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NH3 3E 100SE

R e v . 09/2006


SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE

SensoriC deems the data contained herein as factual, and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.

The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which SensoriC assumes legal responsibility. The data are offered solely for consideration, investigation and verification. Any use of this information is subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 0 9 / 2 0 0 6

SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE


Amperometric3 electrode sensor cell

Very stable zero reading

Very selective

Highly sensitive

Hydrous electrolyte


TLV-monitoring, leakage detection

portable & fixed point applications

Food & Refrigeration Industry, General Industry, Semiconductor Industry



SENSORIC CLASSIC1845-932-30069

CTL 4 series adaptation1845-932-30049

CTL 7 series adaptation1845-932-30079

SensoriC deems the data contained herein as factual, and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.

The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which SensoriC assumes legal responsibility. The data are offered solely for consideration, investigation and verification. Any use of this information is subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 0 9 / 2 0 0 6


Measuring Range0–100 ppm

Sensitivity Range130 nA/ppm±30 nA/ppm

Zero Current at 20°C< ±100 nA

Resolution at 20°C< 1 ppm

Bias Potential0 mV

Linearity< 10% full scale

Response Time at 20°C

t50< 20 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time

t90< 60 s calculated from 5 min. exposure time Long Term Sensitivity Drift< 5% per 6 months

Operation Conditions

Temperature Range-20°C to +40°C

Humidity Range15–90% r.H, non–condensing

Effect of Humidity

Sensor Life Expectancy> 24 months in air*

Warranty12 months


* Background concentrations of ammonia might shorten life time of sensor . SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE

SensoriC deems the data contained herein as factual, and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted. The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which SensoriC assumes legal responsibility. The data are offered solely for consideration, investigation and verification. Any use of this information is subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations.

R e v . 09/2006





tem perature [°C]

s e n s i t i v i t y [n A /p p m ]


SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE

SensoriC deems the data contained herein as factual, and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted. The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which SensoriC assumes legal responsibility. The data are offered solely for consideration, investigation and verification. Any use of this information is subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations.

R e v . 09/2006










temperature [°C]

z e r o r e a d i n g [p p m ]


SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE

SensoriC deems the data contained herein as factual, and the opinions expressed are those of qualified experts based on the results of tests conducted.

The above data can not be used as a warranty provision or representation for which SensoriC assumes legal responsibility. The data are offered solely for consideration, investigation and verification. Any use of this information is subject to federal, state and local laws and regulations.R e v . 0 9 / 2 0 0 6

Cross Sensitivities at 20°C

Gas Concentration Reading [ppm]

Alcohols1000 ppm0

Carbon Dioxide5000 ppm0

Carbon Monoxide100 ppm0

Hydrocarbons% range0

Hydrogen10000 ppm0

Hydrogen Sulfide20 ppm21

1) Short gas exposure in minute range.


1.Interference factors may differ from sensor to sensor and with life time. It is not adviseable to calibrate with interference gases.

2.This table does not claim to be complete. The sensor might also be sensitive to other gases.

SensoriC NH3 3E 100 SE


家有儿女的家长们,如果你家中有宝宝学英文的话,那么对照以下10个阶段,就能清楚地知道孩子的英语口语水平处在哪个级别了,瑞思学科英语资深教育专家认为,孩子学英语,要从兴趣、热情入手,然后不断练习演讲演示,点滴各界才能过到“口语之王”的水平。 1. Enthusiasm 1. 积极热情 万事开头难,有了兴趣和热情,学习英语口语不再是难事。 2. Obsession 2. 沉迷其中 凡事沉浸其中,才能最终学到真东西,少儿英语学习也如是。 3. Discomfort 3. 略有不安 在英语学习路上,总有坎坷和崎岖之时,克服之后便是坦途。 4. Shyness 4. 羞于开口 总有一段时间是不敢开口说英语的时候,但只要张口,在接下来的日子里,英语学习就不难了。 5. Lack of Understanding 5. 缺乏理解 学习英语,如果全都理解了才能学通的话,就大错特错了,以有知来推测未知,才是学英语的最佳方法。 6. Frustration 6. 挫折 凡事都不是一帆风顺的,学习英语也如此。 7. Revelation 7. 新发现 在学习的路上,总有新发现,新刺激,这样才能一直激励着你一路向前。 8. Excitement 8. 兴奋 学习路上不仅仅是挫折和羞于开口,还会有新奇和兴奋常伴左右。 9. Embarrassment 9. 尴尬 不要害怕出丑,做任何事都有尴尬的时候,克服之后就能一路向前。 10. Triumph! 10. 获得成功! 英语学习的最后一站,也是终极目的就是获得成功,掌握并精通这一语言才是学

习的最终目标哦。 各位家长可以对照这10个阶段,检测一下孩子处在哪个等级上呢?其实大部分的孩子可能处于第3阶段之前,而造成这个的主要原因就是“羞于开口”。因为总是担心自己的发音不标准,所以干脆就不说了,这使得我们的英语学习止步不前~学习英语自信心很重要,有了自信,相信你也能侃侃而谈,顺利走向第10个完满阶段,来一个华丽的转身,成为那个惊艳四座的人~ 关于瑞思学科英语 2007年进入中国,率先从事学科英语教育培训,3-18岁少儿英语培训专家,其“浸入式学科英语”课程体系涵盖3~6岁幼儿英语、7~12岁儿童英语、13~18岁青少儿英语,并注重培养项目管理、演讲演示和团队合作三大能力。 每天,全国80多个城市250多家校区10万多名学员在瑞思同步学习; 每年,数十万家庭选择瑞思,九成以上的家庭选择持续续费,让孩子一直在瑞思学习,直至进入美国名校。


剑桥少儿英语一级口语教程B-Unit1 Unit 1 School Opening Day. 第1单元学校公开日 1.Look,talk and act. 1.看一看,说一说,演一演 Hello!Sam. 你好萨姆. Nice to see you again! 很高兴又见面了! Nice to see you!Zhang Xin. 很高兴见到你,张新. Where is Pat? 帕特在哪里? She's coming. 她来了. She's with Anna now. 她现在和安娜在一起. Oh,it's good to see you back. 见到你返校真好. Me too.How was your holiday?

我也是,你假期过得怎么样? It was great! 好极了. Oops! 哇! Don't worry! 别担心! Let me help you. 我来帮你. Thanks! 谢谢! Bye.Have fun! 再见.玩得愉快! It's great to see you all again 很高兴又见到你们 Yes,it is. 是啊. Is she our new friend? 她是我们的新朋友吗? Yes,she's Anna. 是的,她是安娜.

Hi!I'm Anna. 嗨!我是安娜. I'm Li Fang! 我是李芳. Hi!Miss Zhao. 嗨!高老师. Nice to see you! 见到你很高兴! Oh.Nice to see you,too! 哦,见到你我也很高兴. This way,please. 请走这边. 2.Listen,look,point and say. 2.听一听,看一看,指一指,说一说. feet 脚 bee 蜜蜂 see meet 遇见


Topic1、Probably. 中文:可能吧。 Topic2、Absolutely impossible! 中文:绝对不可能的! Topic3、That couldn't be better. 中文:那再好不过了。 Topic4、Maybe some other time. 中文:也许下一次吧。 Topic5、Have you got anything larger? 中文:有大一点儿的吗? Topic6、I can't tell. 中文:我说不准。 Topic7、Let's celebrate! 中文:让我们好好庆祝一下吧! Topic8、Can I take a message? 中文:要我传话吗? Topic9、I apologize. 中文:我很抱歉。 Topic10、Can you give me a wake-up call? 中文:你能打电话叫醒我吗? Topic11、Have you ever been to China? 中文:你去过中国吗? Topic12、I'm lost. 中文:我给搞糊涂了。 Topic13、Come in and make yourself at home. 中文:请进,别客户。 Topic14、I'm broke. 中文:我身无分文。 Topic15、I assure you. 中文:我向你保证。 Topic16、I thought so, too. 中文:我也这样以为。 Topic17、It slipped my mind. 中文:我不留神忘了。 Topic18、It's a nice day today. 中文:今天天气很好。 Topic19、It's just what I had in mind. 中文:这正是这想要的。


3E少儿英语(听、读、写)二级 听力部分【均为3个选项】【35分】: 1、听句选词(8%)难度系数 同前二笔。听句子,选出听到的单词(8%) 2、听短文填词(5%)难度系数 顾名思义,听短文填空。【比一笔稍难,一笔听句子,二笔听短文,对孩子拼写能力要求较高。】 3、听句答话(10%)难度系数 情景对话为主,对于有些习惯用法需要让孩子掌握。比如,me too, me either; i think so, i disagree等,孩子要了解这些句子表达的意思。 4、对话理解(7%)难度系数 听对话,选出最恰当的答案。对于这部分听力中的数字、方式、颜色、具体的细节等有相当的要求。由此,孩子需要提高的除了英语基础之外,对于听力的方法和技巧有一定的要求。 5、短文理解(5%)难度系数 听短文,选出最恰当的答案。这部分内容多,信息量大。孩子需要提高的除了英语基础之外,对于听力的方法和技巧有相当的要求。 读写 V语法与词汇【30分】 PartA 【20分】单选难度系数小学阶段的基本语法点。包括一般现在时、现在进行时、特殊疑问词、易混淆动词的用法需要熟练掌握。PartB【10分】完形填空难度系数一篇孩子损失惨重的一部分。要求孩子对于上下文的理解、句意推测、词语意义和用法比较了解并熟悉运用。 VI 阅读理解【24分】4篇阅读 两篇选择对错,两篇找答案。

Tips:一定要帮助孩子带着题去看文章,提高做题速度。更好应对三笔。 IV 翻译【11分】 4句话,中译英。难度系数: 不是句子难,而是全对难。孩子对于句子的正确应用一定要熟练掌握。 难度分析: 从听力和语法的难度来讲,可以比对新概念一的难度。新概念一基本覆盖了二笔的难点。听力部分,对于平时缺乏练习的孩子来看,难度比较大。制胜策略就是让孩子复述。 正常的小学英语学习中,三四年级的考二级笔试差不多。 有在外面参加英语培训的,视能力而定。 分析:从二级考试的内容来看,听力侧重于句子和文章的理解。对于孩子的英语思维有一定要求,能够理解句子的上下文意思,对于文中信息要有一定的筛选能力。 攻略:1、复述2、关键字3、速记有此三宝,英语听力必完胜。 词汇语法部分相对有一定的难度,主要难在完形填空上。对于时态、词意、词语搭配等要求较高;孩子一定要熟练背诵常用固定搭配,才能降低做题的难度系数。 攻略:1、固搭要熟背;2、时态要理会;3、易混词语分清楚;4、错题再做对。


3E少儿英语三级口语真题 一.2014年冬季全真题(1) 二.2014年冬季全真题(2) 2014年冬季全真题(1) A.即兴朗读(30秒,跟教材中范文接近,但是来自教材之外,但会有不同,错误单词不超过2个。) B.卡片描述(请至少用5句话,每个30秒,教材里的图片,每张卡不少于5句话) C.情景对话(请听录音中的5个交际用语分别作出符合场景的得体应答,每个6秒,无互动,类似于四口里的附录一的内容,考试方式还是快听快答的方式。考试基本围绕样句展开。3/5) 1.Do you need any help 2.What do you think of Italian food 3.May I use your mobile phone for a while 4.It’s so kind of you. 5.What will the weather be like tomorrow D.快听快答(请回答录音中的六道问题,每个6秒,常识问题居多,4/6) 1.What musical indtrument is quite small 2.How does a mushroom soup taste 3.Are there many fools/falls in the shopping mall 4.What color is the zebra crossing 5.What’s the shape of mobile phones 6.Where do football players have games E.听听说说(请听录音中的对话或短文回答五道问题,3-4个回合的听力,回答5个问题。类似于前四口的对话听力。3/5) Woman:What do you think of Miss Li’s lessons Man:I dpn’t know.But not interested in Maths. W:I don’t think they are boring at least. M:Maybe.But Maths is always a difficult subject for me. W:Do you need any helpI’m pretty good at it. M:That would be great!How about doing our Maths homework together today W:No problem.Let’s stay in the classroom after school. M:Thank you so much. Questions: 1.Is Maths the boy’s favourite subject 2.What does the girl think of Miss Li’s lessons 3.Who is good at Maths 4.What does the boy want to do 5.Where will they be after school F.听听译译(请将听到的五个中文句子口译为英语,每个12秒,考题主要来自于样题,会有略微变化。3/5 中译英为主。) 1.在英语老师的帮助下,玛丽通过了考试。 2.我觉得他们不会来参加这个聚会。


剑桥少儿英语一级口语试题精选 一、animals 1. What’s your favorite animal? 2. Do you like tigers? 3. Which animal do you like best? 4. How many……does a ……have? 5. How many eyes has the monster got? 6. How many frogs are there? 7. Where can you see fish? 8. What’s the ……doing? 二、the body and the face 1. How many ……have you got? 2. What color is your hair? 3. Do you have straight hair or curly hair? 4. Do you like your eyes? 三、the home 1. Where do you watch TV? 2. Do you live in a big house/flat or a small house/flat? 3. Have you got an animal at home? 4. How many beds are there in your bedroom? 四、numbers 1-20 1. What’s your lucky number? 2. Can you count from one to ten? 3. Which number do you like best? 五、sports and leisure 1. Where do you often play computer games? 2. Do you like to play football? 3. What’s your favorite sport? 4. Have you got a kite? 5. Can you play the piano? 6. Do you often play in the garden? 7. Who often play with you? 六、transport 1. How many buses are there? 2. How do you go to school? 3. Who drives a car in your family? 七、work 1. Where does your mother work? 2. When does your father/mother work? 3. Where does a doctor work? 八、the world around us 1. Do you often go to the beach?


三一口语一级 综述: 根据教材Green Channel 来授课。 10个单元会分十次课来讲。 Unit 1 Hello,my name is Jack Step 1:他们打招呼:Hi,Hello,Good Morning/Good Afternoon/evening. Step 2:介绍我自己:My name is Jenny. Step3:逐一地问学生:What’s your name?你叫什么名字(中英文结合) Step4:结合Good morning与what’s your name?进行group练习。 Step5:让学生们上前台演示对画,运用句子come over here 和go to the door. Step 6: 总结。让学生能跟我打招呼,说出他们的名字。

Unit 2:How old are you? 复习上结课内容。 Step1: 按照教材上作出1-10,10-20 的道具。 Step2: 交唱数字歌。 Step3:game:数字接龙 Step4:用教室里有多少人(How many people are there in the classroom?)引出今天的How many 句型。反复运用how many 句型来问他们,eg:How many chairs are there? Step5:用桃,鸟,猴,女孩,滑板的卡片让他们认识单词。 引出动物单词。 Step6:看图说话,问How many peaches are there? Step7:看图说话:教授“how old are you”句型,逐个问学生。 让学生猜图片中的人物再干什么,引出Happy Birthday! Step8:让学生分组操练How old are you?句型。


剑桥少儿英语一级考级口语内容 口语题型 口语分5个部分,分别如下: 1.Scene Card(一张大图片) 这一部分学生不需回答,只需在图上按考官所问的问题指对地方。问题大致是: Where is ..? Where are ..? 2.Object Cards(八张小卡) 这部分主要是考介词。学生依然不需要回答,但要按照考官所说,把小卡放到大图片上。学生要对介词非常熟悉。问题是: Which is the ..? Put the … (in, on, under, behind, next to, between, in front of)… 3.Scene Card 考官会指着大图上的某种东西问学生。 What’s this? What are … doing? What is … doing? How many … are there? What color is it? 4.考官从8张小卡中选3张,针对这3张提问。

What’s this? What are these? Do you like ..?What’s your favourite …? Have you got …? Can you … ? What do you do …? 5.考官拿走所有的卡片,对小孩的生活进行提问,只有三个问题。大致关于以下方面:家庭(父母,几个人),个人爱好,个人资料(年龄)。 How many people are there in your family? What’s your father’s /mother’s name? Who is the tallest in your family/class? What do you like play? How old are you? 学生在进行口语考试时,可以简略地回答,如yes , no。但尽量多说句子,给考官留下好印象,得高分。 1. Q: What's your name? A: I'm Linda /I'm Benny /I'm Sam. 2. Q: How old are you? A: I'm four.(I'm four years old.) 3. Q: Where are you from? A: I'm from Beijing. 4. Q: What day is today?(yesterday,tomorrow) A: Today is Saturday.(Sunday;Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday; Thursday;Friday) 5. Q: What's the weather like today?


3E 少儿英语听·读·写测试三级(3)Section II Grammar and V ocabulary. (25%) 第二部分语法与词汇 Complete each of the following sentence with the right choice. 看句选词:选择最佳答案。 36. Nobody feels like joining the party ____ the moment. A. in B. on C, for D. at 37. My mother invited her friends to ____ at our home. A. a dinner B. the dinner C. dinner D. her dinner 38. Few of us ____ been to ____ United States. A. have…the B. has … the C. have …/ D. has…. / 39.His wish is ____ up a company of his own in the future. A. set B. to set C. setting D. to setting 40. I _____ stay in the library most of the time in the summer holidays. A. am used B. an used to C. used to D. use to 41. The man went on ____ though he didn’t feel well. A. to working B. working C.work D. worked 42. ______ of the people in the neighborhood has ever seen such a person. A. None B. No one C. Neither D. No body 43. Have you found ____ the reason he didn’t show up at the pary? A. / B. from C. out D. up 44. Please call me at once if anything ___ wrong with this machine. A. comes B. grows C. becomes D. goes 45. The woman doesn’t think her son is ____ to take such a trip all alone. A. enough young B. enough old C. young enough D. old enough 46. I look forward _____ you next month. A. to see B to seeing C. see D. seeing 47. The teacher spoke slowly ____ everybody could follow him. A. so as B. so to C. so that D. so as to 48. To stay healthy, we need to have ____


3E英语三笔四口总体介绍与分析 3E少儿英语(听、读、写)三级测评形式:笔试测评:试卷时间:60分钟 一、听力部分【均为4个选项】【35分】: 1、听句选答(8分)难度系数★★ Tips:情景对话为主,对于有些习惯用法需要让孩子掌握。比如,me too, me either; i think so, i disagree等,孩子要了解这些句子表达的意思。 2、对话理解(10分)难度系数★★ 听对话,选出最恰当的答案。 Tips:对于这部分听力中的数字、方式、颜色、具体的细节等有相当的要求。由此,孩子需要提高的除了英语基础之外,对于听力的方法和技巧有一定的要求。 3、听短文做总结(7分)难度系数★★★ 顾名思义,听到短文后,在理解句意的情况下,按照顺序把单词填入文中。 Tips:比一般的spot dictation稍难一点。而且要求顺序是一致的。对于速记要求比较高 4、长对话理解、短文听力理解(10分)难度系数★★ 听长对话和短文,选出最恰当的答案。 Tips:这部分内容多,信息量大。孩子需要提高的除了英语基础之外,对于听力的方法和技巧有相当的要求。 二、读写部分 1、语法与词汇【40分】 PartA 【25分】单选 Tips:中考之内的基本语法点。包括各种词性及其用法,八大时态、特殊疑问词、易混淆动词的用法需要熟练掌握。 PartB【15分】完形填空 Tips:2篇,一篇长,一篇短。类似于前三笔。这是孩子损失惨重的一部分。要求孩子对于上下文的理解、句意推测、词语意义和用法比较了解并熟悉运用。

2、阅读理解【15分】3篇阅读 Tips:信息量大,一定要帮助孩子养成带着题去看文章的习惯,提高做题速度。 3、写作【10分】给一个话题让孩子对于话题进行阐述。比如:What do you do on Monday? Tips: 学会使用复合句进行写作是制胜关键。 难度分析: 从听力和语法的难度来讲,可以比对新概念二的难度。新概念二的1-60课基本覆盖了三笔的难点。听力部分,对于平时缺乏练习的孩子来看,难度比较大。制胜策略就是让孩子复述,参考书目是中考听力。 分析:从三级考试的内容来看,听力侧重于句子和文章的理解。对于孩子的英语思维要求较高,理解句子的上下文意思,对于文中信息要有一定的筛选能力。有一定的听力学习技巧。 攻略:1、复述2、关键字3、速记有此三宝,英语听力必完胜。 词汇语法部分基本涵盖了中考范围内的基本语法点,尤其注重易混淆词汇的搭配和理解;不同时态的基本用法和关键提示语要让孩子有这方面的意识。另外,死伤最惨重的还是在完形填空上。对于时态、词意、词语搭配等要求较高;孩子一定要熟练背诵常用固定搭配,才能降低出错的几率。 攻略:1、固搭要熟背;2、时态要理会;3、易混词语分清楚;4、错题再做对。 阅读理解三部曲:看题---阅读---筛选。带着题去看文章可以大大提高孩子的做题效率。三笔和二笔的不同之处在于,文中的生僻字和信息量会大出很多。孩子在没有良好的阅读习惯的情况下很容易读不下去。所以,在做阅读这方面,习惯重于能力。 写作----语言的综合运用正好体现在这个部分。对于长难句型一定要多背,多练。参考书籍来看,新概念二是个不错的选择。背写结合,对于孩子帮助更大。 3E少儿英语口语四级测评形式:口语测评:人机对话时间:6-8分钟 1.常识问答(6题):答对4个以上通过该项目。 Tips: 这部分内容非常简单,为四口必过项目。背诵文化常识部分注意几个要点:


少儿英语口语300句(一)打招呼,问好。 1. Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 2. Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 3. How old are you? I am (four). 你几岁了?我(四)岁。 4. What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麽名字?我叫(兰兰)。 5. See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow. 明天见?明天见。 6. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 7. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢谢。 8. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 9. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 10. Good-bye 再见。 11. Excuse me, what is your name? 打扰一下,你叫什麽名字? 12. See you next week. 下周见。 (二)表扬,感谢。 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!


英文口语1、It's out of the question. 中文:这是不可能的。 英文口语2、Just let it be. 中文:就这样吧。 英文口语3、Have you got that? 中文:你明白我的意思吗? 英文口语4、Be carefull. 中文:小心、注意。 英文口语5、That makes sense. 中文:那可以理解。 英文口语6、I'll pick up the tab. 中文:我来付帐。 英文口语7、I'll take it. 中文:我要了。 英文口语8、I suppose so. 中文:我想是这样。 英文口语9、Can I have a day off? 中文:我能请一天假吗? 英文口语10、Please leave me alone. 中文:请别打扰我。 英文口语11、Have you got anything larger? 中文:有大一点儿的吗?英文口语12、Thank you all the same. 中文:不管怎样还是要谢谢你。 英文口语13、I'm glad you enjoyed it. 中文:你喜欢我就高兴。 英文口语14、It's about time. 中文:时间差不多了、是时候了。 英文口语15、I'll take your advice. 中文:我接受你的忠告。 英文口语16、I was moved. = I was touched. 中文:我很受感动。 英文口语17、First come, first served. 中文:捷足先登。 英文口语18、I apologize. 中文:我很抱歉。 英文口语19、I'm not myself today. 中文:我今天心神不宁。 英文口语20、It all depends. 中文:视情形而定。 英文口语21、It doesn't matter to me. 中文:这对我来说无所谓。 英文口语22、I'm looking forward to it. 中文:我盼望着这件事。 英文口语23、It's been a long time. 中文:好久不见了。 英文口语24、I thought so, too. 中文:我也这样以为。 英文口语25、That's disgusting. 中文:真讨厌。 英文口语26、Did you have fun? 中文:你玩得开心吗? 英文口语27、I want to reserve a room. 中文:我想预订一个房间。



剑桥少儿英语一级口语试题精选 一、animals 1.What’s your favorite animal? 2.Do you like tigers? 3.Which animal do you like best? 4.How many……does a ……have? 5.How many eyes has the monster got? 6.How many frogs are there? 7.Where can you see fish? 8.What’s the ……doing? 二、the body and the face 1.How many ……have you got? 2.What color is your hair? 3.Do you have straight hair or curly hair? 4.Do you like your eyes? 三、the home 1.Where do you watch TV? 2.Do you live in a big house/flat or a small house/flat? 3.Have you got an animal at home? 4.How many beds are there in your bedroom? 四、numbers 1-20 1.What’s your lucky number? 2.Can you count from one to ten? 3.Which number do you like best? 五、sports and leisure 1.Where do you often play computer games? 2.Do you like to play football? 3.What’s your favorite sport? 4.Have you got a kite? 5.Can you play the piano? 6.Do you often play in the garden? 7.Who often play with you? 六、transport 1.How many buses are there? 2.How do you go to school? 3.Who drives a car in your family? 七、work 1.Where does your mother work? 2.When does your father/mother work? 3.Where does a doctor work? 八、the world around us 1.Do you often go to the beach? 2.Who do you often go to the beach with?


3E培训 3E少儿英语水平测评介绍 3E少儿英语为Elegant English (Elementary)的简称。 3E少儿英语水平测评是由中国中小学双语教育协会测评运作,上海外国语大学外语水平测试中心编写教材和进行题库建设,以上两家机构共同签署测评报告,教材由上海海文音像出版社和上海译文出版社共同出版。 3E少儿英语水平测评分为两大类:口语水平测评和听、读、写水平测评。 口语水平测试包含四个级别(一至四级); 听、读、写水平测试包含三个级别(一至三级)。 口语水平测评时间长度大约6-8分钟; 听、读、写水平测评时间长度为60分钟。 口语水平测评环节: 一级:提示说词,单句模仿,儿歌背诵,卡片描述,看图问答,快听快答 二级:提示说词,卡片描述,看图问答,快听快答,简短介绍,听听说说 三级:即兴朗读,卡片描述,情景对答,快听快答,听听说说,听听译译 四级:常识问答,情景问答,短对话理解,长对话理解,短文理解,自由说话 听?读?写测评环节: 一级:听力理解,语法与词汇,阅读理解 二级:听力理解,语法与词汇,阅读理解,翻译 三级:听力理解,语法与词汇,阅读理解,写作 与星级考口试笔试的对比: 3E少儿英语口语水平测评与星级考口试的对比每一级别总体词汇量要求大致相当,但对学生英语运用能力要求更高。 例如: 一级中有词组的翻译,运用简单句子进行图片的描述等; 二级中有人物介绍,听力理解(听对话或短文回答问题)等; 三级中有具有一定长度和难度的句子口译等; 四级虽然难度相当,但对每一版块的要求又有进一步的提升。 3E少儿英语听、读、写水平测评与星级考笔试的对比: 水平测评相比以往的星级考而言,增加了一个过渡级别,不像二星笔试和三星笔试之间难度跨度这么大。但是水平测评对学生的书写能力提出了更高的要求,起到了全面测评学生英语综合运用能力的作用。 例如:一级中有填写单词,判断句子正误的题目; 二级中涉及中译英题目; 三级中测评学生英语写作能力等。


3E少儿英语听读写测试三级(4) Section I Listening Comprehension(35%) 第一部分听力理解 Part A (8%) Choose the best response to the sentence or the question you hear. 听句选答:根据你听到的句子或问题,选出最恰当的应答 1. A. lt's raining. B. It was cloudy. C. lt's usually sunny. D. lt'II be fine. 2. A. Don't mention it. B. Never mind. C. Surel D. Take care. 3. A. All right. I will. B. OK, I won't. C. It doesn't matter. D. That's all right. 4. A. I have no idea. B. Is it true? C. How bad it is? D. l'm sorry to hear that. 5. A. No one told me that. B. Because I like taking the bus. C. That's a good idea. D. lt's very far away from here. 6. A. I find this book easy to understand B. My pleasure. C. Don't worry. D. lt's an interesting book. 7. A. We had a party in this house. B. l'm going to move in next week. C. lt's big and bright. I like it. D. lt's.ten minutes away. 8. A. His friends did. B. He wanted you to wait for him. C. He asked you to visit him. D. About three hours ago. Part B (10%) Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each of the questions. 短对话理解:根据你听到的对话,选出最恰当的答案。 9. A. sbe will see the man. B. She will hand in her paper. C. She will write her paper. D. She will have a meeting. 10. A. He wanted her to join them. B. He wanted her to buy CDs for him. C. He wanted her to wait for him. D. He wanted her to leave the music store. 11. A. Six months ago. B. Nearly a year ago. C. Three months ago. D. A year and a half ago. 12. A. In an elevator. B. In a car. C. Behind a wall. D. Behind a window. 13. A. Because Peter had tried his best. B. Because he was proud of Peter. C. Because it was very difficult for Peter to win the contest. D. Because Peter could get some prize money. 14. A. Very thankful. B. A little worried C. Very glad. D. A little excited. 15. A. She is learning to walk. B. She walks outside the hospital. C. She likes walking alone. D. She is recovering her health. 16. A. Because she wants to save time. B. Because she enjoys cooking. C. Because there is nice food at home. D. Because she loves home-cooked meals. 17. A. A middle-aged man. B. A woman wearing glasses. C. A person sitting in the middle. D.A person sitting beside him. 18. A. Forty minutes. B. Half an hour C. An hour D. Fifty five minutes.


全国少儿英语等级考试一口语部分 1)请说出三种公共交通工具 2)请说出三种老师上课需要的物品 3)请说出三种花的颜色 4)请说出三种动作轻快的动物 5)请说出三种家庭成员 2020年12月一星口语真题(听力项目) C 模仿 考生跟着录音读词念句。考试时间0.5分钟。 评分方法与标准:模仿分4节,模仿3节准确即可通过。 A tiger – a baby tiger – a baby tiger is walking happily – A baby tiger is walking happily behind his mother. D 听听做做 考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列的动作。考试时间为1分钟。 评分方法与标准:活动中有5个指令,完成3个指令规定的动作 即通过。 Set1 道具:盒子里放三只小动物:小猫、小狗和小公鸡 Are you ready? Now let’s begin. 1) Look into the box on the desk. 2) Now tell the teacher what animals you can see in it.

3) Take the dog and cat out of the box. 4) How many legs does the dog have? Count them. 5) .Pick up the cat with your left hand. Ok. That’s the end. Set2 道具:一个叠白纸,三只水笔:橙色,紫色,黑色 Are you ready? Now let’s begin. 1) With the black pen, draw a wall on a piece of paper. 2) With the purple pen, draw a window on the left-hand side of the wall. 3) And draw an orange door on the right 4) Pick up the paper with both your hands. 5) Now give your picture to the teacher. Ok. That’s the end. E 快听快答 评分方法与标准:考生听录音中的6问题,答对4个算通过。 Set1 1) Where do you go after school? (I go home.) 2) Is there a curtain in your room? (Yes, there is.) 3) Name two things you see in the sky. (The sun and the moon/the stars.)
