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in unstressed syllables as in b a nan a, c o llide, a but

(出现在非重读音节中)This neutral vowel, called schwa, (属于中性元音)may be represented orthographically by any of the letters a, e, i, o, u, y, and by many combinations of letters. (a, e, i, o, u, y都可能发这个音)In running speech

unstressed vowels are regularly pronounced as in American and British speech.(在快速英语中,非重读的元音基本都发这个音)

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will often insert an \r\

after when precedes another vowel. (See the section on \r\.)

in stressed syllables as in h u mdr u m, ab u t.


Some speakers pronounce and identically before

, with the result that word pairs like gull and goal are homophones.The sound produced in such cases is usually the

same sound that other speakers use for

immediately preceding as in

batt le,cott on, and one pronunciation of op en and of

and as in one pronunciation of the phrase lock and key

The symbol preceding these consonants does not itself represent a sound. It signifies instead that the following consonant is syllabic; that is, the consonant itself forms the nucleus of a syllable that does not contain a vowel.(在辅音前的这个音标并不发声,他表示后面的辅音是主音,也就是说辅音成为这个音节的核心)

In the pronunciation of some French or French-derived

words is placed immediately after to indicate one nonsyllabic pronunciation of these consonants, as

in the French words and

titre each of which in isolation and in some contexts is a one-syllable word.

as in further, merger, bird . (See the section on \r\.) Actually, this is usually a single sound, not a

sequence of followed by (这是一个单独的发音,不是先后念出两个发音)

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce

without r-color (IPA when stressed, when unstressed) when it precedes a consonant or pause, but will

insert a following when precedes another vowel.

as in two different pronunciations of

hurry. Most U.S. speakers pronounce with the

representing the same sounds as in bird Usually in metropolitan New York and southern England and frequently in New England and the southeastern U.S. the vowel is much the same as the vowel of hum followed by a syllable-initial variety

of This pronunciation of hurry is represented as

in this book.



Both types of pronunciation are shown for words composed of a single meaningful unit (or morpheme) as in current, hurry, and worry. In words such as furry, stirring,and purring in which a vowel or vowel-initial suffix is added to a word ending in

(as fur, stir, and purr), the second type of pronunciation

outlined above is heard only occasionally and is not shown in

this dictionary. (r或者rr后面接元音,一般为)


as in m a t, m a p, m a d, g a g, sn a p, p a tch .

Some variation in this vowel is occasioned by the consonant that follows it; thus, for some speakers map,mad, and gag have noticeably different vowel sounds.There is a very small number of words otherwise identical in pronunciation that these speakers may distinguish solely by variation of this vowel, as in the two words can (put into cans; be able) in the sentence “Let’s can what we can.”However, this distinction is sufficiently infrequent that the traditional practice of using a single symbol is followed in this book.(“Let’s can what we can.”中是两种发音,但极少出现)

Many varieties of English do not allow to be followed by an \r\ which begins the following syllable. In such a case, the sequence of \a-r\ is replaced by \er\, and word pairs like arrow and aero are homophones. This is not always indicated in transcription. The reader should assume that any sequences of

\a-r\ will be \er\ for such speakers.(有的人不允许后面跟个\r\,索性\a-r\就念成\er\)

When it precedes\a\ is often followed by a \y\ sound. The resulting vowel sounds much like for many speakers.

as in d a y, f a de,d a te,a orta,dr a pe,c a pe

In most English speech this is actually a diphthong.(多数人认为是双元音)In lowland South Carolina, in coastal

Georgia and Florida, and occasionally elsewhere is pronounced as a monophthong.(但是在南卡罗来纳低地、佐治亚、弗罗里达海岸,偶尔在其他地区,被念成单元音)As

a diphthong has a first element \e\ or monophthongal

and a second element \i\.

Before \l\, speakers may lose the second element \i\ and

insert Thus, a word like ale would be Alternately, many speakers will keep the second element \i\ and

add a following which creates a new syllable. Thus, the

word trail will be rhyming with betrayal.(在\l\前面


as in bother, cot. The symbol \?\ represents the vowel of cot, cod, and the stressed vowel of collar in the speech of those who pronounce this vowel differently from the

vowel in caught, cawed, and caller, represented by (和发音因该是不同的)

In U.S. speech \?\ is pronounced with little or no rounding of the lips, and it is fairly long in duration, especially

before voiced consonants. (在美国,的发音嘴唇不是圆的,持续时间相当长,特别是在浊辅音前面)In southern England \?\ is usually accompanied by some lip rounding and is relatively short in duration. (在南英格兰,\?\的发音嘴唇是圆

的,持续时间很短)The vowel generally has appreciable lip rounding.(的发音嘴唇是圆的)Many U.S. speakers do not distinguish between cot-caught, cod-cawed, and collar-caller, usually because they lack or have less lip rounding in the words

transcribed with(很多美国人区分不出来和,通常是因为他们缺少或只有很少地把嘴唇变圆)

Though the symbols \?\ and are used throughout this book to distinguish the members of the above pairs and similar

words, (在这本书中,和这两符号就是用来区分这样成对或者近似的单词)the speakers who rhyme these pairs will automatically reproduce a sound that is consistent with their own speech.(如果为了押韵,人们会自动地复制某一个发音,来押韵。)

In transcription of foreign words, the symbol \?\ is also used to represent IPA [a] (在标注外来词语音时,\?\被用来代替IPA [a]), a vowel which is generally pronounced farther forward in the mouth than \?\ but not as far forward as \a\. (IPA [a]的发音比\?\靠前,但不像\a\那么靠前)Some speakers may

also have such a vowel in words like balm which contrasts with the vowel in words like bomb. Such a contrast is rare, however, and it is not represented in this dictionary.

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\ after \?\ when \?\ precedes another vowel. (See the section on \r\.)

as in c ar, h ear t, aar dv ar k, baz aar, biz arre (IPA

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from \?\ to a vowel pronounced farther forward in the mouth than \?\, or it may be a vowel with some lip rounding resembling


Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce \?r\ as a

long vowel () when it precedes a consonant or pause, and may distinguish \?r\ in cart from \?\ in cot by the length and quality of the vowel, not by the presence of \r\. However, speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\ after \?r\ when it precedes a vowel. (See the section on \r\.)

as in n ow, l ou d, ou t

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from \a\ to \?\(实际上,这里\a\应该是\?\), the first being more common in Southern and south Midland speech than elsewhere(这一点

以南部和南中部美国为甚). In coastal areas of the southern U.S. and in parts of Canada this diphthong is often realized as when immediately preceding a voiceless consonant, as in the noun house and in out.(在美国南海岸、加拿大部分地区,


Many varieties of English do not allow to be followed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties

will insert a following which creates a new syllable.This is indicated by the transcription(英语有很多种,其中


)For such speakers, owl will rhyme with avowal.

Also, many varieties of English do not allow to be followed by \r\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties

will transform the following \r\ into thus creating a new

syllable. This is indicated by the transcription . For such speakers,scour will rhyme with plower.(还有的不允许后



as in b e t, b e d, p e ck.

In Southern and Midland dialects this vowel before nasal consonants often has a raised articulation that

approximates,so that pen has nearly the


Many varieties of English do not allow \e\ to be followed by an \r\ which begins the following syllable. In such a case, the sequence of \e-r\ is replaced by \er\, and word pairs like very and vary are homophones. This is not always indicated in transcription. The reader should assume that any sequences of \e-r\ will be \er\ for such speakers.

as in b are, f air, w ear, d er ri ere, million aire

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from \e\


Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce \er\ without

any r-color on the second element when it precedes a consonant or pause, but will usually insert an \r\ after \er\ when it precedes a vowel. (See the section on \r\.)

in stressed syllables as in b ea t, nosebl ee d,

e venly, ea sy (IPA [i:]).(在重读音节中的符号)

Many speakers will insert after when it precedes \l\.

Additionally, some speakers pronounce and \i\ identically before \l\, with the result that word pairs like heel and hill are


一些人在\l\前会把 and \i\念成同一个音,结果就是heel和hill发音相同)The sound pronounced in such cases

may be either or \i\ as pronounced by those who distinguish the two.

in unstressed syllables, as in eas y, meal y (IPA [i:]).(在非重读音节中的符号)

Though the fact is not shown in this book, some dialects such as southern British and southern U.S.often, if not usually,

pronounce \i\ instead of unstressed (尽管词典中没有标



as in t i p, ban i sh, act i ve (IPA [i]).

Some speakers pronounce and \i\ identically before \l\, with the result that word pairs like heel and hill are homophones. The sound pronounced in such cases may be either or \i\ as

pronounced by those who distinguish the two.(还是\l\前,

or \i\不分)

When it precedes \i\ is often followed by a \y\ sound.

The resulting sound often greatly resembles

as in n ear, d eer, m ere, p ier, souven ir

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from

to \i\.

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce \ir\

without any r-color on the second element when it precedes a consonant or pause, but will usually insert an \r\ after \ir\ when it precedes a vowel.(See the section on \r\.)

as in s i te, s i de, b uy, tr i pe.

Actually, this sound is a diphthong, usually composed of \?\ + \i\. In Southern speech, especially before a pause or voiced consonant, as in shy and five, the second element \i\ may not be

pronounced . Chiefly in eastern Virginia, coastal South Carolina, and parts of Canada the diphthong is approximately + \i\ before voiceless consonants, as in

nice and write(这个双元音由\?\ + \i\组成。但是在南部,当在停顿或浊辅音前,只发\?\;在东维吉尼亚、南科罗拉多海岸和加拿大不分地区,发+ \i\)

Many varieties of English do not allow to be followed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will insert a following which creates a new syllable. This is indicated

by the transcription (很多种英语中,在同一个音节


For such speakers, file will rhyme with denial.

Also, many varieties of English do not allow to be followed by \r\ in the same syllable.Speakers of such varieties

will transform the following \r\ into thus creating a new

syllable. This is indicated by the transcription . For such speakers, fire will rhyme with higher.(也有的在同一个音



as in b o ne, kn ow, b eau

Especially in positions of emphasis, such as when it occurs

at the end of a word or has primary stress, tends to become

diphthongal, moving from toward a second element



In southern England and in some U.S. speech, particularly in the Philadelphia area and in the Pennsylvania-Ohio-West Virginia border area, the first element is often

approximately(在南英格兰和费城、宾夕法尼亚与俄亥俄、西维吉尼亚的交界,第一个要素不是\O\,而是)In coastal South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida stressed

is often monophthongal when final, but when a consonant

follows it is often a diphthong moving from to (在




In this book the symbol represents all of the above

variants. (以上两种不同,都用来表示)

As an unstressed vowel before another vowel, is often pronounced as a schwa with slight lip rounding that is

separated from the following vowel by the glide \w\, as in

following This reduced variant is not usually shown at individual entries.(在非重读的情况下,为了和\w\


as in s aw, a ll, gn aw, c augh t . (See the section on \?\.)

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually insert an \r\ after when precedes another vowel. (See the section

on \r\.)

1.as in French b oeu f “beef”,German H?lle“hell”

This vowel, which occurs only in foreign-derived terms and names, can be approximated by attempting to pronounce the vowel \e\ with the lips moderately rounded as for the vowel (这个元音只出现在外来术语和名字中,可以近似地发


This vowel is often anglicized as the of bird by

those “who do not drop their r’s” or as the corresponding vowel of bird used by those who do (see the section on \r\).

2.This symbol is also used to represent the vowel in French

f eu“fire”,German H?h le “hole”

This vowel, which occurs primarily in foreign-derived terms and names, can be approximated by attempting to

pronounce a monophthongal vowel with the lips fully rounded as for the vowel \ü\.(这个元音只出现在外来术语和


This vowel also occurs in Scots and thus is used in the pronunciation of guidwillie,mainly restricted to Scotland.

as in c oi n, destr oy

In some Southern speech, especially before a consonant in the same word, the second element may disappear or be replaced by (在南部一些语音中,当在辅音前,第二个要素不发音或者发)

Some utterances of drawing and sawing have a sequence of vowel sounds identical to that in coin,but because drawing and sawing are analyzed by many as two-syllable words they are transcribed with a parenthesized hyphen:


Many varieties of English do not allow to be

followed by \l\ in the same syllable. Speakers of such varieties will insert a following which creates a new syllable.This is

indicated by the transcription For such speakers, oil will rhyme with loyal.(很多英语中,后面不允许接\l\,


as in b oar, p or t, d oor, sh ore

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from


Speakers of r-dropping dialects will usually

pronounce the same as (See the section on \r\.) Historically, there has been a contrast between the vowel in words like ore, bore, porch, sport, and hoarse on one hand and the vowel in words like or, for, torch, short, and horse on the other hand. The vowel in the former set of words has been much

like and the vowel in the latter set like However, the number of speakers that make such a distinction is currently very small, and we have not represented the distinction in this dictionary.


as in r u le, y ou th, union few

(IPA [u:]).

As an unstressed vowel before another vowel, \ü\ is often pronounced as a schwa with slight lip rounding that is separated from the following vowel by the glide \w\, as in valuing

This reduced variant is not usually shown at individual entries. (当\ü\不重读时,为了和后面的\w\区分,嘴

唇就不圆了,就成中性元音了,比如valuing) Younger speakers of American English often use a more centralized and less rounded pronunciation of \ü\ in certain words (as news and musician), both in stressed and especially in unstressed syllables.

Some speakers pronounce \ü\ and identically before \l\, with the result that word pairs like pool and pull are homophones. The sound pronounced in such cases may be either \ü\ or as pronounced by those who distinguish the two.(有

的人,在\l\前面,\ü\ 和不分)

as in p u ll, w oo d, b oo k

Some speakers pronounce \ü\ and identically before \l\,with the result that word pairs like pool and pull are

homophones.The sound pronounced in such cases may be either

\ü\ or as pronounced by those who distinguish the two.

1.as in German füllen “to fill”, hübsch“handsome”

This vowel, which occurs only in foreign-derived terms and names, can be approximated by attempting to pronounce the vowel \i\ with the lips moderately rounded as for the vowel (这个元音只出现在外来术语和名字中,可以


2.This symbol is also used to represent the vowel in French

r ue “street”, German füh len “to feel”This vowel, which occurs only in foreign-derived terms and names, can be

approximated by attempting to pronounce the vowel with the lips fully rounded as for the vowel \ü\.(这个元音只出现在


as in p oor, t our, ins ure

The initial element of this diphthong may vary from

to \ü\. (实际上是\ür\)

Speakers of r-dropping dialects will pronounce

without any r-color on the second element

when it precedes a consonant or pause, but will

usually insert an \r\ after when it precedes a vowel. (See

the section on \r\.)

Many speakers do not have the dipththong and have

merged it with either(when it follows palatal consonants such as \sh\, \ch\, or \y\ in words like sure, mature, or obscure)

or \ (in other environments).Similarly, many speakers of

r-dropping dialects have merged with and in the same respective environments.(很多人在前面有上颚辅音




音标(Phonetic Symbols) 音标: 音标也叫音素。目前通用的国际音标共有48个,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。 元音: 元音分为单元音和双元音。 (A) 单元音(12个):单元音可分为长元音和短元音。 /i:/ /?/ /?:/ /?/ /u:/ /?/ / ?:/ /?/ /ɑ:/ /Λ//e/ /?/ 读一读下面的单词,看一下哪些字母发什么音,字母组合的发音。 ?/i:/ he these eat green need key ?/?/ big city with sing kid ?/?:/ all also short four more ?/?/ clock lot want what rock ?/u:/ ruler room movie do two ?/?/ put book good look ?/ ?:/ her learn birthday first work ?/?/ about hello sister doctor August Saturday ?/ɑ:/ art start last afternoon ?/Λ/ bus drum come son ?/e/ best when breakfast many ?/?/ bag and family that apple

单元音 下面哪些字母或字母组合发/i:/? /i:/ e he she Chinese ee see feet sheep ea eat read meat ie field believe belief ei receive seize 哪些字母或字母组合发/?/? /?/ y busy very lady twenty happy i live miss rich sit picture it pig e beside decide elect a village courage cottage (比较一下!) 1.it--eat 2. live— leave 3. fill—feel 4. sit —seat 哪些字母或字母组合发/e/? /e/ ea bread head dead weather e bed fed ten best hen red a anything many


元音音标表(20个) 5个元音的字母音 a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [?u] u [u:] 5个元音的短元音: a [?e] bag cat hat map e [e] pen bed ten hen I [i] big pig sit hill o [?] box hot dog frog u [u] but mum bus mug 12个单元音: 短元音[?e] [e] [i] [?] [?] [u] [?] 长元音 [i:] [?:] [a:] [u:] [?:] 8个双元音:[ei] [ai] [?u] [au] [?i] [i?] [e?] [u ?] 元音发音规则表: 1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep 开音节中的e/i:/ me be she ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet need ea /i:/ read eat meal seat 2.单元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid 闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节) 闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym 位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility 3.单元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best 闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tell ea /e/ dead, heaven, feather 4.单元音/?e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact 闭音节中的 a / ? e / bad, lad, rat, cab 5.单元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass


英语国际音标发音舌位图详解及发音方法大全四十八个音素发音图解暨口形及发音方法 1. /i/ 该音是个前元音,是字母i或y在重读闭音中的读音。它是个短元音,故发此音要短促而轻快。发音要领的是:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,舌两侧抵上齿两侧,口形偏平。 2. /i:/ 前元音,是字母ea,ee,ie或ei在单词中的发音。此音是长元音,一定注音把音发足。其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽量抬高、舌位高于/i/:口形扁平。 3. /e/ 该音是个前元音,是字母e或ea在单词中的发音。它是个短元音。发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,舌位比/i:/低;唇形中常,开口度比/i:/大。 4./?/ 该音是个前元音,是字母a在重读闭音节中的发音。/ ? /是短元音。发音时舌尖抵下齿;舌前部稍抬高,舌位比/e/更低;双唇平伸,成扁平形。 5./ a:/ 该音是个后元音,是字母组合ar的读音,也是字母a在ss,st,th等字母前面的读音。/a:/是长元音。发音时口张大,舌身压低并后缩,后舌稍隆起,舌尖不抵下齿。双唇稍收圆。 6. /?/ 该音是个短元音,是字母o在重读闭音节单词中的读音。发音时口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩,双唇稍稍收圆。 7. /?:/ 该音是个后元音,是字母o,or,al,oar,our或oor在单词中的发音。它是长元音。发音时舌后部抬得比/ ? /高,双唇收得更圆更小,并向前突出。 8. /u/ 该音是个后元音,是英语字母u,oo或ou等在单词中的发音。/u/是短元音。发音时舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿。双唇收圆,稍突出。 9./ u:/ 该音是个后元音,是字母oo或ou在单词中的发音。它是长元音。发音时舌后部尽量抬起,舌位比/u/高。双唇收圆并突出。口形比/u/稍小。 10./ ? / 该音是个后元音,是字母o和u在单词中的读音。/?/是短元音。发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌后部靠前部分稍抬起,唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/ ? /相似。 11. / ?:/ 读音是个中元音,是字母组合er,ir,or和ur在单词中的发音。/ ?: /是长元音。发音时舌中部比发/ /音时略高。双唇扁平。 12./?/ 该音是个中元音,是字母a,e,o,u,er,or和ur在单词中的读音。/?/是读短元音。发音时舌身平放,舌中部略隆起,双唇扁平。 13. /ei/ 该音是个双元音,是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音。先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 14./ ?u /


48个英语国际音标元音辅音及发音规则应用方法练习题. 音标是我们学习英语的有利助手,通过音标的学习,能帮助我们更轻松的记忆英语单词、更好地学习英语知识、,望同学们力学之。 音素:指语音的最小单位(指发音) 音标:用来记录音素的符号(写在/ / 之间) 音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位. 第I部分:元音<20个> 发音特点:发音时声带振动,气流在通路上不受发音器官阻挡。 单元音:(12个) / i:/ / ?/ / e / / ? / / ?:/ / ? / /?:/ / ?/ /?:// ?/ / u:/ / ?/ 双元音:(8个) /e?//a?//??//??//a?//??//e?//??/ 第II部分:辅音<28个> 发音特点:发音时气流在通路上受到发音器官的阻挡,同时声带不振动是清辅音,声带振动是浊辅音。 清辅音:(11个) / p // t // k // f // θ / / s / / ?/ / t?/ / tr / / ts / / h / 浊辅音:(17个) / b / / d / / g / / v / / e / / z / / ?/ /d?/ /dr/ /dz/ / r / / m / / n / / ? / / ?/ / w/ / j / 说明:1、几组常用音节:①/?n / un der ②/?n / Englan d ③/ ?n / man ④/ v?n / seven ⑤/ a?n / down ⑥/ j u: / you ⑦ / kw/quiet 2、[ l ] 有两种发音:在元音前读清晰[ l ],在辅音前或词尾读含糊[ l ]eg: lake[leIk],little[li:tl ] 3、清音浊化:/sp/→ /sb/ spring, /st/→/sd/ stay, /sk/→ /sg/ skirt, /str/→ /sdr/ street. 巩固部分:


教学设计1、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学五年级学生。经过两年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写的能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作、探究能力。 2、课标解读 虽然在课程标准的一级标准里对语音没有明确要求,但有关小学语音教学的二级要求中对语音目标的要求是:(1)知道错误的发音会影响交际;(2)知道字母名称的读音;(3)了解简单的拼读规律;(4)了解单词有重音。(5)语音清楚,语调自然。 3、教学目标 本课的教学内容是认识开音节和闭音节,以及元音字母音标的学习,是一节单纯的语音课型。四年级上册已经学习了26个字母及例词,学生可以初步了解其中的21 个辅音字母在单词中的读音。本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出元音字母Aa和Ee的发音规律,让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。认识开音节和闭音节,能够听懂,会说,会读音标“[ei]、[e] 、[?]、[i:]、[i]、[p]、[b]、[m] 4.能力目标: (1)引导学生积极参加小组活动,促进他们养成动脑、动口和动手的好习惯,初步形成主动学习的意识。 (2)培养学生的分析能力。 5.情感目标: (1)进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情及学习兴趣。 (2)鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。 6.教学重点、难点: 元音字母的两种发音可能,在单词中的运用。 教具准备: 课件、单词卡片,音标卡片和磁铁。 Step1、Warming up 1、Greeting each other。 2、Sing “ABC ”song. Step2、Presentation 引入:(T: We have five new friends, today.)导入5个元音字母aeiou, A、教授[i:]的发音。 1)教师示范[i:]----穿针引线音,边示范边用拇指和食指捏住线从左 向右拉。同时,解说发音要领:[i:]发音时,舌尖抵下齿,前舌中部最高,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。元音字母e及字母组合ee、ea、ie、ei可以读作[i:]。 2)学生模仿,比一比,谁的发音最佳,并给予恰当的评价。 B、教授[i]的发音。 1)教师示范[i]----微笑露酒窝音,边示范边将手掌张开放到头上向自 己的方向挥动。同时,解说发音要领:[i]发音时,舌尖抵下齿,前舌后部最高,舌前部向硬颚抬起比[i:]低些,下颚稍下垂,舌前部也稍下降。 2)边做动作边模仿。 (学习音标如同一年级小朋友学习汉语拼音一样,有一个音与形的认识过程。课堂上,要求学生仔细听音、观察口形,认真模仿,但是课堂上模仿、拼读过程一长,学生很容易厌烦,所以教学中,运用比一比的竞赛方法,以及结合动作学习的方法来集中学生的注意力。)


新标准英语国际音标 英语共有48个音标,分为元音辅音两大类。元音20个,分为单元音和双元音两种。单元音按舌位,可分为前元音,中元音,后元音。辅音有28个,按声带振动与否可分为轻辅音与浊辅音两种。按不同发音方式可分为爆破音,摩擦音,破擦音,鼻音,舌边音和半元音。 第一节:元音分类 舌位在口腔前部的时候发出的元音叫前元音,舌位在口腔中部的时候发出的元音叫中元音,舌位后缩到口腔后部的时候发出的元音叫后元音。 第二节:辅音 第三节:发音器官 我们要了解发音器官和发音部位,并学会运用舌,唇,软腭,硬腭等位置和形状的变化正确的发出音 发音主要分为三部分:喉部,口腔,鼻部 第二单元:单元音 前元音:i: 发音时舌尖轻抵下齿,舌前部向上颚抬起,口型扁而平,发音时间延续较长

2. 发音时舌尖轻抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,口型扁平,发音时间短促 3. 舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,口型扁平,气流从口腔泻出,声带振动,发音时间短促。 4. 发音时舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬,双唇开口度教大并向两边平展,发音短促。

后元音 1.发音时舌身放低后缩,舌后部隆起,口型张大,全开,身带振动,发音延续较长 2.发音时舌身尽量降低并后缩,舌后部抬起,双唇收圆,缩小,并稍向前突,发音时间延 长 3.发音时舌身尽量降低并后缩,舌后部抬起,口型稍收圆,发音短促

4.发音时舌身后缩,舌后部尽量抬起,口型较小教圆,教突出,发音延长 5.发音时舌身后缩,舌后部抬起,口型收圆,发音短促 中元音 1.发音时舌身后缩至口腔中部,舌后部稍抬起,双唇较扁,开口较大,发音短促

2.发音时舌位抬高,舌身后缩并放平,口型微张,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉较紧张,发音时间 延续较长 3.发音时舌身放平,舌中部稍抬起,口型微张,双唇扁平,双唇肌肉放松。这个音在词首 词中发得叫模糊,在词尾时应当适当延长 单元音对比


8个双元音音标发音技巧与 单词举例 标准化文件发布号:(9312-EUATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

一、双元音有哪些 8个双元音图示 学完了5个长元音和7个短元音之后,本文将为大家带来20个元音音标的最后一节:8个双元音音标,如下图所示:

完整音标列表 图中红框之内的便是8个双元音,每个音标有两个音素,因此称为双元音。二、8个双元音发音技巧与双元音单词举例 接下来,我们就正式开始学习这8个双元音了,这8个双元音分别是:[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] [i?] [ε?] [u?] ,其中可分为开合双元音与集中双元音,请各位同学按以下顺序跟读(点击小喇叭按钮发声): 1、开合双元音 牙床由半开到接近半合,由大到小。所以这个称为“开合双元音”。 [ei] 发音技巧: 该音是个双元音,是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音。先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 单词举例:

say [sei] :v.说 delay [di?lei]:n. 延迟 [ai] 发音技巧: 先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。 单词举例: ice [ais] :n. 冰,雪糕 side [said] :n. 面,边 [oi] 发音技巧: 发音时双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合。 单词举例: oil [?il] :n. 油,石油 noise [n??z] :n. 噪音,嘈杂声 [?u]

发音技巧: 舌位由半低到高,口形由半开到小。注意将音发足。 单词举例: flow [fl?u] :vi. 流 glow [ɡl??]:vi. 发光,灼热 [au] 发音技巧: 由第一个音向第二个音滑动,舌位由舌前部抬高,滑向舌后部抬高,牙床由全开到接近半合。 单词举例: cow [ka?] :n. 奶牛,乳牛 hour [‘a??r] :n. 小时,钟头 1、开合双元音 牙床从张开集中到半开,由大到小。所以这个称为“集中双元音”。 [i?] 发音技巧: 发声时,由第一个音[i]向[?]集中,形成集中双元音 单词举例: fear [f??r] :n. 害怕,可能性

英语音标发音表及发音规则 简单实用

1、英语音标发音表 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开。确实不易。笔者对音标的教学采用了相对集中的方法,即从字母名称教学过渡到部分音标教学。 国际音标(英语语音) 元音单元音 前元音[i:] [i] [e] [?] 中元音[?] [?:] [?] 后元音[u:] [u] [?:] [?] [a:] 双元音 开合双元音[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] 集中双元音[i?] [ε?] [u?] 辅音爆破音 清辅音[p] [t] [k] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] 摩擦音 清辅音[f] [s] [?] [θ] [h] 浊辅音[v] [z] [?] [e] 破擦音 清辅音[t?] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[d?] [dr] [dz] 鼻音(浊辅音)[m] [n] [?] 舌侧音(浊辅音)[l] [r] 半元音(浊辅音)[w] [j]

英语语音名词解释: 1.音节以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [ ] [l]例外)。从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元字组就有几个音节。 2.音节的划分①在重读音节和非重读音节的相邻处有两个辅字组时,一个辅字组属于前面的音节,一个属于后面的音节。 例如:let-ter mem-ber chil-dren daugh-ter ②在重读和非重读音节的相邻处只有一个辅字组时,如果前面重读音节里的元音是长音则辅字组属于后面一个音节,如果重读音节里的元音是短音,则辅字组属于重读音节。 例如:长音pa-per stu-dent fa-ther ze-ro mo-tor far-ther 短音sev-en stud-y moth-er ver-y mod-le weath-er 0-02 3.重读音节单词中读音特别响亮的音节。用音标标记双音节、多音节词的读音时,应使用重读符号。单音节词多数是重读音节,标记读音时不需要使用重读符号。 4.开音节①绝对开音节:单个元音字母后面没有辅字组的重读音节。例如:no blue ba-by stu-dent se-cret ②相对开音节:单个元音字母后面加单个辅音字母,再加一个不发音字母e构成的重读音节。例如:name these bike home ex cuse 五个元音字母在开音节中发长音[e ] [i:] [a ] [ u] [ju:] 5.闭音节单个元音字母后面有辅字组(r w y 除外)且以辅字组结尾的重读音节。例如:bag egg fish not cup 五个元音字母在闭音节中发短音[ ] [e] [ ] [ ] [ ] 0-05 6.双音节词重读规则双音节词的第一个音节通常是重读音节。 例如:stu-dent Chi-na sec-ond au-tumn 含有a- be- de- re- in- ex- 等前缀的双音节词往往是在第二个音节上重读。双音节词的重读位置不会因增加前缀或后缀而发生改变。例如: a bout be fore ex cuse re pair for get-ful in ven-tor 0-06 7.多音节词重读规则多音节词通常在倒数第三个音节重读。

英语48个音标的快速记忆法 元音部分

英语48个音标的快速记忆法元音部分:1)、单元音:[i:]、[i]、[?:]、[?]、[u:]、[u]、[?:]、[?]、[ɑ:]、[?]、[e]、[?] 2)、双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[?i]、[i?]、[??]、[u?]、[au] 、[?u] 辅音部分:[p]、[b] 、[t]、[d]、[k]、[g]、[f]、[v]、[s]、[z]、[θ]、[e]、[?]、[?]、[t?]、[d?] [tr]、[dr]、[ts]、[dz]、[m]、[n]、[?]、[h]、[l]、[r]、[j]、[w] 记忆方法(只需记长音就可以):一,单元音:[i:]、[i]、[?:]、[?]、[u:]、[u]、[?:]、[?]、[ɑ:]、[?]、[e]、[?] [i:]――谐音为:易(yi);像数字1,记忆真容易。[?:]――谐音为:噢(0);噢,这个音标就像个o。[u:]――谐音为:雾(wu);杯子上有很多雾。[?:]――谐音为:饿(e);一只鹅饿得晕倒了。[ɑ:]――谐音为:啊(a);音标的读音跟拼音一样。[e]――谐音为:夜(ye);这只鹅喜欢走夜路。二,双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[?i]、[i?]、[??]、[u?]、[au]、[?u] [ei]――谐音为:妹(mei);鹅有一个妹妹。[ai]――谐音为:爱(ai);音标的读音跟拼音一样。[?i]――这个音标找不到拼音的谐音,可以按照字母o、i的发音连读来进行谐音记忆。[i?]――谐音和外形都像:12 [??]――谐音为:挨饿;外形像3只鹅;三只鹅都在挨饿。[u?]――谐音为:屋鹅;一屋子的鹅都装在杯子里。[au]――谐音为:傲(ao);一个杯子很骄傲,不让人拿它喝水。[?u]――谐音为:鸥(ou);一只鹅在杯子里找海鸥。三,辅音:[θ]、[e]、[?]、[?] (注:多数辅音的读音与拼音差别不大,可以通过拼音来进行谐音;还有一部分辅音没有对应的拼音字体,我们的记忆方法主要是针对这四个辅音。)其中,[θ]和[e]这两个音标,它们没有近似的拼音来对应,主要靠嘴形来记忆。[θ]――外形像上下牙齿咬着舌头;[e]――外形则像舌头顶在上下牙齿之间。而[?]和[?]这两个音标,则可以找到近似的拼音来作为谐音。[?]――谐音为:嘘(xu);嘘,这里有条很长的蛇,赶快保持安静![?]――谐音为:雨(yu);外形像3。今天下了3场大雨。


小学英语元音音标教学教案 1、学情分析 本节课的授课对象是小学五年级学生。经过两年的英语学习,有了简单的英语基础知识和听说读写的能力;同时,学生对英语学习有着较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢表达自己的观点,也具备初步的自主、合作、探究能力。 2、课标解读 虽然在课程标准的一级标准里对语音没有明确要求,但有关小学语音教学的二级要求中对语音目标的要:(1)知道错误的发音会影响交际;(2)知道字母名称的读音;(3)了解简单的拼读规律;(4)了解单词有重音。(5)语音清楚,语调自然。 3、教学目标 本课的教学容是认识开音节和闭音节,以及元音字母音标的学习,是一节单纯的语音课型。四年级上册已经学习了26个字母及例词,学生可以初步了解其中的21 个辅音字母在单词中的读音。本节课的重点是启发学生通过仔细读单词,自己总结出元音字母Aa和Ee的发音规律,让学生获得成功感,进而提升自主学习的能力。认识开音节和闭音节,能够听懂,会说,会读音标“ [ei]、[e] 、[?]、[i:]、[i]、[p]、[b]、[m] 4.能力目标: (1)引导学生积极参加小组活动,促进他们养成动脑、动口和动手的好习惯,初步形成主动学习的意识。 (2)培养学生的分析能力。 5.情感目标: (1)进一步提高学生对英语的学习热情及学习兴趣。 (2)鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。 6.教学重点、难点: 元音字母的两种发音可能,在单词中的运用。 教具准备: 课件、单词卡片,音标卡片和磁铁。 Step1、Warming up 1、Greeting each other。 2、Sing “ ABC ” song. Step2、Presentation 引入:(T: We have five new friends, today.)导入5个元音字母aeiou, A、教授[i:]的发音。 1)教师示[i:]----穿针引线音,边示边用拇指和食指捏住线从左 向右拉。同时,解说发音要领:[i:]发音时,舌尖抵下齿,前舌中部最高,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。元音字


英语元音音标表 TYYGROUP system office room 【TYYUA16H-TYY-TYYYUA8Q8-

元音音标表(20个) 5个元音的字母音 a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [u] u [u:] 5个元音的短元音: a [e] bag cat hat map e [e] pen bed ten hen I [i] big pig sit hill o [] box hot dog frog u [u] but mum bus mug 12个单元音: 短元音[e] [e] [i] [] [] [u] [] 长元音 [i:] [:] [a:] [u:] [:] 8个双元音:[ei] [ai] [u] [au] [i] [i] [e] [u] 元音发音规则表: 1.单元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep 开音节中的e/i:/ me be she ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet need ea /i:/ read eat meal seat 2.单元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid 闭音节中的i /i/ if, his, film(闭音节指以辅音结尾的音节) 闭音节中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym 位于词尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility 3.单元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best 闭音节中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tell ea /e/ dead, heaven, feather 4.单元音/e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact 闭音节中的 a / e / bad, lad, rat, cab 5.单元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass ar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm 6.单元音 / / lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock 闭音节中的o / / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft 7./ :/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought or / :/ or, sport, bored, horse, more, before a(+ll或lk) / :/ all, fall, talk, walk aw / :/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw 8.单元音 /u/ cook book look put good full foot would u /u/ put, full, pull, push, sugar, cushion oo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood, bedroom ou /u/ could, would, should 9.单元音 /u:/ too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose new oo /u:/ fool, booth, room, food


一、双元音有哪些? 8个双元音图示 学完了5个长元音和7个短元音之后,本文将为大家带来20个元音音标的最后一节:8个双元音音标,如下图所示:

完整音标列表 图中红框之内的便是8个双元音,每个音标有两个音素,因此称为双元音。二、8个双元音发音技巧与双元音单词举例 接下来,我们就正式开始学习这8个双元音了,这8个双元音分别是:[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] [i?] [ε?] [u?] ,其中可分为开合双元音与集中双元音,请各位同学按以下顺序跟读(点击小喇叭按钮发声): 1、开合双元音 牙床由半开到接近半合,由大到小。所以这个称为“开合双元音”。 [ei]

发音技巧: 该音是个双元音,是字母a在重读开音节单词中的读音。先发/e/音,然后滑向/i/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 单词举例: say [sei] :v.说 delay [di?lei] :n. 延迟 [ai] 发音技巧: 先发/a/音,然后滑向/i/音。舌尖抵住下齿。发此音的关键是要把/a/音发足,注意从开到合的滑动。 单词举例: ice [ais] :n. 冰,雪糕 side [said] :n. 面,边 [oi] 发音技巧: 发音时双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合。 单词举例: oil [?il] :n. 油,石油

noise [n??z] :n. 噪音,嘈杂声 [?u] 发音技巧: 舌位由半低到高,口形由半开到小。注意将音发足。 单词举例: flow [fl?u] :vi. 流 glow [ɡl??] :vi. 发光,灼热 [au] 发音技巧: 由第一个音向第二个音滑动,舌位由舌前部抬高,滑向舌后部抬高,牙床由全开到接近半合。 单词举例: cow [ka?] :n. 奶牛,乳牛 hour [‘a??r] :n. 小时,钟头 1、开合双元音 牙床从张开集中到半开,由大到小。所以这个称为“集中双元音”。 [i?]


48个英语音标发音表及口型 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。对于初学者来说,若采用集中教学,要学会48个音素的发音并区别开。确实不易。笔者对音标的教学采用了相对集中的方法,即从字母名称教学过渡到部分音标教学。 国际音标(英语语音) 元音单元音 前元音[i:] [i] [e] [?] 中元音[?] [?:] [?] 后元音[u:] [u] [?:] [?] [a:] 双元音 开合双元音[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] 集中双元音[i?] [ε?] [u?] 辅音爆破音 清辅音[p] [t] [k] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] 摩擦音 清辅音[f] [s] [?] [θ] [h] 浊辅音[v] [z] [?] [e] 破擦音 清辅音[t?] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[d?] [dr] [dz] 鼻音(浊辅音)[m] [n] [?] 舌则音(浊辅音)[l] [r] 半元音(浊辅音)[w] [j] 一、元音 前元音:[i:] [i] [e] [?] 前元音发音要领:舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起,双唇不要收圆。

注意:[i:]是长元音,发长元音时要比发短元音长两倍以上。 [i:]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽量向硬颚抬起。②嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。 [i]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬颚抬起。②发音短促,上下齿之间可容纳小指尖。 [e]①舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起,比[i:]低。②牙床开得比[i:]宽,上下齿间可 容纳一个食指。 [?]①舌尖抵下齿。②双唇向两旁平伸,嘴张开比e大,两齿间可以容纳食指和中指。 中元音:[?] [?:] [?] 中元音发音要领:舌尖抵住下齿,但不如发前元音时抵得那样紧。舌 身的中部隆起,扁唇(双唇不要收圆)。 [?:]①舌中部稍抬起。②双唇和发[i:]时相似。 [?]①舌中部抬起。②牙床半开半合,短促有力。 [?]①舌中部稍抬起。②开口程度和[?]相似,唇形扁。 后元音:[ɑ:] [?] [?:] [u] [u:] 后元音发音要领: ①舌尖不触下齿,舌身后缩,舌后部向软颚抬起,除[ɑ:]外,双唇要收 圆。 ②发[ɑ:][?:][u:]时要注意长度,不要发得太短。 [ɑ:]舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身平放后缩。 [?]①舌尖不触下齿,口张大,舌身尽量降低并后缩。②双唇稍稍收圆。 [?:]①舌后部比发[?]时抬得略高。②双唇也收得更圆更小,并须用力向前突出。 [u]①舌尖不触下齿,舌后部向软颚抬起,舌身后缩。②双唇收圆,稍向前突出。 [u:]双唇比发[u]时收得更圆更小,向前突出,舌后部比发[u]时抬得更高。 双元音:[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] [i?] [u?] [??] 双元音发音要领:①由两个元音组成,发音时由第一个向第二个元音的 部位滑动,但不完全到达第二个元音的部位。



英语单词发音规则 开闭音节的概念 开音节 1)以发音的元音字母结尾的单节。例:be,he。 2)以辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。例:make,like。 * 在重读的开音节中元音字母按字母名称读音。 闭音节 以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。例:map,desk,is。 * 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。 一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 a 在开音节中 [ei] name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中[?] bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中 [e] bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中 [ai] bike fly drive time nice kite 在闭音节中 [i] fish big drink sit milk swim o 在开音节中 [ou] those close go hoe home no 在闭音节中 [C] clock not box shop sock u 在开音节中 [ju:] student excuse duty Tuesday 在闭音节中 [∧] bus cup jump much lunch 在开音节中,元音字母u在辅音字母j l r s后面时读[u:]音,例如:June blue ruler super 二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音 元音字母读音例词 a [E]E China another woman breakfast [i] orange comrade village cabbage e [E] hundred student open weekend [i] chicken pocket begin children i [E]/[i] holiday beautiful family animal [ai] exercise sat ellite o [E] second tonight somebody welcome [Eu] also zero photo u [E] autumn difficult [ju:] popular congratulation January 动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operate u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue


初中英语英标读音规律(一) 20个元音读音规律 英语国际音标表中六个长元音。 1、[i:] 字母组合: ee ea e three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me 2、[ ? ] 发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 3、[?:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday learn earn earth heard term her serve word work world 4、[a:] 字母组合ar a car farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt 5、[?: ]字母组合al or au augh our ar oor small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short more horse for forty sport door floor store caught autumn caught daughter taught (注意laugh/a:f/)four bought warm quarter door floor 6、[u:] 字母组合oo o u food moon room goose tooth school shoe do two true truth blue June 练一练 /mi:t/ v.____________ /f?:st/ adj._______________ /kla:s/ n.______________ /`stju:dnt/ n._________________ /m?t?/ v._____________ /t u: / adv.____________/t u: / num.______ /pr? ktis/ v____________ /﹑f ?: ` t i: n/ num.____________ 国际音标6个短元音。 1、[ I ]发音字母i y e a ay


字母音标教学 1、字母的分类: 元音字母:Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 辅音字母:Bb Cc Dd Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Vv Ww Xx Zz 半元音字母:Yy 字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg 音素[ei] [bi:] [si:] [di:] [i:] [ef] [d?i:] 字母Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 音素[eit?] [ai] [d?ei] [kei] [el] [em] [en] 字母Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt 音素[?u] [pi:] [kju:] [ɑ:] [es] [ti:] 字母Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 音素[ju:] [vi:] [’d?blju:] [eks] [wai] [zed]

二、国际音标 英语音标发音表 英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。



26个字母发音规律及英语字母组合发音表 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: / want dance /o/ what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз / age orange h /h/ hat he house hand i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/ is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ apple bowl tell old m /m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /∧/ son month mother love p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket s /s/ sit miss this smile books /z/ nose those rose rulers t /t/ it sit not that table little u /ju: / use usually excuse /∧/ bus us sun duck / u / put pull push v /v / five vase very seven w /w/ we window watch want x /ks / box six fox y /ai / my fly why bye / j / yes yellow / i / happy baby very z / z / zoo zero


元音发音方法和单词 [i] 的特性:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁 平。 fish this six is in milk sing only eleven hungry his Kid pig picture sit taxi cinema big [i:]的特性:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露 出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。 eat tea peach he beef meat green feel we three see read Seat jeep beach sweet bee street [u]的特性:短元音,舌位在舌的后部,音质短促 book good woman put look full bookcase bookshop football cook wolf pull push could

[u:]的特性:长元音,音长是/u/的两倍以上,嘴唇和口腔处于 紧张状态 do who food cool school room shoe group blue June move you moon soup zoo spoon noodles [?]的特性:短元音,舌位在舌的后部,音质短促,嘴自然微张 Cut bus duck mother study luck supper brother gun fun Uncle but cousin love some cup Hungry touch up lunch [a:]的特性:长元音,音长是/∧/的两倍以上,嘴张得很大 car scarf aunt basketball party Fast glass card Park party class grass garm plant last [?]的特性:是松弛元音,只出现在非重读音节中 about china worker river winter teacher doctor today police sugar sister Canada around banana elephant

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