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Module 10 Unit2 讲学稿

Module 10 Unit2 讲学稿
Module 10 Unit2 讲学稿


一、学习目标: 1.初步理解短文大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 理解新语法。



糖________ tasty________ 菜单________ 表现_________ 说服__________ 禁止________ 教育_______ 典型的_________ 日常饮食_______ fat___________ flesh_________ healthy food_______垃圾食品________ 厨师_______ 学校午餐_______ improve ________ change _________ 那是艰苦的工作________________________________



2. be good for__________


4. get/ have sth. done 使某事被做(完成)

5.refuse to do sth. _____________________

6.ban (from) doing sth. ___________________

7.prefer sth. to sth. ____________________

8.in the end= at last = finally_________________

9.prefer doing sth. to doing sth. ___________ 10.prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. _________________11.sb. spend …on sth.__________ 12.sb. spend …doing sth. ___________________ 13.sth. cost sb. some money sb. ____________ 14.sb. pay for sth. _______________________ 15.go back to = return to ____________

16.persuade sb. (not) to do sth. __________________17.decide (not)to do sth. ________________


1.We prefer ice cream.我们更喜欢冰激凌。prefer意为“更喜欢------”。

2.He told them they needed to ban junk food from schools.他告诉他们需要在学校禁止垃圾食品。ban sth. from…和ban doing sth. ,过去式和过去分词为banned.




Reading 1:写出下列四个标题的意思并与文段搭配起来。

a.What is healthy food? ____________________

b. Getting things done.____________________

c.What’s on the menu? ___________________

d.Improving school meals__________________ Reading 2:阅读文段,找出下列的问题的答案,标出答案所在的位置。

( )1. Children usually had ____.

A. hamburgers and chips or pizza

B. hamburgers, rice and fruit

C. hamburgers, pizza and vegetables

( )2. What did Jamie think about children’s meal? A. very good B. terrible C. not too bad ( )3. How much do children know about healthy food? A. A little B. Nothing C. Much ( )4. What did children do at first after Jamie gave them new food?

A. They liked it very much

B. They refused to eat it.

C. They did nothing ( )5. What did Jamie want the government to do?

A. Ban junk food, train the cooks,

B. Educate the children, spend more money on school dinners

C. Both A and B Reading 3: 根据课文内容及单词首字母填空。

Jamie Oliver is a c_____who wants to i_______school dinners. In 2005, he went back to schools and found many children p______ junk food because they didn’t know much about h______ food. Junk food isn’t just b_____ for the body and the tea chers said the children who had unhealthy food for lunch were d________ to teach in the afternoon .Jamie wanted to do

something . So he t_______ the cooks and the children about the healthy food , he cooked healthy meals and s_______ them why the junk f ood wasn’t healthy ,he p__________ a lot of people to try his cooking . He still asked the government to b_____ junk food from schools , t______ the cooks , e______the children and s_______ more money on school dinners .Many people a______with him. They all said that Jamie Oliver’s i_______ changed school dinners all over Britain.


( )1. Look at that woman! She’s the woman_____son is a famous film star. A.which B.that C.whose D. who ( )2.My sister likes listening to music ___ is quiet and gentle. A.whose B. that C. what D. who 四、巩固练习提高。单项填空。

( )2.The teacher said that Tom behaved __________ at school. A. good B. bad C. badly ( )3. I have ____ money, and I can’t afford the house.A. many B. a little C. lots of D. few

( )4. He gave me ______ on how to play soccer well.

A. some advices

B. some advice

C. many advices

D. an advice

( )5. He said he preferred pop music ___classical music. A. than B. for C. to

( )6. Most of the students in our class prefer____ to ____.


Food is very important. Everyone needs to (1)______ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also needs a kind of food. This kind of food is (2)________. We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are (3)________ in everything around them. They learn (4)______ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to (5)________ story books., science book and so on. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and (6)______ to find out the answers.

What is the best (7)_______ to get knowledge? If we learn (8)_____ ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are (9)______ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand (10)______. ( )1. A. sleep B. read C. drink D. eat

( )2. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat

( )3. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. better

( )4. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

( )5. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write

( )6. A. try B. have C. think D. wait

( )7. A. place B. school C. way D. road

( )8. A. on B. with C. to D. by

( )9. A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes

( )10.A. harder B. much C. better D. well


说课稿 尊敬的各位评委老师: 大家好!我是---号考生,今天我说课的题目是-------,下面我将从教材分析,教学目标,教法学法,教学过程,板书设计这几个方面来展开我的说课。一教材分析 本节课是人教版义务教育课程标准,----年级上册第---单元的内容,探究学生在学习了------------的基础上进行教学的,是学生进一步学习-----------的基础,本节课的内容是本单元的重要组成部分,同时也是帮助学生建构知识体系的重要环节。 二教学目标 基于以上对教材的分析,依据新课程以生为本的教育理念,结合---年级学生的认知规律,我制定了以下教学目标: 知识与技能目标:了解---------,掌握--------的方法 过程与方法目标:经历探究----------的过程,培养学生------------的能力。 情感态度与价值观目标:让学生体验学习数学的乐趣,感受数学在生活中的应用价值。 根据以上对教材的分析和教学目标的制定,我把-----------作为本节课重点,把---------作为难点 三教法学法 新课标要求,学生是学习和发展的主体,为让学生充分理解,掌握本节课教学内容,结合学生理解能力,教学中我主要通过学生参与式的教学模式,采取讲授引导法,练习法等教学方法,配合现代教学手段,使学生积极参与到活动中来,乐于学习,勤于思考。在学法上倡导自主学习,合作学习,探究学习法,于是把学习的主动权交还给学生,通过自主思考,合作交流,讨论探究等方式展开。 四教学过程 根据以上的分析我将本节课设计如下环节: 环节1:创设情境,引入新课 为了激发起学生的学习兴趣和探究欲望,结合学生的知识基础和生活经验,我通过情景导入的方法引入新课,孩子们,请认真观察这幅图,你发现了什么?同学们可能会说----------,在学生纷纷发言的基础上,我适时总结出与本节课相关的数学信息,引入新课,出示课题。 (这样的设计能很快地激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生感受生活中出处处有数学,为探究新知埋下伏笔) 环节2:自主学习,合作探究 自主、合作、探究是新课程倡导的三种重要的学习方法,教学中要充分尊重学生的学习经验,把学生看成重要的学习资源。因此本环节,我大胆放手,把学生分成小组,结合本节课知识特点,我设计以下步骤:1自主学习,独立动手2小组合作,质疑探究。3选派代表总结发言。在学生探究的过程中


Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?(Period 1) 课型:新授主备:陈宝娟审核: 班级:姓名:时间: 学习目标: 1.讨论未来计划;2.进行时态表示计划或安排将要发生的动作. 课前准备: 1.识记本课新单词;2.预习并完成1a.3.翻译并熟记下列短语: 去游泳去钓鱼多长时间 去野营 on Monday next week 4.讨论预习中存在的问题. 课前检测: 1.用适当的形式填空: 1) Are you (go) for a trip to the seaside? 2) The shoes are too dirty, I’m going to (清洗) them. 3) (get) up or we’ll be late for class. 4) They are going to do some (shop). 疑难摘录 __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 学习过程: 1.师生交流,探究预习中存在的问题. 2.找出本节课的重要句型: 3.听录音,完成1b,2a和2b. 4.读下列对话,探讨并总结: -What are you doing for vacation? -I’m visiting my grandmother. -When are you going? -I’m going on Monday. 上述句子都是时态,其结构为,由部分构成,谈论计划. 5.双人进行下列对话练习,并编写新对话. A: What are you doing for vacation? B: I’m going camping. A: That sounds nice. Who are you going with? B: I’m going with my parents. A: B: A: B: 课堂检测: 1.按要求变换下列单词: visit(名词) shop(现在分词) it(复数) family(复数) hear(同音词) mine(主格) five(序数词) a re not(缩写) 2.根据答语,补充问句: 1) for vacation? We’re going swimming. 2) for vacation? She’s visiting her grandparents. 3) ? He’s going on September 10th. 4) ? They are going home next week. 5) ? I’m going camping with my friends. 3.连词成句 1)do ,on , you, what, weekends, usually, do, ? __________________________________________________ 2) often, Cheng, TV, how, does , watch, ? ____________________________________________________ 3)matter, you , what, is, the, with? _____________________________________________________ 错题集 ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________ (学)教后记 ____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________


Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.我打算学习计算机科学。 Section A 1、what do you want to be when you grow up?当你长大了你想做什么? 1)when当…时候,在这里引导时间状语从句,when引导的从句中既可以用延续性动词,又可以用非延续动词,且从句的动作既可和主句的动作同时发生又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生。 I’ll call you when I get there.当我到那里时给你打电话。 When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some water for him.当我住在农村时,我常常为他挑水。 在含有时间状语从句的复合句中,主句用一般将来时,或含can,should,may等情态动词。或是祈使句时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。 When I meet Tom,I’ll tell him the thing.当我见到汤姆时我将告诉他这件事。 2)grow up成长,长大She wants to be an actress when she grows up.她长大了想当演员。grow作不及物动词,意为“生长,成长”,作及物动词,意为“种,种植” 2、well,I’m going on to keep on writing stories,of couse.嗯,当然我打算继续写故事。 keep on doing sth=go on doing sth继续做某事(即将一直在做的事继续做下去) He went/kept on working after dark.天黑了他还继续干 3、My parents want me to be a doctor,but I’m not sure about that.我父母想让我成为一名医 生,但是我没有把握。 be sure about确信,对…有把握,与be sure of同义,接名词或动名词,侧重指主语对具体事物确信无疑。 He is sure of/about success.他自信会成功的。 拓展:be sure to do sth必定/必然会做某事是说话人的推测。 He is sure to rain.天一定会下雨。 be sure 接宾语从句,“确信某事一定会…” I’m not sure whether I’ve met him before.我不能确定以前是否见过他。 4、Just make sure you try your best.只要确信你尽最大的努力了。 make sure确保,查明,可接of,about或that从句。 You should make sure of the time.你应该把时间弄清楚。 Make sure (that) you will arrive there on time.你务必准时到。 5、we are going to take singing lessons.我们打算上音乐课。 take…lessons或take a/an…lesson上…课 I like taking maths lessons.我喜欢上数学课。 表示上…课还可以说have…lessons或have a/an…lesson 6、I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.我要写文章,发给 杂志社和报社。 send邮寄,发送,send后接双宾语,send sb sth或send sth to sb寄/送给某人某物 send up发射send away赶走,开除send for派人请… They sent me some pictures.=They sent some pictures to me.他们给我发送了一些照片。Section B 1、Next year,I’m going to get lots of exercise.明年我要进行大量锻炼。 lots of许多的,大量的=a lot of修饰可数或不可数名词,相当于many或much。a lot of,lots of 通常用于肯定句中,否定句中一般用many,much。


第6课漂亮是美术鉴赏的标准吗——艺术美和形式美 一、导入: 上课,同学们好!请坐! 最近几年,“女神”这个词经常被我们提到,那么大家能不能告诉我,你心目中的女神应该是什么样的?好,如果用一个词语来概括,能不能说女神一定是漂亮的呢? 接下来我们来认识一位女神···额,大家的表情很复杂,的确,这个女孩以我们传统的审美来看并不漂亮,但是我们继续来看一段视频!···好,相信大家一定和我一样,都感受到了她在T台上的自信和从容,这个时候的她魅力四射!这个女孩叫吕燕,她被法国人誉为最美的东方女神!因此我们可以得出一个结论,生活中,美并不一定是漂亮的! 那么在美术作品中,漂亮是美术鉴赏的标准吗?带着这个问题,我们来学习今天的内容——艺术美和形式美! 首先,大家来看下我们本节课的学习目标! 二、新知探究: 环节一: 接下来我们欣赏一个雕塑作品——罗丹的《欧米艾尔》,看的过程中思考两个问题:好,大家小组间开始讨论!···**你来说一下这两个问题,好,请坐!**你来补充下,恩,很好!请坐!正如大家所说的那样,这个作品给我们展示了一个风烛残年、畸形丑陋的女人形象,但是却给我们带来了一种凄美、震撼的视觉感受! 以上环节,学生完成目标1 因此,在美术作品中,艺术美同样不一定是漂亮的!那么到底什么是艺术美,他在美术作品中是如何体现的? 大家欣赏席里柯的作品《艾普色姆的赛马》,这个作品又描绘了一个怎样的画面?好,**同学,你来说下!恩,很好,那么有没有同学发现了画面中一个不太对劲的地方?好,你来说!对,画面的中的这些马的奔跑动作不真实!的确,通过和摄影照片对比发现,席里柯的作品不真实,但是我们却更能感受到这些选手们正策马扬鞭、使尽全身的洪荒之力往前飞奔,给我们营造出了紧张压抑的比赛气氛! 因此,通过分析这些美术作品,我们可以得知,艺术美不一定要漂亮、真实,我们来尝试给艺术美下个定义!··· 恩,很好!这里的创造是经过了作者的主观处理——抽离、概括、夸张、重组等,而此时的美术形象已经是有别于客观现实的“第二自然”,但是不管一个作品是漂亮还是丑陋,夸张还是写实,能引发观看者的情绪反应和情感共鸣,激发观看者的思考、联想,那么这个作品就具有艺术美! 以上环节,学生完成目标2 环节二: 接下来我们回顾下第二课所学的美术作品的艺术语言,接下来,大家思考一个问题,如果忽略艺术形象,单靠艺术语言,能否传递给我们美感?能否表达作者的情感和思想? 能?不能?好,接下来,大家都拿出一片白纸,我们来进行一个小尝试:有声音的线条!大家用不同类型的线条表现依次画出你听到的声音给你带来的感受,好,有没有同学愿意到黑板上画给大家呢?好,**同学,你来!好,大家注意听咯!···好,我们来看下这位同学的作品,他分别用了折线、曲线和杂乱无章的线画出了雷声、轻音乐和神曲《忐忑》,老师觉得他画的非常好,大家也都用了不同类型的线条画出了自己的感受,其实我们每个人天生都是艺术家,都有用艺术的语言来表达我们情感的本能,只是


育才中学英语讲学稿 18 主备:王红英审核:七年级英语组班级 ___ 姓名_________ Unit6 Our Local Area Topic2 My home is in an apartment building. Section B 一、学习目标: 1.词汇学习: 1)名词: neighbor, store, bank, street, corner, post, post office,bookstore, parking lot, supermarket, railway, station, end, road, 2) 动词: post, end, 2.重点句型: 1) There is/are 的否定句、一般疑问句及其答语。 2) ---Would you like me to help you? 你有什么要我帮助的吗? ---Yes, thanks. 是的,谢谢。 3) ---Are there any (stores)near here? 附近有商店吗? ---Yes, there is one in front of our building. 有,在我们这幢楼前面有一家。 4)Oh, it’s very nice of you. Thank you. 你真的太好了!谢谢! 二、自主学习: 1.大声朗读学习目标里的词汇与句型,快速读背理解,比比哪个小组检查得更快! 2.听1a录音,看视频,模仿语音语调。 3.大声朗读对话两遍。独立完成课本1b,检查并改正。 4. 独立完成2a. 检查并改正。 5. 独立完成3a. 检查并改正。 三、合作学习: 1.小组合作:小组长带领互查自主学习里的3、4、5、三项,组内讲解。 2.同伴合作:朗读、背诵、表演。比比看谁最迅速! 3.小组合作:模仿2中的两组对话,编写两组新的对话。比比哪个小组最有才! 四、成果展示: 1)朗读对话; 2)背诵对话; 3)表演新编对话。 五、词语探究: 1.there be句型,就近原则 对该句型进行提问,常用“What is +介词短语?” 1) There ____ a book and two pens on the desk. 2) There ____ two pens and a book on the desk. 3) ___ there any flowers in the garden? 4)There are many birds in the tree.__________________________________ 2) would like 的用法:Would you like me to help you? (would like sb. to do:想要某人做某事) Would you like to play soccer with me? (would like to do:想要做某事) I’d like some bread and milk. (would like sth. 想要某物) Would you like _________ a kite with me? 你愿意和我去放风筝吗? 3.one的用法 1)one 代指上文出现过的单数可数名词,ones代指可数名词复数(同名异物) I don’t like this hat. Please give me that ____. These pens are broken.(坏的) I want those green _____. 2)one, the other 一个,另一个,明确说明“两个”时使用。 I have two brothers. One is a teacher. And _____ is a doctor. 3)基数词,其序数词为first, 并且first前必须要加定冠词the.若名词前有first来修饰,那么常用动词不定式to do做后置定语。(即:后面多用to do 的搭配) He is the first student ____ get up. 他是第一个起床的学生。 4. It is very nice of you. 你真的是太好了。 此处It’s very nice/kind of sb. 某人真的很友好。 It’s very kind/nice of you. 你真好! It’s very nice/kind of sb.(某人)+ 不定式(to do)某人做某事真的很友好 It’s very nice of him____help us. 他帮助我们太好了! 六、学习检测: 短语互译 1)你的新邻居 2)寻找一家商店 _____ 3) near here 4) in front of our building 5)在街道拐角处 _____ 6)存钱 _ 7)寄信 8)停车 9)看医生 单项选择: 1)Excuse me. I’m looking for a bookstore. Are there near here? A. no B. any C. some 2) ---The box is too heavy. ---Sure. A. Can I help you? B. Would you like me to help you? C. Could you help me? 3)It is very kind you.Thanks your help. A. of, of B. for, for C. of, for 六、学后反思和小结:(在学会的项目后打对号,在还有困惑的项目后打错号) 1.本课单词() 2.重点短语和句型() 3.本课对话()

人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 6 教案

人教版Unit 6I'm going to study computer science.

Section A 1a呈现了几种不同的职业,要求学生根据趣味性为其排序。一方面让学生复习已经学过的一些表示职业的词汇(如teacher等),同时认知一些新的表示职业的词汇(如computer programmer),为后面的各项活动作铺垫。 Section B部分以“新年的决心”为主题设计了一系列的活动:1a 要求学生将图片和相应的新年决心配对,为后面实施交际功能提供了材料;1b 引导学生通过对话巩固掌握1a 出现的生词及be going to结构;1c和1d是听力练习同时也是输出性的任务,在听力理解的基础上要求学生注意形式的正确性;1e要求学生列出一些自己的决心或计划,然后进行小组讨论;2b 是一个阅读练习,介绍了resolution(决心)的含义、类型等,任务输入和输出并重,便于巩固、应用目标语言;3b和3c是两个写作练习,培养学生用目标语言写作的能力;4 小组活动的主题是清洁与绿色,培养学生在情境中运用语言的能力,同时渗透德育教育。

第一课时Section A(1a-2d) Teaching Goals【教学目标】 Key words: cook,doctor,engineer,violinist,driver,pilot,pianist,scientist Key phrases: be going to,grow up,computer programmer,computer science,bus driver,basketball player,be sure about,make sure Key sentences: 1.What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a basketball player. 2.How are you going to do that?I'm going to practice basketball every day. 3.Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! Teaching Key Points【教学重点】 The vocabulary: cook,doctor,engineer,violinist,driver,pilot,pianist,scientist,grow up,be going to,computer programmer,bus driver,basketball player,be sure about,make sure Target language: What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a computer programmer. How are you going to do that?I'm going to study computer science. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 1. The usage of “be going to”. 2. Use the target language to express your future intentions. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 An English textbook,a tape recorder,CAI or courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 ★Step 1Leading in 复习一般现在时表示计划、打算做某事的用法。 ★Step 2Pre-task Page 41,1a. 1.Read each of the words to the class. Teach the new words. 2.Have Ss complete Activity 1a. 3.Check the answers. Page 41,1c.


快速跑模拟讲课稿 胜利路小学 同学们好。,这一节课我们学习快速跑和游戏----踏石过河。活动中要求同学们知道快速跑的动作方法,对快速跑产生浓厚兴趣;掌握快速跑动作技能,发展跑的能力;在练习过程中,希望同学们能够互相帮助、探究学习,共同合作,完成本节课的目标。同学们,有信心吗? ——好,下面先让我们进行队列练习:希望同学们集中注意力,以饱满的精神、敏捷的动作完成对列练习。——立正、向右看齐、向前看;向右转、向左转、向后转、向后转。好,同学们做地非常好! 接下来我们一起做一个《大灰狼抓小羊》的游戏。由老师和体育委员来扮演成大灰狼,同学们扮演成小羊。规则是:不准跑出这个游戏圈,被抓到的小羊接着扮演成大灰狼,同学们明白了吗?——好,游戏开始!(教师扮演大灰狼的动作,哈哈,羊村的小羊全都出来了,灰太狼我今天可以美美的吃上一顿了。具有幽默感) 停,同学们在刚才的游戏中发挥了自己的聪明才智,动作敏捷,真得是太棒了!同学们,听,音乐响起来了,跟老师一起动起来吧!(健美操)同学们做的精彩极了。同学们,迅速集合(教师打出集合的手势 同学们知道怎样才能跑得更快吗?好,先让我们分成四个小组进行体验。要求每个同学都要展示、体验,组长负责归纳。同学们能不能做到?(学生分组练习,老师巡回指导、参与活动) 哨响。(手势)同学们,哪个小组先展示一下你们的探究结果,

做出动作,并说出体会……第一组------第二组----第三组------第四组--------同学们说的、做的棒极了。同学们,快速跑要求两臂前后摆动,身体稍前倾,摆动腿高抬,支撑腿蹬直,用前脚掌着地,向前跑出。(并做示范)要求快速跑时动作自然、放松。 同学们,2008年奥运会的火炬传递已经成为历史,让我们回忆2008,手持火炬来个火炬传递好吗?准备,开始——(指出各组跑的名次)同学们,跑的棒极了,下面我们,两人一组手拉手,合作往返跑,看哪个小组跑得快?各小组准备好,预备开始——(最后,用手指出第一、第二……)通过两人的合作跑,同学们有什么好的体验呀?说出来,和同学一起分享,好吗? 同学们的体验非常很好。如果老师安排四人一起向前跑,有的快、有的慢,你们该怎样跑呀?想尝试一下吗?准备,开始……同学们四人跑该注意什么问题?生活中,你们该怎样做? 同学们,在快速跑的练习过程中,表现的非常出色,老师非常高兴。下面,我们一起做个游戏——踏石过河,要求每个小组5块垫子,小组成员必须都在垫子上,运送过河,看哪个小组先到达彼岸。掉下河里,回到原来地方重新开始。各小组准备,——开始!…… 同学们,通过刚才的游戏你们有什么感想?对,说的非常好!集体的力量是最大的,团结就是力量。 同学们,让我们一起来听录音放松一下吧,请同学们跟我做,春天来了,小燕子从南方飞回来了,小草发出了嫩嫩的小芽,慢慢儿,慢慢儿的长大了;大柳树甩着她长长的辫子在河边梳妆打扮----------


模拟讲课 1、什么是模拟讲课? “模拟讲课”也称之为“无学生的上课”,就是讲课老师模拟讲课的情景,把课堂教学中的过程在没有学生的情况下用自己的语言把它描述出来。它是一种将个人备课、教学研究与上课实践有机结合在一起的教学活动,突出教学活动中的主要矛盾和本质特征,同时又能摒弃次要的非本质因素,使教学研究的对象从客观实体中直接抽象出来,具有省时高效的特点。 2、模拟讲课有什么的特点? 2.1竞争性。模拟讲课往往通过比赛形式与同行交流汇报,一般适用于教学比赛考核。 2.2机智性。模拟讲课时,教师一般是在上课前一个小时才知道自己要上的内容,备课时间短,要求高,难度大,因此要想取得比较好的成绩,就需要一定的教学机智。 2.3技巧性。一节四十五分钟的课,在模拟讲课时要求10—15分钟完成,在这么短的时间内要让评委老师听得明白、听得清楚,深刻理解自己的教学设计,从而从众多的选手中胜出,是需要掌握一定技巧和方法的。 2.4艺术性。由于是模拟讲课,没有面对面的学生配合,完全靠教师自编自导自演。不仅要演得有板有眼、象模象样、生动有趣、形象逼真,而且要能够比较全面地体现该教师的教学理念新、教学手段佳、教学评价得当、教学机智灵活等多方面的素质,这无疑是一种艺术。 2.5新颖性。模拟讲课在新课改的背景下、环境中进行的,必须要能够体现新理念、新教法,特别是在比赛时,往往采用的是同一课题,只有做到新中更颖,才可能达到出奇制胜,脱颖而出的效果,得到较高的评价。 3、模拟讲课与上课、说课有什么区别? 3.1与“说课”的区别 如果是说课是一场“讲座”的话,她既有满腹经纶的议论,也有精彩绝伦的演绎;那么模拟讲课就是一出“话剧”,有波澜起伏的情节,也有绘声绘色的对话,只不过话剧的演员只有执教者一人。 说课通常要说教材的内容、地位、教学目标、重难点、教学设想等,它不仅要说出“怎样教”,还要说清“为什么这样教”,要让听者不仅要知其然,还要知


Unit6一、语法:一般将来时:意义:计划打算干某事,据目前情况推测将… 谓语构成:be going to +动词原形(be为am、is 、are)标志:tomorrow,next week,in the future ,when+从句(现) There _________(be)a party tomorrow. There _________(be)two parties tomorrow. 二.知识点:1.make sure 确保,查明 2. take singing/acting lessons 上声乐/表演课 3.write articles 写文章 4. new year’s resolutions 新年计划 5.make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员 6.get good grades 获得好成绩7.foreign language 外语8.make resolutions/ promises 下决心/许诺promise to myself.对自己许诺promise to do sth. 许诺干某事9. at the beginning of 在…开始10. improve our lives 提高我们的生活11.write down 写下12.have to do with 与…有关系have to nothing do with 与…无13. try sb’s best to do sth 尽某人的最大努力去做某事14. for this reason 由于这个原因15.practice doing sth.练习干某事16.have…in common与…有共同之处17. too…to太…而不能18. the meaning of resolutions决心的意思19.physical health 身体健康20.keep on doing sth 继续做某事keep doing sth 保持干某事21.be sure about doing sth. 对干某事有把握 be sure about sth. 对某事有把握22.take up a hobby开始一个爱好take up doing sth开始干某事23. sound like+n.听起来像sound+形听起来24.send sb sth/ send sth to sb寄给某人某物give/ serve/show 25.be able to+do sth. 能够干某事(can/could) 三派生词1.piano-----pianist 2.science------scientist 3.violin-----violinist 4. education----educational 5. person----personal 6.begin---beginning 7.mean----meaning---meaningful/meaningless . 8.them---themselves 9.foreign----foreigner 四、句子1.the resolutions may be too difficult to keep 2. Some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions. 3.Don’t worry Unit6一、语法:一般将来时:意义:计划打算干某事,据目前情况推测将… 谓语构成:be going to +动词原形(be为am、is 、are)标志:tomorrow,next week,in the future ,when+从句(现) There _________(be)a party tomorrow. There _________(be)two parties tomorrow. 二.知识点:1.make sure 确保,查明 2. take singing/acting lessons 上声乐/表演课 3.write articles 写文章 4. new year’s resolutions 新年计划 5.make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员 6.get good grades 获得好成绩7.foreign language 外语8.make resolutions/ promises 下决心/许诺promise to myself.对自己许诺promise to do sth. 许诺干某事9. at the beginning of 在…开始10. improve our lives 提高我们的生活11.write down 写下12.have to do with 与…有关系have to nothing do with 与…无13. try sb’s best to do sth 尽某人的最大努力去做某事14. for this reason 由于这个原因15.practice doing sth.练习干某事16.have…in common与…有共同之处17. too…to太…而不能18. the meaning of resolutions决心的意思19.physical health 身体健康20.keep on doing sth 继续做某事keep doing sth 保持干某事21.be sure about doing sth. 对干某事有把握 be sure about sth. 对某事有把握22.take up a hobby开始一个爱好take up doing sth开始干某事23. sound like+n.听起来像sound+形听起来24.send sb sth/ send sth to sb寄给某人某物give/ serve/show 25.be able to+do sth. 能够干某事(can/could) 三派生词1.piano-----pianist 2.science------scientist 3.violin-----violinist 4. education----educational 5. person----personal 6.begin---beginning 7.mean----meaning---meaningful/meaningless . 8.them---themselves 9.foreign----foreigner 四、句子1.the resolutions may be too difficult to keep 2. Some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions. 3.Don’t worry Unit6一、语法:一般将来时:意义:计划打算干某事,据目前情况推测将… 谓语构成:be going to +动词原形(be为am、is 、are)标志:tomorrow,next week,in the future ,when+从句(现) There _________(be)a party tomorrow. There _________(be)two parties tomorrow. 二.知识点:1.make sure 确保,查明 2. take singing/acting lessons 上声乐/表演课 3.write articles 写文章 4. new year’s resolutions 新年计划 5.make the soccer team 成为足球队的一员 6.get good grades 获得好成绩7.foreign language 外语8.make resolutions/ promises 下决心/许诺promise to myself.对自己许诺promise to do sth. 许诺干某事9. at the beginning of 在…开始10. improve our lives 提高我们的生活11.write down 写下12.have to do with 与…有关系have to nothing do with


ⅰ.warm-up 1.class begins!good morning,boys and girls!sit down,please! 2.boys and girl,are you happy today?i'm happy,too.let's sing an english song together,ok?"what's your favourite season?"clap your hands,please.wow!wonderful! ⅱ.presentation let's learn 1.now boys and girls,please look at this picture.what season is it now?yes,it's summer.why?because i can swim.read after me.this line,please read this word one by one.great! 2.look at this picture!what season is it?why?because i can make a snowman.read after me.this line,read it.very good! 3.in summer,i can swim.in winter,i can make a snowman.and in winter,i can skate,too.follow me,please. 4.i don't like summer,it's too hot.i don't like winter,it's too cold.i like spring,it's sunny and warm.in spring,i can fly kites.i can plant trees,too.please read after


Hello, everyone. Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is I’m more outgoing than my sister taken from Unit 6 of Go for it English book 3 . It is made up of seven parts. Part 1 Teaching Material In today’s class we’ll talk about the section A of unit Six I’m more outgoing than my sister which is taken from Go for it English book 3 for the students of grade eight. This unit focuses on how to talk about personal traits and compare people. Students will learn some useful adjectives and expressions, at the same time, they can learn the change rules of comparative adjectives . Part 2:Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aim: (1)Grasp the new words describing people's appearance and personalities. (2) Learn to talk about people's personal traits and compare people. 2. Ability aim: (1) To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. (2) To train the students’ ability of working in pairs. 3. Moral aim: (1) Through different teaching methods to make students be interested in study. (2) Encourage the students to be more creative and try to make contributions to making new inventions in the future. Part 3 : Teaching important points and difficult points:

初一英语讲学稿(Unit 3)

Unit 9 How was your weekend? 课型:新授主备:焦纪霞审核:谢瑾时间06.6 班级姓名 Period 1(SectionA:1a—2b) [学习目标] 1. 熟记本课的新词汇。 2. 了解并学习一般过去时。 3. 掌握动词过去式的构成规则。 [课前准备] 1. 预习并完成1a. 2.请翻译下面六句话并比较: (!).I often do my homework at night. (2).I did my homework last night . (3).We often play soccer on weekends. (4).We played soccerlast weekend. (5).Lucy always cleans her room on Sundays. (6).Lucy cleaned her room last Sunday. 通过翻译,可以看出例(1)、(3)、(5)用的是时态,表示、的。而例(2)、(4)、(6)所发生的时间都与有关,表示的是。因此可以看出这三句用的是时态。 3. 看例并参照课本101页总结动词过去式的构成规则。 (1)规则动词:eg: look—looked live—lived stop—stopped study—studied A. B. C. D. 由此可知,规则动词的过去式就是在动词后面加ed。 (2)不规则动词:(请熟记下面这些常见的不规则动词的过去式) am /is---was are---were do---did go---went have /has---had read---read see---saw run---ran come---came put---put write---wrote take---took get---get 4、请你探索: What did you do last weekend, Lucy? 本句是由引出的特殊疑问句,其 中did是的。在此做词,用于询问发生的动作或事情, 而do在此为词,意思是。 5、预习自测:请你写出下列动词的过去式: play--- clean--- go--- come--- run--- do --- study---- are--- watch--- practice--- 【学习过程】 1、师生互动,完成1a。 2、生生互动,结对练习1c中的对话内容。 3、听录音,完成课本上的1b、2a和2b。 4、语法要点梳理:一般过去时 (1)概念:一般过去时表示某个时间发生的或存在的,也可以表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday; last +时间名词;数词+时间名词+ago;in+年份等,eg: I got up at 6:30 yesterday. (2)构成: A . be型: 肯定句:主语+was /were+其他 否定句:主语+wasn’t/wern’t+其他 一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+其他 回答:Yes,主语+ was/were. /No,主语+ wasn’t/weren’t. eg:I was a student last year. We were happy last week. 注意:was/were 的用法区别。 B. do型: 肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他 否定句:主语+didn’t+动词原形+其他 一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他 回答:Yes,主语+did. /No,主语+didn’t. 注意:在do型中,一般过去时的否定句和疑问句必须借助于助动词did来完成,did没有人称的变化,当句中有助动词did时,动词必须用原形。 eg: I watched Tv last night.→I didn’t watch Tv last night. —Did you watch Tv last night? —Yes,I did./No,I didn’t. 请翻译:张明上周末踢足球了。。 【课后检测】 1.He in the school play last week. A. is B. was C. am D. be 2.We to the beaches yesterday afternoon. A. go B. goes C. went D. going 3.She play the guitar well at the last concert. A. not B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. didn’t 4.—Did you watch Tv last night? —I went to see the movie. A. Yes, I did B. Yes, I didn’t C. No, I did D. No, I didn’t 5.On Saturday, I Tennis but I didn’t play baseball. A. play B. played C. to play D. playing Period 2(SectionA:2c—3b) 【学习目标】 1、掌握并运用一般过去时。

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