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当前位置:文档库 › 学会改编技术,就等于学会了改字成金,你这辈子不会缺钱花





是英文功底太好了,他们能够直接阅读英文原版资料,然后再变成自己的课程,利用这种信息差,就会赚翻了,但也是双赢,帮助我们缩短了时间差。只有时间才是最珍贵的,无法再生。2009年的时候,王紫杰把杰夫沃克的《产品发售技术》改编成《极限爆破》,而杰夫沃克的的产品发售技术在2016 年才翻译成中文名字《浪潮式发售》,在国内公





伯特和其他营销大师的内容,对于我们这些无法直接阅读学习英文原著的人来说,真是福音。而通过刘克亚的改编技术而形成的克亚营销理论,则从框架和纲领上把杰亚伯拉罕这些散乱的营销知识系统化,让我们学习起来一目了然。你只需要把刘克亚的《打造你的赚钱机器1. 0》、《打造你的赚钱机器2. 0》还有《超高价营销》这三本书读懂读透,那些国外大师的营销理论基本上不用看了,经过本土化的语言更容易让你掌握营销理论的内涵。除非你想要在国外大师原版原创基础上自己重新进行整编,改编。






专题2 词汇拼写 (2018·江苏淮安)A)根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的单词或短语填空。 47. Children are ________ eating rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival. 48. The less litter we drop, the ________ our hometown will be. 49. Be confident! Everyone has the ________ to learn new sills. 50. Huai’an is a beautiful city. Come here and I will ________ it! 51. The foreign teacher is helping him ________ the English competition. 52. The visitors too a photo ________ the school gate before they left. 53. In fact, ________ of the two cars belongs to our company. A)46.thin twice 47.looing forward to 48.cleaner 49.ability 50.show you around 51.get ready for 52.in front of 53.both (2018 ?新疆乌鲁木齐)A)选择下面方框中所给的词或词组填空,完成句子并使其完整与正确。(每词限用一次) afford; holes; progress; thousands of; safe 71. China has made great in the past forty years. 72. People planted trees in the suburb of the city, Urumqi. 73. Nowadays, everyone feels very and convenient in the streets of different cities in injiang. 74. In the boo A Brief History of Time, the famous British professor Dr. Hawing describes his theory of blac . 75. Many families are richer now so they can a big car lie SUV. 71. progress 句意:中国在过去四十年里取得了很大进步。mae progress固定短语,意为“取得进步”;progress不可数名词。 72. thousands of 句意:在乌鲁木齐人们种植了成千上万棵树。thousands of固定短语,意为“数以千计的;许许多多的”。 73. safe 句意:现在在新疆不同城市的大街上每个人都感到很安全很方便。feel为系动词,


七年级英语上册选词填空经典题型带答案(word) 一、七年级英语上册选词填空专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据对话内容,从所给的六个单词中选出五个补全对话。 B: Hi, John. Not bad. How are you today? A: Fine, thanks. ________ are you going? B: I'm going to the library to return some books. A: I see. By the way, ________ to take your umbrella with you. The recent weather is quite strange. B: Right, thank you. I will take it. I hear that it's going to show ________ tonight. A: Oh, my god! Then it will be quite ________. B. We need to wear more clothes. And we can make ________. A: Yes, it's interesting. 【答案】 E;A;B;C;F 【解析】【分析】A. remember记住;B. heavily大量地;C. cold寒冷的;D. strongly猛烈地; E. Where在那里;F. snowmen雪人。 (1)句意:你要去哪里?根据I'm going to the library to return some books.可知上一句是问对方要去哪里,故答案是E。 (2)句意:记着带上雨伞。根据The recent weather is quite strange.可知天气反复无常,记着带雨伞,故答案是A。 (3)句意:今天晚上会有一场大雪。一般说明雨雪下得大使用heavily,故答案是B。(4)句意:那么一定会相当冷。根据We need to wear more clothes.可知,前一句说的是天气相当冷,故答案是C。 (5)句意:我们可以堆雪人。make snowmen,堆雪人,固定短语,故答案是F。 【点评】考查选词填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。 2.从方框中选择恰当的短语补全句子。 (2)I think ________ is good for our health. (3)I only want to eat ________ for lunch today. (4)Can you ________ me ________ my Maths homework? (5)Lily often says "Good night" to her parents before she ________. (6)She wants to ________ the cinema in five minutes. 【答案】(1)get up (2)doing morning exercises


历年四级真题选词填空词汇大全 【1】 result 结果;发生;由…而造成determining 下决心;做出决定involves 包含;涉及;专心于limited 有限的,受限的significant 重要的,有意义的gravely 严肃地,庄重地range 范围;排列complained 抱怨;述说relieved 放心的,解除respect 尊重 issue 问题,发行prompting 暗示,推动,驱使seriously 认真地,严肃地specialize 专门从事magnificent 壮丽的,伟大的【2】 victims 牺牲者,受害者 forward 前进的,向前的technology 科技 especially 尤其的,主要的 role 作用,地位 entire 全部的 respectively 各自的,各地的cooperative 合作的 projects 工程,项目comprehensive 广泛的,综合的offers 提议,提供assuming 如果 information 信息 acting 代理的 images 影响,映像 【3】accomplish 完成,达到advanced 先进的,高等的balloon 气球 claim 声称;断言constantly 不断地,时常的declare 宣布;声明interview 接见;面试;采访limited 限制,受限的manufacture 制造,生产moments 瞬间,片刻news 新闻 reduced 减少的;使变弱regret 后悔,遗憾 scary 使人惊慌的 totally 完全,整个地【4】 abundant 大量的,充足的characters 性格,品质communicating 传达,表明;通讯completely 完全地,完整地derive 得到,源于diversity 多样化;差异escape 逃跑,逃脱establishing 建立;确定narrow 狭隘的;限制naturally 自然地,合理地personnel 全体员工;人员properly 适当的 respect 尊重 widen 放宽,加宽 【5】 closer 靠近的 painful 痛苦的 daily 每日


高考英语选词填空复习 选词填空的考点 1) 词汇方面:以实词为即名词、动词、形容词、副词 2) 语法方面:考察词性之间关系和句子结构分析能力 3) 逻辑方面:考察上下文联系 选词填空的解题步骤 第一步:整理选项classify the options 我们应该根据词性把选项中的每个单词进行分类归纳标,标出它们的词性。 标注词性时注意的问题 1. 不认识的单词看词缀(更多后缀请看拓展1) 考察:-ive ___________________________________________ -ate ___________________________________________ -acy ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -ship ___________________________________________ -some ___________________________________________ 名词-ly ___________________________________________ -dom ___________________________________________ -wards ___________________________________________ (形容词)-ly ___________________________________________ -ic, ics ___________________________________________ 【keys】 -ive adj 后缀 -ate v. 后缀;表示“成为……,处理,作用” separate, operate, indicate -acy n. 后缀;表示"性质,状态,境遇" democracy, accuracy, diplomacy


选词填空题八大技巧 第一大技巧:拿捏词义的轻重 考生应拿捏词语的程度来适应语义和语境。 近义词虽然表达的意思是相近的,但在表现事物的某种特征或程度上,往往有轻重之别。我们辨析时就要注意区别。 例如:“损坏”“毁坏”“破坏”其表现的程度就层层升级,依次加重。再如:“陌生”与“生疏”,两个词都有“不熟悉”的意思。但“陌生”表示对一个人或事物因初次接触而不熟悉;“生疏”则可表示对一个人或事物以前熟悉或曾经有过接触,因相隔时间长变得不熟悉了,或者因接触时间不长次数不多所以不熟悉。 1.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①我们_________陈水扁,立即停止在葬送两岸和平合作双赢的邪路上一意孤行,不要再给台湾同胞和两岸关系带来更大的危害。 ②同志们都非常敬仰这位功勋_________的老英雄。 ③对常犯错误的同学,老师要_________帮助,但不能歧视他。 A.警告显著批评 B.正告卓著批评 C.正告显著批判 D.警告卓著批判 答案:B(“正告”指严正的告诉,比较庄重,程度较重;“警告”是指提醒、告诫,程度较轻。“显著”与“卓著”,都有“突出”之意,但“显著”指非常明显,而“卓著”则为突出的好,是好上加好,“卓著”比“显著”词义重。“批评”与“批判”都含有一个“批”,但“批评”指对缺点错误提出意见,“批判”则指对缺点错误做系统的分析,加以否定,后者语意重。结合语境应选“批评”。) 2.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①岳飞被秦桧_________,以“莫须有”的罪名杀害了。 ②当前,语言文字的运用仍然存在混乱现象,许多人在文章中_________文言、方言、乱写繁体字。 ③他的手挺________ ,能做各种精致的小玩意儿。 A诬陷滥用灵巧B诬蔑乱用灵活 C诬陷乱用灵活D诬蔑滥用灵巧 答案:A (“诬蔑”与“诬陷”这两个词都有“硬说别人做了坏事”之意,但“诬蔑”指捏造事实,破坏别人的名誉,词义轻,“诬陷”指妄加罪名,进行人身陷害,词义较重,结合语境选“诬陷”。“滥用”指胡乱的,过度的使用;“乱用”任意随便的使用。应选“滥用”。“灵巧”是灵活而巧妙;“灵活”敏捷,不呆板和善于随即应变,不拘泥。应选“灵巧”) 3.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() ①他没有别的_________,就是肯喝点酒。 ②我们_________着你早日学成归来。


篇章词汇理解配套练习 Passage 1 Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom. But agreement (47) as soon as we attempt to define “wisdom” and consider means of promoting it. There are several factors that (48) to wisdom. Of these I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take (49) of all the important factors in a problem and to (50) to each its due weight. This has become more difficult than it used to be owing to the extent and (51) of the special knowledge required of various kinds of technicians. Suppose, for example, that you are (52) in research in scientific medicine. The work is difficult and is likely to (53) the whole of your mind. You have no time to consider the effect which your discoveries or inventions may have outside the field of medicine. You succeed (let us say) as modern medicine has succeeded, in enormously lowering the infant death-rate, not only in Europe and America, but also in Asia and Africa. This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply (54) and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world that have the greatest populations. To take an even more (55) example, which is in everybody's mind at the present time; you study the makeup of the atom from a disinterested(无利害关系的) desire for knowledge, and by chance place in the hands of a powerful mad man the means of destroying the human race. Therefore ,with every increase of knowledge and skill, wisdom becomes more necessary, for every such increase augments(增强) our capacity for realizing our purposes, and therefore augments our (56) for evil ,if our purposes are unwise. A) halts B) discount C) dramatic D) contribute E) ceases F) account G) attack H) attach I) inadequate J) capacity K) engaged L) absorb M) distribute N) complex O) complexity Passage 2 A book like this is never the work of a single author or even a small group of authors; rather there are many people and institutions whose (47) need to be acknowledged. In the first place, we wish to thank the many scholars and sales managers who have (48) so diligently over the last 20 years to move the study of sales management out of the dark ages and into the (49) of marketing thought. We would also like to (50) the special contributions of the Marketing Science Institute, which supported much of the recent research, and especially Steve Greyser, and Diane Schmalensee for their willingness to (51) MSI's energies and resources to the study of sales management before it became a fashionable topic. Scholars -- even those in marketing -- are sometimes not very customer-oriented, (52) when it comes to writing textbooks. We have made much effort to avoid such a heresy. (53), we offer special thanks to the more than 60 professors who (54) to our questionnaire about their attitudes toward the precious edition of this book. The information they (55) was very helpful in our effort to make the third edition a more useful book for teaching and learning. We also thank our many students over the years for their comments and suggestions. The book is better because of their insights. We hope we haven't forgotten anyone, and we apologize to those whose suggestions we failed to include. Needless to say, we assume full (56) for any errors or omissions in this book. A) consequently B) apply C) responded D) provided E) responsibility F) justified G) finally H) labored I) mainstream J) patience K) acknowledge L) particularly M) commit N) efforts O) dispose Passage 3 What does a young child's ability not to eat a marshmallow have to do with success in life? Quite a lot, as it turns out. The 4-year-old child who is able to hold out in order to receive a second treat is (47) more self-control that will serve him or her well as an adult. This ability to control one's (48) is just one part of what is called Emotional intelligence. The children who (49) it will grow up to be better (50) and more successful. Those kids who don't have it are less likely to succeed when it comes to meeting (51) and dealing with life frustrations. In the past, our concept of intelligence was mainly limited to the kinds of skills that enable one to do well in school. But Emotional Intelligence (52) what it means to be smart by focusing on how the mind (53) feelings


大学英语四级篇章词汇理解 二、篇章词汇理解 1. 篇章词汇理解题型的特点 作为近几年出现在阅读理解中的新题型———篇章词汇理解,实际上是介于阅读理解和完形填空之间的一种新题型,而篇章词汇理解的英语名称为“Blanked Cloze”,属于较高层次的“完形填空”。四级考试中涉及的文章长度大约在200-250词之间,题材多为社会生活、文化、教育、等方面。该题主要测试考生对篇章语境中词汇的理解和运用能力,要求考生阅读一篇删去若干个(一般为10个词)词语的短文,然后从所给的选项(一般为15个)中选择适当的词语填充,使原文复原。另外,篇章选词填空不考虚词,只考实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词等)。空中所缺词的词性分配情况一般为:3个左右名词,3个左右动词,3个左右形容词,一个左右副词。而备选答案的15个词中,一般有4~5个名词,4~5个动词,4~5个形容词,2个左右的副词。简言之,这个题型最主要的还是集中考查了考生的英语基本功,比如说词性的辨别,常用搭配的掌握,以及上下文的衔接等等。 由于完形填空本身就是综合性的测试,而篇章词汇理解作为较高层次的“完形填空”,无疑是一种综合性的测试,因此,该试题的测试特点便是对考生从理解文章的宏观结构,把握文章语篇、语段整体特征诸如连贯性、一致性、逻辑关系等,以及对每一个单词在语篇中具体应用的一种综合考查方式。所以和以往的阅读理解部分仅有的多项选择相比,现在测试的难度有所增加,对学生的要求也有所提高。 2. 学生对篇章词汇理解的作答情况 对于篇章词汇理解这类新型的阅读理解学生的作答情况如何呢?首先我们来看一组数据,目前四级考试总分为710,阅读理解占35%,而考试题型较之前增加了快速阅读、篇章词汇和仔细阅读。换句话说,就是四级阅读难度有所增加,四、六级考试委员会一项内部阅卷统计也印证了这一点:阅读部分标准得分平均不到150(阅读总分249分)。虽然阅读理解部分包括了快速阅读、传统的多项选择及篇章词汇几个部分,但是从近年来在四级考试学生现场的答题状况,以及平时的教学交流中,学生均反映在这几种阅读理解中,难度最大、最畏惧的就是篇章词汇理解,所以有的学生选择放弃,有的草草填补几个空白。总的来说,目前学生对这种新型阅读理解题型的作答状况不太理想。 3. 应试策略 如上所叙,篇章词汇阅读主要测试考生在语篇、段落层次上对词汇的运用,考生要时刻牢记不能孤立地看待每一个空格,要注意联系上下文进行综合分析。考生可以按照以下几步巧做篇章词汇阅读。 1)快速阅读选项,进行词性分类。 2)分析空格所在句子结构,判断所填词的词性和形式。 3)根据空格所在句含义及上下文,推测所填词含义和色彩。 4)将筛选出的选项带入空格,联系上下文确定答案。 5)复读原文,谨慎调整。 专项训练 Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes) Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully


第四章选词填空 第一节解题技巧 选词填空篇章长度为200—250词,删去若干词汇,然后从所给的选项中选择正确的词汇填空,使短文复原。 (一)解题步骤 时间分配:7分钟= 25 –18 (18 分钟留给Section B的两篇常规阅读,选词填空题要给出7分钟) 第一步:通读全文(1分钟) 通读全文是用较快速度,一行一行地读,目的是把握至少90% 的文章内容。选词填空后面的选项词义互不关联,词性也不同,而且还有5个干扰项,切不可先看选项,乱了脑子。一定要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项。所以,务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意gap 前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫。 提醒:先居高临下,花5秒钟把短文各个自然段的段首扫一遍。 提醒:Banked cloze 的短文(text)第一句是不允许出题的,它对全文起概括、提示的作用。所以,一定要认真看懂第一句。 第二步:整理选项(1分钟) 这一步,公认的做法是先标出15个选项的词性。 标词性时的切入点是后缀,也就是词尾。以ion, age, ness, ty, ship, ace, ance, ancy, ence, ency, dom, itude, um, mony 结尾的大都是名词;以ize, ise, fy结尾的大都是动词;以ive, ent, ant, ful, ous, able, ary, ic, cal, less结尾的是大都是形容词;以ly, s, ways, wise 结尾的大都是副词。 这里有两个问题:一、有的词做名词和做动词都很常见,没有上下文不好判断,这时两个都要标出来,先标你脑子里第一个出现的词性。二、以ing, ed 结尾的词既可能是动词,也可能是分词转变而来的形容词。碰到这种情况,一律看成是动词,包括非谓语动词。 第三步:选词填空(4分钟) 调动语法知识,先确定单词的词性,再去词表中找同一词类的选项,挑出正确答案。 动词的确定:动词最容易确定,因为一个句子没有动词就等于没有谓语,是很明显的缺陷。而且动词的关联性、可比性最差,选这个和选那个有天壤之别。 名词的确定: 1.冠词a, an, the 的后面。 2.介词in, on, from…的后面。 3.形容词(包括指示形容词demonstrative adjectives或称限定词determiners,如this, that, these, those )的后面。 形容词的确定:名词的前面。 副词的确定: 1.动词的附近(指前面或后面)。 真题:…jobs that used to be done primarily by women… 2.形容词的前面。真题:…but they are still not completely sure what leads to it…


专题2 词汇拼写 46. You should ________ before making an important choice. 47. Children are ________ eating rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival. 48. The less litter we drop, the ________ our hometown will be. 49. Be confident! Everyone has the ________ to learn new skills. 50. Huai’an is a beautiful city. Come here and I will ________ it! 51. The foreign teacher is helping him ________ the English competition. 52. The visitors took a photo ________ the school gate before they left. 53. In fact, ________ of the two cars belongs to our company. A)46.think twice 47.looking forward to 48.cleaner 49.ability 50.show you around 51.get ready for 52.in front of 53.both (2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐)A)选择下面方框中所给的词或词组填空,完成句子并使其完整与正确。(每词限用一次) 71. China has made great in the past forty years. 72. People planted trees in the suburb of the city, Urumqi. 73. Nowadays, everyone feels very and convenient in the streets of different cities in Xinjiang. 74. In the book A Brief History of Time, the famous British professor Dr. Hawking describes his theory of black . 75. Many families are richer now so they can a big car like SUV. 71. progress 句意:中国在过去四十年里取得了很大进步。make progress固定短语,意为“取得进步”;progress不可数名词。 72. thousands of 句意:在乌鲁木齐人们种植了成千上万棵树。thousands of固定短语,意为“数以千计的;许许多多的”。 73. safe 句意:现在在新疆不同城市的大街上每个人都感到很安全很方便。feel为系动词,其后多跟形容词作表语。safe为形容词,意为“安全的”。 74. holes 句意:在这本书《时间简史》中,著名英国教授霍金博士描述了他的黑洞理论。black作为形容词,其后跟名词,holes名词,意为“洞”。 75. afford 句意:许多家庭现在更富有了,所以他们能买得起像SUV那样的大车。情态动词can后应用动词原形。afford动词,意为“买得起”。

2019年中考英语真题 分类 专题18.4 词汇运用(选词填空)(第02期)(解析版)

2019年中考真题英语分项汇编 专题18 词汇运用 考点4选词填空 一、【2019 ?浙江省金华、义乌、丽水市】 用所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 Asia treat silent anybody pay for 31. Hearing the bad news, he sat down ____. 32. Spring Festival is celebrated in many ____ countries. 33. It’s terribly hot outside. There isn’t ____ in the square. 34. The old man takes good care of his dog and ____ it as a friend. 35. I’m so excited that my parents agreed to ____ my trip to France. 【答案与解析】 31. silently 根据题干Hearing the bad news, he sat down ____.结合备选词汇,可知应选择silent,意为“沉 默的”,形容词;句意为:听到这个坏消息,他默默地坐了下来。设空处修饰前面的动词短语,所以应用silent的副词形式silently“默默地”,故答案填silently。 32. Asian 根据题干Spring Festival is celebrated in many ____countries.结合备选词汇,可知应选择 Asia“亚洲”,名词;句意为:许多亚洲国家都庆祝春节。设空处修饰后面的名词复数countries,所以这里应用与Asia所对应的形容词Asian“亚洲的”,故答案填Asian。 33. anybody 根据题干It’s terribly hot outside. There isn’t ____ in the square. 结合备选词汇,可知应选择 anybody“任何人”;句意为:外面热得要命,广场上一个人也没有。anybody任何人,用于否定句或疑问句中;本句为否定句,故答案填anybody。 34. treats 根据题干The old man takes good care of his dog and ____ it as a friend. 结合备选词汇,可知应 选择treat“对待、视为”,动词,treat… as“把…当作”;句意为:这位老人把他的狗照顾得很好,并且把它当作朋友。and连接两个并列成分,在本句中是连接takes good care of his dog和____ it as a friend,主语都是The old man,为第三人称单数,所以动词treat也要用第三人称单数形式,故答案填treats。


1.There are a lot of skyscrapers ________________ New York City. (towering over) 2.The teacher said that Nelson Mandela _____________________ helping black people get the same rights as white people and that he ought to be respected. ( was devoted to ) 3.As is known to us all, all students ________________ obey school rules. ( are required to ) 4.The National Day is coming. Everyone is ______________________ the party. ( making preparations for ) 5.What he had said _____________ false. ( turned out ) 6.Which do you prefer, swimming or _________________ in the gym? ( working out ) 7.By exercising regularly and eating less, I’m sure you will _______________. ( lose weight ) 8.You will find some pictures______________ the e-mail. ( attached to ) 9.I have never _____________ anyone quite like her before. ( come across ) 10.Her hair started ________________ as a result of radiation treatment. ( falling out ) 选词填空(二) 1.That day she _______________ checking everything herself. ( insisted on ) 2.Mary’s children love to___________ some fruit and nut in the cake before it is cooked. ( mix up ) 3.The beautiful girl used to___________________ stay out after midnight. ( be forbidden to) 4.I _____________ buy a morning paper to get some useful information but I didn’t see any newsboy around. ( meant to ) 5.Recently, the wool market has _____________________ its hard times. (recovered from ) 6.I was _______________the change of the time for the meeting by the man in charge. ( informed of ) 7.Karen felt sad when she____________________ her time at school, as she missed so many of her friends and classmates. ( looked back on ) 8.She _______________ much pain after she had her leg operation. (went through ) 9.In this part of the country, there _____________ be warm winters and cool summers. ( tend to ) 10.For a long time the earth ___________________ flat. ( was thought of as )


小学语文重点常用词语选词填空高频考题专项练习102道 1.继续陆续连续持续 登山的同学们都(陆续)到齐了,登山开始了。我们几个小伙伴(持续)攀登了半个多小时,才爬到了半山腰。大家休息了一会儿,又(继续)往上攀登。我们爬呀爬,最后终于登上了山顶。 2.持续继续连续陆续 观众们(陆续)走进体育馆观看乒乓球比赛。首先进行的是男子单打比赛,在决定胜负的最后一分时,两个运动员(连续)抽打了十几个来回才见分晓。接着,(继续)进行女子双打比赛。运动员们高超精湛的球艺,博得观众一片喝彩,掌声(持续)了整整一分钟。 2.继续持续陆续连续 杂技表演就要开始了,人们(陆续)走进剧场,演完十个节目后休息十分钟,又(继续)表演,有个演员(连续)翻了十几个跟斗,观众的掌声(持续)了好几分钟。 4.继续陆续连续 ①我们几个人(陆续)跳上一只小船。 ②我们班(连续)三年获得接力赛跑第一名。 ③我们要(继续)努力,争取更大的成绩。 5.既然必然居然果然 ①诸葛亮神机妙算,草船借箭的计划(果然)实现了。 ②鲁肃是诸葛亮的好朋友,他(既然)答应保守秘密,在向周瑜汇报情况时(必然)不会提借船的事。 6.居然果然忽然 ①我刚买来不久的那只猫(居然)会向我招手。 ②有一次.我在深山里行走,(忽然)听到几声狗叫,同学小王说前面不远会有人居住,走了一会儿(果然)看到了一间小茅屋。 7.显然不然突然毅然 ①我要加倍努力,(不然)就要掉队了。

②狠牙山五壮士(毅然)跳下悬崖。 ③他的意见(显然)是不对的。 ④吃过午饭,天气(突然)变了。 8.偶然居然果然 ①报上介绍一位90多岁的老太太(居然)长出了一颗新的牙齿。 ②王戎说,这李子一定是苦的,小伙伴们一尝(果然)是苦的。 ③一个(偶然)的机会,使我俩成了好朋友。 9.居然偶然 去年我(偶然)在院子里丢了一个桃核,今年那里(居然)长出了一棵桃树苗,我真高兴。 10.居然果然偶然 ①我估计今天下午会下雨,傍晚(果然)下起了一场大雨。 ②去年秋天,我在地里种下一粒龙眼核,今年春天(居然)长出一棵小树苗来。 ③他平时学习不认真,这次考试(居然)也及格了。 11.果然竟然 ①这样一座几十层的大楼,(竟然)只用了一年的时间就建成了。真让人难以相信。 ②昨天气象台预报今天有雨,下午(果然)下起了大雨。 12.严厉严肃严格严峻 爸爸对我要求十分(严格),每当我犯了错误,他不是(严厉)地责骂而是(严肃)地批评教育我,每当这时我都不敢看他(严峻)的脸。 13.严肃严厉严格严峻 ①张教练对队员们的训练要求是相当(严格)的。 ②指导员对小梁说:“这次的考验是(严峻)的。” ③公安机关正在(严厉)地打击黑社会的团伙。 14.严肃严峻严重 ①在这时刻,父亲仍保持着他那惯有的(严峻)的态度。 ②渔夫皱起眉,他的脸变得(严肃),忧虑。

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