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中国改革开放的伟大成就 建国初期,我国在政治经济上都取得了一定的成就,首先取得了政治上的独立,在经济上完成了“一化三改”,为我国长足的发展奠定了一定的政治上和经济上的基础,可是随之而来的一系列政治运动和错误的经济方针使中国陷入了困境,文革后的中国经济已经处于崩溃边缘,国家财政赤字严重。经济上,至1978年为止,尽管中国的国民生总值达3624亿元,比1965年的1716亿元翻了一番多,年均递增率达6.8%,并建立起了一个独立的、门类齐全的工业体系。但是人民依然贫穷、技术比较落后,并且经过文革后,中共出现一定程度的执政危机和信任危机。党和国家人民遭到严重挫折和损失,我国经济实力、科技术实力与国际先进水平的差距明显拉大,面临着巨大的国际竞争压力。中国当时可谓是内忧外患,内部自然灾害,经济衰退,外部苏联绝交,欧美继续封锁中国,中国这个泱泱大国又一次尴尬的站在了历史的风头浪尖上,然而,就像历史给受压迫受奴役的中国人民送来了马克思主义,送来了共产党一样,历史又一次眷顾困窘不堪的中国,给中国吹来了改革开放的新风。 1978年,党的十一届三中全会作出了实行改革开放的重大决策。1979年,党中央、国务院批准广东、福建在对外经济活动中实行“特殊政策、灵活措施”,并决定在深圳、珠海、厦门试办经济特区,福建省成为全国最早实行对外开放的省份之一。十一届三中全会后,国民经济进入调整时期。1979年9月的十一届四中全会通过了《关于加快农业发展若干问题的决定》,允许农民在国家统一计划指导下,因时因地制宜,保障他们的经营自主权,发挥他们的生产积极性。1980年9月,中共中央下发《关于进一步加强和完善农业生产责任制的几个问题》,肯定了包产到户的社会主义性质。到1983年初,农村家庭联产承包责任制在全国范围内全面推广。 1984年10月,党的十二届三中全会比较系统地提出和阐明了经济体制改革中的一系列重大理论和实践问题,确认我国社会主义经济是公有制基础上的有计划的商品经济,这是全面进行经济体制改革的纲领性文献。政治体制的改革与经济体制的改革基本上是同步进行的。1980年8月18日,邓小平在中央政治局扩


广州市2020年高三第二次模拟考试 英语 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 WENQIANG A We can all think of times when people didn't make remembering easy. Directions given at machine-gun speed. New people introduced in a flood of names and handshakes. Whenever information is passed between people, it’s all too easy for it to go in one ear and straight out of the other. Thankfully, the opposite is also true. Look around you, and you’ll see parents who can get their children to rem ember exactly what they were told; advertisers who know how to imprint their sales messages on our brains. So, how do they do? Their secrets can be summed up in four simple words: focus, imagery, reasons and engagement. FOCUS means ensuring that the person you’re talking to can concentrate on learning. Choose your moment carefully. Check that they can properly hear or see the information. Communicate slowly and clearly enough for their memory to cope. IMAGERY helps information to stick. Do everything your can to make other people “see”the ideas you’re giving them. Add visual details to directions, and illustrate abstract concepts with metaphors. REASONS to remember help people to put in the mental effort. So, make it clear that your words are important, and be explicit about why. Maybe this information will save them time, protectthem from embarrassment, or let them enjoy a particular experience or event. EMGAGEMENT requires you to ask questions. Point out links between new concepts and things listeners already know. Activate their senses, spark their curiosity, get them doing something physical, or simply make them laugh. The next time you’ve got an important message to pass on, put some of these techniques to the test. You’ll discover that there are benefits on both sides when you know how to FIRE people’s memories into action. 21. What is the main purpose of the text? A.To report new research. B.To provide some advice. C.To explain a problem. D.To define some terms. 22. How can you do to help a listener “focus” on w hat you are saying? A.Select the appropriate time to raise the topic. B.Do something humorous to get their attention. C.Make sure the information provided is correct.


回望祖国大地,改革开放已经走过了30个年头了。30年来,从城市的景色面貌到普通人的着装饮食,相信我们每个人,都真真切切地目睹和感受到了我国经济社会的发展和人民生活的巨变。 从1978年十一届三中全会以来的30年,是我们党领导和团结全国各族人民,解放思想、实事求是,同心同德、锐意进取,进行建设有中国特色社会主义的历史性、创造性活动的30年。 改革开放30年的发展,中国人民的生活实现了由贫穷到温饱,再到整体小康的跨越式转变;中国社会实现了由封闭、贫穷、落后和缺乏生机到开放、富强、文明和充满活力的历史巨变。中国人民的物质生活基本达到小康、主人翁意识显著增强、受教育水平和文明程度明显提高,中国社会先进生产力不断发展、经济政治文化建设成效显著、社会整体文明程度大幅提升等等,这一切只用了30年时间,被称为世界发展史上的奇迹,而这一奇迹的创造者是中国共产党领导下的13亿中国人民。13亿中国人民和社会主义中国的面貌发生根本改变,这本身就是对人类文明进步作出的巨大贡献。 中国改革开放走过的30年光辉历程,使我们这个过去贫穷落后的农业国发生了翻天覆地的变化。看成就,想变化,回顾中国改革开放的30年,我们取得了伟大的成就,政治、经济、军事、文化、体育、人民群众的生活水平和社会发展水平都得到了极大的提高,国际地位和声望不断增长,这使得我们更有信心高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,更有信心坚持走中国特色社会主义道路,更有信心履行好新世纪新阶段的历史使命。 这个季节,正是农村下谷种稻的季节,也是农民三夏大忙的季节。30年前,当拖拉机第一次驶入农村时,农民群众还十分好奇。而现如今,传统的耕作方式正逐渐被轰鸣的拖拉机、收割机等农机所代替,许多农民已不再满足于“日出而作,日落而息”的传统生产生活方式,农民买拖拉机或汽车,已不再稀奇。而现在在城里,购买轿车已不再是遥远的梦想,在宽阔的道路上,“大众”“尼桑”等品牌家用轿车正自由地疾驰,体现出了30年的改革开放使中国公民生活发生了巨大改变。 30年前,居民的生活方式是“四世同堂十平米,五代家人居陋室”,今天,随着生活水平的日益提高,农民们家家户户都盖起了新楼,城市居民更是从以前的平房转变成现在的小高层,复式住宅,人们的居住都向着“更高大,更宽敞,更环保”发展,处处折射出人们住房条件的极大改善,空调、彩电、冰箱、洗衣机等现代家用电器一应俱全。上个世纪七八十年代,城市居民日常生活离不开的‘缝纫机、黑白电视机、自行车’等‘老三件’,如今都已换上了高档的家庭电器了。试想30年前的夏季,人们只能靠摇着蒲扇来解暑,如今也被空调所替代了。 30年前,由于家庭收入不高,有限的资金主要是优先考虑吃饭,加上国家长期实行的计划经济,生产能力十分有限,普通居民上班、出行只能靠两条腿,极个别家境较好的才有可能用自行车代步。如今经过改革开放30年的大发展、大飞跃,城市基础道路建设、交通设施大大改善,人们平时上班、出行的工具更是多种多样,近途有自行车、电动车、摩托车、公交车、私家车,出远门地上有火车、汽车,天上有飞机,水路有轮船,可随意挑选组合,使居民时时处处感受到方便快捷。


2018年山东省济南市高考英语二模试卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项. 1. The Guggenheim Museum attempts to help educators connect students with art. It offers programs for educators, including free arts curricula, professional development courses and workshops, as well as professional meet and greets that pair artists with public school teachers throughout New York City. ? Visiting with your students The museum offers a variety of ways for educators and their students to visit, from self﹣guided tours to a guided experience. ? Arts curriculum online The Guggenheim produces free curriculum materials on exhibitions for educators to use both during school visits and in the classroom. While the material focuses on recent exhibitions, a comprehensive range of lessons cover many works and artists in the museum's collection. ? Learning through art Learning Through Art sends experienced teaching artists into New York City public schools t where they work with classroom teachers to develop and facilitate art projects into the school curriculum. ? Education facilities Housed in the Sackler Center for Arts Education, the Guggenheim's education facilities include studio art and multimedia labs, a theater, an exhibition gallery, and a conference room. (1)Who are the museum's programs intended for?________ A.Parents. B.Students. C.Artists. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3412281959.html,cators. (2)Which tour can be designed based on your own interest?________ A.Lecturer's Badge. B.Custom Tour. C.Guggenheim Museum Highlights. D.Special Exhibition. (3)How do teaching artists help to make art projects into the school curriculum?________ A.By working with teachers. B.By giving lessons online. C.By designing projects alone. D.By providing free materials. (4)What can we do in the Sackler Center?________ A.Dine with your friends. B.Appreciate art works. C.Collect your favorite exhibits. D.Perform science experiments. 2. Lions are the top tourist attraction to Kenya and also considered critically endangered. One of the main causes of their death is that people kill them in return for lions attacking their cows. "We put our cows in a small cow shelter at night, " locals said, "and that's when the trouble would start. Lions would jump in the shelter and kill the cows". There have been a lot of efforts to try to protect the lions, but it's a crisis and everyone is looking for a solution. One idea was land leases (租用), another was lion﹣proof fences. However, no one even knew that Richard Turere, a 13﹣year﹣old Maasai from Kenya, had already come up with something that worked. One night Richard was walking around with a flashlight and discovered the lions were scared of a moving light. An idea was born. Three weeks and much repairing later, Richard invented a system of lights that flash around the cow shelter, mimicking a human walking around with a flashlight. His system is made from broken flashlight parts and an indicator box from a motorcycle. "The only thing I bought was a solar panel (电池 板), which charges a battery that supplies power to the lights at night. " Richard says. He calls the system Lion Lights. His simple solution was so successful; his neighbors heard about it and wanted Lion Lights, too. He put in the lights for them. From there, the lights spread and are now being used all around Kenya. Someone in India is trying them out for tigers. In Zambia and Tanzania they're being used as well. (1)Why do local people kill lions?________ A.To protect their cows. B.To attract tourists. C.To scare away large animals. D.To sell them for money. (2)What makes Richard's idea successful?________ A.That the system can protect lions. B.That the lights will cost nothing. C.That the cows are lawfully killed.


广州中医药大学附属广州中医院专业和导师简介 中医内科学() 广州市中医医院中医内科学专业年起开始培养研究生,目前是我校兼备博士学位授予权和硕士学位授予权的学科。 在多年培养研究生的过程中,结合学科专业情况,本学科近期主要研究方向有:中医血证研究;中医脾胃病证研究;中医治疗心血管病研究;中西医结合治疗脑病的研究;中医治疗肾病证的研究和中医治疗肺病证的研究;近来新开展和即将开展的研究方向还有中医药治疗热病的临床研究;中医药治疗内科急症的临床研究,中医药在心脑血管疾病的介入性治疗的临床研究等。神经内科、消化内科、心血管内科、骨科、肾内科、急诊科、溃疡性结肠炎专病个专科专病年被定为广州市卫生局工程重点中医专科(专病)建设单位;消化内科的溃疡性结肠炎于年被确定为广东省中医专科(专病)重点专科;心血管内科、神经内科、肿瘤科年被定为广东省中医重点专科建设单位。心血管内科、神经内科、肿瘤科、消化内科年全部通过国家药物临床试验基地认定。 目前本学科拥有一支力量雄厚的研究生导师队伍,现有博士研究生导师人,硕士研究生导师人;已培养硕士研究生人,正在培养博士研究生人,硕士研究生人。本学科还拥有一支力量雄厚、水平较高的专业学术队伍,目前共有教学、技术人员人,其中正高职称人,副高职称人,中级职称人,初级职称人,大部分具有自己的医疗业务专长,相当部分有较高的学术造诣,部分为国内有名的中医专家或中西医结合专家,学科的学术带头人在国内有一定的知名度。 消化内科运用“肠炎清”治疗溃疡性结肠炎疗效显著,已达到国内先进水平。肿瘤科是全国“青年文明号”,该科在全国较早开展的中药介入治疗恶性肿瘤,减轻了放、化疗的副作用,在肿瘤的中、晚期综合治疗上较有特色。神经内科在“中风”急救、神经功能康复等方面独具中医特色。心血管内科在抢救大面积心肌梗塞、复杂性心律失常、顽固性心衰等危重症。血液科是国家中医药管理局重点血液专科协作单位,中西医结合治疗血液病在省内外有较高的知名度。 本学科自年至年以来,经各级有关有关部门科研立项项,获各级成果奖多项。本学科近年来不断开展教学改革,完善教学手段,教书育人,培养出一批又一批合格的中医人才,为国家中医事业发展作出了较大贡献,在研究生培养工作方面也逐渐发展进步。此外,本学科还充分发挥了重点学科的示范作用,先后多次举办了多期全国及省市级中医及中西医结合进修班及专科讲习班,接受较高层次培养进修人员数百人。 本学科的硕士、博士研究生课程与其他学科基本相同,即包括必修课、选修课和教学、临床、实验三大部分,其中必修课有)马克思主义理论)外语)专业外语)内科专业课和专业基础课。选修课包括至门指定选修和其他任选课。内容有:医学统计学、计算机、、古汉语、内经、伤寒、温病、生理、生化、文献检索、实验动物学、实验核医学、免疫学、分子生物


2020年广州市普通高中毕业班综合测试(二) 英语答案 第二部分 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. A 36. F 37. G 38. D 39. B 40. A 第三部分 第一节 41. D 42. B 43. A 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C 51. A 52. D 53. B 54. D 55. C 56. B 57. A 58. C 59. D 60. A 第二节 语法填空 61. has climbed 62. it 63. plans 64. length 65. published 66. how 67. to film 68. completely 69. is / was / has been described 70. from 说明:大小写错误不给分。 第四部分 第一节 短文改错 Flowing through the centre of Guangzhou, the Pearl River plays an important role in the life of the to factories entertainment enjoying have and importantly that people can now fish in the river.

第二节书面表达 Sample 1: Dear Chris, Glad to learn that you will take part in a Chinese poem recitation contest. Here is my interpretation of the poem you’ll recite. The poem is about a son who is leaving his hometown to pursue his dream. Feeling concerned about his son, the mother decides to make a coat for him. She is worried that her son might not come home soon, so she sews every stich carefully hoping to make it last longer. This poem praises the love of mothers. In the first two lines, the characters “thread” and “coat” imply the inseparable bond between mother and son. In the l ast two lines, the poet compares a mother’s love to sunlight, which helps the grass grow day by day. And such great kindness cannot be easily repaid. Good luck in the upcoming contest! Looking forward to the news of your victory. Yours, Li Hua Sample 2: Dear Chris, Glad to hear that you’re participating in the Chinese poem recitation contest. The poem you chose is an ancient one, which ought to be a real challenge. The poem, written by Mengjiao, is called A Traveler’s Song. It’s about the deep love between the poet and his mother. The poem mainly describes a scene in which a mother is making clothes for her son who is leaving home to fulfil his dream. With each stich she makes, the mother conveys her deep love for her son and her concern that he may not return. The poet expresses his ideas using similes/comparison, concluding that a “mother’s love is like the sunshine to the grass”. With its rich emotion and depth, this poem is a good choice for your contest. Best of luck. Yours Li Hua


广东省医院大全 广州市 ?广东省中医院(三甲综合医院) ?广东省人民医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州中医药大学第一附属医院(三甲综合医院)?南方医科大学珠江医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州南方医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山大学附属第一医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院第一附属医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市中医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市儿童医院(三甲综合医院) ?广东省妇幼保健(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院第二附属医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山大学附属第一医院黄埔院区(三甲综合医院)?南方医科大学中西医结合医院(三甲综合医院)?武警广东总队医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市脑科医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市第八人民医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州十二人民医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市妇婴医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院荔湾医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州中医药大学附属骨伤科医院(三甲综合医院)?广州421医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州开发区医院(二甲综合医院) ?解放军第458医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市中西医结合医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州越秀区妇幼保健院(二甲综合医院) ?荔湾区第二人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州医学院第五附属医院(二甲综合医院) ?黄埔中医院(二甲综合医院) ?天河区妇幼保健院(二甲综合医院) ?番禺第二人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州市正骨医院(二甲综合医院) ?南方医科大学江都医院(二甲综合医院) ?南方医科大学第三附属医院(三甲综合医院)?中山大学附属第三医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市红十字会医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山二院(三甲综合医院)

?暨南大学附属第一医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州军区总医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市第一人民医院(三甲综合医院) ?广东省第二中医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院第三附属医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山大学附属肿瘤医院(三甲综合医院) ?广东药学院附属第一医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山大学附属第六医院(三甲综合医院) ?广东省口腔医院(三甲综合医院) ?中山大学光华口腔医学院附属口腔医院(三甲综合医院)?中山大学中山眼科中心(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院附属肿瘤医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州医学院口腔医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州市胸科医院(三甲综合医院) ?广州荔湾区中医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州天河区中医院(二甲综合医院) ?何贤纪念医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州市白云区第一人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州市番禺中医院(二甲综合医院) ?广州新海医院(二甲综合医院) ?广东省电力一局医院(二甲综合医院) ?从化中医院(二甲综合医院) ?海珠区妇幼保健院(二甲综合医院) ?增城市妇幼保健院(二甲综合医院) ?广东省工人医院(二甲综合医院) ?中山大学附属第一医院东山院区(二甲综合医院) 深圳市 ?深圳北大医院(三甲综合医院) ?深圳市福田人民医院(三甲综合医院) ?深圳儿童医院(二甲综合医院) ?南山医院(三甲综合医院) ?深圳市妇幼保健院(三甲综合医院) ?蛇口人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?深圳平乐骨伤科医院(二甲综合医院) ?盐田区人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?深圳市第三人民医院(二甲综合医院) ?深圳市龙岗中心医院(三甲综合医院) ?深圳市第二人民医院(三甲综合医院)


广东省广州市2012届高三毕业班4月综合测试(二)英语本试卷共12页,三大题,满分135分。考试用时120分钟。 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必用2B铅笔在“考生号”处填涂考生号。用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己所在的市、县/区、学校以及自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上 2. 选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。 3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答卷纸各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。 I语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节完形填空(共小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从〗5各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I woke up this morning with a fright ! There appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and 1 ____ scratching me. It had to be a mouse, for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my 2 ____ . It couldn't have been a(n) 3 ____ as I didn't own any pets; it couldn't have been a rat, because if what I had read about rats was 4 ____ ,their sharp teeth could 5 ____ their way through solid stone. They do this because their front teeth never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them 6 ____. I didn't dare to open my eyes and face the 7 ____ of the disgusting mouse in 9 ____ the mouse would slide onto other areas of my body, which would 10 ____ give me horrible dreams for years to come! Despite my fears, I finally decided to swiftly 1 ____ 1 the mouse away. But it


2018年广东省广州市高考英语二模试卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节)第一节(满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1. (1)How can a person get a free T-shirt at the zoo? A.Follow all the zoo rules. B.Visit all the zoo’s exhibits. C.Bring along another guest. D.Identify all the animals in danger. (2)Where should a lost person go for help? A.Main Entrance. B.Visitor Centre. C.Administration Building. D.Nursing Centre. (3)Which of the following is allowed at the zoo? A.Riding your bike. B.Taking your camera. C.Feeding the animals. D.Smoking cigarettes. 【答案】 D C B 【考点】

应用文阅读 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了Roger Williams动物园的活动、在动物园内应该注意什么、一旦迷路了要怎么做,还有在动物园可以做什么。 【解答】 (1)D 细节理解题。该题提问的是一个人怎样可以在动物园得到一件免费的T恤衫。根据题干中的关键信息“free T-shirt”可以将信息定位到Zoo Exhibit Game部分。根据该 部分中的最后两句“As you explore the zoo, check off all the endangered animals you discover from the list below. Find them all and win a free T-shirt.”可知,如果一个人能识别出所有的濒危动物,就可以得到一件免费的T恤衫。故选D。 (2)C 细节理解题。该题提问的是一个迷路的人应该去哪里寻求帮助。根据题干中的关键信息“a lost person”可以将信息定位到Lost Persons部分。根据该部分内容“If separated from your group, ask any zoo employee or security guard for immediate assistance or go directly to the Administration Building reception desk”可知,迷路的人可以到行政楼寻求帮助。故选C。 (3)B 细节理解题。该题提问的是下面哪一个行为在动物园是被允的。根据关键句可知,带相机是允许的。故选B。 2. I saw it first, Amy said, as she ripped the old leather wallet out of Charlies hands. Without saying a word, as if they both understood that this was a secret they didn’t want to share with anyone, they slipped into the alley, where no one could see them look inside. "There’s got to be a million dollars here!" Charlie blurted out, when they saw the pile of hundred-dollar bills. Amy, the more realistic of the two, did a quick estimate, thumbing through the wad of cash. “More like thousands,” she said, her voice shaking i n disbelief. They’d found the wallet in a flowerbed by the sidewalk, when Charlie dropped his cell phone while he was trying to talk and eat a slice of pepperoni pizza at the same time. Amy stuffed the wallet into her backpack and pulled Charlie along by his elbow toward her house. As they rushed toward Viceroy Avenue, they talked excitedly about what they could do with the money—buy gifts for parents and friends, get new clothes, travel to the rainforest in Costa Rica, and adopt a whale. It looked like all of their dreams would come true. For the last block, however, they didn’t talk. Each began to suspect that the other one was silently adding to the list of things they could buy. They finally reached Amy s house, but instead of going inside, they walked around the house to the back porch. They opened the wallet and counted the money into piles of ten. The total was $2,400—more money than either of them had ever seen. Then they both started talking at once. “I wonder who lost it.” Their moods shifted, sinki ng from the high of being rich for fifteen minutes to resigning themselves to what they must do next. For in the wallet’s clear plastic compartment, there was a driver’s license. They knew what they had to do. Although they would lose their newly-found treasure, in a way, they felt relieved. (1)Where did Amy and Charlie find the wallet? A.In an alley. B.In a backpack. C.Among some flowers. D.On the sidewalk. (2)In paragraph 2, why was Amy’s voice shaking?


改革开放以来我国取得的巨大成就 1)建立全面物质生产体系 中国改革开放30年,保证了和平稳定,建立起全面的物质生产体系,经济建设取得显著成就。中国已经由初级工业经济转变为高级工业经济,包括钢铁、家用电器在内的许多工业产品生产居世界第一位。与此同时,中国经济规模和经济总量也不断扩大。 (2)国际地位持续不断提高 中国改革开放30年,中国的国际地位不断提高。快速经济增长使中国在世界经济中的地位不断上升。 (3)全面融入世界经济体系 以加入WTO为标志,中国经济已经完成市场化和国际化进程,融入世界经济体系和经济全球化浪潮之中。 (4)社会经济取得全面进步 (5)经济增长变得更加稳健 中国的改革开放释放出巨大的生产力,政府主导、大力投资和不断强化的工业经济使中国经济增长一直高于世界经济增长水平。 (6)经济发展水平不断提高 中国改革开放不断深入的同时,经济发展水平大幅度提高。1978年中国人均GDP为381元,按照1980年1美元兑换1.53元人民币汇率计算,约合149美元。2007年中国人均GDP 上升到2640美元,比改革开放前增长了17倍。 (7)人民生活水平显著改善 (8)教育发展取得长足进步 教育发展是衡量一个国家发展水平和发展潜力的重要指标。改革开放30年,中国教育发展取得长足进步。1978年中国普通高等学校毕业生数只有16.5万,占当时中国人口总量96259万的0.0171%。2006年中国普通高等学校毕业生数达到377.5万,占当年中国人口总量131448万的0.2871%,30年间增长了16.7倍。 (9)国民预期寿命明显提高 预期寿命是衡量一个国家社会经济发展的综合指标,预期寿命提高不但意味着经济发展水平提高,也意味着社会保障能力的提升。根据中国人口普查数据,1982年中国人口平均预期寿命是67.77岁,2000年中国人口平均预期寿命上升到71.40岁,增加了3.63岁。 (10)人民生活更加丰富多彩 中国人民的物质生活和文化生活已经进入一个与世界同步的时代。

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