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1-8 美国文学

1-8 美国文学
1-8 美国文学


文学是属于社会意识形态的一门特殊的艺术,它运用语言媒介对人类的社会生活进行评价性的审美反映。 理论的任务:①从现象中概况出普遍性问题→解释现象;②实现价值构建。 艾泽拉姆斯的四个视点理论:文学与世界、文学与作家、文学与作品、文学与读者 : 再现论 1、含义:文学本质是人类对于外在自然和社会生活的模仿和再现。 2、发展:①古希腊罗马时期:摹仿说(德谟克利特、亚里士多德、赫拉克利特);②文艺复兴时期:镜子说(达芬奇);③19世纪:再现论(别林斯基);④20世纪:反映论(毛泽东)。 , 表现论 1、含义:文学本质是主体内在性的一种表现。*主体内在性:包括思想、心灵、情感、想象、灵感、趣味、人格等非常复杂而具有个体性的东西,既具有有条理的理性思想,更具有朦胧的无意识的因素。 2、表现论的优点与缺点:A优点:一是把握到了文艺的主体性、自由性、创造性、虚构性特征。二是把握到了文学的情感性特征。三是能够认识文学的个体性,文学是主观的表现,不同的文学作品是不同人的心灵的外化。B缺陷:它忽视了文学与外在世界的关系,忽视了文学语言的审美特性。而且,它是一种基于主体性哲学视野下的一种文学本质的认识。它容易走向极端,把表现束缚在个人狭隘的主观空间,成为一种狭隘的情感的宣泄,倘若如此,这样的文学就不再是感人的文学,也不是美的文学。 文本性理论 ` 1、文学文本:指语言形态的实体。 2、形式客体论:它是在对抗文学是社会反映观念基础上出现的,主要以俄国形式主义、语义学和新批评、法国结构主义为代表。 3、意向客体论:认为文学的本质是文学在作者创作、读者阅读、欣赏、接受过程中产生的意向性的存在,是一种意向性客体。<意向性客体论避免了形式主义文学本质观的片面性和及极端性,认识到文学的本质是一种互动的意向性过程,而并非静态的纯客体的形式。它强调了读者意识,为接受美学的文学本质观念奠定了基础。> 读者反应说 * 1、读者:文学作品创作的参与者和消费者。 2、特点:①强调读者参与意义生产过程;②极大地抬高了读者主动性和积极性的,关注读者心理个体和社会环境的差异性。 3、评价: 从读者视点来思考文学的本质,强调了文学是读者与文本的一种关系,读者及其阅读是成为文学的一个决定性维度。这种看法改变了以往单纯从作者、世界或作品视点去看文学本质的局限性,打开了文学本质探讨的新维度。但过分强调读者的地位,容易陷入对文学界定的主观主义或相对主义的泥潭中,以至于丧失文学的特殊性。


1.Puritanism(清教主义): Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. 1.) simply speaking , American Puritanism just refers to the spirit and ideal of puritans,who settled in the North American continent in the early part of the seventeenth century because of religious persecutions. 2.)In content it means scrupulous ,moral rigor ,eapecially hostility to social pleasure and religion . 3.)with time passing it became a dominant factor in American life , one of the most enduring shaping influences in American thought and literature .to some extentit is a state of mind , a part of the national cultural atmosphere that the American breathes ,rather than a set of tenets. 4.)Actually it is a code of values , a philosophy of life and a point of view in American minds , also a two-faceted tradition of religious idealism and level -headed in common sense . 5)Major topic:American Puritanism Introduction There were no written literature among the more than 500 different Indian languages and tribal cultures,American writing began with the work of English adventurers and colonists in the New World chiefly for the benefit of readers in the mother country. Therefore the writing in this period was essentially two kinds: (1)practical matter-of-fact accounts of farming, hunting, travel, etc. designed to inform people “at home” what life was like in the new world, and, often, to induce their immigration; (2) highly theoretical, generally polemical(好辩的), discussions of religious questions. 2.The American Romanticism(浪漫主义) I. What is Romanticism a literary movement flourished as a cultural force the early period and the late period.


1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight or nine o’clock, on the Sunday morning and landed at the Market Street wharf. 4.What features do you find in the style of the above selection? It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision(言简意赅). The narrative is lucid(易懂的), the structure is simple, the imagery is homely(朴素的). 二、Questions 1.How many characters does Poe include in The Cask of Amontillado? What are these names? Montresor, Fortunato and Luchesi 2. What drink are the French most famous for? Wine 3.Does Montresor have something of great value to him which we might consider to be his treasure? His pride and the pride of his French family heritage. Perhaps his devious plot of revenge. 4.Does Montresor seem to have much respect for Italians? Montresor does not have much respect for Italians. He feels the French are superior, especially with respect to wine. 5.What was Fortunato's insult? Poe does not tell us directly, but only implies it in the third paragraph 6.Which wine does Montresor use to lure Fortunato into the catacombs? "Amontillado" (the Spanish wine; Montresor's ruse to lead Fortunato down into the catacombs. 7.Why does Montresor entertain Fortunato with wines from his collection? Montresor wants to get Fortunato drunk enough to be able to trap him in his plan of vengeance. 8.In what two ways does Montresor imprison Fortunato? He fetters (chains and locks) Fortunato to the wall of the catacombs. He builds a wall to close Fortunato off in a small corner of the catacombs, where Montresor will leave him to die. 9.In what ways is The Cask of Amontillado grotesque? First, which of Montresor's actions are abnormal? The whole obsessive plot of vengeance. The fettering and entombment of Fortunato. Montresor's sick sense of humor. 10.Is there anything grotesque about Fortunato? His obsession with alcohol. His drunkenness. His tendency to berate Luchesi (he may have been drunk and may have insulted Montresor in a similar


美国文学部分(American Literature) 一.独立革命前后的文学(The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).殖民地时期的文学的特点 2).主要的作家、其概况及其代表作品 2.独立革命前后时期的主要作家 本杰明·富兰克林Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林,散文家、科学家、社会活动家,曾参与起草―独立宣言。 《穷查理历书》Poor Richard’s Almanack 《致富之道》The Way to Wealth 《自传》The Autobiography 托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine托马斯·潘恩,散文家、政治家、报刊撰稿人。 《税务员问题》The Case of the Officers of Excise 《常识》Common Sense 《美国危机》American Crisis 《人的权利》Rights of Man 《专制体制的崩溃》Downfall of Despotism 《理性时代》The Age of Reason 菲利普·弗伦诺Philip Freneau菲利普·弗伦诺,著名的―革命诗人‖。 《蒸蒸日上的美洲》―The Rising Glory of America‖

《英国囚船》―The British Prison Ship‖ 《纪念美国勇士》同类诗中最佳―To the Memory of the Brave Americans‖ 《野生的金银花》―The Wild Honeysuckle‖ 《印第安人殡葬地》―The Indian Burying Ground‖ 1二.美国浪漫主义文学(American Romanticism) 1.本章考核知识点和考核要求: 1).美国浪漫主义文学产生的社会历史及文化背景 2).主要作家的创作思想、艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构、人物刻画和语言风格 3).清教主义、超验主义、象征主义、自由诗等名词的解释 2.美国浪漫主义时期的主要作家 华盛顿·欧文Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文,美国著名小说家,被称为―美国文学之父‖.《瑞普·凡·温可尔》Rip Van Winkle 《纽约外史》A History of New York 《见闻札记》The Sketch Book 《睡谷的传说》The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀开创了以《皮裹腿故事集》为代表的边疆传奇小说,其中最为重要的一部是《最后的莫西干人》。 《皮裹腿故事集》Leatherstocking Tales 《间谍》The Spy 《领航者》The Pilot


文学概论复习资料 第十章 基本概念 1.典型:作为文学形象的高级形态之一。是文学言语系统中显出特征的富于魅力的性格,他在叙事性作品中又称典型人物或典型性格。 2.特征化:作家抓住生活中最富有特征性的东西,加以艺术强化、生发的过程。 3.意境:是指抒情性作品中呈现的那种情景交融、虚实相生的形象系统及其所诱发和开拓的审美想象空间也是文学形象的高级形态之一。 4.意象:是指以表达哲理观念为目的,以象征性或荒诞性为其基本特征的,在某些理性观念和抽象思维的指导下创造的具有求解性和多义性的达到人类审美理想境界的表意之象。 思考问题 1.举例说明文学言语与普通言语的不同。 答:文学言语是特殊的言语系统,与一般言语有明显的不同,除了形象性,生动性,凝练性,音乐性等特点外。文学言语还具有内指性。而普通言语是外指性的。而文学言语是指向文本中的艺术世界。文学言语具有心理蕴含性。普通言语侧重运用语言的指称功能。而文学语言更注重表现功能,文学言语具有阻拒性。 2.文学形象的特征:文学形象是主观与客观的统一;文学形象是假定与真实的统一;是个别与一般的统一;是确定性和不确定性的统一。 3.文学典型的审美特征:文学典型的特征性,文学典型必须具有贯穿其全部活动的,统摄其整个生命的“总特征”。文学典型还必须通过局部“特征”,反映和形成总特征;文学典型的艺术魅力,文学典型的艺术魅力应当是来自性格显示的一种生命的魅力,更来自它所显示的灵魂的深度。 典型人物与典型环境的关系:典型性格是在典型环境中形成的。典型环境不仅是形成人物性格的基础,而且还是逼迫着人物的行动,制约着人物性格的发展变化;典型人物也并非永远在环境面前无能为力,在一定条件下它有可以对环境发生反作用;典型环境与典型人物的关系还有相互依存的一面,失去一方,另一方也就不复存在。 4.文学意境的特征:情景交融是意境创造的表现特征,情景交融包括景中藏情式,情中见景式和情景并茂式;虚实相生是意境创造的结构特征;韵味无穷是意境的审美特征。 5.审美意象与一般的意象的不同之处:一般意象以再现生活为目的的典型和以抒情为目的的,而审美意象是以表达哲理观念为目的的。 审美意象的基本特征:审美意象的本质特征是哲理性;表现特征是象征性;形象特征是荒诞性;思维特征是抽象思维的直接参与;鉴赏特征是求解性和多义性。 第十一章 基本概念 1.叙事学:研究叙事艺术的理论和批评方法。 2.事件:由所叙述的人物行为及其后果构成,是最小的叙事单位。 3.表层结构与深层结构:叙事作品是一种话语系统,它的内部结构可以从两个向度进行分析。首先是历时性向度即根据叙述的前后顺序研究句子与句子,事件与事件之间的关系,一般文艺理论中所讲的结构主要是指这种历时性向度的结构关系,其次是共时性向度,研究


美国文学选择题及答案 1. William Faulkner is the author of ______. a. Far From the Madding Crowd b. Sound and Fury c. For Whom the Bell Tolls d. Scarlet Letter 2. Robert Frost is a famous_______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. literary critic 3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________. a. Jack London b. Charles Dickens c. Samuel Coleridge d. Earnest Hemingway 4. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. a. Allegory b. Conflict c. Irony d. Flashback 5. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______. a. Nature b. Walden c. Experience d. Essays 6. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature. a. American folk humor b. funny jokes c. English folklore d. American values 7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War? a. Fennimore Cooper. b. Nathaniel Hawthorn. c. Walt Whitman. d. Washington Irving. 8. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____. a. Abraham Lincoln b. John F. Kennedy c. Martin Luther King d. Ralph Waldo Emerson 9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson? a. This is my letter to the world b. I heard a Fly buzz—when I died c. This is just to say d. Because I could not stop for death 10. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. essayist 11. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States. a. Age of Realism b. Age of Classicalism c. Age of Romanticism d. Age of Renaissance 12. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize. a. Ezra Pond b. e. e. cummings c. Robert Frost d. William Cullen Bryant 13. Grass is a poem written by _______.


III Multiple choice (20%) 1. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. When her poems were published in England, she became known as the “______” who appeared in America. A Ninth Muse B Tenth Muse C Best Muse D First Muse 2. ______ is the sometimes exaggerated use of local language, characters and customs in regional literature. A purple prose B waste-land imagery C local color D symbolism 3. The Fitzgeralds lived so extravagantly that they frequently spent more money than F. Scoot Fitzgerald earned for parties, liquor, entertaining their friends and traveling. It was this living style that nicknamed the decade of the 1920s as _______. A The Jazz Age B The Gilded Age C The Glorious Age D The Beat Age 4. ___________ was a reaction to the ideas of the Age of Reason and the Enlightenment. A Romanticism B Realism C Naturalism D Modernism 5. Although only few of her poems were published in her lifetime and a complete collection of them didn’t appear until the 1950’s, _____ had a major impact on 20th century poetry. A Anne Bradstreet B Gertrude Stein C Emily Dickinson D Amy Lowell 6. Who of the following is NOT a 20th century American poet? A Henry Wordsworth Longsfellow B Amy Lowell C Ezra Pound D Robert Frost 7. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his ______. A International theme B Waste-land imagery C Local color


外国文学经典书目推荐 一、古希腊文学至19世纪浪漫主义文学推荐阅读书目 《希腊神话故事》 《荷马史诗》(《伊利昂记》《奥德修记》) (古希腊)索福克勒斯《俄底浦斯王》 (意大利)但丁《神曲》 (意大利)薄伽丘《十日谈》 (西班牙)塞万提斯《堂吉诃德》 (英)莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《哈姆莱特》《奥瑟罗》《麦克白》《李尔王》(法)莫里哀《伪君子》《吝啬鬼》 (德)歌德《浮士德》《少年维特之烦恼》 (法)卢梭《新爱洛依丝》 (英)菲尔丁《汤姆·琼斯》 (法)雨果《悲惨世界》《巴黎圣母院》 (美)麦尔维尔《白鲸》 (美)霍桑《红字》 二、19世纪现实主义文学推荐阅读书目 (法)司汤达《红与黑》 (法)梅里美《卡门》 (法)巴尔扎克《高老头》《欧也妮·葛朗台》 (英)简·奥斯丁《傲慢与偏见》 (英)狄更斯《双城记》 (英)勃朗特姐妹《简爱》《呼啸山庄》

(英)乔治·爱略特《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》《米德尔马契》(法)小仲马《茶花女》 (法)福楼拜《包法利夫人》 (法)莫泊桑《羊脂球》 (英)哈代《德伯家的苔丝》 (美)马克·吐温《哈克贝利·芬历险记》 (美)欧·亨利《短篇小说集》 (挪威)易卜生《玩偶之家》 (俄)普希金《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》 (俄)果戈理《死魂灵》 (俄)屠格涅夫《贵族之家》 (俄)托尔斯泰《安娜·卡列尼娜》《战争与和平》 (俄)陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》《白痴》《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》(俄)契诃夫《短篇小说集》 (英)王尔德《道林·格雷的画像》 三、20世纪现实主义文学推荐阅读书目 (英)D·H·劳伦斯《虹》《查泰莱夫人的情人》 (法)罗曼·罗兰《约翰·克利斯朵夫》 (美)海明威《老人与海》 (美)菲茨杰拉德《了不起的盖茨比》 (法)玛格丽特·杜拉斯《情人》 (捷克)米兰·昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》 (美)德莱塞《美国的悲剧》 (美)塞林格《麦田的守望者》


第一章文学理论的性质和形态 1文艺学:文艺学是一门以文学为对象,以揭示文学基本规律,介绍相关知识为目的的学科,包括三个分支,即文学理论、文学批评、文学史。这三个分支具有不同的研究对象和任务。它们之间既、相互独立相互联系、相互渗透、文学理论作为研究文学普遍规律的学科,有独特的研究对象和任务,具有鲜明的实践性和价值取向。 文学作为一种极为复杂的、广延性极强的事物,决定了其研究视角和方法的多样性,也使得文学理论呈现出不同的形态。文学哲学、文学社会学、文学心理学、文学信息学、文学符号学、文学价值学、文学文化学等是文学理论的基本形态。 2、文学理论:文艺学的主要组成部分。它常常从美学、认识论、社会学、心理学等各种角度研究文学的本质、特征、内在构成和外在关系的基本原理和原则。文学理论的任务在于揭示文学作为审美文化现象的本质:既要对文学不同于其他文化现象的特质做出说明文学理论是不断发展变化着的文学实践的理论总结,因此,其自身也有一个发展的过程。研究文学活动的基本规律、基本原理、范畴、文学研究的方法的一门学科。 第二章马克思主义文学理论与中国当代文学理论建设 3艺术生产论:马克思随着时代发展把文学活动理解为“艺术生产”活动,“艺术生产”是把物质生产与作为精神生产的艺术生产相比较,艺术生产是指实际的艺术创作过程。马克思的艺术生产具有多重含义 第一种意义是把物质生产与精神生产相比较,主要从经济学的观点来看待文学艺术活动的结果,并不专指某一特定历史时期的艺术现象。 第二种意义是指艺术生产是实际的的艺术创作过程。 第三种意义,专指在资本发展时期,一切艺术的生产是资本的创造价值,一切艺术品都具有商品的属性。这种意义是马克思在《资本论》的“剩余价值理论”中经常提到的。 我们应该从第一种和第三种意义来理解马克思的艺术生产论,因为这种理论强调了文学艺术不是孤立存在的,它的发展是社会的政治经济形态的发展密切相关的,我们必须归根到底从社会物质生产和精神生产的实践中,从生产消费、分配、交换的关系中,才可能获得对文学艺术的真正理解和最终解释,这样就给我们揭示文学发展寻找到一个更为广阔的视野。 4 文学审美意识形态论:文学艺术是建立在社会经济基础之上的上层建筑,是上层建筑中的一种社会意识形态。把文学艺术看成是“审美意识形态”,意味着文学艺术是社会意识形态的变体,它既具有意识形态的性质,又具有审美的性质,是这两者的有机结合。 它是指与现实社会生活密切缠绕的审美表现领域,其集中形态是文学、音乐、戏剧、绘画、雕塑等艺术活动。审美意识形态在意识形态中具有特殊性:它一方面被看做意识形态中的富于审美特性的种类,但另一方面又渗透着社会生活以及其他意识形态的因子,与它们复杂地交织在一起。因此,审美意识形态不是审美与意识形态的简单相加,而是指在审美表现过程中审美与社会生活状况相互浸染、彼此渗透的状况。 中国的文学艺术学者也在20世纪80年代的初、中期,从反思“文学为政治服务”的口号的失误寻求从审美的视角来探讨文学的性质,同样也得出文学是一种”“审美意识形态式”或“审美反应”的结论,在这方面,蒋孔阳、李泽厚、钱中文、王元骧、王向峰、胡经之等学者都做出了不懈的努力,补充完善了马克思主义关于文学艺术作为一种特殊意识形态形式的思想, 第三章文学作为活动


Literary terms这部分的答案均来自星火《英美文学》一书,质量高 1.Transcendentalism: is literature,philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to1860. It originated among a small group of intellectuals who were reaching against the orthodoxy of Calvinism and the rationalism of the Unitarian Church, their own faith centering on the divinity of humanity and the natural world instead. Transcendentalism derived some of its basic idealistic concepts from romantic German philosophy, and from such English authors as Carlyle,Coleridge, and Wordsworth. The ideas of transcendentalism were most eloquently expressed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in such essays as Nature and Self-Reliance and by Henry David Thoreau in his book Walden. 2.American naturalism:this term was created by Emile Zola. Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theory played an important role in naturalism. In the works off naturalism,characters were conceived as complex combinations of inherited attributes and habits conditioned by social and economic forces. At the end of the 19th century,this pessimistic form of realism appeared in America. Naturalism attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness. Characters in the works of naturalism were dominated by their environment and heredity. Naturalism emphasized:the world was around;men had no free will;religious “truth” were illusory;the destiny of human beings was misery in life and oblivion in death. The dominant figures in naturalism were Stephen crane,Frank Norris, Jack London and Theodore Dreiser. 3.The lost generation: included the young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut from the old value and yet unable to come to terms with the new era when civilization had gone mad. These writers adopted unconventional style of writing and reacted against the tendencies of the older writers in the 1920s. The term came from Gertrude Stein who said in Hemingway's presence that “you are all a lost generation.” 4.Jazz age: the novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald coined the term "Jazz Age" retroactively to refer to the decade after World War I and before the stock market crash in 1929, during which Americans embarked upon what he called "the gaudiest spree in history". Jazz Age is inextricably associated with the wealthy white "flappers" and socialites immortalized in Fitzgerald's fiction. 5.Free verse: is a poetry that has an irregular rhythm and line length and that attempts to avoid any predetermined verse structure, instead, it uses the cadences of natural speech. While it alternates stressed and unstressed syllables as stricter verse forms do, free verse does so in a looser way. Whitman's poetry is an example of free verse at its most impressive. It has since been used by Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and other major American can poets of the 20th century. 6. The iceberg analogy: The Iceberg Theory is a writing theory by American writer Ernest Hemingway, as follows:if a writer of a prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader,if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. 这部分来自星火的为:3,7,8, 来自课本为:1,4,9 来自网络为:2,5,6大家自取之 1.Poe's Poetic Ideas A.His conviction that the function of poetry is not to summarize and interpret earthly experience, but to create a mood in which the soul soars toward supernal beauty. B.He insists that poetry must be disembarrassed of that moral sense. C.Poe believes that the elevation of excitement of the soul should be “the poetic principle” thus poetry must concern itself only with “supernal beauty”. D.Poe defines poetry as “the rhythmical creation of beauty” a definition gi ving unexampled emphasis upon the importance of the rhythmical or musical element in poetry.


西方现代文学理论批评: 含混(ambiguity) 又译“晦涩”、“歧义”、“复义”。与“明晰”相反,通常指作品中的一种弊病,“也就是,当需要精确、明白无误的意思时,却用了含糊的或模棱两可的表达方式。然而,自威廉.燕卜荪发表了《含混七型》以来,这一术语在文学批评中广泛地用于表示一种诗歌技巧:使用一个单词或表现方法,表示两种或更多的不同意思、两种或更多大不相同的态度或者感情”。(.艾布拉姆斯《文学术语汇编》)燕卜荪自己在该书中下的定义为:“任何语义上的差别,不论如何细致,只要它使用一句话有可能引起不同的反应”,就同含混有关;“基本的情况是:一个词或一个语法结构同时有多方面的作用。”他按照“逻辑和语法混乱的程度”罗列了含混的七种类型,“使含混程度一层层提高”。第一型:“说一物与另一物相似,但它们却有几种不同的性质都相似。”例如莎士比亚十四行诗中有一诗句:“荒废的唱诗坛不再有百鸟歌唱。”鸟歌唱的树林被比作教堂中的唱诗坛是因为有诸多相似的性质,“由于不知道究竟应该突出哪一种因素,因此就有一种含混之感”。第二型:上下文引起数义并存,包括词义本身的多义和语法结构不严密引起的多义。如艾略特的诗句:“魏伯特老是想着死,看到皮肤下面的骷髅;地下没有呼吸的生物,带着无唇的笑,仰身向后。”第二句使用的分号作用不明,若相当于句号,第三句中的“生物”就是主语;若相当于逗号,“生物”就与前一句中的“骷髅”并列为宾语。“这微小的怀疑使这首诗的主旨——超越知觉的知觉——变得更加怪异。”第三型:“两个意思,于上下文都说得通,存在于一词之中。”双关是最明显的例子。第四型:“一个陈述语的两个或更多的意义相互不一致,但能结合起来反映作者一个思想综合状态。”第五型:“作者一边写一边才发现他自己的真意所在。”第六型:“陈述语字面意义累赘而且矛盾,迫使读者找出多种解释,而这多种解释也相互冲突。”第七型:“一个词的两种意义、一个含混语的两种价值,正是上下文所规定的恰好相反的意义。”关于含混的诸多类型,罗吉.福勒把它们扼要地概括为:同音异义、一词多义、纯粹由于句法上的原因引起的


. ... .. . 美国文学 I.The Colonial Period(Puritanism) Multiple Choice 1.The Puritan dominating values were ____________. A. hard work B. thrift C. piety D. sobriety 2. Which statement about Cotton Mather is not true? A. He was a great Puritan historian. B. He was an inexhaustible writer. C. He was a skillful preacher and an eminent theologian. D. He was a graduate of Oxford College. 3. Jonathan Edwards' best and most representative sermon was_________. A. A True Sight of Sin B. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God C. A Model of Christian Charity D. God's Determinations 4. The common thread throughout American literature has been the emphasis on the ___________. A. Revolutionism B. Reason C. Individualism D. rationalism 5. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “__________”who appeared in America. A. Ninth Muse B. Tenth Muse C. Best Muse D. First Muse II. Period around The War of Independence (Enlightenment) 1. In American literature, the eighteen century was the age of the Enlightenment. ____________was the dominant spirit. A. Humanism B. Rationalism C. Revolution D. Evolution 2.Which of the following stirred the world and helped form the American republic? A. The American Crisis. B. The Federalist
