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大学英语综合练习册(二)UNIT4答案大学英语综合练习册(二) 答案厦门大学出版社陈青松

Unit 4



1. invented

2. comes

3. does, say ,says

4. will get

5. becomes ,will start.

6. would help

7.shall no lose / shan’t lose

8. is

9. is going to rain 10. would let, heard


1. C keeps

2. D will become

3. B will go

4. B know

5. B will see 综合练习:

1-5 ADCAD 6-10 ABACD


(1)As long as there is life

(2) As long as he works hard

(3) as long as you behave yourself.

(4)as long as you keep it clean


(1). So terrible was the earthquake that the whole area was destroyed.

(2) So much does he worry about his son that he can hardly sleep at night.

(3) So strong was his influence in the Party that he won the election without any doubt.

(4) So loudly did she shout that everyone turned to her.


(1)It is no fun standing out here even though the sun is shinning.

(2)It would be impossible to raise the hopes of the unemployed without increasing job opportunities.

(3)It is easy to see why so many people have bought this software.

(4)It is useless trying to discuss anything with him when he is not in mood.



1. digital

2. objection

3. warmth

4. connection

5. longing

6. security

7. prosperity

8. endanger

9. assistance 10. information


1 stained

2 exile

3 vanish

4 volunteered

5 embrace

6 descend

7 nourish

8 resist

9 compress

10 forbid


1 on

2 to

3 from

4 on

5 without

6 for

7 in

8 than

9 as

10 to


1-5. DDBBA 6-10. ADACA


1-5 BADCB 6-10 BCCAA 11-15 DBDAC 16-20 ADDBC



II. 1-5 BCADB 6-10 ADCBB


1. they are not happy together.

2. the pattern of American family life, new problems

3. The mother.

4. To make great changes in her life.

5. Joint custody.


1. to write back

2. to long for

3. right away

4. to lose control

5. to volunteer for military service

6. to wish sb. safety

7. to be thankful to sb. for sth

8. to resist the urge to do sth

9. to focus one’s eyesight on

10. during the difficult days of war

11. 禁止······做······

12. 消失在…

13. 把······压缩成······

14. 一位四十好几的女人

15. 嘴角露出笑容

16. 出发那天

17. 有共同之处

18. 习惯于(做)某事

19. 在某人的生命中占有特殊地位

20. 感到与某人有联系

21. 他穿着一件无领夹克。

22. 假期中孩子们应该想干什么就干什么。

23. 大学学习培养了他的批判性思维能力。

24. 看她脸上喜悦的神色,我觉得她似乎有什么话想跟我说。

25. 他今天贫穷的生活与他童年的奢侈生活有天壤之别。

26. 我非常想去游泳。

27. It might be better to try to discuss it in his own language

28. for it is more than delicious

29. While he is poor

30. as long as you keep it clean

31. Suppose you had a million dollars

32. without fail

Part Five

I Sentence structure

1. (1) As long as he lies in bed and closes his eyes, he feels as though he were floating in the air.

(2) As long as she stands on the platform, the teacher feels as though she were ten years younger.

2. (1) Even when he has three jobs to support his big family, he spends weekends at the orphanage for the children anyway, without decrease.

(2) Even when temptation is all around, he clings to his principles of conduct anyway, without decrease.

3. (1) While all of them obtained kindness from her, he was the only one to return hate for her love.

(2) While all the people present are discontented with the move, he is the only one to tell the truth.

4. (1) This episode in her life will be something worthwhile, something perhaps more valuable than money.

(2) His past is unbearable to recall, but something perhaps less forgettable than anything else.

5. (1) So hard was the job, yet so little was the pay.

(2) So strong was her desire to marry the boy who does not have money but loves her, yet so deep was her longing for the boy who does not love her but is in line for a big wealth.

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