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当前位置:文档库 › 1.2 Chapter 1 France is calling 每课一练(牛津上海版八年级下册)

1.2 Chapter 1 France is calling 每课一练(牛津上海版八年级下册)


1-5 ABCCB 6-10 ABCBA



1.M:It’s very kind of you to offer to show me around the city.

W:Not at all. It’s a pleasure.

2.M:I want to buy a copy of Fast Reading for English?

W:I’m sorry. They’re sold out.

3.M:Here’s the menu, Mary. What would you like?

W:It’s all European food here, isn’t it? I never know what to order.

4.M:Is that 618174?

W:No. This is 618173.

5.M:Can you come to my birthday party on Friday, Joan?

W:I’m sorry, I will visit my grandmother on Friday.



Joan:George, I was told that you had bought a computer. Is that right?

George:Yes, that’s true. I bought it last Sunday.

Joan:What’s the price for it?

George:It costs 7,856 yuan.

Joan:What’s the model?

George:It’s the IBM 586.

Joan:It must be wonderful.

George:I think so.


W:I’ve got two tickets for a volleyball match this evening. Why don’t you come?

M:Oh…no, thanks. I …I’m not very interested in volleybal l.

W:Oh, why not? Have you ever seen it played?

M:No, I haven’t,but I really don’t…

W:What a pity. Perhaps you don’t know what you are missing.

M:Don’t I? Why?

W:Because it’s very fast, with lots of action.

M:Really? Who’s playing?

W:Two of the best women’s teams in the world, one from China and the other from Cuba.

M:Hmm. It sounds exciting.

W:Yes, it is! Very!

二、1.C 句意:他们去年为希望工程筹集到两万元。raise在此意为“筹募”,由时态可知此处用raised,故选C项。

2.D 句意:他们昨天到达北京了吗?arrive in 后跟大地方,故选D项。

3.D hundreds of“成百上千的”,句意:我们的学校如此有名以至于每个学期成百上千的人来参观它。

4.B 句意:天正在下雨,你出去的时候带上雨衣。take sth. with sb.某人随身携带某物。

5.B which 用于有范围中的“哪一个”,此处作buy的宾语。

6.B 考查疑问词+不定式。句意:这两个之间没有什么不同,我真不知道该选择哪一个。

7.B 当there be句型中有几个并列的主语时,be动词的形式通常要与离其最近的主语的单

复数形式保持一致。three books为复数形式,故be动词用are。

8.A 句意:去年夏天我参加了一门如何做衣服的课。

9. A pretend to do “假装做某事”,否定式在不定式前面加not。

10. C forget to do sth.忘记(要)做某事。

11. A have difficulty (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”,为固定搭配。work out“计算出”。

12. C stop to do sth. 停下来(去)做……

13. B too…to“太……而不能……”。

14. C prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做……不愿做……

15. B to eat 此处作something的定语。for+doing多表用途。

三、1.A 由第2空后面的the beautiful flowers可以推出该空应填flowers。

2.C 本文以老人花园里的野花为题材,因此该空应填garden。

3.D 该空表示“如果”,因此应填if。

4.A 由下文You can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“瞎的”,因此应填blind。

5.C 由Yo u can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“为什么”,因此应填Why。

6.B 下文介绍老人每天照料花的原因,因此该空应填reasons。

7.A 该空表示“尽管”,因此应直although引导让步状语从句。

8.C 由上文的First, Second可以推出该空表示“第三”,因此应填Third。

9.B 由下文Me?可以推出该空应填you。

10.A 由语境逻辑可知,老人不认识年轻人是一个事实,因此该空应填true。

11.D 花是天使是人人都知道的事实,因此该空应填knows。

12.C 老人精心护理花的工作开阔了我们的眼界,愉悦了我们的心。

13.D 老人的工作也使自己的生活更愉快。

14.B 由第13空后面的deaf可以推出该空表示“听”,因此应填hear。

15.D 但是他的音乐鼓励了数百万人勇敢地面对困难。

四、1. A 第1段解释了她这一举动的用意:She wanted to help poor students.她这样做都是为了要帮助贫困学生,所以答案为A.

2. A 从第2段我们知道Oseola McCarty是一个poor 86-year-old woman.她在8岁时就不得不离开学校来帮助养家,可知她的家里也是贫穷的。她出生在Hattiesburg,Mississippi.可见这里应该离the University of Southern Mississippi不远。所以A项是正确的。

3. D 在第3段我们知道McCarty never married or had children. 她一直自己一个人生活,因此D项是正确的。

4. C 在第3段作者介绍了她的简单生活。她只工作和去教堂,她只读她的圣经,她有一部黑白电视机但不怎么看,而且它只有一个频道。可见她并没有很多的爱好,所以说她的生活是simple life.答案选择C.

5. D McCarty出生在1908年,死于1999年,享年91岁,所以选项A错误;在第2段可以知道她洗衣服for nearly 80 years,所以选项B错误;最后一段我们知道She left money to the church,her relatives,and the university.所以选项C也是错误的;而因为她所做的这些贡献,She received many honors. 所以D是正确的。

6. B 根据文章中"The third Saturday in December"可知,应该是在圣诞节前。

7. B 根据文章中"while I waited and watched in the car"可知,是Mark自己进去的。

8. C 根据文章中"reached into his pocket for his money. It was not there! There was a hole in his

pocket, but no money."可知Mark把钱给丢了。

9. C 从文章中的最后一段可知,Mark在接受了那位妇女的帮助之后,努力地帮助那些需要


10. C从文章中的第三段可知,整篇文章都是围绕礼物来写的。

五、1. permission句意:他请求准许离开房间。

2. serious句意:政府仍然面临着非常严峻的困难。

3. paid句意:我们每张票付了35英镑。

4. difficulties句意:该国正面临巨大的经济困难。

5. offered句意:彼得主动提出教他们滑水。

六、1.raised 句意为“他向我脱帽表示尊敬”。

2.lonely 句意为“他刚搬到伦敦的时候感到孤独”。

3.to join can’t wait to do sth.意为“迫不及待地做某事”,为固定短语,故填to join。

4.to do “特殊疑问词+动词不定式”作tell的宾语。

5.more friendly/friendlier 由句中than可知,横线处应填形容词friendly的比较级more friendly或friendlier。

七、One possible version:

Sunshine in My Life

Everyone has different ideas about life. Some say life is happy, but others feel life is unhappy. In my opinion, life is beautiful and full of sunshine.

Several weeks ago, one of my classmates Sun was badly ill. He had to be in hospital for a long time.But his family was too poor to afford it. What could we do? We decided to raise money for him. Everyone in our class took out our pocket money. Then, we went to the street on Sunday to raise money from others. When we sent all the money to him, he and his parents were deeply moved.

Maybe sometimes we feel unlucky, but we should believe: Life is beautiful. Help and love will be around us forever.


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