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Railway power telecontrol system Power telecontrol system in an increasingly important role in the management of power system, safe, high quality and economical operation of power supply to the railway provided an important technical tool. This article describes the development of railway electric power telecontrol system in China, analyzed the composition of railway electric power telecontrol system, exploring the main features of power telecontrol systems.

(1)Overview of railway power telecontrol system in China

Remote technology is widely used in China for long, but developed very rapidly, generally experience three stages in the development process: the contact point on the phase-phase, which is based on relays as the main component, supported by step selector switch, vacuum tubes and other components of the remote device. Remote device has a large number of such contact, maintenance, reliability, short life, an early remote products. Railway power supply without going through this phase. Second stage-routing logic stage, this stage through the transistor, integrated circuit process. Remote device is non-contact type of routing logic device, design according to requirements and constitute parts of the device logic circuits at a fixed time, to complete the intended function. These devices are hardware devices, not at liberty and expansion of functions. In the 70 's, the bulk power system in China has been using such devices, and there have been used on the electrified railway. Third-phase software phase, remote system of SCADA system in electrified railway in China on technology breakthroughs had been made, there are rapid application development. Because of electrified railway power systems have different characteristics, SCADA systems and power systems on the development of the road is not exactly the same. Due to the stable and reliable power systems are critical to the operation of the railway, in order to give full play to railway continuous power lines, closed lines (now General dutong called "through the wire"), ensure the safety of railway continuous power lines and reliable power supply, improve the management level of railway continuous power lines and control, reducing the impact on railway transport production, remote control technology in the 90 's were introduced in railway power systems in China.

(2)composition of railway electric power telecontrol system

2.1 remote control master station

Main stations generally use the computer network structure of remote control, distributed control systems, computer equipment for the core, to network nodes to be configured. System hardware configuration of the main front, back-end processing, maintenance operator network nodes such as node a workstation, analog screen man-machine interface device and corresponding device, set up real time data printing, document management report printers, peripherals such as monitors and satellite clock synchronization in real time. Application software is the soul of telecontrol system as a whole, together with various remote Terminal application software data communication tasks; various data acquisition hardware system application software such as voltage, current, power, calculated and displayed for operator reference in a reasonable manner; operators also have to apply software to

perform. Application software is good or bad, directly affects the level of application of telecontrol system performance and stability.

2.2 remote control Terminal

Remote terminal equipment into the power distribution Terminal (RTU), Rod switch terminal (FTU) and signal power supply terminal unit (STU). Substation integrated automation installed centralized RTU, according to the distribution function of the entire system requirements, RTU implementation for telemetry and remote control, remote signaling by the distribution, the distribution of the base unit on all protected information by remote systems to send the main station to meet far away, remote control, telemetry, remote signaling, remote online monitoring and remote diagnosis and maintenance requirements. Distribution by installed RTU collection into line voltage, and bus voltage: power into line current, and active power, and no Gong power, and power factor; feeder current, and active power; through feeder voltage, and current, and active power, and no Gong power; capacitor compensation device current, and no Gong power; collection all circuit breaker device location away letter and the protection action away letter; records power low voltage, and had flow, and speed broken Shi circuit breaker device action triggered points before and after 10 a cycle data, and save 10 a fault recorded wave data for system accident analysis. Switch monitor on Terminal (FTU) to remote control of power distribution terminal for the core unit, with a stainless steel control cabinet, operator, smart charging devices, maintenance-free batteries, and other peripheral devices. FTU is mainly installed in electric power transfixion line segments on/off switch, to detect and control the running status of the switch, measuring circuit of voltage, current, active power, reactive power, electric, acquisition of remote loading of high voltage switching, high voltage line passing flow and short circuit grounding remote remote remote, high-voltage lines, saving 10 fault recording data for system analysis. Signal power supply terminal unit (STU) located along the station signal equipment room, enabling the power of signal building telemetering, remote letter, remote control functions. Signal power supply terminal unit (STU) with remote control platform as the core of power distribution unit, and switch monitor on Terminal (remote control terminal of FTU, make up the station monitor nodes, remote control of the data and forward them to the main station, complete remote control of the function. STU main detection of railway continuous power lines through the output transformer of electric parameters of the signal power, collecting signal power supply voltage and current, active power, power factor, such as positive sequence, negative sequence simulation and remote circuit breakers of low voltage overcurrent, short circuit remote volume such as remote. Record two-way signal power low voltage remote control circuit breaker over-current occurs, when the instantaneous tripping, points of failure before and after 5 cycles of voltage and current waveform curves, hold 10 fault recording data for system analysis. In addition, records limited, out of bounds before and after the 5s failure curve of the voltage and current values. Remote terminal data collection to analysis of normal load changes in the trends and failure, for rational allocation of resources, and provide a basis for scientific analysis to determine fault. Remote Terminal consists of data input and output modules, data communications,

power supply segments in three parts:

[1] data input/output (I/0) module. Far dynamic terminal of core part, main has three a function: a is to site instrument entered of signals transformation into digital information, and to these digital information transfer to far dynamic control main station of computer in the; II is to far dynamic control main station computer sent to of control information transformation into corresponding of signals, transportation to implementation institutions, to completed control process: three is data communications function, completed and upper machine or other device of data communications. Used for data input and output in a remote terminal (I/0) module has two main devices: data acquisition module based on single-chip microcomputer and programmable controller PLC (Programmable logicController, programmable logic controllers).

[2] data communication section. Data input/output (/0) data transmission channel of the module and the monitoring center.

[3] the power supply section. For data input/output module, radio, modem, instruments, such as DC power supply. Common DC power +5V,+12V,+15V,+24V. Power supply section on remote terminal has an impact on the stability of the work, so cannot be ignored. Power must be configured according to the specific situation of each RTU, but the power supply power has enough load capacity, strong anti-jamming ability, small corrugated, overcurrent and overvoltage protection function.

2.3 Communication channel

Communication channel is part of the telecontrol system is very important. With the help of communication channels, remote terminals and remote control of all the main stations to exchange information with each other and share information, improve the reliability of power system operation, reducing the number of connecting cables and equipment, realizing Terminal distance monitoring and control. Remote control remote control master station of Terminal through the communication channel to transmit real-time information including: numerical size, voltage, current, power circuit breakers location status, event log, and so received remote control master station of breaker control command and control commands to queries and other operations. Telecontrol channels generally use the physical structure consists of optical cable ring structures, dynamic standby operation modes: remote control master station through tele-control channel query message query remote data terminal, remote terminal such as remote control of data is sent on the main station, such as the no data answer the normal response message. Due to the railway system of power telecontrol system itself has no communication lines, remote control master station communication system provided by rail prepared by special master/optical digital channels to communicate with the control Terminal, remote monitoring and control, optical digital channel using ring-type structure. Dual Ethernet master station configuration, together, communicate with the accused in logic form point to point communication.

3 main features of power telecontrol system

Power remote system's main tasks are: characterization of power system operation State and the relevant

real-time information acquisition of power plant and substation to the remote control home station; main station remote control command sent to the remote terminal, control and regulation devices. Remote control of remote terminal to the main station of the information measure and the amount of State, active power, reactive power, measurement of voltage, current, frequency, the water level of the reservoir. Location of circuit breakers, disconnectors, automatic equipment, relay protection action state, generator, telecontrol equipment operation status. Main function has: remote control, and away letter, and telemetry; print; has on line fault for detection of ability; has on real-time data for collection, and transmission, and analysis, and processing of function has on far dynamic terminal for online since check and corresponding displayed of function; on user picture and user database implementation online modified, and edit and will on the of function; all computer has since started, and since recovery function; redundant configuration of double host system, has can automatically switch and manual switch of function; Simulation training for operators and presentation features.

reference documents;

[1] Qian Qingquan the. remote monitoring technology in electrified railway, China railway Publishing House, 2000.

[2] the King Tiger. electromagnetic compatibility technology for electric power system automation equipment, Guangxi Water Conservancy and hydropower, 2006.

[3] Tang Tao. technology development and prospect of power station automation, automation of power systems, 2004.


常见的国际品牌英文名称 Belle百丽女鞋,单词是"美女"的意思,很不错的鞋名 Badger贝吉獾,来自美国的一个保养品牌,badger本来就是獾的意 思,翻译很到位,也很可爱 Biotherm碧欧泉,化妆品牌,应该是”生物热量”的意思 Burberry巴宝莉,香水卖得挺好,它的单词是"雨衣",看来它家的风衣应该是防水的才对得起这个名字 Con verse匡威,运动品牌,单词是”颠倒"的意思,大概想说匡威的出现颠覆了运动的某个理念之类的 Colgate高露洁牙膏,col是关隘的意思,gate是门,大概是把牙齿缝比做了关隘,高露洁这个门可以保护牙齿的意思吧 Canon佳能,canon这个单词就是”真作”的意思,佳能是经典真作哦Carrefour家乐福超市,是个法语词,本身的意思是"交叉路”,也有集市的意思,难怪是个超市了 Clinique倩碧,雅斯兰黛旗下的化妆品牌,来自发文,意思是”医学诊所" Esprit埃斯普利特,服饰品牌,是个法语词,"才气"的意思,个人也觉得Esprit家的衣服有才气 Eland衣恋,韩国的服饰品牌,不过它竟然是”大羚羊”的意思 Ford福特汽车,单词是"涉水"的意思,看来是制造者觉得福特汽车可以 跋山涉水那么厉害吧 Microsoft微软,就是"微小的软件",越尖端的软件造出来形状一定

越微小,就好像CPU越做越小一样,看来微软的野心倒是不小。 Nike耐克,运动品牌,"胜利女神"之意,确实它做到了最初的期望Puma彪马,运动品牌,从它的商标就知道了,一只大美洲狮 Peak匹克,运动品牌,单词是"山峰"的意思 Reebok锐步,运动品牌,单词意思是”南非的短角羚羊”,应该跑得快吧Rejoice飘柔洗发水,单词是"使人欢喜"的意思,制造商希望人们用了飘柔头发很顺很快乐哦 Safeguard舒肤佳香皂,单词是"保护、安全保卫",难怪舒肤佳要说保护家人健康 Siemens西门子家电,其实siemens就是个电学单位,中文译名就叫西门子,欧姆的倒数 STACCAT(思加图,百丽旗下的一个女鞋品牌,单词是"断音、断唱",有点莫名。 Opera娥佩兰,一个化妆品牌,opera是歌剧的意思 ONLY服饰品牌,only有”唯一"的意思,大概想表示自己设计独到吧Oracle美国的一个数据库生产公司,也是网络计算机的倡导者之一,oracle是”神的口谕”,一个典型的GRE单词 Whisper护舒宝,这个女孩子都知道啦,单词意思是"低声私语",咱女孩子自己的事情,确实是得低声细语的 Tissot天梭表,单词意思是"船舷的护索"


美国大学校名英文缩写 英文缩写英文全称中文全称 AAMU Alabama A&M 阿拉巴马农业机械大学ADELPHI Adelphi University 艾德菲大学AMERICAN American University 美国大学 ANDREWS Andrews University 安德鲁大学 ASU Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学AUBURN Auburn University 奥本大学 -B- BAYLOR Baylor University 贝勒大学 BC Boston College 波士顿学院 BGSU Bowling Green State University 博林格林州立大学BIOLA Biola University 拜欧拉大学BRANDEIS Brandeis University 布兰迪斯大学BROWN Brown University 布朗大学 BSU Ball State University 波尔州立大学 BU* Boston University 波士顿大学 BU SUNY Binghamton 纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿分校BYU Brigham Young Univ. Provo 百翰大学 *BU通常意义上指Boston University -C- CALTECH California Institute of Technology 加州理工大学 CAU Clark Atlanta University 克拉克亚特兰大大学 CLARKSON Clarkson University 克拉逊大学CLARKU Clark University 克拉克大学CLEMSON Clemson University 克莱姆森大学 CMU* Carnegie Mellon University 卡耐基梅隆大学CMU Central Michigan University 中央密歇根大学COLUMBIA Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学CORNELL Cornell University 康奈尔大学CSU* Colorado State 科罗拉多州立大学 CSU Cleveland State University 克里夫立大学CU* University of Colorado Boulder 科罗拉多大学波德分校 CU University of Colorado Denver 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校 CUA Catholic University of America 美国天主教大学 CWRU Case Western Reserve Univ. 凯斯西储大学*CMU 通常意义上指 Carnegie Mellon University *CSU 通用 *CU 通用


DELL戴尔IBM HP惠普TCL LENOVO联想ASUS华硕BENQ明基LG (不用翻译) UNIS (清华紫光) sony(索尼)海尔HAIER 可口可乐(Coca-cola)、索尼(Sony)、金利来(Goldlion)、奔驰(Benz)、耐克(Nike)“翻得好(Findhow)”Vitasoy ( 维他奶 ) Johnson 婴儿护肤用品由原译名“庄臣”到现在译名“强生”;Reebok 运动鞋由“雷宝”更名为“锐步”;Hewelette Packare 电脑公司由冗长的“休利特一一帕卡德公司”简化为如今的惠普公司Head & Shoulders 译为“海飞丝”。 Panten 译为“潘婷”。 Safeguard 译为“舒肤佳”。 Olay 译为“玉兰油”。优雅动听、惟妙惟肖、回味无穷。日本Suntory 公司品牌的中文译名为三得利,不但发音贴切,且蕴涵中华人文精神。Kiss Me ( 化装品品牌 ) 奇士美。日本丰田公司的 LEXUS 汽车,其中文译名“凌志”取自“久有凌云志,重上井冈山”壮丽诗句。 锐步-Reebok彪马-Puma吉旺希-givenchy慕诗-MOISELLE欧时力-OCHIRLY阿勒锦-A.LerGin阿桑娜-azona瓦伦蒂诺-ntino卡西欧CASIO背靠背-Kappa欧莱雅-L"Oreal兰蔻-Lancome香奈儿-Chanel资生堂-Shiseido高丝-KOSE倩碧-Clinique玉兰油-OLAY兰芝-LANEIGE水之奥-H2O。za姬芮。娇兰-guerlain。POND'S 旁氏,迪奥-Dior, head-shoulders 海飞丝 head-shoulders舒蕾 slek曼秀雷敦 mentholatum宝洁pg爱家家居aika 飘柔纳爱斯屈臣氏 watsons联合利华 unilever高露洁 colgate欧尚 auchan丝宝集团 .c-bons.家乐福 carrefour沙宣佳洁士同仁堂安利 amway沃尔玛wal-mart特百惠 tupperware易初莲花 lotus* 吉列 Gilleffe 博朗 braun 护舒宝佳洁士 crest 欧乐-B oral--b帮宝适 pampers 汰渍 tide 兰诺lenor 金霸王 duraceli OLAY SK-II 伊奈美 illume 潘婷 pantene 飘柔海飞丝沙宣 vs 伊卡璐威娜 wella “福士伟根”“Volkswagen”, Bayerische MotorenWerke(拜耶里奇飞机引擎生产厂),简称为BMW,“宝马”名牌手机"诺基亚",芬兰文原名"Nokia",。 世界著名的十大化妆品有那些.主流产品是什么? Guerlain (娇兰)二:Lancome (兰蔻)三:Clarins(娇韵诗)四:Elizabetharden (伊丽莎白雅顿)五:Erno Laszlo (奥伦纳素)六:Estee Lauder (雅诗兰黛)七:Clinique (倩碧)八:Shiseido (资生堂)九:Christan Dior(迪奥)十:Chanel (香奈儿) Nike 耐克 H&M 瑞典 Levis 李维斯 GAP 盖普 Gucci 古琦 Prada 普拉达Hermes 爱玛仕 Versace 范思哲 Calvin Klein 卡尔文克莱恩 Dunhill 登喜路Lacoste 鳄鱼 MUJT 无印良品 Valentino 瓦伦蒂诺 Yves Saint Laurent伊夫·圣·洛朗 Dunhill 登喜路 112 美国,Lacoste 鳄鱼 72 法国,MUJT 无印良品 116 日本,Puma 彪马 56 德国,Lee 李 116 美国, Reebok 锐步 110 美国 Puma 彪马 Lee 李 Reebok 锐步 Giordano 佐丹奴 Mizuno 美津浓 Giorgio Armani 乔治·阿玛尼雪碧(饮料)Sprite小妖精,调皮鬼乐百氏(饮料)Robust健壮的金利来(领带)Goldlion金狮子司麦脱(衬衫)Smart潇洒的舒肤佳(香皂)Safeguard保护者纳爱斯(香皂)Nice美好的英克莱(自行车)Incline喜爱四通(打字机)Stone石头汰渍(洗衣粉)Tide潮流雷达(电蚊香)Raid袭击,搜捕飘柔(洗发水)Rejoice欣喜立士洁(卫生纸)Luxury奢侈品富绅(衬衫)Virtue美德神浪(服装)Sunland太阳地苏泊尔(压力锅)Super特级品天能(领带)Talent


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服装品牌名英汉互译探讨 摘要:国外服装品牌名翻译方法与普通英语词汇的翻译一样,也都有音译、意译等。品牌名称的翻译是必须做好的一项工作,好的品牌名称对于提高商品的市场占有率起着十分重要的作用。本文重点探讨服装品牌名称的翻译,旨在找出其翻译的一般及特殊方法,为品牌更好地走入市场提供一定参照。 关键词:服装品牌;音译;意译 一、引言 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们越来越多地关注各种服装品牌,国内外众多品牌纷纷抢占市场。越来越多的企业已逐步意识到商标名称是企业的巨大资产。因为这种竞争不但是商品的竞争、服务的竞争,更是企业形象的竞争、品牌的竞争。在加入WTO之后,中国的服装制造商越来越注意与世界接轨,很多服装品牌在注册中文商标的同时,也有了特定的英文翻译,有的直接采用汉语品牌名的拼音作为英文品牌名,有的则根据读音翻译成英文中有特定意思的词,而且是有特定含义的词。 二、服装品牌的翻译方法 1、音译 1.1外国服装品牌名译成中文名。

外国品牌名译成中文名时,多数都采取音译法,取其相近的音译成汉语。如:LouisVuitton——路易·威登;Bvlgari——宝格丽:Cartier——卡蒂亚;Fendi——芬迪;DonnaKaran——唐纳·卡兰;Hermes——爱马仕;Moschino——莫斯奇 诺;NinaRicci——莲娜·丽姿,Versace——“范思 哲”;Yvesssainlaurent——“伊夫,圣洛朗”;红贝——“herebe”:顺美——“smart”。这些名称翻译的主要技巧是注意翻译的本地化。既要译得上口吉利:又要注意节奏,还要符合当地人的文化欣赏。 很多外国服装品牌都是用创始人或设计师的名字作为商标,也采取音译法,就如同翻译英文名字一样。如:品牌名称:ChristianDior(克里斯汀,迪奥)——创始人、设计师(1946年—1957年):ChristianDior(克里斯汀·迪奥):品牌名称:Chanel(夏奈尔)——创始人、计师(1913年-1971年)均为GabrielleChanel(加布里埃·夏奈尔);品牌名称:Versaee(范思哲)——设计师:贾尼·范思哲。 1.2中国服装品牌名的英译 汉语品牌名用拼音。使用汉语拼音的好处主要是能直接宣传这个品牌名,但是从另一方面来说,这些品牌大多数是以开拓国内市场为主。如:威鹏——Weipeng;李——宁Lining;波司登——Bosideng:利郎——Lilang:报喜鸟——Baoxiniao:


发表日期:2015-09-29 07:48 来源:80后励志网编辑:80后点击:3321次 文章标签: 英语名言教育好文读书励志英语教育 文章导读:英语是国际性的语言,英语在我们的生活中使用率也越来越高,下面这50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会哦! 50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 1.预约券 reservation ticket 2.下午茶 high tea 3.微博 Microblog/ Tweets 4.裸婚 naked wedding 5.亚健康 sub-health 6.平角裤 boxers 7.愤青 young cynic 8.灵魂伴侣 soul mate 9.小白脸 toy boy 10.精神出轨 soul infidelity 11.人肉搜索 flesh search 12.浪女 dillydally girl 13.公司政治 company politics 14.剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 15.山寨 copycat 16.异地恋 long-distance relationship 17.性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~) 18.钻石王老五 diamond bachelor;most eligible bachelor 20.时尚达人 fashion icon 21.御宅 otaku 22.上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 23.脑残体 leetspeak 24.学术界 academic circle 25.哈证族 certificate maniac 26.偶像派 idol type 27.住房公积金 housing funds 28.个税起征点 inpidual income tax threshold 29.熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 30.挑食者 picky-eater 31.伪球迷 fake fans 32.紧身服 straitjacket 33.团购 group buying 34.奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 35.婚前性行为 premarital sex 36.开博 to open a blog 37.家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正) 38.问题家具 problem furniture


引子:鉴于现在对外交流事例逐渐增多,英文合同特不是经济合同的翻译愈显重要,若译文不准确或不严谨,势必会引起不必要的经济纠纷.故今以一英文(经济)合同写作书籍为蓝本,录入一些有益文字,希望大伙儿共同提高英文(经济)合同的翻译和写作。 合同文件是合同双方签订并必须遵守的法律文件,因此合同中的语言应体现其权威性.英文合同用语的特点之一就表现在用词上,即选择那些法律用词,以及正式用词,使合同表达的意思准确无误,达到双方对合同中使用的词无可争议的程度。 一.Hereby 英文释义:by means of , by reason of this 中文译词:特此,因此,兹 用法:常用于法律文件、合同、协议书等正式文件的开头语;在条款中需要强调时也可用。 语法:一般置于主语后,紧邻主语. 注释: (1)hereby: by reason of this 特此

(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立约,签订合同、条约; n. legal agreement具有法律约束的正式合同 (3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工 (4)therein: in the Works在本工程中 (5)the Contract Price: 合同总价,指工程的总造价 (6)such...as: 关系代词,相当于that, which (7)under: in accordance with 依照,按照 (8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同条款 注释: (1)hereby:特此 (2)to the best of our knowledge:as far as we know据我们所知 (3)foregoing statement:above-mentioned statement上述声明 (4)herein:in this, in the statement在声明中 (5)documentary proof:证明文件


中外高校校名国内研究所中文全称和英文缩写 对照 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-



英文商标名称地翻译与策略 1.前言 商标是商品地标志,是商品经济发展地产物,是商品生产者或经营者为使自己生产销售地商品区别于其他商品而使用地一种显著标志.它是商品显著特征地浓缩,是商品文化地核心部分.在国际市场上,商标常被企业家和消费者视为简化了地企业名称.商标一出现就成为企业地象征,是生产者和消费者直接对话地桥梁,是企业参与国际竞争地有力武器.中国地对外开放正在进一步深化,随之而来地国外企业在华地经济活动也在增加.这极大地丰富着中国人民地经济生活,并因此而衍生出了诸多对于国人而言全新地经济及商业活动.大量地国产商品正在出口到世界各地,而国外地商品也已蜂拥至国内市场.合法地商品都有一个自己地商标.因此,随着中外产品地交流,商品商标地翻译问题不可避免地出现了. 2.英文商标翻译地策略 2.1.音译 商标翻译过程中,音译是一种不可忽视地手段,具有极强地普遍性.音译是指在不背离“汉语语言规范和不引起错误联想或误解地条件下,按照原商标名称地发音,找到与之语音相近地汉语字词进行翻译.其优点是简单易行,译文有异国情调,可使产品具有一定吸引力.音译又分为:纯音译﹑谐音译和省音译. 2.1.1. 纯音译 纯音译即根据英文地读音逐字地用相近发音地汉字进行匹配地翻译.主要适用于专有名词,如:人名商标和地名商标.这种翻译法是商标在译为中文

时,因无法找到相应地汉语表达而不得不采用地翻译方法.人名商标 有些商标是姓氏构成地,如:Hoover(胡佛)真空吸尘器,是源于生产商William Henry Hoover地姓氏;Rael-Brook(雷尔-布鲁克)男装,是源于公司创始人H.Rael-Brook地姓氏.有些商标是人地全名,如:Walt Disney(沃尔特·迪斯尼)制片公司,是根据公司创始人Walt Disney地姓名而定;Pierre Cardin(皮尔·卡丹)时装,是根据该时装地制造者Pierre Cardin地姓名而定;“benz”品牌最早含义是卡尔本茨地姓,根据译音,在中国翻译成“奔驰”.地名商标 Santana(桑塔纳)轿车,San Tana原是美国加利福尼亚洲一座山谷地名称;Nokia(诺基亚)手机是根据芬兰北部一座名为Nokia地小镇命名地. 2.1.2谐音译 这种译法是以音为引子,经常是在纯音译地基础上改动个别字眼,这些字眼与原商标读音谐音,改动后地音译商标又结合产品特征.例如:为纪念航空公司创始人Willian Edward Boeing 人们以其姓氏确定地商标Boeing,译作“博音”,但作为商标,译者改用谐音“波音”,这就可以使人们对这类超音速飞机产生无尽地遐想. 2.1.3省音译 省音译是根据中国人地审美习惯,双音节和三音节地商标更能令人过目不忘,有些英文商标单词较长音节较多,如果逐字翻译,读起来拗口且不便记忆,可采用省音译来简化. 2.2意译

国新办 61个重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法

重大国家战略常用关键词英文译法 一、京津冀协同发展 1.京津冀协同发展(缩写:BTH Coordinated Development)Coordinated Development of the Beijing- Tianjin-Hebei Region 2.京津冀协同发展领导小组Leading Group for Coordinated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Development 3.北京城市副中心(缩写:Beijing MC)Beijing Municipal Administrative Center 4.北京非首都功能疏解to relieve Beijing of functions non-essential to its role as China's capital 5.雄安新区Xiong'an New Area 6.北京非首都功能集中承载地major recipient of functions relieved from Beijing that are non-essential to its role as China's capital 7.创新发展示范区demonstration zone of innovation-driven development 8.绿色生态宜居新城区new, green, eco-friendly and livable urban area 9.创新驱动发展引领区pioneer zone of innovation-driven development 10.协调发展示范区demonstration zone of coordinated development 11.开放发展先行区pilot zone of opening up and development 12.世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色、高点定位global vision, international standards, distinctive Chinese features, and future-oriented goals 13.千年大计、国家大事national project of millennial significance 二、长江经济带发展 1.长江经济带(缩写:YEB)Yangtze River Economic Belt 2.共抓大保护,不搞大开发to step up conservation of the Yangtze River and stop its over development 3.水环境改善water environment improvement 4.水生态修复water environment restoration 5.水资源利用water resources utilization 6.综合交通运输体系integrated transport system 7.沿江高铁(缩写:Yangtze HSR)high-speed railways along the Yangtze River 8.黄金水道golden waterway 三、粤港澳大湾区建设 1.粤港澳大湾区(缩写:the Greater Bay Area(GBA))Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 2.粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 3.港珠澳大桥(缩写:HZM Bridge)Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 4.国际科技创新中心international center for technology and innovation 5.共建粤港澳合作发展平台to jointly develop platforms for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao cooperation 6.“一国两制”,依法办事to uphold the principle of "one country, two systems," act in accordance with the law 7.深港科技创新合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation zone for technology and innovation 8.深圳前海深港现代服务业合作区Shenzhen-Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone in Qianhai, Shenzhen 9.广州南沙粤港澳全面合作示范区demonstration zone of all-round cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou 10.珠海横琴粤港澳深度合作示范区demonstration zone of in-depth cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Hengqin, Zhuhai 1


世界汽车品牌名称中英文对比 A AC 爱希英国爱希跑车公司ACCENT 重音(雅绅)韩国现代汽车公司ACCLAIM 欢呼美国克莱斯勒公司顺风部ACCORD 雅阁(阿科德、雅廓)日本本田公司 ACE 高手英国爱希跑车公司 ACHIEVA 成就美国通用汽车公司奥兹莫比尔部 ACTY 阿克泰日本本田公司 ACURA 阿库拉(极品)日本本田公司豪华车部ADMIRAL 海军上将德国欧宝汽车公司AERO 飞弹瑞典绅宝汽车公司AEROSTAR 空中之星美国福特汽车公司 AFINI 阿飞尼日本马自达公司AIRFLOW 气流美国克莱斯勒公司AIRSTREAM 气爆美国克莱斯勒公司ALCYONE 阿尔雄日本富士重工公司ALECO 奥列格苏联莫斯科小客车厂ALFA 阿尔法意大利阿尔发·罗密欧公司 ALFA ROMEO 阿尔法·罗密欧(香港译爱快·罗 米欧) 意大利阿尔发·罗密欧公司 ALFASUD 阿尔法苏意大利阿尔发·罗密欧公司ALFETTA 阿尔菲塔意大利阿尔发·罗密欧公司ALHAMBRA 阿尔汉布拉西班牙西特公司 ALLANTE 阿尔兰特(艾杨迪)美国通用汽车公司卡迪莱克部

ALLEGRO 阿莱格罗英国罗孚汽车公司ALLIANCE 联盟法国雷诺汽车公司ALMERA 阿尔美拉日本日产汽车公司ALPINA 阿尔宾那德国宝马汽车公司ALPINE 阿尔派法国雷诺汽车公司ALTIME 阿尔蒂马日本日产汽车公司 ALTO 奥拓日本铃木汽车公司AMBASSADOR 大使美国美国汽车公司AMBASSADOR 大使印度印度斯坦公司 AMC 美国美国汽车公司 AM GENERAL 美国美国汽车综合公司AMIGO 阿米格日本五十铃汽车公司ANFINI 安菲妮日本马自达公司APOLLO 阿波罗美国通用汽车公司不克部APPLAUSE 普乐(掌声、雅宝士)日本大发公司 APV 多用途车 ARCADIA 阿卡迪亚韩国大宇汽车公司ARGENTA 阿金塔意大利菲亚特工业公司ARGENTO VIVO 梦中丽人日本本田汽车公司ARIES 爱丽丝美国克莱斯勒公司道奇部ARMADA 阿玛达印度 ARO 阿罗罗马尼亚穆西尔汽车厂ARROW 飞箭美国克莱斯勒公司道奇部ASCONA 阿斯科纳德国欧宝汽车公司ASCOT 阿科特日本本田汽车公司 ASIA 亚细亚韩国亚细亚汽车公司ASKA 阿斯卡日本五十铃汽车公司ASPEN 白杨美国克莱斯勒公司道奇部ASPIRE 追求美国福特汽车公司


南京大学Nanjing University 东南大学Southeast University 南京航空航天大学Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 南京理工大学Nanjing university ofscience &technology 南京工业大学Nanjing tech university 南京邮电大学Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications 南京林业大学Nanjing forestry university 南京信息工程大学Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology 南京农业大学Nanjing Agricultural University 南京医科大学Nanjing medical university 南京中医药大学Nanjing university of Chinese medicine 中国药科大学China Pharmaceutical University 南京师范大学Nanjing Normal University 南京财经大学Nanjing University Of Finance & Economics 江苏警官学院Jiangsu police institute 南京体育学院Nanjing Sport Institute 南京艺术学院Nanjing University of the Arts 三江学院Sanjiang university 南京工程学院Nanjing institute of technology 南京审计大学Nanjing audit university 南京晓庄学院Nanjing xiaozhuang university 南京特殊教育师范学院Nanjing Normal University Of Special Education 南京森林警察学院Nanjing forest police college 东南大学成贤学院southeast university chengxian college 金陵科技学院jinling institute of technology 南京大学金陵学院Nanjing university jinling college 南京理工大学紫金学院Nanjing University of Science and Technology ZiJin College 南京航空航天大学金城学院 nanhang Jincheng college 中国传媒大学南广学院Communication University of China, Nanguang College


品牌翻译的信达雅 中国已日渐成为成熟的商业社会,我们每天都要接触各色中外品牌。由于经济全球化,许多国外品牌有了中文名字,而中国品牌也纷纷挂上了洋气的英文名字。如何翻译品牌?品牌的翻译应该遵循哪些原则?本文将尝试浅析这个问题。 本文讨论的品牌翻译是指品牌所有者在品牌本土化过程中首创性地译制品牌名的活动,而不是一般的翻译问题。翻译品牌的方法不外乎音译、意译、音意复合翻译和自由翻译。以下各举一例,音译,Coca Cola翻译为“可口可乐”;意译,中国彩电品牌“熊猫”译作Panda;复合翻译,Unilever译为“联合利华”,Uni 是常见的英文词根,意为联合,Lever是杠杆,“联合利华”采取了音意复合译法;自由翻译,Hewlett-Packard,英文姓氏构成的品牌名被翻成了“惠普”。此外,还有不译,国外品牌IBM、3M等无中文品牌,而许多中国品牌的英文名就是其汉语拼音。可以看出品牌翻译的方法具有随意性,那背后的指导原则又是什么呢? 品牌翻译与其它体裁的最大不同就是品牌翻译不是纯粹的翻译活动,它比一般的翻译活动具有更大的创造性和灵活性。品牌的作用十分丰富,如提高辨识度、宣传产品等,最终的落脚点是提高产品销量和市场占有率。所以品牌翻译也应该以此为最终目标,这点区别于传统翻译的翻译目的。翻译目的决定翻译策略,而策略又具体体现在翻译方法上。品牌翻译的特殊性决定了其采取的翻译策略有别于其它翻译类型。 品牌翻译是一种特殊的翻译类型,有着与其它体裁相同的共性,也有着独特的个性,因此用一般的翻译评价标准来评价品牌翻译,有其适用性,也有局限性。翻译评价标准中,中国人最熟悉的当属严复在《天演论·译通言》中提出的“信、达、雅”的标准,信者,忠实于原文也,达者,自然通顺也,雅者,文采之谓也。严复之后的许多学者也提出许多新见解,如林语堂的“忠实、通顺、美”,梁实秋的“宁错务顺”和鲁迅的“宁信不顺”,傅雷的“神似”,钱钟书的“化境”等等。纵观这些翻译主张,其实都是对“信、达、雅”的不同演绎。笔者认为品牌翻译可以用“信达雅”为准绳,但具体评价标准要有别于其它翻译体裁。 先从“信”字说起。奢侈品品牌Hermès其实是古希腊商业之神“赫尔墨斯”的名字,但该品牌显然没有沿用此译名,美国快餐品牌Subway为地铁之意,该品牌也显然没有使用地铁二字。这样的例子,不胜枚举,反映出达意并不是品牌翻译的必要标准。但是“信”字在品牌翻译上却常体现为声音上的接近,但品牌翻译中不完全采用单纯的音译,更多的是在音译基础上附加一些信息。这种方法在翻译专有名词时较常用,因为汉语是语素文字,每个字都有意思,所以译者喜欢在音译时附着一些其它信息,比如美国Yosemite公园就译为“优胜美地”。国际饮料品牌Coca Cola并没有翻成“扣卡扣拉”,而是“可口可乐”,体现出其企业文化和形象。所以综合而言,品牌翻译对“信”的要求并不高。 那么“达”呢?品牌一般都是简短的单词(字)或单词(字)组合,并不是成篇的文字,所以通顺便无从谈起。但“达”字可以理解为符合译语语言偏好和习惯。


50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 发表日期:2015-09-29 07:48 来源:80后励志网编辑:80后点击:3321次 文章标签: 英语名言教育好文读书励志英语教育 文章导读:英语是国际性的语言,英语在我们的生活中使用率也越来越高,下面这50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会哦! 50个很潮的英文单词,年轻人一定要学会! 1.预约券 reservation ticket 2.下午茶 high tea 3.微博 Microblog/ Tweets 4.裸婚 naked wedding 5.亚健康 sub-health 6.平角裤 boxers 7.愤青 young cynic 8.灵魂伴侣 soul mate 9.小白脸 toy boy 10.精神出轨 soul infidelity 11.人肉搜索 flesh search 12.浪女 dillydally girl 13.公司政治 company politics 14.剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 15.山寨 copycat 16.异地恋 long-distance relationship 17.性感妈妈 yummy mummy ; milf(回复中指出的~) 18.钻石王老五 diamond bachelor;most eligible bachelor

20.时尚达人 fashion icon 21.御宅 otaku 22.上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 23.脑残体 leetspeak 24.学术界 academic circle 25.哈证族 certificate maniac 26.偶像派 idol type 27.住房公积金 housing funds 28.个税起征点 inpidual income tax threshold 29.熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 30.挑食者 picky-eater 31.伪球迷 fake fans 32.紧身服 straitjacket 33.团购 group buying 34.奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 35.婚前性行为 premarital sex 36.开博 to open a blog 37.家庭暴力 family/domestic violence (由回复更正) 38.问题家具 problem furniture 39.炫富 flaunt wealth 40.决堤 breaching of the dike 41.上市 list share 42.赌球 soccer gambling 43.桑拿天 sauna weather 44.自杀 Dutch act 45.假发票 fake invoice 46.落后产能 outdated capacity 47.二房东 middleman landlord 48.入园难 kindergarten crunch 49.生态补偿 ecological compensation 50.金砖四国 BRIC countrie


“十七届五中全会”关键词英文翻译 the Fifth Plenum of the 17th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 十七届五中全会 Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee 中央政治局 Boost domestic demand 扩大内需 12th Five-Year Program for China's Economic and Social Development (2011-2015)/12th Five-Year Plan 经济和社会发展第12个五年规划 economic growth mode 经济增长方式 inclusive growth 包容性增长 macroeconomic regulation 宏观经济调控 comprehensive national power 综合国力 international competitiveness 国际竞争力 capability in shielding against risks 抵御风险能力 Urbanization 推进城镇化 rural modernization 农业现代化 the construction of new socialist rural area 社会主义新农村建设 maintain coordinated development in rural and urban regions 统筹城乡发展 modern industrial system 现代产业体系 strategic emerging industries 战略新兴产业 balanced development between regions 区域协调发展 main functional regions 主体功能区 poverty-stricken areas 贫困地区 recycling economy 循环经济 disaster prevention and reduction 防灾减灾 Cultural innovation 深化文化体制改革 innovative country 创新型国家 scientific innovation ability 科技创新能力 soft power 软实力

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