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2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语9A Unit2提优检测卷含答案

2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语9A Unit2提优检测卷含答案
2016-2017学年牛津译林版英语9A Unit2提优检测卷含答案

2016-2017学年9A Unit 2提优检测卷


一. 单项填空(每小题l分,共15分)

1.—Would you like red dress as a birthday present,Mary?

—Sorry, Mum. I prefer orange one.

A. an; an

B. the; a

C. an; a

D. a; an

2. Yesterday I was reminded by my mother late for the exam.

A. not be

B. not to

C. not to be

D. don't to

3.—The students sitting at the back can t see the blackboard .

一Why not them move forward?

A. clear enough; let

B. enough clear; letting

C. clearly enough; let

D. enough clearly; letting

4. The oils she different colours and smells.

A. used has

B. is used to has

C. used had

D. used to have

5. 一How much difficulty did you have this problem?

一 . It's quite easy.

A. to solve; Nothing

B. to solve; None

C. solving; None

D. solving; Nothing

6. 一Is the tie made silk?

一Yes,and it is made hand.

A. from; in

B. of ; by

C. of; with

D. from; by

7. Rather than to school by bus,I preferred a bike there.

A. to go; to ride

B. go; riding

C. going; to ride

D. go; to ride

8. 一She sold her treasures to cure her mother's illness, even though it was her own


一It's so kind her.

A. against; of

B. above; of

C. on; for

D. for; for

9. of the students has solved the problem,so hardly has come out of the


A. None; anybody

B. None; nobody

C. No one; anybody

D. No one; nobody

10. 一Betty, do you know if Tony the photo competition next month?

一He will,if he his project in Australia.

A. enters; finishes

B. enters; will finish

C. will enter; will finish

D. will enter; finishes

11. It's not my blouse. It may be .

A. someone ekes'

B. someone else

C. else someone

D. someone else's

12. 一Daddy,can you come home for supper with us this weekend?

一,but I might be a little late.

A. I'm busy

B. Hard to say

C. Of course

D. Never mind

13. The scientist's last words us that we should protect the environment around us.

A. recommended

B. promised

C. reminded

D. proved

14. The film shows us life was like in Beijing in the past.

A. what everyday

B. what every day

C. how everyday

D. how every day

15. 一I went to have the driving test this morning, but I didn't pass it.


A. Luck decides everything

B. Better luck next time

C. But you can drive well

D. You are always unlucky


Red is the, colour of China. Among all the colours,red is most 16 seen. The colour red is fresh and pure,and in China we call ix China Red. Chinese people are attracted by the colour red not only because it makes people excited,but also because it has 17 meaning in Chinese culture and history.

No country in the world has ever 18 a colour in such a way as China. Here,red is a symbol. It gives colour to the soul(灵魂)of the nation. In the past, red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery. Even now,Chinese people 19 the colour much more than we do. It can be said that China Red is an everlasting(永恒的)theme for China, and an important colour for the Chinese people. China Red has 20 a very popular phrase, attracting the world's attention.

Finding red-coloured things in China is very 21 ,as you can see the colour everywhere. All traditional red things have been playing special roles in China. Things like the walls of ancient palaces, the 22 flag, Chinese knots,lanterns,traditional paper-cuts, and even tanghulu are all red.

Red is the colour of the 23 ,health,happiness,peace,wealth and so on. Only real things and events can fully 24 red's real beauty. The colour can be alive only when it's

connected with people.

In China, red is more than just a colour. It carries the ancient history and 25 of the Chinese nation. China Red is filled with mysterious charm(神秘的魅力)beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel and to discover!

16. A. easily B. quickly C. carefully D. closely

17. A. different B. rich C. simple D. correct

18. A. used B. shared C. drawn D. mentioned

19. A. need B. dislike C. hate D. love

20. A. spoken B. said C. become D. got

21. A. hard B. easy C. simple D. free

22. A. national B. international C. local D. foreign

23. A. rainbow B. fear C. worry D. luck

24. A. believe B. show C. talk D. write

25. A. art B. business C. culture D. ability



Yellow is the colour of sunshine. It has something to do with joy,happiness,and energy. Light yellow is also associated with(和……有关)freshness. Yellow gives us warming feelings,encourages cheerfulness and mental activity, and creates muscle(体力)energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright yellow can get more attention than other colours. That's why taxis are painted this colour. When overused, yellow may make people disturbed(不安的); it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colours when it is put against black; this way is often used to give a warning. In some big events,yellow represents honor(荣誉)and loyalty(忠诚). Also,the meaning of yellow is connected with weakness.

People use yellow to call up pleasant,cheerf u1 feelings. They can choose yellow to help sell children's products(产品). Yellow is very useful for catching attention, so people can use it to highlight the most important part of a design. However, men usually think of yellow as a very joyful,childish colour, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling fatuous expensive products to men. Nobody will buy a yellow business suit. Yellow is an unstable(不稳定的)colour,so try not to use yellow if you want to suggest stability(稳定)and safety. Dark yellow represents warning, sickness and jealousy.

26. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Yellow can make people cheerful and energetic.

B. Too much yellow is not good for babies' growth.

C. Yellow represents both good things and ,had things.

D. A yellow room may help keep babies calm and quiet.

27. The underlined word “highlight”probably means in Chinese





28. We can choose yellow .

A. to let the baby sleep well

B. to help sell children's products

C. to suggest stability and safety

D. to sell famous expensive products to men

29. From the passage, we know .

A. men are interested in expensive yellow things including yellow clothes

B. yellow can be used to describe a brave man

C. yellow catches a person's attention easily

D. it's always wise not to buy yellow products


Dream culture is an important part of ancient Chinese culture. Dream interpreting is popular in China,and the most famous reference for dream interpreting is the book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams.

Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams could suggest lucky and unlucky things. Since different dreams have different meanings, people can get meanings of luck or bad luck by interpreting them. Actually, dream interpreting is not totally a superstition. It does have some scientific value.

1. Dream is the reflection of the fact. Many dreams are actually something about what happened in the daytime. This kind of dream can be easily understood without dream interpreting.

2. Dream is the body's self-implication. Traditional Chinese medical science says that dreams are connected with the health condition of human's bodies. When Yin and Yang are unbalanced,dreams come into being. If someone dreamt that he or she was roasted by a big fire,it shows he or she might easily get angry or nervous.

3. Dreams are usually different from the facts. It means that things will develop in the opposite direction when they become worse.

To some degree, Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams is scientifically reasonable(合理的). Over thousands of years has passed,the book still has many secrets waiting for us to explore.

30. According to the passage, dream culture .

A. is important in ancient Chinese culture

B. is unimportant in foreign culture

C. has no scientific value

D. is something about God

31. In the old days Chinese people thought that dreams .

A. were very popular

B. could suggest lucky and unlucky things

C. couldn't be interpreted

D. were always different from the fact

32. If you dream that you are roasted by a big fire,maybe you are .

A. excited

B. relaxed

C. nervous

D. bored

33. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams is a book about dream interpreting.

B. When Yin and Yang are not balanced,you dream easily.

C. Dreams sometimes are the opposite of the fact.

D. There are no secrets in the book Duke o f Zhou Interprets Dreams.


An eight-year-old child heard her parents talking about her little brother. All she knew was that he was very sick and they had no money. Only a very expensive operation could save him now and there was no one to lend them the money.

When she heard her daddy say to her tearful mother, “Only a miracle(奇迹) can save him now.” the little girl went to her bedroom and pulled her money from its hiding place and counted it carefully.

She hurried to a drugstore with the money in her hand.

“And what do you want?” asked the salesman. “It’s for my little brother,”the girl answered. “He’s really,really sick and I want to buy a miracle.”“Pardon?”said the salesman.

“My brother Andrew has something bad growing inside his head and my daddy says only a miracle can save him. So how much does a miracle cost?”“We don’t sell a miracle here, child. I’m sorry.” the salesman said with a smile.

“Listen,if it isn’t enough, I can try and get some more.Just tell me how much it costs.”

A well-dressed man heard this and asked, “What kind of miracle does your brother need?”

“I don’t know,” she answered with her eyes full of tears.“He’s really sick and mum says he needs an operation. But my daddy can’t pay for it, so I have brought all my money.”

“How much do you have?” asked the man. “$1.11, but I can try and get some more.”she answered.

“Well,what luck ,”smiled the man. “$1.11,the price of a miracle for your little brother.”

He took up the girl’s hand and said , “Take me to where you live.I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let’s see if I have the kind of miracle you need.”

That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a famous doctor. The operation was successful and it wasn’t long before Andrew was home again.

How much did the miracle cost?

34.What was the trouble in the little girl’s family?

A.Her brother was seriously ill. B.They had no money.

C.Nothing could save her brother. D.Both A and B.

35.In the eyes of the little girl, a miracle might be______.

A.something interesting. B.something beautiful.

C.some wonderful medicine. D.some good food.

36.What made the miracle happen?

A.The girl’s love for her brother. B.The medicine from the drugstore.C.The girl’s money. D.Nobody can tell.

37.From the passage we can infer(推断)that______.

A.the doctor didn’t ask for any pay

B.a miracle is sure to happen if you keep on

C.the little girl is lovely but not so clever

D.Andrew was in fact not so sick as they had thought



38. There are over 100 teachers (从事,执业) in our school.

39. Some people were ill because they were (影响)by the bad weather.

40. He's (允诺)that he will not give up his English.

41. The (悲伤)on his face showed that he failed in the exam.

42. All the students are (要求)to get to school on time.


43. If you need physical (strong),you should wear red clothes.

44. Listening to music can make me feel ( relax).

45. It is (wisdom) to think carefully before you act.

46. Alan wears a pair of red sports shoes to make himself look more (power).

47. Can you guess the (relate) between these two men?






52. 对世界各地的年轻人来说,这些服装是最受青睐的。


Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you develop a healthy attitude(态度). A study shows that people who are more confident are much happier. They may have more chances to become successful. But how can we be more confident? Here are some suggestions: Speak louder. When you are not confident, it's hard to do what you want to do well. You

speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so people can hear you clearly. Your voice can help you become more confident.

Play sports. Physical exercise makes you tired but completely relaxed. A strong body helps you be full of confidence.

Encourage yourself. Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you did well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you've done.

Get rid of(消除)fear. Fear goes along with failure. But it's easy to overcome(克服)if you understand that failure is part of life. Don't hide in your head just because you said something stupid once. Try to start again and believe you can do better.

Pick up a hobby. If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.

53. How many suggestions does the article talk about?

54. What's the best title(标题)for the article?

55. What do you often do to be more confident? And why?

七. 书面表达(20分)

请以Colours and Moods为题,选两种颜色,分别代表energetic colour和strong colour,适当介绍它们对情绪的影响,并谈谈你最喜欢的颜色。






Colours and Moods

Do you know anything about the relationship between colours and moods?


一. 单项填空




38. practicing 39. influenced 40.promised 41.sadness 42.required

43. strength 44. relaxed 45. wise 46. powerful 47. relationship

五. 句子翻译

48. I wonder what this old film reminded her of

49. Painting the room blue makes it easier for you to feel relaxed.

50. Can you tell me if/whether there is anything wrong with my computer.

51. Many students have difficulty in learning English.

52. They are the most popular choice of clothing for young people around the world.


53.5/Five./The article talks about five suggestions.

54.How can we more confident?/ Suggestions to be more confident.

55.I often encourage myself by listing of things I did we during the day. Because giving your praise for you help you be more confident.

七. 书面表达

Colours and Moods

Do you know anything about the relationship between colours and moods?

Green is an energetic colour. It can give you energy, as it is the colour of nature and represents new life. So when you are tired or weak, you should wear green clothes.

Red is a strong colour. It can make you look more powerful. It also represents luck in China and many women preferred to wear red on their wedding day in the past.

My favourite colour is white because it is the colour of purity and it can help me calm down when I feel nervous.

All the colours make our world colourful and wonderful.
