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仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit4 Topic2 复习导纲3

仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit4 Topic2 复习导纲3
仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit4 Topic2 复习导纲3

仁爱英语八年级上册 Unit4 Topic2 复习导纲


(请同学们复习本话题,背诵单词、词组、重要句子及新考点P43 16-32题的重点句型和初三上册P81。)










B.sure 肯定的,确信的。be sure of (或that)主语是人,主语感到有把握,确信。

e.g.He is sure of his success. I’m sure that he will come.

be sure to do意为“一定,必然会”,主语可以是人或物,表示说话人的推测。

e.g.It is sure to be fine tomorrow.

练习:用be sure of或be sure to 完成下列句子。


to learn something good_____ others.


Mary enjoying herself in the party this weekend.

3.他们一定会成功They succeed.


finish your homework before supper?


1.Are there UFOS?The scientists are not sure______________________.

2.Robots will make humans lose their jobs.

I’m sure_____________________________________

3.Will he come or not this evening?

I’m not sure____________________________________

4. He will win.

He is sure_____________________________.

C. 单项选择

1. Two police man are walking ______ him.

a. toward

b. through

c. at

d. for

2. When I came in, he ____ a letter to his mom.

a. wrote

b. is writing

c. was writing

d. writes 3. There was a loud knock at the door ___ Li Mei was sleeping.

a. whether

b. while

c. if

d. because

4. When I went home I saw some balloons ____ my head.

a. fly on

b. fly above

c. fly

d. fly over

5. We often ____ some flying things ____ UFOs.

a. have; from

b. have; for

c. mistake; for

d. mistake; to

6. They like playing basketball. Now you can see them ___ on the playground.

a. play

b. playing

c. to play

d. are playing

I often see Tom play soccer in the street.

When I came back home, I saw my daughter playing with a doll.

7. When the little boy fell into the water, many children tried to ____ help.

a. call for

b. call on

c. call

d. find

8. The baby is sleeping now. Don’t ___.

a. wake up him

b. wake him up

c. wake out him

d. wake him out

9. - ________.

- She is very tall and strong.

a. How do you like your English teacher?

b. Who’s your English teacher?

c. How does your English teacher teach?

d. What does your English teacher look like?

10. – Are you sure ___ his coming today?

- Yes, I’m _____ sure.

a. of ;quite

b. of; very

c. for; quite

d. for; very

11. I am not sure _______ the old woman mistook me ______ her daughter.

a. of, for

b. whether, for

c. if , of

d. that, for

12.We sho uldn’t eat ____ meat. It’s bad for our health.

a. too much

b. much too

c. too many

d. many too

13. Internet bars mustn’t let people under 18 in or let anybody ____ bad things.

a. watch

b. to watch

c. watching

d. watches

14. Please put these boxes ____ order of size.

a. at

b. to

c. for

d. in

15– Could you tell me ___ for our picnic?

–Let’s go to the West Lake.

a. when to go

b. how going

c. where to go

d. where going

16. He is a lovely and kind father. He ___ all his free time with his children.

a. takes

b. pays

c. spends

d. costs

17. The Internet is very helpful. It can make our life nicer, easier and ___.

a. less colorful

b. more colorful

c. colorful

d. friendly

18. Doing exercise is helpful ____ healthy.

a. to keep

b. keeping

c. keep

d. in keeping

D. 翻译下列句子

1、现在你知道如何使用英汉词典么?Do you know ____________ ___________ now?

2. 我们可以肯定因特网对我们有好处。

We ___________ the Internet is good for us.

3. 我们每天要花一个小时做家庭作业。

We ____ ___ an hour __ ____ our homework every day.

4. 请不要放弃你的实验。为什么你不再试一试呢?

Please don’t _________ your experiment. Why don’t you _____________ again?

5. 你会查字典吗?Can you _________ a new word in a dictionary?

6. 如今很多人利用网络学习。

Now many students ___ _ the Internet ___ ____ their lessons.

7. 你的作文很好,但是你应该注意拼写。

Your composition is very good but you should _________________ your spelling E.Complete the dialog.


Michael: I am repairing my computer.

Kangkang: What’s the matter with it?


I pressed the “ON” button but nothing happened.

Kangkang: Well, are you sure you plugged it in?

Michael: . But it’s useless.

Kangkang: You’d better ask our computer teacher for help.



get information about UFOs from books, movies, the TV or the Internet What’s a UFO? No one __ ____knows. People often _ _____some man-made such as objects kites or balloons for UFOs .Last night, while Jim_________, he saw a UFO __ ___ over his head. Jim was____ __. He never got any information about UFOs from books or the Internet . The UFO didn’t look like a plate at all. It didn’t look like any man-made objects such as kites or balloons, either. While he was trying ____ __ for help, an alien _______ out of the UFO and said to him, “Get up you’ll be late for school!” He ____up and saw his mother.

Oh! It was just a dream. G.写作.

1. Internet

优点:______________________________________________________________ 缺点:

2. Robots




2017-2018学年上学期教学质量抽测 八年级英语试卷 (满分:100分考试时间:120分钟) Ⅰ.听力测试(每小题1分,计20分) A. 听力理解:听句子,选出与你所听内容相符的图片.(每小题读两遍) 1._________ 2. __________ 3. ___________ 4.____________ 5. ___________ B.听对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案回答问题(每段对话读两遍) 第一节听下面5段对话,每段对话后各有一个问题。 ( )6.Which sport does the man prefer? A.Baseball.B.Basketball.C.Volleyball. ( )7.When was the NBA born? A.In 1942.B.In 1946 C.In 1948. ( )8.Where is Deng Ziqi going to give a concert? A.In Fuzhou.B.In Xiamen C.In Zhangzhou. ( )9.What does the man like collecting now? A.Coins.B.Stamps.C.Picture books. ( )10.Where tile they going tomorrow? A.To the park.B.To the zoo. C.To the farm 第二节听2段长对话,每段对话后配有2--3个问题。 听第一段长对话,回答第11至12小题。 ( )11.What does Tommy think of playing tennis? A.It's exciting.B.It's boring.C.It's interesting ( )12.What does Alice want to be when she grows up? A.A dancer.B.A singer.C.A tennis player. 听第二段长对话,回答第13至15小题。 ( )13.Why does John look tired? A.He has a fever.B.He has a bad cold.C.He has a cough . ( )14.How often should John take出e medicine? A.Once a day.B.Twice a day.C.Three times a day. ( )15.What will John do then? A.Go to bed.B.Go to schoo1.C.Watch TV. C .听短文,根据短文内容及填写要求完成表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍) 16. ____________on how to learn English well First Don’t be afraid of speaking English . No need to 17._____________ about your mistakes . Second Do more exercises . As a saying goes “Practice makes 18.___________ Third Get more chances to learn English , such as listing to English songs , 19 .________________and watch English movies . 20.________ fact , English is easy to learn if you have some good ways .


Miss Wang: 孩子们,我有一些令人兴奋的消息告诉你们!为了我们的春游,我们要去泰山做连续三天的参 观。 Maria:哇!多棒呀!我们要如何去? Michael:我们要骑自行车去吗? Kangkang:听起来令人兴奋!但是骑自行车去要花我们几天哦! Miss Wang:让我们一起做决定吧!太远了不能骑车去,但是我们有其他的交通方式可以选择。大家知道去那 里的最好途径吗?矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥。 Jane:这很难说。 Michael: 让我们找出有关花销的一些信息吧。 Miss Wang:好的。康康和迈克尔,你俩找出坐火车的花销。海伦,你的任务是查找出坐公车的花销。 Jane:我想做飞机去。我通过电话问问航空公司看。 Miss Wang:好的。明天带上你们的信息而且我们要决定去野游的最佳方式。 (P25) Clerk:你好, (这里是)北京火车站。有什么可帮到你? Kangkang:嗯,我想订一些 3 月 3 号去泰山的车票。 Clerk:好的。早上 11 点 45 分发的火车,下午 6 点 44 分到达泰山火车站。 Kangkang:好极啦!那价格呢? Clerk:我们有硬卧 145 元的和软卧 224 元的票你想要哪一种呢? Kangkang:我想订 21 张硬卧的。 Clerk:好的。21 张硬卧票。请你在下午 5 点 30 分之前买票。能否告诉我您的名字和电话? Kangkang:可以。我叫李维康,我的电话号码是 8250-2448。谢啦。 Clerk:别客气。 (P27)聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇。 加拿大和美国的筹钱活动 在加拿大和美国的学校里,筹钱是很普遍的。学生、老师和家长为了野游,他们有很多特有的方式。一 些学校想出好主意,诸如“一日国王或王后”此类。这要每个学生花一美金作为抽奖。所有的票都卖完以 后,一张票被抽到了。这位赢得票的学生将成为下一个教学日的“国王”或“皇后” 。当那位学生到了那天 早上,校长就问候他或她并搬走这位学生的书本。这位学生整天坐着校长的椅子,甚至可以用校长的手机 打电话回家。中午,校长和其他老师订了一份特别的午餐并用其为这位学生服务。 (P30)残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆。 亲爱的达伦: 上周我在泰山度过了一段美好的时光。那里的天气很好。我们一到那里,就开始爬泰山。到为了到 黄海石我们花了几乎整夜的时间。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪。 我们看日出、泰山云海,然后在白天参观了岱祠。晚上,我们在当地的餐馆吃大餐。那是一次令人 兴奋的经历。我希望你能来中国。然后我们一起参观一些名胜古迹。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖。 你的 迈克尔 (P31)


仁爱版英语八年级下册 校本作业(含答案) ◆目录 ●Unit 5 Feeling Excited Topic 1 (1) Topic 2 (9) Topic 3 17 Unit 5检测卷 (25) ●Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling Topic 1 (32) Topic 2 (40) Topic 3 48 Unit 6检测卷 (56) ●Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 (64) Topic 2 (72) Topic 3 80 Unit 7检测卷 (88) ●Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 1 (96) Topic 2 (104) Topic 3 112 Unit 8检测卷 (120) ●参考答案 (127)

Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A 完成时间:(30分钟以内)(编者:____________ 审核:____________) 学校班级学生 一、基础训练 1.单词互译与记忆 1) invite 2)film 3)smell 4)excited 5)disappointed _______ 2、短语互译与记忆 1) 看起来兴奋 2)邀请某人做某事 3)我最喜欢的电影之一 4)为……做好准备 5)对某人说谢谢 6)觉得失望 7)一张……的票 8)真遗憾 9)计划做某事 用所给词适当形式填空: 1)Lily happened to meet one of her old friends and invited him ______ (go) to her new house. 2) Although the meal was cold, it tasted _____(well). 3) Don’t feel _______(disappoint),It will be better next time. 4) I felt ____ (happy) because my cat was dead. 5) Please say _____(thank) to the girl who helped you 二、课时达标 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词: 1. Tomorrow is my birthday and I’d like to i_________ you to my birthday party. 2. We learned so much from Mr. Li. We must say t________ to him. 3. Tom likes Chinese food very much, because it t delicious. 单项选择 ( ) 1. The three friends are smiling because they are ________. A. sad B. unhappy C. happy D. worried ( ) 2. Please say hello ________ your friends.


八年级上学期英语知识点 八年级英语短语总汇 Unit1 Topic1 1.be going to do 打算做某事 2.See sb do sth看见某人做某事(全过程)See sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(正在进行) 3.cheer sb on为...加油 4.Play against=fight against 与...对抗/大战 5.Be against--Be for 反对—赞同 6.practice+doing 练习做... 7.Prefer+doing 跟喜欢... 8.Quite a lot/bit=often 经常 9.which=what kind of那一个;prefer=like better 跟喜欢 10.Join+某人/组织 Join in+活动/比赛加入 Take part in+活动/比赛 Be in+活动/比赛 11.Perfer+doing/n.to doing/n. 比起后者跟喜欢前者 12.Perfer to do 宁愿做... 13.Know about... 知道/了解有关于... 14.时间状语从句:主句(一般将来时)从句(一般现在时)when后是从句,前是主句 15.It takes sb+时间/钱 to do sth Spend+时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在某方面花费多少 Spend+时间/钱+on+n. 物+cost+时间/钱 16.There be going to be=there will be 这里将会有... 17.Be good at+(doing)sth=Do well in+(doing)sth 擅长做... 18.Be sure that+宾语从句确信... 19.Be sure to do 肯定要做... 20.Be sure of/about 对...有把握 21.At the weekend 在周末 22.Make sb/sth+adj 使...处在什么状态 23.Keep+adj 保持...;keep sb/sth+adj 使...保持什么状态 24. A way to 一种...的方法 25.Relax oneself 使某人自己放松 26.Play for 为...效力 27.Arrive in=get to=reach+大地方;Arrive at+小地方 28.Excited(人);exciting(物) 29.Leave for动身做某地;leave A for B 离开A地去B地 Unit1 Topic2 1.Could you(not)....=cuold/would you please(not)do=would/do you mind(not)doing= Would you mind (not)+if+从句 2.fall ill=be ill 生病 3.One of+n.复数 ...其中之一 4.Keep+doing继续做;keep on doing 反复做(有间隔)


仁爱版英语八年级(下)期末测试卷 满分120分,考试时间100分钟 听力部分(20分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确的图画。(5分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。(5分) ()1. A. He likes reading. B. He is too strict. C. He’d like some rice.()2. A. Yes, of course. B. Good idea. C. Thank you. ()3. A. I like Titanic. B. That’s great. I’ll go with you. C. I like Love Me Once More, Mom. ()4. A. Some new clothes. B. Chinese fried rice. C. Some cars. ()5. A. We should go to school early. B. We should do our homework. C. We should keep a balanced diet. Ⅲ. 听句子,填空,每空填一词。(5分) 1. Thank you for me to your Food Festival. 2. Wearing the clothing can make you look . 3. There are many in the train station everyday. 4. Little Jack is a boy. He always runs and jumps here and there. 5., put the other piece of bread on top. Ⅳ. 听短文,判断正误。(5分)


八年级英语(仁爱版)下册语言点归纳 Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 1 Why all the smiling faces? 一. 重点词汇: (一)反义词 happy----unhappy/ sad lucky----unlucky poor----rich smart----stupid/ silly interesting----boring (二)表示情感的形容词 excited感到兴奋的surprised 吃惊的happy 快乐的unhappy/ sad 伤心的angry / mad 生气的worried 焦急的afraid/ frightened 害怕的disappointed 失望的lonely 孤单的nervous 紧张不安的interested 感到有趣的 (三)重点词组 5. a ticket to…  一张…的票9. feel proud/ lonely 感到自豪/孤单 11. have a temperature = have a fever 发烧19. at first 首先 21. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事25. be full of 充满… 22. in/at the end = at last 最后 2. spend the evening 过夜 二. 重点句型及重点语言点 1. How nice! 真是太好了! What a shame! 真可惜! What bad news! 多糟的消息! 2. Because he can’ t get a ticket to New York. 因为他没有买到去纽约的票. to 表“的”,常见的搭配如下: a ticket toThe Sound of Music 一张《音乐之声》的票 the answer to the question 问题的答案 the key to the door 门的钥匙 去…..的路 the way to… 3. I think Mr. Lee likes it very much and really wishes to watch it. 我认为李老师非常喜欢它而且的确想去看. wish/ hope to do sth.希望做某事 4. I’ll ring up Michael later. 稍后我打电话给迈克. ring up sb. = call/ ring/ phone sb. = give sb. a ring/ call/ telephone = make a telephone to sb. 当宾语为代词时, 只能放中间.如: ring me/him/her up 6. I’m sure Mr. Lee will be surprised and happy! 我确信李老师会很惊奇也很高兴! 感到惊奇的”, 主语一般为人. be surprised “


仁爱版英语八年级下册期末试卷 第二部分基础知识运用(30分) 一、单项选择(20分) ( )21.Ann used the computer for shopping, _______? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612179026.html,ed she https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3612179026.html,edn’t she C.did she D.didn’t she ( )22.—_______ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen. —You are right. A.There B.This C.That D.It ( )23—How many students are there in your school? —_______ students, I think. A.Thousand of B.Three thousands C.Three thousand D.Three thousands of ( )24.—Where are you going to work next year? —_______ Maybe Hefei or Nanjing. A.I’m not so sure. B.I think so. C.That’s a good idea. D.I hope not ( )25.Jenny and Jane were talking in the kitchen _______ I was reading the newspaper. A.while B.before C.after D.if ( )26.If you can’t get to sleep, then get up and try to do something _______ lying in bed.


Unit5 feeling happy Topic 1 why all the smiling faces? 一、重点词汇 1、cruel 残忍的 2、silly 傻的 3、smile 微笑 4、rich 富裕的 5、proud 骄傲的 6、taste 品尝 7、smell 问起来8、set 设置9、able 能够 10、since 自从。。。11、lively 活泼的12、play 玩 13、mad 发疯的14、please 请;令人高兴的15、marry 结婚 16、main 主要的17、role 角色18、express 表达 19、culture 文化20、peace 和平 二、重点短语 1 Why all the smiling faces? 为什么你们都笑容满面。 2 You look so excited. 你看起来很兴奋。 3 invite/ ask sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 4 one of 其中之一 5 prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某事 6 say thanks / hello / sorry / goodbye to sb 向某人说声谢谢/ 你好/抱歉/再见 7 None of 没有一个 8 What a shame / pity. 真遗憾。 9 get the ticket to = buy the ticket for 买到。。。的票 10 not at all 一点也不 11 What do you like best? = What’s your favorite? 你最喜欢什么? 12 be proud of = take pride in 为。。。感到骄傲 13 be worried about = worry about 为。。。而担心,担心。。。 14 wait in line 排队等候 15 be pleased with sb = be satisfied with sb 对某人感到满意 be pleased at sth 为某事而感到高兴 16 taste delicious 尝起来美味smell terrible 闻起来恶心17 set the table 摆放餐具 18 have a temperature = have a fever 发烧 19 I hope everything goes well. 我希望一切进展顺利。 20 ring up sb ring sb up 打电话给某人 21 be able to 能够 22 of all time = all the time 一直,总是 23 care for = take care of = look after 照顾 24 because of 因为,由于 25 cheer up cheer sb up 使。。。兴奋起来 26 at last = in the end = finally 最后,最终 27 be on 上演tell a story = tell stories 讲故事 28 on the / one’s way to在去往。。。的路上 29 be with a history of 200 years = have a history of 200 years =have 200 years of history 有着两百年的历史 30 come into being 形成 31 be full of 充满,装满 32 ( have a ) fight against sb 与某人打架/吵架


八年级上学期英语知识点八年级英语短语总汇 Unit1 Topic1 1.be going to do 打算做某事 2.See sb do sth看见某人做某事(全过程)See sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事(正在进行) 3.cheer sb on为...加油 4.Play against=fight against 与...对抗/大战 5.Be against--Be for 反对—赞同 6.practice+doing 练习做... 7.Prefer+doing 跟喜欢... 8.Perfer+doing/n.to doing/n. 比起后者跟喜欢前者 9.Perfer to do 宁愿做... 8.Quite a lot/bit=often 经常 9.which=what kind of那一个;prefer=like better 跟喜欢 10. Join+某人/组织 Join in+活动/比赛加入 Take part in+活动/比赛 Be in+活动/比赛 13.Know about... 知道/了解有关于... 14.时间状语从句:主句(一般将来时)从句(一般现在时)when后是从句,前是主句 15. It takes sb+时间/钱 to do sth Spend+时间/钱+(in) doing sth 在某方面花费多少 Spend+时间/钱+on+n. 物+cost+时间/钱 16.There be going to be=there will be 这里将会有...

17.Be good at+(doing)sth=Do well in+(doing)sth 擅长做... 18.Be sure that+宾语从句确信... 19.Be sure to do 肯定要做... 20.Be sure of/about 对...有把握 21.At the weekend 在周末 22.Make sb/sth+adj 使...处在什么状态 23.Keep+adj 保持...;keep sb/sth+adj 使...保持什么状态 24.A way to 一种...的方法 25.Relax oneself 使某人自己放松 26.Play for 为...效力 27.Arrive in=get to=reach+大地方;Arrive at+小地方 28.Excited(人);exciting(物) 29.Leave for动身做某地;leave A for B 离开A地去B地


Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings. Section A needs 1 period. Section A需用1课时。 The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Aims and demands 目标要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: calm down, bitter, CD, DVD, test, speech, monitor 2. Learn useful expressions: How long have you felt like this? I hate to go to the hospital. 3. Learn how to describe feelings: These days I feel very bored and lonely at home. I’m worried about the test at the end of the month. 4. Le arn the usages of “make + object + v./adj.” It makes me feel nervous. The TV programs make me sleepy. 5. Learn how to reassure others: Don’t be afraid! Be brave! Take it easy. Don’t worry. Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/手机/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步复习(时间: 5分钟) 复习电话用语并创设情景导入新课。 1. (假设一名学生因病缺席,教师让一名学生扮演那名生病的学生,用手机进行师生对话,复习打电话及询问病情的表达。学习单词,掌握nervous和bitter;理解calm down。) T: Suppose one student is absent, and I will make a phone call with him/her. Example: T: Hello! May I speak to Li Ming? S1: Hello! This is Li Ming speaking. T: This is Mr.Wang speaking. You didn’t come to school today. What’s wrong with you? S1: I have a bad cold. It makes me very upset. T: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Don’t be nervous. Calm down and listen to me. How long have you felt like this? S1: One day. T: You need to go to see a doctor. S1: No, I’m afraid of taking medicine. T: Be brave. I know medicine is a little bitter, but it’s good for your health. Follow the doctor’s advice, and you’ll get well soon. S1: I hope so. Thanks a lot. (板书) nervous, bitter, calm down 2. (询问几名学生是否担心下周的英语演讲和数学测试,并给予安慰。)


仁爱版|八年级上学期必考的12篇英语作文,这里全 1【写作题目】 假如你叫杰克,下面是你同班同学的体育活动情况。请根据表格信息写一篇短文,不少于80个词。 【参考范文】 I am Jack. My favorite sport is football. I often play football with my friends. I like Renaldo very much. I want to be a scientist in the future. This is my dream. Steve is my classmate. He is good at swimming. He goes swimming twice a week. His favorite player is Sun Yang. His dream job is to be a great swimmer. What about Mary? Tennis is her favorite sport. She plays tennis every day. Her favorite player is Li Na. But her dream is to be a dancer. 2【写作题目】 根据表格中所提供的信息,以My Favorite Player为题写一篇60词左右的短文。

【参考范文】 My Favorite Player My favorite player is Zhang Yining who is 1.68 meter tall. She is a table tennis player on the national team of China. She was born on October 5th, 1982. When she was six years old, she began to practice playing ping-pong. She started to play on our national team in 1995. She is clever, quick and hard-working. In 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she did very well and got medals. I like her best because I like ping-pong. 3【写作题目】 假如你叫Peter, 上周日你校在操场举办了一场运动会。根据表格信息并发挥想象写一篇作文。要求60词左右。


Topic 1 What’s your favorite sport? 重点词语: 1. almost(反义词)never 2.win(过去式)won(名词)winner 3.ski(现在分词)skiing 4.famous(比较级)more famous 5.arrive(同义词)reach 6.leave(过去式))left 7.popular(最高级)most popular 8.healthy(同义词)fit(名词)health (1) 词组 1. during the summer holidays 在暑假期间 2. between…and…在两者之间 3. cheer sb. on 为某人加油 4. prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事 5. quite a bit/a lot 很多 6. plan to do sth. 计划做某事 7. have a skating club 举办滑雪俱乐部 8. go skating/skiing/bicycling/climbing/hiking 去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足 9. arrive in 到达 10. play against…与……对抗/较量 11. for long 很久 12. leave for…动身去… 13. the day after tomorrow 后天 14. places of interest 名胜 16. play baseball 打棒球 17. at least 至少 18. be good at 善于做某事 19. take part in 参加 20. all over the world 全世界 21. be good for 对……有益 22. a good way 一种好方法 23. keep fit/healthy 保持健康


仁爱版英语八年级(下)期末测试卷 听力部分(20分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确的图画。(5分) ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。(5分) ()1. A. He likes reading. B. He is too strict. C. He?d like some rice. ()2. A. Yes, of course. B. Good idea. C. Thank you. ()3. A. I like Titanic. B. That?s great. I?ll go with you. C. I like Love Me Once More, Mom. ()4. A. Some new clothes. B. Chinese fried rice. C. Some cars. ()5. A. We should go to school early. B. We should do our homework. C. We should keep a balanced diet. Ⅲ. 听句子,填空,每空填一词。(5分) 1. Thank you for me to your Food Festival. 2. Wearing the clothing can make you look . 3. There are many in the train station everyday. 4. Little Jack is a boy. He always runs and jumps here and there. 5., put the other piece of bread on top. Ⅳ. 听短文,判断正误。(5分) ()1. My father works in a middle school. ()2. My father likes wearing uniforms. ()3. My father can wear as he likes on weekends. ()4. My father has to wear uniforms when he is at work. ()5. My father looks handsome when he wears coat. 笔试部分(100分) Ⅰ. 单项选择。(20分) ( )1. It?s not polite to speak in public. A. loud B. loudly C. louder


2015最新仁爱八年级上 原文对照 Unit 1 Topic 2 We should learn teamwork Section A A:Michael,could you help me,please? B:Sure.What is it? A:We are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday.But one of my teammates fell ill will you join us? B:I’d be glad to.But I am not very good at it. A:Would you mind teaching me? B:Not at all.You can do it!Let’s go and practice. (Kangkang and practicing on the playground through.) A:Michael,I kick the ball to you.And you pass me the ball like this. B:Sorry.I missed it. A:Never mind.Keep trying.I’ll kick you the ball again B:Ok. Kangkang and his team are going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday. Kangkang asks Michael to join them because a teammate fell ill. Michael is not good at soccer, but he likes to have a try. Michael and Kangkang are going to practice for the game. Could you help me,please?Sure. Could you please give me a hand? Sure. We are going to have a soccer game against the fifth class on Saturday. We are going to have a football game against Class Five. One of my teammates fell ill. One of my teammates is ill. I am not good at football. I don’t do well in football. Would you mind teaching me? Not at all. Could you please teach me ? Certainly. I kick the ball to you.=I kick you the ball. Would you mind Of course not.I’ll do it right away.


仁爱英语2010-2011学年度八年级第二学期期末试卷 笔试(95分) Ⅵ. 单项选择。(15分) () 26. —Would you help me plan my vacation? —_____ A. All right. B. No, let’s not. C. Thank you. D. Of course not. () 27. —Will you please drive _____? The train is leaving soon. —I’d lik e to ,but safety is the first. A. quick B. faster C. more slowly D. quickly () 28. Don’t let _____ in. I’m too busy to see _____. A. nobody; somebody B. anybody; nobody C. anybody; anybody D. anybody; somebody () 29. Mr. Li makes me _____, because it is bad for my health. A. don’t smoke B. not smoke C. not smoking D. not to smoke () 30. —Lily hurt her foot when she was riding. —_____ A. Oh, I see. B. How careful she is! C. I’m so rry to hear that. D. Really? She is always careless. () 31. _____ you _____ Tom can join us. We need one of you . A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also () 32. —Can I order the meal by telephone? —_____ Here is the telephone number. A. It is a pity! B. No problem. C. Never mind. D. It’s a pleasure. () 33. —I’m sorry that John is out. —Please ask him to call me as soon as he _____. A. returned B. returns C. will return D. is returning () 34. —_____ terrible weather it is! —It is said that it will get _____ later. A. What; bad B. What; worse C. how; bad D. how; worse () 35. I don’t know _____ he will come tomorrow, _____ he comes, I will tell you. A. if; whether B. whether; whether C. whether; if D. if ; / () 36. —We often use hotmail _____ e-mails. —Really? Would you please show me _____? A. to send; how to use it B. sending; what to use C. send; what can I use D. to be sent; why to use () 37. It’s _____ late _____ go there on foot now. I think you’d better take a taxi. A. so; that you can B. too; for you to C. so; that you may D. too; you can () 38. _____ you work, _____ you can get. A. The harder; the more B. Harder; more C. Less; more D. The hardest; the most () 39. —Mary can’t help _____ the house. Why? —Because she is busy _____ a hotel reservation. A. to clean; making B. cleaning; making C. cleaning; to make D. to clean; to make () 40. —Could you let me know _____ yesterday? —Because the traffic was heavy. A. why you come late B. why you came late C. why did you come late D. why do come late

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