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Assessment 评定估计

Remedial 治疗的补救的矫正的

Lift 鼓舞

Attainment 达到成就学识

Constant 不变的恒定的经常的Subsequent 后来的随后的

Prospective 预期,展望/未来的,预期的Arbitrary 任意的,武断的专制的

Burn the midnight oil 熬夜看书、

Hit the books 用功学习,准备功课

Do back-breaking work 做艰苦繁重的工作Fall down on the job 未能做好工作

Work like a dog 拼命工作

Work one’s finger to the bone 拼命做


Pan 镜头被摇动

Flicker 闪烁

Extinguish 熄灭

Plummet 垂直落下

Intimidate 恐吓威胁

Eclipse 使黯然失色

Extinct 灭绝的

Pulverized 粉碎的

Fluke 侥幸

Blizzard 暴风雪

Plaintive 哀伤的

Be a breeze 易如反掌

Have a green thumb 园艺高手

Be easy as pie 十分容易

Have a golden touch 能点石成金,无所不能

Have two left feet 极笨拙

Have a nose for something 对…敏感,善于发现


Repatriation 遣送回国

Persecution 迫害烦扰

Fester 溃烂

Asylum 庇护,收容所,救济所

Exile 流放,放逐

Accommodate 适应,调解

Token 象征,代表

Impediment 口吃,妨碍,阻止

Rehabilitation 复原

Down to earth现实的,实际的,实事求是的合理的坦诚直率的

Think one is god’s gift to mankind Show off

Put someone in someone’s place Put on airs

Blow one’s own horn


Siege 围攻,包围

Swirl 漩涡,打漩

Confer 授予给予

With Tooth and nail 尽全力去做Unleash 发动,解开束缚Coveted 垂涎的,梦寐以求的Bolster 支持

Succumb 屈服

Emancipation 解放,释放

Bury the hatchet 和解,停战Flow with the tide 随波逐流

Let sleeping dogs lie 别惹是生非Rock the boat 捣乱

Button one’s lips 闭口不言

Hold one’s tongue 保持沉默

Mind one’s own business 少管闲事

See eye to eye 看法一致


Animosity 憎恨,仇恨

Imbue 灌输,使感染,使渗透

Transcend 胜过,超越

Indigenous 本土的,土著的,国产的

Blocs 集团

Entity 实体,存在,本质

Prerequisite 先决条件

Impetus 动力,促进,冲力

Alliance 联盟,联合

Face up to something 勇敢地面对

Leave someone high and dry 把某人丢在一边不管Pass the buck 推卸责任

Point one’s finger at someone 指责某人Shoulder the responsibility 承担责任

Worm out of something 探听出来


Commitment 承诺保证委托

Odds 几率胜算

Anti-Semitism 反犹太主义

Dissented 意见分歧

Successive 连续的,继承的

Creed 信条,教义

Passage 路

Enterprise 进取心

Retain 保持

All or nothing 孤注一掷的,全无或一无所有的Give-and-take 妥协,退让,意见交换

Stick one’s gun 固执己见

Meet someone halfway妥协

Middle-of-the-road 妥协adjective

Find middle ground 找到中间立场


Daunt 恐吓

Imminent 即将来临的,迫近的

Pronounced 显著的

Analogue 类似物

Attest 证明证实

Extant 现存的,显著的

Stalking 围捕,潜行追踪

Detriment 损害,伤害

Dissipated 消散的

Go through with

Hang in there 坚持下去

Give up 放弃

Stick with 坚持,继续做,保持联系Sweat out 心情焦虑的等待或忍受


Inception 起初,获得学位

Plank 政纲条款

Irrevocable 不可改变的Confiscated 充公,没收

Atrocities 暴行,残忍

Innocuous 无害的,无伤大雅的Defiance 蔑视,挑战,反抗

Fathom 看穿,彻底了解

Delusion 迷惑,错觉

Disparate 不同的,不相干的,全异的Be a copycat 模仿者

Be a yes-man 凡是都认同

Be on on e’s own 独立的,独自的Stand on one’s own two feet

Cut the apron strings

Have a mind of one’s own

Lead someone by the nose 让人牵着鼻子走第九课

Testify 证明,证实,作证

Rectify 改正,精馏,整流

Compound 混合,掺和

Exacerbate 使加剧,使恶化

Foiled 阻止

Thwarted 挫败的

Traitor 叛徒

Alternative 二中选一的,供选择的Restrain 抑制,控制,约束Consultative 咨询的

Bilateral 双边的,有两边的

Be cool as a cucumber 像黄瓜一样冷静Be tough as nails 像钉子一样棘手

Keep one’s chin up 勇敢,不气馁

Pull oneself together 振作起来,回复镇定Go to pieces 崩溃,身体垮掉

Hold one’s head up 不垂头丧气

Fall apart 崩溃


Devout 虔诚的,忠心的

Grace 优雅,恩惠,魅力,慈悲Penance 忏悔

Suppressed 镇压,禁止

Annulled 取消,废除

Sever 割断,断绝

Breach 违背,违反,缺口Register 登记,注册,记录

Be hot-headed 容易发怒的

Blow up 爆发,爆炸,发怒Count to ten 数到十

Grit one’s teeth 咬紧牙关

Reach the boil point 达到沸点Hold one’s temper 控制某人的脾气

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