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NCE I同步测试卷(Test 1---3)

NCE I同步测试卷(Test 1---3)
NCE I同步测试卷(Test 1---3)


Test 1 (Lesson 1--6) Book 1


1. exc_se

2. ye_r

3. h_ndb_

4. p_rdon

5. _mbr_lla

6. t_ck_t

7. n_mb_ _

8. m_ _n_ng

9. st_d_nt 10. m_et 11. th_nk 12. v_ry 13. co_t 14. h_ _se 15. t_ _cher 16. d_ _ghter

17. p_ _cil 18. dr_ss 19. w_tch 20. sh_rt


1. ______________me! Yes?

______________ this your pencil?

Yes, ______________ ______________.

2. ______________ this your watch?

No, ______________ ______________.

3. ______________ ______________.

Good morning, Mr. Smith.

4. Sophie ______________ a new student.

______________ ______________ French.

5. This is Hans. ______________ ______________ German.

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________.

Nice to meet you, too.

6. ______________ she a French student ______________ a Swedish student?

She ______________ a Swedish student.

7. Good morning.

______________ ______________, Mr. Blake.

8. ______________ ______________ is it?

The car is Ford.

9. Is this ______________ book?

______________, it isn’t my book.

10. This is my book. It ______________ her book.

______________ ______________ are.


1. your, this, handbag, is?


2. ticket, is, my, here.


3. not, my, is, this, umbrella.


4. a, car, French, isn’t, it.


5. she, teacher, student, a, is, a, or?


6. new, student, is, a, he.


7. daughter, your, is, American, an?


8. nice, you, meet, to.


9. she, a, English, or, teacher, French, teacher, is?


10. is, this, not, suit, your.



A.Nice to meet you.

B.Very well.


D.thank you

E.This is Jim

F.This is his book

G.His daughter is an American

Tom: 1______________! Lucy.

Lucy: Hello, Tom.

Tom: Lucy, 2______________.

Lucy: Hello! Jim, My name is Lucy.

Jim: Hello! Lucy, 3______________.

Lucy, Nice to meet you, too. How are you?

Jim: 4______________, thank you. And you?

Lucy: I’m fine, too.

Jim: And how are you, Tom?

Tom: I’m fine, 5______________.

Jim: Goodbye!

Tom: Goodbye!


1. This is you handbag. ( )

2. This not is my umbrella. ( )

3. He is a new student. ( )

4. To meet you nice. ( )

5. Here my ticket is. ( )

6. Whose new pen is this?

It is Tom’s. ( )

7. --- Is this your new teacher?

--- No, he is. ( )

8. --- Is this your handbag?

--- Yes, it isn’t. ( )

9. ---- Is he a Chinese teacher or Japanese teacher?

--- No, he is a Chinese teacher. ( )

10. ---- What make is it?

---- He is a student. ( )


1. Isn’t this your pencil?


2. Is this his umbrella?


3. He is a Japanese student.


4. Her daughter is an English teacher.


5. Nice to meet you, too.


6. 这是你的女儿吗?




7. 这是汤姆。他是一个新学生。


8. 这辆车是什么牌子的?


9. 打扰一下。这是你的包吗?


10. ---- 这是我的学生。他是日本人。

---- 很高兴见到你。

---- ______________________________________________________.

----- ______________________________________________________.

Test 2 (Lesson 7--12) Book 1


1. n_me

2. j_b

3. operat_r

4. engin_ _r

5. mech_nic

6. n_rse

7. t_day

8. _hanks

9. w_man 10.sh_rt 11. di_ty 12. yo_ _g 13. b_sy 14. p_ _haps 15. bl_ _se 16. s_ _ter

17. bro_ _er 18. hoste_ _ 19. c_tch 20. cl_ _n


1. What __________ are you?

I’m Italian.

2. Where __________ you from?

I’m German.

3. __________ you a student?

__________. I’m a teacher.

4. What’s __________ job?

She __________ a nurse.

5. Is she tall or __________?

She is tall.

6. __________ it hot today?

No, it isn’t.

7. __________ shirt is that?

__________ is my shirt.

8. Here you are.

__________ you.

9. What’s your sister?

__________ __________ a nurse.

10. My coat please.

__________ __________ are.

Thank you very much.


1. handbag, whose, is this?


2. you, here, are.


3. where, you, from, are?


4. what, your, is, job?


5. book, it, not, my, is.


6. shirt, Tom’s white, is.


7. car, is Paul’s it.


8. his, it, ball, is, her, or, ball?


9. today, are, how, you?


10. a, hairdresser, he, is, not.



A.What is your job now?

B.How are you

C.I’m a mechanic

D.She is a teacher

E.I’m fine

F.He is student

G.How do you do

Tom: 1_________________ today, Jack?

Jack: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Tom: 2_________________, too.

Jack: 3_________________?

Tom: I’m a postman. And your job?

Jack: 4_________________.

Tom: What is your mother’s job?

Jack: 5_________________.


1. Are you French? Yes, I are.. ( )

2. What’s your job?

I am a engineer. ( )

3. How do you do?

I’m very well, thank you. ( )

4. This is me shirt. It’s blue. ( )

5. Is this your umbrella, Dave?

No, it’s not my umbrella. ( )

6. What are this?

This is my pen. ( )

7. That is my sister’s coat. ( )

8. Whose shirt it that?

She is my sister. ( )

9. How are Tony?

He is fine, thanks. ( )

10. What nationality are you?

I am Chinese. ( )


1. What nationality is he?


2. ---- My book, please. ---- Here you are.


3. Is he a student or teacher?


4. She is fine, thank you, and you?


5. Whose car is this?


6. 你是做什么工作的?




7. 这是你的衬衫吗?




8. 我的兄弟是邮递员。你的父亲是做什么工作的?




9. 这是一辆德国车吗?




10. 对不起,请把我的大衣拿给我。




Test 3 (Lesson 13 —18) Book 1


1. c_l_ur

2. sm_ _t

3. c_rpet

4. c_st_ms

5. fr_end

6. passp_ _t

7. br_ _n

8. t_ _rist

9. D_tch 10. y_ll_ _ 11. _ _ange 12. gr_y 13. _mploy_e 14. _ff_ce 15. a_ _istant 16. l_vely

17. upst_ _ _ 18. Danj_ _ 19. g_ _l 20. dre_ _


1. ___________ colour is your new coat?

___________ white.

2. ___________ upstairs ___________ see it.

Thank you.

3. My coat is green. What ___________ is your coat?

It’s ___________, too. They are the ___________ colour.

4. Is ___________ your umbrella?

Yes, it is ___________ umbrella.

What ___________ is it?

___________ green.

5. ___________ this dog brown and white?

Yes. This dog is ___________ ___________ ___________.

6. ___________ you Swedish?

No, I ___________not.

7. My case is brown.

Our ___________ are ___________, too.

8. Are ___________ your books?

No. They ___________. They ___________ Tom’s.

9. Is he ___________ English boy?

Yes. His sister is ___________ Chinese girl.

10. This is Nicola Grey and ___________ ___________ Clare Taylor. ___________ do you ___________?


1. boy, Tom, an, English, is.


2. operator, is, an, she?


3. office, an, is, assistant, he.


4. girls, those, are, busy.


5. they, very, hardworking, are.


6. what, coat, colour, this, is?


7. young, who, man, is, this?


8. our, he, office, assistant, is.


9. this, Nicola’s, Grey’s, is, or?


10. upstairs, come, see, and, it.



Example: This woman is very hard-working.

These woman are very hard-working.

1. This man is very busy.


2. Is that coat blue?


3. I am a Chinese girl.


4. Who is this little boy?


5. He is a taxi driver.


6. Is she a housewife?


7. She is an airhostess?


8. That young man is a policeman.


9. That little girl is a student.


10. He is a good worker.



A.How do you do

B.This is my sister

C.How are you today

D.I’m fine

E.Her name is Lucy

Tom: Hello, Lucy. 1__________________?

Lucy: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

Tom: 2__________________, too.

3__________________. Her name is Rose.

This is my friend. 4__________________.

Lucy: How do you do. Rose?

Rose: 5__________________!


1. What color is your new dress. ( )

2. Are this your cases? ( )

3. This is a blue and white dog. ( )

4. Those woman are very busy. ( )

5. What is this young man?

This is Tom. ( )

6. How are you, Tom?

How do you do? ( )

7. Hello, Mary. He is my friend, Tom. ( )

8. Is you a teacher? ( )

9. What job is he?

He is a teacher. ( )

10. How are you, Mary?

I’m fine, thank you. ( )












三年级下册语文单元测试第1单元 A卷_人教新课标(含答案)

三年级下册语文单元测试第1单元 A 卷_人 教新课标(含答案) (60分钟 100分) 一、基础训练营(45分) 1.拼一拼,写一写。(9分) “燕子姐姐,你回来啦!我们正要举办一个春日jù huì________呢,你得为大家表yǎn______一个舞dǎo______哇!”穿着花衣sh ɑng______的蝴蝶一边在花丛中piān piān_______ 起舞,一边和燕子打招呼。不远处一只qīng tíng___________ 在bì______绿的lián peng________ 上飞舞着,fǎng fú________在迎接燕子的归来。 2.加偏旁组成新字再组词。(8分) 京????? ( ) ( ) 永? ???? ( ) ( ) 舀????? ( ) ( ) 长? ???? ( ) ( ) 3.把下列词语补充完整,再选词填空。(9分) 旭日( )( ) 夕阳( )( ) 群芳( )( ) 姹( )嫣( ) 皓月( )( ) 崇( )峻( )

(1)中秋节的晚上(),我们全家在院子里赏月。 (2)远看长城,它就像一条长龙蜿蜒在()之间。 (3)花园里百花绽放、五颜六色,好一派()的景象。4.在括号里填上合适的词语。(3分) ()的小鱼()的泉水 ()的花环()的露珠 增添() 演奏() 5.根据意思选词语。(4分) A.荡漾B.俊俏C.镶嵌D.干涸 (1)(相貌)好看。() (2)把一物体嵌入另一物体内。() (3)(河道、池塘等)没有水。() (4)(水波)一起一伏地动。() 6.超级模仿秀。(6分) (1)动静是非 ________________________ (2)细雨蒙蒙白发苍苍 ________________________ ____________ 7.句子乐园。(6分) (1)星星眨着眼睛。(扩句,不少于两处) _______________________________________________________ (2)悄悄开放着的花朵给珍珠泉戴上了花环。(改为“被”字句)

新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test1(Lessons1-5)

新概念英语同步测试卷Book1 Test1(Lessons1-5) Ⅰ.填入下列单词所缺的字母(10%) 1.mo ning 11. ar 2.s ud nt 12. hirt 3. ew 13.co t 4. oo 14. ouse 5.m et 15. atch 6. uit 16. mbre la 7.s ho l 17. loakr om 8.tea her 18. y 9. augh er 19.p ea e 10.penc l 20.h r Ⅱ.从A、B、C、D中选出划线部分读音不同的选项(10%) 1.A.watch B.handbag C.thank D.man 2.A.English B.me C.meet D.please 3.A.that B.this C.brother D. thin 4.A.umbrella B.excuse C.student D.new 5.A.shirt B.skirt C.car D.bird 6.A. student B.much C.umbrella D.number 7.A.nice B.six C.five D.fine 8.A.very B.me C.yet D.pen 9.A.this B.English C.Chinese D.it 10.A.Chinese B.teacher C. shirt D.watch Ⅲ.根据句子含义填入正确的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出(10%) 1. E me? Y es? Is this your p ? P ? 2.My c and my u ,please.Here is my t . T you,sir.N five.


人教版新课标六年级 数学 (上册) 单元同步测试卷及答案

第一单元《分数乘法》同步试题 一、填空 1.涂一涂,算一算 用加法计算:; 用乘法计算:; 我发现:在这里,分数乘整数的意义与整数乘法的意义相同,都是。 考查目的:对分数乘整数意义的理解和掌握。 答案:;;求几个相同加数的和的简便计算。 解析:帮助学生回顾已有知识、学习新知的完整过程,加深对已学知识的理解和巩固。采用动手实践与计算归纳相结合的方式,对学生的学习方法进行指导。还要注意在该题的用乘法计算的分析中,应对先约分再计算的算法加以强调。 2.看图列式计算(求深色阴影部分的面积) 我发现:(1)一个数乘以分数,就是求; (2)分数乘分数,用相乘的积作,相乘的积作。 考查目的:对一个数乘分数意义的理解,以及分数乘分数计算方法的掌握。 答案:;。 解析:一方面,通过图形强化学生对“一个数乘分数”意义的理解;另一方面,重点回顾了分数乘分数的计算方法。对该题的具体分析,可让学生通过在纸上折一折的操作活动进行,对学习困难的学生,尤其需要加深他们对单位“1”的理解。 3.在○里填上>,<或者=;在()里填上合适的数。

○○○ ×()<×()>()×= 考查目的:主要针对“一个(不为0)的数乘以一个大于1、等于1、小于1的数,积分别大于、等于、小于它本身”这一知识点的理解和掌握。 答案:>;<;<;略(小于1的数);略(大于1的数);1。 解析:应引导学生通过仔细观察题目中的数据特征,再结合自己的思考和验证加以解决。所选习题之间具有较强的互通性,有利于学生自己探索出规律。 4.连线找朋友,看谁找得又对又快 (1)(2) 考查目的:第(1)题考查学生将乘法运算律推广到分数进行简便计算的能力;第(2)小题重点突出分数乘法计算题中对数据特征的把握,同时对倒数的知识进行了渗透。 答案: 解析:分析中应引导学生通过观察和比较,大胆地说出自己的想法。第(1)小题让学生说说运用了什么运算律;第(2)小题的分析应从计算结果出发,指向对题目中数据特征的探索,并让学生用自己的话说明有什么发现。 5.小明储蓄了180元,小刚储蓄的钱是小明的,小红储蓄的钱比小刚多。小红储蓄了多少元?先根据“小刚储蓄的钱是小明的”,把()看作单位“1”,()×=();再根据“小红储蓄的钱比小刚多”,是把()看作单


新概念英语同步测试卷 Book 1 Test 1 (Lesson1-6) Name:_________Score:___________ I.填入下列单词所缺的字母(20%) 1.h_ ndb_ g手提包 2._ mbre_ la雨伞 3.h_ _ se 房子 4.t_ ck_ t票 5.w_ tch手表 6._xc_se原谅 7.penc_ l铅笔8.s_ ho_ l学校 9._ augh_ er女儿10.t_ a_ her老师 11._ uit一套衣服12.mo_ ning早晨 II.英汉互译(10%) 1.My coat and my shirt please. _______________________________________________________ 2.What make is the car? _______________________________________________________ 3.这是你的儿子吗?是的,是我的儿子。 _______________________________________________________ 4.Sophie,这位是Hans,他是德国人。 ______________________________________________________ 5. Sophie是个新学生,她是韩国人。 _______________________________________________________

III.单项选择题(20%) ()1.Here_____your coat and your shirt. A.are B.am C.is D.it ( ) 2.Is this your pen? Yes,____is. A.it B.this C.that D.they ( )3.Is Miss Ying Chinese? No,_____isn’t. A.he B.they C.she D.it ( )4.Is Mary American teacher _____English teacher? A.and B.or C.too D.either ( )5._____nationality are you? I am Korean. A.How B.Where C.What D.Who ( )6._____you French? Yes,I am. A.Are B.Am C.Is D.Here ( )7._____is Mary speaking.(讲话) A.This B.She C.He D.That ( )8.Is this your pen? ______? Is this your pen? No,it isn’t. A.Yes B.Pardon C.What D.Why ( )9.Is it_____English car? No,it isn’t. A.a B.an C.the D.or


新人教版小学语文二年级语文下册单元同步测试题(全册精品) 第一单元测验卷 学号班别姓名分数 一、我会拼,我会写。(8分) duǒkāi yěcǎo shìjièjiědòn g wēi xiào gǔtou gān kūzhùsù 二、我会比,我会组词。(8分) 哭()探()摇()脱() 枯()深()遥()说() 未()浇()静()冈() 为()烧()净()刚() 三、我会填写。(9分) 的春光的天空 的玫瑰

的田野的小溪的小鹿 的羽毛的阳光的枝条 四、我会写。(10分) 1、遮掩遮遮掩掩躲藏躲躲藏藏 仔细丁冬 认真漂亮 2、像。 静静地。 3、啊,多么、多么! 五、你能把描写关于春天的古诗背下来吗?(15分) 草宿新市徐公店

六、我会连。(8分) 近义词 反义词 岁 快 枯 密 尽 找 疏 浅 寻 完 深 无 急 年 有 荣 七、我会课文内容填空。(9分) 1、( )的野花( ),那是( )? 2、( )笑红了脸,( )摇着( )的长辫子,( )叽叽喳喳地叫着。 3、杨柳( ),春风( )。 八、 我在课外收集了好多有关春天的词语:(4分) ( )( )( )( ) 九、你能给星星加个偏旁,变成新字再组词吗?(12分)

另占余 十、我会读,我会做。(5分) 春天来了,温暖的阳光照耀大地。 啊!春天的景色的确美!小树绿了,桃花红了,杨柳长出了嫩绿的小叶子。小草也从地里钻出来了,给大地铺上了一层“绿毯”。河里的冰雪早已融化,雨儿在嬉水,无比欢乐。 小鸟在树上自由自在地歌唱,大雁也从南方飞回来了,美丽的蝴蝶在跳舞,蜜蜂也忙在花丛中采蜜。花园里百花盛开,争芳斗艳,红如火,白如雪,粉如霞。好一个花的世界。 啊!春天终于来到了,广阔的天地到处生机勃勃。春天多么美丽呀! 1、这篇短文共有()个自然段。(1分) 2、这段话中写到了哪些动物?请用“——”划出来。(2分) 3、这段话中写到哪些植物?请用“”划出来。(2分) 十一、我会写。(把自己在春天里的发现写下来。)(12分)


新概念英语1同步测试卷lesson25-lesson32 Name:_______________ score:____________ 第一部分基础听力 1.辨音。(5分) 1. A. kitchen B. season C. singing 2. A. cook B. cooker C. ruler 3. A. wall B. door C. poor 4. A. dust B. shut C. put 5. A. climb B. clean C. cream 2. 听句子辨音。(5分) 1. A. Yes, I am. B. Hello. C. My name is Maria. 2. A. Fine, thanks. B. I’m OK. C. How do you do? 3. A. Hello. B. Thank you. C. Yes. 4. A. Good morning. B. No, She isn’t. C. Yes, it is. 5. A. No, it isn’t. B. C-A-R, car. C. It’s an egg. 3. 情景反应。(5分) 1. A. He’s from English. B. He’s from Canada. C. He’s from China. 2. A. She’s five. B. She’s six. C. She’s ten. 3. A. They are pens. B. They are oranges. C. They are apples. 4. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. He’s in Class One, Grade Seven. 5. A. Mr. Lee. B. Miss Wang C. Mr. Zhang 第二部分语音词汇 1.语音。选择划线部分发音不同的选项。(5分) 1. A. her B. after C. thriller D. letter 2. A. refrigerator B. plate C. take D. matter 3. A. untidy B. middle C. drink D. window 4. A. floor B. fork C. door D. cook 5. A. armchair B. sharpen C. park D. wardrobe 2.词汇题。 A:将下列单词补充完整。(10分) m gazine d__st unt dy sw ep mpty


新概念英语同步测试卷Book2 Test I (Lesson 1-Lesson 6) 听力 情景反应(2X5) 1. A.Thank you very much. B.I can’t believe C.I don’t think 2.A.Bye-bye. B.Pretty good. C.Wait a minute. 3. A.I am sorry to hear B.It sounds great. c.I don’t 4.A.I don’t know. B.I have no idea. c.No. Thanks. 5.A.Good idea. B.It sounds great! c.Congratulations 对话理解(2X5) 1.A.By bus. B.On foot. c.By car. 2.A.In a shop. B.In a farm. c.In a restaurant. 3.A. A car. B. A bike. c.A motorbike. 4.A.. B.. c.. 5.A.10. B.15. c.25. 词汇和语法(1x10) A.选择正确的动词并用适当的形式填空 call ask receive leave cover 1.When I got the station, the train__________. 2.He ________ at every house in the street a few times a month. 3.I _______ my packet three weeks ago. 4.Have you ever _______ the distance in 2 hours 5.You have already _______ this stupid question three times. B.选择正确的介词填空。 on after for off over 6.The car knocked the man and his dog___________. 7.He puts_____________his little hat and goes out. 8.Tom, what are you looking _______ 9.I always knock______________at 5 o’clock. 10.Can you look_____________my cat when I am away I V.根据所给中文意思完成句子,每全只填一个单词。(1X5) 1.他的喋喋不休总搅得我假日不得安宁。 His gossip always________________my vacation. 2.你必须密切关注他的行动。You must_______close_______ to his action.


人教新课标数学四年级上学期第1单元测试 分享本来不属于东西,属于事,就像颜色不属于物体,属于事,就像美丽不属于物,属于事,就像爱不属于物,属于事,她依赖于人的心存在,但分享给你带来了不同的结果和感受,有这些就够了,不管是物是事,不管天荒地老,我就是需要这种感觉,谢谢你的下载与我在这个世界开始链接。(word文档可以删除编辑) 一、填空(共44分) 1.按提示填写单位或进率: 2.用适当的单位名称填空. 数学课本长18广州市占地面积大约7400 教室地面的面积是56一条毛巾的面积约是6 游泳馆占地面积约5一棵大树高15. 3.70平方千米=公顷 8公顷=平方米 400平方厘米=平方分米 300分米=米 25000000平方米=公顷=平方千米. 4.(见图)这个图形的周长是米,面积是公顷. 5.把下面角的度数填入适当的横线内. 30°125°65°89° 100°127° 1°179° 锐角钝角. 6.﹣副三角板有2块.其中一块三角板三个角的度数分别是、 和,另一块三角板三个角的度数分别是、 和. 7.1个平角=个直角;一个周角可以分成个平角. 8.在横线中填上“>”“<”或“=”. 60厘米6米 4公顷400平方米 1700平方厘米17平方分米 1平方千米200公顷. 9.图中有条线段.

10.以下度数的角可以由一副三角板的那些角的度数拼出,请填写等式 11.下面的角是那一种角? 12.一块草地长40米,宽25米.块这样的草地面积约为1公顷. 18.从一点出发,可以画条直线,过两点能画条直线. A.1 B.2 C.无数. 二、判断(正确填写“T”,错误填写“F”)(共10分) 13.周长相等的两个图形,面积也一定相等..(判断对错) 14.把4个2平方米的正方形拼成各种图形,它们的面积是都是8平方米..(判断对错) 15.直线要比射线长..(判断对错) 16.角的两边越长,角就越大..(判断对错) 17.钝角都大于90°..(判断对错) 三、选择(把正确答案的字母编号填在括号里)(共12分) 19.一条()长10厘米. A.线段 B.直线 C.射线 20.图中,如果∠1是直角,那么∠2和∠3都是() A.锐角 B.直角 C.钝角 21.把一个平角分成两个角,其中一个是锐角,另一个角一定是() A.钝角 B.平角 C.锐角 D.直角 22.与1平方米最接近的面积是() A.9平方分米B.90平方分米C.900平方分米 23.把一个面积是4平方米的正方形对折剪开后拼成一个长方形,长方形的面积() A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 24.()个50平方米的教室面积大约是1公顷. A.50 B.100 C.200 25.一个树林的占地面积约为50公顷,占地面积约为1平方千米的地方相当于()个这样的树林. A.2 B.4 C.10


新概念英语 1--6 课测试题 B. Yes,it is. ( )2. A. Yes, it isn't. 姓名:____________ 得分:____________ B. No, it isn't. Listening Part (40%) ( )3. A. It's a Mercedes. B. It's Japanese. 一、听录音,把听到单词的序号写在题前括号里。( 每题 1 分,共20 分)( )4. A. Nice to meet you. ( )1. A.excuse B. window C. those B. I'm fine, thank you. ( )2. A.handbag B. pardon C. thank ( )5. A. She is French. ( )3. A.what B. where C. whose B. She can type. ( )4. A.coat B. shirt C. skirt ( )5. A.your B. you C. Much Writing Part(60%) ( )6. A.umbrella B. teacher C. number 一、抄写下列句子,注意大小写。( 共10 分) ( )7. A.watch B. dress C. Mercedes ( )8. A.Swedish B. Italian C. Kitchen This is a Toyota. Is is a Japanese car. ( )9. A.make B. Sorry C. meet ( )10.A.French B. Korean C. German 二、听录音,圈出你与你所听到的内容相符的图片。( 每题 2 分,共10 分) This is our school. Nice to meet you. 1. 2. 3. 二、选出恰当的选项完成对话。( 每题 1 分,共 5 分 ) A. Good morning. B.Are you American, too? C. My name is Jack. D. He is a new student. E. Nice to meet you, too. . Mr Smith: Good morning. Jack: _______1___________.Mr Smith. Mr Smith: This is Bill._____2______. 4. 5. J ack:Nice to meet you. ________3_________. Bill:______4_______. Jack:Are you American? Bill: Yes, I am. ____5_____? Jack:No, I am not. 三、听录音,选择恰当的答句。( 每题 2 分,共10 分) 三、从A、B、C三个选项中选出划线部分与另两个不同的选项。( 每题1 分,共5 分)( )1. A. Yes ? ( )1. A. me B. pen C. very __________________________________________________


睿源教育小升初龙班六年级英语秋季课程随堂测试 Name__________Score___________ 考试范围:新概念英语49-54课 一.根据汉语写出下列单词。(每词1分,共15分) 1.丈夫 2.季节 3.春季 4.学科 5.秋季 6.中国 7.二月 8.有趣的,有意思 9.七月10.羊肉 11.一起12.停留13.冬季14.十一月15.谈话 二.从A,B,C,D中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。(每题1分,共10分) ()1.A.butcherB.husbandC.butterD.summer ()2.A.meatB.peaC.steakD.bean ()3.A.climateB.windyC.winterD.Brazil ()4.A.thinB.eitherC.southD.north ()5.A.cabbageB.AugustC.grapeD.Greece ()6.A.countryB.houseC.blouseD.hour ()7.A.snowB.brownC.flowerD.how ()8.A.warmB.MarchC.hardD.are ()9.A.minuteB.busyC.lettuceD.Autumn ()10.A.weatherB.pleasantC.eastD.heavy 三.单项选择。(每题1.5分,共15分) ()1.What___theclimate____inwinterhere? A.does;like B.is;likes C.is;like D.do;likes ()2.ThisisBen.He’sfrom____.He’s____. A.German;German B.German;Germany C.Germany;German D.Germany;Germany ()3.ItisoftenwetintheWestand____warmintheSouth. A.sometimes B.sometime C.sometimes D.sometime ()4.___yourbrother____toschoolbybus? A.Do;goes B.Does;go C.Do;go D.Does;goes ()5.Whichseason___Dan___best? A.does;like B.does;likes C.is;like D.is;likes ()6.Where___youfrom? A.do B.does C.are https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c13558366.html,e ()7.Isitcold____warminsummer? A.and B.---- C.or D.of ()8.Bob_____fromFrance. A.don’tcomes B.doesn’tcomes C.isnot https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c13558366.html,esnot ()9.Thesun____earlyand___lateinsummer. A.rise;sets B.rises;sets C.rise;set D.sets;rise ()10.It’salwayscoldinwinter,butSusan_____toschoolearlyinthemorning. 仅供个人学习参考


新概念Book 1 Test 3(Lesson 13-18) 一.填入下列单词所缺失的字母(10分) 1.c l ur 2.sa t 3.c rpet 4.c st ms 5.fr end 6.br n 7.passp t 8.t rist 9.D tch 10.y ll w 11. ange 12.gr y 13. mploy e 14. ff ce 15.ass stant 16.l vely 17. pst irs 18.Dani 19.g l 20.dr ss 二.写出下列名词的复数形式。(10分) 1.tourist 2.passport 3.officer 4.dress 5.employee 6.operator 7.job 8.engineer 9.hostess 10.postman 三.填入下列单词中所缺的单词。(20分) 1.—This is Nicola and Clare Taylor. —do you ? 2.—My coat is green. What is your coat? —It’s , too. They are the colour. 3.—Is your umbrella? —Yes, it is umbrella. —What is it ? —green. 4.—is Anna and this is Amy. —? 5.—Are your books? —No, They , They . They are Tom’s. 6.—Is Linda English girl? —No,she is French girl. 7.—What are their ? —They’re sales. 8.—you Danish? —No, we . 9.—Your passports, . —are. 10.—upstairs see it. —Thank you.


第一单元测试卷 (时间:120分钟满分:120分) 一、积累与运用(26分) 1.下列选项中加点字的音、形无误的一项是( A )(2分) A.磐.石(pán)含蓄.(xù)白皙.(xī)群蚁排衙.(yá) B.荒缪.(miù) 筹.划(chóu) 赫.然(hè) 兀.兀穷年(wù) C.彷.徨(pánɡ) 暑.名(shǔ) 鞠.躬(jū) 迥.乎不同(jiǒnɡ) D.涉.猎(shè) 迭.起(dié) 澎湃.(bài) 妇儒.皆知(rú) 2.下列加点字解释有误的一项是( D )(2分) A.鲜.为人知(很少) 死而后已.(停止) B.家喻.户晓(了解) 呕心沥.血(滴) C.杂乱无章.(条理) 迥.乎不同(差得远) D.锋芒毕.露(全) 可歌可.泣(可以) 3.下列句子中加点成语使用有误的一项是( D )(2分) A.莫言获得诺贝尔文学奖是当之无愧 ....的。 B.再度夺得澳网冠军,李娜在中国成了家喻户晓 ....的人物。 C.奥本海默是一个拔尖的人物,锋芒毕露 ....。 D.他忘乎所以 ....地盯着学校的大门,眼睛一动不动。 4.下列各句中没有语病的一项是( A )(2分) A.作为学者和诗人的闻一多先生,在30年代国立青岛大学的两年时间,我对他是有着深刻印象的。 B.中国发展核武器是为了自卫,中国人民是赞成限制核扩散的国家之一。 C.鲁迅先生和周建人先生,还有别的一、二位朋友在后边。 D.中国成功爆炸第一颗原子弹、第一颗氢弹的原因,是千千万万人努力的结果。 5.仿写句子。(3分) 拥有青春,就拥有了一份潇洒和风流;拥有青春,就拥有了一份灿烂和辉煌。 拥有知识,就拥有了无限的光明和希望;拥有知识,就拥有了无限的力量和财富。 6.下列说法有误的一项是( D )(2分) A.《说和做》选自《人民日报》,作者臧克家,是我国现代著名诗人,代表作有诗集《烙印》等。 B.《邓稼先》的作者杨振宁是美籍华裔物理学家,曾获1957年诺贝尔物理学奖。 C.《回忆鲁迅先生》一文,作者捕捉了鲁迅先生日常生活的一些琐事,包括日常起居、会见朋友、与家人相处等,烘托出一个真实的、富有人情味的、生活化的鲁迅形象。 D.《孙权劝学》选自南宋政治家、史学家司马光编的《资治通鉴》。 7.把下列句子排列成一段通顺连贯的话,正确的选项为( B )(3分) ①在我所认识的知识分子当中,包括中国人和外国人,他是最有中国农民的朴实气质的人。 ②他真诚坦白,从不骄人。 ③他没有小心眼儿,一生喜欢“纯”字所代表的品格。 ④邓稼先则是一个最不要引人注目的人物。 ⑤和他谈话几分钟,就看出他是忠厚平实的人。 A.①②③⑤④ B.④⑤②③① C.④②③①⑤ D.④⑤①②③ 8.口语交际——根据下面的情境进行口语交际活动。(2分) 在“与母亲同行——向建党九十六周年献礼”的长跑活动中,一些同学常常是气喘吁吁,甚至产生畏难情绪,半途退场,这也影响到了其他同学的情绪和信心。 如果你是班长,面对这些半途退场的同学,你会怎样劝告他们坚持参加这项活动 示例:某某同学,你能跑这么远已经很不错了,其实,我也感到吃力,可我们不能半途而废,这是对我们毅力的考验啊,只要我们坚持,我们一起鼓劲儿,就能跑到终点,我们一起坚持好吗 9.综合性学习(8分) 今年三月份,国务院首次把“全民阅读”写进政府工作报告,一时间,全国掀起了一股阅读热潮。学校决定开展以“尚阅读·扬正气”为主题的系列活动,请完成以下任务。 (1)班级举行“全民阅读”主题班会,为做好发言,某同学搜集了以下两则材料,请根据材料写出你的探究结论。(3分) 材料一:近几年,我们欣喜地看到众多民间阅览室、图书馆建成,阅读推广公益组织成长起来了,自动借书机、流动借书车、流动图书角和24小时书店在各地出现了……全国国民阅读调查数据显示,我国国民阅读率和阅读量开始持续上升。 材料二:我们也必须看到,我国的全民阅读仍处于起步阶段。截至2015年,我国共有县以上公共图书馆3117个,人均拥有公共图书馆藏书册,这和国际标准相比,存在显著差距。“读书无用论”等错误思潮依旧蔓延,一些书店生存艰难。 探究结论:全民阅读的进展令人欣喜(或:我国国民阅读率和阅读量开始持续上升),但发展道路还很漫长(或:但全民阅读仍处于起步阶段)。(结论合理即可) 。 (2)学校准备举行读书报告会,会场上要悬挂一副对联,上联已拟好,请你补写出下联,使之与上联构成对偶。(2分) 上联:学习成就人生路 下联:阅读示例:助推中国梦(或:铸造正气魂……)(能与上联构成对偶,意思连贯即可) (3)下面是某同学在学校贴吧上发的帖子,请你跟帖。(要求:提出自己的观点并至少用一个例子加以阐述,字数60字左右。)(3分) 某同学的帖子:读书可以养气。腹有诗书气自华,宋濂遍观群书,则有儒雅之气;苏轼饱读诗书,则有豪放之气。故多读则气足,气足则文华。 你的帖子:读书可以益智。多读书使人知识丰富,眼界开阔,思维深刻。郑樵读古今之书,通百家之学,最终成为知识渊博的史学家。 二、阅读理解(44分) (一)孙权劝学(14分) 初,权谓吕蒙曰:“卿今当涂掌事,不可不学!”蒙辞以军中多务。权曰:“孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪!但当涉猎,见往事耳。卿言多务,孰若孤孤常读书,自以为大有所益。”蒙乃始就学。及鲁肃过寻阳,与蒙论议,大惊曰:“卿今者才略,非复吴下阿蒙!”蒙曰:“士别三日,即更刮目相待,大兄何见事之晚乎!”肃遂拜蒙母,结友而别。 10.解释下面句中加点的词语。(2分) (1)卿.今当涂掌事,不可不学(古代君对臣的爱称。) (2)蒙辞.以军中多务(推托。) 11.下列加点词语意思完全相同的一项是( B )(2分) A.但当.涉猎锐不可当. B.大有所益.开卷有益. C.见往事 ..耳往事 ..依依 D.刮.目相待刮.骨疗毒 12.用现代汉语翻译下列句子。(4分) (1)但当涉猎,见往事耳。 只应当粗略地阅读,了解历史罢了。 (2)士别三日,即更刮目相待。 与有志的人分别几日,就要用新眼光看待。 13.文中哪一句话证明了吕蒙学有所成(2分) 卿今者才略,非复吴下阿蒙! 14.读了本文,从孙权和吕蒙身上,你分别得到什么启示(4分) 从孙权劝学成功这件事,我懂得了规劝人时态度要诚恳,还要善于举使他人信服的道理;吕蒙知错就改,勤奋好学并最终学有所成的经历也给了我人生的启发,我现在也要珍


新概念英语同步测试卷?(Lesson5~8) NAME MARK Ⅰ把左右划线部分发音相同的单词连在一起(5%) 1.message A.book 2.cover B.lock 3.pocket C.duck 4.diamond D.murder 5.wooden E.kit Ⅱ用下列单词的适当形式天空,每个词只用一次(20%) cover request call expect steal guard neat valuable distance service 1. Her grandmother left her a ring. 2. We the distance in half an hour . 3. I came to the office at the of Mr.Smith. 4. My parents are too much of me. 5. Tom has a long history of cars. 6. The solider was ordered to keep . 7. Do you think we should at Bob’s home while we’re in London? 8. Can’t you keep your bedroom and tidy. 9. The building looks beautiful from a . 10. My car is at your . Ⅲ用所给词的适当形式组成句子(15%) 1.up have he to save plenty money now of 2.in he for give return my me help gift a 3.surprise his she to the pass exam 4.is there bridge a wooden near woods the 5.I forget take parcel off my plane the


新概念英语同步测试卷 Name Score (100分) Ⅰ.填写单词,每空一个字母。 1.w fe 2.s im 3.w ter 4.p nk 5.m ke 6.lis en 7.flo er 8.dr p 9.sh w 10.s me 11.bi d 12. ny 13.bre d 14.chee e 15.cof ee 16.te 17.t ke 18.fr nt 19.caref l 20.honewo k Ⅱ.单词辩音。 ( )1. A.make B.fanous C.have D.bag ( )1. A.give B.thin C.pink D.ice ( )1. A.over B.drop C.window D.boat ( )1. A.send B.bed C.he D.heavy ( )1. A.sugar B.duck C.up https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c13558366.html,ual Ⅲ.根据句义填入正确的单词。 1.Pink is my daughter’s f colour。 2.Tina and lucy are going to do their h 。 3.I’m going to put the vase in f of the windon。 4.Be c ! Don’t drop the glass! 5.There’s a loaf of b in penny’s bag。 Ⅳ.选择正确的答案。 1.What are you to do now? A.going B.doing C.being https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c13558366.html,ing 2.Linda is along the river。 A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.swim 3.Is there chocolate in the refrigerator? A.some B.any C.a D.an 4.What about the shoes? Are you going to put on? A.it B.then C.they D.their 5.Peter! drop the vase! A.Not B.Don’t C.No D. Do


七年级语文上册第二单元同步测试 总分:100分(含卷面分5分)班级______姓名_______等级_________ 一、积累与运用(39分) 1. 看拼音写汉字(10分) diàn ( )污 zǔ()咒 duò( )落 chú( )形 xī( )戏洗( )zhuó慷 ( )kǎi 贪lán ( ) lǔ( )去 shē()望 2. 给加点字注音(10分) 倔强.扒.窃论.语猝.然金窖.厄.运泯.灭姊.妹报酬.蹂躏. 3. 用横线画出每一组的错别字,并在后面括号里写出正确的字(5分) (1)多愁善感突如奇来碌碌终生绝处逢生 ( ) (2)可望不可既回味无穷不可磨灭玲珑剔透 ( ) (3)具体而微多姿多彩天灾人祸险像迭生 ( ) (4)无忧无虑心矿神怡举世无双心痛如割 ( ) (5)异国他乡得失之患猝然长世问心无愧 ( ) 4. 填空(7分) (1)《理想》的作者是我国著名现代诗人。 (2)《论语》记录____________________________的一部书,共20篇,是______家的经典著作之一。 (3)孔子,名,字,春秋时鲁国陬邑(现在山东曲阜人)。我国古代著名的家、家。 5.仿照前面的句式和修辞手法,在下面的横线上续写两句话。(4分) 人生没有了理想,犹如航船失去了风帆; 6. 趣味语文(3分) 有一次,马克·吐温与一位夫人对坐。他对她说:“您真漂亮。”夫人高傲地回答:“可惜,我再无法同样赞美你。”马克·吐温毫不介意地说:“那没有关系,你可以像我一样说句谎话。”请问马克·吐温说这话的言外之意是什么? 二、阅读(56分) (一)(25分) 子曰:“,?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?”曾子曰:“吾日三省吾身:为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?”


姓名_______ 得分________ 一、选择题(10分) 1.Is this your handbag ____________. A. Yes, this is. B. Yes, this not. C. Yes, it is. D. Yes, it is not. 2.I like my cat ____. It’s ____ cute. A. very much, very much B. very much, very C. very, very ,very much 3.----Thanks ___ your help. ----That’s all right. A. for B. in C. on D. to 4.Some dogs are running _____me. A. of B. after C. front D. on 5.They are ___ the grass. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. acrossing 6.She buys me ___ hat. ____ hat is very smart. A. a, a B. an, the C. a, the D. the, the 7.——_____ is Mr. Black. ——Nice to meet you. A. This B. That C. He D. It 8.What’s the matter ____ your watch A. with B. of C. on D. And 9.Are these your coats ________________. A. Yes, these are. B. No, these are not. C. Yes, they are. D. No, it isn’t. 10. We are going to ___ a bus. A. wait B. wait for C. waiting D. waiting for 二、词组互译(10分) 1. in the twentieth century________________ 2. 勤奋的______________ a matter of fact________________ 4. 用英语说_______________ 5. the banks of river __________________ 6. 永不放弃_______________ 7. jump off________________ 8. 关电视_________________ 9. a pair of_____________________ 10. 扫扫地__________________ and blue_______________ 12.集中注意力在..._____________ filled with______________ 14.和....相同__________________ the middle of____________ 16.返回到学校_________________= the dishes_____________ 18.给你写封信_________________ sth to sb______________ 20.一束花_________________ 三、重点交际用语。根据以下情景写出你应该说的话。(10分) do you say when you give, pass or throw something to someone______________________! 2. A tourist has lost his cases and asks you for help. Ask him about the colour of them :________________________________ 3. You see a little boy or girl want to know what’s wrong. What do you say

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