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Unit1 Study skill

Unit1 Study skill
Unit1 Study skill

7A Unit 2 Let's play sports!

Study Skill





Teaching aims:

1 Know how to pronounce the five vowels in words.

2 Pronounce the five vowels precisely.

3 Read new words with all the things learnt in this class.

Teaching focus:

[ei] [i:] [ai] [?u] [ju:]

Teaching difficulties:

1 Let Ss remember vowel’s pronunciation.

2 With the vowels, Ss can spell new words.

Teaching aids:

Multimedia , Blackboard , Recorder , Tape , Chalk , Exercise paper Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Presentation

1 The teacher says: do you remember the 26 English letters? What are they?

2 Write “ a e I o u” on the blackboard and say: who can read these vowel

words? How to read them? And then write “cake, she, like, no, student”on the blackboard and say: can you read these words?

3 pay attention to the vowel letters in these words. How to read them? But how to write these English sounds? Please read after me and try to imitate my pronunciation.

4 The sounds of the vowel letter are the same as the sounds of the letter themselves;

Step 2 Practice

1 Ask Ss to open the book and turn to page 15. Guide the mto listen to the radio and make a conclusion.

2 Encourage them to read the words in the blank after the reord.

3 Encourage Ss to read the sentence in Part Cand remind them to pay attention to the vowels.

Step 4 Presentation

1 Show the words in part Band say: do you know these three words? Who can read them? What’ the sound of the red words? Write the words and the vowels on the blackboard.

2 Look at the groups of words in part B. Try to read them according to the sound of the word in the centre in each group.

Step 5 Homework

1 Write each vowel 10 times.

2 课课练period6


Study skills I Teaching aims 1. 了解朗读时常见的重音。 2. 了解哪些词在句子中的重音。 n Teaching important point To lear n which words should stress in a sentence 川Teach ing difficult point How to read words cor rectly in a text IV Teach ing an alyze When we speak En glish, we ofte n stress importa nt words, eg. Noun, main verbs, adjectives and adverbs. V Lear ning an alyze To improve stude nts ' oral En glish ability W Warmi ng up 预习本课,听磁带发现那些词读音重读,从而了解英美国家的人说话时的重 读。W Teach ing procedures Step 1 : Tell the stude nts some rules about readi ng En glish. Ask them read some senten ces. Step 2: Practice: 1. You don't smoke, do you? 2.1 won't go if it rains. 3. Do you prefer to take a walk or stay at home? 4. There are plates, bowls, c ups, knives and forks on the table. 5. When an d where shall we meet again 6. We've had a very enjoyable eve ning, have n't we? 7. Don't shout at me. ---I'm not shout ing at you. Who's sho uti ng at you? Nobody's shout ing at you. You're being silly. 8. Nan cy's going to be twenty-one n ext mon th. 9. You're not being fair. You mean me? Not fair? You're talking just like your mother. Talking like my mother? I am not. 忸Homework A)用所给单词的适当形式填空: 1 September is the (nine) month of the year. 2 Your idea always (sound) very great . 3 _What about (water) the flowers Good idea. 4 Mille ' s flat is twelve floors below __ (Q 5 My pen is (break)」want to buy a new one. 6 The girl with ( gold) hair looks beautiful .

Study Plan(最终版)

Study Plan Dear visa officer, The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in Canada. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is potential for my further success. Objective To pursue a Master Degree in Human Resources Management in Canada. Background It has aroused my intense interest in Human Resources Management after working as an assistant of Human Resources Management for two months in XXXXX. With the economic globalization, this leads to a greater demand in Chinese labor market on professionals that equipped with the advanced knowledge on Human Resources Management and the relevant laws, as well as the excellent communication skills in English. I strongly believe that the Human Resources Management will be one of the most prosperous professions in China in the near future. After four years of study in XXXXX, I received a Bachelor’s Degree of Laws, specializing in XXXXX, on XXXXX. In order to pursue a better career in Human Resources Management, I need to continue my study on Human Resources Management in a graduate program. My choice of studying in Canada Compared with the one holding a master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding a same degree from a western country is much more competitive in China’s labor market. In that case, the experience of study abroad and holding a foreign Master Degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me find a better job in China. In addition, studying abroad may save one year for me to gain the Master Degree: two years abroad versus two to three years in China. Without a doubt, there are many challenges for studying abroad. It is very different in culture and language between China and other countries. It will be more expensive to


几种常见论证方法及举例解说 议论文论证的方法。统共七种论证方法如下:例证法、引证法、比较法、归谬法、喻证法、归纳法和演绎法。下面重点讲解高考写作常用的四种论证方法。 1.举例论证法 此法也叫事例论证法,作为常见,就是用典型的令人信服的事例来证明自己论点正确的一种方法。为啥要举出一些名人的例子呢?因为常言道“事实强于雄辩”这一句名言也就是论证的方法,让事实说话,典型事例面前,道理将不言而喻。 具体的例子,请参看下文。 2.引用论证法 引证法也叫道理论证,是通过引用名人名言、古诗文名句、反映科学规律的俗语、谚语、警句等来证明自己观点正确可信的一种论证方法。 引用的论证方法,也是极其常用的,使用频率仅次于例证法。由于引用的是世人公认的道理,虽然不像事实一般生动,却是从事实中提炼出来的,能深刻地反映事物的本质,比事实更为深刻,所以具有更加巨大的说服力量。 3.比喻论证法 比喻论证法,是运用比喻来论证论点的论证方法。议论文中的设喻,同样也是讲道理,却会让论点更易懂、更风趣、更容易获得读者的认同。比喻论证法的妙处,是能够化艰深为浅显、化抽象为具体、化枯燥为生动。 4.比较论证法 比较法也是一种常见的论证方法,分对比与类比两种。 红框和蓝框当中的是两种本质相反的事实的对比,真理在对比中显现,学习写议论文,其实可以简单到把两种实例往一块摆,摆得清楚,也就看得明白,论证就在结构之中。 (1)类比论证法。 所谓类比,就是借助类似的故事、实例以及作者安排的情境,进行由此及彼的推理。而且最重要的要完成推理,如果说摆事实和讲道理,主要是借用别人的,那么类比推理的完全是自己的创造。运用类比要注意所选取的“类体”要同类,不能相对或相反;在类比之后要剖析,要善于揭示,一语破的,一刀见血。


studyplan作文 【篇一:study_plan】 research proposal/study plan研究计划 / 学习计划 (please write in english) (请用英文回答) 1) research area of interest and major:(please explain what your major is and what you plan to study) 你的专业和研究方向: (请说明你的专业和学习计划) 2) academic advisor) 导师或有意向的导师:(是你的研究导师而不是学术导师) 3) is your program coursework only? if not, please tell us the name of your research project and give a basic description of your research. 你的学习项目只是授课形式?如果不是,请提供你的专项课题的具体名称和内容 4) research funding: (where is the funding coming from?)研究专项资金:(你的研究专项资金从哪里获得?) 5) practical application of research: 研究课题的实际应用 申请国外访问学者需要提交如申请信、个人简历、推荐信、研修计划等材料,其中访问学者研修计划书尤为重要。只有你申请的教授对你的研究课题感兴趣了,才能够顺利的拿到访问学者邀请函。那么访问学者研修计划该怎么写,怎么样的研修计划书才算是好的研修计划书呢?访问学者研修计划书应包含以下内容: 1.选择申请该导师进行访学的原因; 2.出国访学目的、预期目标、计划、实施方法及所需时间; 3.研究课题在国内外研究情况及水平和应用情况; 4.达到本次出国访学预期目标的可行性; 5.学成归国后的工作和学习计划。 在这些内容中,又以研修计划课题选取最为重要,因为导师最看重的还是你的研修课题。 在选择研修计划的课题时,要关注国外导师目前正在研究的方向,选取导师感兴趣的课题。课题选取角度要面向全球,不要拘泥国内的热点问题,要关注研究课题的国内国外研究情况和水平,以及该项目的应用情况。


英语教案-unin15Studyskills教学目 标 一、本单元的语言知识主要有: 1。 remind sb。 of sth。 2。 fix a date for… 3。 on作“关于;论及”的用法 4。“be + to be + 过去分词”表示“有必要做某事”、“有可能做某事”或“按计划做某事”的用法 5.Dip into表示“随便翻阅;浏览”的用法 6.not作部分否定的用法 7.V-ing作伴随状语的用法 8.in a word 9.shut up 10.above all 11.here and there 12.once again 13.look out for

14.in reply(to…)/reply to 15.in different ways 16.take turns 二、本单元应掌握的日常交际用语有: l.I’d love to… 2.Would you like to… 3.Will you come to…? 4.I had no idea + 从句。 三、本单元在语法方面主要复习和系统和总结行为动词和情态动词的时态,归纳了句中谓语构成的基本形式。 四、英文书信是本单元在书面表达方面的教学要求。培养做读书笔记的能力也是本单元在阅读教学方面的要求。因为这种题型能比较客观和综合地反映学生的阅读理解能力和书面表达能力。教学建议1。 are to be tasted/swallowed/chewed and digested 是be + 动词不定式被动式结构,这种结构意为某事应当、必须如何,常用在通知和说明书里。如: This medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals。此药一日三次,饭后服。


议论文论证方法 一、例证法 一.学习重点:运用例证法,要把握好选例、叙例和议例三个环节。 二.写作盲点: 1、有论无据 2、以例代证 3、只叙无析 4、论据冗长 5、文体不明 (这些写法最大的缺点就在于文章的论证缺乏说服力。) 三.比较标准议论段的写法: ①观点句②阐释句③材料句④分析句⑤结论句(观点句) 例文解析: 知识就是力量(观点句),它首先是一种难以量化的、伟大的精神智慧,当然更可转化为具体的、可见的、巨大的物质力量(阐释句)。一介书生,手无缚鸡之力,却可以坐知天下之事(材料句)。凭什么?知识以及知识带来的预见性(分析句)。史蒂芬·霍金,被卢伽雷氏症禁锢在轮椅上20多年,全身能“活动”的,除了眼睛,只剩下一根食指,但这并不影响他成为继爱因斯坦之后当代最伟大的理论物理学家、享有国际声誉的伟人、超人(材料句)。靠什么?知识——关于宇宙奥秘:天体物理、时空本质的最新知识,最富有想象力、创造力的智慧(分析句)。可见,知识能够改变世界,知识能够决定命运,知识能够给人自由,知识就是力量。(结论句)。 议例的要求:定向深刻全面 四.常见的分析说理法 1.因果分析法 就是抓住论据所述的事实,并据此推求形成结果的原因的一种分析方法。由事物发展变化的结果,推导出产生这种结果的原因,从而揭示出一定的生活规律,使事例有力地证明观点。 标志性词语:“为什么……因为……”“正因为如此……所以……”“之所以……是因为… ” 例文解析 观点:瞬间铸就永恒 一位母亲带儿子乘缆车观光,突然缆车从高空坠落,在落地的一刹那,母亲用双手高高举起儿子。儿子活了下来,而母亲离开了人世。无独有偶,在一次大地震之后,救援人员从倒塌房屋的废墟中挖出一具早已僵硬的盲女人的躯体,她双手上举,手中托着的是她一息尚存的女儿……这两个感人的情节在当时只是一

My English Study Plan

My English Study Plan Before we do one thing. We should make some plan so that we can complete it perfectly So it is with English. First, reading is the most important, we should read English everyday so that we can remote our spoking English. So I decide to read English every morning from 6:00 to 7:30. In this way, I can recite many English articles and my spoken Engish must make great progress. Second listening is also an important point. Listening to English and American programs do good to our spoken English. What’s more, listening to is a great part of our English exam. So I decide to listen to English every evening from 9:00 to 10:00. I think my listening English must make great progress. The third one is writing. Since writing is my weak point. I want to practice it hart. I will read many excellent English articles to increase my English store. And I will learn to write some short passages. Learning English requires action, so just do it. No pains, no gains! I will make efforts to studying English.


10Teenage Schoolmates 江苏 曹津源 用笑容面对如火的骄阳,用信念坚定自己摇摆不定的心。 ——浙江省乐清市虹桥镇实验中学七年 (9) 班 臧 索 《跨过军训这扇门》 作文新干线 引证法,是在议论文中引用公理、名言 警句、经典著作、历史文献、谚语、成语、俗 语、古今诗文等作为论据,以此证明观点的 论证方法。 但在中学生的议论文中,常常 会发现各种问题:或只引不析,或引而不 证,或引得滥而不精、少而不准,等等,使议 论文成为“观点加引语”的简单拼凑,无法 达到证明论点的效果。 那么,作为道理论证的重要方法,怎样 才能让引证法的说服力更强呢? 一、准确引用,以引相连 议论文中的引用要做到准而精,所引 内容应具有典型性和权威性。 此外,不能 一引了之,而应由所引内容推进论证过程,并联系论点从相关角度切入,以便后文进 行有效的论证。 如果没有引用进行连接,论述就有可能显得跳跃,造成表意不畅。 如 《其行可赞,其为可叹》 一文中,先 引用罗曼.罗兰的“最伟大的人和最渺小 的人同样有一种责任”,接着从渺小者的责 任展开论述;随后引用亚米契斯的“要勇 敢,不要让绝望的庸俗压倒你”,由此转入 对勇气的论述。 二、多方引用,详加分析 文中的引用,可紧密围绕论点从不同 角度展开,以彰显论据的丰富性。 必要时,可将例证法与引证法相结合,用较为详细 的事例来论证所引用的名言警句等。 如 《真话的“敢说”与“乐听”》 一文中,先引用名言:“言之所以为言者,信也;言而不信,何以为言?”然后从听“有信之言”切入,进一步论证“乐听真言”的重要性,用 《吕氏春秋》 中的一则史实,从反面证明论点。 如此安排,使论证过程与论证手段丰富而多样,也更具说服力。 三、先引后证,层层深入 在引用道理论据之后,进行深层次的论证,往往能使说理更加令人信服。 如 《幸福来源于心灵满足》 一文中,作者在引用了保尔的“我最大的幸福在于有事做”和马克思的“我没有时间可以浪费”之后,从反面进行对比论证:安逸的生活往往容易使人精神空虚、心理迷茫,最后得出“安逸与无所事事不能给人以享受,思考与劳作才能让人幸福”的结论,推理层层深入,逻辑严谨。 四、引后即止,拓展论点 文章在恰当的引用之后戛然而止,留给读者无尽的回味和思考,往往更容易打动读者。 还有些结尾处的引用,可以让文章的论点得到含蓄的拓展。 如 《向前,向前,向前》 一文中,作者在引用“只瞄准不射击的不是好猎手,只呐喊不冲锋的不是好士兵”后随即收尾,令读者在回味这句话时,很容易联想起前文的内容和“向前”这一论点,同时拓展了“向前”的含义,使文章言虽尽而意无穷。 (责任编辑 曹 懿) 如何运用“引证法”

Study Plan 范文二

Dear visa officer, The purpose of this letter is to explain my study plan while studying in America. As part of visa application process, I understand that a study plan is potential for my further success to pursue a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering in America. Background It has aroused my intense interest in Environmental Engineering after working as an assistant of Research on Ecological Civilization Construction, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in the Thirteenth Five-year Plan Period in Weinan City,Shaanxi Province for two months in Chang’an University. With the rapid development of economy, environment where we are living now is facing huge problems, which leads to a greater demand in Chinese labor market on professionals that are equipped with the advanced knowledge on Environmental Engineering and the relevant laws, as well as the excellent communication skills in English. I strongly believe that the Environmental Engineeringwill be one of the most prosperous professions in China in the near future. After four years of study in Chang’an University, I received a Bachelor’s Degree of Water Supply and Drainage Engineering. In order to pursue a better career in Environmental Engineering, I need to continue my study on Environmental Engineering in a graduate program. My choice of studying in America Compared with the one holding a master degree from a Chinese university, a graduate holding a same degree from a western country is much more competitive in China’s labor market. In that case, the experience of study abroad and holding a foreign Master Degree can undoubtedly keep me competitive and help me find a better job in China. Without a doubt, there are many challenges for studying abroad. It is very different in culture and language between China and other countries. It will be more expensive to study abroad than in China. I have to leave my parents and county to fly to a distant county.However, I consider studying abroad as good investment for my future. Comparing with other western countries, America has a more peaceful and harmonious environment for studying and it is rich in educational resources. In addition, the expenditure of studying in America is relatively lower than other countries such as UK. The reason for my choosing to study Environmental Engineering in University of Washington First of all, UW has great reputation both in America and world. It ranks 14th in U.S.News’&World Report. In addition, the academic environment in UW really attracts me a lot.


善待生命学习论证 教学目标 1、了解例证法、引证法、喻证法、对比法四种常见的论证发法的好处及写作运用 2、认识生命的可贵,树立珍惜生命,热爱生命的生活观,学会关爱别人。教学难重点:掌握一些重要的论证方法如事实论证、道理论证、喻证、对比论证等。课时安排2课时教学步骤: 一、故事导入曾经听过这样一个故事,退潮后很多小鱼被困在沙滩上苦苦挣扎,一个孩子不停地跑来跑去把它们一条条放回海里,一个大人问他: “这么多小鱼你救得过来吗?”孩子看着茫茫海滩说:“我肯定来不 及。”大人说:“反正你不能拯救它们全部,你的努力又有谁会在乎呢?”孩子想想,仍然不停努力地把鱼放回大海,他说:“这条在乎,这条在乎,这条也在乎................................................ 每次读到这个故事总会有一种莫名的感动,忙碌是否让我们的心灵麻木了, 漠视了生命,我们的举手之劳,但对处于危难中的每一只动物来说,那也许就是生与死的转折。 对于生命大家可曾有过自己的思考?你是怎么看待生命的?交流班级两位同学的作文,看看他们的论证部分好好在哪里? 二、写法指引 一篇议论文总是要提出问题,分析问题,解决问题。分析的过程就是论证的过程。论证得高明,观点就鲜明,论证得精巧,分数就提高。怎样论证才是高明精巧呢?这就得摆事实,讲道理,就得旁征博引,比较对照,就得善于证明,善于推理,也就是说要善于运用恰当的论证方法。 1、高考范文的选段,思考每段分别运用了什么论证方法,有什么好处?例一:“在成功的背后,总是有失败和挫折的,一切有成就的人,无一不是如此。清代文学家蒲松龄落第之后,愤而著书,才写出《聊斋志异》。著名化学家欧利希经过无数次的失败,才发明了药物六。六。有发明大王之称的爱迪生,一生发明一千多件新产品,但每一个新发明的诞生,他都经历过无数次的失败。由此可知,不经失败,便没有成功的果实,害怕失败完全没有必要,或许今天的失败,正预示着明天的成功呢!”《失败是成功之母》例二:“有鸿鹄之志,方能扶摇九万里。毛泽东‘自信人生二百年,会当击水三千里'周恩来为中华之崛起而东渡日本……可以说一切英才都因为有了大志、大德、大才,才获得了成功。‘机遇'并不会遍洒甘露,绝不是普渡众生之神,‘机遇'只偏爱有准备的头脑。”《机遇》 例三:“尝试是什么?尝试是乌云蔽日时能上云霄的那只最勇敢的鸟;尝试是大浪迭起的海面上勇往直前的一叶扁舟。对于勇敢者,尝试是一条崭新的生活之路;对于懦弱者,那是一堵高高的墙。”(《尝试》)例四:“试想,从古到今,有多少帝王因为选贤授能,兼听而开创了一个个太平盛世。周公吐哺,天下归心;刘备三顾茅庐求贤才,终有三国鼎立;萧何月下追韩信,方有后来垓下之围,一统江山。而又有多少帝王因为轻信谗言,偏听而使国家走向衰亡。楚怀王亲小人远贤人,怒疏屈原,而身死异国。”(《情感与理智》)例五:“蚌在自由自在生存的过程中,一粒沙子钻进了它的体内,生命的磨难由此开始,为了摆脱痛苦,它不断地砥砺,不断地挣扎,不断地抗争,结果,体内的那粒粗糙的沙子竟然变成了一颗晶莹圆润的珍珠。它曾经是一支伤痛的蚌,而现在成了珍珠的载体。在人生的道路上,免不了会有挫折和苦痛,只要我们敢于抗争,美景是属于我们的。”《要正确对待挫折》

UCLA研究生赴美留学 Study Plan 真实原文版

Study Plan Dear officer, I’m writing to apply an F-1 Visa due to the fact that I’m going to continue my study in the USA. Introduction of my background: I’m a student who just graduated from Pittsburg State University in May, with a diploma as Bachelor of Science, and was offered of admission to graduate study at UCLA. In the year of 2010, I was fortunately to become a transfer student from xxx University within a 2+2 program to Pittsburg State University, I changed my major from Sources Environment and Management of Rural and Urban Planning to Construction Engineering Tech, with the kind help from my professors and advisors, I successfully finished this degree and graduated at May 15th. After the discussion between my teachers and my family, I decided to further my study in Construction area and fortunately I was accepted by UCLA, with a master degree in Geotechnical. I’ve already received the admission documents and contacted my advisor, Jonathon Stewart, from the civil engineering department in UCLA. In the May of 2012, I came back to China to meet my parents and inform my family about this news. Why choose to study in UCLA? Throughout my past experience, especially a records to achieve my higher goals, as China becoming more and more powerful in any area includes construction and plays an active role in the global economy. An advanced education in construction in a western country is necessary for me to have an international perspective of construction and gain valuable knowledge of construction theories and practices. The advanced education system in UCLA can provides high quality graduated program for me, the reasonable tuition and high standard living condition also attracted me deeply. All these are reasons for me to determine to go to USA, a country which has the highly developed business system and fist class education quality, for my further education. Who offers all my tuition and living fees? MY parents are so supportive toward my studying overseas, they wish me enhance my social status and learn to live independent, by the time we decided to take the further education, they keep working with all their might in an endeavor to enable my dream come true, at the meantime, I’m going to take some part-time job in my leisure time even though the money they provide me suffices. Finally, after I accomplish my studies in UCLA, I will return to work in China, since my uncle hold a big construction & building designing company, it’s easy for me to follow his step and work in the area which I’m good at. Nearly all of my public relationships are based in China. During my 12 years’ study, I have already accumulated plenty of friends and relationship; those are very important foundation not only for my career but also for my daily life. I would never give them up. Furthermore, with the quickening of Chinese reforming and opening steps, there are more and more opportunities available for youth like me to put their talent to good use in addition, I’m the only son of my parents, it’s my duty to come back to take care of them according to Chinese tradition. Lastly and most importantly, my previous J-1 visa requires me to have the 2-years mandatory home-country physical presence. The above mentioned all determines that I am sure to develop my own career in China as soon as I finished my study in UCLA. Yours, xxx 2012-6-30


浅谈运用“例证法”常见失误及对策 进入高中,同学们的写作慢慢地由写记叙文转向写议论文,所谓议论文,顾名思义,就是以“议论”为主的文章。写议论文常用的论证方法很多,但运用的最多的还是“例证法”,这也是和议论文的“摆事实,讲道理”的特点相一致的。“例证法人人会用,但写出的文章却有高下之别,这固然和很多因素有关,但我认为不懂“例证法”的运用技巧则是最重要的原因之一,这在初学者身上表现得尤为明显。笔者在批改学生作文的过程中,就常常发现这样一个现象:两篇文章,语言、构思都差不多,所用事实论据也基本相同,但优劣却非常明显,而那篇给人印象不好的文章,问题常常出在运用“例证法”的过程中出现了失误。下面我就就同学们经常出现的失误及对策谈一下我的看法。 一、油水分离所谓油水分离,就是所用的材料不能证明自己的观点。出现这种错误,有时 是因为思想混乱,思路不清,有时是因为对所用材料一知半解、甚至误解,但更多的时候则是因为他不会“叙”。 关于议论文中的“叙”,一般写作指导书上只讲到了它和记叙文中的“叙”的不同,即前者“概括”后者“具体”,但何为“概括”何为“具体”,并没有一个明确的标准,如果以详略长短作为区别“具体”和“概括”的标准,那么叙得简略的、占用篇幅度短的就是概括,可事实是,有些文章中的有些事例叙述得比较长,但没有给人以冗长赘余的感觉,反而让人感到用得好、用得妙,而有的事例叙得并不怎么长,却让人感到废话连篇、味同嚼蜡。由此可见,把“概括”作为议论文中“叙”的特点在指导学生写作,其指导意义并不是很大。那么,怎样“叙”才算会“叙”?怎样“叙”才符合议论文的要求并起到证明论点的作用呢? 首先,同记叙文中的“叙”一样,议论文中的“叙”要重点突出,要有针对性,一定不能把你知道的事例原原本本地搬到文章里去。这里的“重点”是由你要证明的论点决定的。 所谓论点,其实就是一个判断,就是对论述对象有所肯定或有所否定的思想。如“逆境出人才”就是一个判断,也是一个论点,它对“逆境”这一论述对象做出了肯定的判断,即能“出人才”,如果要用事例证明这一论点,其中“逆境”就是你要突出的重点,即你的叙述一定要能表现出他或她是处在“逆境”中,他或她是在“逆境”中成才的,只要是表现他是处于逆境中的材料都要详细的叙述,且多多益善,而与表现他处于逆境中没有关系的材料则坚决不能写进文章,否则,你叙述的事例就可能不能证明你的观点,从而造成“油水分离”的毛病。 当然突出重点并不说一定要长篇大论,写得详详细细,至于什么时候该详写,什么时候该略写,要具体问题具体分析,不能一概而论。具体说:大家都熟悉的事例要简略一些,比较生疏的例子就应该叙得详细一些;含义比较明显的例子就可以叙得简略一些,如韩愈的《师说》中举“古之圣人”例子证明“从师”的必要性,只用了一句话,“古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉。”点到为止,并没有详细叙述古人是如何“从师”的,因为从师的含义太好理解了;含义比较隐晦的例子就应该叙述得详细一些,以揭示出它们的具体含义或比喻义。如我曾让学生写过一篇以“阳光”为话题的作文,不少同学为证明“每个人的心中都应有阳光”,就举例说某某心中有阳光,所以怎么样怎么样。这是一个含有比喻义的话题,这里的“阳光”可以是一个微笑,一句鼓励的话,可以一个理想、信念等,他所说的阳光到底是什么呢?读完之后让人不知所云。还有一篇谈“惑”的文章,有位同学为了要证明“不该惑时就不应惑”,就举了项羽的例子,说项羽在鸿门宴上就是因为“惑”而放走了刘邦,从而导致了项羽最后的失败,可项羽到底在哪里“惑”了则没有交代,因此读后也是让人糊里糊涂。 其次,别忘了交代“结果”。据笔者观察,论点大致可分为两大类,一类是论点本身就存在因果关系,如上面提到的“逆境出人才”,还有像“失败是成功之母”“梅花香自苦寒来” 等,对这类论点,同学们在举例论述的时候一般不会忘记交代结果,另一类就是论点本身不

办签证用的study plan

总的来说,学习计划书需要包括以下几方面内容。 1、简单说明自己的学习经历,专业背景及工作经历; 2、说明自己进一步求学的动机及为什么选择该国、该大学与该专业; 3、详细的留学时间安排; 4、介绍留学所需资金及来源; 5、对未来职业目标的阐述,留学后回国的理由。 My name is ... I graduated from …. My deepest impression of United States is her good study environment and advanced education system. I am longing to pursue my further education,and I suppose that I can realize my wish in United States. It is why I write this study plan which outlines academic progress and career development in the near future. The program I applied is general project of LLM course, which will present me a basic legal circumstances and situactions of United States. I would concern the project as valuable experiences for its detailed course arrangements and spetacular professors. Therefore, I would draw my plan seriously as follows. Firstly, it is certainly critical to follow lecturers and professors carefully in class. While after class, reseaches are necessary in need for me to compare western legal systems to Chinese legal system. Furthermore, to improve my English, especially in legal field, is another major project to me. Last but not least, particiapating in legal activities and obtaining career experiences is greatly vital to me. I hope to progress my legal career in China after the program. It is suggested that attorney concerning foreign affairs suits me the most. Surely, the program is undoubtedly helpful and enlightening to me indeed. Mentioned above, my future career pursuit is a lawyer in China in charge of foreign issues. Certainly the program would cultivate me a great deal in foreign legal issues. Not only I absorb all the knowledge in legal field, but also I learn significant learning method on legal research, which is judged as critical in a whole lifetime. To conclude, knowledge, experiece and methods would enrich my outlook most after the program is completed, and it surely would helps me a lot in my future career in China. Finally, I believe that the program is a novel challenge to me, however, I have the courage and stamina to overcome the difficulties on the path of my reseach and study. I insist that my qualifications will produce an excellent performance. I would appreciate the approval of the George Washington University here. Its acceptance is an incredible motivation to me. I sincerely believe my study in the US would be a fantastic adventure to me.

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