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p 168the ancient and the modern

p 168the ancient and the modern
p 168the ancient and the modern

The Ancient and the Modern

Ever seen an abacus(算盘)? You know , those centipede(蜈蚣)-like things with wooden beads

(珠子)in rows . They’re sold mostly in knickknack(小摆设,小玩意)import shops , for wall decoration(用来装饰墙壁的). But , in fact , an abacus is an adding machine(加法器), calculator ,

and computer(计算器,并不一定是电脑). On second thought(仔细一想,进一步考虑之后), that’

s not quite true . The abacus is just a visual record(直观记录)of the computations(n.计算)going on in the mind of the person using it .


Millions of people in Asia still use the abacus daily . And it has been in use there for a couple of thousand years or more . Not only is it an effective , practical tool , but it is nice(美观)to look at . Nice to hold and touch(摸起来手感也不错). Wood and brass(铜质)and ivory(象牙). And the older they get and the longer they are handled by a human being , the lovelier they get(这东西越旧,被人们使用的时间就越久,也就越招人喜欢)–smooth and dark and polished(擦亮的,圆滑的). They will last for a lifetime ; they will never need updating ; all the software needed to drive them is between your ears(★在两耳之间=在你的脑子里); and if they break they can be fixed by an eight-year-old with household tools.


The presence(出现)of the abacus puts some kinds of progress in perspective. I remember a time when a Japanese-American computer conglomerate(企业集团)moved into the Chinese market in a big way(大张旗鼓地). In order to demonstrate(展示)the value(实用性)of its small pocket

calculators(袖珍型计算器), it arranged a contest ,the great abacus-PC(personal computer个人电脑)shootout(枪战,大决战). The guy who won–the one with the abacus , of course –was named Chan Kai Kit . Hong Kong Chinese–a senior clerk(高级职员)for a shipping company . It is true that the operator(经营者,操作员)of the little computer did handle the pile(堆)of invoices (n.v.发票,单据)forty-four seconds faster than Chan Kai Kit and his abacus . But the computer got the wrong answer . Seems the machine operator was in too big a hurry(求胜心切)to prove how smart his machine was and fed it fuzzy facts(输入了错误的数据). Much face was lost(这回脸可丢大了).


Now don’t get me wrong(说到这儿,可别误会了). Pocket calculators are here to stay , and they have their place . A Luddite(勒德分子:强烈反对机械自动化的人) I am not –machines are not evil in themselves . And a careful(缜密的), thoughtful man like Chan Kai Kit might do even better with his own pocket calculator instead of his abacus–who knows(这谁又说得准呢)? It’s just that I’m a sentimentalist(多愁善感的人)about the wonders of the human hand and mind . And when I find evidence that it(算盘)can still hold its own(拥有自己的魅力)in the face of(面对....)the wizardry(巫术,魔法)of the electronic circuitry(电子电路图)of little chips(芯片), I am pleased . It is comforting(令人欣慰的)to know that some very old and very simple ways of getting from one place to another still work .



And ponde r(仔细考量)the fact that an ancient and worn(古老而破旧的)abacus will find its way to the walls of the twentieth century as a thing of art and wonder(作为一件艺术品和神奇之物), made lovely by its usefulness and made useful by its beauty(因实用而可爱,因可爱而实用). I have an old wooden bowl and an elderly chopping knife(菜刀)I would stack up against(较量,相匹敌)a food processor any day . It’s the same story(这是同样的道理).

