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The Literature of Realism

陈银2014/4/12 Lecture7 Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)


1.Life Experience

2.Dreiser’s major works

3.Analysis of Sister Carrie

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/3f19181635.html,ments on Theodore Dreiser’s style

5.Dreiser’s literary naturalism

Life Experience

Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, on August 27, 1871

From the age of fifteen,he earned meager support from a variety of menial jobs

In 1889, a year study at Indiana University

From 1892 to 1902, he worked as an itinerant journalist.

In 1990, Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie was published.

In 1910, he resigned to write Jannie Gerharat

In 1904, he was on the way to several successful years as an editor.

In 1925, his novel An American Tragedy Published.

In 1927, he visited the Soviet Union and published Dreiser Looks at Russia

In 1945, he joined the Communist Party of America

On December 28

Dreiser was died.

Dreiser’s Major Works

1)Sister Carrie ?嘉莉妹妹?

2)Jennie Gerhardt ?珍妮姑娘?

3)The Trilogy of Desire?欲望三步曲?

(1) The Financier?金融家?

(2) The Titan?巨人?

(3) The Stoic?斯尔葛?

4) The Genius?天才? an autobiographical work

5) An American Tragedy?美国悲剧?(it was banned in Boston in 1927)

6)The Bulwark《堡垒》

Analysis of Sister Carrie


Dissatisfied with life in her rural Wisconsin home, 18-year-old Caroline "Sister Carrie" Meeber takes the train to Chicago, where her older sister Minnie, and her husband Sven Hanson, have agreed to take her in.

Carrie takes a job running a machine in a shoe factory. One day, after an illness that costs her job, she encounters Drouet on a street. He persuades her to leave her sister and move in with him. Drouet installs her in a much larger apartment, and their relationship intensifies as Minnie dreams about her sister's fall from innocence. By the time Drouet introduces Carrie to George Hurstwood,

the manager of Fitzgerald and Moy's. Hurstwood, becomes infatuated with Carrie’s youth and beauty, they start an affair, communicating and meeting secretly in the expanding, anonymous city.

Drouet discovers he has been cuckolded, Carrie learns that Hurstwood is married, and Hurstwood’s wife, Julia, learns from an acquaintance that Hurstwood has been out driving w ith another woman and deliberately excluded her from the Elks theatre night. Hurstwood mollifies Carrie by agreeing to marry her, and the couple move to New Y ork City.

In New Y ork, Hurstwood and Carrie rent a flat where they live as George and Carrie Wheeler. Hurstwood buys a minority interest in a saloon, at first, is able to provide Carrie with a satisfactory. After only a few years, the saloon’s landlord sells the property and Hurstwood’s business partner expresses his intent to terminate the partnership.

Carrie turns to New Y ork’s theatres for employment and becomes a chorus girl.Hurstwood ultimately joins the homeless of New Y ork, taking odd jobs, falling ill with pneumonia, and finally becoming a beggar.


Caroline Meeber:

a.k.a. Carrie, a young woman from rural Wisconsin; the protagonist.

Minnie Hanson

Carrie's dour elder sister who lives in Chicago and puts her up on arrival.

Sven Hanson

Minnie's husband, of Swedish extraction and taciturn temperament.

Charles H. Drouet

a buoyant traveling salesman Carrie meets on the train to Chicago.

George W. Hurstwood

a well-to-do, sophisticated man who manages Hannah and Hogg's resort.


American Dream

Each of Dreiser’s characters in Sister Carrie search for their own “American Dreams”-the ones offered by a growing and prosperous democratic country. Carrie, a poor country girl, arrives in Chicago, filled with the expectations of acquiring the finer things in life.

Change and T ransformation

Carrie and Hurstwood undergo dramatic changes from the beginning of the novel to the end. Though gradual, their transformations create immediate repercussions along the way.

Choices and Consequences

Hurstwood makes one choice that dramatically affects the rest of his life. While all choices result in consequences, those consequences can be positive or negative. Hurstwood’s decision to take the money from his employer’s safe starts his downward spiral to his eventual suicide.


In the early 1900s, the morals and virtues of the V ictorian era still guided people’s actions. People with proper upbringing did not speak of sex.

The public was shocked that Dreiser’s characters so openly participated in explicit relationships and that Dreiser seemed to condone it.

Class Conflict

Industrial growth brought the United States a period of prosperity during the late 1800s and early 1900s. Factory workers, however, not only earned low incomes, but they also worked long hours. Consequently, a wide division existed between the wealthy and the poor.

Throughout Sister Carrie, the distinction between social classes is obvious. The clothes people wear, the homes in which they live, and the activities in which they are involved distinguish the rich from the poor.


Experiences contribute greatly to shaping people’s identities. Carrie’s transformation from the beginning of the novel to the end occurs as a result of her responses to her experiences. she never really has an identity but adjusts her “act”to fit the situation.

Dreiser’s Style

?Dreiser's style has been a controversial aspect of his work from the beginning

?awkward in sentence structure

?dramatized the life in a very realistic way

?not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve

Dreiser’s literary naturalism

?As a genre, naturalism emphasized heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances.

?Man is a “victim of forces over which he has no control.”

?life is "so sad, so strange, so mysterious and so inexplicable."


?How do you think the character Martin Eden and Sister Carrie? Who do you like?


?Do you think they are similar in their success? Why or Why not?

?How do you view Sister Carrie’s choice (to be lover of two man)? Do you approve her choice? Why or why not?


Chapter 3 The Romantic Period-the English Literature A basic introduction to the romantic period. 1) Began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge's Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott's death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. 2) what are the characxteristics of the Romantic literature? A) In poetry writing, the Romantics employed new theories and innovated new techniques, for example, the preface to the second edition of the "Lyrical Ballads"acts as a manifesto for the new school B)The Romantics not only extol the faculty of Ballads acts as a manifesto for the new school. B) The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration. C) They regarded nature as the major source of poetic imagery and the dominant subject. D) Romantics also tend to be nationalistic. 3) The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, shelley and Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. 4) We can say that Romanticism actually consitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer 1) Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet , shwoing a contempt for the rule of reason,i th l i l t diti f th 18th t d t i th i di id l'i i ti )y y g world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. In essence it designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience.William Blake opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century, and treasuring the individual's imagination.2) The Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings; his Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery,poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone . 3) particularly the practice of selling young children into apprenticeships, a practice which provides the context for the opening lines of the "Chimney Sweeper." The two "Chimney Sweeper" poems are good examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance,i.e.the exploitation of child labor,examples to reveal the relation between an economic circumstance, i.e. the exploitation of child labor,and an ideological cir cumstance, i.e. the role played by religion in making people compliant to exploitation. The poem from the Songs of Innocence indicates the conditions which make religion a consolation, a prospect of "illusory happiness;" the poem from the Songs of Experience reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children. 4) Blake's Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity(天堂与地狱的结合一诗标志着他创作上的成熟). 5) The Bok of Urizen, The Book of Los, The Four Zoas, and Milton (尤来森之书,洛斯之书,四个左义斯,弥尔顿)。 The Tyger The Chimney Sweeper ( from Songs of Innocence/Experien ce)


What’s symbolism? 1)Symbolism is a movement in literature and the visual arts that originated in France in the late 19th century. In literature, symbolism was an aesthetic movement that encouraged writers to express their ideas, feelings, and values by means of symbols or suggestions rather than by direct statements. Hawthorne and Melville are masters of symbolism in America in the 19th century. 2)举例。

48. “Young Goodman Brown ”is one of Hawthorne ’s most profound tales. What is the allegorical meaning of Brown, the protagonist? What does Hawthorne set out to prove in this tale? How does Melville comment on Hawthorne ’s manner of concerning with guilt and evil?

**ELIZABETH **4. A comparison of the three giants: William Dean Howells; Mark Twain; and Henry James They are the three dominant figures of the realistic period. The forerunner of American Realism is Howells. Though the three writers wrote more or less at the same time, they differed in their understanding of the “truth.”While Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the “life”of the Americans, Henry James had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the “inner world”of man. Though Twain and Howells both shared the same concern in presenting the truth of the American society, they had each of them different emphasis. Howells focused his discussion on the rising middle class and the way they lived, while Twain preferred to have his own region and people at the forefront of his stories. This particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “local colorism,”a unique variation (变体) of American literary realism.


北外英美文学专业初试复试备考经验及 03—06真题 准备考研的时间不长,只有三个月,总结起来两大经验吧,细节和节奏。细节是说考研要做个有心人,要勤看别人的经验,即使不是一个方向的。因为虽然准备的内容不同,但过程都是一样的(讲到底也只有专二不同)。学习别人的经验自己才能避免走别人的弯路,犯别人犯过的错误。节奏是说时间的充分利用,时间不在长短而在效率的高低,要根据自己的情况制定合适的复习计划。在这里给大家小小的鼓励一下:永远不要觉得时间不够用,也永远不要觉得这是不可能完成的的任务。当然要基于自身实力和现实的考虑,我相信大家都明白我的意思。等到真正做到了,你就是那个“传说”。 政治:六十多分没什么经验。。。。。。总的感觉是过线不拉分就好因为进入复试政治和二外就不算分了,不要给自己太大的压力,不要浪费过多的时间,节省下来精力好好看专业。 法语:学校用的是很老的橘黄色皮的《法语》,先复习一遍,把忘掉的知识捡回来。然后把历年真题研究一遍,考察的知识点就那么多,有的题基本没变隔年又考一次。从图书馆借来新大学法语1-3,从头到尾梳理知识点整理笔记。因为知道考什么,所以看得有重点。借书的好处之一就是“书非借不能读也”,借来的总要还,有压力就看得快了,而且借的书都少都有点笔记,看看也是很好的。

基英:分阅读,翻译和写作三个部分。像名字一样就是考察英语的基础,所以投机取巧是不可取的,要稳扎稳打地不间断复习。阅读--每天精读一篇1500字左右的新闻,有用的词句整理出来,有兴趣的段落翻一翻,阅读是最好的输入方式,扩大阅读量不言而喻,也对写作和翻译大有益处。翻译--练了叶子南里面几个靠谱的文章,订在一起没事看看,每翻译一篇都会看到自己逐步的进步,翻译得逐渐成熟。写作—写作看的是内容、结构和语法。虽然在考场上不可能三方面都完美,但是写的时候有这样的意识在脑子里,偏也偏不到哪里去。基础自认为还是不错的,所以每天的复习就是一个routine,保持对英语的娴熟度,主要的精力都集中在复习专业上了。 专业:文学选段匹配+小说分析,今年取消了逻辑题。虽然文学的复习范围没边没沿,文学著作浩如烟海;但是恶俗的讲一句,只要是考试,它就有它的侧重点和一定的规律。文学选段匹配--本着上一原则,我把历年真题找来统计了一下每年考得上都是谁的作品,集中在哪几部作品上。统计过后发现大概十人左右而且都是大家Mark Twain, Charles Dicke ns, Wordsworth…然后就拜读他们的大作就好了。小说的话要先看看写作风格,像总考的adventures of huckleberry finn,如果没读过现读是来不及的,但只要了解马克吐温的写作风格,就会在看到南方方言的第一时间想到他老人家。诗歌

高中英语《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight》优质课教案、教学设计

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 教学设计 主题语境:“人与社会”主题群中的主题群“文学、艺术与体育” 话题:文学 适用对象:高二学生 教材分析: 本文是根据一首诗歌改编的故事,取自北师大版高中英语必修模块五Literature Spot。本文篇幅较短,但情节奇特、引人入胜:主要主人公高文爵士勇敢接受生死挑战、抵御贵妇诱惑、守诺引颈直面斧头、含愧回到亚 瑟王宫几个场景组成。 其中,对高文爵士抵御贵妇诱惑这一场景的描述只是只言片语,为了引导学生更好的理解并归纳高文爵士抵御美色诱惑这一品质,教师在教学过程中补充了对这一场景描述的两个段落,使主人公高文爵士的形象更为多面化、更为立体。 本课根据教学内容,引导学生了解主要故事情节,分析人物品质,并从文学角度--背景,探讨文章中骑士精神在当时社会所代表的内涵。

学情分析: 本次授课对象为高二学生,经过高中一年的学习,他们已经能读懂简单读物、报刊、杂志,基本能理解大意;能根据阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略,逐渐形成用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;具有明确的英语学习动机和积极主动的学习态度;已具备较好的小组合作意识,上课勇于回答问题,思维活跃,敢于张嘴说英语,进一步 确保了各个环节的完成,实现学习目标。 课标分析: (一)主题语境 “人与社会”主题群中的主题群“文学、艺术与体育”。 (二)语篇类型 选修I 2. 记叙文,如:小说、科幻故事、幽默故事等。 具体解读“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”是一篇小说的概要,通过了 解主要故事情节,分析骑士具备的品质,并总结这本小说所承载的文化 意义。 (三)语言知识


英美文学 玄学派:是指17世纪英国文坛出现的一个独特的诗歌流派。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用“奇喻”的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。它们往往以精致典雅的形式表现情感与观念的矛盾,把古典主义的性情与浪漫主义的风骨很好地融合到了一起。骑士文学盛行于西欧,反映了骑士阶层的生活理想。骑士精神和道德是上层社会的贵族文化精神,它是以个人身份的优越感为基础的道德与人格精神,但它也积淀这西欧民族远古尚武精神的某些积极因素。 三联剧:在古希腊悲剧创作中,有一类悲剧均由三部分组成,每部分即能独立存在,各部之间又有紧密联系。这种剧合则为一,分则为三,代表作家为埃斯库罗斯。 文艺复兴:是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。 人文主义:是文艺复兴核心思想,是新兴资产阶级反封建的社会思潮,也是资产阶级人道主义的最初形式。它肯定人性和人的价值,要求享受人世的欢乐,要求人的个性解放和自由平等,推崇人的感性经验和理性思维。 七星诗社:是16世纪中期法国的一个文学团体,是由七位人文主义诗人组成的文学团体。他们中以龙沙和杜贝莱最著名。七星诗社的诗人们从事过各种创作,他们的诗声望很高,但他们的主要贡献却是对于法语改革的主张。 狂飙突进运动:是18世纪德国文学界的运动,是文艺形式从古典主义向浪漫主义过渡时的阶段,也可以说是幼稚时期的浪漫主义。但其中心代表人物是歌德和席勒,歌德的《少年维特的烦恼》是其典型代表作品,表达的是人类内心感情的冲突和奋进精神。 伤感主义:18世纪后期欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动中的一种文艺思潮,也称为“主情主义”。该派的得名,源与英国作家斯特恩的小说《在法国和意大利的感伤的旅行》。该派作家崇尚感情,把感情看的高于“理性”,因而强调文学的主要任务是细致刻画任务的心理动态和描写人物的不幸遭遇,以便唤起读者在感情上的同情和共鸣,表达出对当时贵族阶级的理性主义和古典主义的反抗。伤感主义把个人主义和主观幻想的因素带进文艺,代表作家有英国的斯特恩,理查逊,法国的卢梭(如《忏悔录》《遐想录》),伏尔泰,德国的歌德,里希特,海涅等等。 “梅塘集团”是十九世纪法国文坛由以左拉为核心的六位作家组成的文学创作团体。因在巴黎郊外左拉的梅塘别墅为主要活动场所而得名。一八七O年开始的普法战争,法国战败,被


Chapter 3 ------------The Romantic Period(英国) Romanticism refers to an artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions. Historical background: Rousseau’s ideas provided guiding principles for the French Revolution (1789-1794) The primarily agricultural society had been replaced by a modern industrialized one. Political reforms and mass demonstrations shook the foundation of aristocratic rule in Britain. Cultural background 1.Inspiration for the romantic approach initially came from two great shapers of thought, French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau and German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Rousseau established the cult of the individual and championed the freedom of the human spirit. Goethe and his compatriots extolled the romantic spirit as manifested in German folk songs, Gothic architecture, and the plays of English playwright William Wordsworth. 2. The Romantics saw man essentially as an individual in the solitary state and emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind. Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. 3. In the works of the sentimental writers, we note a new interest in literatures and legends other than those of Greece and Rome. It was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason. Features of the romantic literature 1.Expressiveness: Instead of regarding poetry as “a mirror to nature”, the romantics hold that the object of the artist should be the expression of the artist’s emotions, impressions, or beliefs 2. Imagination: Romantic literature puts great emphasis on the creative function of the imagination, seeing art as a formulation of intuitive, imaginative perceptions that tend to speak a nobler truth than that of fact, logic, or the here and now. 3.Singularity: Romantic poets have a strong love for the remote, the unusual, the strange, the supernatural, the mysterious, the splendid, the picturesque, and the illogical. 4. Worship of nature: Romantic poets see in nature a revelation of Truth, the “living garment of God”. 5.Simplicity: Romantic poets tend to turn to the humble people and the everyday life for subjects, employing the commonplace, the natural and the simple as their materials 6.The Romantic period is an age of poetry. The Romantic period is also a great age of prose. The major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott. Gothic novel was one phase of the Romantic Movement. Its principal elements are violence, horror, and the supernatural Willam Blake Points of view: 1. Politically Blake was a rebel, mixing a good deal with the radicals like Thomas Paine. He strongly criticized the capitalists’cruel exploitation. He cherished great expectations and enthusiasm for the French Revolution and regarded it as a necessary stage leading to the millennium predicted by the biblical prophets. 2. Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet, showing a contempt for the rule of reason, opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century, and treasuring the individual’s imagination. His works: Poetical Sketches (1783) Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790) Songs of Innocence (1809) Songs of Experience (1794) 1. Songs of Innocence (1809)


英美文学框架 英美文学重要笔记,精华版,推荐! Old English 450-1066 Medieval English 1066 - middle 14th century Geoffrey Chaucer - the father of English poetry first time to use 'heroic couplet' The Renaissance - rebirth or revival Humanism - the essence of the Renaissance, the dignity of human being & the importance of the present life Edmund Spenser - the poets' poet Christopher Marlowe - University Wits, the pioneer of English drama Blank verse, hyperbole夸张 the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness pastoral life William Shakespeare - above all writers in the past and in the present time Four tragedies - Hamlet, Othello, King Lear & Macbeth eternal or immortal beauty to praise the friendship between Antonio and Bassanio, to idealize Portia a heroine of great beauty, wit and loyalty, to expose the insatiable greed and brutality hesitate between fact and fiction, language and action, too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger To be, or not to be - to live on in this world or to die; to suffer or to take action Soliloquy or monologue - fully reveal the inner conflict of the characters Francis Bacon - brevity, compactness & powerfulness, his essays is an important landmark in the development of English proseInductive method 归纳法 in place of deductive method 演绎法 uses and benefits


MTI(翻译硕士)百科·英美文学流派整理笔记 玄学派:是指17世纪英国文坛出现的一个独特的诗歌流派。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用“奇喻”的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。它们往往以精致典雅的形式表现情感与观念的矛盾,把古典主义的性情与浪漫主义的风骨很好地融合到了一起。 骑士文学:盛行于西欧,反映了骑士阶层的生活理想。骑士精神和道德是上层社会的贵族文化精神,它是以个人身份的优越感为基础的道德与人格精神,但它也积淀这西欧民族远古尚武精神的某些积极因素。 三联剧:在古希腊悲剧创作中,有一类悲剧均由三部分组成,每部分即能独立存在,各部之间又有紧密联系。这种剧合则为一,分则为三,代表作家为埃斯库罗斯。 文艺复兴:是指13世纪末在意大利各城市兴起,以后扩展到西欧各国,于16世纪在欧洲盛行的一场思想文化运动,带来一段科学与艺术革命时期,揭开了近代欧洲历史的序幕,被认为是中古时代和近代的分界。 人文主义:是文艺复兴核心思想,是新兴资产阶级反封建的社会思潮,也是资产阶级人道主义的最初形式。它肯定人性和人的价值,要求享受人世的欢乐,要求人的个性解放和自由平等,推崇人的感性经验和理性思维。 七星诗社:是16世纪中期法国的一个文学团体,是由七位人文主义诗人组成的文学团体。他们中以龙沙和杜贝莱最著名。七星诗社的诗人们从事过各种创作,他们的诗声望很高,但他们的主要贡献却是对于法语改革的主张。 狂飙突进运动:是18世纪德国文学界的运动,是文艺形式从古典主义向浪漫主义过渡时的阶段,也可以说是幼稚时期的浪漫主义。但其中心代表人物是歌德和席勒,歌德的《少年维特的烦恼》是其典型代表作品,表达的是人类内心感情的冲突和奋进精神。 伤感主义:18世纪后期欧洲资产阶级启蒙运动中的一种文艺思潮,也称为“主情主义”。该派的得名,源与英国作家斯特恩的小说《在法国和意大利的感伤的旅行》。该派作家崇尚感情,把感情看的高于“理性”,因而强调文学的主要任务是细致刻画任务的心理动态和描写人物的不幸遭遇,以便唤起读者在感情上的同情和共鸣,表达出对当时贵族阶级的理性主义和古典主义的反抗。伤感主义把个人主义和主观幻想的因素带进文艺,代表作家有英国的斯特恩,理查逊,法国的卢梭(如《忏悔录》《遐想录》),伏尔泰,德国的歌德,里希特,海涅等等。 “梅塘集团”是十九世纪法国文坛由以左拉为核心的六位作家组成的文学创作团体。因在巴黎郊外左拉的梅塘别墅为主要活动场所而得名。一八七O年开始的普法战争,法国战败,被迫割让亚尔萨斯、洛林两省,并赔款五亿法郎。成为法国历史上的奇耻大辱,使得法国的一些爱国主义作家大为震惊和愤慨。 宪章派文学:是世界文学史上第一次出现的无产阶级性质的文学。19世纪三四十年代,英国发生宪章运动,其间产生战斗性的诗歌,作者有工人活动家,也有普通群众,其作品具有鲜明的政治倾向性,反映工人的苦难生活,表达争取自由的愿望,抨击资本家的罪恶。大多采用歌谣体,节奏明快,格调高昂,语言通俗,有名的宪章派诗人有琼斯、林顿等人。宪章派文学在历史上却是无产阶级文学的萌芽,是以后巴黎公社文学和一切社会主义文学的先驱,它在英国文学史上和世界文学史上占有重要的地位。 达达主义艺术运动是1916年至1923年间出现于法国、德国和瑞士的一种艺术流派。达达主义是一种无政府主义的艺术运动,它试图通过废除传统的文化和美学形式发现真正的现实。达达主义由一群年轻的艺术家和反战人士领导,他们通过反美学的作品和抗议活动表达了他们对资产阶级价值观和第一次世界大战的绝望。 超现实主义(surrealism),探究此派别的理论根据是受到弗洛依德的精神分析影响,致力于发现人类的潜意识心理。因此主张放弃逻辑、有序的经验记忆为基础的现实形象,而呈现人的深层心理中的形象世界,尝试将现实观念与本能、潜意识与梦的经验相融合。 “黑色幽默”:的小说家突出描写人物周围世界的荒谬和社会对个人的压迫,以一种无可奈何的嘲讽态度表现环境和个人(即“自我”)之间的互不协调,并把这种互不协调的现象加以放大,扭曲,变成畸形,使它


考研经验心得体会分享 复习政治是从文都暑期强化班开始的,在暑假重点听了徐之明老师讲的马哲,马哲是政治中最难理解的,所以上课仔细听老师的分析讲解并做好笔记就十分重要了,并且课下要及时做好复习的工作。暑假基本上就只看了马哲,用的是文都的讲义,都是精华。把基础打好,不要纯粹的追求进度,这很重要。之后还有李海洋老师的课,是马哲的提高班,如果前一阶段的基础没有打好,这个课听起来会很吃力的。十月份的时候买了本“超级红宝书”,开始看毛中特和近代史,我认为考试大纲是最权威的,考试不会超出这个范围,这本书我看了四五遍,第一遍看的比较慢,上面没有标注重点,需要自己边看边画边理解。每天大概看两个小时,看的时候要把每段文字细化成题目,哪里可以出选择,哪里可以出分析,做到心中有数。配合做了《梯度训练》,其实做题也是为了把书看的更细,对知识点查漏补缺。接着是思修,听的是蒋中挺老师的课,讲的很好,思修比较简单,只要听听课,平时注意一下选择题,考前把老师画的重点背背就可以了。 老师常说多选题得高分政治才能得高分,而多选题的高分是要在一遍遍看书中取得,往往对课本的熟悉程度和最后的分数是成正比的,我想要强调的就是一定要理解书上的每段话,要在脑

中构建起知识框架。把书看透后再做几套真题,看看出题的陷阱,考试时认真阅读题干,不要被陷进去,这就足够了。 最后就是大家最关心的大题了,老师到最后都会划重点,这个是要背的。同时也要知道答题的思路,这样才能做到在考场上答题得心应手。在这里预祝大家20_年考研成功,只要有平时的努力加上考场上的自信,相信大家一定会取得令自己满意的分数。 考研经验心得3 (一)小概述 本人是_年应届考生,从_年6月份开始正式备考,备考时间算起来大概有7个月左右。本科专业为中文(中英文秘书方向),报考专业为英美文化,报考院校为北二外。初试成绩399分,基英115(果然是半路出家,底子不足),综合123,政治72,二外日语89. 分数不算太高,但对于我这个不肯每天起早贪黑学习的人来说,也算是很欣慰了。 本人性格比较极端,坚持“劳逸结合”这一重要指导方针,状态好的时候如神附体发疯学,状态不好的时候一点不学,最高记录15天一页书都没有看。这个主要是个人情况,大家还是应该保持好状态,细水长流比较好。 在这里我也想说,不是说每天看书看的时间长了,效率就好,应该按照自己的状态有所调整。有的时候确实学不进去了,


美文学美国部分——浪漫主义时期 Part two: American Literature Chapter 1 The Romantic Period浪漫主义时期 1. From the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of he Civil War. It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s L eaves of Grass. It is also called “the American Renaissance”.浪漫主义时期开始于十八世纪末,到内战爆发为止,华盛顿.欧文出版的《见闻札记》标志着美国文学的开端,惠特曼的《草叶集》是浪漫主义时期文学的压卷之作。(也可称为“美国德文艺复兴”) 2. The desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature.对逃离社会,回归自然的渴求成为美国文学的一个永恒的话题。 3. The American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values.美国清教作为一种文化遗产,对美国人的道德观念产生了很大的影响。 4. Besides, a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of original sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers. 在霍桑,麦尔维尔以及其他一些小作家的作品种加尔文主义的原罪思想和罪恶的神秘性都得到了充分的表现。 5. The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period is New England Transcendentalism.美国浪漫主义文学运动足能标炳的是新英格兰的超验主义运动。 6. This Transcendentalist group includes two of the most significant writers America has produced so far, Emerson and his young friend, Henry David Thoreau, whose writing has a strong impact on American literature.超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生和梭罗,他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大的影响。 7. Basically, Transcendentalism has been defined philosophically as “the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively, or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the senses.”超验主义承认“人类具有本能了解或认识真理的能力,能够超过感官获取知识”。 8. Emerson once proclaimed in a speech, “Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of you own mind.” Other concepts that accompanied Transcendentalism include the idea that nature is ennobling and the idea that the individual is divine and, therefore, self-reliant.爱默生曾说过:“只有人心灵的尊严才是最神圣的”。超验主义还认为自然是高尚的,个人是神圣的,因此人必须自助。 9. It ranges from the comic fables of Washington Irving to the Gothic tales of Edgar Allen Poe, from the frontier adventures of James Fenimore Cooper to the narrative quests of Herman Melville, from the psychological romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne to the social realism of Rebecca Harding.美国浪漫主义时期的小说富有独创性,多样性,与华盛顿.欧文的喜剧性寓


Chapter 5 The Modern Period_The English Literature An Introduction to the modern period 1) Modernism rose out of skepticism and idsillusion of capitalism. 2) In the mid-1950s and early 1960s, there appeared a group of young novelists and playwrights with lower-middle-class or working-class background, who were known as "the Angry Young Men." 3) James Joyce is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness movelist. In Ulysses, Leopold Bloom, who becomes the symbol of everyman in the post-World-War-I Europe. 4) George Bernard Shaw is considered to be the best-known english dramatist since Shakespeare. 5) The English dramatic revolution came in the 1950s under various European and American influences. This revolution developed in two directions: the working-class drama and the Theater of Absurd. 6) John Osborne was the man who started the first change in drama by presenting his play, Look Back in Anger, in 1956. Osborne brought vitality to the English theater and became known as the first "Angry Young Man." 7) Samuel Beckett, whose Waiting for Godot, is regarded as the most famous and influential play of the Theater of Absurd. George Bernard Shaw 1) With great efforts, he wrote five novels in all. The best known is Cashel Byron's Profession. 2) His first play is Widowers' Houses which is a grotesquely realistic exposure of slum landlordism; Mrs. Warren's Profession, written in 1893 but published 5 years later, is a play about the economic oppression of women. These two can be regarded as the typical representatives of Shaw's early plays. 3) Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great traditions of realism. As a realistic dramaticst, he took the modern social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms. Most of his ploays can be termed as problem plays. And his plays have one passion, and one only, i.e. indignation, "indignation against oppression and exploitation, against hypocrisy and lying, against prostitution and slavery, against poverty, dirt and disorder." (George Bernard Shaw is the leading playwright of his time. What's Bernard Shaw's viewpoint on literature? (A) His playwrights have a variety of subjects. His early plays were mainly concerned with social problems and directed towards the criticism of the contemporary social, economic, moral and religious evils. (B)Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great traditions of realism. As a realistic dramaticst, he took the modern social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms. (C) One feature of Shaw's characterization is that he makes the trick of shwoing up one character vividly at the expense of another. Another feature is that Shaw's characters are the representatives of ideas and points of view. (D) Much of Shavian drama is constructed around the inversion of a conventional theatrical situation. John Galsworthy 1) whose first book, From the Four Winds(来自四位吹奏者) ( a volume of short stories), in 1897 under the pseudonym of John Sinjohn. His first play, The Silver box, and The Man of Property, established him as a prominent novelist and plyawright in the public mind. 2) The Forsyte Sage( 弗尔塞特世家三部曲), his first trilogy: The Man of Property, In Chancery(骑虎难下), and To Let (出租). His second Forsyte trilogy, A Modern Comedy (现代喜剧), appeared in 1929, and the third, End of the Chapter,(篇章末尾) posthumously in 1934. 3) Galsworthy was a conventional writer, having inherited the fine traditions of the great Victorian novelists of the critical realism such as Dicknes and Thackeray. The Man of Property 1) which is the first novel of the Forsyte trilogies which tell the ups and downs of the Forsyte family from 1886 to 1926. Soames Forsyte, a typical Forsyte, represents the essence of the principle that the accumulation of wealth is the sole aim of life, for he consides everything in terms of one's property. 2) the Forsyte Sage, a typical Forsyte has a remarkable characteristic, a strong sense of property.
