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Unit 1 Language and Language Learning

1.What are the three views on language?

1) Structural view on language:

The structural view sees language as a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: from phonological, morphological, lexical, etc. to sentences. Each language has a finite number of such structural items. To learn a language means to learn these structural items so as to be able to understand and produce language.This view on language limits knowing a language to knowing its structural rules and vocabulary.

2) Functional view on language:

The functional view sees language as a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things. Learners learn a language in order to be able to do things with it. To perform functions, learners need to know how to combine the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions that perform the functions. This view on language adds the need to know how to use the rules and vocabulary to do whatever it is one wants to do.

3) Interactional view on language:

The interactional view considers language as a communicative tool, whose main use is to build up and maintain social relations between people. Therefore, learners not only need to know the grammar and vocabulary of the language but as importantly they need to know the rules for using them in a whole range of communicative contexts. This view on language says that to know how to do what one wants to do involves also knowing whether it is appropriate to do so, and where, when and how it is appropriate to do it. In order to know this, the learner has to study the patterns and rules of language above the sentence level to learn how language is used in different speech contexts.

2. What are the views on language learning?

1) Behaviourist theory:

The behaviorist theory of language learning was initiated by behavioral psychologist Skinner, who applied Watson and Raynor’s theory of conditioning to the way humans acquire language (Harmer, 1983) The key point of the theory of conditioning is that “you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages, stimulus, response, and reinforcement”(Harmer1983: 30) Based on the theory of conditioning, Skinner suggested language is also a form of behavior. It can be learned the same way as an animal is trained to respond to stimuli. This theory of learning is referred to as behaviorism.

2) Cognitive theory:

The term cognitivism is often used loosely to describe methods in which students are asked to think rather than si mply repeat. It seems to be largely the result of Noam Chomsky’s reaction to Skinner’s behaviorist

theory, which led to the revival of structural linguistics. According to Chomsky, language is not a form of behaviour, it is an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. There are a finite number of grammatical rules in the system and with knowledge of these rules an infinite of sentences can be produced. A language learner acquires language competence, which enables him to produce language.

3)Constructivist theory

The constructivist theory believes that learning is a process in which the learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what he or she already knows. It is believed that education is used to develop the mind, not just to rote recall what is learned. John Dewey(杜威) believed that teaching should be built based on what learners already knew and engage learners in learning activities. Teachers need to design environments and interact with learners to foster inventive, creative, critical learners. Therefore, teachers must balance an understanding of the habits, characteristics as well as personalities of individual learners with an understanding of the means of arousing learne rs’ interests and curiosity for learning.

4)Socio-constructivist theory

Vygotsky (前苏联心理学家维果茨基,1978) emphasizes interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context based on the concept of “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD「可能发展区/最近发展区」) and scaffolding「鹰架/支架/脚手架」. That is to say, learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between the teacher and the learner and between learners. With the teacher’s scaffolding through questions and explanations, or with a more capable pe ers’ support, the learner can move to a higher level of understanding and extend his/her skills and knowledge to the fullest potential.

3. What are the qualities of a good language teacher?

The main elements of a good English teacher are ethic devotion, professional qualities, and personal styles. (Then try to explain these three elements respectively according to your own understanding)

Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching

1. What is communicative competence?

Hedge (2000: 46-55) discusses five main components of communicative competence: linguistic competence, pragmatic competence, discourse competence, strategic competence, and fluency.

Communicative competence entails knowing not only the language code or the form of language, but also what to say to whom and how to say it appropriately in any given situation. Communicative competence includes knowledge of what to say, when, how, where, and to whom.

2. What are the three principles of communicative language teaching?

a) the communicative principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.

b) the task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning (Johnson 1982).

c) the meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.

3. What are the six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities?

1) communicative purpose

2) communicative desire

3) content, not form

4) variety of language

5) no teacher intervention

6) no material control

4. What is Task-based Language Teaching?

Task-based Language teaching is, in fact, a further development of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs, as language should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life. It has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching with communication-focused teaching.

Unit 3 The National English Curriculum

1. What are the designing principles for the National English Curriculum 2001?

1)Aim for educating all students, and emphasise quality-oriented education.

2)Promote learner-centredness, and respect individual differences.

3)Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability.

4)Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation.

5)Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.

6)Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.

2.What are the goals and objectives of English language teaching?

The new curriculum is designed to promote students’ overall language ability, which is composed of five interrelated components, namely, language skills, language knowledge, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Each component is further divided into a few sub-categories. Language teaching is no longer aimed only for developing language skills and knowledge, but expanded to developing learner s’ positive attitude, motivation, confidence as well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-cultural knowledge, awareness and capabilities.

3. What are the challenges facing English language teachers?

1)English language teachers are expected to change their views about language which is not a system of linguistic knowledge but a means for communication.

2)English language teachers are expected to change their traditional role of a knowledge transmitter to a multi-role educator.

3)English language teachers are expected to use more task-based activities and put the students at the center of learning.

4)English language teachers are expected to use more formative assessment in addition to using tests.

5)English language teachers are expected to use modern technology in teaching, creating more effective resources for learning and for using the language.

Unit 4 Lesson Planning

1. Why is lesson planning necessary?

Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class. It is obvious that lesson planning is necessary.


1) To make the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.

2) To help the teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so

that the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another.

3) Proper lesson planning gives the teacher opportunity to anticipate potential problems that may arise in

class so that they can be prepared with some possible solutions or other options for the lesson.

4) Lesson planning gives teachers, especially novice teachers, confidence in class.

5) The teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed for the lesson.

6) Lesson planning helps teachers to think about the relative value of different activities and how much time should be spent on them. The teacher soon learns to judge lesson stages and phases with greater accuracy.

7) The plan, with the teacher’s comments and corrections, provides a useful, time-saving reference when the teacher next plans the same lesson.

8) Lesson planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism.

2. What are the principles for good lesson planning?

Aims— means the realistic goals for the lesson. That is, the teacher needs to have a clear idea of what he / she would like to achieve for the lesson or what outcomes are expected from the lesson.

Variety—means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting ,motivation and never monotonous for the students.

Flexibility— means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.

Learnability—means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the

s tudents’ coping ability will diminish their motivation.

Linkage--means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language3 learning needs recycling and reinforcement.

3. What are macro planning and micro planning?

Macro planning is planning over a longer period of time, for instance, planning for a whole program or a whole-year course.

In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lessons but rather helping teachers get an overall felling or idea about the course and also get familiarized with the context in which language teaching takes place. Macro planning involves the following:

1) Knowing about the course:

The teacher should get to know which language areas and language skills should be taught or practised in the course, what materials and teaching aids are available, and what methods and techniques can be used.

2) Knowing about the institution:

The teacher should get to know the institution’s arrangements regarding time, length, frequency of lessons, physical conditions of classrooms, and exam requirements.

3) Knowing about the learners:

The teacher should acquire information about the students’ age range, sex ratio, social background, motivation, attitudes, interests, learning needs and other individual factors.

4) Knowing about the syllabus:

The teacher should be clear about the purposes, requirements and targets specified in the syllabus.

Much of macro planning is done prior to the commencement of a course. However, macro planning is a job that never really ends until the end of the course.

Micro planning is planning for a specific unit or a lesson, which usually lasts from one to two weeks or forty to fifty minutes respectively.

Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.

4. What are the components of a lesson plan?

A language lesson plan usually has the following components: background information, teaching aims (what language components to present, what communicative skills to practice, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used), language contents (grammar, vocabulary, functions, topics and so on) and skills (listening; speaking; reading and writing), stages (the major steps that language teachers go through in the classroom) and procedures (detailed steps in each teaching stage), teaching aids, assignments, and teacher’s after-class reflection.

5. What are the 3P’s model and 3-stage model?

The 3P’s model refers to presentation, practice and production.

At the presentation stage, the teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures in whatever ways appropriate.

At the practice stage, the lesson moves from controlled practice to guided practice and further to the exploitation of the text when necessary.

At the production stage, the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practised to perform communicative tasks. The focus is on meaning rather than accurate use of language forms.

3-stage model is frequently adopted in reading lessons and listening lessons. It refers to pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading stages. The pre-stage i nvolves preparation work, such as setting the scene, warming up, or providing key information (such as key words). The while-stage involves activities or tasks that the students must perform while they are reading or listening. The post-stage provides a chance for students to obtain feedback on their performance at the while-stage. This last stage may also involve some follow-up activities, in which students relate what they have read or heard to their own life and use the language spontaneously.

Unit 5 Classroom Management

1.What are the main roles teachers can play before, during and after the class?

Before the class, the teacher is a planner, who plans what to teach, how to teach, and what result to achieve. After then class, the teacher is an evaluator, who evaluates not only how successfully he/she has conducted the class but also how efficient the learning activities have been. Based on the functions that the teacher performs in different activities during the class, Harmer defines the teacher’s roles as controller, assessor, organizer, prompter, participant and resource-provider (Harmer, 1983).

2.How to give effective classroom instructions?

Proper instruction is the precondition of accomplishment of activities. To give appropriate instruction, it is necessary to follow the following principles.

(1) Economy with words: the teacher should use as few words as possible.

(2) Simple and clear language at all points: language should be easy to understand.

(3) Demonstration of what is needed.

(4) Check of students understanding: the teacher can check individual students to make sure that students understand the instruction and know what to do.

(5) Use the native language when necessary.

(6) Vary the instruction now and then.

3.What are the different ways for student grouping?

The most common student groupings are lockstep, pair work, group work, and individual study.

Lockstep (Whole class work) is where all the student are under the control of the teacher. They are all doing the same activity at the same rhythm and pace. Lockstep is often adopted when the teacher is making a presentation, checking exercise answers, or doing accuracy reproduction. When the teacher asks questions, the students speak either together or one by one, in turns or indicated by the teacher.

Pair work is where the students work in pairs. It could be a competition over a game or co-operation in a task or project between the two students. They could also do certain exercises together or oral practice. When the students are doing pair work, the teacher usually circulates around the classroom, answering question or providing help when necessary.

Group work is where the students work in small groups. Each group has 3,4,or 5 students, depending on the activity. What students do in group work is similar to pair work, only there are more members in the group. Group work is most beneficial when the activity requires contributions from more than two students. The teacher can join each group for a while, but only as a participant not as a leader or inspector.

Individual study is the stage during the class where the students are left to work on their own and at their own speed. Usually they are doing the same task, but the teacher may give them a choice of tasks. Some activities cannot be done in pairs or groups, for instance, reading and writing. People read at different speed, so they cannot read together, though two people might share one book. It seems writing can be done in pairs or groups, but what they are actually doing when they are working together is brainstorming ideas, discussing, or revising. When it comes to the real writing stage students should work individually.

4.How to ask effective questions?

1)Questions should be closely linked with the teaching objectives in the lesson;

2)Questions should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds;

3)There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions;

4)Wait time is important to allow students to think through their answers;

5)Students should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers;

6)A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and students’ opinions and ideas are valued.

5.How to treat students’ errors in the classroom?

There are different ways and techniques for correcting errors, such as direct teacher correction, indirect teacher correction, self-correction, peer correction, whole classroom correction, etc. As a general rule, indirect teacher correction is encouraged rather than direct teacher correction to avoid damaging students’ self este em and confidence. Also, self-correction is encouraged before teacher correction or peer correction.

Unit 6 Teach Pronunciation

1. What is the goal of teaching pronunciation?

The goal of teaching pronunciation is not to teach learners to achieve a perfect imitation of a native accent, but simply to get the learners to pronounce accurately enough to be easily and comfortably comprehensible to other speakers.

The realistic goals of teaching pronunciation:

Consistency: The pronunciation should be smooth and natural.

Intelligibility: The pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners.

Communicative efficiency: The Pronunciation should help to convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.

2. What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach?

1)sounds………the vowels and consonants of English

2)combination of sounds…….pronunciation of words

3)word stress….the stress in a word and shift of stress

4)strong & weak forms…the importance of the different syllables in maintaining the rhythm of the speech, especially the model verbs and auxiliary verbs

5)linkage of sounds……..the liaison of sound in natural speech

6)rhyme & rhythm

7)pitch & intonation…the function of pitch and intonation in conveying meaning

8)filler words……the sounds which do not convey meaning but can help to maintain communication, e.g. uh huh, um, er, oh, ah, well.

Unit 7 Teaching Grammar

1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods?

Deductive method: the teacher presents the rule of the structure on the blackboard and explains it to the students. This would be followed by the teacher giving several examples and then asking the students to apply the rules themselves in some exercises.

Inductive method: The teacher does not explain the rule at the beginning, but presents various language forms and the students are left to discover or induce the rules or generalizations on their own.

The guided discovery method: is similar to the inductive method in that the students are induced to discover rules by themselves but different in that the process of the discovery is carefully guided and assisted by the teacher and the rules are then elicited and taught explicitly.

2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities?

Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy. By doing mechanical practice, the students pay repeated attention to a key element in a structure. Substitution and transformation drills are most frequently used in mechanical practice.

Meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning though the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures are used in process. Meaningful practice usually comes after mechanical practice.

Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary

1.What does knowing a word involve?

A simple answer would be (1)knowing its pronunciation & stress; (2) knowing its spelling & grammar; (3) knowing its meaning; (4) knowing how & when to use it to express the intended meaning.

According to Hedge (2000), vocabulary learning involves at least two aspects of meaning. The first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning. The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.

2.How can we present new vocabulary items effectively?

1) Draw pictures, diagrams and maps to show meanings or connections of meaning

2) Use real objects to show meanings;

3) Mime or act to show meaning; ask some ss come to the front and teach some words of this kind, such as: catch, shave

4) Use lexical sets. Or word series. E.g. cook: fry, boil, bake, and frill;

5) Use synonymous and antonymous to explain meanings;

6) Translate and exemplify, especially with technical words or words with abstract meaning;

7) Use word formation rules and common affixes.

8) Teach vocabulary in chunks;

9) Provide different contexts in real life for introducing new words.

3.What are some effective ways to consolidate vocabulary?

1) Labeling;

2) Spotting the differences;

3) Describing and drawing;

4) Playing a game;

5) Using word series;

6) Word bingo;

7) Word association;

8) Finding synonyms and antonyms;

9) Using word categories;

10) Using word net-work;

11) Using the internet resources for more ideas.

Unit 9 Teaching Listening

1.What are the characteristics of the listening process?

Generally speaking, listening in real life has the following characteristics:

a) spontaneity: we listen to people speaking spontaneously and informally without rehearsing what they are

going to say ahead of time.

b) context: the context of listening is usually known to both the listener and the speaker in real life.

c) visual clues: most of the time we can see the participants’ facial expressions, gestures and other body

language as well as the surrounding environment.

e) listener’s res ponse: most of the listening in daily life allows the listener to respond to the speaker.

f) speaker’s adjustment: the speaker can adjust the way of speaking according to the listener’s reactions.

2.What are the models of teaching listening?

1)Bottom-up model: listening comprehension is believed to start with sound and meaning recognitions.

2)Top-down model: listening for the gist and making use of the contextual clues and background knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized.

3)Interactive model: listening involves both bottom-up processing (recognizing sounds of words, phrases or structures) and top-down processing (inferring meaning from broad contextual clues and background knowledge).

3.What are the common activities in teaching listening?

1) Pre-Listening activities: predicting and setting the scene

2) While-listening activities: listening for the gist; listening for specific information; no specific

responses; listening and ticking; listening and sequencing; listening and acting; listening and drawing; listening and filling; listening and guessing; listening and taking notes.

3) Post-listening stage: multiple-choice questions; answering questions; note-taking and gap-filling;


Unit 10 Teaching Speaking

1.What are the main characteristics of spoken language?

a. in fairly simple sentence structures

b. in incomplete sentences

c. in informal, simple or common vocabulary

d. with broken grammar, false starts, hesitation, fillers, etc.

e. with a high proportion of repetition or redundancy

f. largely unplanned organization

g. a low density of information

h. context independent (Background knowledge is necessary to understand exactly what is being expressed.)

2. What are the characteristics of successful speaking activities?

1) Maximum foreign talk: Problems: students spend too much time to speak Chinese; the teacher talks too much.

2) Even participation: encourage speaking from as many different students as possible. The outspoken students do not dominate discussion.

3) High motivation: vario us interesting tasks in line with the students’ ability.

4) Right language level: the task should be designed so that students con complete it successfully with the language that they have.

3. What are the main types of speaking activities?

1)controlled activities;

2)semi-controlled activities;

3)information-gap activities;

4)dialogues and role-plays;

5)activities using pictures;

6)problem-solving activities…

Unit 11 Teaching Reading

1. What are the main reading skills?

Skimming: the reader moves his eyes over the text very quickly just in order to get the main idea of the text, or sometimes decide whether it is worth reading more deeply or not.

Scanning: the reader locates a particular piece of information without necessarily understanding the rest of a text or passage. For example, the reader may read through a chapter of a book as rapidly as possible in order to find out information about a particular date, such as when someone was born.

Inferring: reading between the lines. Make use of syntactic, logical and cultural clues to discover the meaning of unknown elements. Such as the writer’s opinions and attitudes which are not directly stated in the text.

【Strategic skills needed in reading:Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details; Skimming: reading for the gist or main idea; Scanning: reading to look for specific information; Predicting: guessing what is coming next】

2. What are the main reading models for teaching reading?

Bottom-up approach: The reader builds up the meaning of a text on the basis of decoding smaller units: first words, and phrases, then sentences and paragraphs, and finally working out the meaning of the whole text.

Top-down approach: The reader uses his or her knowledge of the topic or of the type of the text and makes predictions about what the text will contain, then he uses these predictions to check his understanding of the text. In this way, the reader gets a global view of the text before he dives into the details of it.

Interactive approach: The reader uses the above two approaches together, and the two ways interact with each other in the understanding of the text. That means the reader might predict the context of the text by using his knowledge of the topic (top-down), then look for key words (bottom-up) to check the prediction, or get the main gist of the text by skimming it quickly (top-down) and examine the writer’s choice of vocabulary for understanding the implied meaning.

3. What types of activities can we use in teaching reading?

Pre-reading Stage: The aims of the pre-reading stage is to arousing the students’ interest in the topic or type of text; motivating students to read the text by providing a purpose for reading; preparing the students for the content of the text.

The activities for the pre-reading stage:


2)setting the scene

While-reading Stage: this stage mainly focuses on the exploitation of the text. It aims to help the reader understand the content and structure of the text, as well as the author’s purpose in writing it.

The activities:

1) Skimming to get the gist of the text

2) Scanning to locate specific information

3) Transferring information from the text to a diagram, table, form, map, graph or picture

4) Taking notes on the main points, or on specific points of the text

5) Answering factual questions on the text

6) Answering inference questions on the text (reading between the lines)

7) Putting the events in the correct order

8) Stating if statements given about the text are true or false

9) Working out the meaning of words and phrases in the text from the context

10)Examing referents in the text and stating what they refer to

11)Putting the paragraphs of a jumbled text back in the correct order

12)Giving sections of a text appropriate headings

13)Giving the text an appropriate title

Post-reading Stage: it is to consolidate or reflect on what has been read in the text; the other is to relate the text to the students’ own knowledge, interests, or views. It is not directly connect with the text, but usually “grows out ” of it.


1) Oral discussion of the topic of the text

2) Role-play a different situation from that of the text but using the same/different characters

3) Writing a summary of the main content of the text

4) Commenting on the content of the text

5) Retelling the story of the text

6) Finishing the story (either predicting an ending or changing the ending)

Unit 12 Teaching Writing

1.What are the problems in writing tasks in existing textbooks and classroom teaching?

Many writing tasks in existing English textbooks fail to have a communicative element due to a lot of deficiencies. Please explain the main problems in all these writing tasks.

a) They are mainly accuracy-based.

b) They are designed to practise certain target structures.

c) There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.

d) There is no sense of audience

e) There is no sense of authenticity.

f) There is no opportunity for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or original ideas.

2.What is called process approach to teaching writing?

The 'process approach' is defined as 'an approach to the teaching of writing which stresses the creativity of the individual writer, and which pays attention to the development of good writing practices rather than the imitation of models'. (Tribble, 1996, p160). Thus, the focus shifts from the final product itself to the different stages the writer goes through in order to create this product. by breaking down the task as a whole into its constituent parts.

3.What are the main procedures of process writing?

1)Creating a motivation to write;







8)Revising; proofreading and conferencing.

Unit 13 Integrated Skills

1 .Why we should integrate the four skills in ELT

a.To enhan ce the students’ all-round development of communicative competence

b.To motivate the students to learn by building more variety into the lesson

c.To work at the level of realistic communication

2. How can we integrate the four skills

a.Simple integration: to integrate from receptive skills to productive skills within the same medium e.g.

Receptive skills Productive skills

listening speaking

reading writing

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c5958366.html,plex integration: involves constructing a series of activities that use a variety of skills (realistic, communicative use of language)

3. What are the implications for teaching?

a. Focus on discourse (features)

the way that the text is organized

the layout (for written text)

the style of the language (formal / informal)

the register (the vocabulary that is commonly found in such discourse)

b. Adjusting the textbook contents

altering the order of the contents

c. Adjusting the timetable

4. What are the limitations of integrating the four skills

a.Teachers have to maintain an appropriate balance between integration and separation.

b.It can be demanding of the teacher

c.It will be time-consuming, requiring a lot of preparation.

d.Teachers have to be skillful in selecting or designing suitable integrated activities for their students.

Unit 14 Moral Learning

1.What moral learning can be carried out in English lessons?

William J. Hutching (1924:229) suggested that morality involves:

a.Self control

b.Good health and hygiene




f.Sense of duty



i.Good work attitude j.Team work k.Loyalty

2.How can we promote moral learning?

Approaches to moral education:

a.Didactic model

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3c5958366.html,cative model

c.Transmissive model

d.Self-discovery model

for more details, refer to PP.242-243

3. What are the roles of the teacher in moral learning?

Teacher as role model

Teacher as curriculum developer

4. What are the roles of the school in moral learning?

a.The whole school approach to morality can be adopted, in which all members of the school community share a commitment to moral education and a shared understanding of moral values.

b.The following activities could contribute a lot to it: classroom activities, students-organised activities, extra-curricular activities, campaigns, performances, ceremonial, sports events, field trips.

Unit 15 Assessment in Language Teaching

1. What is assessment? What are the differences between testing, assessment and evaluation?

1) Testing: Testing often takes the “pencil-and-paper” form and it is usually done at the end of a learning period.

2) Assessment: Assessment i nvolves the collecting of information or evidence of a learner’s learning progress and achievement, and is often done in a report form.

3) Evaluation: Evaluation i nvolves making an overall judgment about one’s work or a whole school’s w ork, based on many different types of information.

2.What are the assessment purposes?

Assessment in ELT means to discover what the learners know and can do at a certain stage of the learning process.

a. To assist student learning.

b. To identify students’ strengths and weaknesses.

c.To assess the effectiveness of a particular instructional strategy.

d4. To assess and improve the effectiveness of curriculum programs.

e. To assess and improve teaching effectiveness.

f. To provide data that assist in decision making

g. To communicate with and involve parents

3Assessment in language teaching

1) Assessment and test

* Assessment is usually based on information collected about the learners’ current situation( what Ss know and can do ).

* Testing is a single-occasion, unidimensional, timed exercise, usually in multiple choice or short-answer form

2) Assessment methods


Teacher’s observations

Continuous assessment

Self-assessment & peer-assessment

Project work


4.Criteria for assessment

1) Criterion-referenced assessment

2) Norm-referenced assessment

3) Individual-referenced assessment

4)How to assess portfolios

5.Assessment principles

a.Assess authentic use of language in reading, writing, speaking and listening;

b.Assess literacy and language in a variety of contexts;

c.Assess the environment, the instruction, and the students;

c.Assess processes as well as products;

d.Analyze patterns of errors in language and literacy;

e.Be based on normal development patterns and behavior in language and literacy acquisition;

f.Clarify and use standards when assessing reading, writing and content knowledge;

g.Involve Ss and parents, as well as other personnel such as the ESL or stream teacher, in the assessment process;

h.Be an ongoing part of every day.

6.Types of assessment

1. Types of Assessment --- Three common types of assessment:

1) Diagnostic Assessment (诊断性评价)

The purpose of diagnostic assessment is to ascertain, prior to instruction, each student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills.

Diagnostic assessment is sometimes taken as a component of formative assessment.

2) Formative Assessment(形成性评价)

Formative assessment is often done at the beginning or during a program, thus providing the opportunity for immediate evidence for student learning in a particular course or at a particular point in a program.

The goal : is to gain an understanding of what students know (and don't know) in order to make responsive changes in teaching and learning.

The results : is solely to modify and adjust his or her teaching practices to reflect the needs and progress of his or her students

3) Summative Assessment (终结性评价)

Summative assessment is a test, usually given at the end of a term, chapter, semester, year, or the like, the purpose of which is evaluative

Summative assessments can shape how teachers organize their courses or what schools offer their students, and can adversely affect students.

2. Assessment methods suggested by New English Curriculum Standard

1) Ideas of assessment promoted by NECS

a. Assessment should be incentive and constructive for the overall development of students.

b.Assessment and language teaching should correspond with each other.

c.A combined use of formative and summative assessments should be promote


2) Assessment content

Ss’ L earning interest(学习兴趣)

Changes of emotions and learning strategies(情感、策略发展状态)

Efficiency of learning language knowledge and skills in a period(对所学语言知识和技能的掌握情况) Comprehensive ability of using the target language(综合语言运用能力)

3) The definition of formative assessment by NECS(新课标)


4) Methods for formative & summative assessment

Formative Assessment

--- portfolios (学生学习档案)

--- performance records (活动表现记录)

--- task reports (小组活动报告)

--- classroom assessment (课堂表现记录)

--- self-reflection and assessment (学生自我认识和评价,包括对技能发展情况、努力程度、学习效果等)

---self-reflection of test outcomes (阶段测验及反思)

Summative assessment

--- placement test(分级考试)

---diagnostic test (诊断性测试)

--- achievement test (成绩考试/业绩考试)

--- proficiency test (水平考试)

Unit 16 Learner Differences and Learner Training

1.Understanding learner differences

Reid divided the learners into 8 different types(P263):

Visual learner

Auditory learners

Tactile learners

Kinesthetic learners

Group learners

Individual learners

Authority oriented learners

新编语文课程与教学论 考试 复习资料

新编语文课程与教学论考试复习资料 一、选择填空题 1、教学:是教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的全部行为方式。 2、教学论:是教育学中的一门学科分支,研究教学情境中教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的行为方式,对教师的行为方式进行科学概括,做出一般的、具有普遍性的规定或解释,用以指导教学实践。 3、《四书》:《论语》、《孟子》、《中庸》、《大学》。 4、“五经”:《诗经》、《尚书》、《礼记》、《易经》、《春秋》、《乐经》。 5、语文课程目标的五个领域:识字与写字、阅读、写作、口语交际、综合性学习,显性呈现(横向)。 6、语文课程目标的三个维度:情感态度和价值观、过程和方法、知识和能力,隐性线索(纵向)。 7、普通高中语文新课程目标确定的普通高中语文课程总目标包括的五项内容:“积累、整合”、“感受、鉴赏”、“思考、领悟”、“应用、拓展”、“发现、创新”。 8、语文教材有泛指、特指和专指三种不同的概念。特指根据语文教学大纲或课程标准编写的,供语文教学中师生使用的材料,包括教科书、习题册、练习册、教学挂图、音像教材、教学软件、选修教材、教学指导书、教学参考书等。专指在上述的语文教材系列中占有特别重要地位的语文教科书,即课本。 9、语文教材的四个功能:德治启迪、语文历练、语言积累、知识扩展。 10、语文教材的内容有四种要素构成:范文系统、知识系统、实践活动、助读系统。 11、成功的板书和图示要做到:既是教学内容的艺术展示,又是教学思路的直观体现,能够揭示中心,突出重点,理清思路,启发思考。 12、板书图示的能力要素:1、硬笔书法能力2、一定的制图能力和绘图能力3、版面设计的能力4、文明的书写习惯 13、语文试卷的评析方法:基本方法:借题发挥; 具体的方法:1、抓住一点,讲清一类14、对照比较,讲清知识、能力和智力的关系3、改变题型,触类旁通。 15、解行识字法的要点:1、解行为本2、偏旁带字3、形音义结合


【前言】此学习提纲以王文彦主编的教材《语文课程与教学论》为蓝本整理。 语文学科发展 1.光绪二十九年 (1904年),清政府颁布《奏定学堂章程》,产生了新的学制——“癸卯学制”,这是我国现代教育的起点,也是语文这门学科独立的起点。《奏定学堂章程》规定:初等小学堂设“中国文字”科,高等小学堂、中学堂设“中国文学”科。 2.“语文”学科名称的确立:“语文”一名,始用于1949年华北人民政府教科书编审委员会选用中小学语文语文课本之时。 3.1956年,语文学科改为“汉语”“文学”分科教学。 4.2001年教育部颁发了《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(实验稿),21世纪的课程与教学改革正式启动。 语文学科性质 学科名称的含义:“语文就是语言的意思,包括口头语言和书面语言。”语文是以汉民族言语为核心,以文学教育为重点,包含语言、文学、文章、文化等综合因素的学科。 语文学科性质:语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程。工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。 工具性的内涵:语言是思维的工具;语言是人类交际的基本工具;语文是基础课程,是学好其他学科的基础课程。 课程标准 课程标准的定义:P84 由国家教育行政部门制定颁布的某一学段共同的、统一的基本要求、基本标准,是规范语文课程和教学的指导性文件。 《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出:P84“国家课程标准是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依据,是国家管理和评价课程的基础。应体现国家对不同阶段的学生在知识与技能、过程与方法、请按态度与价值观等方面的基本要求,规定各门课程的性质、目标、内容框架,提出教学和评价建议。” 语文课程标准提出的基本价值理念: 1、一个根本出发点面向全体学生,为了每一位学生的发展; 2、语文课程性质的二元融合,坚持工具性与人文性的统一; 3、语文课程目标根据知识和能力、过程和方法,情感态度态度和价值观三个维度设计,三个方面融为一体。《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》提出的基本理念: 1.全面提高学生的语文素养; 语文课程应激发和培育学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情,引导学生丰富语言积累,培养语感,发展思维,初步掌握学习语文的基本方法,养成良好的学习习惯,具有适应实际生活需要的识字写字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力,正确运用祖国语言文字。 2.正确把握语文教育的特点; 语文课程丰富的人文内涵对学生精神世界的影响是广泛而深刻的,学生对语文材料的感受和理解又往往是多元的。因此,应该重视语文课程对学生思想情感所起的熏陶感染作用,注意课程内容的价值取向。


说明 每个实验题目含有一个main函数和一些函数,与实验题目相关的基本运算的函数定义和main函数定义的代码在附录以及对应的文件夹中给出,供上机实验参考使用。对于每个题目,只需要根据题目要求设计算法,补充函数定义,然后对程序进行编译、调试。

实验一线性表 一、实验目的 1.熟悉线性表的顺序和链式存储结构 2.掌握线性表的基本运算 3.能够利用线性表的基本运算完成线性表应用的运算 二、实验内容 1.设有一个线性表E={e1, e2, … , e n-1, e n},设计一个算法,将线性表逆置,即使元素排列次序颠倒过来,成为逆线性表E’={ e n , e n-1 , … , e2 , e1 },要求逆线性表占用原线性表空间,并且用顺序表和单链表两种方法表示,分别用两个程序来完成。(文件夹:顺序表逆置、单链表逆置) 2.已知由不具有头结点的单链表表示的线性表中,含有三类字符的数据元素(字母、数字和其他字符),试编写算法构造三个以循环链表表示的线性表,使每个表中只含有同一类的字符,且利用原表中的结点空间,头结点可另辟空间。(文件夹:分解单链表) 实验二栈和队列 一、实验目的 1.熟悉栈和队列的顺序和链式存储结构 2.掌握栈和队列的基本运算 3.能够利用栈和队列的基本运算完成栈和队列应用的运算 二、实验内容 1.设单链表中存放有n个字符,试编写算法,判断该字符串是否有中心对称的关系,例如xyzzyx是中心对称的字符串。(提示:将单链表中的一半字符先依次进栈,然后依次出栈与单链表中的另一半字符进行比较。)(文件夹:判字符串中心对称) 2.假设以数组sequ[m]存放循环队列的元素,同时设变量rear和quelen 分别指示循环队列中队尾元素的位置和内含元素的个数。编写实现该循环队列的入队和出队操作的算法。 提示:队空的条件:sq->quelen==0;队满的条件:sq->quelen==m。(文件夹:循环队列)实验三串 一、实验目的 1.熟悉串的顺序存储结构 2.掌握串的基本运算及应用 二、实验内容 1.串采用顺序存储结构,编写朴素模式匹配算法,查找在串中是否存在给定的子串。(文件夹:模式匹配) 2.若S是一个采用顺序结构存储的串,利用C的库函数strlen和strcpy(或strncpy)编写


语文课程与教学论复习资料 第一章 1 “语文独立设科”时间和内容 答:时间:1904年单独设科。内容:①随着废科举,兴学堂的教育制度改革而出现,现代语文教育是现代教育制度的产物。②鸦片战争打破了中国的封闭状态,也带来了教育思想和制度的变革。③1904年1月13日清政府颁布《奏章学堂章程》,中国历史第一个由政府正式颁布,在全国范围内实际推行的现代学制,史称“癸卯学制”,我国现代教育由此开始。④学制对语文课程的修业年限,课程设置、宗旨,教学任务和时间,教学原则,教材等方面都有具体规定,把语文课程从古代的综合性学科中分离出来,标志着传统语文教育向现代语文教育过度。 2 教学:引起、维持、促进学生学习的全部行为方式。这种行为方式其中包括两大类:一是呈示、对话、辅助灯主要行为方式,一是激发动机、课堂管理、交流、期望等辅助行为方式。 教学论:教学论是教育学中的一门分支学科,研究教学情景中教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的行为方式,对教师的行为方式进行科学概括,做出一般的、具有普遍性的规定或解释,用以指导教学实践。《学记》是最早的教学论专着。 课程:是为各级各类学校为实现教育目标而规定的教学科目及它的目的,内容,范围,分量和进程的总和,包括为学生个性的全面发展而

营造的学校环境的全部内容。 课程论:依据对科学系统,学生心理特征,社会需要的不同认识和价值取向而建立起来的关于课程编订的理论和方法体系。 3、语文课程与教学论的几个发展阶段。 答:①孕育于教育学时期(1902-1918)②国文教授法时期(1918-1924)③国文教学法和国语教学法时期(1924-1939)④语文教学法时期(1939-1978)⑤语文教学法和语文教学论时期(1978-1989)⑥语文教育学时期(1989-1997)⑦语文课程与教学论时期(1997-) 第二章 1 1963年,张志公发表《论工具》一文。发展了工具论理论。 2 我国古代阅读教学方面的主要经验有:熟读,精思,博览。 3 《国文百八课》是1935年夏丏尊,叶绍钧合编的。 4 “三百千千”:三字经,百家姓,千字文,千家诗 5 四书五经,《大教学论》,《学记》王筠的《教童子法》朱熹的《朱子教学法》 6我国古代的阅读教学,写作教学的主要经验有哪些? 答:阅读教学:1熟读,精思,博览2评点法写作教学:1注重基本功训练2多读多写多改3作文从模仿入手4先放后收 第三章 1 全日制义务教育语文课程目标分为总目标和阶段目标两类。总目标有十项,前五项从语文素养的宏观方面着眼,侧重于“情感态度与价值观”和“过程与方法”两个维度。后五项从具体的语文能力培养方


语文学科发展 1.光绪二十九年(1904年),清政府颁布《奏定学堂章程》,产生了新的学制——“癸卯学制”,这是我国现代教育的起点,也是语文这门学科独立的起点。《奏定学堂章程》规定:初等小学堂设“中国文字”科,高等小学堂、中学堂设“中国文学”科。 2.“语文”学科名称的确立:“语文”一名,始用于1949年华北人民政府教科书编审委员会选用中小学语文语文课本之时。 3.1956年,语文学科改为“汉语”“文学”分科教学。 4.2001年教育部颁发了《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》(实验稿),21世纪的课程与教学改革正式启动。 语文学科性质 学科名称的含义:“语文就是语言的意思,包括口头语言和书面语言。”语文是以汉民族言语为核心,以文学教育为重点,包含语言、文学、文章、文化等综合因素的学科。 语文学科性质:语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程。工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。 工具性的内涵:语言是思维的工具;语言是人类交际的基本工具;语文是基础课程,是学好其他学科的基础课程。 课程标准 课程标准的定义:P84由国家教育行政部门制定颁布的某一学段共同的、统一的基本要求、基本标准,是规范语文课程和教学的指导性文件。 《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出:P84“国家课程标准是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依据,是国家管理和评价课程的基础。应体现国家对不同阶段的学生在知识与技能、过程与方法、请按态度与价值观等方面的基本要求,规定各门课程的性质、目标、内容框架,提出教学和评价建议。” 语文课程标准提出的基本价值理念: 1、一个根本出发点面向全体学生,为了每一位学生的发展; 2、语文课程性质的二元融合,坚持工具性与人文性的统一; 3、语文课程目标根据知识和能力、过程和方法,情感态度态度和价值观三个维度设计,三个方面融为一体。 《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》提出的基本理念: 1.全面提高学生的语文素养; 语文课程应激发和培育学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情,引导学生丰富语言积累,培养语感,发展思维,初步掌握学习语文的基本方法,养成良好的学习习惯,具有适应实际生活需要的识字写字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力,正确运用祖国语言文字。2.正确把握语文教育的特点; 语文课程丰富的人文内涵对学生精神世界的影响是广泛而深刻的,学生对语文材料的感受和理解又往往是多元的。因此,应该重视语文课程对学生思想情感所起的熏陶感染作用,注意课程内容的价值取向。语文课程是实践性课程,应着重培养学生的语文实践能力,而培养这种能力的主要途径也应是语文实践。语文课程是学生学习运用祖国语言文字的课程,学习资源和实践机会无处不在,无时不有。 3.积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式(定义:P138-139);


中学语文教学研究 一、填空题(10小题,每题2分,共20分) 1.学生的语文学习心理特点包括、和语文学习习惯等几个方面。 2.语文教材的构成要素包括、、和作业系统。 3.建国以来有以下这些有代表性的教学方法:钱梦龙的、魏书生老师的 李吉林老师的等等。 4.编写语文教案要从以下几个方面进行:________、________、教学过程、________和________等等 5.中学语文教学的阶段目标是从四个方面加以设计的,包 括、、、等内容。 6.语文教学评价具有导向、______、______、______等功能 7.叶圣陶对“语文”的解释是、。 8我国古代流传最广,历时最久,最具代表性的蒙学读物“三百千”分别是()、()、(),主要作用是集中识字。 9.《语文课程标准》对语文性质的定义:语文是最重要的,是的 重要组成部分。的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。 10. 教师素质结构包括:知识结构、、心理结构和。

二、选择题:(10小题,每题2分,共20分)(含单项选择和多项选择,多选或少选答案均 不得分) 1.确定语文学科教学目的的依据是() A国家的教育方针和有关的教育法规 B语文学科的内容和特点。 C社会需要。 D学生的年龄特征。 2.一个完整的提问过程,大体上可以划分的阶段是() A引入B介入C展开D结束 3.考试的主要功能是() A促进学习B选择C排名次D反馈 4.中学语文基础知识的教学内容分为() A语法修辞知识B文学知识 C文体知识D读写听说知识 5.《新课程标准》规定“在小学的基础上扩大识字量”要求初中生认字量是() A 2500个 B 3500个 C 4500 D 5500


一. 单选 (第 1-20 题每题5分) 1. 采用二元描述法可描述任意数据结构为(K ,R ),其中K 和R 分别代表( )的集合 (A) 算法和 操作 (B) 逻辑结构和存 储结构 (C) 数据元素和 关系 (D) 结构和 算法 2. 一个有n 个顶点的无向图最多有( )条边 (A) n -1 (B) n +1 (C) n (n +1)/2 (D) n (n -1)/2 3. 从未排序子表中依次取出元素放入到已排序子表的正确位置上的方法是( ) (A) 简单选择排 序 (B) 快速排 序 (C) 冒泡排 序 (D) 简单插入排 序 4. 存储管理的目的是( ) (A) 方便用 户 (B) 扩充内存实际 容量 (C) 减少系统 开销 (D) 提高内存利 用率 5. 在SPOOLing 技术中,系统实际上将( )分配给用户进程 (A) 设备的一段使用时 间 (B) 磁盘上的一块区域,即虚拟设备 (C) 设备的 信号量 (D) 设备的 缓冲区 6. 在一个具有n 个节点的无向图中,所有顶点的度数之和等于所有边数的()倍。 (A) 2n (B) 2 (C) n (D) 1 7. 系统总是选择( )状态的进程占用处理器 (A) 挂起 (B) 等待 (C) 阻塞 (D) 就绪 8. 假设有5个进程J1~J5同时到达系统,它们的运行时间为10,6,2,4和8分钟, 它们的优先级分别为3,5,2,1和4(5为最低优先级),若采用优先级调度算法,假设进程是依次执行完毕的,则平均周转时间为( ) (A) 16 分钟 (B) 6分钟 (C) 20分钟 (D) 10 分钟 9. 分页式存储管理是基于( )实现的。 (A) 固定分区 (B) 动态分区 (C) 静态重定位 (D) 动态重定位 10. 具有4个结点的二叉树的形状有( )种。


《语文课程与教学论》考研复习 什么是课程?什么是课程论? 课程各级各类学校实现教育目标而规定的教学科目及它的目的、内容、范围、分量和进程的总和,包括为学生个性的全面发展而营造的学校环境的全部内容。 课程论是依据对学科系统、学生心理特征、社会需要的不同认识和价值取向而建立起来的关于课程编订的理论和方法体系。 什么是教学?什么是教学论? 教学是教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的全部行为方式。 教学论是教育学中的一门分支学科,研究教学情境中教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的行为方式,对教师的行为方式进行科学概括,作出一般的、具有普遍性的规定或解释,用以指导教学实践。 教育史上曾出现过的三大课程流派的是什么? ?学科中心课程论的课程目标以掌握学科的基本知识、基本规律和相应的技能为目标。?人本主义课程论的课程目标以追求人的和谐发展为目标,希望在教育过程中实现和发展人的本性、人的尊严、人的潜能。?社会再造主义课程论的课程目标是主张根据社会的需要确定教育目的和课程活动。 世界上最早的教学论专著是什么? 中国古代的《礼记·学记》篇是世界上最早的教学论专著。 一般认为最早的较为系统的教育学专著是什么? 一般认为,最早的较为系统的教育学专著是夸美纽斯的《大教学论》, 里面有教育原理、教育制度、学校组织、课程设置、教学法等。 在我国,教学的词义主要有哪几种? 在我国,教学的词义主要有四种。 教学即学习指自学和通过人教而学两种不同途径的学习 教学即教授 1912年公布的《师范学校规程》中规定教育学科包含教授法,教学即有了教授之义。 教学即教学生学 1917年后,教育家陶行知先生提出:“先生的责任不在教,而在教学,教学生学。”据此,“教学”的含义即“教学生学”。 教学是教师教和学生学根据凯洛夫的《教育学》中,“教和学是同一过程的两个方面”的观点,“教学”的含义是:教师教和学生学。 教学理论流派主要有哪些? 哲学取向的教学理论以知识授受为逻辑起点、从目的和手段进行展开的教学理论体系。行为主义的教学理论把刺激—反应作为行为的基本单位,认为学习即“刺激—反应”之间联结的加强的教育理论体系。认知教学理论认为教学就是促进学习者内部心理结构的形成或改组的教学理论体系。非指导性教学理论认为教学即促进,促进学生成为一个完善的人的教学理论体系。 在人们的思维和研究中,“教学什么”和“怎样教学”的不同侧重会导致怎样的结果?为什么? 突出“怎样教学”,孕育出了以教学方法为核心和取向的“教学思维”方式,促进了教学方法的发展。但内容决定形式,仅有教学方法的花样翻新,无法使教学出现质的变化,会影响教学的改革和发展。 突出“教学什么”,孕育了以课程为核心的“课程思维”方式,使人们自觉地站在“教什么”的课程立场来认识和解决“怎样教学”的问题,但开发出的课程必须要有适当的教学方法来实行,才能保证课程改革的成功。忽视教学方法,课程改革会最终搁浅。 语文教学法的基本任务是什么? 认识语文课程与教学现象,揭示语文课程与教学规律,指导语文课程与教学实践。


课程教学论读书笔记 拉尔夫·泰勒是美国着名教育学家、课程理论专家,被誉为“当代课程理论之父”。1949年出版《课程与教学原理》一书,被誉为是“现代课程理论的圣经”,是课程开发原理最完美、最简洁、最清楚的阐述。他认为,我们如果要系统地、理智地研究某一计划。首先必须确定所要达到的各种教育目标。泰勒在书中未对教育目的、教育目标、课程目标作很细致的区分。在他那里,这些术语基本上是同义词。根据泰勒的论述,他讲的教育目标大部分是指的本文所论及的课程目标。课程目标是指在一定的学段中所要达到的标准,包括课程总体方案(教学计划)中的培养目标以及分科标准(教学大纲)中的分科目标两个层次的内容。 1教育认识 泰勒在它的《课程与教学的基木原理》一书中,系统发展了行为目标的理念,他认为,教育是一种改变人的行为方式的过程,目标既要指出要使学生养成的那种行为,又指明这种行为能在其中运用的生活领域或内容。泰勒认为行为目标的作用是“有助于选择学习经验和指导教学”。大多数课程理论认为,“行为目标”取向克服了普遍性目标取向模糊性的缺陷,在课程领域科学化的过程中作出了积极的贡献,由于“行为目标”具有精确性、具体性、可操作性的特点,当教学内容以“行为目标”的形式陈述的时候,教师能更加清楚地了解教学任务,有利于教师控制教学过程,而且,“行为目标”还有利于教育者就教学内容准确地与教育督导、学生家长、学生展开交流,更重要的是它便于作出准确的评价。 在职业教育课程开发的实践当中,课程目标取向应该反映职业教育的基木特征和内在要求,蕴涵职业教育的人才培养观。职业教育主要是培养技能型和技术应用型人才的。这种人才直接面向生产、经营、管理和服务等一线的工作岗位,从事为社会谋取直接利益工作,首先要掌握的是某一职业岗位或职业岗位群所必需的理论知识和技能。人才培养的规定性使得职业教育课程开发活动应体现相关职业或职业群的专业知识要求和操作技术要求,这种要求实际上是由一系列具体、明确的特定职业岗位能力要素所组成的。因此职业教育课程目标的制定应以培养学生掌握特定职业岗位能力要素为宗旨。 在泰勒看来,对学习者本身信息的研究是获得行为目标的重要来源和有利途径,其方法主要是依靠对学习者的“需要”做调查研究。在此他提到“需要”有两种含义,一种是“学习者目前的状况与公认常模之间的‘差别’或‘差距’,即应然与实然之间的差距”;另一种则是心理学的概念,即把“需要”视作“有机体内部的张力,为了保持有机体处于正常、健康的状况,必须使这些张力恢复平衡,泰勒把课程的行为目标建立在第一种意义上的“需要”,


第六章语文课程的教学艺术 一.语文教学的艺术特征? 1.形象性 教学艺术的形象性表现在:(1)语言描述的形象化。教师运用比喻、拟人、夸张等修辞手法,给学生生动的直观形象。(2)体态语言的形象化。教师运用手势、姿势和表情来表达某种意思,使抽象的语言符号变为形象的活动。(3)电化教学的形象化。可以将时空艺术、视听艺术融为一体。 2.情感性 情感性是语文教学区别于其他教学的显著特征。 语文教学艺术的情感性表现:(1)语文教师良好的情感修养。教师要把深厚的情感倾注在教学中,沉入课文,情动于中,才能形于外。(2)教学语言的情感性。富有情感的语言更容易使教师、学生、教材融为一体,产生和谐共振,引起情感共鸣。 3.创造性 教学需要新颖、突破,与众不同,常教常新,常教常异。面对教过几遍甚至几十遍的课文仍要有新的设计,只有不断创新,教学才能保持活力。 4.审美性 教学艺术的美是内在美与外在美的有机统一,语文教学艺术的内在美是教材中文质兼美的典范文章。教学艺术的外在美主要指教学表达的形式美。审美性的特征要求教师必须具备丰富的审美修养,具有感受美、欣赏美、创造美的能力。 5.应变性 教学过程是一个充满变化的复杂过程,教师必须根据教学中变化着的情景,及时迅速的做出反应。应变艺术是语文教学艺术高低优劣的显著标志,需要教师具有广博的知识基础、良好的心理基础、丰富的教学经验。 二.语文课堂的教学的组织艺术? (一)导入艺术 1.导入艺术的基本形式与方法 (1)释题入课法。有些文章透过题目就可以窥见全文的奥妙,对于这类文章,教师可以直接板书课题,从释题入手导入新课,围绕课题提示一些教学重点、难点的问题。比如《将相和》,教师可以通过简短的课前谈话,十分自然的引出课题,接着问:将是谁?相是谁?和是什么意思?将和相始终都是和吗?为什么不和?后来怎么又和了?运用释题入课,可以引发学生注意和发人深省。 (2)设置悬念法。在新课开始时,根据教学的具体内容,提出问题,引起学生的好奇心和求知欲,使学生积极的投入到学习中。比如《警察与赞美诗》可以这样导入:我们每个人都不想进监狱,为什么美国人苏比非常想呆在监狱里呢?简介利索,迅速把学生带到课堂的中心问题上来。 (3)直观导入法。借助图画、照片、影像等直观手段,结合语言,在趣味中导入新课。比如《长江三峡》的学习中,教师可以出示有关三峡风光的



语文课程与教学论试卷7(科) 填空题(20分,每空一分) 1、语文教学论的学科性质表现为、、。 2、教育史上曾经出现过的三大课程流派分别为、、。 3、西方教育文献中,最早使用“教学论”一词的是、。 4、赫尔巴特教育学体系的核心是。 5、语文课程现象表现为、、。 6、语文课程与教学实践可以区分为、、三种类型。 7、1950年,《小学语文课程暂行标准》对“语文”一词的解释是:语文是以为标准的普通话和照普通话写出的。 8、新中国第一部语文教学法著作是。 9、“红领巾”教学法的核心是、。

二、单项选择题(10分) 1、中国历史上第一个由政府正式颁布,在全国范围内实际推行的现代学制是() A、癸卯学制 B、壬寅学制 C、《钦定学堂章程》 D、《中国亟宜遍设小学堂议》 2、下列不是“三百千”的是() A、《三字经》 B、《百家姓》 C、《千字文》 D、《千家诗》 3、我国传统语文教育的基本经验是() A、建立了成套的、行之有效的汉字教学体系 B、建立了以大量的读、写实践为主的语文教学法体系 C、建立了成套的文章之学的教学体系 D、从汉语汉文的实际出发、充分应用汉语汉文的特点来提高教学效率 4、以下属于《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》课程结构的“三个维度”的是() A、识字与写字、阅读、写作 B、知识与能力、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观 C、知识与能力、阅读、综合性学习 D、过程与方法、口语交际、知识与能力

5、把传统的听说能力改为口语交际的两个突出特点是() A、综合性、实践性 B、实践性、情感性 C、综合性、情感性 D、情感性、应用性 6、下列属于高中语文课程总目标的是()、 A、积累与整合、感受与鉴赏、发现与创新 B、阅读与鉴赏、思考与领悟、应用于拓展 C、表达与交流、应用与拓展、发现与创新 D、阅读与鉴赏、表达与交流、发现与创新 7、下面不是语文教学目标设计的要求的是() A、促进学生个性发展 B、体现语文学科的性质和特点 C、重视规律法则的把握 D、适应社会需要 8、第一次把“语文”和“语文学科”两个概念区分开来的是() A、《全日制义务教育语文课程标准》 B、《全日制普通高级中学语文教学大纲(供试验用)》 C、《语文课程标准》


计算机应用基础作业1 一、单项选择题(共40题) 1、第一台电子计算机是1946年在美国研制成功的,该机的英文缩写名是(A) A.ENIAC B.EDVAC C.EDSAC D.MARK 2、当前计算机已应用于各种行业、各种领域,而计算机最早的设计是应用于(B) A.数据处理B.科学计算C.辅助设计 D.过程控制 3、专家系统能够利用人类专家的知识和解决问题的方法来处理该领域问题,这属于计算机应用中的(D) A.科学计算 B.数据处理C.自动控制 D.人工智能 4、第一代计算机体积大、耗电多、性能低,其主要原因是受制于(B) A.工艺水平 B.元器件 C.设计水平 D.元材料 5、计算机内部用于处理数据和指令的编码是(B) A.十进制码 B.二进制码 C.ASCII码 D.汉字编码 6、与二进制数11111110等值的十进制数是(D) A.251 B.252 C.253 D.254 7、8个字节含二进制位(D) A.8个 B.16个C.32个D.64个 8、对于信息,下列说法错误的是(D) A.信息是可以处理的B.信息是可以传播的 C.信息是可以共享的D.信息可以不依附于某种载体而存在 9、计算机中,CPU直接存取程序和数据的地方是(B) A.硬盘 B.内存C.ROM D.光盘 10、对输入到计算机中的某种非数值型数据用二进制数来表示的转换规则被称为(A) A.编码 B.数制 C.校检D.信息 11、十进制数向二进制数进行转换时,十进制数91相当于二进制数(D) A.1101011 B.1101111 C.1110001 D.1011011 12、在Windows窗口的任务栏中有多个应用程序按钮图标时,其中代表应用程序窗口是当前窗口的图标所呈现的状态为(C) A."高亮" B."灰化" C."压下" D."凸起" 13、以下四项不属于Windows操作系统特点的是(D) A.图形界面 B.多任务 C.即插即用D.不会受到黑客攻击 14、在资源管理器中,包含"删除"命令的菜单项是(A) A.文件 B.编辑 C.查看 D.工具 15、在资源管理器中,"新建文件夹"命令在(A)菜单项的下拉菜单中。 A.文件 B.编辑 C.查看D.工具 16、计算机病毒最主要的特征是(A) A.传染性和破坏性 B.破坏性和潜伏性 C.欺骗性潜伏性 D.隐蔽性和潜伏性 17、多媒体计算机主要特点是(D) A.较大的体积B.较强的联网功能和数据库能力 C.大多数基于Client/Server模型D.较强的音视频处理能力


语文课程与教学论专业博士研究生必读书目 序号 名称 1 叶澜《中国基础教育的文化使命》,教育科学出版社2001年版 2 郝德永《课程与文化》,教育科学出版社2002年版 3 小威廉姆·E·多尔《后现代课程观》(王红宇译),教育科学出版社2002年版 4 石中英《知识转型与教育改革》,教育科学出版社2001年版 5 史密斯《全球化与后现代教育学》,教育科学出版社2000年版 6 徐继存《课程论问题研究》,甘肃教育出版社2001年版 7 钟启泉《学科教学论基础》,华东师范大学出版社2001年版 8 滕守尧《审美心理描述》,中国社会科学出版社1985年版 9 钱理群《语文教学门外谈》,广西师范大学出版社2003年版 10 曹明海《语文教育文化学》,山东教育出版社2005年版 11 卡西尔《人论》(甘阳译),上海文艺出版社1985年版 12 申小龙《语言与文化的现代思考》,河南人民出版社2002年版 13 雅斯贝尔斯《什么是教育》(邹进译),三联书店1991年版 14 王岳川《现象学与解释学文论》,山东教育出版社1999年版 15 伽达默尔《哲学解释学》,上海译文出版社1999年版 16 伽达默尔《真理与方法》,上海译文出版社1999年版 17 曹明海《当代语文教育与课程改革理论前沿丛书》,山东人民出版社2007年版18 威廉·F·派纳《理解课程》,教育科学出版社2003年版 19 姚斯《审美经验与文学解释学》,上海译文出版社1997年版 20 海德格尔《存在与时间》,三联书店1999年版 21

申小龙《语言的文化阐释》,知识出版社1992年版 22 陆有铨《现代西方教育哲学》,河南教育出版社2000年版 23 钟启泉《世界课程与教学新理论文库》,教育科学出版社2002年版 24 王炳照等《中国教育思想通史》,湖南教育出版社1994年版 25 罗斯特《西方教育的历史和哲学基础》,华夏出版社1987年版 26 伊塞尔《阅读活动:审美反应理论》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版 27 曹明海《语文教育文化过程研究》,山东教育出版社2005年版 28 潘庆玉《语文教育发展论》,青岛海洋大学出版社2001年版 29 联合国科教文组织《教育:财富蕴藏其中》,教育科学出版社1993年版 30 金生鈜《理解与教育》,教育科学出版社1997年版 课程改革基础 01.《〈基础教育课程改革纲要〉(试行)解读》,钟启泉、崔允郭、张华主编,华东师大出版社,01年版。 02.《新课程的理念与创新》(师范生读本),钟启泉、崔允郭主编,高等教育出版社,2003年版。 03.《静悄悄的革命:创造活动、合作、反思的综合学习课》,(日)佐滕学,长春出版社,2003年版。 04.《素质教育在美国》,黄全愈,广东教育出版社,1999年版。 班主任工作基础 01.《给教师的建议》,(苏)苏霍姆林斯基,教育科学出版社,1999年版。 02.《育人三部曲》,(苏)苏霍姆林斯基,人民教育出版社,1998年版。 03.《孩子是个哲学家》,(意)皮耶罗·费鲁奇,海南出版社,2002年版。 04.《爱的教育》,(意)亚米契斯,上海译文出版社,2006年版。 05.《中小学班主任工作策略》,张国宏,江苏教育出版社,2006年版。 06.《班主任兵法》,万玮,华东师范大学出版,2004年版。 语文课程与教学论基础 01.《叶圣陶语文教育论集》(上、下),中央教育科学研究所,教育科学出版社,1980年版。 02.《语文课程标准解读》,巢宗祺、雷实、陆志平主编,湖北教育出版社,2002年版。 03.《语文课程与教学论》,王文彦、蔡明主编,高等教育出版社,2006年版。 04.《高中语文新课程教学法》,倪文锦主编,高等教育出版社,2004年版。 05.《初中语文新课程教学法》,倪文锦主编,高等教育出版社,2003年版。 06.《语文教育研究概论》,周庆元著,湖南人民出版社,2006年版。 07.《语文教育展望》,倪文锦、欧阳汝颖主编,上海教育出版社,2002年版。


第一章语文课程与教学论的基本性质、研究对象 一、课程与课程论 教师,学生,教材,环境(动态交互作用的生态系统) 各类学校为实现教育目标而规定的教学科目及它的目的、内容、范围、分量和过程的总和,包括对学生个性的全面发展而营造的学校环境的全部内容 内容:1.显性课程:学校教育中有计划,有组织实施的课程,又叫正式课程2.隐性课程:难以预期的,伴随正规教学内容随机出现的 对学生起到潜移默化式教育影响的内容 认识和价值取向而建立起来的关于课程编订的理论和方法体系 学科中心课程论 2人本主义课程论(学生中心)3社会再造课程论(社会中心) 二、教学与教学论 、教师的教和学生的学(凯洛夫《教育学》)教学是教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的全部行为方式 行为方式:1 呈示、对话、辅导等主要行为方式 2 激发动机,课堂管理等辅助方式 (二)教学论 1 世界上最早的叫教学论专着:《利记。学记》 2 西方教育文献中,最早使用“教学论”一词的是拉特克(德)和夸美纽斯(捷克)《大教学论》比较系统

3 教学论流派:哲学取向的教学理论、行为主义的教学理论、认知教学理论、非指导性教学理论 三、语文课程与教学论的性质:基础课论学科,应用实践学科 ①认识语文课程与教学现象②揭示语文课程与教学规律③指导语文课程与教学实践④培养语文教学能力和教学研究能力 是中小学教育中为了学生的语文素养的形成和发展而设计和建构的语文教学内容体系及其活动方案 第二章语文课程与教学的发展 一、古代语文教育的内容 封建社会:以儒家经典为主1 蒙学教材:“三百千千”三字经,百家姓,千字文,千家诗 2 经学教材:四书(论语孟子中庸大学)五经(诗经尚书礼记易经春秋) 3 文选读本:《昭明文选》《古文观止》 1953年,在普希金指导下因课文《红领巾》教学引发了一场教育大讨论,内容涉及教学时间和效率,教师的积极性和学生的主动性及各自在教学中的作用,组成语文课的因素及分析等教学方法。这场讨论推动了语文教学方法的改革,建立了现代文教学模式。①推动了教学法改革②建立了现代文教学的基本模式③调动了学生学习的主动性、积极性。但也产生了倾向性错误①对文学作品的教学比较适宜,但对其他作品的教学不一定适合②产生了形式主义倾向 第三章语文课程的性质与目标


《语文课程与教学论》 绪论 一、名词解释 1、课程——(1)《中国大百科全书·教育》中对课程的定义是:“课业及其进程。”广义指所有学科的总和,狭义指一门学科。(2)一般说来课程至少有两层含义:在广义上,课程指的是一切有规定数量和内容的工作或学习进程;而在狭义上课程则专指学校 课程,其基本含义是学校教学的科目及其进程。 【常见的课程定义有六种类型:教学科目、教学活动、预期学习结果、社会文化再 生产、社会改造、学习经验】 2、教学——教学是一种动态的活动过程;教学是以课程为中介,教师与学生相互作用或交往的过程;教学将促进教师、学生的共同发展。 3、语文课程与教学论——语文课程与教学论,作为一门独立的学科,有其特定的 研究对象和任务。语文课程与教学论是一门以研究语文课程与教学问题的学科。语文课 程与教学问题是指反映到语文教育工作者大脑中的、需要探明和解决的语文课程与教学 的实际矛盾和理论疑难。语文课程与教学论的研究任务是:认识语文课程与教学现象, 揭示语文课程与教学规律,指导语文课程与教学实践。语文课程与教学论研究在完成认 识对象、揭示规律和指导实践的任务过程中,实现改进课程质量、促进有效教学和提升 学习结果,使学生获得幸福的学习生活和健康发展的目标。 二、试论述语文课程与教学论的研究对象 语文课程与教学论是一门研究语文课程与教学问题的学科。它以语文课程与教学问 题作为自己的研究对象。语文课程与教学问题,是指反映到语文教育工作者大脑中的、 需要探明和解决的语文课程与教学的实际矛盾和理论疑难。 1.根据问题的归属分类: (1)有语文课程方面的问题,如:语文课程标准、语文课程内容、语文课程资源, 等等; (2)有语文教学方面的问题,如:识字写字教学、阅读教学、写作教学、口语交际 教学,等等; (3)有侧重理论方面的问题,如:语文课程的性质、语文课程的目标、语文课程的 基本理念,等等; (4)有侧重实践方面的问题,如:语文教学设计的优化、语文教学方法的选择、语 文学习方法的指导,等等。


语文课程与教学论_考研复习 一、填空题 (1)、教学:是教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的全部行为方式。 (2)、教学论:是教育学中的一门学科分支,研究教学情境中教师引起、维持、促进学生学习的行为方式,对教师的行为方式进行科学概括,做出一般的、具有普遍性的规定或解释,用以指导教学实践。 (3)、《四书》:《论语》、《孟子》、《中庸》、《大学》。 (4)、“五经”:《诗经》、《尚书》、《礼记》、《易经》、《春秋》、《乐经》。 (5)、语文课程目标的五个领域:识字与写字、阅读、写作、口语交际、综合性学习,显性呈现(横向)。 (6)、语文课程目标的三个维度:情感态度和价值观、过程和方法、知识和能力,隐性线索(纵向)。 (7)、普通高中语文新课程目标确定的普通高中语文课程总目标包括的五项内容:“积累、整合”、“感受、鉴赏”、“思考、领悟”、“应用、拓展”、“发现、创新”。 (8)、语文教材:有泛指、特指和专指三种不同的概念。特指根据语文教学大纲或课程标准编写的,供语文教学中师生使用的材料,包括教科书、习题册、练习册、教学挂图、音像教材、教学软件、选修教材、教学指导书、教学参考书等。专指在上述的语文教材系列中占有特别重要地位的语文教科书,即课本。 (9)、语文教材的四个功能:德治启迪、语文历练、语言积累、知识扩展。

(10)、语文教材的内容有四种要素构成:范文系统、知识系统、实践活动、助读系统。 (11)、成功的板书和图示要做到:既是教学内容的艺术展示,又是教学思路的直观体现,能够揭示中心,突出重点,理清思路,启发思考。 (12)、板书图示的能力要素:1、硬笔书法能力 2、一定的制图能力和绘图能力 3、版面设计的能力 4、文明的书写习惯 (13)、语文试卷的评析方法: ㈠基本方法:借题发挥; ㈡具体的方法:1、抓住一点,讲清一类 2、对照比较,讲清知识、能力和智力的关系 3、改变题型,触类旁通。 (14)、解行识字法的要点:1、解行为本 2、偏旁带字 3、形音义结合 (15)、常见的对外汉字教学法:1、翻译法 2、古文字介入法 3、画图法 4、体态语教学法 5、偏旁部首带子法6、语音摹拟法 7、部件分合法 8、笔顺展示法 9、韵语教学法 10、信息化教学法 (16)、设定语文教学目标的依据:1、语文课程目标、阶段目标、单元目标与教学目标。2、语文教学的实际水平。 3、基础教育课程改革的要求。 (17)、安排语文教学内容的基本原则:1、语文内容和语文形式统一的原则。2、语文教学中发展智力的原则。3、识字与写字、阅读、写作、口语交际全面训练,各种语文能力协调全面的发展4、语文课程资源的优选和重构原则。 (18)、现代语文教学情境主要有:课堂教学、实验室教学、多媒体教学、自主性教学、课外活动教学。


第一章;语文课程的性质特点 1、我国古代语文教育基本上是与经学,史学,文学,哲学,伦理学等融为一体的极端混合型的,是集政治,历史,宗教,人伦等于一体的综合教育. 2、1949年叶圣陶将”国语”和”国文”统称为”语文”. 3、语文的本质:语文是以言语为根本质包含文字,文学,文章,文化等多元素在内的一个综合体.(张志刚对语文的理解,一语多文凝结为文化) 4、语文的特征:①符号性②工具性(思维的工具,交际的工具,信息的载体,文化的载体)③人文性(民族性,时代性,发展性,多元性,相对性)(论语中有一句话:质胜文则也,文胜质则史,文质彬彬,然后君子。)何为人文?《易经·》观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。“ 人文精神是一种基于人之为人的哲学反思之上的批判态度和批判精神,即一种自由精神,是对人的生命存在和人的尊严,价值,意义的理解和把握,以及对价值理想或终极理想的执着追求的总和。 人文性的基本内涵一般是指对人自身完善的关注与追求,包括人的尊严,价值,个性,理想,信念,品德,情操以及承载这些信息和理念的人文学科。 5、语文课程的基本特点是工具性与人文性的统一。语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程,义务教育阶段的语文课程应使学生初步学会运用祖国语言文字交流沟通,吸收古今中外优秀文化,提高思想文化修养,促进自身精神成长,工具性与人文性的统一是语文课程的基本特点。 人文教育的特点:民族性,时代性,复合性。 人文教育的内容:语文课程中的人文教育一是借助语文本体的人文构成对学生进行“文化“的塑造,二是在文化塑造的过程中促进学生的自主发展,提高学生对文化的选择与创造能力。两个方面的因素应该交互作用,和谐统一。具体表现为:①接受和理解语文本体所承载的各种民族历史文化信息。②体验和吸收汉语汉字中所包含的民族的思想认识、历史文化和民族感受。③开掘汉语汉字本身的人文价值,注重体验汉民族独特的语文感受。④追求自由精神和独立意思。强调每个学生的自由与尊严,尊重学生的自由及自主,把”选择权“还给学生,精心呵护、培养学生的独立思考、反思和怀疑批判的精神。⑤强调每个人独特的生命价值,尊重学生的独特性、差异性和多样性,珍视学生的独特感受、体验和理解。总之,语文课程的人文性,强调语文学习过程是人实现自我成长,激发人的创造力与生命力,教师与学生双方的积极的生命运动过程。尊重人,具体的人的生命价值,具体的人的文化及其多样性是人文教育的重点。 6、语文课程的功能细分起来包括:丰富科学文化和社会知识的功能;传授语文知识,训练语文能力的功能;启迪思想开启智慧及人文教育的功能,即语文教育的功能和人文教育的功能。 语文课程复合功能的内部结构有两大要素组成:工具性和人文性。 工具性要素主要内涵是:听说读写,知识,方法思维等。 人文要素的主要内涵是:情思,审美,伦理,历史文化等。 汉语文教育的复合功能的特点:多维性和开放性,系统性和层次性,辐射性和延展性。


软件工程作业第二部分 一、填空 1.结构化分析方法的分析策略是___自顶向下逐步求精_______。 2.衡量模块独立性的两个定性标准是_耦合性与内聚性________。 3.软件集成测试的方法主要有两种,它们是___渐增式与非渐增式测试_______。 4.继承性是子类自动共享其父类的__数据结构和方法 ____________机制。 5.在面向对象方法中,人们常用状态图描述类中对象的___动态行为________。 6.规定功能的软件,在一定程度上能从错误状态自动恢复到正常状态,则称该软件为____容错_____软件。 7.可行性研究的目的是用最小的代价在尽可能短的时间内确定该软件项目_是否值得开发_。 8.需求分析阶段,分析人员要确定对问题的综合需求,其中最主要的是__功能需求_。 9.软件生存周期中时间最长、花费的精力和费用最多的一个阶段是__维护_____阶段。 10.对象之间进行通信叫做__消息_____。 11.计算机辅助软件工程这一术语的英文缩写为_CASE_______。 12.McCall提出的软件质量模型包括______11________个软件质量特性。 13.为了便于对照检查,测试用例应由输入数据和预期的___输出结果____两部分组成。 14.软件结构是以____模块__________为基础而组成的一种控制层次结构。 15.结构化语言(PDL)是介于自然语言和____形式语言____之间的一种半形式语言。 16.软件概要设计的主要任务就是__软件结构的设计______。 17.结构化程序设计方法是使用___三种基本控制结构____构造程序。 18.软件开发是一个自顶向下逐步细化和求精过程,而软件测试是一个__自底向上或相反顺序 _____集成的过程。 19.在建立对象的功能模型时,使用的数据流图中包含有处理、数据流、动作对象和__数据存储对象_____。 二、选择 1.UML是软件开发中的一个重要工具,它主要应用于哪种软件开发方法( C ) A、基于瀑布模型的结构化方法 B、基于需求动态定义的原型化方法 C、基于对象的面向对象的方法 D、基于数据的数据流开发方法

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