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黑客类经典书籍 《网络黑白》作者 花无涯 中国黑客协会创始人

黑客类经典书籍 《网络黑白》作者 花无涯 中国黑客协会创始人

《网络黑白》是国内2016年最新的黑客类最完整的一本适合小白阅读的书籍,其中包含黑客入门 、社会工程学、渗透参考书。书中讲的不仅仅是一个个案例,更有一种社会工程师的思维模式与 enjoy hacking的方法,书中的每一个章节都值得细细品味。

中国黑客协会创始人花无涯带领的团队覆盖国内外多家信息安全组织,并担任国内多家影响力较 大的信息安全组织的负责人,今年2016年作为黑客界领军人物花无涯,对小白以及想了解黑客的 ,创作了第一本书,作为小白入门黑客的精品读物,将亲身经历和自身所学以及网络实际相结合 ,写就的《网络黑白》腾空出世,以浅入深出的方式,将网络江湖向我们娓娓道来。

江湖,什么是江湖?有人的地方就有江湖,江湖有多大?心有多大,江湖就有多大。江湖在我们每个 人的心里,更在我们的日常生活里,更隐藏在波澜壮阔、阴险狡诈的网络里。我们每天都在使用 网络,网络已经深入到工作、生活、社交、消费的每个角落。病毒、木马、网赚、网络欺诈,等 等三教九流的手段轮番上阵,各种网上悲喜剧,每天都在不同的地点上演。用《卖拐》里范伟的 话说:“真是防不胜防啊!”

万幸,魔高一尺,道高一丈。作为中国黑客协会创始人、黑客界传奇人物,黑客教父花无涯将亲 身经历和自身所学以及网络实际相结合,写就的《网络黑白》腾空出世,以浅入深出的方式,将 网络江湖向我们娓娓道来,指出各门各派的独门绝技,比如网络攻击、站点劫持,猎杀肉鸡、网 页挂马、网赚诈骗等等。确切地说,本书就是百晓生的《兵器谱》,记载了各家绝学的内容、特 点、表现方式,甚至指出招式的破解之术,其效果不逊于风清扬的独孤九剑。

这是一把值得相关部门重视的屠龙刀。信息时代,网络承载了我们更多的信息,特别是云技术和 大数据的发展,巨大的数据资源代表着巨大的利益。居心叵测者早已虎视眈眈,敌对势力和黑客 组织早已将其作为网络攻击的重要目标,渗透攻击已经成为国家间网络战的主要方式。总书记也 曾经指出:没有网络安全就没有国家安全,没有信息化就没有现代化。面对网络安全日益严峻的 现实,普及网络安全知识,提高全民网络安全意识,迫在眉睫。本书囊括了网络犯罪的各种手法 ,并提出了防范对策,是普及网络安全非常好的教育读本,堪称斩除网络威胁的屠龙刀,宜召开 屠龙大会,大把复制,广泛发放,大力传播。


络江湖久矣,丢过企鹅号 ,中过木马度,死过N次机,被盗多个游戏号,在著名的社工库里,竟然也找到了自己的信息。那 感觉就跟上了黑名单一样,让人愤恨不已。一个JPEG图片,一个PDF文档,都可能是涂了“含笑半 步颠”的“剧毒”。在这种情况下,没有利器防身,如何得了!本书作者花无涯在《我的安全之 路》一章中指出,本书非常适合小白阅读。书中指出的各种问题,相信读者都会遇到,但是如何 解决和预防,恐怕就很难知晓。要在网络江湖捂住钱袋子,主张隐私权,就一定要备好这把倚天 剑。

这是一支网络黑客技术初学者的霸王枪。面对网络的各种威胁,加上各类媒体对你黑客的大肆渲 染,很多人包括我也曾经对这么高深技术兴趣浓厚,就像作者第七章中描述的那样,试图走向黑 客之路,曾经看过黑客教程,下载过冰河软件,用过肉鸡软件,终因技术不高、悟性太差等原因 ,无疾而终。归根到底,缺少一本能够深入浅出,能够说明原理,全面介绍的入门级教程。而本 书却恰恰具备了这几个特点,特别是跨站攻击、SQL注入等手法,都进行了详细解说。有志于当网 络侠客的朋友必读。

这是一支直指问题根源的小李飞刀。我认为,本书中最精彩的章节,不是对黑客的描述,也不是 对技术的展示,也不是黑客手段的解析,而是对这一切根源的解析。终点是第三章,《社工》。 本章提到了社会工程学,指出了一切犯罪的源头,即人性的弱点。称之为吸星大法,毫不过分。 社会工程学利用人性脆弱点、贪婪等心理表现,通过以交谈、欺骗、假冒等方式,从合法用户套 取用户系统的秘密。

据说表面上看起来一点用也没有的信息都会被这些人利用起来渗透。从这点来看,这才是真正的 防不胜防,细思恐极啊。针对人性这个问题,就不得不探讨另外一个问题。说网络是个江湖,毫 不过分,有骇客,就有黑客。正如正邪相对的硬币两面。白有多白,黑就会有多黑。读完本书最 后一章,对这个江湖倒吸一口凉气,感到丝丝寒意。武以德先,兵器越好,就越要求使用者道德 高尚,最起码道德正常一些的人使用,才会安全。

你是否曾幻想,畅游网络之间,指尖在键盘之上游走,思维在代码之中穿梭,弹指间,尽显英雄 本色?你是否曾幻想,藏身于黑暗之中,凌驾于众人之上,在网络世界来去无踪,惩恶扬善?你 是否曾幻想,以鼠标为长剑,以技术为功法,以代码为招式,谈笑间,网络世界早已风起云涌? 你不是在做梦,也不是在看一本小说,不要放弃幻想,因为,这一切,你都可以做到!


着一场武林纷争,都引领着一场腥风血雨,每一把绝世好剑的铸 成,都象征着一次血染长河,都伴随着众多英雄泣血。然而武侠的时代早已过去,黑客的时代正 在到来。很幸运,你没有生在一个怀璧其罪的年代,相反,你处在一个充满机遇的时代,你处在 一个提倡共享的大数据时代。

我希望你触碰到它的时候,心存感激,因为,这是一位混迹黑客帝国数十载的黑客大咖的毕生心 血,这是整个黑客协会大力推荐的惊世力作,这里,还有当年抵御外敌网络入侵的热血气息,这 里,还有对整个中华黑客新秀的殷切希望。

你现在拿起的这本书,不是简单的技术讲解,不是纯粹的课程教学,不是空洞的作者感想,它瘦 弱的身躯,承载着太多的重量!这是中国黑客界公认的大咖撰写的第一本书,这是对于整个黑客 帝国的精准描述,这是巍巍中华最为庞大的黑客组织之一黑协联手推出的指路明灯,这里凝聚着 太多太多的心血,这一切,都是为了给你最好的学习体验,都是为了打造一本足以惊世骇俗的经 典,都是为了捧起中国新一代拥有黑客梦想的那些人们。

相信我,打开这本书的扉页,你便随之推开了一扇通往未知世界的大门,那里将呈现的,是你梦想 到达的彼岸,是等待探索的黑客帝国,跟花无涯,至少,你不会迷路!多少人,在黑客的世界跌 跌撞撞,东奔西走,然而,终只知皮毛,无功而返,彻底退出这扇金碧辉煌的大门。你关上了一 扇门,上帝会为你打开一扇窗。

在这里,你会了解到各种功能强大的黑客神兵利刃;在这里,你会震惊于你的隐私在黑客面前是 一片透明;在这里,你会惊异于各种欺骗与伪装的技术;在这里,你会从攻防之间深深感受到这 个世界的善良与恶意,你会在光亮与黑暗之中忍痛前行。也许,xss跨站攻击会让你摸不着头脑, 也许,sql注入会使你临阵脱逃,也许,木马与社工,入侵和远控又会在你激情沦丧、斗志全无的 时候重新点燃你内心的火焰,不错,这就是此书的魔力。

我们都曾经一窍不通,都曾经艰难前行,都曾经期待成功,也都经受过一次又一次惨痛失败,还 记得曾经玩远控花了整整两周才等到第一个肉鸡上线的激动难以言表,还记得当年花了整整一个 月才在一个日本网站上挂上了“巍巍中华,国耻未忘”的黑页时兴奋得彻夜难眠,虽然,那些日 子如此之近,但是,在黑客世界艰难爬行的我们,仿佛经历了千山万水,我现在正在经历的,所 有初入界内的小白们也必将经历。

每年遭受虚假信息、电话诈骗、木马病毒、网络钓鱼、帐号被盗、网购陷阱、银行卡盗刷等中招 的网民不计

其数,为了减少网民的损失,提高全民网络安全意识,学习必要的手段与防范技巧尤 其重要。信息时代,企业和个人面临的重大问题之一是信息安全意识的匮乏,要么他们根本没有 认识到这一点,要么忽视,要么不愿为此买单。

中国黑客协会文化,纪念2000年中国黑客协会成立,十多年持续为更多对技术不断追求的爱好者提 供服务,早期成员巅峰时期达50万多人,历经十年风雨,一度成为顶尖老牌的黑客组织,直到现在 黑协一直分布全国各地大多数成员,组织精神文化传承。

2003年1月正式宣布中国黑客协会信息安全组织启用“H.A.C”,为组织全体成员代号。中国黑客 协会是一种精神的传承,黑客代表是一种精神,它是一种热爱祖国、坚持正义、开拓进取的精神 ,不断的吸收与发展,中国黑客协会目前是世界范围内延续发展最久远的黑客组织之一。


"Black and white" is the latest hacker category in the country in 2016 the most complete one suitable for small white reading books, including hacking entry, social engineering, infiltration of reference books. The book is not only about one case, more a social engineer of the mode of thinking and hacking enjoy method, the book of each chapter is worth careful taste.
Founder of the association of Chinese hackers spend no career led the team covering domestic and foreign information security organization, and served as the person in charge of a large domestic influence the organization of information security, this year 2016 as the hacker community leading figure in flower boundless, on white and want to know the hackers, the creation of the first book, as white entry hackers reading fine, will experience and its network and actual unifies, written "network black and white" vacated born, by shallow into deep, the network of rivers and lakes to we Weiweidaolai.
Rivers and lakes, what is the place where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes are how much?. Arena in the heart of each one of us, in our daily life hidden in the magnificent, sinister and cunning network. Every day we use the network, the network has penetrated into every corner of the work, life, social networking, consumption. Viruses, Trojan horses, Wangzhuan, Internet fraud, etc. of means turns into battle, tragicomedy of various online, every day in different places staged. With "Maiguai" in Wei Fan's words: "it is impossible to guard against!"
Fortunately, MoGaoYiChe, daogaoyizhang. As a Chinese hacker Association founder, hacker legend, hackers Godfather flower boundless will personally experience and their own learning and network combining, written "network black and white" vacated born, by shallow into deep, the network of rivers and lakes to we Weiweidaolai, and poin

ts out the unique skills of various factions, such as cyber attacks, site hijacked, kill chickens, network page linked to horse, Wangzhuan fraud and so on. Exactly said that this book is 100 Xiaos living the weapon spectrum ", recorded each Juexue content, characteristics, performance, even pointed out that moves the crack, its effect is not inferior to Feng Qingyang nine swords Dugu.
This is a worthy of attention Yuchang related departments. The information age, the network carries us more information, especially the development of cloud technology and big data, huge data resources represent a huge interest. Detractors have been watching, and hostile hackers already will be as an important target of cyber attacks, penetration attack has become the main way of cyber warfare between countries. General secretary has also pointed out: no network security is no national security, there is no information on the modernization of. In the face of the increasingly serious network security reality, the popularization of network security knowledge, improve the national network security awareness, imminent. Book include various manipulations of cyber crime, and puts forward the preventive countermeasures, popularization of network security is very good education reader, called off network threat of massacre dragon knife, should hold the dragon of the general assembly, copy a lot, issuing broad spreading vigorously.
This is a network of rivers and lakes must walk with heavenly sword. As a senior netizen, worldly network of rivers and lakes for a long time, lost penguin, a Trojan degree, die n times, stolen a number of games, in the famous social curry, unexpectedly also found their own information. That feeling is to keep up with the black list, let a person resent. A JPEG picture, a PDF document, may be coated with a smile and a half step Britain, the highly toxic". In this case, there is no weapon for self-defense, how to get! The author of this book is in the process of "my road to safety". The author points out that this book is very suitable for white reading. The book points out that all kinds of problems, I believe readers will encounter, but how to solve and prevent, I am afraid it is difficult to know. Do you want a bag in the network arena over money, privacy advocates, we must prepare the heavenly sword.
This is a network hacker technology for beginners overlord gun. Facing the various threats to the network, and all kinds of medium of hacker you wantonly shading dye, many people including I have interest in such a profound technology strong, described as the author of the seventh chapter, trying to move toward the black guest, had seen the hacker tutorial, downloaded ice software, the software used in broiler chickens, eventually because of the technology is not high, savvy too poor and aborted. After all, the lack of a layman can, can explain the principle, a comprehensive introduction to the entry-level tutorial. This book is just have these cha

racteristics, especially the XSS attack, SQL injection and other techniques, have carried out a detailed explanation. Friends for aspiring network knight.
This is a problem at root xiaolifeidao. I think that the most exciting chapters in this book, not a description of the hacker, nor the presentation of technology, nor is it an analysis of hacker means, but the analysis of the root causes. The end point is the third chapter, "social worker". This chapter refers to the social engineering, points out the source of all the crime, that is, the weakness of human nature. Called xixingdafa, not too much. Social engineering using human vulnerability, greed and other psychological performance, through conversation, deception, counterfeiting and other ways, from the legitimate users to the secret of the user system.
It is said that there is no information on the surface that can be used by these people to penetrate. From this point of view, it is really impossible to guard against, extremely thin Si fear. Aiming at the problem of human nature, we have to explore another problem. Said the Internet is a quack, not too much, there are hackers, hackers. As the two sides relative evil. White how white, black will be more black. Read the final chapter of this book, in this arena gasped, feel the slightest chill. Wu Yide first, the better the weapon, the more the user's moral high, at least some of the normal moral people to use, will be safe.
Have you ever fancied, surf the web, fingertips on the keyboard upstream go, thinking back and forth in the code, a snap of the fingers, filling the qualities of hero? Have you ever dream, hiding in the dark, above all others, good and evil in the network world come and go without leaving a trace,? Have you ever fancied, mouse as the sword, take the technology as the power law, to code for the moves, laughing, network world already surging? You're not dreaming, or looking at a novel, don't give up fantasy, because, all this, you can do it!
Each of the martial arts cheats mundane, are harbingers of a martial strife, leading a reign of terror, each of the peerless sword cast into, are a symbol of the a bloody River, are accompanied by numerous heroes bleed. However, the era of martial arts has long past, the era of hackers is coming. Fortunately, you were not born in the era of a can cause disasters.. on the contrary, you are in an era full of opportunities, you are in a promoting sharing era of big data.
I hope you touch to it, will know how to be grateful, because, this is a worldly hackers empire for decades of hacking coffee life heart blood, which is strongly recommended the hackers guild stunning masterpiece, here, as well as the year against network intrusion enemy blood breath, the and of the entire Chinese hackers rookie ardent hope.
You now pick up this book, not a simple technical explanation, not pure course teaching, not empty of the author's feelings, it's thin body, carrying too much weight! This is a Chinese

hacker community is recognized as one of the large coffee writing the first book, this is for the matrix of a precise description, which is towering Chinese most large hacker organization of black Association jointly launched the beacon, where crystallization of too much effort, all this are in order to give you the best learning experience, is to create a enough to shock the world classic, is in order to lifted a new generation of Chinese people dream hacker with.
Believe me, open the pages of the book you subsequently pushed the door gateway to the unknown world, there will be presented, is your dream to reach the other side, waiting for the exploration of the matrix with flower boundless, at least, you won't get lost! How many people, in the world of hackers stumble bump, bustled about, however, and eventually knew fur, failed, completely out of the fan gate resplendent in gold and jade green. You shut the door, God will open a window for you.
Here, you will to understand a variety of powerful hacking magic sword; here, you will shock to your privacy in front of a hacker is a piece of transparent; here. You may be surprised in a variety of deception and camouflage technology; here, you will from between the offensive and defensive deeply feel the world of good and evil, you will move forward in light and darkness reluctantly. Perhaps, XSS cross site attack will let you can not touch the head, perhaps, SQL injection will make your funk, perhaps, Trojan and social workers, invasion and remote control will to relight the fire in your heart when it is your passion, decay and the morale is devoid, good, this is the book of magic.
We have nothing, have difficulties ahead, are used to look forward to success, also have suffered a painful defeat, still remember playing remote control spent two weeks until the first chicken on-line excited indescribable, remember the year spent a whole month before on a Japanese website hang the "towering Chinese, national humiliation not forget" the black too excited to go to sleep at night, though, these days so close, but we crawl in the hacker world difficult, as if through the mountains, I am going through now, the initial into bounds of white will also experience.
Annually by false information, telephone fraud, Trojans, phishing, account theft, online shopping traps, bank card stolen brush strokes of countless Internet users, for users to reduce the loss, improve people's awareness of network security, learning essential means and prevention skills is especially important. One of the major problems facing the information age, companies and individuals is the lack of awareness of information security, or they simply do not recognize this, either ignore, or do not want to pay.
Chinese hackers association culture, memorial 2000 Chinese hackers association was founded, 10 years continue to more of the constant pursuit of technology enthusiasts provided service. Early members of the peak period of more than 50 peopl

e, after ten years of wind and rain, became the top veteran hackers until now in the black Association have been distributed throughout most of the members, spiritual and cultural heritage.
January 2003 officially announced the Chinese hacker association information security organization to enable the H.A.C, for the organization of all members of the code. Chinese hackers association is a kind of spiritual heritage, the hacker is a kind of spirit, it is a kind of love for the motherland, uphold justice, pioneering and enterprising spirit, continued to absorb and development, Chinese hackers association is currently the world continue development of the oldest hacker organization one of.
Have a dream that one day, we make progress together, let the internet no longer suffer from the safety of trouble!

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