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Course structure:

1.Overview and Part 1

2.People and Topic Transformation

3.Experience and Events


5.Places; Supplement and Review

Objectives of the Course:

Fluency﹠Coherence: 能主动和考官详细交谈,但不时重复、更正、停顿而缺乏连贯性;能够使用一些连接词,但有时不够准确

Lexical resource: 能运用足够的词汇仔细谈论话题,清楚表达意思,尽管有些错误出现

Grammatical range and accuracy: 能混合使用简单句和复杂句,运用缺乏灵活;错误使用复杂句式,但不影响理解

Pronunciation: 考官基本听懂,偶尔发音有误

Lecture 1 Overview and Part 1

Module format: 1-to-1 interaction; 3 parts; 11-14 minutes; Recorded

Details about the Three Parts:

Part 1: Introduction ﹠Interview (彼此介绍并谈论一般性话题)

Total time: 4-5 minutes

Steps: Introduction Qs →Qs(2-5Qs/T) about some familiar topics(2-3)

In fact: Greeting and chatting

Part 2: Individual Long Turn (个人表述)

Total time: 3-4 minutes

Steps: Make notes( 1 minute) →Monologue →Follow-up (maybe 1-2 extra Qs)

In fact: Description

Part 3: 2-way Discussion (深入交谈)

Total time: 4-5 minutes

Steps: Discussions on issues related to the topic in part 2 in greater depth

In fact: Argumentation

Assessment Criteria:

A. Fluency and Coherence

1. For fluent speaking, neither too many stops nor too fast talking are preferred.

(Wrong way)e.g. I think it’s kind of intere…sting…experience.

I would like to say that…I like…playing basketball…at my…spare time.

My family…family…my family has three persons…people…three people. There are…are…three people…persons…there are three people in my…family.

On campus.

(Good way) e.g. Actually, my favorite movie star is Brad Pitt…who had acted the leading roles of numerous movies…among which I adore The Legend of Fall the most.

2. The appropriate adoptions of pronouns , adverbs or conjunctions are quite helpful and necessary for cohesion.

(Wrong way) e.g. ---“Do you enjoying watching movies in your free time?”

---“I like playing the piano in my free time.”

Some illogical answers

(Good way)e.g. I like reading those fashion magazines and doing researches on the latest fashion trend, just/that is because I’m quite curious about those fashion stuff and want to be an in-girl all the time.

B. Lexical Resource LGD_PPgod

1. Be flexible

Basic words; topic-related words; paraphrasing; rephrase;

2. Be correct

e.g. Academic words (too professional)

C. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

1. Be accurate

2. Be flexible

clauses; inverted sentences;

D. Pronunciation

1. Seven sins of pronunciation(单词发音七宗罪)

a) 长短音不分

e.g. heat-hit; sheet-shit; beach-bitch;

b) 力度不够

e.g. sorry(骚瑞); because(笔铐子);

c) 儿化音状况不清

北方人容易儿化音过多:famous; grandpa; gorgeous;

南方人又容易吞掉:part; party; gorgeous;

d) 让人迷茫的重音

quiz: comfortable; newspaper; atmosphere; celebrity; photography; yesterday; temperature;

e) th音到底怎么发?

e.g. thought; think; those; although; thank;

f) 让人纠结的l和n

e.g. light-night; slow-snow; like-Nike;

g) v和w的区别

e.g. very; wife; invite; swim; win; visit;

3. 句子、段落发音

a) 弱化与连续是区分发音高手和菜鸟的重要依据

e.g. part-time; but now; I’ll; he’ll; what’s up;

where is she? Do you want a beer?Give me an answer; you should take care of them;

b) 句子重音


e.g. I don’t know where he is now.

c) 句子语调


e.g. Travelling is one of the great joys of life and also one of the most expensive. Why not

get the most out of your experience?


1. When you don’t understand the questions:

e.g. Could you please rephrase your question?

Well, my best guess would be…

2. When you can't recall a word:

Dos—Put it in another way—rephrase it;

Don’ts—I’m sorry I forget the word.

3. When you don’t know how to answer those Qs in part 3:

Remember: you have to say something!

How to Prepare Well for Part 1

Flow Chart of Part 1

1. Introduction questions: 4 standard Qs.

2. Topic 1: 2-5 questions based on the topic.

(Hometown; Home/the place you live; Job; Study)

3. Topic 2: 2-5 questions based on the topic.

4. Topic 3: 2-5 questions based on the topic.


1. 4 standard introductory Qs

1) “Good morning/afternoon. My name is …. Can you tell me your full name please?/ what’s your full name?”

My (full) name is…

2) “What shall I call you?”

you can call me …

3) “Can you tell me where you’re from?”

I’m from …

4) “Can I see your identification, please?”

Here you are./Here you go.

2. Topic sample in part 1:

Q: what’s your favorite subject at school?

5 It’s English because English is very useful and interesting.

6 It’s math because math makes us smart and, you know, math is pretty useful when

it comes to learning some other subjects such as physics and chemistry.


1. Answer the question;

2. Expand the answer.

1) Collecting topic-related vocabulary;

2) Collecting some sentence patterns/phrases;


Q: What do you think about your hometown?

Topic-related words:

Metropolis; coastal; inland; hilly; industrial; tourism; ancient; historical; pleasant; charming; fascinating; attractive; scenery; scenic spot; historical sight; resort; place of interest; gallery; museum. etc.

Sentence patterns:

It’s famous for…

It attracts millions of…

It features…

It is home to…


幼儿园小班汇报课ppt 教学参考范本幼儿园小班汇报课《好朋友》课后反思撰写人:__________________ 部门:__________________ 时间: __________________1/3 我的汇报课选择在语言领域,确定为《好朋友》是因为这堂语言课附有一首儿歌,且这首儿歌是三段式的,内容很简单也非常适合小班幼儿进行儿歌表演,重要的是拓展了幼儿的生活经验,让幼儿学会了知识迁移。进入幼儿园后,小朋友首先遇到的问题就是找一个好朋友,并且学会和好朋友相处,见到好朋友要相互打招呼。通过这堂语言教学课,小朋友们应该基本了解了打招呼的各种方式,不拘于只会用嘴说你好,也可以是点点头,也可以用微笑向他人问好,这些都是日常生活中所能碰到的。不仅知道这些,动物之间的打招呼也是很有趣的,他们会运用身体的某个部位进行打招呼,这也是一种经验的拓展。上完这堂课,让我感触最深的就是如何才能让幼儿熟悉学会儿歌,这是我面临的最大问题,或许是我过于着急想让幼儿学会念儿歌,而没有重视过程的铺垫,就像是打地基,总要把桩打结实了,房子才造的起来。在我上课的过程中,我由实际生活出发,向孩子们提问他们的好朋友是谁?大家都很乐意回答并且都答的不错,但是越是上下去,我觉得问题就逐渐冒出来了,怎样提高孩子学习表演的兴趣,这就是我在课堂上的首要任务。我自我反思觉得每一环节的引导我做的不够好,总是缺点东西或者是过程走的太快,让幼儿一下子有些跟不上脚步;其次,没有向外拓展,只是围绕儿歌进行,其实在第一环节中我就可

以利用提问向幼儿介绍很多平时我们相互之间打招呼的方式,让孩子们学会知识的迁移,为下环节儿歌教学做好铺垫,结果在这以环 2/3 节中缺少梳理,使之孩子们对于打招呼的方式太过于局限、想不到更多的方法,让小朋友们学习儿歌受到阻碍。我的另一个不足之处就是对教材的分析不够,《纲要》中指出要创造性的运用教学材料,我在这点上明显做的不到位。我使用的儿歌本身就已经做到押韵,但是从孩子读起来郎朗上口方面,我却考虑不周。孩子们更多的语句还是生活,从生活中惯用的句式改变成押韵的儿歌,孩子们恐怕一下子难以做到,所以在念儿歌时,小朋友们常常会出现平时生活中的惯用的语句,而且怎么提示也改变不了。从我自身出发,是否可以适当的改变一下儿歌的语句,使他更口语化,与孩子们的生活句相结合,这样在学习的时候孩子才能读的更好,学的更快!从这次的汇报课,让我又有了一次学习的机会,逐步的学习更多的课堂回应方式,更多的课堂组织能力,并且事后有了包园长的提点与梳理整堂课的过程,更是清晰的了解了这堂语言的重点应该放在哪里,孩子们应该从中学习到什么知识,使用怎样的方式方法能有助于教学的效率推进。总之,前前后后的准备过程就是我学习的开始,这一系列的经过是我成长的过程,每一次的上课就是一次收获的机会,我珍惜每次教学汇报,希望能更快成长!3/3 教学资料参考参考范本《幼儿教育》-幼儿园小班汇报课《好朋友》课后反思精选撰写人:__________________ 部门:
