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仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A教案

仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A教案
仁爱版英语八年级上册Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A教案


Module4 Planes,ships and trains Unit 1 重点短语 1. an accident 一次事故 a road accident 道路交通事故 2. how often多久一次(用频度副词来回答) how soon多久以后(用in+一段时间提问,一般是一般将来时) how far 多远(提问路程多远) how long多久、多长 3. take part in 参加 4. close to 靠近、接近 far (away) from 远离、离…..远 5. much \heavy traffic 交通拥堵、拥挤 6. except sb. 除了某人 as much as 与……一样多 7. the same as 与…..一样 be different from 与…..不同 8. 别担心 don't worry 9. take the\a bus =by bus 乘公共汽车 take a taxi= by taxi 乘出租车 take a plane = by plane\air 乘飞机 take a train =by train 乘火车 ride a bike =by bike 坐自行车 walk to = go to …on foot 走路/步行 He usually takes a bus to school. = He goes to school by bus. 10. all the time 一只,总是 11. most of..... 大部分..... 重点句子 1.He lives the farthest from school. 他住得离学校最远。 2. What happened? 怎么了? 3. There was a road accident, and the traffic was very heavy. 路上发生了事故,交通很拥堵。 4. But nobody was late, except me. 但除了我没有人迟到。 5. I was late for school today.今天我上学迟到了。 6. What happened? 怎么了? 7. There was a road accident , and the traf fic was very heavy.路上出了一起交通事故,交通很堵塞。 8. It’s the most comfortable way, but it’s also the most expensive. 这是最舒适的方式,但它也是最昂贵的。 9. That’s a good choice, but it’s a bit dangerous. There’s so much traffic. 那是个不错的选择,但有点危险。交通那么拥挤。 ①He lives the farthest from school, so he takes the underground. 他住的离学校最远,因此他做地铁。 ②Her home is the closest to school, so she walks. 她的家离学校最近,因此她步行。 Unit 2 重点短语 1. 打算做某事 plan to do 2. book the ticket 订票


U7P1 Lead in A family beg ins with two people. Love deepe ns and grows betwee n a couple and soon a weddi ng takes place , the beg innings of a family. Childre n are born, grow ing and maturing with every passing year. When grown up, they, too, fall in love and marry. The process of creati ng a family beg ins aga in, add ing gen erati ons to the family. A day in the life of a family is filled with work and school, errands and chores. At the end of a busy day we can find children excitedly sharing the events of their day with Mom and Dad. It is a time for - working together and playing together. Reading to the children, singing songs, doing homework together, and playing games are some activities that take place duri ng family time. A televisi on show may be what each family member n eeds to relax and enjoy some quiet time together. Stro ng family relati on ships are developed by spe nding quality time together. Key: 1. takes place 2. maturing 3. process 4. filled with 5. excitedly 6. time 7. singing 8. activities 9. show 10 relax 完形填空 1. You have to be a born optimist to be able to do this hard job and not despair. 你是一个天生的乐观主义者,能够做这项艰巨的工作而不绝望 2. Econo mic recon structio n in the country must beg in with the recoveri ng of agricultural product ion.


人教版八年级英语上册8 单元知识点

重点单词 1. amount 2. instruction 3. finally 4. boil 5. salt 6. sandwich 7. bread 8. butter 9. check 10. duck 短语 1、one more thing另夕卜一件事情another ten minutes 再多十分钟 “数字+ more +物品”指“另外的??…” another +数字+物品”指“另外的……” 当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用another Eg:Give me two more hamburgers, please.请再给我两个汉堡。 Eg:The boys rode another two hours.那些男孩子们又骑了两个小时。 Eg:Do you want one more cup of tea? Do you want another cup of tea?你想再来杯茶吗? 2、forget to do sth.忘记(去)做某事(还没有发生)forget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已经发生了)Eg: Don ' forget to close the windows. 不要忘记关上窗户。 Eg:I forget closing the windows.我忘记关了窗了 3、T urn on the blender. 1)turn on打开(电器等)反义词:turn off关上(电器等)。 2)turn up (音量调大,调高)turn down (把音量调小,调低)turn in上交(试卷等)turn into 使成为,翻译成turn to转向in turn依次地by turn轮流地 3)辨析:turn on/open turn on表示打开(电灯,自来水开关,煤气,无线电等)注意代词放中间:turn it on open表示敞开,展开,使... ;露在外面。open the window 4、C ut up the bananas. (banana名词宾语)将香蕉切成块。 1)cut up切碎后跟代词宾语时应该放在cut和up的中间,接名词宾语时放在后面eg:cup it up 2)cut…in two/half把 .. 切成两半cut down砍到cut --into pieces把...... 切成碎块 eg:cut it down 5、P our the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒进果汁机里。1).......................... pour - into…扌巴........ 倒进.... 里put…in…:那E 放进里去 2)put…into…还有“把 . 译成... ”的意思Put the sentence into English ,please. put词组:put away把... 收起来放好put on穿上put off推迟,延期put out熄灭 put down放下put up建造,挂起,举起put-on…把…放在..... 上 6、m ix up 混合在一起


八上Unit4 What’s the best movie theater ? 一.根据首字母提示补全单词。(10x1=10) 1. We all know that Liu Qian is a great m . 2. We Chinese usually have 3 m a day,breakfast,lunch and supper. 3. --Who do you think is the best p_________? --MeiLanfang, I think. 4. People in big cities often go to the countryside ,beacause the air there is f . 5. Relaxing on the beach makes me feel very c . 6. My home is very c to our school,so I often walk to school. 7.Now we look at the s in class instead of (而不是)the blackboard. 8.The food in the the restaurant is good and the s here is better,so many people come here. 9.Here are 3 movie theaters ,I don't know which one to c . 10.Now our country gives money to those p students to help them. 二.用所给词的适当形式填空。(15X1=15) 1.My father is much _________ than my mother.(busy) 2.He is the ________ in our class.(outgoing) 3.Jeans Corner is a ________ (good) store. It sells _________ (good) clothes in town . 4. Kitty has the _________ (little) milk of the three. 5. Liu Bing runs __________ of all.(fast) 6.Who do you think is (boring), Tim or Tom? 7. He is as _________ (friend) to us as his sister. 8. Tom is ____________ (tall) of the two. 9.Which one is ________of all the problems? (easy) 10.This radio is not so ________ as that one. (cheap) 11.It’s always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 12.She is good at (show) her talent. 13.However,not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows. 14.The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. 15. Which city is _________ (beautiful),Beijing,Shanghai or Hangzhou? 三.单项选择(25X1=25) ( )1. This bread is too small. Do you have _____? A. a bigger piece B. a bigger one C. a big bread D.a big one ( )2.The girl sings . A.beautiful,beautiful B.beautifully,beautifully C.beautiful,beautifully D.beautiffully,beautiful ( )3.—is it from your home? —10 minutes by bus. A.How long B.How far C.What time D.When ( )4.China is one of in the world. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3817835407.html,rger country https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3817835407.html,rger countries C.the largest countries https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3817835407.html,rgest country ( )5. Last week's talent show was a great _____. A.sucess B. success C. succeed D.successfully ( )6. You are _____ now,Victor.So you should wash your clothes by yourself. A.young enough B. enough old C. old enough D. enough young ( )7. There's going to _____ a basketball game tomorrow.


Unit1 A篇 我在哈佛的第一周 新生进入哈佛校园的第一天,据说总是令人激动不已。这的确也是我来到哈佛第一天的真实写照。父母陪着我开车驶过主校门进入校园时,那柔和的阳光透过绿树间隙照射在古老的砖墙建筑上。沾满晨露的绿草在阳光下闪闪发光。我凝视着车窗外面的迷人景色,心中暗想:“最幸运的新生不过如此了!” 我们来到了卡纳迪公寓——我的宿舍楼。我和四个女孩同住在四室一厅的套房里。这个套房在顶楼,天花板很高,上面有天窗。从卡纳迪公寓到餐厅和上课的教室,都只需要两分钟的路程。我很喜欢自己的室友。我们各自的背景、种族、宗教信仰和兴趣爱好都完全不同。这也反映出哈佛引以自豪的“多样性”。第一周,幸亏有这样四个可称为朋友的女孩相伴,帮助我顺利度过了到哈佛后的这段适应期。这一周有许多重要的决定需要我来做,而没有父母和好友的帮助,有时我会感到十分艰难。 选课是第一步。在哈佛,新生唯一的必修课是说明文写作。这一年,我实际上可以选修我想学的任何课程,而且课程的门类出奇地多!我该如何选择呢?庆幸的是哈佛允许新生在“选课周”里到课堂试听。上课时间和平时一样,我们可以试听任何想选修的课程,多少不限。如果我最后决定选修某一门课程,我就要完成“选课周”里布置的所有功课。另外,如果我试听了一门选课表上看似很好的课程,却发现这门课并不适合我,或教授讲课枯燥乏味,我可以决定不选修这门课!同样艰难的是在众多的运动队、出版社团、乐队、戏剧社或俱乐部中做出选择。到底该参加哪一个呢? 在哈佛,就餐肯定也是最能引得新生关注的事情之一。不过并不是指一日三餐吃的东西——尽管饭菜很可口,而是指就餐的环境真的很好。我们的餐厅与其说是个自助食堂,不如说更像是一个教堂或博物馆。桌子、椅子、地板、墙壁,还有高高的天花板都是用华丽的深色木料制作的,油漆得精光锃亮。而且,大厅里悬挂着枝形吊灯,墙上镶嵌着明亮的彩色玻璃窗,厅里到处可见哈佛历史名人的雕塑和画像。 哈佛第一周的所有这些经历将成为我毕生的珍贵记忆。然而,哈佛这一周给予我的最宝贵的财富,却是我遇到的其他同学。我在这儿遇到的每一个人都是那么朴实。每当我看到有人在嘉佩乐音乐会上演唱动人的歌曲,有人在才艺秀上表演精彩的小提琴独奏,有人在我去听的一堂课上阐述深刻的见解,我都惊讶不已!能够欣赏身边这么多有天赋的同学并能与他们相伴,这正是我在哈佛第一周体验到的最宝贵的经历。一周已经过去,四年大学生活就在前头——真是令人迫不及待! Unit2 A篇 我们都有梦想。通常,当我们睡着了。这样的梦想可以比帮助更伤人。例如,假设在做梦你吃小麦片,醒来,发现只有一半床垫不见了!嗯,我指的并不是这种类型的梦。相反,我在考虑一个人的视野,愿望,或狂热的对未来的希望。我们的梦想是我们的灵魂之歌。生活中没有一个是减少到一个空洞的存在。但是生活有梦想充满了意义和目的。 尼尔?皮尔特既是Rush摇滚乐队的鼓手和主要词作者,也是一位作家和哲人。请看他是何等优美地表述了生活和梦想之间的关系:“生命就像一支蜡烛,而由梦想将其点燃。”安利公司的创始人理查德?M?德沃斯也谈及希望之火:“一个人心怀梦想和大志,时时刻刻地在渴望和希望,却没有尝试将这一切付诸现实,还有比这种人的生命更富悲剧性的吗?他的梦想只能发出摇曳的微弱光亮,却永远不能迸发出火焰。”


最新教学资料·人教版英语 人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?(人教新目标带答 案) (45分钟100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共40分) Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与其相符的图片。(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. I like sandwiches very much. 2. My brother likes ice cream very much. 3. Children like popcorn a lot. 4. We often eat watermelons in summer. 5. They don’t like bananas at all. 答案: 1~5. ECABD (Ⅱ)录音中有一段对话, 听两遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 6. How does Lisa feel? A. Thirsty. B. Hungry. C. Tired. 7. What food does Lisa like best? A. Sandwiches. B. Dumplings. C. Noodles. 8. How many tomatoes do they need? A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

9. Where do they have the conversation? A. Probably at home. B. Maybe in a restaurant. C. Perhaps in a shop. 10. Who will go shopping? A. Lisa. B. Bill. C. Both Lisa and Bill. 答案: 6~10. BCBAA Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分) 1. (2013·济南中考)Tom is in good health, because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy . A. food B. water C. pear D. carrot 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意: 汤姆身体健康, 因为他经常锻炼, 而且吃很多健康食品。food“食品”; water“水”; pear“梨”; carrot“胡萝卜”。 2. —There some bread on the plate. You can eat it for breakfast. —OK, I will. A. are B. is C. was D. were 【解析】选B。考查主谓一致。bread是不可数名词, 句中some bread作主语, 谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式, 排除A、D两项, 由对话语境知此处应用一般现在时态, 排除C项。 3. —do you make fruit salad?

【新人教版】2019年秋八年级英语上册Unit 4单元教学案

【新人教版】2019年秋八年级英语上册单元教学案 Unit 4What's the best movie theater? Section A (1a-1c) 学习目标 1.重点单词:theater,comfortable,seat,screen,close,ticket 2.重点短语:comfortable seats,big screen,close to home,buy tickets quickly,short waiting time 3.重点句式:What's the best movie theater? It has the most comfortable seats. It has the best sound. It's the closest to home. 重点 1.形容词最高级的构成及用法 2.能用最高级的基本句型来描述人物 难点 能用最高级的基本句型来描述人物 自主学习 一、预习课本P25新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。 1.戏院____________ 2.舒适的____________ 3.座位____________ 4.银幕____________ 5.接近____________ 6.入场券____________ 二、认真预习1a-1c,找出下列短语和句型。 1.舒适的座位____________________ 2.大的银幕____________________ 3.紧挨着家____________________ 4.买票快____________________ 5.等候的时间短____________________


重点单词 1. amount 2. instruction 3. finally 4. boil 5. salt 6. sandwich 8. butter 9. check 10. duck 短语 1、one more thing另外一件事情 another ten minutes 再多十分钟 “数字+ more + 物品”指“另外的……”“another + 数字 + 物 品”指“另外的……”

当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用another Eg:Give me two more hamburgers, please. 请再给我两个汉堡。Eg:The boys rode another two hours. 那些男孩子们又骑了两个小时。 Eg:Do you want one more cup of tea Do you want another cup of tea 你想再来杯茶吗 2、forget to do sth. 忘记(去)做某事(还没有发生) f orget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已经发生了) Eg:Don’t forget to close the windows. 不要忘记关上窗户。Eg:I forget closing the windows.我忘记关了窗了 3、Turn on the blender. 1)turn on 打开(电器等)反义词:turn off关上(电器等)。2)turn up(音量调大,调高)turn down (把音量调小,调低)turn in 上交(试卷等) turn into使成为,翻译成 turn to 转向 in turn 依次地 by turn 轮流地 3)辨析:turn on/open


Unit4 What’s the best movie theater? 19.sing the most beautifully 唱得最美妙 20.be up to 是……的职责;由……决定21.play a role 发挥作用;有影响 22.make up 编造(故事流言等) 23.for example例如 24.take ...seriously认真对待 用法集萃 1. laugh v. & n. 笑 We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。 We all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。 He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。 (与at连用)嘲笑 Don’t lau gh at him. 别嘲笑他。 People have often laughed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everyone laughed at his foolish antics. 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。笑;笑声 We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。 2. though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = although Though it was raining,he went there. 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。 Though he was poor he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 1,比较级,最高级变化规则 一般在词尾+ er或est;以e 结尾的加r或st;重读闭音节双写辅音字母+ er或est;辅音字母+y结尾的,改y为i+ er或est;多音节词和部分双音节词,加more或most。 不规则变化见书本P114 2,比较级用法 ●基本句型:主语+be+比较级+than+比较对象 ●两者相比较用比较级eg:Who do you think is more outgoing,Lily or Lucy? ●Very,more,quite,so,too等修饰原级;much,a little,a lot,a bit,far ,even等修 饰比较级 eg:I’m much/ a little / a lot / a bit /far more outgoing than my sister. I’m even worse now. ●不能与人或事物自身相比较 eg:He is taller than any other student in his class. China is larger than any country in Africa. ●比较对象要一致(that代替不可数名词,those代替可数名词复数,所有格,ones) eg:The weather in Harbin is much colder than that in Wuhan. The students of Class One study harder than those of Class Two. My bike is newer than Tom’s. ●比较级中出现of the two/ twins结构时,adj比较级前要+the,不可用than Eg:Tom is the taller of the two brothers. ●“get/ become+ 比较级+and +比较级”表示“变得越来越……”(多音节或部分双音节 用“more and more+原级) Eg: It gets warmer and warmer when spring comes. You’re getting more and more beautiful. ●“the+比较级……,the+比较级……”表示“越……,就越……” Eg: The more you exercise, the stronger you will be. ●“As…as”中间接原级,表示“与…一样”,否定为“not as/ so…as”表示“不如” Eg: He is as tall as his father. He is not as/ so tall as his father. ●“比较级+than”(more/ less +原级+than)与“not as/ so…as”可以互换 Eg: I’m taller than you. Chinese is more important than Biology. You’re shorter than me.Biology is less important than Chinese You’re not as/ so tall as me. Biology is not as/ so important as Chinese ●比……大/多/长/宽几倍,用“主语+be+……times+比较级+than+比较对象” Eg: Our classroom is twice larger than yours. ●重几斤,高几公分,大几岁……,用“主语+be+数量词+比较级+than+比较对象” Eg: I’m six years older than you. 3,loudly大声地,响亮地(多含噪音之意) aloud大声地,出声地(强调出声)read aloud call aloud for help loud大声地,高声地,常与speak,shout,laugh,talk连用 响亮的,大声的loud voice 4,fast强调速度快run/ drive fast


英语期末复习资料 ——献给亲爱的小钰 Unit1 5. 1.Taxes are an obligation which my fall on everybody. 译文:交税是每个人应尽的义务。 2.We applauded the authority’s decision not to close the hospital. 译文:我们赞成当局不关闭这家医院的决定。 3. The doc tors instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick mans life depends on it . 译文:必须遵照医嘱,因为这关系到病人的生命。 4.Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking ? 译文:这些民意测验果真能够反映人们的所想吗? 5.I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases. 译文:我认为记忆是掌握单词和短语用法的灵活性的好手段。 6.In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staf f . 译文:在办公记录中,她总是贬低下属的工作。 7.The history of railroad transport has partly been a history of striving or greater efficiency and profit . 译文:铁路运输的历史从某种意义上说即是人们追求更高效率和更大收益的历史。 8.He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it e ntailed . 译文:他上任之前对牵涉的职责等事宜一无所知。


最新人教版八年级英语上册8单元知识点 1. amount 2. instruction 3. finally 4. boil 5. salt 6. sandwich 7.bread 8. butter 9. check 10. duck 短语 1、one more thing另外一件事情another ten minutes 再多十分钟 “数字+ more + 物品”指“另外的……”“another + 数字+ 物品”指“另外的……” 当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用another Eg:Give me two more hamburgers,please. 请再给我两个汉堡. Eg:The boys rode another two hours. 那些男孩子们又骑了两个小时. Eg:Do you want one more cup of tea? Do you want another cup of tea? 你想再来杯茶吗? 2、forget to do sth. 忘记(去)做某事(还没有发生)f orget doing sth.忘记做过某事(已经发生了)Eg:Don’t forget to close the windows. 不要忘记关上窗户. Eg:I forget closing the windows.我忘记关了窗了 3、Turn on the blender. 1)turn on 打开(电器等)反义词:turn off关上(电器等). 2)turn up(音量调大,调高)turn down (把音量调小,调低)turn in 上交(试卷等)turn into使成为,翻译成turn to 转向in turn 依次地by turn 轮流地 3)辨析:turn on/open turn on表示打开(电灯,自来水开关,煤气,无线电等) 注意代词放中间:turn it on open 表示敞开,展开,使……;露在外面.open the window 4、Cut up the bananas. (banana 名词宾语)将香蕉切成块. 1)cut up 切碎后跟代词宾语时应该放在cut和up的中间,接名词宾语时放在后面eg:cup it up 2)cut…in two/half 把……切成两半cut down 砍到cut…into pieces 把……切成碎块 eg:cut it down 5、Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒进果汁机里. 1)pour…into…把……倒进……里=put…in…:那……放进……里去 2)put…into…还有“把……译成……”的意思.Eg:Put the sentence into English ,please. put词组:put away把……收起来放好put on 穿上put off 推迟,延期put out 熄灭put down 放下put up 建造,挂起,举起put…on…把…放在……上 6、mix up 混合在一起 “动词+ 副词”构成的短语,当所跟宾语为名词时,可位于两者之间或副词之后; 但当宾语为代词时,则只能位于两者之间. 7、on the top 在顶部on (the) top of...在……上面,在…..的顶部 8、check in(旅馆、飞机等)登记check over 检查 1)check sth. up检查,核对


新目标八年级英语上册第一单元 Unit 1.How often do you exercise? I. 重点短语归纳: on weekends 在周末 1. go to the movies 去看电影 2. look after=take care of 照顾 3. surf the internet 上网 4. healthy lifestyle 健康的生活方式 5. go skateboarding 去滑滑板 watch TV看电视 6. keep healthy=stay healthy = keep in good health 保持健康 keep + 形容词表保持某种状态 do some reading 阅读 7. exercise= take/do (much) exercise=do sports锻炼 8. eating habits 饮食习惯 9. take more exercise 做更多的运动 10. the same as 与什么相同 11. once a month一月一次 12. be different from 不同 13. twice a week一周两次.three times a week一周三次 14. make a difference to 对什么有影响 As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your st udents. 身为教师,你们必须坚信你们能够影响学生的一生。 A false step will make a great difference to my future. 错走一步对我的前程来说会产生很大影响。 15. how often 多久一次,询问动作发生的频率 how many times 多少次,用来提问做某事的次数 16. although=though虽然 <不能与but连用> Although he is old, he is quite strong. (He is old, but he is quite strong.) 句子中,有although或though就不可再用but,但可用yet或still“仍然,还”;有because就不能再用so. 17. most of the students=most students大多数学生 18. shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物 19. as for至于 20. activity survey活动调查 21. do homework做家庭作业 22. do house work做家务事 23. eat less meat吃更少的肉 24. junk food垃圾食物


Unit1 PB 男子汉宣言 作为男人,我们知道我们能够得到比较好的待遇。从女人身上,我们看到了现代性:广大的女性在探索新的角色,征服世界。我们暗中默默地羡慕她们不断取得成就的速度。我们对自己说:我们男人呢?我们难道不应该是这样的吗:聪明有头脑,信心十足,成功在握? 那么,是什么妨碍了我们呢?责备女人挑起两性战争是毫无意义的。毕竟,这个世界还是男人的天下。只要知道我们之所求,我们便可以通过规定得到它。否,问题在于我们缺乏想象力。如果问女人,作为女人她们想要什么,她们会告诉你:平等。而男人呢?我们没有一点线索。原因很简单,我们没有能够理解本世纪最伟大、最持久的社会运动的机遇,那就是两性劳动力分工的不复存在。 我们正在犯一个错误。过去并未让我们真正的需要得到满足,却强迫我们狭隘地认为自己是一个劳动者,而当我们被解雇、退休或生病的时候,这种身份也随之消失。过去还让我们从家里走出来,使我们成为孩子的陌生人。这意味着我们将我们身体的、情感的和实际的需求寄托在女人身上。她们喂养、抚育我们,顾及我们感情的需要,为我们斡旋出一个社会圈子。她们为我们做私人的工作,就像我们为她们做公众的工作一样。 尽管在家以外我们展现出了所有成年人的行为举止,而在家里我们却仍然十分孩子气。它使我们,尤其是那些年老的、行将就木的人,过着一种悲惨的、有局限的生活,通常使我们处于一种乖戾的关系中。 我们可以改变所有这一切,这不只是如意的想法。在妇女解放的背后,吹着一阵顺风:在几十年的时间里,妇女控制了她们的生育能力,而经济却需要劳动力的大量增加。甚至连保守的男人都不能阻止她们。 我们必须迈出的第一步就是打破沉默。因此,有了这样一份宣言。 憧憬未来 当两性劳动力分工使男人的概念得到加强时,我们将自己定义为三种角色:养家糊口的工人,女人的对立面,和做母亲不做之事情的父亲。每一种概念都限制了男人活动的范围,使男人感到窒息。因此,我们必须重新改写这些定义。 工作并非男人承诺的领地 当人们问及我是做什么的时,我会说我是一个新闻工作者,而不会说我是一个男人,一个父亲,一个丈夫,一个儿子,一个兄弟,一个公民,甚至不会将所有这些结合在一起说,而只是说我是一个新闻记者。像许多男人一样,我就是我的工作。当工作顺利时,我也称心如意。其它一切都可能荡然无存。但是事业上的成功却是一个男人的支柱。它为男人提供地位、权利以及成为挣钱养家的父亲的一种手段。妇女运动只是进一步强调了工作的重要地位,而且暗示人们,专心于家务和抚养小孩是一件苦差事。 然而,指望工作从根本上维持我们的自我感觉是一个错误。许多自我的定义经得起时间的考验,但工作不在此列,因为它太不可靠了。我们知道总有一天我们会被解雇,会生病或会退休。对于那些年纪轻轻又找不到工作或者在年轻时就被解雇的人来说,工作上的失败会导致沮丧、犯罪、暴力,在有些情况下,甚至会导致自杀。如果男人找不到能夸耀自己的更好的方法肯定会发疯吗?我们必须意识到工作是靠不住的。 男人不是女人的对立面 当女人们被看成是弱者时,我们必须是强者。我们做女人们不做的事情,但是现在女人几乎没有什么事情不做。她们从事体育运动,挣钱,参加足球比赛,驾驶英国皇家空军的战斗机,甚至主动开始床第之欢。然而,我们却坚持把自己看成是女人的对立面。这样的话,我们最终会把自己定义成只做很少几件女人不愿做的事,即强奸、谋杀和虐待。 父亲同样能够满足孩子的需要 我们仍然受传统的父亲形象的制约,即提供工资收入、规定纪律,在某些情况下,为小孩充当玩伴。在身体上和感情上与孩子亲近一直是女人的特权,而且在很大程度上还会继续如此。如今许多男人都渴望与他们的孩子更接近一些,他们是主动积极的父亲。我们乐意这样做,并且也有能力这样做。但是有些女人却拒绝平等相待我们。 平等始于家庭 在很多家庭里,男人是被动的,我们允许女人安排我们的个人生活,让她们充当家里的

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