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专题04 单项选择(形容词及副词)(第03期)-2018年中考英语试题分项版解析汇编(解析版)

1. 【2018年甘肃省白银】After two years physical training, he was__________ and healthier.

A. weaker

B. longer

C. stronger

D. shorter


【解析】句意:经过两年的体能训练,他变得更强壮、更健康。A. weaker更弱;B. longer更长;C. stronger 更强壮;D. shorter更短。根据前面的After two years physical tra ining“经过两年的体能训练”,可知应该是变得“强壮”,由连接词and可知空格处和后面的healthier是并列关系,所以也应用比较级形式,故答案选C。

2. 【2018年甘肃省白银】----Is dinner ready?


A. already

B. just

C. yet

D. ever


【解析】句意:—晚饭做好了吗?——还没有。本题考查副词辨析。A. already表示“已经”,多用于肯定句;B. just表示“刚刚”;C. yet表示“还、仍”,多用于疑问句和否定句;D. ever表示“曾经”。根据前面的Not可知此处表示否定,所以yet符合题意,故答案选C。

3. 【2018年河北省中考】This dog looks ________. It’s wearing red shoes.

A. clever

B. brave

C. funny

D. careful


4. 【2018年湖北省黄冈市中考】-- How hard you are working, Helen!

-- We must! President Xi said that _______ we are, _______ we will be.

A. the more hard-working; the luckier

B. the hard-working; the lucky

C. more hard-working; luckier

D. the most hard-working; the luckiest


【解析】句意:——海伦,你们工作多么努力啊!——我们必须努力。习主席说了我们越勤奋,我们将越幸运。hard-working勤奋的,是形容词的原级;more hard-working更勤奋的,是比较级形式;the most hard-working最勤奋的,是形容词的最高级;lucky幸运的,是形容词;luckier更幸运的,是比较级;the luckiest 最幸运的,是最高级。the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越……越……”,故选A。

5. 【2018年湖北省宜昌中考】---Believe it or not, a pig from South Africa started painting several months ago. ---Anything is ______.

A. lively

B. possible

C. valuable

D. personal



6. 【2018年湖北省宜昌中考】----How are you getting on with your cousin?

-----Very well. He is really _______ and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare time.

A. polite

B. strict

C. active

D. careful


7. 【2018年湖南省郴州市中考】--Look at the girl in the square!

--Oh. I’m surprised that a ________ girl can dance so well!

A. three-years-old

B. three-year-old

C. three years old



8.【2018年湖南省郴州市中考】---May I be allowed to choose a summer course?

----It’s up to you. You’re ____ to make your own decision.

A. too old

B. enough old

C. old enough



enough修饰形容词,放在形容词后,排除B;根据too--- to--- 太---而不能;根据It’s up to you和句意可知是足够大了,可以自己做决定了;故选C。

9.【2018年甘肃兰州】The Nile is one of the _________ rivers in the world.

A. long

B. longer

C. longest

D. most longest



【详解】句意:尼罗河是世界上最长的河流之一。in the world是一个最高级的比较范围,one of+形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式,意思是“最……的之一”,故答案为C。

10.【2018年山东东营】Patient: 500 yuan for pulling a tooth? It’s only a couple of minutes’ work.

Doctor: Well, I can do it if you like.

A. quietly

B. more slowly

C. less carefully

D. as quickly as I can


11.【2018年山东东营】-- Look, how wonderful this paper-cutting is!

-- So it is. Paper cutting is a/an Chinese art with a long history.

A. common

B. modern

C. important

D. traditional



句意:——看,这个剪纸多么精美啊!——的确如此。剪纸是一种具有悠久历史的中国传统艺术。A. common 普通的;B. modern现在的;C. important重要的;D. traditional传统的。剪纸艺术是最古老的中国民间艺术之一。故答案选D。

12.【2018年广西贺州】-- Does Cathy run as _______ as Tina.

-- Yes, she does.

A. faster

B. fastest

C. fast

D. the fastest

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