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alanine (Ala, A) 丙氨酸

valine (Val, V) 缬氨酸

leucine (Leu, L) 亮氨酸

isoleucine (Ile,I) 异亮氨酸

proline (Pro, P) 脯氨酸

phenylalanine (Phe, F) 苯丙氨酸

tryptophan (Trp, W) 色氨酸

methionine (Met, M) 蛋氨酸

glycine (Gly, G)甘氨酸

serine (Ser, S)丝氨酸

threonine (Thr, T)苏氨酸

cysteine (Cys, C)半胱氨酸

tyrosine (Tyr, Y) 酪氨酸

asparagines (Asn, N) 天冬氨酸

glutamine (Gln, Q)谷氨酰胺

lysine (Lys, K)赖氨酸

arginine (Arg, R)精氨酸

histidine (His, H) 组氨酸

aspartic acid (Asp, D)天冬氨酸

glutamic acid (Glu, E)谷氨酸


adenosine 阿糖腺苷

guanosine 鸟嘌呤核苷

cytidine 胞二磷胆碱





Acetic acid glacial 冰乙酸

Boric acid (H3BO3,61.83) 硼酸

Calcium chloride 2-hydrate (CaCl2.2H2O, 147.02) D(+) Glucose (180.16)

EDTA tetrasodium dihydrate (EDTA-Na4.2H2O,416.20)

Ethanol absolute 无水乙醇

Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt dyhydrate (EDTA-Na2.2H2O,372.24)

Sodium acetate trihydrate (3H2O,136.08) 含三个水分子的乙酸钠Sodium chloride 氯化钠

Sodium dodecyl sulphate (288.38)十二烷基硫酸钠

Tris-(hydroxymethyle)-aminomethane (Tris,121.14)

Tryptone 胰蛋白胨

Yeast extract 酵母提取物

Agar 琼脂

Ampicillin 氨苄西林

Potassium acetate醋酸钾


Lithium chloride氯化锂

PEG8000 聚乙二醇8000


Hydrochloric acid盐酸

Sodium hydroxide氢氧化钠

Ammonium acetate醋酸铵

Isoamyl alcohol异戊醇



Materials used in our laboratory:实验用材料

Rotor 转子

Air filter (Laminar flow cabinet)空气过滤器

pH meter pH计


Graduated pipette带有刻度的吸管

Graduated cylinder量筒

Sealing equipment封口设备

Electrophoresis power supply 电泳电源

Thermostatic ciculator

Vacuum pump 真空泵

Vacuum manifold多头抽真空装置

Eppendorf tube微量离心管

Inverted microscope倒置显微镜


Cover glass盖玻片

Electronic balance电子天平


Centrifuge tube离心管

Air conditioner空调机



Power supply电源

Power transformer电源变压器

Mini-monitor G-M tube

Gel system凝胶系统



Shaker 摇床

Vortexing machine

Pipette tip吸管端

Vacuum line真空线

Vacuum traps

Sterile velvet

Whatman (filter) paper华特门滤纸Ultraviolet illumination紫外灯

Gel tank电泳槽


Comb环磷酰胺-长春新碱-甲环亚硝脲-博来霉素Teeth of comb

Support tooth

Horizontal agrose gels

Glass plate玻璃片


Electrical leads电线



Xylene cyanol FF二甲苯苯胺FF

Laminar flow cabinet层流柜


Volumetric flask容量瓶


Shifting spanner



Gel tray凝胶板





Nut, Cap nut锁紧螺母

Screw driver旋凿





Duplicator, copying machine复印机

Copy paper复印纸

Carbon paper复写纸

Nail 钉,(指)甲




Alarm clock闹钟

Staple U形钉



Coat hanger衣服挂钩

Thermostatic circulator 恒温循环仪

Vacuum traps 真空过滤装置

minicell 小电泳槽

Comb 电泳用的梳子

Teeth of comb 梳子齿

Support tooth 以前用过的梳子最两边的齿,一搬略高于其他齿,起支持作用

Horizontal agarose gels 水平琼脂糖凝胶

Shifting spanner 扳手

Stapler 订书机

staple 订书钉


Gel tray凝胶电泳槽


Refill 圆珠笔芯

Bolt 插销

Globe 灯泡

Quadrumana laboratory灵长类动物研究室(获救没啦)

Topic Stereotaxic study on the brains of tupaia belangeri and macaque吐怕呀.


Drug Treatment

- Beta-blockers

- Thiazide Diuretics

- Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI)

- Calcium Channel Blockers

- Alpha-blockers

- Anti-Hypertensive Agents

- Vasodilators



纲:哺乳纲Mammalia 目:树鼩目Scandentia 科:树鼩科Tupaiidae 属:树鼩属Tupaia 种:树鼩T. belangeri


Microscope 显微镜 Antony van leeuwenhoek 吕文虎克 Louis Pasteur 巴斯德 Joseph Lister 李斯德 Robert Koch 郭霍 Koch postulate 郭霍法则 molecular Koch postulate 分子郭霍法则Bacterium 细菌 Coccus 球菌 Diplococcus 双球菌 Bacillus 杆菌 Spiral bacterium 螺型菌 Vibrio 弧菌 Spirillum 螺菌Polymorphism 多形性 Cell wall 细胞壁Peptidoglycan 肽聚糖Mucopeptide 粘肽 Glycopeptide 糖肽 Murein 胞壁质 N-acetylmuramic acid ,NAM N-乙酰胞壁酸N-acetylglucosamine, NAG N-乙酰葡糖胺Diaminopimelic acid, DAP 二氨基庚二酸Teichoic acid 磷壁酸 Ribitol 核糖醇 Lipoteichoic acid, LTA 脂磷壁酸 Outer membrane 外膜Lipopolysaccharide LPS 脂多糖 Lipid A 脂质A Lysozyme 溶菌酶 Protoplast 原生质体Spheroplast 圆球体Bactrrial L form 细菌L形 Cytoplasmic membrane 细胞膜 Mesosome 中介体 Cytoplasm 细胞质 Ribosome 核糖体 Plasmid 质粒 Inclusion 内含物 Metachromatic granule 异染颗粒 Volutin 纡回体 Nuclear material 核质 Nucleoid 拟核 Capsule 荚膜 Microcapsule 微荚膜 Slime layer 黏液层 Smooth colony 光滑型菌落 Mucoid colony 黏液型菌落 Rough colony 粗糙型菌落 Flagellum 鞭毛 Pilus(fimbria) 菌毛 Common pilus 普通菌毛 Sex pilus 性菌毛 Fertility 致育性 Spore 芽孢 Endospore 内芽孢 Vegetative form 繁殖体 Spore wall 芽孢壁 Cortex 皮质层 Coat 芽孢壳 Exosporium 芽孢外衣 Light microscope 光学显微镜 Electron microscope 电子显微镜 Dark microscope 暗视野显微镜 Gram stain 革兰染色法 Bacterial metabolism 细菌代谢 Obligate aerobe 专性需氧菌 Microaerophilic bacterium 微需氧菌 Facultative anaerobe 兼性厌氧菌 Obligate anaerobe 专性厌氧菌 Superoxide dismutase SOD 超氧化物歧化酶 Catalase 触酶 Peroxidase 郭氧化物酶 Binary fission 二分裂法 Growth curve 生长曲线 Lag phase 迟晚期 Logarithmic phase 对数生长期 Stationary phase 稳定期 Decline phase 衰亡期 Autotroph 自养菌 Heterotroph 异养菌 Saprophyte 腐生菌 Permease 通透酶 Fermentation 发酵 Pyrogen 热原质 Antibiotic 抗生素 Exotoxin 外毒素 Endotoxin 内毒素 Bacteriocin 细菌素 Culture medium 培养基 Basal medium 基础培养基 Nutrient medium 营养培养基 Selective medium 选择性培养基 Different medium 鉴别培养基 Anaerobic medium 厌养培养基 Cooked meat medium 庖肉培养基 1



制造业常用英语词汇 制造业常用英语词汇--强烈推荐!!! 一、部门及职位名称 总经理办公室General manager’s office 模具部Tooling department 项目部Project department 品质部Quality department 计划部 Plan department 制造部Manufacture department Keypad产品部Keypad department IMD 产品部 IMD department 五金部 Metal stamping department 设计科 Design section 冲压车间 Stamping workshop 电镀车间 Plating workshop 物控科 Production material control section 计划科 Plan section 仓务科 Warehouse section 商务科 Business section 品质规划科 quality plan section IQC科 IQC section IPQC科 IPQC section

OQC科 OQC section 检测中心 measurement center 项目规划科 Project plan section 项目XX科 Project section XX 试模科 Mold test section 成本科 Cost section 设备科 Facility section 采购科 Purchase section 综合办 General affairs office 编程科 Programming section 模具工程科 Tooling engineering section 模具装配车间Mold assembly workshop 文控中心 Document control center (DCC) 注塑车间Injection workshop 喷涂车间 Spray painting workshop 装配车间Assembly workshop 总经理General manager (GM) 经理manager XX部门经理Manager of XX department 原料库Raw material warehouse 半成品库Semi-finished product warehouse 成品库 Finished product warehouse


A ABC Classification--ABC 分类法对于库存的所有物料,按照全年货币价值从大到小排序,然后划分为三大类,分别称为A 类、B 类和C 类。A 类物料价值最高,受到高度重视,处于中间的B 类物料受重视程度稍差,而C 类物料价值低,仅进行例行控制管理。ABC 分类法的原则是通过放松对低值物料的控制管理而节省精力,从而可以把高值物料的库存管理做得更好。 Abnormal Demand--反常需求 Action Message--措施信息 MRP II 系统的一类输出信息,说明为纠正现存问题或潜在问题需要采取的措施及措施类型。例如,“下达订单”、“重新排产”、“取消”等。 Action-report-flag--活动报告标志 Activity-based Costing (ABC)--基于活动的成本核算进行成本核算时,对已完成的活动所发生的成本,先进行累计,再把总成本按照产品种类、顾客群、目标市场或者项目课题进行分摊。这一核算系统所应用的成本核算基础,较之把总成本分摊到直接人工和机器工时的方法,更加贴近实际情况。也称为吸收式成本核算(Absorption Costing)。 Actual Capacity--实际能力 Actual Costs--实际成本 Adjust-on-hand--调整现有库存量 Allocation--已分配量在 MRP II 系统中,已分配物料是指已向库房发出提货单,但尚未由库房发货的物料。已分配量是尚未兑现的库存需求。 Alternative Routine--替代工序 Anticipated Delay Report--拖期预报一种由生产和采购部门向物料计划部门发出的报告,说明哪些生产任务或采购合同不能按期完成、原因何在以及何时可以完成。拖期预报是闭环MRP 系统的基本组成部分。除了特别大的公司以外,拖期预报一般由人工编制。 Assembly--装配 Assembly Order--装配订单Assembly Parts List--装配零件表 Automatic Rescheduling--计划自动重排允许计算机系统当它发现交货日期和需用日期失效时,自动改变预计入库量的交货日期。一般不推荐这种方法。 Available Material--可用材料 Available Inventory--可达到库存 Available Stock--达到库存Available Work--可利用工时 Available-to-promise--可签约量公司库存量或计划生产量中尚未签约的部分。这种数字通常可由主生产计划计算出来,并作为签订销合同的依据而不断调整。 Average Inventory--平均库存 B Backflush--倒冲法根据已生产的装配件产量,通过展开物料清单,将用于该装配件或子装配件的零部件或原材料数量从库存中冲减掉。 Backlog--未完成订单所有已收到但尚未发货的客户订单。也称为未结订单。 Back Scheduling--倒序计划计算开工日期及完工日期的一种方法。生产计划的计算由合同的交货日期开始,进行倒序计算,以便确定每道工序的完工日期。 Back Order--欠交订单 Balance-on-hand Inventory--现有库存余额


《生物化学》重要术语中英语对照 碳水化合物(carbohydrate) 单糖(monosaccharide) 寡糖(oligosaccharide) 多糖(polysaccharide) 醛糖(aldose) 酮糖(ketose) 蔗糖(sucrose) 乳糖(lactose) 麦芽糖(maltose) 纤维二糖(cellobiose) 多糖(polysaccharides) 淀粉(starch) 直链淀粉(amylose) 支链淀粉(amylopectin) 纤维素(cellulose) 半纤维素(hemicellulose) 糖原(glycogen) 几丁质(chitin) 糖胺聚糖(glycosaminolgycan) 脂类(lipids) 脂肪酸(fatty acid) 甘油三酯(glycerol triester) 亲水脂类(amphipathic lipids) 蜡(wax) 磷酸甘油脂(phosphoglyceride) 甘油磷脂(glycerophospholipid) 磷脂酰胆碱(phosphatidylcholine) 磷脂酰乙醇胺(phosphatidylethanolamine)磷脂酰丝氨酸(phoshatidylserine)磷脂酰肌醇(phosphatidylinositol, PI) 肌醇三磷酸(inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate,IP3)二脂酰甘油(diacylglycerol,DAG) 磷脂酸(phosphatidic acid,PA) 磷脂酶A2(phospholipase A2,PLA2) 磷脂酶C(phospholipase C,PLC) 磷脂酶D(phospholipase D,PLD) 溶血磷脂(1ysophospholipid) 鞘磷脂(sphingomyelin) 神经酰胺(ceramide) 类固醇(steroids) 萜类(terpenes) 胆固醇(cholesterol) 麦角固醇(ergosterol) 蛋白质protein 简单蛋白质simple protein 氨基酸amino acid 结合蛋白质conjugated protein 多肽polypeptide 肽peptide 肽键peptide bond 介电常数dielectric constant 范德华力van der waals force 层析法chromatography 吸附层析法adsorption chromatography 分配系数partition or distribution confficient 活性肽active peptide 二硫键disulfide bond 兼性离子zwitterion 一级结构primary structure 疏水效应hydrophobic effect


active immunity(主动免疫): Immunity acquired through direct stimulation of the immune system by antigen. active transport(主动运输):Transport of molecules against a concentration gradient (from regions of low concentration to regions of high concentration) with the aid of proteins in the cell membrane and energy from ATP. Alcohol fermentation(乙醇发酵):is the formation of alcohol from sugar. Yeast, when under anaerobic conditions, convert glucose to pyruvic acid via the glycolysis pathways, then go one step farther, converting pyruvic acid into ethanol, a C-2 compound. aerobe(好氧微生物): A microorganism that lives and grows in the presence of free gaseous oxygen (O2). aflatoxin(黄曲霉毒素): From Aspergillus flavus t, a mycotoxin that typically poisons moldy animal feed and can cause liver cancer in humans and other animals. AIDS(爱滋病): Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome. The complex of signs and symptoms characteristic of the late phase of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Ames test(艾姆氏实验): A method for detecting mutagenic and potentially carcinogenic agents based upon the genetic alteration of nutritionally defective bacteria anabolism(合成代谢): The energy consuming process of incorporating nutrients into protoplasm through biosynthesis. anaerobe(厌氧微生物): A microorganism that grows best, or exclusively, in the absence of oxygen. antibiotic(抗生素):A chemical substance from one microorganism that can inhibit or kill another microbe even in minute amounts. antibody(抗体): A large protein molecule evoked in response to an antigen that interacts specifically with that antigen. antigen(抗原): Any cell, particle, or chemical that induces a specific immune response by B cells or T cells and can stimulate resistance to an infection or a toxin. antigenic determinant(抗原决定基):The precise molecular group of an antigen that defines its specificity and triggers the immune response. antimetabolite(抗代谢物):A substance such as a drug that competes with, substitutes for, or interferes with a normal metabolite. antiseptic(防腐剂):A growth-inhibiting agent used on tissues to prevent infection. antiserum(抗血清):Antibody-rich serum derived from the blood of animals (deliberately immunized against infectious or toxic antigen) or from people who have recovered from specific nfections. antitoxin(抗毒素):Globulin fraction of serum that neutralizesa specific toxin. Also refers to the specific antitoxin antibody itself. arthrospore(节孢子):A fungal spore formed by the septation fragmentation of hyphae. ascospore(子囊):A spore formed within a saclike cell (ascus) of Ascomycota following nuclear fusion and meiosis. asepsis(无菌):A condition free of viable pathogenic microorganisms. autoantibody(自身抗体):An "anti-self antibody having an ffinity for tissue antigens of the subject in which it is formed. autoantigen(自身抗原):Molecules that are inherently part of self but are perceived by the


日常English 一、词组 QC:Quality control;(品质管理) QS:Quality system;(品质系统) IQC:Incoming quality control;(进料检验) PQC:Process quality control;(制程检验) FQC:Final quality control;(最终检验) OQC:Outgoing quality control;(出货检验) QA:Quality assurance;(品质保证) QE:Quality engineer;(品质工程师) PQE:Process quality engineer;(制程品质工程师) SQE:Supplier quality engineer;(供应商品质工程师) PIE:Product industrial engineer;(产品工业工程师)IE ERP:Enterprise resource planning;(企业资源规划) QCC:Quality control circle;(品管圈) SOP:Standard operating procedure;(标准作业规定) WI﹕Working Instructions.(作业指导书) SIP:Standard inspection procedure;(標准检验规范) QIP:Quality inspection procedure;(品质检验计划) ECN:Engineering change notice;(工程变更通知) ECR:Engineering change requirement;(工程变更申请) PDCA管理循环(又称戴明循环):Plan(计划)Do(执行)Check(检查)Action(行动) 5M1E:Materials(物料)Machines(机器)Method(方法)Man(人)Measure(量测)Environment(环境); 5W2H:Why(为什幺做)What(做什幺)When(何时)Who(何人) Where(何处)How to do(如何做)How much(成本如何) ISO:international organization for standardization;(国际标准化组织)

生物化学 专业英语单词

单词表 第一章 Prokaryote 原核生物Eukaryote 真核生物fractionation 分级、分馏biomolecule 生物分子organism 生物体、有机体membrane 膜 nucleus 细胞核 cocci 球菌 bacilli 杆菌 spirilla 螺旋菌Eubacteria 真细菌Archaebacteria 原细菌 Gram-positive 革兰氏阳性菌Gram negative bacteria 革兰氏阴性菌Cyanobacteria 蓝细菌 Plasma 细胞浆Mesosome 间体 Nuleoid 拟核 Sytosol 细胞质、原生质Bilayer 双分子层(膜)Protein 蛋白质

Lipid 脂类Carbohydrate 糖类、碳水化合物osmotic pressure 渗透压Peptidoglycan 肽聚糖Subcellular 亚细胞的Ganelle 细胞器 Genetic 遗传的Chromosome 染色体ribosomal ribonucleic acid rRNA Endoplasmic reticulum 内质网Phospholipid 磷脂Detoxification 解毒 Golgi apparatus 高尔基体Refresh 更新Mitochondria 线粒体oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化fatty acid 脂肪酸degradation 降解Chloroplasts 叶绿体thylakoid vesicles 类囊体photosynthesis 光合作用Lysosomes 溶酶体Macromolecule 大分子Enzyme 酶 Cytoskeleton 细胞支架Metabolic 新陈代谢的


微生物英文名词解释 1.Mycoplasma:The mycoplasma are a group of the smallest organisms without cell wall that can be free-living in nature, can pass through bacterial filter and also grow on laboratory media. 2.Chlamydia:Chlamydia are small Gram-negative bacteria which are obligate intercellular parasites like virus, but differ from them in that they have both RNA and DNA, ribosome, cell wall, and divided by binary fission. 3.L forms of bacteria:In osmotically protective media, removal of the bacterial wall with lysozyme or penicillin liberate protoplasts from Gram-positive cells and spheroplasts from Gram-negative cells. If such wall-defective cells are able to grow and divide, they are called L forms. L forms are difficult to cultivate. They require a special media. Some L form can revert tothe normal bacillary form. L form in the host may produce chronic infection that are relatively resistant to antibiotic treatment. 4.Capsule:Many bacteria synthesize large amounts of extracellular polymer when growing in their natural environments. When the polymer forms a condensed, well-defined layer closely surrounding the cell, it is called the capsule. With one known exception (the polypeptide capsule), the polymer is polysaccharide. 5.Pyrogen:This is a fever-producing substance synthesized by bacteria. In fact, it is the lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria. For the injectable medicament, it is especially important to avoid the contamination of pyrogen in the course of pharmic production. 6.Exotoxin:Exotoxins are proteins produced inside Gram-positive bacteria cells and secreted into the environment. These toxins are some of the strongest poisons known to man and cause violent reactions in host organisms. 7.Endotoxin:Endotoxins are made up of lipids and carbohydrates associated with the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria. These toxins usually produce fever, weakness, and capillary damage. 8.Disinfection: Reduce or eliminate pathogens病原体in or on inanimate无生命 的objects to a safe level, which are no longer health hazard危险. 9.Sterilization: A physical or chemical process that completely destroys or removes all microbial life,including bacteria spore and viruses. 10.Antisepsis: Use chemical agents to inhibit or destroy the growth of microorganisms on skin or other living tissue. 11.Plasmids:Plasmids are small genetic elements that replicate independently of the bacterial chromosome. Most plasmids are circular, double-stranded DNA molecules varying from 1,500 to 400,000 base pairs. Like the bacterial chromosomal DNA, they can autonomously replicate and as such are referred to as replicons. 12.Transformation:It is the process by which bacteria take up fragments of naked DNA and incorporate them into their genomes. During transformation, DNA


一:常用術語 Hon Hai 鴻海 CMM Component module move 機動元件整合 CEM Contract Manu faction service 合約委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 國際互聯網應用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 個人電腦外設事業群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector& cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鴻富錦事業群 SABG system assembly business group 系統組裝事業群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鴻準 Stamping tool shop I 沖模一廠 Stamping tool shop II 沖模二廠 Prototype workshop 樣品中心 Steel factory 裁剪廠 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模廠 Hua Nan test and measurement center 華南檢測中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 鎂合金 Engineer standard 工標 Document center (database center)資料中心 Design Center 設計中心 Painting 烤漆(廠) Assembly組裝(廠) Stamping 沖壓(廠) Education and Training教育訓練 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技術交流研習會 Technology and Development Committee 技術發展委員會 BS Brain Storming 腦力激蕩 QCC Quality Control Circle 品質圈 PDCA Plan Do Check Action 計劃執行檢查總結 DCC delivery control center 交貨管制中心 3C Computer 電腦類產品 Consumer electronics 消費性電子產品 Communication 通訊類產品 Core value(核心价值) Love 愛心


Botany 植物学 Cell theory细胞学说cell membrane细胞膜nucleus细胞核 Organelle细胞器cell wall细胞壁cytoplasm细胞质protoplast原生质体cell cycle细胞周期mitochondrion线粒体photosynthesis 光合作用unit membrane单位膜chloroplast叶绿体chlorophyll叶绿素xanthophyll 叶黄素carotene胡萝卜素golgiosome高尔基体ribosome核糖体lysosome溶酶体microfilament 微丝nuclear fission核分裂reproduction繁殖primary wall初生壁secondary wall次生壁plasmodesma胞间连丝mitosis 有丝分裂amitosis无丝分裂meiosis减数分裂cytokinesis胞质分裂interphase间期prophase前期metaphase中期anaphase后期telophase末期 tissue 组织pistil雌蕊stamen 雄蕊 ovary 子房pollination传粉pollen tube花粉管porogamy珠孔受精chalazogamy合点受精mesogamy中部受精apomixis无融合生殖apogamy无配子生殖patrogenesis孤雄生殖parthenogensis 孤雌生殖apospory无孢子生殖pericarp果皮 life history生活史root system根系main root主根 lateral root侧根taproot system直根系fibrous root system须根系cortex 皮层vascular cylinder维管柱pericycle 中柱鞘 xylem ray木射线vascular ray维管射线phloem ray韧皮射线 root cap根冠Casparian strip凯氏带primary xylem初生木质部primary phloem 初生韧皮部vascular ray维管射线xylem ray木射线phelloderm栓内层phloem ray韧皮射线embryo胚 homologous organ同源器官analogous organ 同功器官endosperm胚乳 seed coat种皮radicle 胚根plumule 胚芽 hypocotyl下胚轴cotyledon子叶dormancy 休眠 seed germination种子萌发eukaryote真核生物prokaryote原核生物algae 藻类blue-green algae 蓝藻trichogyne受精丝


热轧生产常用专用英语词汇 Heating area:加热区 Furnace 加热炉 Gas 煤气 Mixed gas 混合煤气 Nitrogen 氮气 Oxygen 氧气 Resident oxygen 炉内残氧 Pressure 压力 Volume 体积、流量 Valve 阀门 Slab 板坯 Slab yard 板坯库 Continuous cast slab 连铸板坯 Width 宽度 Thickness 厚度 Length 长度 Weight 重量 Bend 弯曲 Combust 燃烧 Temperature 温度 Centigrade degree 摄氏度 Pyrometer 高温计 Thermocouples 热电偶 Fixed beam 固定梁 Walking beam 步进梁 Forward 向前 Backward 向后 Discard 剔除 Discard table 剔除辊道 Charge 装炉 Discharge 出炉 Preheating zone 预热区 Heating zone 加热区 Soaking zone 均热区 Vaporizing cooling/ vapour cooling 气化冷却 Soft water 软水 Scale 氧化铁皮 Ventilate 通风 Chimney 烟囱 Exhaust 废气 Stack 烟道 Roller table 辊道

Baffle 挡板 Charge machine 装钢机 Discharge machine 出钢机 Compressed air 压缩空气 Burner 烧嘴 Combustion air fan 助燃风机 Recuperative heat exchanger回热式热交换器Refractory brick 耐火砖 Mathematic model 数学模型 Feed-forward 前馈 Feedback 后馈/反馈 Furnace pressure 炉压 Temperature profile 温度曲线 Hot rolling shop:热轧车间 Mill 轧机 4-high finishing mill 四辊精轧机 Rough mill 粗轧 Screw down 压下 Screw up 抬升辊缝 Edger 立辊轧机,轧边机 High-pressure descaling system 高压水除鳞系统Nozzle 喷嘴 Heat cover 保温罩 Shear 剪机 Hydraulic loop 液压活套 Looper 活套辊 Side guide 侧导卫 Interstand cooling 机架间冷却 Run-out table 精轧输出辊道 Laminar cooling 层流冷却 Head water tunk 高位水箱 Side stripper 侧喷头 Pinch roll 夹送辊 Down Coiler 卷取机 Mandrel 卷取机芯轴 Wrapper roller 助卷辊 Coil stripper car 卸卷小车 Strip catcher 卷取区域带钢拦截装置 Gear motor 齿轮马达 Coupling 接手,连接器 Spindle 接轴 Universal Spindle 万向接轴 Shaft 轴 Roll changing device 换辊装置


A Abortive infection 顿挫感染 * Absorption 吸附 * Acid-fast bacilli 抗酸杆菌 Acquired immunity 获得性免疫 * Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome,AIDS 获得性免疫缺陷综合征* Actinomyces 放线菌属 Acute infection 急性感染 * Adenovirus 腺病毒 Adhesin 粘附素 A.flavus 黄曲霉 A. israelii 衣氏放线菌 * Anaerobic bacteria 厌氧性细菌 Anaerobic medium 厌氧培养基 Antibody dependent enhancement,ADE 抗体依赖的促进作用Antigenic drift 抗原漂移 Antigenic shift 抗原性转换 * Antisepsis 防腐 * Antistreptolysin O (ASO) test, 抗链球菌溶素O试验 Antiviral protein,AVP 抗病毒蛋白 Apoptosis 细胞凋亡 * Apparent infection 显性感染 Arbovirus 虫媒病毒 * Artificial active immunization 人工主动免疫 * Artificial passive immunization 人工被动免疫 * Asepsis 无菌 Aspergillus 曲霉 * Assembly and release 装备与释放 * Astrovirus 星状病毒 Autotroph 自养菌 * Attenuated vaccine 减毒疫苗 B * Bacillus 杆菌、芽胞杆菌属 * Bacillus anthracis 炭疽芽胞杆菌 Bacillus cereus 蜡样芽胞杆菌 * Bacteremia 菌血症 Bacterial infection 细菌感染 * Bacterial L form 细菌L型 * Bacteriocin 细菌素 * Bacteriophage 噬菌体 * Bacterium 细菌 Bartonella 巴尔通体属 * Bacteriodes fragilis 脆弱类杆菌


电子制造业新产品导入NPI及常用英文词汇 产品定义(EVT),产品设计(DVT),定型测试(PVT) EVT (Engineer Verification Test)工程样品验证测试, DVT (Design Verification Test)设计样品验证测试, PVT(Production/Process/Pilot Verification Test)生产验证测试。 1)产品确证历程:EVT(Engineering Verification Test)---> DVT(Design Verification Test) ---> PVT(Process Verification Test); 2)EVT Poduct/Engineering Specification complete (由R&D 完成,容: 一些重要的参数,重要特征) Design Verification Plan ( B-test, Compatibility-test, EMI ) (由技服部作) 初步之BOM (R&D完成) Cost Review (PMP 负责) Test equipment and Tooling

(R&D 和工程部门) Test process documented and released 测试程序或测试文件 Failure analysis and corrective actions 针对不良点作设计上的改善 3)DVT Design Verification Test( B-test , Compatibility-test, EMI ) complete 概念1:可靠性测试: 产品在既定的时间, 在特定的条件下完成特定功能和性能的机率 概念2:B-test--- Basic test 包括: Function Test Safety Test Environment Test Mechanical Test 概念3:Safety Test 主要有: Hit-Pot 高压测试 绝缘电阻测试 Current Leakage(电流测试) 接地测试

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