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Arms. How you hold your arms shows how open and receptive you are to people you meet. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, this suggests you are not afraid of taking on whatever comes your way. ________. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you‘re unhappy!

A.Outgoing people generally use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies.

B.If you ale feeling down, you normally don‘t sit straight, with your shoulders inwards.

C.However, it will probably still be noticed, and people will know you ‘re not pleased.

D.If you are pleased, you usually open your eyes wide and people can notice this.

【正确答案】 A



As part of their study, the researchers used a special machine to take action photos of the students' brains. ________. This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when good readers read. This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognize familiar written words quickly.

A.Do you have difficulty reading in class?

B.The pictures showed an increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side.

C.As part of the study, 37 struggling readers received special tutoring.

D.By the end of the school year, these children could read faster than before.

【正确答案】 B



It‘s now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As people get better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possible for them to maintain a one-person household. ________. However, people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcing more often.

A.There's more pressure to get married nowadays.

B.The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number of people living alone.

C.It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.

D.More and more Americans are living alone.

【正确答案】 B



He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which are common in soil or water. ________.

A.There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drew it up in 1871.

B.And the size of element‘s symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earth’s crust.

C.Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.

D.Raisback has listed some elements more than once.

【正确答案】 B



Scientists have learned that the sense of pain is made up of both chemical and electrical signals. ________. Scientists also have learned that the nervous system sends two different kinds-of pain messages to the brain: one very fast, the other slow.

A.It tells us not to use the injured part until it heals.

B.These signals travel from nerve cells in the injured area, up the spinal cord (脊髓) to the brain, and back down again.

C.The first message is the warning signal.

D.The other message moves at a speed of only one meter a second.

【正确答案】 B

【答案解析】第一句讲的是疼痛的感觉是由两种信号signals 组成的,所以紧接着就提到两种信号的传播路线。B项恰恰照应了首句意思。


Many beginning interviewers are afraid that they are forcing the other person to answer questions and have no right to inquire about his personal secrets. ________. Unless the person really hates being interviewed, he is delighted that somebody wants to interview him.

A.This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.

B.This doesn't necessarily mean that it will go well.

C.Most men and women lead lives that are uninteresting.

D.Both of you need time to get to know each other.

【正确答案】 A

【答案解析】抓住关键词进行同义替换,也就是afraid,选项中this fear就是对这种担心的补充,这种担心是完全没有必要的,除非被采访者确实是讨厌别人问自己。


Home schooling is often more interesting than regular schools, but critics say that home-schoolers are outsiders who might be uncomfortable mixing with other people in adult life. ________. However, most parents don't have the time or the desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get their formal education.

A.Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children.

B.A number of parents prefer not to send their children to school.

C.Children who are educated at home are known as “home-schoolers.”

D.Others believe they can provide a better educational experience for their children by teaching them at home.

【正确答案】 A

【答案解析】本段大意是“对 home schooling 提出了质疑”,需要注意前面说到了“critics say”,空格处与之对应的是“Critics also say”。


Mother's Day is a special day for everyone! We use this day to honor our mothers all over the world! ______ It is held on the second Sunday of May in many countries,such as Australia, Canada and the United States. It is held exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday in the United Kingdom. Sundays are usually non-school and non-working days in these countries.

A.She wanted to memory her mother, Ann Jarvis.

B.When is the earliest Mother's Day celebration

C.Many families begin Mother's Day with breakfast in bed.

D.Mother‘s Day falls on different days in different the countries.

【正确答案】 D



Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. “She‘s very good about it,” says her father https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3b8965746.html,ni is alive today because of her father David, in more than one way; when she was one year old she received part of her father’s liver in a liver—transplant operation. Lani was born with a liver illness. ________. Doctors advised that a transplant was the only way in which she would live.

A.She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.

B.David quickly recovered from the operation.

C.David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.

D.Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.

【正确答案】 A



Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University, visualize the current by measuring subtle(细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object and ________.

A.to shrink it to the size of a desktop computer

B.to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fields

C.as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotes

D.converting the information into a color picture showing the density of current at each point

【正确答案】 D

【答案解析】空格前的by在句中引导两个在句法结构上并列的分词短语:一个是measuring subtle (细微的) changes in the magnetic field of an object;另一个就是converting the information into…,即:通过测量一个物体的磁场内的细微变化和把信息转化成显示每一点电流强度的彩色图片而使电流显现。


职称英语考试完形填空解题技巧 1. 三一定律:如果选项当中有三个词同义、意思相近、或者是褒贬色彩一样。那么这种情况下,与这三个选项有区别的那一项99%是正确选项。 2. 如果选项当中有两个选项的词的词形结构有类似的地方,它的不同往往就会带上一些语法标志(如动词的时态、名词的单复数等)。这两个选项当中一定有一个是正确选项,在回到文章当中去比对,就很容易找出正确答案了。那么我们可以排除掉其它两个选项。 3. 如果选项中有两个词同义且有细微的区别,答案必在其中,取范围广者。 4. 如果选项中有两个选项互为反义,答案在其中,回原文找线索。 5. 两个并列动词之间的关系:①中间加to;②后面动词加ing;③加动词原形,前动词是使役动词。 6. 横线后面出现了than,则横线上多半考的就是形容词或副词的比较等级。 7. 选项中某个词在文章的前面或是后面出现过,那么此词很有可能是正确答案。 8. 剩余的实词题就需要根据原文的内容来确定:如果横线前后提到了选项当中提到了选项当中的某个词,那么横线就

极有可能是这个选项。 9. 词义辨析,直接通过四个选项词的意思 9. 介词题考的是固定搭配,其前的动词或名词、其后的名词就显得尤其的重要。要求考生一定要背一些固定搭配的短语。 10. 连接代词和连接副词题,考的就是从句的引导词(尤其是以定语从句为主):①如果横线前是介词,则选项应选which;②如果选项中有“介词+which”这个选项,则该选项多半是正确答案;③非限定性定语从句中,先行词是人,用who,先行词是物,用which,先行词是句子,用which; ④三种用that的情况。 接下来,我们就以实际的一篇例题来让大家体会一下,到底我们所讲的这个解题技巧在完形填空的解题当中起到了多大的作用: Think as a Hacker Does At the brand-new Hacker Academy in Chicago, US, students learn about phishing schemes, firewall breaches, and advanced tricks for breaking into confidential documents and revealing passwords. But it's not nearly as illegal as it sounds. The academy doesn't teach people to be (1), but to "think like hackers" - and hopefully to stay one step ahead of (2).


2016年职称英语卫生类考试重点词汇整理 1 / criticize / find fault with / 批评 2 / cultivate / foster / 培养 3 / cure / remedy / 治疗,补救 4 / damaging / harmful / 有损害的 5 / danger / distress / 危险 6 / danger / hazard / 危险,危害 7 / deadly / fatal / 致命的/8 / deadly / lethal / 致命的 9 / decent / honest / 正派的10 / decide / make up one's mind / 打主意 11 / deduce / derive / 推出,演绎12 / deliberately / intentionally / 故意地 13 / demand / insist on / 坚持14 / depend on / rely on / 依靠 15 / depict / describe / 描写,描绘16 / deter / inhibit / 阻止 17 / dimly / faintly / 昏暗地/18 / disappear / vanish / 消失,失踪 19 / discuss / talk over / 讨论20 / doctor / physician / 大夫 21 / draft / formulate / 起草,设计22 / dying out / extinction / 灭绝 23 / effect / result / 结果24 / elicit / provoke / 引起,诱发 25 / eligible / entitled / 有资格(权利)的26 / encourage / spur / 促进,激励27 / endeavor / try / 设法28 / especially / particularly / 特别地 29 / eternal / everlasting / 永恒的30 / exhibit / show / 表现,显示 31 / explore / investigate / 调查32 / explore / probe / 研究,考察 33 / extensive / massive / 大量的34 / extract / take out / 取出,拔出 35 / fail / omit / 失败36 / fascinate / intrigue / 使……着迷 37 / final / last / 最后的38 / framework / skeleton / 框架 39 / frightened / scared / 受惊的40 / fulfill / realize / 实现,完成 41 / gain / put on / 增加42 / gangster / violent criminal / 歹徒 43 / gently / mildly / 温和地,适度地44 / grasp / take hold of / 抓住 45 / hard / severe / 艰苦46 / harness / utilize / 利用 47 / healthy / wholesome / 健康的48 / immediately / right away / 马上 49 / imprecise / vague / 模糊的,不确切 50 / inadequately / poorly / 贫乏,不足 51 / isolated / solitary / 孤立的52 / know / realize / 知道/ 53 / lately / recently / 最近54 / laugh at / mock / 取笑,嘲笑 55 / lawful / legal / 合法的56 / limited / small / 小的或少的 57 / location / scene / 地点58 / look for / try to find / 寻找 59 / manual / physical / 体力的60 / mighty / very strong / 强大的,强壮的


一、 单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)
“黄兴公园”采取的是那种命名方法?()(1.0 分)
0.0 分
? A、
? B、
? C、
? D、
正确答案: D 我的答案:C
家族企业“亲戚带来的损失”是能够采取一些措施补救的,下列措施不恰当的是()。 (1.0 分)
1.0 分
? A、
? B、

? C、
? D、
正确答案: C 我的答案:C
关于商务谈判,下列选项错误的是()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
? A、
? B、
? C、
? D、
正确答案: D 我的答案:D

规避财务风险的策略,下列说法错误的是()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
? A、
? B、
? C、
? D、
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
创业计划书应该呈现的内容是()。(1.0 分)
1.0 分
? A、
? B、
? C、


职称英语考试卫生类(B类)试题及答案4 第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分) 下面有3篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题定1个选项。 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to the United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night, Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt


2016年. 【农民】__theirland. 丧失 ,__provedthathewasn'tworkinghardenough.非限制性定语 倒装句 Athens同位语 翻译:奥林匹克马拉松赛跑为26英里,385码.大约为马拉松到雅典的距离 ,wedecided totakethetrain.完成被动的非谓语动词形式 与…打成一片 【记录】theplain【平常的,简单的】facts【事实,真相】ofsmalltownlife. 非谓语动词 抚养 :为了 ''tknowmorethanyoudo. ''llmoveinsoonandweneedtobuy__furniture. 【药方】 【生物学家】doesnotmerely【仅仅】describe【描述】organisms【有机物】,buttriestolearn__actastheydo. "Hashecomeback....Yes,he__back forthreedays. 【32课】同位语 翻译:生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。 ,theearth__coveredbywater.【55课】虚拟语气

翻译:如果所有的大陆和山脉被推平,那么地球表面将被一层超过12000英尺深的水所覆盖。 "veryhappy".【5课】 翻译:拥有五个或更多亲密朋友的人自认“非常快乐”的机会高出他人50%。【不协调的,不相配的】withgoodhealth. ' ' 2017年 .【31课】 翻译:老人把手浸在盐水里,努力保持头脑清醒。 虚拟语气(过去相反) 翻译:Smith上周非常忙,否则他就去看你了。 . 非谓语动词 翻译:她需要买所有的东西,她将要离开市场,在小镇的街上再花费一个小时。 翻译:我很感激三年前给我的出国工作的机会。 ,__isclearfromtheexpressionsonhisface.【模拟三】as引导的非限制性定语从句翻译:他得了第一名,他脸上的表情清楚地表明了这一切。 . 【大纲原句】 翻译:直到后来他们才意识到发生了多么可怕的事情。 ,airtrafficcontrollersrelyonradar. 翻译:为了追踪机场航行中的飞机,空中交通控制台要用雷达。 ……to:太……而不能


职称英语考试完形填空拿高分的技巧2017年职称英语考试完形填空拿高分的技巧 (1)语法和词汇 (2)固定搭配 (3)上下文的逻辑推理 在最后的冲刺阶段,首要任务是将职称英语教材中的新增文章再次复习一遍,加强对文章的记忆和理解。 其次,职称英语考生需要参考历年完型考试的真题,熟悉题型特点,考生可以从历年真题中总结并学习职称英语考试中一些不断重复的语法考点,比如动词时态,冠词考察,介词等的考查。 最后,职称英语考生一定要记住,良好的学习心态、积极的应试心理也是考试制胜的关键因素。在职称英语考场上要保持镇定,从容应答,这样才能唤醒记忆,将所学所掌握的知识应用到职称英语考试中。 完型填空必做三项功课 一、主要考察内容:完形填空旨在测试考生对语言的理解程度和综合运用语言的`能力。职称英语考试中的完形填空测试是一篇难度适中,长度为150词左右的短文。短文中留出15个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有四个选项。要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择最佳答案,使短文意思完整、文理通顺、结构严谨、主题明确。 完形填空考题的设计一般是从以下三个方面出发的:(1)语法结构(2)词法结构(3)上下文之间的逻辑关系。

在15个选项中,要求填入实词(动词、名词和形容词等)的约占70%,其他为虚词(介词、副词等)的约占30%.要填的词几乎涉及各 个词类,动词含有不同的时态和语态。 二、复习策略分析 1.复习方向:完形填空的复习主要以本类别和本级别的完型填空的文章为主,尤其是以本类别和级别新增文章为重点进行复习,然 后再去看本类别的非新增文章,如有精力以其他类别的完型填空的 文章作为练习训练去做做。 2.一般的解题步骤: 通读全文 首先要阅读整篇文章,理解全文内容。同时对全文的语言表达方式,比如文章用的时态、语态、文章的措辞与口气等方面得出大致 印象。 逻辑判断 在阅读全篇的基础上,开始从头判断每个空所缺的词的语言形式,如词类、时态、语态;并判断该词应具有的符合文章上下文的词义。 理解选择 从给出的4个选项中,选出在语法与词义上均与原文相符合的一个。 三、高分通关必做的三项功课: 1.语法知识的积累职称英语考试完型填空题型能否顺利拿下分数,除了对重点文章的正掌握外,平时对语法知识的积累是非常重要的。很大程度上完形填空都在考查考生运用语法知识的能力,因此在强 化阶段,考生应该对职称考试中涉及的语法点进行巩固复习。 2.固定搭配与词组的记忆完型填空中大部分都是考查的动词等的固定搭配、常用的词组等,因此考生在强化阶段应该注意对平时阅 读中出现的固定搭配与词组进行搜集、积累与记忆。


2017职称英语《卫生A级》仿真试题及答案 2017职称英语《卫生A级》仿真试题及答案 Uncooperative Patients Need Psychological Therapy By refusing to take essential medication after a kidney transplant, a 49-year-old woman drives her doctors and nurses to distraction—to no avail, because the organ has in the end to be removed____(1)_____ Patients refusing to cooperate with medical professionals cause damage not only to themselves but also impose substantial costs on the community. The pharmaceutical company Glaxo Welcome estimates the costs to the German taxpayers of this kind of negative behaviour at around five billion dollars a year. A recent conference of medical professionals, health insurers, the pharmaceutical industry and patient representatives revealed a wide range of factors behind non-compliance. Not all defiant behaviour in a patient can be characterized as non-compliance. Greater stress should be placed on psychology during medical training, delegates said.____(2)_____ Psychologist Sibylle Storkebaum told of an eight-year-old boy who ran amok in a hospital before undergoing a heart transplant, threatening to rip out his drip tubes.____(3)_____“Doctors and nurses failed to see that they had downgraded a boy already conscious of his own responsibilities into a small child,” Storkebaum said, explaining that the boy merely wanted to be taken seriously and to be involved in his own treatment. “Once this was acknowledged, the anger attacks subsided.____(4)_____” Jan-Torsten Tews of Glaxo Welcome highlighted the problem of excessive medication, with patients having to take a wide range of medicines at short intervals. Educating patients and self-management were the key to treating patients with chronic conditions, he said. Health insurers also expressed interests in better cooperation between doctor and patient. “The fact that non-compliance exists is a result of patient dissatisfaction with their treatment,” Walter Bockemuehl, a senior executive in the statutory medical insurance scheme. said. According to one study, half of all patients did not want medication, but had drugs prescribed nevertheless.____(5)_____ 词汇: medication 药物治疗,药剂kidney 肾transplant 移植 distraciton 心烦意乱avail 用处non-compliance 不顺从,固执 professional 专业人员impose把……强加给…… pharmaceutical 制药的,药学的characterize表示……的性格特征 insurer 承保人,保险公司defiant 反抗的,无礼的 therapy 治疗,疗法insecure 缺乏安全感的 amok 狂怒的,狂暴的fit 发作rage 盛怒,狂怒 assert 主张,坚持,维护downgrade 贬低,小看 noticeably 明显地highlight 使显著,强调,把注意力集中于…… dissatisfaction 不满意statutory 法定的额 注释: 1.to no avail:徒劳无功 2.be characterized:被描绘成…… 3.run amok:变得勃然大怒。run在这里是系动词,有“变”的意思。 4.to rip out his drop tubes:把他的点滴管扯下rip out 扯掉,扯出 drip:水滴,点滴


职称英语卫生类B真题及答案 第1部分:词汇选项(第1。15题,每题1分,共15分) 下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请为每处画线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 1 I believe that her account of what happened is very accurate. A simple B precise C vivid D close 2 He based his conclusion on the evidence given by the prisoner. A offered B worked C made D satisfied 3 The union called off the strike at the last minute yesterday. A cancelled B staged C lengthened D organized

4 I have earned a lot of money, but that is not the issue. A goal B task C key D point 5 There has been a lot of debate among us about the necessity to save money A talk B suggestions C discussion D ideas 6 The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in October. A show B mark C record D carry 7 He endured unbearable agonies before he finally passed away. A left B relaxed C died D slept


2019年全国职称英语等级考试大纲 2017年全国职称英语等级考试大纲 一、概述 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试是由国家人事部组织实施的 一项外语考试。本考试遵循“严格要求、实事求是、区别对待、逐步 提升”的原则,根据英语在不同专业领域活动中的应用特点,结合专 业技术人员掌握和使用英语的实际情况,对申报不同级别专业技术职 务的人员的英语水平提出了不同的要求。 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试共分三个专业类别:综合类、理工类和卫生类,每个专业类别的考试各分A、B、C三个等级。 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试于每年4月份举行。A、B、 C三个等级考试的总分各为100分,考试时间均为2小时。 二、评价目标 全国专业技术人员职称英语等级考试重点考查应试者的阅读理解 水平。考试总的评价目标是:申报A级的人员在2小时内应完成3000 词左右的阅读任务,并能准确理解所读材料的内容;申报B级的人员在 2小时内应完成2600词左右的阅读任务,并能准确理解所读材料的内容;申报C级的人员在2小时内应完成2200词左右的阅读任务,并能 准确理解所读材料的内容。

为达到上述目标,考试对应试者的英语汇量、语法知识和阅读理 解水平分别提出如下要求: (一)词汇量 考试所涉及的词汇和短语主要依据本大纲所附词汇表。对申报不 同级别的应试者 要求认知的词汇量不等: 1. 申报A级的人员应认知6000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 2. 申报B级的人员应认知5000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语; 3. 申报C级的人员应认知4000个左右的单词和一定数量的短语。 (二)语法知识 考试不直接对应试者所掌握的语法知识实行考查,但应试者必须 掌握基本的语法 知识,主要包括: 1. 英语句子的基本语序及其意义; 2. 英语句子的结构和常用句型; 3. 各种时、体的形式及其意义; 4. 各种从句的构成及其意义; 5. 句子中词语的所指、省略、替代、重复,以及句子之间的意 义关系等。 (三)阅读理解水平

2014年职称英语 完形填空(4) Animal's Sixth Sense

第四篇 Animal?s “Sixth Sense” A tsunami was triggered by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean in December, 2004. It killed tens of thousands of people in Asia and East Africa. Wild animals, 1 , seem to have escaped that terrible tsunami. This phenomenon adds weight to notions that 1 they possess a “sixth sense” for 2 , experts said. Sri Lankan wildlife officials have said the giant waves that killed over 24,000 people along the Indian Ocean island?s coast clearly 3 wild beasts, with no dead animals found. “N o elephants arc dead, not 4 a dead rabbit. I think animals can 5 disaster. They have a sixth sense. They know when things are happening,” H. D. Ratnayake, deputy director of Sri Lanka?s Wildlife Department, said about one month after the tsunami attack. The 6 washed floodwaters up to 2 miles inland at Yala National Park in the ravaged southeast, Sri Lanka?s biggest wildlife 7 and home to hundreds of wild elephants and several leopards. “There has been a lot of 8 evidence about dogs barking or birds migrating before volcanic eruptions or earthquakes. But it has not been proven,” said Matthew van Lierop, an animal behavior 9 at Johannesburg Zoo. “There have been no _10_ studies because you can?t really test it in a lab or field setting 2 ,” he told Reuters. Other authorities concurred with this 11 . “Wildlife seem to be able to pick up certain 12 , especially birds … there are many reports of birds detecting impending disasters,” said Clive Walker, who has written several books on African wildlife. Animals 13 rely on the known senses such as smell or hearing to avoid danger slid as predators. The notion of an animal “sixth sense” — or 14 other mythical power is an enduring one 3 which the evidence on Sri Lanka?s ravaged coast is likely to add to. The Romans saw owls 15 omens of impending disaster and many ancient cultures viewed elephants as sacred animals endowed with special power or attributes. 词汇: tsunami /tsju:5nB:mi / n.海啸 concur /kEn5kE: / v.(with)同意,赞成 trigger /5tri^E / v.引发,触发 impending /im5pendiN / adj.迫近的 ravaged adj.被毁坏的 predator /5predEtE / n.食肉动物 leopard /5lepEd / n.豹 mythical /5miWikEl/ adj.神话般的 eruption /i5rQpFEn / n.喷发 owl /Eul / n.猫头鹰 migrate /mai5^reit / v.迁移 omen /5Eumen / n.预兆,征兆 volcanic /vCl5kAnik / adj.火山的 endow /in5dau / v.赋予注释: 1. adds weight to notions that :更加相信…… 2. field setting :field 意为“实地,野外”, setting 意为“环境”。 field setting 可译为“野外环境”。 3. enduring one :由来已久的信念。 one 指代在句首出现的, noiton enduring 意为“持久的,永久的”。练习:


职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 2011年职称英语考试已于今天结束,2011年职称英语卫生类A级考试真题及答案 一、词汇选项 1. urging (pushing) 2. tolerate (stand ) 3.obsecure ( unclear) 4. trembling (shaking) 5. steady (continious) 6. grasp ( undestasnd) 7. provoked (caused) 8. finds faults with (criticizes) 9. approach (handle ) 10. remarking (saying ) 11. hailed (praised ) 12. asserted (maintained) 13. considerabaly (greatly) 14. scared (afraid) 15. vigorous (energetic ) 二、阅读判断 16-22参考答案BCABACB 标题:Relieving the Pain 主旨大意:运动对于治疗各种痛疼有益处 16. To treat pain, patients should stop moving around

答案:B(wrong:错) 17. Headaches are partly caused by lack of excecise 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 18. Exercise helps to take the pressure off the site of pain 答案:A(right:正确) 19. Doctors often use drugs such as endprphins to treat patients 答案:B(wrong:错) 20. Backache sufferers often end up taking more than one drug to kill pain 答案:A(right:正确) 21. Excercises helps pain sufferers to recover more quickly than traditional treatment 答案:C(not mentioned:未提及) 22. New pain clinc ask patients to give up drugs completely 答案:B(wrong:错) 三、概括大意与完成句子 23-26参考答案DECA 标题:Owls and Larks 主旨大意:早起的人和晚起的人的差别及形成原因 23. 答案:D (why do we need sleep?) 24. 答案:E (what makes paople owls or larks ?) 25. 答案:C ( which is better,being an owl or a lark?) 26. 答案:A (What should we avoid ?) 完成句子 27-30参考答案:FDAB


应用统计学 要求: 一、独立完成,下面五组题目中,请任选其中一组题目作答,满分100分; 二、答题步骤: 1.使用A4纸打印学院指定答题纸(答题纸请详见附件); 2.在答题纸上使用黑色水笔 ..作答;答题纸上全部信息要求手 ....按题目要求手写 写,包括中心、学号、姓名、科目、答题组数等基本信息和答题内容,请写明题型、题号; 三、提交方式:请将作答完成后的整页答题纸以图片形式依次粘贴在一个 .......Word .... 文档中 ...上传(只粘贴部分内容的图片不给分),图片请保持正向、清晰; 1.上传文件命名为“中心-学号-姓名-科目.doc” 2.文件容量大小:不得超过20MB。 提示:未按要求作答题目 ....0.分记 ..! ...及雷同作业 ........的作业 .....,成绩以 题目如下: 第一组: 一、计算题(每小题25分,共50分) 1、下表中的数据是主修信息系统专业并获得企业管理学士学位的学生,毕业后的月薪(用y表示)和他在校学习时的总评分(用x表示)的回归方程。 解:

设X b b Y 10+= n X X n Y X Y X b i i i i i i i i i i 2 6 16 1 26 1 6 1 6 1 1)() )((∑∑∑∑∑=====-- = =62 .192.1918.62618900 2.1960910?- ?- =581.08 X b Y b 10-==18900/6-581.08*19.2/6=1290.54 于是X Y 08.58154.1290 += 2、某一汽车装配操作线完成时间的计划均值为2.2分钟。由于完成时间既受上一道装配操作线的影响,又影响到下一道装配操作线的生产,所以保持2.2分钟的标准是很重要的。一个随机样本由45项组成,其完成时间的样本均值为2.39分钟,样本标准差为0.20分钟。在0.05的显著性水平下检验操作线是否达到了2.2分钟的标准。96 .12 =αμ 答 :


职称英语考试卫生类(C类)试题及答案6 Happy Therapy (诊疗) Norman Cousins was a businessman from the United States who often traveled around the world on business. He enjoyed his work and traveling. Then, after returning to tile United States from a busy and tiring trip to Russia, Mr. Cousins got sick. Because he had pushed his body to the limit of its strength on the trip, a chemical change began to take place inside him. The material between his bones became weak. In less than one week after his return, he could not stand. Every move that he made was painful. He was not able to sleep at night. The doctors told Mr. Cousins that they did not know how to cure his problems and he might never get over the illness. Mr. Cousins, however, refused to give up hope. Mr. Cousins thought that unhappy thoughts were causing bad chemical changes in his body. He did not want to take medicine to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. He began to experiment on himself while still in the hospital by watching funny shows on television. Mr. Cousins quickly found that ten minutes of real laughter during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. Deciding that the doctors could not help him, Mr. Cousins left the hospital and checked into a hotel room where he could continue his experiments with laughter. For eight days, Mr. Cousins rested in the hotel room watching funny shows on television, reading funny books, and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt well enough to take a vacation to Puerto Rico where he began running on the beach for

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