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当前位置:文档库 › 生活大爆炸--第12季第17集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看电影学英语-打印-word版


Previously on The Big Bang Theory... 《生活大爆炸》前情提要

The drug I've been working on 过去五年来我一直在研发的药

for the past five years just got approved by the FDA. 被食品药物管理局批准上市了Congratulations.


Was that the decongestant you developed? 是你研发的解充血药吗

No, we had

to rebrand that as a solvent for mining equipment.



It's her anti-inflammatory drug. 是她的消炎药啦

Yep, three years of testing and no reported side effects. 经过三年的测试



Hmm, so it works. 所以这药真的有效

Well, congratulations, I'm so happy for you. 太恭喜你啦真为你开心

Yeah, well, I'm happy for you 我也为你开心啊

because I want you to head up my sales team. 因为我想让你来领导这药的销售团队Really? Me? Don't you want someone with more experience? 真的假的我吗


No, the job's all yours. 不这职位是你的了

All right, now I'm sure some of you are wondering, 听我说我相信你们会有人纳闷

"Who is this woman? "这个女人是谁

How did she get to be in charge of the sales team? 她凭什么负责销售团队

Is it because she's friends with Dr. Rostenkowski?" 就因为她是罗斯滕科斯基博士的朋友吗" Because she is. 她是的

"Is it because she was Miss Cornhusker 2001 "因为她是2001年内布拉斯加州小姐

and still fits in those very same jeans?" 而且还能穿上当年的旧牛仔裤吗"

Because she was, and she does 她曾是的而那牛仔裤

and they're actually a little baggy. 不但还能穿还有点松了

and they're actually a little baggy. 时至今日

"And the absence of side effects means that Inflaminex "而无副作用则表示炎立大

Can be taken in conjunction with other medications. 能与其它药品同时服用

It's a brand-new day." 这是崭新的一天"

Such a good tagline, I forgot, who came up with that? 这口号真是太赞了我忘了


- You did. - That's right, I did. -是你 -没错就是老娘

Okay, I know it's late 好啦我知道很晚了

and I've been working you guys really hard, 而且我也让你们高强度作业一整天了

so I have a little treat for you. 所以我要给你们一点奖赏



- We get to go home? - 不是



You get to stay here and get vitamin B12 shots. 是让你们获得加班并注射维他命B12的机会Oh, my God. You guys are still here? 天啊你们还在这里啊

We're happy to be here. It's a brand-new day. 我们很高兴在这里这是崭新的一天

It's 12: 15, it's literally a brand-new day. 现在12点15 真的是崭新的一天了

Everybody go home. 大家回家吧

All right, fine. Go, get out of here. 行吧行吧都回家吧

Go on. 走吧

I think things are going pretty good. 我觉得工作进展得很不错呢

Are you aware that Dave's in the break room crying? 你知道戴夫在休息室里哭吗

Yeah, I told him if he's gonna be a crybaby, 知道啊我说如果他要像婴儿哭哭唧唧

go to the break room. 那就滚去休息室里哭

I just really want to be prepared for this conference. 我是真的很想要为展会做好十足准备嘛You're gonna do great. 你肯定会表现很好

- You really think so? - Of course; they're scared of you, -你真这么认为吗 -当然啦


you're scared of me-- The system works. 而你怕我这体系很有效

Okay, Howie, I'm going. 好了华仔我要走啦



- Have a great conference. - 谢谢



Remember, I'm leaving you with two babies. 听好了我把两个宝宝交给你

I expect to see two babies when I get back, 我希望回来也能看到两个宝宝

and they better be the same two babies because I'll know. 而且最好是同样的两个宝宝


I think I'm capable of babysitting. 我还是有能力当好保姆的

Don't call it babysitting; they're your children. 什么当保姆啊他们是你亲生孩子

It's called parenting. 这叫带娃

What's the difference? 区别在哪吗

You don't get paid. 区别是没薪水拿

Now, the emergency contacts are on the fridge 别忘了紧急事故电话号贴在冰箱上了

and I left money for food on the table. 饭钱我留在桌上了

Oh, sounds like I do get paid. 感觉我还是有酬劳的嘛

Don't worry. 别担心啦

I got this covered. 我能搞定

I know you do. 我知道你可以

Quick question, where are the kids right now? 快问快答孩子们现在在哪

They're upstairs. 他们在楼上

- They're at daycare. - They're at daycare? -他们在托儿所 -他们在托儿所吗


Why are you messing with me?!


- They're upstairs! - 你干嘛要糊弄我啊


Wow. That's a lot of luggage for a weekend. 出去一个周末准备这么多行李啊

I know. 是啊

I didn't know what to wear, so I brought a few options. 我不知道该穿什么


Was one of the options the option to never come back? 选择里有包含一走了之再也不回来吗I just really want this weekend to go well. 我真的很希望这周末能顺顺利利

Doesn't answer my question, but okay. 答不对题但行吧

I love you. 我爱你


- I love you, too. - 谢啦




And you're gonna do great. 你肯定会表现得很棒

Just relax, stay out of your head, and try to enjoy it. 放轻松不要想太多尽量享受过程吧Aw. That reminds me of what I said to you 这话让我想起了

the first time we slept together. 我们第一次"睡"时我对你说的话

I still use it. It's a mantra. 那话像个祷文我现在"办事"前还念念呢

Oh, thank goodness! 谢天谢地

I caught you before you left. 我赶在你走之前找到你了

I'm just going for the weekend. 我只是离开一个周末而已啊

Just the weekend. 只离开一个周末

You all heard her say it. 你们都要为我作证啊

- So, your convention is in San Diego, right? - Yes. -你们展会是在圣地亚哥对吧 -对Great. I need you to settle a bet for Amy and me. 很好我需要你为我跟艾米的一个赌做判决I say, when it's not Comic-Con, 我说非漫展时期

no one will be dressed as superheroes. 不会有人装扮成超级英雄

And I say fewer people will be dressed as superheroes 我说只是比较少人会装扮成超级英雄but still some. 但还是有的

A crazy person in a cape doesn't count. 围披风的疯子可不算数

Mm, why not? It counts at Comic-Con. 为什么漫展里就算数啊

Also, if you get a chance to sneak into Hall H, 另外如果你有机会溜进H馆

last year, I left my neck pillow under my seat. 我去年把我的颈枕忘在座位底下了

Uh, third row, second from the aisle. 第三排走道旁第二个座位

I'll see what I can do. 我尽量吧

Thank you. At least there will be one superhero in San Diego. 谢谢


So, Leonard, what are you gonna do while Penny's away? 佩妮不在时你有何安排啊莱纳德I don't know. 不知道

Maybe watch a movie with subtitles. 或许看一部需要字幕的电影吧

If you're looking for something outside the norm, 如果你想做一点平常不做的事情

I have invented a new chess variant 我发明了一种国际象棋新玩法

where the bishops can also move like knights. 主教们也可以像骑士们那样移动What do you call that, Bishops Be Crazy? 这要怎么叫主教门夹头吗

First of all, 首先

it would be "Bishops Are Crazy." 应该是"主教们被夹头"

Not if you're being crazy. 头被门夹的是你

Checkmate. 将死

Hey, guys. 各位好啊




- Hey. - 你来啦


Where are the kids? 孩子们呢

I thought they were with you. 我以为他们和你在一起

- What? No! - I... I'm kidding. -什么没有 -我开玩笑而已

They're at daycare. 他们在托儿所呢

What about me makes you think my heart can handle that joke?


You guys want to come hang out at my place this weekend? 你们这周末想来我家玩吗So we can help you babysit? 来你家好当保姆吗

Uh, it's not babysitting. 怎么会是当保姆呢

They're my children. 是照顾我的娃

They're not our children. 但他们又不是我们的孩子

Oh. Well, for you guys, then, it is babysitting. 那对你们来说就是当保姆了

No offense, Howard, 无意冒犯霍华德

but I don't want to spend my weekend 但我不想整个周末

around your loud, sticky babies. 都围着你那又吵又黏乎乎的孩子转

You can't insult my kids. I am offended. 不许你侮辱我孩子我被冒犯了

N-No, you can't be. I said "no offense." 这可不行我提前说过无意冒犯了

That's like "no backsies" but for offense. 这就像是冒犯版的"不许反悔"一样

What do you say? We'll play some board games. 你们认为如何我们可以一起玩桌游

It'll be like a party. 就像是派对一样

Three guys playing a board game 三个大男人一起玩桌游

doesn't sound like much of a party. 听起来可不像是派对

Someone doesn't remember college very well. 看来某人是忘了自己大学时光了

As opposed to the leading nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, 与市场常见的非甾体类抗炎药不同our product greatly reduces the risk of ulcers. 我们的产品大大降低了溃疡的风险

So it won't burn a hole in your stomach. 所以它不会在你的胃上烧个洞

And it won't burn a hole in your wallet, either! 同时也不会在你的钱包上烧个洞哦

Okay. 好了

I got this. 我能搞定

Thank you for stopping by. 感谢你们光临

It's a brand-new day! 这是崭新的一天

See? You're doing great. 看你不是做得很好吗

Mediocre actress, great drug pusher. 演技不咋地卖药挺在行

Who knew? 谁能猜得到呢

Inflaminex, huh? 炎立大吗

So what can you tell me about it? 给我详细讲解一下吧

- Well, we... - Oh, don't waste your time. -我们... -别浪费时间了

His name is Danny. He works for one of the other drug companies. 他叫丹尼


Hey, nothing wrong with checking out the competition. 来对手这里探探虚实也没什么错吧Aw, we don't see you as competition. 我们还没有把你当成是对手

You should. 别看不起人

Our anti-inflammatory is hitting the market this year, too. 我们的消炎药今年也要上市了

Well, ours has zero drug interaction risk. 我们在药物相互作用方面的风险是零哦Yeah. So does an Altoid. 薄荷糖也是

Speaking of Altoids, 说到薄荷糖

why don't you go get one? 你怎么不去来一片呢

Okay. 好了

Let's everyone calm down. 大家都冷静一下

If you can't find a pill for that here, 如果你在这儿没找到能让你冷静的药

then you're not trying hard enough. 那你一定是还找得不够仔细

It's all right. 没事

I'll go. 我走就是

I don't know what it is about that guy, 我不知道那人是哪点不对劲

but he just gets on my nerves. 反正我就是看他不顺眼

Well, you scared the bad man away. 你把坏人都吓走了

Who's a good girl? 真是乖乖小狗狗啊

They're still asleep. 他们还在睡觉呢

Apparently, when I put someone down for a nap, 每次我让人小憩一下时

they sleep hard. 他们都会睡得很死

That's a weird brag, Howard. 自夸这点听起来很诡异啊霍华德

I'll get it. 我去开门

Bernadette thinks I have poor parenting skills. 伯纳黛特还觉得我特别不会带娃呢Maybe she's basing that on your poor husbanding skills.


Who can say? 谁知道呢

I'm bad at a lot of things. 我不擅长的事可多了

I didn't think you were coming. 我以为你们不来呢

Um, I changed my mind. 我改主意了

I thought it'd be fun to spend some time with your children.


Where are the little scamps? 那些小流氓在哪里



I'm sorry.


- "Scamps"? - 抱歉

Tykes. Rug rats. 小崽子小淘气

What is the PC term these days? 如今的政治正确叫法是什么来着

What's going on? 你这是怎么了

We were in the bookstore, and I found this. 我们在一家书店找到了这个Experimenting with Babies: 《和婴儿一起做实验

50 Amazing Science Projects You Can Perform on Your Kid.


You can't experiment on his kids. 你不能拿他的孩子做实验

Yeah, you're not their father. 你又不是他们的爸爸

You can't experiment on my kids. 你不能拿我的孩子做实验

Fine. Can I at least play a game with them? 好吧那我至少可以和他们玩个游戏吧Perhaps... 也许...

How Developed is Your Peripheral Vision? 测测你们的周边视觉发展得如何

Mine's great. I saw that. 我的周边视觉棒极了我看到你的表情了

You know, these experiments are pretty harmless. 这些实验都挺无害的

There's one where you just put the baby in front of a mirror 这一个是把宝宝放在镜子前and you watch them watch themselves. 然后观察他们观察自己

That sounds adorable. Let me see. 听起来好有爱让我看看

How come when she talks about experiments on babies, 怎么她说拿宝宝做实验

you think it's adorable, but when I do it, 你就觉得很有爱而我提起的时候

everyone gets upset? 每个人都一脸嫌弃

I think I can speak for all of us. 我想我可以代表大家回答这个问题

You're just creepy. 因为你这人就是很诡异

No offense. 无意冒犯哦

Hey, this one we can do with both Michael and Halley. 这个实验可以同时用麦克和哈雷做It's called Grabby Hands. 叫做小手爱抓抓

Wasn't that your nickname in high school? 这不是你高中的外号吗

No, it was Mama's Boy. 不我的外号叫妈宝男

But the joke was on them, because I love my mom. 但我一点不害臊因为我就爱我的妈咪Guys, listen, 各位听着

you secure them both in car seats 你把孩子放在安全座椅里固定好

and slowly spin a toy 然后用绳子吊起一个玩具

at the end of the string above them. 在他们面前慢慢转动

The younger baby tends to reach 年幼的孩子会试图

with either hand, 用任意一只手去抓

and the older baby prefers the dominant hand. 年长的孩子倾向于用惯用手去抓

That is kind of interesting. 听起来很有趣呀

And it's not really experimenting on the kids. 这不太算是拿孩子做实验

It's more like experimenting with the kids. 更像是和孩子一起做实验

Well, I guess if you think about it, 我想如果你认真思考一下的话

it's kind of like playing games with them. 这更像是和他们一起玩游戏

Okay, you know what, 这样吧

when they wake up, we can try one or two of these. 等他们睡醒了我们可以尝试一两个Yay! 耶

I said, "Yay!" 我说了"耶"

Thank you. It's a brand-new day. 谢谢你又是崭新的一天

Wow, we got a pretty good crowd here. 来我们展位的人好多呀

I know. But not as big as that booth. 是啊但没那边展位的人多

What's going on over there? 那边在搞什么

Yeah, that's Chantix. 那是戒烟药"畅沛"

Ray Liotta's signing autographs until 2:00. 两点前男星雷·利奥塔都在那边签名

Hey, I thought we weren't supposed to have our phones in the booth.


That's a "you" rule, not a "me" rule. 那是规定你不是规定我

Hey, can I help you? 你好有什么能帮到你吗

Actually, I'm looking for the bathroom. 其实我在找洗手间

Ah, yes. It's right next to the laxative booth. 就在泻药展位旁边

Clever, right? 这安排好机智不是吗

So we meet again. 我们又见面了

Oh, yeah. Uh, Danny, right? How's your launch going? 你叫丹尼对吧


Good. 很好

Is Dr. Rostenkowski around? 罗斯滕科斯基博士在吗

No, she stepped out for a call, although I wouldn't be surprised 不在她出去接电话了


if she's in line to meet Ray Liotta. 见雷·利奥塔我也不意外

Yeah. Something tells me she's not crazy about me. 有什么告诉我她不太喜欢我

Yeah. Something tells me that, too, and it was her. 是啊也有什么告诉我了就是她本人Well, it doesn't matter, I was actually hoping to talk to you. 没关系我其实是想跟你聊聊-



- Really? 是的



You've done a terrific job with Inflaminex. 炎立大的销售工作你做得很棒

We're always on the lookout for great salespeople. 我们一直在寻找优秀的销售人员

I think we could make you happy. 我想我们能让你快乐

Uh, thanks, but I'm pretty happy. 谢了不过我现在就挺快乐的

- I could be more happy. - Tell it to your shrink, Karen. -我可以更快乐点 -跟你心理医生说去凯伦

Hey, Howie, everything okay? 华仔没出什么事吧

Yeah, everything's great. 一切都很好

I was just wondering if we had any large barbecue tongs. 我就想问问我们家有没有大烧烤夹Uh, bottom left drawer. Are you guys grilling? 底层左边那个抽屉里你们在烧烤吗

Nope, just playing games with the kids. 不是只是要跟孩子们玩游戏

Why do you need tongs? 那为什么要用到夹子

Love you, too, bye. 我也爱你再见

I-I bet Michael grabs it before Halley. 我肯定麦克会比哈雷先抓

Not a chance. 做梦

Halley's a year older, you know she's gonna get it first. 哈雷比他大一岁你知道她会先抓到的I just think he wants it more. Come on. 我只是觉得他更想要玩具加油

Come on, you got this. You got this, Michael 加油你可以的你可以的麦克

Grab it. Grab it, Halley. I believe in you. 抓住抓住呀哈雷我相信你行

Oh! That was so close. Just keep on trying. 差一点就成功了继续努力啊

Hey. Hey, y-you guys want to make this more interesting? 你们想让这个变得更有意思吗



By establishing a double-blind protocol 通过制定双盲试验计划

so we have a foundation to publish? Yes. 这样我们才有发表论文的基础吗好啊

Look, here's my card. Maybe we can get a drink this weekend. 这是我的名片


Oh, I don't know. I'm pretty busy. 我说不好我挺忙的

I have to inventory all the giveaways. 我得清点赠品存货

Hey, beat it. Shoo. 走开滚蛋

So what did he want? 他想干嘛

He offered her a job.

- Nothing. - 他挖她过去工作




No one likes a tattletale, Karen. 没人喜欢打小报告的人凯伦

So, what's up, traitor? 怎么回事叛徒

Dammit, Karen. 凯伦你个大嘴巴

Okay, you want to engage the babies. 首先需要引起宝宝们的注意

The subjects. 你是指试验对象

- The babies. - Fine. The babies. -是宝宝们 -好吧宝宝们

Baby-A and Baby-B. 宝宝A和宝宝B

Engage them for a minute and take note of their reactions. 引起他们注意然后记下他们的反应There's something familiar about all this. 这一切看起来好眼熟

Okay, go. 开始

Hello, baby. 你好呀宝宝

Are you having a pleasant day? 你今天过得愉快吗

Oh, my G-- This is my entire childhood. 天啊我整个童年就是这么过的

Leonard, Leonard, you're tainting my data. 莱纳德莱纳德你污染我的数据了

Uh, it's like word for word. 简直一字不差

- How much time is left? - 35 seconds. -还剩多少时间 -35秒

Oh really? He's not reacting at all. 真的吗他完全没反应

Sheldon, he's a baby. 谢尔顿他还是个宝宝

That's not how you talk to him, okay? J-Just watch. 你用这种方式跟他说话不对看我的Hey. 嗨

Halley. 哈雷

Who's your favorite uncle? 谁是你最喜欢的叔叔呀

Unka Koo. 库蜀黍

I got a dud, let's switch. 我这孩子是坏的我们交换

Keep trying. It's for science. 继续尝试这是为了科学

Is that all I was to her? 我对她来说就只有这意义吗

Just an experiment? 只是个试验

Michael. Michael, you're making me look bad. 麦克麦克你让我好没面子

I-Interact with me. 跟我互动啊

He grabbed my finger. 他抓住了我的手指

Oh, he's smiling. I'm doing it. 他笑了我做到了

- That's time. - Oh, really? -时间到 -真的吗

Can we do one more? 能再来一次吗

I think these guys need to get some food. 我想宝宝们需要吃点东西了

By pushing a lever at the end 在我们设计的超越障碍训练场

of an obstacle course that we design? 终点推杆获得食物吗

No, by opening the door to a hangar 不是打开飞机库

and letting the airplane fly in. 让飞机飞进去

Although, Sheldon, maybe it could be an experiment. 不过谢尔顿或许可以做个试验Are you suggesting we color-code their food 你是提议我们将他们的食物标上不同颜色so we can examine their diapers later? 然后晚点检查他们的尿布吗

Sure. 好啊

These diapers are gonna be full of data. 这些尿布会装进满满一包"数据"的

I never thought I would see Sheldon enjoying himself 我从没想过会看到谢尔顿跟宝宝around babies so much. 玩得这么开心

Yeah, how about that? 是啊没料到吧

So he just happened to stumble upon a book 所以他就这么刚好在我们准备

about experimenting with them the same day 跟霍华德的孩子们玩的同一天

we were hanging out with Howard's kids? 发现了一本讲跟宝宝做试验的书

Yep, don't overthink it. 对别想太多

Oh, my God. 天啊

At sleepaway camp my cabin was called "Control Group."


I can't believe you took his business card. 你居然收下了他的名片

I can't believe we're still talking about this. 我们居然还在聊这个话题

He handed it to me. What was I supposed to do? 他递给我了我能怎么办

Hand it back to him and tell him 递回给他

to stick it where the sun don't shine. 然后叫他把名片塞菊花里

You are not serious. 你不是认真[严重]的吧

Serious as the hepatitis 跟他们公司的胆固醇药

their cholesterol medication gave thousands of people. 害数千人得的肝炎一样严重

Did it? 真的吗

Maybe. 或许吧

You're not really considering this, are you? 你不是真的在考虑这事吧

I don't know. It's kinda flattering. 我不知道我挺受宠若惊的

Please, he's just using you to get to me. 拜托他接近是想利用你来气我

Or he's trying to get to me 也可能他接近我

because I'm really good at my job. 是因为我的工作能力太强了

Don't be so naive. 别这么天真

They're our number one competitor. 他们是我们的头号竞争对手

They have a rival drug coming out 他们马上就要推出一款竞品药了

with a name I wish we thought of-- Forsootha. 我真希望我们当初也想到这名字了 "服舒洒" It's got "soothe" right in it. 名字里有"舒"又有"服"

How did we miss that? 我们当初怎么就没想到呢

You know, our brand recognition is three times higher than theirs.


And I did that with a stupid product name and no assistant. 哪怕产品名傻逼还没助理


You only have this job because I gave it to you. 你能拥有这份工作是靠我给你的

You know who else was begging you 你知道当初还有谁在求你

to head up their sales team? Nobody. 带领他们的销售团队吗没人

Well, you know who's begging me now? Danny. 你知道现在谁在求我吗丹尼

I can't believe this is how you thank me. 我真不敢相信你这么回报我的恩情

I thanked you by thanking you. 我对你说了谢谢来表达感谢之情

And I sent you that fancy box of pears. 我还送了你一盒豪华高档梨

What am I supposed to do with 20 pears? 你要我怎么处理20个梨

Have a pear party? 办个梨子派对吗

Ooh, a juicy pear. 这梨水真多啊

Where are the kids? 孩子们去哪儿了

Oh, Sheldon's helping Howard give them a bath. 谢尔顿在帮霍华德给孩子们洗澡

So you really think 所以你真的认为

you can trick Sheldon into liking babies? 你可以骗谢尔顿喜欢孩子吗

I slept with him; I married him. 我睡了他嫁了他

You want to bet against me? 你想跟我对赌吗

Oh, you were right, Amy. 你说得对艾米

There were so many valuable experiments 在洗澡的时候可以对他们

to perform on them during bath time. 做好多宝贵的实验哦

You don't say. 可不是嘛

I do. I tested their object permanence with a rubber duck, 真的


and we took a run at Archimedes' water displacement, 我们还尝试了阿基米德的浮力定律but that went right over their heads. 但是水直接淹没了他们的脑袋

Well, I'm glad you had a good day. 我很高兴你今天玩得很开心

I did. It's so funny, 是啊说起来真有趣

we did all these experiments on them 我们在他们身上做了那么多实验

and they didn't even notice. 他们却丝毫没有注意到

I know, I was worried it would be obvious, but it wasn't. 我懂我本来也担心太明显


I guess we should go and let Howard get them ready for bed. 我觉得我们应该走了


Yeah. Do you think he'd let us come back 好吧你觉得他还会让我们再来

and do some more? 做更多实验吗

Maybe we could take them to the park. 或许我们可以带他们去公园

Smart. There'll be more babies. 好机智那里会有更多的宝宝

It's a bigger sample size. 就有更多的样本量了

Where did Leonard go? 莱纳德去哪儿了

Just tell me the truth, Mother. 跟我说实话吧妈

Was my whole childhood just one big experiment? 我的整个童年就是一个大实验吗

Of course not, dear. 当然不是啦亲爱的

It was thousands of small experiments. 是成千上万个小实验

So that's all I was to you, a-a test subject? 所以我对你而言就是个实验对象吗

No, you were my baby and I found you fascinating. 不你是我的宝贝我觉得你很棒Really? 真的吗

Yes, watching you develop, tracking your progress. 是的看着你成长追踪你的发展过程

I know I'm not the warmest of parents, 我知道我不是最温暖贴心的父母

but it was time we spent together, 但我们曾经一起共度的时光

and, honestly, those are some of my fondest memories. 说实话那是我最喜欢的美好记忆之一When did you stop? 你什么时候停止实验的

Oh, I can't tell you, the experiment isn't over. 我无法告诉你实验还没结束呢

Zangen's a fine company. 你们公司的确是不错

They got a couple of good drugs, 手上有几款好药

but we control 60% of the market. 但我们掌控了60%的市场

Hell, commissions on just our fungal creams 光是卖真菌乳膏所能获得的抽成

will put you in a new Mercedes. 就能让你买一辆全新的奔驰车了

Danny. Danny, look at me. 丹尼丹尼看着我

Does this face sell fungal creams? 你看我这张脸像卖真菌乳膏的吗

No. This face is cholesterol drugs and above. 不这张脸只卖胆固醇药及更高级的药Playing hard to get, huh? 玩高冷难泡是吧

No one's ever accused me of that before. 以前还从来没人这么说过我呢

Look, why don't I just give you a number 不如我直接告诉你一个数字

and see what you think? 然后你考虑看看吧

Ooh, are-are you gonna write it on a napkin 你是要写在纸巾上

and slide it over to me? 然后推到我这边来吗

No, I was just gonna say it. 不我打算直接说出来

Do you want me to write it on a napkin


and slide it over to you? 然后推到你那边吗

Yah. 当然啦

You got it. 没问题

Danny, you rat bastard. 丹尼你个无耻的混蛋

What? I'm just making your friend an offer. 怎么了我只是给你的朋友开个价而已Yeah, he's writing it on a napkin like in the movies. 没错他会像电影里那样写在纸巾上That's not an offer. 这什么狗屁价啊

Do you know how amazing this girl is? 你知道这姑娘有多出色吗

- Aw. You think I'm amazing? - Stay out of this. -天啊你觉得我很出色吗 -别多嘴

I'm serious.. 我说的是真的

Not only is she a helluva salesperson, 她不仅仅是极其出色的销售

she's the hardest worker I've ever seen. 也是我见过的工作最勤奋刻苦的人

I know, that's why I'm trying to steal her from you. 我知道所以我才想把她从你手中偷过来Well, then you're gonna have to do a lot better than this, 那你可得开一个比这高得多的价because I promise you, 因为我向你保证

I'm not gonna let her go without a fight. 我不会毫不反抗轻松放走她的

You do not want that, she's a biter. 你不会想要跟她作对的她是个母狮子

Just think about it. 考虑一下吧

You know, I don't have to. 其实我没什么好想的

Thanks, but I'm happy where I am. 谢谢你但我对现在的工作很满意

Let's go. 我们走吧

Can I just see what he wrote on the napkin? 我能看看他在纸巾上写的数字是多少吗What napkin? 什么纸巾

You know, spending time with Michael and Halley today 今天跟麦克和哈雷一起玩really made me think about our future children. 让我开始想我们未来的孩子

What an interesting and completely unforeseen development. 真是有趣又出乎意料的发展What are you thinking? 你在想些什么

Well, I just can't decide. 我无法做决定

Either five sets of triplets 是生五组三胞胎

or three sets of quintuplets. 还是三组五胞胎

You know what? It doesn't matter as long as they're healthy. 算了只要他们健健康康的这都不重要

And divisible by three. 还有能被三整除就行

That's a lot of babies, Sheldon. 那简直是超生足球队了谢尔顿

Oh, only for humans. 只是对人类来说比较多而已

For frogs, it's just a drop in the bucket. 对青蛙来说那数量可少得很

Well, I'm sorry I'm not a frog. 我很抱歉我不是青蛙

Oh, don't feel bad, Amy. 别难过艾米

You're good enough for me. 你也够我凑合了

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