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Adjust :change slightly, especially in order to make it more effective or more suitable.

Basement: a room or area in a building that is under the level of the ground.

Bout: a boxing or wresting match Wrestle n.摔角, 扭斗, 角力v.摔角, 斗争, 格斗; 摔角

Cling: hold tightly

Complain: say that something is wrong of; not satisfactory.

Complaint: a statement in which someone complains about something.

Coordinate: make various things work effectively as a whole.

Crippled: disabled. Despite: in spite of Envious : jealous

Fighter :a person who fights in war or sport; someone who tries to achieve something in difficult situation; a small military plane that can destroy other plane.

Frustration: the feeling of being annoyed, upset or impatient.

Halting : with a lot of pauses between words or movements ; stopping and starting repeatedly.

Handrail: a narrow railing to be grasped with the hand for sport.

Indignity: something that makes you feel very ashamed unimportant, and not respected. Knowledgeable : knowing a lot about one or many different subjects.

Lower : below something else , especially something of the same type.

Marvel : show or experience great surprise and admiration

Memorable : worth remembering or likely to be remembered ,unforgettable.

Nasty: very unpleasant to see ,experience, or feel.

Pace: the speed at which someone moves or something happen or is done.

Precisely: accurately and exactly.

Punch: hit someone or something hard with your fist.

Regain: get something back ,especially an ability or quality that you have lost.

Reluctance: unwilling to do something.

Severely: very badly or to a great degree.

Shove: push someone or something in a rough or careless way, using hand and shoulders.

Sleigh: an open, usually horse-drawn vehicle used on snow or ice.

Trifle: something unimportant or without value.

Tunnel: a passage way under or through the earth.

Unaided: without help.

Unworthy: not deserving respect or attention lacking worth or merit

Urge: ask or advise someone very strongly to do something.

Vicariously: experiencing something by watching or reading indirectly.

Spoiling 娇惯

A matter of: used to introduce the most important thing to be done or consider in a situation.

It’s a matter of time .

Engage in: take part or become involved in an activity.

Let on :admit or allow to be know or revealed

Now that: as a result of something , because of something.

On leave: on holiday.

Set to it that… make sure or check that something is done.

Set the pace: determine the speed of a race or other action.

Subject…to…:make someone experience something, especially something unpleasant.

Bedtime: the time when someone usually goes to bed.

By gone:belonging to or happening in a past time.

Commodity: a valuable quality or thing; a product that can be bought or sold.

Confidentially: secretly or with an intention to be kept secret.

Dependent:needing someone or something else to exit , to be successful ,be healthy.

Floodgate: a gate used to control the flow of water from a large lake.

Frail: thin and weak.

Gaze:look at someone or something for a long time.

Impulsively: acting suddenly without thinking about it carefully first.

Insecure: not feeling confident about oneself.

Lap: the upper part of your legs when you are sitting down.

Lawn: an area of ground covered with short grass.

Lounge:a room in a house, at an airport; or in a hotel for relaxing or waiting.

Lover: someone that one has a romantic or sexual relationship with.

Medication:a medicine or a set of medicines or drugs used to improve a particular condition or illness. Monopoly: a power of control which is not shared by other people or group.

Motionless: not moving at all.

Nightgown:a dress-like clothing item worn for sleeping.

Overnight: suddenly and unexpectedly for or during the night.

Pamper: look after someone too kindly or very kindly.

Pill: a small solid piece of medicine.

Porch: a covered structure in front of the entrance to a building.

Puzzled: confused and unable to understand something.

Rail: a bar that is fixed along or around something.

Recognition:the act of recognition a person or thing; public respect and thanks for someone’s worker achievement.

Reminisce: talk or think about pleasant events in the past.

Restless: unable to keep still.

Scrapbook: a book with empty pages where you can stick newspaper articles, pictures.

Shift: (cause…to)move from one place or position to another; change a situation, discussion.

Slide: move smoothly over a surface.

Slipper: a light soft shoe that one wear at home.

Staff: the people who work for an organization.

Stroll: walk someone in a slow relaxed way.

Throat: the front part of or the passage in a person’s neck.

Tuck: push something into something else.

Watchful: very careful to notice what is happening or make sure that everything is all.

Well: come to the surface and start to flow out.

Motionless: not moving at all.

Withdrawn: very shy and quiet.

Wrinkled: having small lines or folds in something.

As through/if: in a way that makes you think something seems to be true.

(be) on/off duty: (be) working or not working at a particular time.

Clear one’s throat: cough in order to be able to speak properly.

Come (back) to life: become conscious, affective or active again.

Deprive …of… :prevent someone from having something.

Open the floodgate: make someone show their true feelings which they have been trying not show; suddenly make it possible or easier for a lot of things to happen.

Additional: more than what is agreed or expected.

Adoring : liking or admiring someone very much.

Appreciation: a feeling of being grateful; pleasure you feel when you realize something is good ,useful or well done.

Brilliant: very good or clever; very bright and sense of humor; capable.

Cute: charming and attractive.

Disability: a condition of less-than-full physical or mental function.

Diversion: an action or event that attracts one’s attention away from what he’s doing.

Eagerly: in a way of wanting very much to do or have something.

Acceptance: approval, favorable reception; ability to tolerate.

Anymore: (often used at the end of negative sentences or questions) any longer.

Argument: a verbal fight; a reason advanced, a reasoning process.

Assistance: help or support.

Assume: believe something is true without definite proof.

Chart: a sheet of information in the from of a table, graph or diagram.

Conflict: a state of disagreement or argument between people, groups, countries; fight or war. Connotation: the meanly that a word can have beyond it’s basic one.

Convey: communicate information or message; transport or carry.

Emotional: connected with your feeling and the way you control them.

Emphasis: special importance placed on something.

Exaggerate: say something is better worse or more important than it really is.

Factual: true, based on facts.

Generalization: a general state mentor or opinion that is only partly true because it is based on only a few cases or incomplete knowledge; the act or an instance of generalizing.

Ignore: take no notice of, refuse to pay attention to.

Ironically: used when talking about a situation that seems strange, unexpected, and often amusing. Literal: basic, usual.

Metaphor: a way of describing something by referring to it as something different and suggestion that it has similar qualities to that thing.

Misinterpret: understand or explain wrongly.

Mislead: lead one to the wrong idea, action or direction.

Mistakenly: as a result of wrong judgment wrongly.

Phrase: a group of words that together have a particular meanly.

Quit: have a job, especially because you are unhappy; stop doing something bad or annoying.

React: respond; (cause to) under go a reaction.

Rethink: think about something again.

Romantic: showing strong feeling of love; relating to feeling of love or loving relationship; unpractical, fantastic.

Superlative: 形容词,副词最高级。

Translator: a person who translates writing or speech from one language to another.

Unclear: not clear ,not understanding clearly.

Unloving: not loving, or showing enough love to people they ought to love.

Unsupportive: not giving support.

Verge: the edge or border of something.

Feel like: feel as if ; give you a particular feeling ;want to have something or do something.

For effect: for impressing people or drawing attention.

Lead to: cause

On the verge of : very close to, on the border of , about to do something.

pull out: take something out of bay, pocket, or cupboard; use force to take something from where it’s fixed or held; drive onto a road from another road or from where one has stopped (of a train) leave a station. Take lightly: threat something in a way that shows you think it is not important or serious. Accomplishment: something different that you succeed in doing, especially after working hard over a period of time ; the act of achieving or finishing something remarkable.

Admirable: worthy of approval or respect.

Admiration: a feeling of great respect and liking.

Aura: a quality or feeling that seems to surround or come from a person or place; a type of light that some people say they can see around.

Brightly: in a state of shining strongly or with plenty of light; unhappy, cheerfully.

Cheerfully: willing , happily.

Comprehend: understand.

Determination: a strong will to do something.

Distinguish: a notice or understand the difference between two things or two persons;fear.

Exhaust: make very tired; great tiredness.

Gratitude: thankfulness


Memorize: remember something exactly.

Neglected: not looking after someone or something properly.

Over-crowded: filled with too many people or things.

Possess: have.

Postal: of or about mail or the post office.

Promising: showing signs of being successful in the future.

Sacrifice: suffer loss, pain or injury to achieve a good.

Solely: alone, exclusively.

Surprising: unusual, unexpected.

Unfamiliarity: the quality or condition of being unfamiliar.

Burst into tears: suddenly cry.

Hold back: control; prevent someone from improving or developing; make someone or something stop

moving forward; be slow or unwilling to act, especially through nervousness or carefulness; keep something secret.

In a different light

Attendant: someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place.

Bum: someone who has no home or job, and who ask people for money.


Gasp: take a quick deep breath with your mouth open , especially because you are surprised or in pain, utter in a breath less manner.

Highway: a main road ,especially one designed for high speed.

Restroom ,take off ,uncommon, uncombed, in the end.

In the world :used to express surprise or emphasize the statement.

Pull over : drive a car to the side of the road in order to stop.

Turn out : happen or end in a particular way.

Achievement: something successfully finished or gained; the successful finishing or gaining of something. Appropriately: suitably.

Capability: the quality of being able to do something.

Capacity: the ability to do a particular thing ; the amount that something can hold or contain; a particular position or duty.

Contribute : help to cause a situation, event or condition; join with others in giving money, help ,advice; write and send (a written article) to a magazine, newspaper.

Creatively: in a manner characterized by originality and imagination.

Cruelty: the quality of being cruel.

Dependence: a situation in which you need someone or something else in order to live or successed. Dominate: have or exercise control or power over; have the most important place or position; of a high place over look.

Evaluate: calculate or judge the value or degree of.

Flexible: that can change or be changed to be suitable for new needs, that can bend or be bent easily. Genuinely: sincerely, truly ,honestly.

Guilty : the feeling produced by knowledge or belief that one has done something wrong; the fact of having broken a official law.

Helpless: unable to do something defenseless.

Inadequate: not enough or not good enough.

Independence: the quality or state of being independent; freedom.

Independent: confident and able to do things by oneself in one’s own way; not governed or control by another country; not connected with , controlled by, or influence by others .

Limitation: a condition of limited ability; the act of limiting or the states of being limited.

Loser; charm.

Manipulate: control or influence for one’s own purpose; skillfully move , arrange, operate, or control something.

Nutrition: the process of going or getting the right kind of food.

Range: the limits within which variable amounts or qualities are included; a set of similar products made by particular company; the distance over which a particular weapon can hit things ;the distance within which

something can be seen or heard ; a connected line of mountains ,hills ; an area where shooting is practiced; deal with; wonder free; put into a position or order ,especially in lines or rows.

Responsive: giving the hoped for response or result quickly or willing.

Rigid: difficult to change , strict and severe; stiff, not easy to bend.

Trustworthy: worthy of trust, dependable.

Unaware: not having knowledge or consciousness of .

Unique: being the only one of it’s type ;usually good and specially.


Call for : need or deserve a particular type of behavior or treatment.

Contribute to : help to cause something.

Enter into: become involved in, take an active role or interest in; be an important or necessary part of.

In one’s own right: not depending on anyone or anything else.

In the face of : in a situation where there are many problem, difficulties or dangers.

Live up to: if someone or something lives up to a standard, reputation or promise , they do as well as they were expected to , do what they promised.

Refer to… as…mention or speak about someone or something as

See…as…consider something to be a particular thing or to have a particular quality.

Blacksmithing: the work or profession of a person who makes and repairs things made of iron, especially horseshoes.

By pass: avoid , especially by going around; ignore or fail to consult in order to act quickly; a road by which traffic can go around a city, busy area, instead of through it; a surgical operation to provide passage for blood around a diseased or blocked part or organ such a passage.

Callous: unkind , without sympathy for the suffering of other people.

Depression: a long period when there is little economic activity and high unemployment; a feeling of sadness and helplessness; a part of a surface that is lower than the other part.

Enlistment: the period of time for which someone is a number of one of the armed forces; the act of joining the army, navy, air force.

Fairness: the quality of treating people equally in a way that is right or reasonable.

Ferryboat: a boat or ship for taking passagers and after vehicle across an area of water.

Fireman : a person who look after the fire in a steam engine or furnace; a person whose job is to put out fire. Innocent: having no experience or knowledge of the more complex or unpleasant a spcct of life; not guilt of a crime; done of said without inteuding to harm or offered anymore.

Insurance: a purchased contact in which a business guarantees another business or person againist financial loss of a specific type.

Kidnap: take someone somewhere illegally by force, often in order to get money for returing them. Locomotive: a railway engine.

Miserable: very happy; making you feel very unhappy, uncomfortable.

Odd: not regular; different from what is ordinary, unusually; separated from its pair or set; (odd number) having a remainder of one when divided by two; a litter more than…

Pension: a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by a way of patranage.

Playtime: a period of time when children can play.

Pregnant: having an unborn baby.

Prosper: become successful and rich.

Remarkable: unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise.

Resent: feel anger or upset about something .

Resist: refuse to accept something and try to prevent it; be undamaged or unaffected by something; stop yourself from having something that you like very much or doing something that you want to do.

Retire: stop working, usually because of age; retreat or go away.

Runaway: escaping or having escaped captivity or control.

Span: a period of time; distance or part between two intermediate supports of an arch or bridge; extend over or across; from a bridge or arch over.

Succession:a number of people or thing following each other closely; the act of following one after another; succeedly to a title ,property.

Twilight: the period just before the end of the most active part of someone’s life; the small amount of light during the early evening or early morning, after sunset or before sunshine

Carry on: conduct or range a business do or take part in something; continue.

Drop out: stop attending or taking part.

Give away: offer freely; distribute or present something; tell information or facts that you should keep secret.

Hit the road: start on a journey, leave.

Run out : be used up , come to an end ; stop being valid at an certain date.

Acknowledge: show that one is grateful for; accept or admit, recognize the fact or existence of; state that one has received something.

Brief: using few words concise; short ,especially in time; give someone all the information about a situation. Circumstance: usually plural the conditions that affect a situation, action, event .

Congress: the highest law-making body of the US,Consisting of the senate and the House of Representatives; the elected law-making body of certain countries ; a formal meeting of representatives to exchange information and opinion.

Elect: choose for an official position by voting; choose or decide.

Embark : start or engage in; go, put, or take on a ship.

Empire: a group of countries that are all controlled by one ruler or government; a group of organizations controlled by one person.

Excellent: the quality of being excellent or superior.

Expel: officially force someone to leave a school or organization; force a foreigner to leave a country, especially because they have broken the law or for political reasons; force air , water, or gas ,out of your body or out of a container.

Expose: make it possible to experience; showing something that is usually covered; put someone in a harmful situation , position , where there is no protection against something dangerous.

Federal: having or relating to a system of government in which several states from a unity but remain independent in internal affairs.

Former: of an earlier period; the first of few people or thing that you have just mentioned.

Glowing : showing strong approval very favorable.

Humble: of low rank or position; having a low opinion of oneself and a high opinion of others; single and with only equipment or features; cause to lose pride or position.

Isolated:(of a building ,village) for away from any others.

Leadership: the action of leading a group of people or an organization, the position of being a leader. Lengthy: very long.

Lord: a tittle prefixed to the name of peers and barons; one having power and authority over others; nobleman.

Nomination: the act or an instance of appointing a person to office.

Prime: first in position or importance, chief; of the very best quality or kind; the time in your life when you are strongest and most active.

Pursuit: attempts at achieving something; the process of chasing or following someone; an activity that you enjoy.

Reject: refuse to accept ,consider ,or use; throw away , discard; a product that has been reject and because there is something wrong with it .

Renomination: nominating someone for a further term of office.

Senate: upper house of the law-making assembly in some countries.

Statesman: an important and experienced politician who has earned public respect.

Unpromising: unlikely to be satisfactory or successful.

Vice: next in rank below someone in authority, who can represent them or act instead of them.

Give up: abandon an attempt to do something

Home and abroad: in one’s own country, and in other countries.

Bleeding : lose blood.

Capsule: a very small tube containing powered or liquid medicine, which one swallow; the part of a spacecraft in which people travel and which often separates from the main rockets

Homeless: unable or unlikely to hurt anyone or cause damage.

Heal: become well again, especially after a cut or an injury. Acupuncture,针灸。
