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Percy B.Shelley

Percy B.Shelley
Percy B.Shelley

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

born Aug. 4, 1792, Field Place, near Horsham, Sussex, Eng.

died July 8, 1822, at sea off Livorno, Tuscany [Italy]

Percy Bysshe Shelley, oil painting by Amelia Curran, 1819; in the National Portrait Gallery, London

English Romantic poet whose passionate search for personal love and social justice was gradually channeled from overt actions into poems that rank with the greatest in the English language.

Shelley was the heir to rich estates acquired by his grandfather, Bysshe (pronounc ed “Bish”) Shelley. Timothy Shelley, the poet's father, was a weak, conventional man who was caught between an overbearing father and a rebellious son. The young Shelley was educated at Syon House Academy (1802–04) and then at Eton (1804–10), where he resisted physical and mental bullying by indulging in imaginative escapism and literary pranks. Between the spring of 1810 and that of 1811, he published two Gothic novels and two volumes of juvenile verse. In the fall of 1810 Shelley entered University College, Oxford, where he enlisted his fellow student Thomas Jefferson Hogg as a disciple. But in March 1811, University College expelled both Shelley and Hogg for refusing to admit Shelley's authorship of The Necessity of Atheism. Hogg submitted to his family, but Shelley refused to apologize to his.

Late in August 1811, Shelley eloped with Harriet Westbrook, the younger daughter of a London tavern owner; by marrying her, he betrayed the acquisitive plans of his grandfather and father, who tried to starve him into submission but only drove the strong-willed youth to rebel against the established order. Early in 1812, Shelley, Harriet, and her older sister Eliza Westbrook went to Dublin, where Shelley circulated pamphlets advocating political rights for Roman Catholics, autonomy for Ireland, and freethinking ideals. The couple traveled to Lynmouth, Devon, where Shelley issued more political pamphlets, and then to North Wales, where they spent almost six months in 1812–13.

Lack of money finally drove Shelley to moneylenders in London, where in 1813 he issued Queen Mab, his first major poem—a nine-canto mixture of blank verse and lyric measures that attacks the evils of the past and present (commerce, war, the eating of meat, the church, monarchy, and marriage) but ends with resplendent hopes for humanity when freed from these vices. In June 1813 Harriet Shelley gave birth to their daughter Ianthe, but a year later Shelley fell in love with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, daughter of William Godwin and his first wife, née Mary Wollstonecraft. Against Godwin's objections, Shelley and Mary Godwin eloped to France on July 27, 1814, taking with them Mary's stepsister Jane (later “Claire”) Clairmont. Following travels through France, Switzerland, and Germany, they returned to London, where they were shunned by the Godwins and most other friends. Shelley dodged creditors until the birth of his son Charles (born to Harriet, November 30, 1814), his grandfather's death (January 1815), and provisions of Sir Bysshe's will forced Sir Timothy to pay Shelley's debts and grant him an annual income.

Settling near Windsor Great Park in 1815, Shelley read the classics with Hogg and another friend, Thomas Love Peacock. He also wrote Alastor; or The Spirit of Solitude,a blank-verse poem, published with shorter poems in 1816, that warns idealists (like Shelley himself) not to abandon “sweet human love” and social improvement for the vain pursuit of evanescent dreams. By mid-May 1816, Shelley, Mary, and Claire Clairmont hurried to Geneva to intercept Lord Byron, with whom Claire had begun an affair. During this memorable summer, Shelley composed the poems “Hymn to Intellectual Beau ty” and “Mont Blanc,” and Mary began her novel Frankenstein. Shelley's party returned to England in September, settling in Bath. Late in the year, Harriet Shelley drowned herself in London, and on December 30, 1816, Shelley and Mary were married with the Godwins' blessing. But a Chancery Court decision declared Shelley unfit to raise Ianthe and Charles (his children by Harriet), who were placed in foster care at his expense.

In March 1817 the Shelleys settled near Peacock at Marlow, where Shelley wrote his twelve-canto romance-epic Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City and Mary Shelley finished Frankenstein. They compiled History of a Six Weeks' Tour jointly from the letters and journals of their trips to Switzerland, concluding with “Mont Blanc.” In November, Laon and Cythna was suppressed by its printer and publisher, who feared that Shelley's idealized tale of a peaceful national revolution, bloodily suppressed by a league of king and priests, violated the laws against blasphemous libel. After revisions, it was reissued in 1818 as The Revolt of Islam.

Because Shelley's health suffered from the climate and his financial obligations outran his resources, the Shelleys and Claire Clairmont went to Italy, where Byron was residing. They reached Milan in April 1818 and proceeded to Pisa and Leghorn (Livorno). That summer, at Bagni di Lucca, Shelley translated Plato's Symposium and wrote hi s own essay “On Love.” He also completed a modest poem entitled Rosalind and Helen,in which he imagines his destiny in the poet-reformer “Lionel,” who—imprisoned for radical activity—dies young after his release.

Thus far, Shelley's literary career had been politically oriented. Queen Mab,the early poems first published in 1964 as The Esdaile Notebook,Laon and Cythna,and most of his prose works were devoted to reforming society; and even Alastor,Rosalind and Helen,and the personal lyrics voiced the concerns of an idealistic reformer who is disappointed or persecuted by an unreceptive society. But in Italy, far from the daily irritations of British politics, Shelley deepened his understanding of art and literature and, unable to reshape the world to conform to his vision, he concentrated on embodying his ideals within his poems. His aim became, as he wrote in “Ode to the West Wind,” to make his words “Ashes and sparks” as from “an unextinguished hearth,” thereby transforming subsequent generations and, through them, the world. Later, as he became estranged from Mary Shelley, he portrayed even love in terms of aspiration, rather than fulfillment: “The desire of the moth for the star,/ Of the night for the morrow,/ The devotion to something afar/ From the sphere of our sorrow.”

In August 1818, Shelley and Byron again met in Venice; the Shelleys remained there or at Este through October 1818. During their stay, little Clara Shelley (b. 1817) became ill and died. In “Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills” (published with Rosalind and Helen), Shelley writes how visions arising from the beautiful landscape seen from a hill near Este had revived him from despair to hopes for the political regeneration of Italy, thus transforming the scene into “a green isle. . . / In the deep wide sea of Misery.” He also began Julian and Maddalo—in which Byron

(“Maddalo”) and Shelley debate human nature and destiny—and drafted Act I of Prometheus Unbound. In November 1818 the Shelleys traveled through Rome to Naples, where they remained until the end of February 1819.

Settling next at Rome, Shelley continued Prometheus Unbound and outlined The Cenci,a tragedy on the Elizabethan model based on a case of incestuous rape and patricide in sixteenth-century Rome. He completed this drama during the summer of 1819 near Leghorn, where the Shelleys fled in June after their other child, William Shelley (b. 1816), died from malaria. Shelley himself terms The Cenci“a sad reality,” contrasting it with earlier “visions . . . of the beautiful and just.” Memorable characters, classic five-act structure, powerful and evocative language, and moral ambiguities still make The Cenci theatrically effective. Even so, it is a less notable achievement than Prometheus Unbound: A Lyrical Drama,which Shelley completed at Florence in the autumn of 1819, near the birth of Percy Florence Shelley, Mary Shelley's only surviving child. Both plays appeared about 1820.

In Prometheus Shelley inverts the plot of a lost play by Aeschylus in a poetic masterpiece that combines supple blank verse with a variety of complex lyric measures. In Act I, Prometheus, tortured on Jupiter's orders for having given mankind the gift of moral freedom, recalls his earlier curse of Jupiter and forgives him (“I wish no living thing to suffer pain”). By eschewing revenge, Prometheus, who embodies the moral wi ll, can be reunited with his beloved Asia, a spiritual ideal transcending humanity; her love prevents him from becoming another tyrant when Jupiter is overthrown by the mysterious power known as Demogorgon. Act II traces Asia's awakening and journey toward Prometheus, beginning with her descent into the depths of nature to confront and question Demogorgon. Act III depicts the overthrow of Jupiter and the union of Asia and Prometheus, who—leaving Jupiter's throne vacant—retreat to a cave from which they influence the world through ideals embodied in the creative arts. The end of the act describes the renovation of both human society and the natural world. Act IV opens with joyful lyrics by spirits who describe the benevolent transformation of the human consciousness that has occurred. Next, other spirits hymn the beatitude of humanity and nature in this new millennial age; and finally, Demogorgon returns to tell all creatures that, should the fragile state of grace be lost, they can restore their moral freedom through these “spells”:

To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite;

To forgive wrongs darker than Death or Night;

To defy Power which seems Omnipotent;

To love, and bear; to hope, till Hope creates

From its own wreck the thing it contemplates. . .

Prometheus Unbound, which was the keystone of Shelley's poetic achievement, was written after he had been chastened by “sad reality” but before he began to fear that he had failed to reach an audience. Published with it were some of the poet's finest and most hopeful shorter poems, including “Ode to Liberty,” “Ode to the West Wind,” “The Cloud,” and “To a Sky-Lark.”

While completing Prometheus Unbound and The Cenci,Shelley reacted to news of the Peterloo Massacre (August 1819) in England by writing The Masque of Anarchy and several radical songs that he hoped would rouse the British people to active but nonviolent political protest. Later in 1819 he sent to England Peter Bell the Third, which joins literary satire of William Wordsworth's Peter Bell to attacks on corruptions in British society, and he drafted A Philosophical View of Reform,his longest (though incomplete) prose work, urging moderate reform to prevent a bloody revolution that might lead to new tyranny. Too radical to be published during Shelley's lifetime, The Masque of Anarchy appeared after the reformist elections of 1832, Peter Bell the Third and the political ballads in 1839–40, and A Philosophical View of Reform not until 1920.

After moving to Pisa in 1820, Shelley was stung by hostile reviews into expressing his hopes more guardedly. His “Letter to Maria Gisborne” in heroic couplets and “The Witch of Atlas” in ottava rima (both 1820; published 1824) combine the mythopoeic mode of Prometheus Unbound with the urbane self-irony that had emerged in Peter Bell the Third, showing Shelley's awareness that his ideals might seem naive to others. Late that year, Oedipus Tyrannus; or, Swellfoot the Tyrant,his satirical drama on the trial for adultery of Caroline (estranged wife of King George IV), appeared anonymously but was quickly suppressed. In 1821, however, Shelley reasserted his uncompromising idealism. Epipsychidion (in couplets) mythologizes his infatuation with Teresa (“Emilia”) Viviani, a convent-bound young admirer, into a Dantesque fable of how human desire can be fulfilled through art. His essay A Defence of Poetry (published 1840) eloquently declares that the poet creates humane values and imagines the forms that shape the social order: thus each mind recreates its own private universe, and “Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the World.” Adonais, a pastoral elegy in Spenserian stanzas, commemorates the death of John Keats by declaring that, while we “decay/ Like corpses in a charnel,” the creative spirit of Adonais, despite his physical death, “has outsoared the shadow of our night.”

The One remains, the many change

and pass;

Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's

shadows fly;

Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass,

Stains the white radiance of Eternity,

Until Death tramples it to fragments.

The verse drama Hellas(published 1822) celebrates the Greek revolution against Turkish rule and reiterates the political message of Laon and Cythna—that the struggle for human liberty can be neither totally defeated nor fully realized, since the ideal is greater than its earthly embodiments.

After Byron's arrival in Pisa late in 1821, Shelley, inhibited by his presence, completed only a series of urbane, yet longing lyrics—most addressed to Jane Williams—during the early months of 1822. He began the drama “Charles the First,” but soon abandoned it. After the Shelleys and Edward and Jane Williams moved to Lerici, Shelley began “The Triumph of Life,” a dark fragment on w hich he was at work until he sailed to Leghorn to welcome his friend Leigh Hunt, who had arrived to edit a periodical called The Liberal. Shelley and Edward Williams drowned on July 8, 1822, when their boat sank during the stormy return voyage to Lerici.

Mary Shelley faithfully collected her late husband's unpublished writings, and by 1840, aided by Hunt and others, she had disseminated his fame and most of his writings. The careful study of Shelley's publications and manuscripts has since elucidated his deep learning, clear thought, and subtle artistry. Shelley was a passionate idealist and consummate artist who, while developing rational themes within traditional poetic forms, stretched language to its limits in articulating both personal desire and social altruism.


探险家的故事 (一)魏格纳的故事 魏格纳于1880年11月1日出生在德国柏林,从小就喜欢幻想和冒险,童年时就喜爱读探险家的故事,英国著名探险家约翰·富兰克林成为他心目中崇拜的偶像。为了给将来探险做准备。他攻读气象学。1905年,25岁的魏格纳获得了气象学博士学位。1906年,他终于实现了少年时代的远大理想,加入了著名的丹麦探险队,来到了格陵兰岛,从事气象和冰川调查。为了找到更多的证据,1930年4月,魏格纳率领一支探险队,迎着北极的暴风雪,第4次登上格陵兰岛进行考察,在零下65℃的酷寒下,大多数人失去了勇气,只有他和另外两个追随者继续前进,终于胜利地到达了中部的爱斯密特基地。11月1 日,他在庆祝自己50岁的生日后冒险返回西海岸基地。在白茫茫的冰天雪地里,他失去了踪迹。直至第二年4月才发现他的尸体。他冻得像石头一样,与冰河浑然一体了。(二)马可·波罗的故事 马可·波罗出身于旅行世家。他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人。他俩于13世纪60年代因经商到了中国。1271年,两人再度出访,并带年轻的马可一起前往。他们到了中国,进宫觐见蒙古族统治者----元世祖忽必烈。他们在中国逗留了24年,经商发了大财。马可·波罗赢得了忽必烈的信任,多次受派遣远行中国各地,并到过印度、缅甸、锡兰(今斯里兰卡)以及东南亚等地。 (三)麦哲伦的故事 死亡剥夺了麦哲伦成为世界上第一位完成环球航行探险家的荣誉。1519年奉西班牙国王之命,率领探险队寻找到通往东印度群岛的香料群岛这一西行路线,西行横渡大西洋至巴西的一路上风平浪静,但后来情形开始恶化。船队中有一艘船遇风暴失事。接着几名船长密谋反对他。有一艘船调头返航。麦哲伦将谋反者中的一名处死,将两名弃留在荒凉的海滩上后,又扬帆启航。当船队抵达马里亚纳群岛时,当地居民向他们发起了攻击。在一次与菲律宾麦克坦岛上部落的交战中,麦哲伦阵亡。 (四)哥伦布的故事 克里斯托弗·哥伦布于1451年出生在意大利的热那亚港,14岁时就到海上生活。他通过对地图和书本的学习和研究后确信,向西横越大西洋航行能到达亚洲。 (五)阿蒙森的故事 阿蒙森在探险史上获得了两个“第一”:第一个航行于西北航道;第一个到达南极。1903年6月,阿蒙森的探险队开始远航寻找西北航道。整队人马在深入北极圈的威廉王岛上安营扎寨,度过了两个冬季,并在马更些岛上又度过了一个冬季。他们于1906年9月完成了到达太平洋的航行。1910年11月,阿蒙森乘坐另一位探险家弗里乔夫·南森的“弗拉姆号”船离开挪威,前往南极。1911年10月20 日,他赶在他的英国竞争对手斯科特船长前,从罗斯冰架东端的基地出发,于1911年12月14抵达南极。 (六)南森的探险故事 弗里德持乔夫·南森是挪威的一位北极探险家、动物学家和政治家。他由于1888年跋涉格棱兰冰盖和1893-1896年乘“弗雷姆”号横跨北冰洋的航行而在科学界出名。南森还因为从西伯利亚、中国和世界其它地区遣返50万名战俘的工作和直接援救俄国遭受饥饿的人民(1921-1923)而获得了诺贝尔和平奖金(1921-1922)。南森是一位律师的儿子。他于1861年10月10日出生在挪威奥斯陆(克里斯蒂安尼亚)附近的一个富有家庭里。1880年南森进入克里斯蒂安尼亚大


探险故事-探险家的使命 有位探险家说,他探险是为了把脚印印在人类没有踏足过的地方。另一位探险家说,探险的魅力在于填补地图的空白。他们都没有说明,出现在人类没有到达过的地方,为何具有如此巨大的吸引力,让人甘愿尝遍千辛万苦甚至付出生命? 一次,在北京房山区的一个溶洞里,我们下到地下第七层,眼前的洞厅没有什么奇特之处,而刚刚离开的第六层,洞厅里到处是造型奇特的钟乳、石笋等沉积物,仿佛童话里的宫殿。可是向导说,“这里从没有人来过。”我眼前平淡的一切霎时变得光彩熠熠。 也许有人说:你没看到它时,它已在那里存在千万年了。是的,我不是哲学史上那个唯我论者贝克莱的信徒,他认为当人不去感知一个物时,那个物就不存在。但我对这样一个问题着迷:在我看到之前,洞厅是这个样子吗? 有人说:“与后来我们看到时一样呗。”这一看法经不起推敲,因为他假设太阳没有变化、空气没有变化、人没有变化等等这样一些前提,假如这些前提不存在,比如你变了、你的眼睛构造变了,雪峰的模样肯定会变。因此,雪峰在人类看到她之前究竟是什么样子,这是一个奥秘。 七仙女的故事里,洗澡的仙女被放牛娃看见后就穿起了衣服。我们看到的世界大都是穿了衣服的仙女,只有探险家走到了离仙女最近的地方,这是探险家奔向艰险、不畏牺牲的内在驱动力。 一 在谈论生态保护的话题时,人们反对人类中心主义,但是在谈论“世界是什么”时,人类中心主义却极少被质疑。以往的哲学家在讨论这个问题时,大都指的是人看到的世界,问题实际是“对人类而言,世界是什么”。 一次,我在希夏邦马峰下的冰川旁休息。一只鹰,穿云破雾,翱翔在钻石般闪烁的雪山顶上。忽然,它停住了,紧接着几乎垂直地向下俯冲,我猜它发现了猎物。在鹰的眼中,雪峰是怎样的?世界是怎样的?猎物又是怎样的?鹰的眼睛非常神奇,在俯冲捕捉猎物时,能始终准确对焦,否则它就捕捉不到猎物。鹰有着一整套应对世界的方法,在它的世界里自由自在行动。


1. In the medieval period , it is Chaucer alone who , for the first time in English literature , presented to usa comprehensive __picture of the English society of his time and created a whole galery of vivid ___ from all walks of life in his masterpiece “the Canterbury Tales ”。 A. visionary / women B. romantic /men C. realistic / characters D. natural / figures 2. Although ____ was essentially a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era of literature to come. A. William Langland B. John Gower C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. Edmund Spenser 3. Humanism spume from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious ,intellectual side ,for the Greek and Roman civilization was based on the conception that man is the ____ of all things . A. measure B. king C. lover D. rule 4. The essence of humanism is to ______. A. restore a medieval reverence for the church B. avoid the circumstances of earthly life C. explore the next world in which men could live after death D. emphasize human qualities 5. Many people today tend to regard the play “ The Merchant of Venice ” as a satire of the hypocrisy of ___ and their false standards of friendship and love , their cunning ways of pursuing worldliness and their unreasoning prejudice against _________ . A. Christians / Jews B. Jews / Christians C. oppressors / oppressed D. people / Jews 6. In “ Sonnet 18 ”, Shakespeare has a profound meditation on the destructive power of _________ and the eternal __________ brought forth by poetry to the one he loves . A. death/ life B. death/ love C. time / beauty D. hate / love 7.In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Bunyan describes The Vanity Fair in a ______ tone. A. delightful B. satirical C. sentimental D. solemn 8. The religious reformation in the early 16th-century England was a reflection of the class struggles waged by the _____. A. rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology B. working class against the corruption of the bourgeoisie C. landlord class against the rising bourgeoisie and its ideology D. feudal class against the corruption of the Catholic Church 9. The ______ was a progressive intellectual movement throughout western Europe in the 18th century . A. Renaissance B. Enlightenmrent C. Religious Reformation D. Chartist Movement 10.The 18th century witnessed a new literary form -the modern English novel, which, contrary to the medieval romance, gives a ______ presentation of life of the common English people. A. romantic B. idealistic C. prophetic D. realistic 1. The title of the novel “ A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man ” written by James Joyce suggests a character study with strong _________ elements .


Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1827),English Romantic poet who rebelled against English politics and conservative values.Shelley drew no essential distinction between poetry and politics,and his work reflected the radical ideas and revolutionary optimism of the era. Percy Bysshe Shelley was born on August4,1792,at Field Place,near Horsham in Sussex,into an aristocratic family.His father,Timothy Shelley, was a Sussex squire and a Member of Parliament.Shelley attended Syon House Academy and Eton and in1810he entered the Oxford University College. In1811Shelley was expelled from the college for publishing The Necessity of Atheism,which he wrote with Thomas Jefferson Hogg.Shelley's father withdrew his inheritance in favor of a small annuity,after he eloped with the16-year old Harriet Westbrook,the daughter of a London tavern owner. The pair spent the following two years traveling in England and Ireland, distributing pamphlets and speaking against political injustice.In1813Shelley published his first important poem,the atheistic Queen Mab. The poet's marriage to Harriet was a failure.In1814Shelley traveled abroad with Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin,the daughter of the philosopher and anarchist William Godwin(1756-1836).Mary's young stepsister Claire Claremont was also in the company.During this journey Shelley wrote an unfinished novella,The Assassins(1814).Their combined journal,Six Weeks' Tour,reworked by Mary Shelley,appeared in1817.After their return to London,Shelley came into an annual income under his grandfather's will. Harriet drowned herself in the Serpentine in1816.Shelley married Mary Wollstonecraft and his favorite son William was born in1816. Shelley spent the summer of1816with Lord Byron at Lake Geneva, where Byron had an affair with Claire.Shelley composed the"Hymn To Intellectual Beauty"and"Mont Blanc".In1817Shelley published The Revolt Of Islam and the much anthologized"Ozymandias"appeared in1818.Among Shelley's popular poems are the Odes"To the West Wind"and"To a Skylark" and Adonis,an elegy for Keats. In1818the Shelleys moved to Italy,where Byron was residing.In1819 they went to Rome and in1820to Pisa.Shelley's works from this period include Julian And Maddalo,an exploration of his relations with Byron and


(一)魏格纳的故事 (二)马可·波罗的故事 马可·波罗出身于旅行世家。他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人。他俩于13世纪60年代因经商到了中国。1271年,两人再度出访,并带年轻的马可一起前往。他们到了中国,进宫觐见蒙古族统治者----元世祖忽必烈。他们在中国逗留了24年,经商发了大财。马可·波罗赢得了忽必烈的信任,多次受派遣远行中国各地,并到过印度、缅甸、锡兰(今斯里兰卡)以及东南亚等地。 附:马可·波罗的故事 马可·波罗历险记(第一集):魔币被窃 故事发生在七百多年前,意大利航海家马可·波罗即将卸任回国,中国古城香都国王忽必烈汗召见宰相福林,命他去宝库取一枚魔力金币,准备赠予马可,不料早有叛意的福林窃走了那枚金币,逃之夭夭。忽必烈汗遂将胸前的另一枚金币一掰为二,将半枚交给马可 马可·波罗历险记(第二集):家族秘密 若干年后的一个夜晚,爷爷发现东方出现了一颗耀眼的新星,便决意将家族的秘密告诉年轻的马可,交给他珍

藏的半枚金币,嘱咐他准备远航去中国香都,探索那半枚魔力金币的奥秘。 马可·波罗历险记(第三集):叛臣逼婚 福林篡夺了香都的王位,狂喜不已。他滥施淫威,逼迫荷花公主与他成婚,这样他才能成为合法的君王。然而公主坚贞不屈。她仰望星空,盼望救星的到来。 马可·波罗历险记(第四集):海上风暴 福林恼羞成怒将荷花公主关进了塔楼。又借助火神的威力在海上掀起了狂风巨浪,把马可的帆船沉入海底。海鸥瑞杰愤怒呵斥:“你以大欺小算什么本事!” 马可·波罗历险记(第五集):身陷海盗 爷爷的嘱咐唤醒了马可,他顽强地与海浪搏斗,被一艘大船救起。不料这是一艘被海盗侵占的战舰,马可在船上沦为苦力,而海盗船长垂涎的却是马可脖子上挂着的半枚金币。 (三)麦哲伦的故事 (四)哥伦布的故事 克里斯托弗·哥伦布于1451年出生在意大利的热那亚港,14岁时就到海上生活。他通过对地图和书本的学习和研究后确信,向西横越大西洋航行能到达亚洲。


探险家的故事作文(精选5篇) 探险家的故事作文(精选5篇) 在学习、工作或生活中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?以下是小编整理的探险家的故事作文(精选5篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 探险家的故事作文1儿童节的前一天,学校的小朋友已经在准备儿童节的东西了。森林里的小动物也在忙碌着,他们每年都会开联欢会。联欢会上,每只小动物都要表演节目,它们有的唱歌,有的跳舞,还有的成语接龙…… 儿童节到了,小动物们都表演了节目,小松鼠跳舞、小猫唱歌……忽然,小兔子发现了一个袋子,把袋子解开后,发现里面有许多气球,小兔子咬住了气球的线飞了起来,大家见了,咬住气球也飞了上去。 大家来到了森林星球,星球中间有一棵很大很高的树,他的岁数已经有100岁了,而且还会讲话。大树对小动物们说:“你们到我嘴巴里,我把你们送到我肚子里,让你们去玩一玩我肚子里的探险队。”大家都说:“好。”于是,大家来到

大树的肚子里子,它们看见有一块牌子,上面写着“魔鬼地带”可它们不怕,向前走去。 小动物们走到一半,听见阵阵哭声,一会儿,出现了一个女孩,她披头散发,牙齿尖尖的,笑眯眯地向小动物走来。大家毛骨怵然,而小蚂蚁却很镇静,它悄悄地跑到女孩身后发现有一个小孔不停地在吸气,它连忙找来一个很大很大的石头。 放在小孔上,这样小孔再也不能吸气了,而在漏气,一会儿,女孩消失了,大家继续向前走,一会儿就到了出口处,门前有一大堆礼物,大家各拿了一份,往出口处走去。一会儿又回到了大森林里。 这六一儿童节真有趣! 探险家的故事作文2谭辛是西藏人,有名的探险家。他探险成功后,在英国立刻成为社会风云人物。他曾讲过一则有关他自己的笑话。一次,他在一个森林里探险迷了路。经过两天盲目的奔波,终于见到了一个人,他把来福枪放下来,也把沉重的背包解下来 高兴地说:“谢天谢地,我迷了两天的路,最后总算看到了你。”那人却不以为然地说,“这有什么值得高兴的,我已经迷了十天路了。” 有一天,他看见几个小学生正在看课本上关于他的英雄故事,于是他也高兴地与小学生们一起看。


魏格纳的故事 魏格纳于1880年11月1日出生在德国柏林,从小就喜欢幻想和冒险,童年时就喜爱读探险家的故事,英国著名探险家约翰·富兰克林成为他心目中崇拜的偶像。为了给将来探险做准备,他攻读气象学。1905年,25岁的魏格纳获得了气象学博士学位。1906年,他终于实现了少年时代的远大理想,加入了著名的丹麦探险队,来到了格陵兰岛,从事气象和冰川调查。为了找到更多的证据,1930年4月,魏格纳率领一支探险队,迎着北极的暴风雪,第4次登上格陵兰岛进行考察,在零下65℃的酷寒下,大多数人失去了勇气,只有他和另外两个追随者继续前进,终于胜利地到达了中部的爱斯密特基地。11月1 日,他在庆祝自己50岁的生日后冒险返回西海岸基地。在白茫茫的冰天雪地里,他失去了踪迹。直至第二年4月才发现他的尸体。他冻得像石头一样,与冰河浑然一体了。 马可·波罗的故事 马可·波罗出身于旅行世家。他的父亲尼科洛和叔叔马泰奥都是威尼斯商人。他俩于13世纪60年代因经商到了中国。1271年,两人再度出访,并带年轻的马可一起前往。他们到了中国,进宫觐见蒙古族统治者----元世祖忽必烈。他们在中国逗留了24年,经商发了大财。马可·波罗赢得了忽必烈的信任,多次受派遣远行中国各地,并到过印度、缅甸、锡兰(今斯里兰卡)以及东南亚等地。 刘雨田,中国历史上第一位职业探险家。 1984年5月,他开始徒步万里长城。经过一年多的艰苦跋涉完

成壮举,成为世界上第一位徒步万里长城的人。之后,他又徒步丝绸之路、黄土高原、新疆罗布泊,攀登格拉丹冬和昆仑雪山,考察神农架野人、喜马拉雅雪人、绒布冰川,沿喜马拉雅和雅鲁藏布江旅行,试登珠穆朗玛,三次穿越死亡之海塔克拉玛干、古尔班通古特等中国五大沙漠。至今他已经完成四十三个考察旅行探险项目。足迹遍及祖国大陆的山山水水,港台及世界数百家报刊、杂志、电视台报道了他探险事迹,人称他为“二十世纪世界罕见的旅行家、探险家”。 步雨青 步雨青走长江从上海开始逆流而上,现已走过8个省到达西藏。1998年春季开始长江上游万里冲刺。她将面临青藏高原的沼泽雪山、野兽出没、气候无常,还有通天河800里无人区、沱沱河400里无人区,最后到达6720米海拔的长江源头各拉丹冬雪山。她的丈夫贾千里一直陪同她。中央电视台、云南省电视台、昆明市电视台已作了7集专题报道。 魏顺德 他的《西部野生动物世界》专题电视片已正在拍摄完成,引起媒体极大的关注。采风团踏上横穿塔克拉玛干沙漠公路,一道道大沙梁子又唤起了魏顺德老师的兴趣。丰田面包车刚一停下,他提着三角架和两部相机就跳下了车,健步如飞,转瞬之间,他已爬上大沙梁子支起了三角架,让我们汗颜,一个66岁的老人 刘立 男,四川省科学探险协会秘书长,中科院成都分院高级工程师。中

Charles Percy Snow斯诺简介

Charles Percy Snow斯诺简介 1905-1980 Strangers and Brothers陌生人与兄弟们;The Light and the Dark光明与黑暗;Time of Hope希望的时刻;The Masters院长们;The New Men新人;Homecoings归家;The Conscience of the Rich富人的良心;The Affairs事件;Corridors of Power权力走廊;The Sleep of Reason理智沉眠;Last Things结局 in full Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow Of The City Of Leicester born Oct. 15, 1905, Leicester, Leicestershire, Eng. died July 1, 1980, London C.P. Snow British novelist, scientist, and government administrator. Snow was graduated from Leicester University and earned a doctorate in physics at the University of Cambridge, where, at the age of 25, he became a fellow of Christ's College. After working at Cambridge in molecular physics for some 20 years, he became a university administrator, and, with the outbreak of World War II, he became a scientific adviser to the British government. He was knighted in 1957 and made a life peer in 1964. In 1950 he married the British novelist Pamela Hansford Johnson. In the 1930s Snow began the 11-volume novel sequence collectively called “Strangers and Brothers” (published 1940–70), about the academic, public, and private life of an Englishman named Lewis Eliot. The novels are a quiet (though not dull) and meticulous analysis of bureaucratic man and the corrupting influence of power. Several of Snow's novels were


中外探险家的故事 1.麦哲伦的故事 麦哲伦(Magellan,Ferdinand),葡萄牙著名航海家和探险家,先后为葡萄牙(1505~1512)和西班牙(1519~1521)作航海探险。从西班牙出发,绕过南美洲,发现麦哲伦海峡,然后横渡太平洋。在一次与菲律宾麦克坦岛上部落的交战中,麦哲伦阵亡。由于他的阵亡,使麦哲伦失去了成为世界上第一位完成环球航行探险家的机遇。虽在菲律宾被杀,他的船只继续西航回到西班牙,完成第一次环球航行。被认为是第个环球航行的人。麦哲伦的突出贡献不在于环球航行本身,而在其大胆的信念和对这一事业的出色指挥。他是第一个从东向西跨太平洋航行的人。他以3个多月的航行,改变了当时流行的观念:从新大陆乘船向西只消几天便可到达东印度。麦哲伦船队的环球航行,用实践证明了地球是一个圆体,不管是从西往东,还是从东往西,毫无疑问,都可以环绕我们这个星球一周回到原地。这在人类历史上,永远是不可磨灭的伟大功勋 2..张骞的故事 公元前139年,汉武帝派张骞前往大月氏国。他的使命是帮助该地区人民起来抵抗侵略者。张骞被匈奴族捉去囚禁了11年,但他获释后再度前往中国以西的地方探险。他的旅行路线经过阿富汗,当时尚无人到过中国以西这么远的地方。张骞回来后,使大汉皇帝第一次听到了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。 张骞是第一位横穿阿富汗旅行的中国人,后来的中国商人带着丝绸和玉石,沿张骞所经过的路线,翻山越岭来到中国西北并穿过了戈壁沙漠。这条路线后来被称为“丝绸之路”。 3..玄奘的故事 玄奘是一位前往佛教发源地印度取经的和尚。他从中国出发,旅途历时16年,行程达6·4万千米,途经阿富汗、克什米尔和印度北方等地。他的旅行是秘密进行的,因为当时的皇帝尚不允许中国人跨出国门到外界去旅行。玄奘在旅途中多次遇险,危险主要来自恶劣的天气和险峻的高山。玄奘有一次在喝泉水时,差点被箭射死。后来他又在印度北方塔克西拉王国被投入狱中。为了逃命,他几乎冻死。 4..徐霞客的故事 徐宏祖(1586-1641),字振之,号霞客,江苏江阴人,是明代杰出的地理学家、旅行家。徐霞客一生钟情于神州山水。在“学而优则仕”的封建时代,他克服难以想象的困难,从二十二岁开始,周游全国。,游历名山大川,历时30余年,不畏艰险,足迹遍布今江苏、浙江、江西、两广,及云贵高原等17省。每到一地,即按日记事,将所见所闻写成日记体裁的游记。对各地的山形地貌、川河源流及地质、气候、物产、民俗等深入进行探索,详尽记述。他详细考察了我国西南地区岩溶的分布、类型、成因和农业利用,是世界上研究岩溶地貌的第一人。明思宗崇祯十四年 (1641),徐霞客病故。其遍访各地的游记,由季会明等人整理成书,名为《徐霞客游记》。


古今中外的探险家事迹八篇2021 1.麦哲伦的故事 麦哲伦1519年奉西班牙国王之命,率领探险队寻找到通往东印度群岛的香料群岛这一西行路线,西行横渡大西洋至巴西的一路上风平浪静,但后来情形开始恶化。船队中有一艘船遇风暴失事。接着几名船长密谋反对他。有一艘船调头返航。麦哲伦将谋反者中的一名处死,将另外两名弃留在荒凉的海滩上后,又扬帆启航。当船队抵达马里亚纳群岛时,当地居民向他们发起了攻击。在一次与菲律宾麦克坦岛上部落的交战中,麦哲伦阵亡。由于他的阵亡,使麦哲伦失去了成为世界上第一位完成环球航行探险家的机遇。 2.阿蒙森的故事阿蒙森在探险史上获得了两个“第一”:第一个航行于西北航道;第一个到达南极。1903年6月,阿蒙森的探险队开始远航寻找西北航道。整队人马在深入北极圈的威廉王岛上安营扎寨,度过了两个冬季,并在马更些岛上又度过了一个冬季。他们于1906年9月完成了到达太平洋的航行。 1903年6月,阿蒙森的探险队开始远航寻找西北航道。整队人马在深入北极圈的威廉王岛上安营扎寨,度过了两个冬季,并在马更些岛上又度过了一个冬季。他们于1906年9月完成了到达太平洋的航行。 1910年11月,阿蒙森乘坐另一位探险家弗里乔夫。南森的“弗拉姆号”船离开挪威,前往南极。1911年10月20日,他赶在他的英国竞争对手斯科特船长前,从罗斯冰架东端的基地出发,于1911年

12月14抵达南极。 罗阿尔德。阿蒙森是最早飞越北极的两位探险家之一。1926年,他和意大利探险家乌姆伯托。诺毕尔乘飞艇绕行北极两圈。在两年后另一次北极上空的飞行中,诺毕尔的飞艇与另一飞行物相撞失事,阿蒙森则在寻找诺毕尔的过程中失踪。 3.张骞的故事 公元前139年,汉武帝派张骞前往大月氏国。他的使命是帮助该地区人民起来抵抗侵略者。张骞被匈奴族捉去囚禁了11年,但他获释后再度前往中国以西的地方探险。他的旅行路线经过阿富汗,当时尚无人到过中国以西这么远的地方。张骞回来后,使大汉皇帝第一次听到了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。 张骞是第一位横穿阿富汗旅行的中国人,后来的中国商人带着丝绸和玉石,沿张骞所经过的路线,翻山越岭来到中国西北并穿过了戈壁沙漠。这条路线后来被称为“丝绸之路”。 4.玄奘的故事玄奘是一位前往佛教发源地印度取经的和尚。他从中国出发,旅途历时16年,行程达6。4万千米,途经阿富汗、克什米尔和印度北方等地。他的旅行是秘密进行的,因为当时的皇帝尚不允许中国人跨出国门到外界去旅行。玄奘在旅途中多次遇险,危险主要来自恶劣的天气和险峻的高山。玄奘有一次在喝泉水时,差点被箭射死。后来他又在印度北方塔克西拉王国被投入狱中。为了逃命,他几乎冻死。 5.徐霞客的故事 徐宏祖(1586-1641),字振之,号霞客,江苏江阴人,是明代杰出的地理学家、旅行家。徐霞客一生钟情于神州山水。在“学而优则仕”的封建时代,他克服难以想象的困难,从二十二岁开始,周游全

Percy Jackson (P271-324)

A Study Guide to Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Page 271- 324) Part I. Questions about the understanding of certain words or expressions 1. It was not easy to appear so far upriver, but the naiads, my freshwater cousins, helped sustain my life force. (Page 271) 2. The gods may not show such favoritism. (Page 272) 3. Is Percy Jackson a delinquent, a terrorist, or perhaps the brainwashed victim of a frightening new cult? (Page 275) 4. “Sorry to barge in,” I told him. “We were just, um, browsing.” (Page277) 5. I had no qualms about what I was about to do. (Page 281) 6. Above us, almost lost in the gloom, was a ceiling of stalactites. (Page 289) 7. The bottom of our boat slid onto the black sand. The dead began to disembark. (Page 290) 8. Old Mrs. Dodds would be licking her lips with anticipation. (Page 293) 9.The spirits made muffled hisses as they dissipated, like the air let out of tyres. (Page 296) 10. She was right, of course. Grover’s predicament got me moving again. (Page 304) 11. The bronze sword expanded, gleaming in the darkness, and the evil voice seemed to falter, just for a moment, before resuming its chant. (Page 305) 12. Standing here and there like frozen party quests were Medusa’s garden statues, petrified children, satyrs and centaurs, all smiling grotesquely. (Page 307) 13. Hades’s eyes grew dangerously bright. “You dare keep up this pretence, after what you have done?”(Page310) 14.“You and the satyr have been helping this hero –coming here to threaten me in Poseidon’s name, no doubt – to bring me an ultimatum”(Page 312) 15. Ares looked agitated, but he tried to cover it with a smirk. (Page 324) Part II.Detailed Questions (Page 271- 324) 1.Who is Nereid? What did she give to Percy? 2.Wh o had ever done the journey to Hades’s realm and survived according to Nereids? 3.Who is Procrustes? What did he do to Grover and Annabeth? 4.Who is Charon? What are his requests of helping Percy go to the Underworld? 5.What does the entrance to the Underworld look like? 6.What are the three fields of the Underworld? 7.What’s Percy and Annabeth’s plan to get through the gate guarded by Cerberus? 8.Whose sound did Percy hear in the cavern? 9.Who is Persephone? What’s the story of Persephone? 10.Why did Ares want to kill Percy? Part III.Analytical Questions 1.How did Percy save Grover and Annabeth from the hand of Crusty’s waterbed? 2.Why did n’t Hades want to start the war? 3.What are Percy’s changes during the whole journey to the Underworld?



1.麦哲伦的故事 麦哲伦(Magellan,Ferdinand),葡萄牙著名航海家和探险家,先后为葡萄牙(1505~1512)和西班牙(1519~1521)作航海探险。从西班牙出发,绕过南美洲,发现麦哲伦海峡,然后横渡太平洋。在一次与菲律宾麦克坦岛上部落的交战中,麦哲伦阵亡。由于他的阵亡,使麦哲伦失去了成为世界上第一位完成环球航行探险家的机遇。虽在菲律宾被杀,他的船只继续西航回到西班牙,完成第一次环球航行。被认为是第个环球航行的人。麦哲伦的突出贡献不在于环球航行本身,而在其大胆的信念和对这一事业的出色指挥。他是第一个从东向西跨太平洋航行的人。他以3个多月的航行,改变了当时流行的观念:从新大陆乘船向西只消几天便可到达东印度。麦哲伦船队的环球航行,用实践证明了地球是一个圆体,不管是从西往东,还是从东往西,毫无疑问,都可以环绕我们这个星球一周回到原地。这在人类历史上,永远是不可磨灭的伟大功勋 2..张骞的故事 公元前139年,汉武帝派张骞前往大月氏国。他的使命是帮助该地区人民起来抵抗侵略者。张骞被匈奴族捉去囚禁了11年,但他获释后再度前往中国以西的地方探险。他的旅行路线经过阿富汗,当时尚无人到过中国以西这么远的地方。张骞回来后,使大汉皇帝第一次听到了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。张骞是第一位横穿阿富汗旅行的中国人,后来的中国商人带着丝绸和玉石,沿张骞所经过的路线,翻山越岭来到中国西北并穿过了戈壁沙漠。这条路线后来被称为“丝绸之路”。 3..玄奘的故事 玄奘是一位前往佛教发源地印度取经的和尚。他从中国出发,旅途历时16年,行程达6?4万千米,途经阿富汗、克什米尔和印度北方等地。他的旅行是秘密进行的,因为当时的皇帝尚不允许中国人跨出国门到外界去旅行。玄奘在旅途中多次遇险,危险主要来自恶劣的天气和险峻的


古今中外著名探险家的故事 1.麦哲伦的故事 麦哲伦1519年奉西班牙国王之命,率领探险队寻找到通往东印度群岛的香料群岛这一西行路线,西行横渡大西洋至巴西的一路上风平浪静,但后来情形开始恶化。船队中有一艘船遇风暴失事。接着几名船长密谋反对他。有一艘船调头返航。麦哲伦将谋反者中的一名处死,将另外两名弃留在荒凉的海滩上后,又扬帆启航。当船队抵达马里亚纳群岛时,当地居民向他们发起了攻击。在一次与菲律宾麦克坦岛上部落的交战中,麦哲伦阵亡。由于他的阵亡,使麦哲伦失去了成为世界上第一位完成环球航行探险家的机遇。 2.阿蒙森的故事 阿蒙森在探险史上获得了两个“第一”:第一个航行于西北航道;第一个到达南极。1903年6月,阿蒙森的探险队开始远航寻找西北航道。整队人马在深入北极圈的威廉王岛上安营扎寨,度过了两个冬季,并在马更些岛上又度过了一个冬季。他们于1906年9月完成了到达太平洋的航行。 1903年6月,阿蒙森的探险队开始远航寻找西北航道。整队人马在深入北极圈的威廉王岛上安营扎寨,度过了两个冬季,并在马更些岛上又度过了一个冬季。他们于1906年9月完成了到达太平洋的航行。 1910年11月,阿蒙森乘坐另一位探险家弗里乔夫·南森的“弗拉姆号”船离开挪威,前往南极。1911年10月20日,他赶在他的英国竞

争对手斯科特船长前,从罗斯冰架东端的基地出发,于1911年12月14抵达南极。 罗阿尔德·阿蒙森是最早飞越北极的两位探险家之一。1926年,他和意大利探险家乌姆伯托·诺毕尔乘飞艇绕行北极两圈。在两年后另一次北极上空的飞行中,诺毕尔的飞艇与另一飞行物相撞失事,阿蒙森则在寻找诺毕尔的过程中失踪。 3.张骞的故事 公元前139年,汉武帝派张骞前往大月氏国。他的使命是帮助该地区人民起来抵抗侵略者。张骞被匈奴族捉去囚禁了11年,但他获释后再度前往中国以西的地方探险。他的旅行路线经过阿富汗,当时尚无人到过中国以西这么远的地方。张骞回来后,使大汉皇帝第一次听到了关于印度、中东以及欧洲诸国的消息。 张骞是第一位横穿阿富汗旅行的中国人,后来的中国商人带着丝绸和玉石,沿张骞所经过的路线,翻山越岭来到中国西北并穿过了戈壁沙漠。这条路线后来被称为“丝绸之路”。 4.玄奘的故事 玄奘是一位前往佛教发源地印度取经的和尚。他从中国出发,旅途历时16年,行程达6·4万千米,途经阿富汗、克什米尔和印度北方等地。他的旅行是秘密进行的,因为当时的皇帝尚不允许中国人跨出国门到外界去旅行。玄奘在旅途中多次遇险,危险主要来自恶劣的天气和险峻的高山。玄奘有一次在喝泉水时,差点被箭射死。后来他又在印度北方塔克西拉王国被投入狱中。为了逃命,他几乎冻死。

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