代英国文学和中世纪英国文学的起始阶段 2.英国文学史上的第一部民族史诗----Beowulf 3.中世纪文学的主要文学形式-----Romance 4.Geoffrey Chaucer 的文学贡献 二.练习: 1. Choose the best answer for each blank. 1). The period of ______ English literature begins from about 450 to 1066, the year of ______. A. Old----Renaissance B. Middle---- the Norman Conquest of England C. Middle ---- Renaissance D. Old---- the Norman Conquest of England 2). The Medieval period in English literature extends from 1066 up to the ______ century. A. mid-13th B. mid-14th C. mid-15th D. mid-16th 3). Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national ______ of the Anglo-Saxons. A. sonnet B. essay C. epic D. novel 4). In The Canterbury Tales, ______ presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life. A. Geoffrey Chaucer B. William Shakespeare C. Francis Bacon D. William Langland 5). For the Renaissance, ______ was regarded as the English Homer. His reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and ______. A. Geoffrey Chaucer----wits B. William Shakespeare----wits C. Geoffrey Chaucer----humanity D. William Shakespeare----humanity 6). After the conquest of 1066, three languages co-existed in England. They are ______, ______ and ______. A. Old English, Greek, Latin B. Old English, French, Latin C. Old English, Greek, French D. English, Greek, French 7). Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of the Medieval period in English literature. In ―The Legend of Good Women‖, he used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the ______. A. couplet B. blank verse C. heroic couplet D. epic 8). Thematically the poem ―Beowulf‖ presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggle against the hostile forces of the ______ world under a wise and mighty ______.


英美文学考前串讲(7) American Literature Chapter 1 The Romantic Period I. Choose the right answer: 1. Of all the following issues, _____is definitely NOT the focus of the Romantic writers in the American literary history. A. Puritan morality B. Human bestiality C. Noble sav ages D. Divinity of man Answer: B (P401) 2.Henry David Thoreau’s work, ________, has always been regarded as a masterpiece of the New England Transcende ntal Movement. A. Walden B. The Pioneers C. Nature D. "Song of Myself" Answer: A (P402) 3. "Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind" is a famous quote fr om______’s writings. A. Walt Whitman B. Henry David Thoreau C. Herman Melville D. Ralph Waldo Eme rson Answer: D (P402) 4. Leaves of Grass’commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of ________, which are written in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War and t he American Civil War. A. the democratic ideals B. the romantic ideals C. the self-reliance spirits D. the relig ious ideals Answer: A (P447) 5. According to Whitman, the genuine participation of a poet in a common cultural effort was to behave as a supreme_________. A. democrat B. individualist C. romanticist D. lead er Answer: B (P448) 6. The period before the American Civil War is generally referred to as ___________. A. The Naturalist Period B. The Modern Period C. The Romantic Period D. The Realistic Pe riod Answer: C (P399) 7. In the following works, which sign the beginning of the American literature? A. The S ketch Book B. Leaves of Grass C. Leather Stocking Tales D. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn B (P399) 8._____is the author of the work ’The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’. A. Washington Irving B. James Joyce C. Walt Whitman D. William Butler Yeats Answer: A (P404) 9. Washington Irving’s ’Rip Van Winkle’is famous for_________. A. Rip’s escape into a mysterious B. The story’s German legendary source material C. Rip’s seeking for happiness D. Rip’s 20-years sleep Answer: D (P406) 10. Which of the following statement is not true about Washington Irving? A. Washington Irving is regarded as Father of the American short stories. B. Irving’s relationship with the Old World in terms of his literary imagination can hardly be ign


英美文学选读要点总结精心整理(只考26位作家) [英国』Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴 1. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。 2. the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。 3. Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see that human beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。 4. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。 5. Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。 6. The first period of the English Renaissance was one of imitation and assimilation.英国文艺复兴初期只是一个学习模仿与同化的阶段。 7. The goals of humanistic poetry are: skillful handling of conventions, force of language, and, above all, the development of a rhetorical plan in which meter, rhyme, scheme, imagery and argument should all be combined to frame the emotional theme and throw it into high relief.人文主义诗歌的主要目标是对传统习俗的熟练运用,语言的力度与气概,而最重要的是发展了修辞模式,即将格律,韵脚(式),组织结构,意象(比喻,描述)与议论都结合起来勾画出情感主题,并将其极为鲜明生动的表现出来。 8. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and Ben Jonson.文艺复兴时期英国最著名的戏剧家有克利斯朵夫.马洛,威廉.莎士比亚与本.约翰逊。 9. Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the first important English essayist.费兰西斯.培根是英国历史上最重要的散文家。(III)William Shakespeare威廉.莎士比亚 17. The first period of his dramatic career, he wrote five history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III, Richard III, and Titus Andronicus; and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and Love’s Labour’s Lost.在他戏剧创作生涯的第一个阶段,他创作了五部历史剧:《亨利六世》,《理查三世》,《泰托斯.安东尼》以及四部喜剧:《错误的戏剧》,《维洛那二绅士》,《驯悍记》和《爱的徒劳》。 18. In the second period, he wrote five histories: Richard II, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar.在第二阶段,他写了五部历史剧:《理查三世》,《约翰王》,《亨利四世》,《亨利五世》以及六部喜剧《仲夏夜之梦》,《威尼斯商人》,《无事生非》,《皆大欢喜》,《第十二夜》,《温莎的风流娘儿们》,还有两部悲剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《裘利斯.凯撒》。 19. Shakespeare’s third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies. The tragedies of this period are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus. The two comedies are All’s Well That Ends and Measure for Measure.第三阶段诞生了莎翁最伟大的悲剧和他自称的黑色喜剧(或悲喜剧),悲剧有:《哈姆雷特》,《奥赛罗》,《李尔王》《麦克白》《安东尼与克利奥佩特拉》《特罗伊勒斯与克利西达》及《克里奥拉那斯》。两部喜剧是《终成眷属》和《一报还一报》。 20. The last period of Shakespeare’s work includes his principle romantic tragicomedies: Pericles, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale and The Tempest; and his two plays: Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen.最后一个时期的作品主要有浪漫悲喜剧:《伯里克利》《辛白林》《冬天的故事》与《暴风雨》。他最后两部剧是《亨利八世》与《鲁克里斯受辱记》。21. Shakespeare’s sonnets are the only direct expression of the poet’s own feelings.这些十四行诗都是莎翁直抒胸臆的成果。 22. Shakespeare’s history plays are mainly written under the principle that national unity under a mighty and just sovereign is a necessity.莎翁的历史剧都有这样一个主题:在一个强大英明的君主统领下的国家,统一是非常必要的。 23. In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes an optimistic attitude toward love and youth, and the romantic elements are

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