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U2 语法小测

U2 语法小测

Quiz for Unit 2 Grammar


Class ________ Number ________ Name _________ Mark __________

Ⅰ. 单项选择。(每小题5分,共50分)

( ) 1. _____ Tom always _____ part in the school band practice?

A. Do; take

B. Do; takes

C. Does; take

D. Does; takes

( ) 2. She _____ us English.

A. teach

B. teaches

C. teaching

D. teachs

( ) 3. -- Are they good at English? --Yes, _____.

A. they aren’t

B. they do

C. they are

D. they good

( ) 4. How much _____ you learn _____ America?

A. do; to

B. do; about

C. does; about

D. does; for

( )5. -- _____ Lucy dance after school every day? --No, _____.

A. Does, she does

B. Does, she doesn’t

C. Do, she do

D. Is, she isn’t

( ) 6.He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west.

A rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises, set D. rise; sets

( )7. On Sundays, he sometimes _____ his clothes and sometimes _____ some shopping.

A. wash; do

B. is washing; is doing

C. washes; does C. washes; do

( )8. ___ you ___ close to each other?

A. Do; live

B. Do; lives

C. Does; live

D. Does; lives

( )9. ___ you usually late for school? No, ___

A. Do, I am

B. Does, not

C. Are, I’m not

D. Are, I aren’t

( )10. How___ Mr. Brown ___ to America?

A. do; go

B. is; go

C. does; go

D. does; goes

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(每空4分,共20分)

1.He __________ (watch) TV every evening.

2.They _________ (be) seldom late for school.

3.Sam _________ (love) going to school.

4.The meeting usually _________ (end) at 3:30p.m.

5.Sam _________ violin lessons every day. (have)



______________________________________________________________________________ 2.我最喜欢的科目是地理。

______________________________________________________________________________ 3.我们早上休息时间在9:50。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.我经常在学校过得愉快。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.下午的课是在3:30结束。



课堂针对练 练习一 1、找出下列各句中的名词用作状语的词语,并加以解释。 ①天下云集响应,赢粮而景从。 ②人皆得以隶使之 ③余自齐安舟行适临汝 2、找出下列各句中用作动词的名词,并解释。 ①籍吏民,封府库。 ②沛公欲王关中。 ③屠大窘,恐前后受其敌。 3、找出下列各句中用作使动的词,并解释。 ①外连横而斗诸侯。 ②虽大风浪不能鸣也。 ③李牧连却之。 4、找出下列各句中用作意动的词,并解释。 ①孔子登东山而小鲁。 ②子怪而问之。 ③渔人甚异之。 练习二 1、下列各组句子中,句式不相同的一组是( ) A.所在皆是也如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉 B.故今之墓中全乎为五人也刘备天下枭雄 C.《诗》三百篇,大抵圣贤发愤之所为作也妪,先大母婢也 D.屈平疾王听之不聪也城北徐公齐国之美丽者也 2、下列句中没有宾语前置现象的一句是() A.甚矣,汝之不惠! B.古之人不余欺也 C.天大寒,砚冰坚,手指不可屈伸,弗之怠 D.臣实不才,又谁敢怨 3、下列各组句子中,句式不相同的一组是() A.亮每自比于管仲、乐毅,时人莫之许也。 七十者衣帛食肉,黎民不饥不寒,然而不王者,未之有也。 B.忌不自信,而复问其妾 与言皇上无权,君未之信也

C.沛公安在? 大王来何操? D.微斯人,吾谁与归 缙绅而不易其志者 4、下列句子不是被动句的一句是() A.故内惑于郑袖,外欺于张仪 B.毋宁毙于虞人 C.古人之观于天地、山川、草木、虫鱼、鸟兽 D.不拘于时,学于余 5、阅读下面句子,找出句式不同的一句是() A.虽董之以严刑,振之以威怒 B. 不拘于时,学于余 C.青出于蓝而胜于蓝 D.苟得闻子大夫之言,何后之有? 6、下列各句中句式与其他各句不同的一句是() A.时人莫之许也 B.古之人不余欺也 C.石之铿然有声者,所在皆是也 D.自书典所记,未之有也 7、从句式角度看,对下列两组句子判断正确的一项是() ①项脊轩,旧南阁子也②庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也 ③激昂大义④不容于远近 A.①与②相同,③与④不同 B.①与②相同,③与④相同 C.①与②不同,③与④相同 D.①与②不同,③与④不同 课后巩固练 词类活用: 1.晋军函陵、秦军汜南 2.既东封郑封 3.且贰于楚也 4.越国以鄙远鄙 5.烛之武退秦师 6.共其乏困 7.与郑人盟盟 8.因人之力而敝之,不仁 名词作状语 1.进兵北略地 2.此臣日夜切齿拊心也 3.函封之 4.发尽上指冠 名词作动词 1.樊於期乃前曰又前而为歌曰荆轲顾笑武阳,前为谢曰左右既前,斩荆轲 2.皆白衣冠以送之 3.乃朝服,设九宾


《语法(一)》作业参考答案 I.Select one answer from the choices provided after each sentence. The word you choose should fit the blank in the sentence: 1. seems 2. is 3. is 4.is 5. were 6.stands 7. is 8. understand 9. remain 10. am 11. leads 12. were 13. are 14. are 15. was 16. has 17. is 18. is 19. come 20. is 21. is 22. has 23. enjoy 24.has made 25. run 26.knows 27. has 28. has 29. are 30. has 31. are 32. is 33. are 34.is 35. is 36.weighs 37. is 38. is 39. were 40. are II.Choose the best answer from the four choices given: 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C III.Put the verbs in brackets into the proper tenses: 1. were 2. saw, haven’t seen 3. have known, was 4. went 5. sees 6. measures 7. had asked 8. were 9. have been writing 10. live 11. went 12. told 13. is 14. is raining 15. feels 16. was reading 17. began, have been learning/ have learned 18. was writing 19. was working, were lying 20. was getting 21. had 22. was listening, rang, didn’t hear 23. were 24. would buy 25. was having 26. had left, came 27. were talking 28. had left 29. comes 30. was still moving, jumped, thought, was happening, ran 31. have known, have been reading, haven’t finished 32. arrived, was telephoning 33. know 34. studies 35. will come, is 36. would leave 37. left 38. turns IV. Put into the blanks an appropriate modal auxiliary verb from the brackets: 1.can 2. must 3. will 4. needn’t 5. may 6. can’t 7. should 8. mustn’t


语文词性练习 一、选择题 1.下列语句中的“在”不属于介词的是() A我在家B他在黑板上写字 C把东西放在桌子上 D他在看书E在家要孝顺父母 2.下列句子中不属于介词“跟”的有()。 A我跟他一起去的B你跟他要C谁跟谁都没关系 D你抽空跟他谈谈E你快跟着我走 3、对下列加下划线的词词性判断正确的一项是:() ①他画的画儿得奖了。②他的态度不对,对他要教育。 A.①动词名词②形容词介词 B.①名词名词②形容词介词 C.①动词名词②动词副词 D.①动词动词②副词介词 4、“有些女人的预算里还有一()蛋圆形的镜子,一()雪白的毛巾,或者一()结得很好看绒线的小囝帽。”填入句中空格内的词恰当的一项是:() A.面款顶 B.只方个 C.面方顶 D.块款种 5、对“下”的词性的分析,正确的一组是:() 老虎正要下山,老猎人躲在石岩下,抡起虎叉,突然给了老虎一下。 A. ①动词②方位词③量词 B. ①介词②方位词③量词 C. ①动词②助词③量词 D. ①介词②助词③量词 二、.指出下列句子中加标记词所属的词类。 (1)这件事已经讨论过了。(过)()

(2)天渐渐冷起来了。(渐渐)() (3)他正在教室里看书。(正)() (4)自行车他骑出去了。(出去)() (5)我拿着—本书。(着)()(6)你吃了饭再走。(了)()(7)他是外国人吗?(吗)() (8)你应该努力学外语。(努力)() (9)他刚才来过。(刚才)() (10)最好听的是这首歌。(最)() 语文短语类型练习 一、判断下了短语类型 1、风俗习惯() 2、变化规律() 3、历史悠久() 4、整修一新() 5、交头接耳() 6、思维敏捷() 7、废寝忘食()8、前程远大() 9、全神贯注()10、襟怀坦白() 11、挥手之间()12、愚公移山() 13、竞选州长()14、销售计划() 15、色彩缤纷()16、交通规则() 17、风和日丽()18、激动不已() 19、禁止吸烟()20、辛勤耕耘()


正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 There's no food in the fridge. They _______shopping. 选择一项: a. Go b. are going to go c. are going d. are go 反馈 正确答案是:are going 题目2 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes. 选择一项: a. that he made b. as to make c. to make d. that made 反馈 正确答案是:that he made

正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 You needn't make such a funny noise, _______? 选择一项: a. need it b. don't you c. doesn't it d. need you 反馈 正确答案是:need you 题目4 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 It ________that they had no idea at the moment. 选择一项: a. is seamed b. was seemed c. is seeing d. Seemed 反馈 正确答案是:Seemed

正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 It’s high time that he settled down in the country and _________ a new life. 选择一项: a. to start b. start c. started d. starting 反馈 正确答案是:started 题目6 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 The car accident happened at _______crossroads a few metres away from_______bank. 选择一项: a. /; a b. the; / c. /; the d. the; the 反馈 正确答案是:the; the


初中语文语法知识——句子成分划分练习题汇编 一、把下面各词填入下表: 校园繁忙北京积蓄三万豁亮诚实中间哪里瞻仰战场颓唐 夜晚二分之一斤朵驾驶那里自己坚固起来大伙政治希望 二、用符号法标出下列句子的主干: (1)在汉江北岸,我遇到一个青年战士。 (2)他被一阵哭声惊醒了。 (3)我觉得我们的战士太伟大了。 (4)消息在乡下传得特别快。 (5)他们对这位来自基层的女干部和她乡人民坚持不懈的治沙精神所感动。 (6)我一直沉醉在世界的优美之中。 (7)这种魅力,就是使我终生能够在实验室里埋头工作的主要因素了。 (8)理想中的女儿应该是个淑女。 (9)荔枝林深处,隐隐露出一角白屋。 (10)隔了几天,二妹从虹口舅舅家里回来。 (11)勤劳勇敢的中华民族几千年来创造了光辉灿烂的文化。 (12)我国桥梁事业的飞速发展,表明了我国社会主义制度的无比优越。 (13)汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰。 (14)写文章是交流思想、传播经验的一种方法。

(15)一个人在学习过程中有若干主要的关节。 (16)他们是一切伟大人民的优秀之花。 (17)赵州桥高度的技术水平和不朽的艺术价值,充分显示了我国劳动人民的智慧和力量。 (18)赵州桥的设计完全合乎科学原理。 (19)统筹方法是一种安排工作进程的数学方法。 (20)一切活的生物都离不开食物。 (21)我应该感谢这些我不知道姓名的人家的灯光。 (22)日华和月华大多出现在高积云的边缘。 (23)天空被暗灰色的云块密密层层地布满了。 (24)那些模样最像武士脸形的蟹就得天独厚地生存下来。 (25)那时候,他们根本没有注意人与人之间的错综复杂的阶级关系。 (26)片面的强调读书,而不关心政治,或片面的强调政治,而不努力读书,都是错误的。 (27)更让我动情的,则是从不少年轻人身上反映出的心灵美。 (28)开荒,种庄稼,种蔬菜,是足食的保证。 (29)徐悲鸿以愤激的感情,用两年的时间,创作了巨幅油画《奚我后》。 (30)假山的堆叠,可以说是一项艺术而不是技术。 (31)于勒叔叔把自己应得的部分遗产吃的一干二净之后,还大大占用我父亲应得的那一部分。 (32)那有节奏的歌声是和谐的、优美的。 (33)我深深的明白:假如不是读过几百部真正的小说,我决不可能写出那八百个字。 (34)他的魁梧的身形,温和的脸,明净的额,慈祥的目光时时出现在会场上,课堂上,杨家岭山下的大道边。 (35)祥子喝了瓢凉水就走了出去。 (36)那壮丽的柱廊、淡雅的色调,以及四周层次繁多的建筑立面,组成了一幅庄严绚丽的图画。 (37)这是虽在北方风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强挺立的一种树。


《现代汉语》单句、复句作业 一、填空题 1.“所有来参加联欢的都要热情接待。”这个句子的主语是_________________。 2.“我们青年必须养成这种作风。”这个句子的宾语是_________________。 3.“小李,你信不信?”中的“小李”作________语。 4.“他睡了3小时。”中的“3小时”作________语;“他浪费了3小时。”中的“3小时” 作________语。 二、单选题 1、“_____异想天开,_____实事求是。”句中使用的关联词是________。 A.既……又 B.尽管……但 C.纵然……也 D.即使……也 2、“_____他们肯再深入地、推心置腹地跟人民打成一片,_____他们一定会写出更好的作品 来。”句中使用的关联词是________。 A.与其……不如 B.宁可……也 C.尽管……还 D.如果……那么 3、下列句子是复句的是_____。 A.无论在什么情况下,我们也要干下去。 B.就是世界上最快的马也要落在背后。 C.即使在西藏高原上也打出油来了。 D.不管雄鸡叫不叫,天总会亮。 4、正确的一句是:_____。 A.如果家庭条件很好,也还要靠自己努力。 B.即使家庭条件再好,也还要靠自己努力。 C.无论家庭条件再好,也还要靠自己努力。 D.尽管家庭条件再好,也还要靠自己努力。 三、用符号标示法分析下列句子成分 1.你瞧,东边那一片枫树林红得多好看哪! 2.海上突然掀起了滔天巨浪。 3. 他的眼睛这时还仍然在兴奋地望着外面。 4. 他打开书本读起来。 5. 知识能够满足人的需要和社会的需要。 6. 请他做报告已经不是个新鲜事儿了。 7. 教育局给我们学校两位特级教师。 8. 海峡两岸的人民心连着心。


(2009) 1. A new laptop costs about__ of a second-hand one. A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price 解析:倍数关系题 正确答案为B 而我错选为C没有正确掌握倍数的表示方法。 倍数一般有三种表示方法: a 主语+谓语+倍数+as+adj.+as; b. 主语+谓语+倍数+the size(amount,length...) of...; C. 主语+谓语+倍数+adj./adv.比较级+than... 本题考查的是第二种表示方法。 2.Aren't you tired? I__ you had done enough for today. A.should have thought B. must have thought C. might have thought D. could have thought 解析:情态动词题 正确答案为A 而我选的是B 理解为对过去情况的推测,今天一定干了很多。 Should have done 表示本应该做某事而实际没做,句意为:你不累吗?我本应该想到你今天干的够多的了。

★3.It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means that___. A.She seems to there at the conference. B.She seemed to there at the conference. C.She seems to have been there at the conference. D.She seemed to being there at the conference. 解析:句式变换题 正确答案为c 而我选的D 我从was判断时态为过去时就排除a和c 而b句子错误所以选d 正确解析为:seem 后接动词不定式,也常用It seems that 结构。即将简单句变成复合句,它们之间具有同义可换性。本题的It seems that she was there at the conference. 是一个主系表结构,谓语动词seems表明是现在看起来,而表语从句中的动词是was,说明这是现在对一个过去事情的判断。因此改写成简单句后,seems的时态不变,而to be应该用to have been,表示对过去事情的判断。 4.In“How much do you think he earns?" how much is__ of the sentence. A.the subject B. the adverbial C. the object D. the complement 解析:句子结构题 正确答案为C


定语从句语法作业: 1. Speech has to be triggered and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child, the mother recognize the cues and signals in the child’s crying, smiling, and responds to them. A. when B. which C. why D. where 2. he told us how he dealt with the self-interest of countries to bring them into a kind of international accord everyone seem to benefit. A. where B. which C. that D. what 3. May 1 is the day ______ we spent together.(2)May 1 is the day ________i joined the army. A. that/ which B. when 4. He should stand near the stage ________ he could watch and follow the play. A. where B. when C. that D. there 5. Do you think the reason _______ he gave is believable. A. for which B. which C. why D. what 6. We are living in an age _______ many things are done on computer. A. which B. that C. whose D. when 请拆分下列长句并翻译: 1.As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmo whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. 2.As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmo whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. 3.Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomenon.


◆ PRACTICE TEST 1 1. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the time they were finished. A) had lost B) would lose C) would have lost D) should have lost 2. Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed . A) had produced B) have been produced C) would have produced D) had been produced 3. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy for her examination A) to prepare B) to be prepared C) preparing D) being prepared 4. The students were participating an international energy-saving competition between towns in New England and Canada. A) for B) in C) to D) at 5. Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used late for his lecture. A) to have students B) for students' being C) for students to be D) to students’ being 6. The mere fact most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur. A) what B) which C) that D) why 7. Had he worked harder, he the exams. A) must have got through B) would have got through C) would get through D) could get through 8. she realized it was too late to go home. A) No sooner it grew dark than B) Hardly did it grow dark that C) Scarcely had it grown dark than D) It was not until dark that 9. They decided to chase the cow away it did more damage. A) unless B) until C) before D) although 10. I have heard both teachers and students well of him. A) to speak B) spoken C) to have spoken D) speak 11. If the whole operation beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost. A) was not planned B) has not been planned C) had not been planned D) were not planned 12. This is the most difficult job I have ever tackled. A) by rights B) by itself C) by oneself D) by far 13. the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research. A) Because of B) As to C) In spite of D) In view of


《语法(二)》作业 I. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive, the –ing participle or the –ed participle: 1. I can’t help ______ (wonder) whether we should risk ______ (go) without raincoats. 2. Matthew didn’t fancy _______ (get) up at five o’clock. 3. You can’t mi ss _______ (see) the statue on your way to the bank. 4. A: I’m thinking of ________ (fly) to Oxford tomorrow in my helicopter. Would you like ________ (come)? B: No, thanks. I want ________ (go) to Oxford, but I’d rather ________ (go) by train. 5. This problem demands ________ (look into). 6. Success means ________ (work) very, very hard. 7. The ________ (fall) snow was frozen hard. 8. We don’t want anything ________ (say) about this. 9. He soon had them all ________ (laugh). 10. He kept them ________ (work) all day. 11. He didn’t feel like ________ (work), so he suggested ________ (spend) the day in the garden. 12. We all appreciate your ________ (want) ________ (help) us in our difficulties. 13. I didn’t mean ________ (eat) anything but the cakes looked so good that I couldn’t resist ________ (try) one. 14. I was beginning ________ (get) angry. 15. I wish he would stop ________ (pretend) to be an expert on Byzantine art. 16. More traffic will be able to pass on the ________ (widen) road. 17. I caught the boys ________ (steal) apples from my garden. 18. Is there any need for you ________ (hurry)? 19. He’s watching television. But he’s supposed ________ (do) his homework. 20. ________ (teach) by a foreigner will improve your oral English. 21. Tim decided ________ (put) broken glass on top of his wall ________ (prevent) boys ________ (climb) over it. 22. We don’t understand him ________ (need) so much money. 23. A: Would you chi ldren mind _______ (keep) quiet for a moment? I’m trying _______ (fill) up a form. B: It’s no use _______ (ask) children _______ (keep) quiet. They can’t help _____ (make) a noise. 24. I must remember _______ (remind) him that the garden needs ________ (water). 25. I remember _______ (allow) them _______ (play) in my garden without first ____ (ask) for permission. 26. We need another copy of the ________ (sign) contract. 27. You may take the horse to the water, but you can’t make him ________ (drink). 28. I won’t have it ________ (say) that I treated him unfairly. 29. We had nothing _____ (do) except _____ (look) at the posters outside the cinemas. 30. This cloth is used ________ (make) a coat.


北语20春《英语语法》作业1满分答案 1 I’m examining the article he has just finished _____ the possible mistakes in it. A being corrected B to correct C corrected D having corrected 我的答案:B 2 Can those___ at the back of the classroom hear me? ------- No problem. A seat B sitted C seated D sat 我的答案:C 3 They looked forward with hope _____ a chance to receive further education. A for getting B of getting C to get D to getting 我的答案:D 4 ——Could you do me a favor and take these books to my office? ——Yes, ___. A for pleasure B I could C my pleasure D with pleasure 我的答案:C 5 Whether ways will be found to stop pollution or not is just___ worries the public. A why B which C that D what 我的答案:D 6 He bought ___ (青菜) 。 A good B greens C green D apple 我的答案:B 7


题目1 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 Although he did not know well, he made his way________ to the airport. 选择一项: a. enough b. easy enough c. easily enough d. enough easily 反馈 正确答案是:easily enough 题目2 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 The policeman gave the thief a blow in ___________ stomach. 选择一项: a. / b. the c. his d. that 反馈 正确答案是:the 题目3 正确

获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses _______. 选择一项: a. from each other b. in between c. far apart d. among them 反馈 正确答案是:in between 题目4 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分 Flag question 题干 The manager will not _________ us to use his car. 选择一项: a. let b. allow c. have d. agree 反馈 正确答案是:allow 题目5 正确 获得1.00分中的1.00分

英语 语法作业布置

作为一名英语教育工作者,如何让学生对英语产生兴趣,做到减负高效,提高教学效率是至关重要的,很多人想尽办法提高课堂教学质量,但很少有人对课后的作业设计留意,要布置作业也只是流于形式,把机械的抄写单词、词组甚至是课文放在首要位置,或者有的就用题海战术,这样做忽视了学生获取知识、能力的培养,容易使学生成为一台机器而处于学习的被动地位。这就难免使学生形成对英语的厌学情绪,降低了作业效果,不利于学生掌握知识之间的内在联系,也不利于发展学生的思维能力。作业是教学反馈的形式之一。在英语教学中,作业同样能使教师和学生了解教与学的情况,从而调节教与学的进程和方法。小学英语教材在重视听说能力训练的同时,也加强了读写能力的培养。因此,怎样切实可行地布置好英语作业,避免“穿新鞋、走老路”,已不知不觉地摆在现实的面前。 一、语法教学作业布置法 (1)语法对比 语法的抽象性让部分学生对其有畏惧感,多设计让学生形象直观的语法例句,让学生主动探究发现两种语法点的不同。如:在学习一般过去式时态的时候,给出句式:Tom stood up quickly.让学生找出动词的变化。然后,再引出已学过的一般现在式时态,让学生把这句话变成:Tom stands up quickly.让学生能清晰的明白两种语法点的不同,从而熟练掌握知识。 (2)精品练习 语法是掌握语言的基础,这类作业的重点是与教材有关的最基础的知识和最基本的技能的训练。在作业布置中,一不要求全,一次落实一项训练,从宏观上控制作业量。二要有精品意识,教师对所设计的作业中的每一项能达到怎样的目的要有清楚认识,避免出题的盲目性、随意性,确保一题对应一个教学目标、一项对准一个训练重点,真正从微观上控制作业的量,避免“题海”战术。教师可用各种练习题的形式,如填空、选择等,也可以用写作的形式巩固语法,如写日记练习一般过去时,写计划则用一般将来时,描述照片中人物在拍摄时正在进行的动作可用过去进行时等。如在学习Book10 Unit1之后可布置以下练习巩固该课的重点“表示方位的介词词组及课文中出现的短语”:还可根据需要,结合学生实际设计出单词拼写、句型转换、补全对话等练习。 (3)错题本 对于学生反复出错的题型,教师可让学生记到错题本上,以便反复记忆。要想学生学得轻松,教师就得提高自身的素质和修养。不仅要认真钻研教材、教法,还要深入了解学生的学习掌握情况,精心设计作业。为此我的做法是:在上课前先大量地做一些习题,然后有针对性的挑选些新颖的题目让学生们去做,并每次都将上次学生出现的错误穿插中,以达到反复练习、深刻领会的教学目的。这样,学生就能掌握所学的新知识点,复习巩固以前学过的内容。 托尔斯泰说:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生的兴趣”,总之,作业的布置要以《英语新课程标准》中的基本理论为先导,围绕教学要求,拓展视野,从听说、读写、玩演、视听等多角度入手。从提高学生兴趣,发展学生创造性思维能力,强化教学目标出发,使学生获得初步运用英语的能力,为真实交际打下基础


词性作业题 1.选出与“红花绿叶”中的“绿”的词性相同的一项:() A.春回大地群山绿 B.春风又绿江南岸 C.一汪绿水慰平生 D.红了樱桃绿了笆蕉 2.指出正确说明下边加下划线词的词性及意义的一项:() 这时船慢了,不久就到了,果然近不得台旁…… A.“近”本来是名词,这里作形容词,意思是依靠。 B.“近”本来是形容词,这里作副词,意思是靠近。 C.“近”本来副词,这里作动词,意思是进去。 D.“近”本来是形容词,这里作动词,意思是靠近。 3.选出下列带下划线词词性不同的一项:() A.电灯突然亮起来了。 B.这场雨下得太突然。 C.心脏突然停止了跳动。 D.突然,掌声暴风雨般地响起来。 4.从下面选出词性相同的一项:() A.听战争经验希望拒绝 B.各那么鲁迅我们旅客 C.更从来单单经常渐渐 D.胖伟大激动承担应该 5.判断下列句子中加下划线词的词性,写在句末括号中。 ①这朦胧的桔红的光,实在照不了多远。() ②月色便朦胧在这水气里。() ③月色给大地带来一片朦胧。() ④隔着云看太阳和月亮,就像隔了一层毛玻璃,朦胧不清。() ⑤他患了一场大病。() ⑥他病了三天。() ⑦这把锁锈死了。() ⑧这把锁长了锈。() 6.找出词性完全相同的一组:() A.宝贵光荣骄傲战友B.制造报答提高寻求C.角色语文经常兴趣D.非常偶尔清楚风景7.下面各组中加点词词性相同的一项是:() A.①这朦胧的月光,实在照不了多远。 ②月色便朦胧在水气里。 B.①掌握法律武器,增强禁毒意识。 ②朋友,你是否意识到你在幸福之中呢? C.①工作随便,学习松懈。 ②刚才出力摇船犹如龙船似的那股劲儿,现在在每个人的身体里松懈下来了。D.①酒香不怕巷子深。 ②这本书的内容很深,可真难懂。 8、找出词性完全相同的一组: () A.宝贵光荣骄傲战友


1.【have的一般现在时用法】 have 是英语中出镜率最高的词,语意特别丰富,用法特别灵活。前面我们学过Have a good day.这样的句子,have表示“经历,经受”的意思。 本单元我们学习的have表示“有,拥有”的意思,用来表达物品的所属关 系。 常用的句式为【某人或某物+have/has+某物】,表示“某人或某物有某物”。 have有人称和数的变化: 1.当主语是I,WE,YOU,THEY I have a brother We have You have two soccer balls They have The girls have 其一般疑问句结构为【Do+ 为【Yes,主语+do./No, -Do you have a dictionary?-Yes, I do . -Do they have a car?-No, they don’t . 其否定结构为【非三单主语+don’t+动词原形have+其他成分.】 I don’t have a watch and they don’t have ,either. We don’t have baseballs or baseball bats. 2.当主语是he, she, it或单数名词等第三人称单数主语时,要用has表示 “有”。 Wang Bo has He has a happy family . She has a son and a daughter . Zhao Xi has a desk and it has three legs(腿). 其一般疑问句结构为【Does+三单主语+动词原形have+ 【Yes,主语+does./No,主语+doesn’t.】 Does she hav e a soccer ball? No, she doesn’t. Does Alan have a basketball? Yes ,he does. 其否定句为【三单主语+doesn’t+动词原形have+ He doesn’t have a volleyball. Jane doesn’t have a ping-pong ball and she doesn’t have a ping-pong ball. 【巧学妙记】 have/has用法口诀: have/has表示“有”,随着人称来改变: I,WE,YOU,THEY非三单,have紧紧跟后边; 疑问就把Do放前,否定don’t动前站。 HE,SHE,IT是三单,定把has勤召唤;


语法修辞 1.“火车在广矛盾田野上蜿蜒前进,收过秋的田野,显露出疲惫的黄褐色。”应用了(C移就)辞格。 2.下列四组词中,一般能受“不”修饰的是(A 动词、形容词)。 3.下列短语中结构关系相同的一组是(D 走或留、书本钢笔)。 4.“虽然生活很艰辛,但活泼可爱的小女儿成了他的开心果。”用的辞格是(C 暗喻)。 5.“经过这次交流,使我们深切地理解了对方的苦衷。”一句里的语病是因为(C 成分残缺)引起的。 6.“知道那个不好消息后,心中的阴云就一天天变得厚重起来。”用了(D 借喻)。 7.下列单位中,可以是语素,也可以直接充当词的是(B 书)。 8.“倒装”这中现象只能出现(D 句子)单位中。 9.语体是(D 语言在长期使用过程中产生的与特定的社会领域相应的功能特征体系。)。 10.下列短语中,属于多义的是(C 我们要学习文件)。 A 去北京玩 B 你为什么这样说 C 我们要学习文件 D 不要跟陌生人说话 11.下列四组词中,词性相同的一组是(C )。 A 现在、已经 B 红、绿化 C 的、着 D 突然、忽然 解释:“突然”是形容词,除了做状语以外,还能作定语、谓语、补语。“忽然”是副词,只能做状语。 12.下列短语中与“买了一本”结构关系一致的是(D 写了一句)。 13.“线儿缝在军衣上,情意缝进我心里。”用了(A 拈连)辞格。 14.“揭露10家对华贸易友善的美国公司。”中的“揭露”使用不当的原因在于(C 感情色彩不妥)。 15.超常修辞一般不常见于下列(D 公文公告)语境中。 16.下列用了关联词,但不属于复句的是( A )。 A 只有在这个时候,他才能忘却他心中的不快。 B 只有你来了,我们才可以出发。 C 因为下雨,车子也开不起来了。 D 他一来,会场的气氛就完全不同了。 17.词的语法功能是指词的(D 组合能力)。 18.下列四组词语中,用主谓式方式构成的有(C 肉麻)。 19.在下列语体中辞格应用频率和类型最丰富的应为(A 文学) 20.“他是我们村出了名的勤快人——一件衣服能穿一个月都不洗。”使用的辞格是(B 反语)。 21.下面句子中“看起来”应看作句子一般成分(而不是特殊成分)的是(C )。 A 看起来要下雨了 B 她看起来要倒下了 C 书一到手,他就看起来了。
