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选修六MODULE 2课文背诵课程(外研版)

选修六MODULE 2课文背诵课程(外研版)
选修六MODULE 2课文背诵课程(外研版)

选修六MODULE 2课文背诵课程(外研版)


The Cat That Vanished(阅读1)

Will was stupefied with exhaustion, and he might have gone on to the north, or he might have laid his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept; but as he stood trying to clear his head, he saw a cat.

She was a tabby, like Moxie. She pad ded out of a garden on the Oxford side of the road, where Will was standing. Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand, and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckle s, just as Moxie did. Of course, every cat behave d like that, but all the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scald ed his eyes.

Eventually this cat turned away. This was night, and there was a territory to patrol,there were mice to hunt. She padded across the road and towards the bush es just beyond the hornbeam trees, and there she stopped. Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously. She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite invisible to Will. Then she leapt backwards, back arch ed and fur on end, tail held out stiffly. Will knew cat-behaviour. He watched more alertly as the cat approach ed the spot again, just an empty patch of grass between the hornbeam s and the bushes of a garden hedge, and pat ted the air once more. 1. vanish ['v?n??] vt. vi. 消


2. stupefied ['stju:pifaid] adj.


3. exhaustion [iɡ'z?:st??n] n.


4. He might have gone. 他本

来可以去might have done…


5. laid [leid] v. 放;铺设;(lay


6. tabby ['t?bi] n.斑猫;平纹;


7. pad [[p?d]]vi.(有规律地)


8. put ... down 放下

put down 镇压,记下

9. hold out 伸出

held out 伸出;提出;显示

10. come up to 朝……走过

11. rub [r?b] vt. vi. n.


12. knuckles n. 压关节,指关

13. behave [b?'he?v] vi. 表现;

举止;vt. 使守规矩;使表现


14.. longing ['l??i?, 'l?:?-] n.


15. tears [ti?z] n. 眼泪;泪水

16. scald [sk??ld ]vt. vi n. 烫


17. eventually [i'vent?u?li]

adv. 最后,终于

18. turn away走开;避开;


19. territory ['terit?ri] n. 领


20. patrol [p?'tr?ul] vt. vi. n.


21. mice [ma?s]n. 老鼠


22. hunt [h?nt] vt. vi.n. 狩猎;


23. beyond [bi'j?nd] prep. 超


的一边adv. 在远处;在更远

24. bush n. 灌木丛

25. hornbeam ['h?:nbi:m] n.


26. curiously ['kju?ri?sli]

adv. 好奇地

27. reach out vt. 伸出

28.paw [p??] n. 爪子;手

29. invisible adj. 看不见的

30. leapt [li:pt, lept] v. 跳跃


31. backwards ['b?kw?dz] adv.


32. arch [ɑ?t?] vt. vi. 拱起;


33. on end竖着;连续地;

34. fur n. 皮,皮子;毛皮;


35. held out 伸出;提出;

36. stiffly ['stifli] adv. 生硬


37. alertly [?'l?:tli] adv. 留


38. approach [?'pr?ut?] vt. vi.

靠近接近;着手处理n. 方


39.spot [sp?t] n. 地点;斑点

vt. 认出;弄脏;vi. 沾上污渍;


40. empty ['em(p)t?] adj. 空


41. patch [p?t?] n. 小块土地;(与周围不同的)斑点;vt. vi.修补打补丁42. hedge [hed?] n. 灌木(或


43.pat v. 轻拍,轻打

44. air [e?] n. 空气,大气;

Again she leapt back, but less far and with less alarm this time. After another few seconds of snif fing, touching, whisker-twitching, curiosity overcame wariness.

The cat step ped forward, and vanish ed.

Will blink ed. Then he stood still, close to the trunk of the nearest tree, as a truck came round the circle and swept its lights over him. When it had gone past he cross ed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. It wasn’t easy, because there was nothing to fix on, but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it.

At least, he saw it from some angle s. It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across. If you were level with the patch so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible, and it was completely invisible from behind. You could only see it from the side nearest the road, and you couldn’t see it easily even from there, because all you could see through it was exactly the same kind of thing that lay in front of it on this side: a patch of grass lit by a street light.

45. alarm [?'lɑ:m] vt. n.


46. sniff [snif] vt. vi. n.


47. whisker ['hwisk?] n. [晶

体] 晶须;胡须;腮须

48. twitch [tw?t?] vt. vi. n. 抽


49. curiosity [kj??r?'?s?t?] n.


50. overcame [,ov?'kem]v. 克


51. wariness ['wε?rinis] n.


52. step forward 向前迈


53. vanish ['v?ni?] vt. vi. n.


54. blink v. 眨眼睛

55. stand still站着不动

56. trunk [tr??k]n. 树干;


57. circle ['s?:kl] n. 循环,


58. truck [tr?k] n. 卡车;

59. sweep over 迅速有力地


60. crossed [kr?st] v. 越过;



61. keep one’s yes on 注


62. investigate [?n'vest?ge?t]

v. 调查;研究

63. fix on 确定;固定;使


64. cast about 想方设法;


65. angle ['??g(?)l] n. 角


66. edge n. 边,边缘

67. roughly ['r?fli] adv. 粗


68. square [skwe?]adj. 正


69. In shape 在形状上

70.less than a metre across


69. level ['lev?l] adj. 同高

度的;水平的;vt. vi.同等;

对准;弄平n. 水平;标准;

be level with:通常与……


edge-on ['ed??n]adv. 侧立


70.exactly 完全正确;确切

的71. lay [le?] v. 躺;位于

(lie的过去式lie lay lain)vi.

产卵;搁放(lay laid laid)

72. light [la?t] vt. vi. 照亮;点

燃;n. 光;灯adj. 轻的;


Lit by a street light 被街灯


(lit [l?t]adj. 照亮的,点着的


But Will knew without the slightest doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. He couldn’t possibly have said why. He knew it at once, as strongly as he knew that fire burned and kindness was good. He was looking at something profoundly alien.

And for that reason alone, it entice d him to stoop and look further. What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder, but he didn’t hesitate: he push ed his shopping bag through, and then scramble d through himself, through the hole in the fabric of this world and into another.

He found himself standing under a row of trees. But not hornbeam trees: these were tall palm s, and they were growing, like the trees in Oxford, in a line along the grass. But his was the centre of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops, all brightly lit, all open, and all utterly silent and empty beneath a sky thick with stars. The hot night was laden with the scent of flowers and with the salt smell of the sea.

Will looked around carefully. Behind him the full moon shone down over a distant prospect of great green hills, and on the slope s at the foot of the hills there are houses with rich gardens and an open parkland with grove s of trees and the white gleam of a classical temple.73. slightest adj. 极不重


74. doubt [daut] v. n.


75. possibly ['p?s?bli] adv.


76. as strongly as…就如


77. kindness ['ka?n(d)n?s]n.


78. burned [b?:nd] v. 烧



79. profoundly

[pr?u'faundli]adv. 深刻地;


80. alien adj. 其他种族


81.entice [in'tais] vt. 诱

使;怂恿;诱惑| 引诱|


81 stoop [stu:p] vt. vi.


82. swim [swim] vi. 眩晕;


83. thump [θ?mp] vi. 砰


84. hesitate ['heziteit] vt.


85. push [p??] vt. vi. n. 推


86. scramble ['skr?mbl] vt.

vi. 爬行,攀登;仓促行动

n. 抢夺,争夺;

87. fabric ['f?brik] n.


88. palm [pɑ:m] n. 棕


89. boulevard ['bu:lvɑ:, 'bul

?vɑ:d] n.林荫大道;(美)


90. silent ['sail?nt] adj. 沉默


91. utterly ['?t?li] adv. 完


92. beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep.

在之下;adv. 在下方

93. (be) laden with 充满,


94. scent [sent] n. 气味;嗅

觉;scent of 有的迹象;发出


95. look around 游览;到处


96. shine down 照耀下来

97.prospect ['pr?spekt]n. 景


98. slope [sl?up] n. 斜


99. parkland ['pɑ:k,l?nd] n.


100. grove [ɡr?uv] n. 果园;


101. gleam [ɡli:m] n. 微光;


102. classical ['kl?sik?l] adj.


Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, as hard to see from this side as from the other, but definitely there. He bent to look through and saw the road in Oxford, his own world. He turned away with a shudder: whatever this new world was, it had to be better than what he’d just left. With a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that he was dream ing but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide.103. beside [bi'said] prep.


104. bare [bε?] adj. 赤


105. definitely ['definitli]

adv. 清楚地,当然;明确


106. bend v. 弯腰,屈身

107. turn away 避开;解雇;


108. shudder ['??d?] n.


109.dawn [d??n] n. 黎


110. light-headedness 头晕


111. dream v. 做梦

112. awake adj. 醒着的,清醒

113. look around for 四处寻

114.guide [ga?d]n. 指南;向


115. all rights reserved 版权



The Cat That Vanished消失的猫(阅读1)

Will was stupefied with exhaustion, and he might have gone on to the north, or he might have laid his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept; but as he stood trying to clear his head, he saw a cat.

She was a tabby, like Moxie. She pad ded out of a garden on the Oxford side of the road, where Will was standing. Will put down his shopping bag and held out his hand, and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckle s, just as Moxie did. Of course, every cat behave d like that, but all the same Will felt such a longing to turn for home that tears scald ed his eyes.

Eventually this cat turned away. This was night, and there was a territory to patrol,there were mice to hunt. She padded across the road and towards the bush es just beyond the hornbeam trees, and there she stopped. Will, still watching, saw the cat behave curiously. She reached out a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite invisible to Will. Then she leapt backwards, back arch ed and fur on end, tail held out stiffly. Will knew cat-behaviour. He watched more alertly as the cat approach ed the spot again, just an empty patch of grass between the hornbeam s and the bushes of a garden hedge, and pat ted the air once more.


那是一只母斑猫,就像威尔家的莫克西一样。她轻轻地走出靠着牛津一侧街道上的一个花园,威尔正站在街边。威尔放下购物袋,伸出手,那只猫便跑到他身边,在他的手指间来回蹭起了脑袋,就像莫克西常常做的那样。当然,所有的猫都是那样(表现)的。尽管如此,威尔还是渴望回家,以至于热泪充满了他的双眼。(scald vt. 烫伤;烫洗)终于,那只猫转身跑开了。正值夜晚,她还要巡视自己的领地,捕捉老鼠。她轻轻地穿过马路,朝着角树林另一边的灌木丛走去,然后在那儿停了下来。



Again she leapt back, but less far and with less alarm this time. After another few seconds of snif fing, touching, whisker-twitching, curiosity overcame wariness.

The cat step ped forward, and vanish ed.

Will blink ed. Then he stood still, close to the trunk of the nearest tree, as a truck came round the circle and swept its lights over him. When it had gone past he cross ed the road, keeping his eyes on the spot where the cat had been investigating. It wasn’t easy, because there was nothing to fix on, but when he came to the place and cast about to look closely, he saw it.

At least, he saw it from some angle s. It looked as if someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across. If you were level with the patch so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible, and it was completely invisible from behind. You could only see it from the side nearest the road, and you couldn’t see it easily even from there, because all you could see through it was exactly the same kind of thing that lay in front of it on this side: a patch of grass lit by a street light. But Will knew without the slightest doubt that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. He couldn’t possibly have said why. He knew it at once, as strongly as he knew that fire burned and kindness was good. He was looking at something profoundly alien.

And for that reason alone, it entice d him to stoop and look further. What he saw made his head swim and his heart thump harder, but he didn’t hesitate: he push ed his shopping bag through, and then scramble d through himself, through the hole in the fabric of this world and into another.

He found himself standing under a row of trees. But not hornbeam trees: these were tall palm s, and they were growing, like the trees in Oxford, in a line along the grass.









But his was the centre of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops, all brightly lit, all open, and all utterly silent and empty beneath a sky thick with stars. The hot night was laden with the scent of flowers and with the salt smell of the sea.

Will looked around carefully. Behind him the full moon shone down over a distant prospect of great green hills, and on the slope s at the foot of the hills there are houses with rich gardens and an open parkland with grove s of trees and the white gleam of a classical temple.

Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, as hard to see from this side as from the other, but definitely there. He bent to look through and saw the road in Oxford, his own world. He turned away with a shudder: whatever this new world was, it had to be better than what he’d just left. With a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that he was dream ing but awake at the same time, he stood up and looked around for the cat, his guide.只是,他所处的是一条宽阔的马路的中央,路的一侧是成行的咖啡馆和小商店,灯火通明,还在营业,在布满繁星的夜空下,所有的店铺都静悄悄的,无人光顾。在这个炎热的夜晚,空气中弥漫着鲜花的芳香和海水咸咸的味道。





1. 他本可以继续……

2. 轻轻地走出

3. 放下,写下,记下

4. 伸出

5. 跑开,避开;

6. 轻轻地穿过……

7. 伸出

8. 在空中

9. 向后一跃

10. 竖立

11. 向前一迈

12. 静静地站着


14.注视;盯着看1. he might have gone on…

2. pad out of…

3. put down

4. hold out

5. turn away

6. pad across……

7. reach out

8. in the air

9. leap backwards

10. on end

11.step forward

12.stand still

13. sweep over

14. keep one’s eyes on

15. 确定;固定;使集中于

16. 想方设法

17. 看上去就像

18. 仅仅是这一个理由

19. 弥漫着,满载

20. 环顾四周寻找15. fix on

16. cast about

17. It looked as if

18. for that reason alone

19. be laden with

20. look around for


1. 他本可以继续向北走,也有可能在某棵树下头枕草地昏昏睡去;

he might have gone on to the north, or he might have laid his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept;【注意“本可以……,本应该……”句式】




The Cat That Vanished消失的猫

Will was stupefied with ________, and he_____

____ _____ ____ to the north, or he might _____ _______ his head on the grass under one of those trees and slept; but as he ____ _____ to clear his head, he saw a cat.

She was a tabby, like Moxie. She ____ ____ ___a garden on the Oxford side of the road, ______Will was standing. Will_____ _____his shopping bag and ____ _____ his hand, and the cat came up to rub her head against his knuckle s, just as Moxie did. Of course, every cat _______ like that, but all the same Will felt ____ a longing to turn for home______tears scald ed his eyes.

_______ this cat ___ ____. This was night, and there was a territory to patrol,there were mice to hunt. She _____ ______the road and towards the bush es just beyond the hornbeam trees, and there she stopped. Will, still watching, saw the cat behave_________. She ____ _____ a paw to pat something in the air in front of her, something quite ________ to Will. Then she _____ _________, back arch ed and fur___ ____, tail _____ ______stiffly. Will knew cat-behaviour. He watched more _____as the cat _________ the spot again, just an empty patch of grass between the hornbeam s and the bushes of a garden hedge, and pat ted the air_____ ______. 威尔累得脑子都木了,他本可以继续向北走,也有可能在某棵树下头枕草地昏昏睡去;但是,正当他站在那儿,试图让头脑清醒些的时候,他看见一只猫。

那是一只母斑猫,就像威尔家的莫克西一样。她轻轻地走出靠着牛津一侧街道上的一个花园,威尔正站在街边。威尔放下购物袋,伸出手,那只猫便跑到他身边,在他的手指间来回蹭起了脑袋,就像莫克西常常做的那样。当然,所有的猫都是那样(表现)的。尽管如此,威尔还是渴望回家,以至于热泪充满了他的双眼。(scald vt. 烫伤;烫洗)终于,那只猫转身跑开了。正值夜晚,她还要巡视自己的领地,捕捉老鼠。她轻轻地穿过马路,朝着角树林另一边的灌木丛走去,然后在那儿停了下来。



Again she _____ back, but less far and with less alarm this time. After another few seconds of snif fing, touching, whisker-twitching, ______ ______ wariness.

The cat _________forward, and vanish ed.

Will blink ed. Then he _____ ______, close to the trunk of the nearest tree, as a truck came round the circle and _______ its lights _____ him. When it had gone past he _____ the road, ______ his eyes on the spot______ the cat had been ____________. It wasn’t easy, because there was nothing to ___ __, but when he came to the place and ____ ____ ___ look closely, he saw it.

At least, he saw it from some angle s. ____ ____ _____ _____someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the _____ of the road, a patch roughly square___ _____ and less than a metre _______. If you were _____ with the patch so that it was edge-on, it was nearly invisible, and it was completely__________from behind. You could only see it from the ______ nearest the road, and you couldn’t see it easily even from there, because all you could see through it was _________ the same kind of thing that_____in front of it on this side: a patch of grass _____ by a street light. But Will knew _______ the slightest_______that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. He couldn’t _________ have said why. He knew it at once, as _________ as he knew that fire burned and kindness was good. He was looking at something __________ ____________.

And ____that reason ____, it entice d him to stoop and look further. What he saw made his head _____and his heart thump harder, but he didn’t ________: he________his shopping bag _______, and then scramble d through himself, through the hole in the fabric of this world and into another.

He _______himself ________ under a row of trees. But not hornbeam trees: these were tall palm s, and they were growing, like the trees in Oxford, ____ ____ ______ ________the grass.









But his was the centre of a broad boulevard, and

at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops, all ______ ______, all _____, and all utterly______and empty beneath a sky ____ ____ stars. The hot night ___ ____ ____ the scent of flowers and with the salt smell of the sea.

Will _____ ______ carefully. Behind him the full moon _____ down over a distant_________ of great green hills, and on the _______ at the foot of the hills there are houses with rich gardens and an open parkland with grove s of trees and the white gleam of a _______ __________.

Just ________ him was that _____patch in the air, as hard to see from this side as from the other, but _______ there. He _____ to look through and saw the road in Oxford, his own world. He ____ _____ ____ a shudder: ______this new world was, it had to be better than what he’d just left. With a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that he was _______but _______at the same time, he stood up and ______ ______ _______the cat, his guide.只是,他所处的是一条宽阔的马路的中央,路的一侧是成行的咖啡馆和小商店,灯火通明,还在营业,在布满繁星的夜空下,所有的店铺都静悄悄的,无人光顾。在这个炎热的夜晚,空气中弥漫着鲜花的芳香和海水咸咸的味道。





2. 然后它向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。【注意独立主格结构】

Then she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly.




3. 卡车开过去后,他穿过马路,眼睛盯着那只猫一直在打量的地方。【注意“现在分词做状语”


When it ___ ____past he cross ed the road, ____ ___ _____ _____the spot _____the cat______ ______ _______.

4. 那儿看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块,它大体呈方形,不到一米宽。【注意“It looked as if句式”及“插入语语句式”】

___ _____ _____ _____someone had cut a patch out of the air, about two metres from the edge of the road, a patch roughly square in shape and less than a metre across. 5. 但是威尔深信不疑,另一边的那块草地在一个不同的世界里。【注意“深信不疑”句式及“同位语语从


But Will knew ________ the slightest _____ ______ that patch of grass on the other side

was in a different world.

6. 他看到的一切使他头晕目眩,心跳加速,但是他却丝毫没有迟疑:【注意“What主语从句”句式及“make


____he saw _____his head _____and his heart harder, but he didn’t hesitate:

7. 他发现自己站在一排树下。【注意“find oneself doing”句式】

He ______ ______ __________under a row of trees.

8. 只是,他所处的是一条宽阔的马路的中央,路的一侧是成行的咖啡馆和小商店,灯火通明,还在营业,


But his was the centre of a broad boulevard, and at the side of the boulevard was a line of cafes and small shops, all brightly_____, all______, and all utterly _____ _______ ________beneath a sky thick with stars.

9. 无论这个新世界如何,总会好过他刚刚离开的那个世界。【注意“Whatever让步状语从句”句式及“What


____ _____ _____ _____ ______, it had to be better than ____he’d just left.

(Key:1. They might have cleaned up before they left./We shouldn’t have been late.2. He leading the way, we walked through the cave. /The teacher came in, book in hand.

/Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow. 3. had gone ,keeping his eyes on ,where ,had been investigating 4.It looked as if 5. Without, doubt that 6. What,made, swim,thump 7. found himself standing 8. Lit, open , silent and empty 9.whatever this new world was, what )


The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter

The elder stateswoman of British

fantasy literature is J.K. Rowling, the gifted creator of Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling’s roots are in the southwest of England, where she grew up. But the idea for Harry Potter came to her while she was on a delayed train between Manchester and London. She wrote down her ideas on the back of an envelope. She then went to teach English in Portugal, where she continued to add flesh to the bone s of the first Harry Potter story. But her name is forever associated with Edinburgh in Scotland, where she lived and develop ed the format for the whole series of seven books.1. stateswoman n. 在某一领域受尊敬的女性领导人物

2. Fantasy Literature 奇幻文学

3. gifted ['ɡiftid] adj. 有天才的,有天赋的

4. roots n. (喻)根,根基

5. grow up 成长,逐渐形成

6. delayed [di'leid] adj. 延时的;延迟的; 过期的; v. 延迟(delay的过去式)

7. envelope ['env?l??p; '?n-] n. 信封,封皮;

8. continue [k?n'tinju:] vt. vi.继续;使延长;延续;

9. flesh n. 肉;

10. bone [b??n] n. 骨;骨骼

18. forever 永远

19. (be) associated with 与……有联系,

20. develop [di'vel?p] vt. vi. 开发;发展,发育;

21. format ['f??m?t] n. 格式;版式;开本

22. series of 一系列;一连串

There are many anecdotes about how, in 1990, J.K. Rowling began the first draft of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. She had the extra burden of looking after her baby daughter while she worked, and because she was too poor to own a typewriter, she wrote by hand. She spent many hours over a single cup of coffee in a warm cafeteria in Edinburgh because she had no money to pay for the heating at home. Success was not swift and Rowling might have given up. But she was stubborn and overcame all the difficulties. It was only in 1997 that she complete d the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA request ed an adjustment to the title, was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Rowling always intend ed that her output would be a book every year until she had finished the series. In fact, it took her about ten years to complete. But after the first book, the success of each of the following titles was automatic. The fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix sold about seven million copies the day it was published.

Rowling’s style has been a target for some criticism, but what makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children. In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed they are responsible for a renewed interest in reading. Harry Potter has even become part of the school curriculum, much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren.23.anecdote ['?nikd?ut] n. 趣闻,轶事

24. draft [drɑ:ft, dr?ft] n. 草稿)

25. extra ['ekstr?] adj. 额外的,

26. burden ['b??d(?)n] n. 负担;责任;

27. own [?un] vt. 拥有;adj. 自己的

28. typewriter ['ta?pra?t?] n. 打字机

29. by hand adv. 用手

30. spent [spent] v. 花费(spend的过去分词);

30. single ['si?ɡl] adj. 单一的;单身的;单程的

31. cafeteria [,k?fi'ti?ri?] n. 自助餐厅

32. heating ['hi:ti?]v. [热] 加热(heat的现在分词)adj. 加热的;供热的;

33. swift adj. 快的,迅速的

34. give up 已放弃

35. stubborn ['st?b?n] adj. 顽强的,坚持的

36. overcome v. 克服

37. publishers ['p?bli??z] n. 出版商,出版公司;出版社(publisher的复数)

38. requested [ri'kwestid] v. 要求(request的过去分词);请求; adj. 要求的;被请求的

39. adjustment n. 调整

40. intend [in'tend] vt. vi.打算;想要;意指

41. output ['autput, ,aut'put] vt. n. 输出,输出量;产量;出产; 输出

42. automatic [,?:t?'m?tik] adj. 自动的,习惯性的,自然发生的

43. publish ['p?bli?] vi. 出版;发行;刊印; vt. 出版;发表;公布

44. target ['tɑ:ɡit] n. 目标;靶子(批评等的)对象

45. criticism n. 批评,评论

46. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣

47. create [kri'eit] vt. 创造,创作;造成

48. literary ['l?t(?)(r?)r?] adj. 文学的;书面的;

49. bond [b?nd] n. 结合;债券;约定;粘合剂

50. claim [kle?m] vt vi n. 要求;声称;索赔;断言;

51. be responsible for 对负责;是的原因

52. renewed [ri'nju:d] adj. 更新的;复兴的;重建的v. 更新;恢复(renew的过去分词)

53. curriculum [k?'rikjul?m] n. 课程课程表

And the Harry Potter effect is not just restricted to the English-speaking world. Rowling’s books have been t ranslated into more than 55 languages, and it has been estimate d thath more than 250 million copies have been distribute d around the world. In 2005 it was estimated that Rowling had accumulate d more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank. She has thus attain ed the status of being the first writer to become a billionaire.54. effect [?'fekt] n. 影响;效果;作用

53. (be) restricted to 限于

restrict [ri'strikt] vt. 限制;约束;限定

54. translate into 翻译成

55. language ['l??gw?d?]n. 语言;语言文字;语种

56. estimate ['estimeit] vt. vi.n. 估计,估价;判断,

57. copy ['k?p?] n. 副本;一册;摹仿vt. vi. 复制;复印;

58. distribute [di'stribju:t, 'dis-] vt. 分配;散布;分开;把分类(书报的)发行

59.. accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] v. 积累,积聚

60. deposit [di'p?zit] n. 存款;保证金;沉淀物

61. thus [e?s] conj.adv. 因此;从而;这样;如此

62. attain [?'tein] v. 达到,得到

63. status ['steit?s, 'st?-] n. 身份,地位

64. billionaire [,bilj?'nε?] n. 亿万富翁,巨富

第一轮二遍:语境记忆单词、短语、句式,逐句理解全文(阅读2)The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter J. K. 罗琳和哈利?波特的故事

The elder stateswoman of British fantasy literature is J.K. Rowling, the gifted creator of Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling’s roots are in the southwest of England, where she grew up. But the idea for Harry Potter came to her while she was on a delayed train between Manchester and London. She wrote down her ideas on the back of an envelope. She then went to teach English in Portugal, where she continued to add flesh to the bone s of the first Harry Potter story. But her name is forever associated with Edinburgh in Scotland, where she lived and develop ed the format for the whole series of seven books.

There are many anecdotes about how, in 1990, J.K. Rowling began the first draft of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. She had the extra burden of looking after her baby daughter while she worked, and because she was too poor to own a typewriter, she wrote by hand. She spent many hours over a single cup of coffee in a warm cafeteria in Edinburgh because she had no money to pay for the heating at home. 哈利?波特的天才般的创作者——J. K. 罗琳,是英国魔幻文学的大师。乔安妮?罗琳在家乡——英格兰的西南部长大。但是哈利?波特的想法是在从曼彻斯特开往伦敦的晚点的火车上闯入她的脑海的。她把她的想法写在一个信封的背面。此后她去了葡萄牙教英语,并继续给第一个哈利?波特故事增添内容。但她的名字永远和苏格兰的爱丁堡联系在一起,她生活在那里,整个系列七本书的框架在那儿被构思出来。

谈到J. K. 罗琳在1990年是怎样开始她第一部《哈利?波特与魔法石》的草稿时,这里有许多趣闻。当她写作时,有另外一个负担,那就是她还要照看才几个月大的女儿。由于她很穷,买不起打字机,她只好手写。在爱丁堡温暖的自助餐厅里,她要花好长时间才能喝完一杯咖啡(以便在此期间写她的小说),因为她没钱支付家里的暖气费。

Success was not swift and Rowling might have given

up. But she was stubborn and overcame all the difficulties. It was only in 1997 that she complete d the first Harry Potter story, which, because the publishers in the USA request ed an adjustment to the title, was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Rowling always intend ed that her output would be a book every year until she had finished the series. In fact, it took her about ten years to complete. But after the first book, the success of each of the following titles was automatic. The fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix sold about seven million copies the day it was published.

Rowling’s style has been a target for some criticism, but what makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children. In an age of computer games and television programmes, it is also claimed they are responsible for a renewed interest in reading. Harry Potter has even become part of the school curriculum, much to the pleasure of the schoolchildren.

And the Harry Potter effect is not just restricted to the English-speaking world. Rowling’s books have been t ranslated into more than 55 languages, and it has been estimate d that more than 250 million copies have been distribute d around the world. In 2005 it was estimated that Rowling had accumulate d more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank. She has thus attain ed the status of being the first writer to become a billionaire.成功并非一帆风顺,罗琳曾经可能放弃。但她意志顽强并克服了所有的困难。直到1997年她才完成哈利?波特小说第一部。由于美国的出版商要求调整书名,这本书也被称作《哈利?波特与魔法石》。(output 产量)



然而哈利?波特的影响不仅仅局限于说英语的国家。罗琳的小说已被翻译成超过55种语言,并且估计已经向全世界发行超过2.5亿册。据推测,到2005年,罗琳的银行累积存款已超过十亿美元。因此她成了第一位身价亿万的作家。(attain vt. 达到,实现;获得;status ['ste?t?s]n. 地位)



1. grow up

2. …came to her……

3. a delayed train

4. the back of an envelope.

5. add flesh to the bones

6. be associated with…

7. look after

8. too poor to own a typewriter

9. by hand

10. might have given up 11. be stubborn

12. overcame all the difficulties

13. intended that…

intend to do …

14. appeal to readers

15. be responsible for…

16. In an age of…

17. much to the pleasure of sb.

18. be restricted to …

19. be translated into





【注意“might have done过去可能做了……”句式】

Success was not swift and Rowling_______________________.



【注意分析此句主干“……she complete d the first Harry Potter story, which,…,was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.”及强调句式“It was …that…”】____ ____only in 1997 ____she complete d the first Harry Potter story, _____, because the publishers in the USA request ed an adjustment to the title, ___ ___ ____ ______ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.



The Story of J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter J. K. 罗琳和哈利?波特的故事(阅读2)The elder __________ of British fantasy literature

is J.K. Rowling, the ______ creator of Harry Potter. Joanne Rowling’s ____are in the southwest of England, _______she _____ _____. But the idea for Harry Potter ____ _____ her while she was on a _______train between Manchester and London. She _____ ______her ideas on the _____ of an _________. She then went to teach English in Portugal, where she continued to_____ ____ _____the _______of the first Harry Potter story. But her name ___ forever______ _______Edinburgh in Scotland, _____ she lived and ________the format for the whole _____ _______seven books.哈利?波特的天才般的创作者——J. K. 罗琳,是英国魔幻文学的大师。乔安妮?罗琳在家乡——英格兰的西南部长大。但是哈利?波特的想法是在从曼彻斯特开往伦敦的晚点的火车上闯入她的脑海的。她把她的想法写在一个信封的背面。此后她去了葡萄牙教英语,并继续给第一个哈利?波特故事增添内容。但她的名字永远和苏格兰的爱丁堡联系在一起,她生活在那里,整个系列七本书的框架在那儿被构思出来。

There are many __________ about how, in 1990, J.K. Rowling began the first ______ of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. She had the ____ ______ of looking after her baby daughter while she worked, and because she was ____ _____ _____ ______ a typewriter, she wrote ___ ____. She _____many hours______ a single cup of coffee in a warm cafeteria in Edinburgh because she had no money to _____ _____ ______ _________at home.

Success was not ______ and Rowling _____ _____ ____ ______. But she was _______ and ________all the difficulties. ____ _____only in 1997 ______ she complete d the first Harry Potter story, _____, because the publishers in the USA request ed an adjustment to the title, _____ also _____ _____ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Rowling always ______ ______her _____ would be a book every year _____ she had finished the series. In fact, ____ ______ her about ten years ___ __________. But after the first book, the success of each of the following titles was ________. The fifth book, The Order of the Phoenix sold about seven million copies ____ _____ _______ ______ ______.

Rowling’s style has been a ________ for some _________, but _____ ________ the books so important _____ _____, because they appeal to readers of all ages, _____ _______ a special literary bond between parents and children.____ ____ _____ ______ computer games and television programmes,___ ____also ______ they ____ _____ _________a renewed interest in reading. Harry Potter has even become part of the school curriculum, ____ _____ _____ ____ _____the schoolchildren.

And the Harry Potter____ ____not just ______ _______the English-speaking world. Rowling’s books have been _____ _________ more than 55 languages, and ___ ___ ____ ____ _____ more than 250 million copies have been distribute d around the world. In 2005 ___ ____ _____ ____ Rowling had __________more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank. She has thus ________the status of being the first writer ___ ________a billionaire.谈到J. K. 罗琳在1990年是怎样开始她第一部《哈利?波特与魔法石》的草稿时,这里有许多趣闻。当她写作时,有另外一个负担,那就是她还要照看才几个月大的女儿。由于她很穷,买不起打字机,她只好手写。在爱丁堡温暖的自助餐厅里,她要花好长时间才能喝完一杯咖啡(以便在此期间写她的小说),因为她没钱支付家里的暖气费。

成功并非一帆风顺,罗琳曾经可能放弃。但她意志顽强并克服了所有的困难。直到1997年她才完成哈利?波特小说第一部。由于美国的出版商要求调整书名,这本书也被称作《哈利?波特与魔法石》。(output 产量)



然而哈利?波特的影响不仅仅局限于说英语的国家。罗琳的小说已被翻译成超过55种语言,并且估计已经向全世界发行超过2.5亿册。据推测,到2005年,罗琳的银行累积存款已超过十亿美元。因此她成了第一位身价亿万的作家。(attain vt.

达到,实现;获得;status ['ste?t?s]n. 地位)
























建立起了一条特殊的文学纽带。【长句分析:注意ABCD四句结构及语气效果变化】A:That they create a special literary bond between parents and children because they appeal to readers of all ages makes the books so important.

【注意主干“sth makes sth+ adj.”及“主语从句”句式】

B:It is they create a special literary bond between parents and children because they appeal to readers of all ages that makes the books so important.

【注意“It is…that…”强调句式】

C: What makes the books so important is that they create a special literary bond between parents and children because they appeal to readers of all ages.

【注意“What makes…is that…主语从句表语从句”句式】

D: but what makes the books so important is that, because they appeal to readers of all ages, they create a special literary bond between parents and children.


6.这也显示了它们在阅读兴趣更新方面的职责。【注意“it was estimated tha t…”句式】_________________________________________________________.


【注意“it was estimated tha t…”句式】

In 2005, ______________________________________________________________.

(Key:1. Because she was too poor to own a typewriter, she wrote by hand. 2. might have given up 3. It was ,that , which , which 4.I In fact, it took her about ten years to complete 5. 略 6. it is also claimed they are responsible for a renewed interest in reading; it was estimated that Rowling had accumulate d more than one billion dollars on deposit in her bank )




One of the greatest British writes of

fantasy literature was C.S.Lewis (1898-1963), who wrote The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Lucy discover s the winter land of Narnia where she and her two brothers and sister meet the White Witch. They also meet Aslan, the lion, who is the only one who can defeat the Witch and restore summer to Narnia. With Aslan, the children learn to be brave and to forgive. They learn great sorrow and happiness, and finally they learn wisdom. Their time in Narnia is the great adventure that every child dreams of. 4. discover [dis'k?v?] vi. 发现vt. 发现;发觉

5. defeat [di'fi:t] vt. 击败,战胜;挫败;使失败n. 失败;战胜

6. restore [ri'st?:] vi. 恢复;还原vt. 恢复;修复;归还

7. forgive [f?'ɡiv] vi. 表示原谅; vt. 原谅;免除(债务、义务等)

8. sorrow ['s?r?u, 's?:-] n. 悲伤;懊悔;伤心事vi. 懊悔;遗憾;感到悲伤vt. 为悲痛

9. wisdom ['wizd?m] n. 智慧,才智;明智;学识;至理名言

10..adventure [?d'vent??, ?d-] n. 冒险;冒险精神;投机活动; vt. 冒险;大胆说出; vi. 冒险11. dream of 梦想;梦见

Extract from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

And then she saw that there was a light ahead of her; not a few inch es away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at nighttime with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.

Lucy felt a little frighten ed, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well. She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree trunk s, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out. (She had, of course, left the door open, for she knew that it was a very silly thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe.) It seemed to be still daylight there. “I can always get back if anything goes wrong,”thought Lucy. She began to walk forward,crunch-crunch over the snow and through the wood towards the other light. extract from 从提取,文件的摘录

12. ahead of 在……前面

13. inch [?n(t)?] n. 英寸;

14. ought to 应该,


15. fall on 落到;指向| 降临

16. snowflakes ['sn?ufleiks] n. 雪花,雪片;

17. frighten ['fra?t(?)n]vt. 使惊吓;吓唬…vi. 害怕,惊恐

18. inquisitive [in'kwiz?tiv] adj. 好奇的

19. excited [ik'saitid] adj. 兴奋的;

20. look back over one’s shoulder 回头看

21. shoulder ['??uld?] n.肩膀

22. tree trunk [林] 树干

23. doorway ['d?:wei] n. 门口;途径;门洞儿

24. catch a glimpse of 瞥见

25. empty room 空房间

26. set out 出发,动身

27. leave the door open让门一直开着;

28. silly ['sili] adj. 愚蠢的n. 傻瓜

29. shut [??t] vt. vi. 关上;停止营业

30. get back 回来;恢复;取回;重新上台

31. go wrong 出毛病;弄错;发生故障

32. forward ['f?:w?d] adv. 向前地;向将来;

33. crunch n. 嘎吱嘎吱的声音

In about ten minutes she reach ed it and found it was a lamppost. As she stood looking at it, wondering why there was a lamppost in the middle of a wood, and wondering what to do next, she heard the pitter-patter of feet coming towards her. And soon after that a very strange person stepped out from among the trees in to the light of the lamppost.

He was only a little taller than Lucy herself and carried over his head an umbrella, white with snow. From the waist upwars he was like a man, but his legs were shaped like a goat’s (the hair on them was glossy black) and instead of feet he had goat’s hoof s. He also had a tail, but Lucy did not notice this at first because it was so neatly caught up over the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the snow. He had a red woolen muffler round his neck and his skin was rather reddish too. He had a strange, but pleasant little face, with a short pointed beard and curly hair, and out of the hair there stuck two horns, one on each side of his forehead. One of his hands, as I have said, held the umbrella; in the other arm he carried several brown-paper parcel s. With the parcels and the snow it looked just as if he had been doing his Christmas shopping. He was a Faun. And when he saw Lucy he gave such a start of surprise that he drop ped all his parcels.

“Goodness gracious me!”exclaim ed the Faun. 34. reach [ri:t?] vt. vi. 达到;伸出;伸出手;

35. lamppost ['l?mpp?ust] n. 街灯柱;路灯柱

35. pitter-patter n. 劈里啪啦的声音,劈劈啪啪的声音

36. umbrella [?m'brel?] n. 雨伞;保护伞;庇护

37. waist [weist] n. 腰,腰部

38. upwards ['?pw?dz] adv. 向上;在上部;

39. shape [?e?p] n. 形状;身材;vt. vi.形成;使成形;

40. glossy ['ɡl?si] adj. 光滑的;有光泽的

41. instead of 代替;不是而是

42. hoof [hu:f] vi. 步行;踢;跳舞vt. 用蹄踢;步行; n. 蹄;人的脚

43. notice ['n?utis] vt. vi. n. 注意到;通知;留心; 通知,

44. be caught up 钩,挂,缠绕在;so as to为了……;keep … from doing…阻止……做……

45. neatly ['ni:tli] adv. 整洁地;熟练地;灵巧地

46. hold [h?uld](held,held) vt. 持有;拥有;控制

47. trail [tre?l] v. 拖,拖着走;追踪;蔓延;落后于

n. 小径;痕迹;尾部;踪迹

48. woollen ['wul?n] n. 毛织品adj. 羊毛制的

49. muffler ['m?fl?] n. 围巾;消音器;面纱;

50. neck [nek] n. 脖子;衣领;

51. reddish ['redi?] adj. 微红的;略带红色的

53. pleasant ['plez?nt] adj. 令人愉快的,

54pointed ['p??nt?d]adj. 尖的;突出的;率直的

55. beard [bi?d] n. 胡须;颌毛

56. curly hair 卷发,卷发型;自然卷发

. curly adj. (头发)卷曲的

57. stuck [st?k] v. 伸出;刺(stick的过去式);

stick [st?k] vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住n. 棍;手杖;

stick out of从…..中伸出来

58. horn [h??n] n. 喇叭,号角;角

59. forehead ['f??hed] n. 额,前额

60. parcel ['pɑ:sl] n. 包裹,小包vt. 打包;捆扎

61. drop [dr?p] vt. vi. n. 滴;落下;降低;下降;

62. gracious ['ɡrei??s] int. 天哪;哎呀adj.高尚的,雅致的;和蔼的;

63. exclaim [?k'skle?m; ek-] vi. 呼喊,惊叫;vt. 大声说出

64. reprint [,ri:'print; 'ri:print] vt. vi. n. 重印;再版;

65. permission [p?'mi??n] n. 允许,许可



One of the greatest British writes of fantasy literature was C.S.Lewis (1898-1963), who wrote The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Lucy discover s the winter land of Narnia where she and her two brothers and sister meet the White Witch. They also meet Aslan, the lion, who is the only one who can defeat the Witch and restore summer to Narnia. With Aslan, the children learn to be brave and to forgive.They learn great sorrow and happiness, and finally they learn wisdom. Their time in Narnia is the great adventure that every child dreams of. 《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》的作者——C.S.刘易斯(1898--1963)是欧洲最伟大的魔幻文学家之一。露西发现了冰天雪地的纳尼亚,在哪里她和她的两个哥哥和一个妹妹遇见了白女巫。他们还邂逅了阿斯兰,那头唯一能够打败女巫,重新恢复纳尼亚之夏的狮子。和阿斯兰在一起,孩子们学会了勇敢与宽恕。他们经历了大悲大喜,最终学到了智慧。他们在纳尼亚的时光是每一个孩子梦寐以求的历险。

Extract from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe《狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》节选And then she saw that there was a light ahead of

her; not a few inch es away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off. Something cold and soft was falling on her. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at nighttime with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.

Lucy felt a little frighten ed, but she felt very inquisitive and excited as well. She looked back over her shoulder and there, between the dark tree trunk s, she could still see the open doorway of the wardrobe and even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out. (She had, of course, left the door open, for she knew that it was a very silly thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe.) It seemed to be still daylight there. “I can always get back if anything goes wrong,”thought Lucy. She began to walk forward, crunch-crunch over the snow and through the wood towards the other light. In about ten minutes she reach ed it and found it was a lamppost. 那时她看到前面有一道光,离它不远处可以看到魔衣橱的后面,但实际走起来却很远。有种冰冷而柔软的东西落在她身上。片刻之后,她发现她正站在晚间的树木中间,脚下踩着积雪,雪片从空中飘荡。


As she stood looking at it, wondering why there

was a lamppost in the middle of a wood, and wondering what to do next, she heard the pitter-patter of feet c oming towards her. And soon after that a very strange person stepped out from among the trees in to the light of the lamppost. He was only a little taller than Lucy herself and carried over his head an umbrella, white with snow. From the waist upwars he was like a man, but his legs were shaped like a goat’s (the hair on them was glossy black) and instead of feet he had goat’s hoof s. He also had a tail, but Lucy did not notice this at first because it was so neatly caught up over the arm that held the umbrella so as to keep it from trailing in the snow. He had a red woolen muffler round his neck and his skin was rather reddish too. He had a strange, but pleasant little face, with a short pointed beard and curly hair, and out of the hair there stuck two horns, one on each side of his forehead. One of his hands, as I have said, held the umbrella; in the other arm he carried several brown-paper parcel s. With the parcels and the snow it looked just as if he had been doing his Christmas shopping. He was a Faun. And when he saw Lucy he gave such a start of surprise that he drop ped all his parcels.

“Goodness gracious me!”exclaim ed the Faun. 当她停下脚步看着灯柱时,她感到奇怪:为什么在树林中间会有根灯柱,她不知所措,然后,她听到有人啪哒啪哒地向她走来。很快一个奇怪的人就从树林那边走出来,出现在灯光下面。





looked back over her shoulder

2.瞥见catch a glimpse of

3.出发,动身set out

4.让门开着,leave the door open

5.看起来好像It seemed to be

6.回来;恢复;取回;get back

7.出毛病;弄错;发生故障go wrong

8.钩,挂,缠绕在be caught up;

9.为了……so as to;

10.阻止……做……keep …from doing…

11.从…..中伸出来stick out of


选修六Module 1 ⒈lack (1)Lack money/ experience/ time (2)Be lacking in (3)For lack of ①健康问题与不好的饮食习惯及缺乏锻炼有很大的关系。 Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. ②大城市因为缺乏空间建起了越来越多的高层建筑。 More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space. ③由于缺乏睡眠,许多学生无法集中精力于学习上( 一句多译). Many students can’t concentrate on their studies for lack of sleep. Many students lack sleep, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their studies. Lacking sleep makes it difficult for many students to concentrate on their studies. Many students are lacking in sleep so that they can’t concentrate on their studies. ⒉advance Adj. 预先的在前的 预付款advance payment 提前做点某事do a little advance planning v.前进发展进步推动,将···提前 →advanced 先进的,高级的, advanced technology /society /courses n. in advance 提前、事先= ahead of time. ⒊In addition 此外,另外=besides, what’s more in addition to 除···之外= apart from// besides There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge In addition , you need to know how long you should stay. Except //except for I cant take my holidays at any time except in August.


外研版英语选修六答案 【篇一:【6份】2016年秋季高二英语外研版选修6同 步练习含答案】 ss=txt>选修6同步练习含答案 module 1 small talk 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. the brain performs a very important it controls the nervous system of the body. about her success. she never shows off. to take part in the olympic games. you, but where can i take a bus to the supermarket? of this technology will be useful. 8. the other day i helped you out of the embarrassing situation, so you owed me a to my host and left early. 11. by the time we got to the cinema, the tickets had been sold out. we should have bought the tickets of borrowing a bike from me. with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed. i will go out playing basketball. in our education system. 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 16. the bank is very 谨慎) about lending money to anyone with no credit. 17. these days, he was very annoyed, because his wife decided to 离婚) him. 18. i (自信地) tell you that i can overcome the difficulties present. 19. she didnt tell me the reason why she had never 回复) to my letter. 20. the date of the meeting was 提前) by four days. 21. did you come to london for the 目的) of seeing your families? 22. the two groups met for 非正式的) talks. 23. can you 想象) yourself becoming famous as a professor? 打断) adults when they are talking?


高中英语选修六重点(老师打字很辛苦,努力背哦!) Module1 1. be serious about 认真对待 be nervous about 对…紧张焦虑 be cautious about 对…小心 2. lack(v) sth =be laching in a lack(n) of sth 3. in advance 提前 4. think of 想起think highly of sb 高度评价 5. look away from 把目光从…移开 look forward to doing 6. A is good, in addition, B is good. = In addition to A, B is good. 7. apply for 申请apply…to …把…应用于… 8. do sb a favour = do a favour for sb 帮某人一个忙 in favour of 支持/赞同 9. a reply to…对…的回复reply to sb.=answer sb.回复 11. be absent from 缺席 12. as a consequence 因此/结果 13. apologize to sb for sth/doing 因…道歉 = make an apology to sb for sth/doing 14. be aware of…知道… 15.take the lead 带头/领先 lead to 导致lead-led-led 16.show off 炫耀17. go through 经历/经受(困难等) 18. they have sth in common 他们有一些共同点 19.leave out 删去/省去20. cheer sb up 使某人振作 语法:1.didn’t need to do 不需要做 needn’t have done 本来不需要做却做了 2. 情态动词+ have done 有两种意义: 表过去推测must/ might/ can’t have done 一定/可能/不可能已经做了 表后悔shouldn’t have done 本不该做 Module 2 1. play an important part in 在…中起重要作用 2. hesitate to do sth 犹豫做… hesitate about/ over sth 对于做…犹豫 without hesitation 毫不迟疑 3. in the direction of 朝…方向 under the direction of sb在某人的指导下 4.put down 放下,写下;镇压put up 张贴 put aside保留;put away收好put off推迟,推延5. I doubt if/ whether 怀疑是否… there is no doubt that…毫无疑问6. hold out伸出,维持,坚持hold back阻挡 hold on (电话)等一会,别挂断hold up 举起7 long for sth 渴望得到某物 9. turn away 走开turn to sb 向某人求助 11. keep/ have one’s eye on 注视,盯着看 keep an eye on 留意 12. fix on注视,凝视13. cast about 搜索/寻找 14. be laden with 充溢着(某种味道) 15. look around for 四处寻找 16. marry sb 娶/嫁某人 get married to sb 和某人结婚(表动作) be married to sb 和某人已婚(表状态) 17. appeal to sb 吸引某人 appeal to sb to do sth /for sth. 呼吁/请求某人做某事 18.be associated with 与…有联系 19. be restricted to…限于 20. in possession of sth 拥有… in the possession of sb 为某人所有 21. ahead of…在…前面ahead of time 提前 22. ought to do 应该做 24. catch a glimpse of 瞥见 25. by hand用手,用手工 26. set out出发set up 建立set off for 出发去… 27. sth be invisible to sb 某物某人来说是看不见的 28. 强调句:It is +被强调部分+ that/who… 29. be responsible for 对…负责 语法:v-ing 作状语(时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随、结果) 介词+ v-ing 作状语 例:Turning to right, you will see the hospital.(条件)Module 3 1. get close to 靠近chat with sb 与…聊天 2. burst out doing=burst into sth. 突然发生,突然…起来eg. burst out crying= burst into tears 突然哭起来burst out laughing= burst into laughter 突然笑起来burst out singing= burst into song 突然唱起来 3. knock over 撞死/撞伤knock at/ down/ into 4. lose interest in 对……失去兴趣 have an interest in对……有兴趣 6. turn round = turn around 转身 turn to sb求助于turn out结果是,证明是 7. a large/small amount of + UN+ is…大/小量的…. large/small amounts of + UN+ are…


外研社高中英语选修6单词表 Module 1 small talk 闲谈,聊天(SH6 M1 P1) informal adj. 非正式的(SH6 M1 P1) serious adj. 严肃的(SH6 M1 P1) confidently adv. 自信地(SH6 M1 P2) make friends 交朋友,建立友谊(SH6 M1 P2) lack v. 缺乏,缺少(SH6 M1 P2) (be) nervous about 对……神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安(SH6 M1 P2) advance adj. 预先的,在前的(SH6 M1 P2) think of 想起,回忆起(SH6 M1 P2) nod v. 点头(SH6 M1 P2) body language 身体语言,肢体语言(SH6 M1 P2) yawn v. 打呵欠(SH6 M1 P3) sigh v. 叹气,叹息(SH6 M1 P3) look away from 把目光从……移开(SH6 M1 P3) social rules 社交规则(SH6 M1 P3) in addition 除此之外,另外(SH6 M1 P3) find out 了解(到);找出(信息)(SH6 M1 P3) opportunity n. 机会(SH6 M1 P3) obligation n. 责任;义务(SH6 M1 P4) prize n. 奖品,奖金(SH6 M1 P5) application n. 申请(SH6 M1 P5) form n. 表格(SH6 M1 P5) immigration n. 移民(SH6 M1 P5) visa n. 签证(SH6 M1 P5) impolite adj. 不礼貌的(SH6 M1 P6) tidy v. 使……整洁,整理(SH6 M1 P6) refund n. 退款(SH6 M1 P7) favour n. 恩惠,照顾(SH6 M1 P7) reception n. 欢迎会;招待会(SH6 M1 P7) embassy n. 使馆(SH6 M1 P7) certain pron. 某些(SH6 M1 P7) reply n. 回答,答复,回信(SH6 M1 P7) saleswoman n. 女推销员,女销售员(SH6 M1 P8) firm n. 公司(SH6 M1 P8) fax n. 传真(机)(SH6 M1 P8) outspoken adj. 直言不讳的,坦率的,不客气的(SH6 M1 P8) human being 人类(SH6 M1 P8) motto n. 座右铭,格言(SH6 M1 P8) put one’s foot in one’s mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话(SH6 M1 P8) shortcoming n. 缺点,短处(SH6 M1 P8) absence n. 缺乏,不存在(SH6 M1 P8)


外研版英语选修六课文Module 1 Module 1 Small Talk

Introduction Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions. 1.Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing? 2.Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place? 3.Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk? 4.What do you think is the Chinese for "small talk"? small talk informal conversation about things that are not important Macmillan English Dictionary small talk light conversation that people make at social occasions about unimportant things: We stood around making small talk. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary small talk polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English small talk conversation about ordinary or unimportant matters, usually at a social event: He has no small talk (i.e. he is not good at talking to people about ordinary or unimportant things). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


Module 1 small talk 闲谈,聊天 informal adj. 非正式的 serious adj. 严肃的 confidently adv. 自信地 make friends 交朋友,建立友谊 lack v. 缺乏,缺少 (be) nervous about 对……神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安 advance adj. 预先的,在前的 think of 想起,回忆起 nod v. 点头 body language 身体语言,肢体语言 yawn v. 打呵欠 sigh v. 叹气,叹息 look away from 把目光从……移开 social rules 社交规则 in addition 除此之外,另外 find out 了解(到);找出(信息)opportunity n. 机会 obligation n. 责任;义务 prize n. 奖品,奖金 application n. 申请 form n. 表格 immigration n. 移民 visa n. 签证impolite adj. 不礼貌的 tidy v. 使……整洁,整理 refund n. 退款 favour n. 恩惠,照顾 reception n. 欢迎会;招待会 embassy n. 使馆 certain pron. 某些 reply n. 回答,答复,回信 saleswoman n. 女推销员,女销售员 firm n. 公司 fax n. 传真(机) outspoken adj. 直言不讳的,坦率的,不客气的human being 人类 motto n. 座右铭,格言 put one’s foot in one’s mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话 shortcoming n. 缺点,短处 absence n. 缺乏,不存在 as a consequence 因此,结果 systematic adj. 非偶然的,经常的 coincidence n. 巧合 customer n. 顾客,客户 mature adj. 成熟的 awkward adj. 尴尬的 tease v. 戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄

最新外研版高中英语选修六 1-6单元知识点归纳

1 外研版高中英语选修六 1-6单元知识点归纳 2 Module 1 3 【词条1】lack 4 【点拨】lack动词, 意为"缺乏,没有"。如: 5 He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. 6 What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 7 【拓展】 8 1. lack的常用短语有:be lacking"欠缺,缺乏";be lacking in"缺乏(某种9 品质、特点等)";lack (for) nothing"应有尽有"。如: 10 Money for the project is still lacking. I think the film is lacking in pace. 11 12 They have got everything ready and they lack for nothing. 13 2. lack还可作名词,常与of连用,意为"缺乏,没有"。for lack of "因为缺 乏……"。如: 14 15 The work had to be stopped for lack of funds. The flowers withered for lack of water. 16 17 18 【词条2】reply 19 【点拨】名词,意为"回答,答复",常与介词to 连用。如:

Is it a reply to the first or the second letter? 20 21 To my anger, she made no reply to my question. 22 其常用在短语in reply to中,意为"作为对……的回答,回复"。如: What did he do in reply to your challenge? 23 24 【拓展】reply也可作动词,意为"回答,答复",reply (to ... / that ...) 。 25 如: 26 The teacher gave me no chance to reply to her question. 27 Lily replied that she knew nothing about it. 28 29 【词条3】apology 30 【点拨】apology名词,意为"道歉,歉意",常用于短语:offer / make an 31 apology to sb."向某人道歉", accept an apology"接受道歉"。如: 32 It’s impolite of you to leave without a word of apology. 33 In my judgment, we should accept their apology. 34 You’d better make an apology for your absence. 【拓展】其动词形式为apologize,意为"道歉,表示歉意",常用短语为: 35 36 apologize to sb.(for sth.)"(因某事)向某人道歉"。如: 37 I must apologize for not being able to meet you that day. I think Tom might have apologized to Jane for what he did. 38 39


高中英语外研版 选修六单词表Module 1 small talk 闲谈,聊天informal adj. 非正式的serious adj. 严肃的confidently adv. 自信地make friends 交朋友,建 立友谊 lack v. 缺乏,缺少 (be)nervous about 对??神经紧张 /害怕 /胆怯 /焦虑不安 advance adj. 预先的,在 前的 think of 想起,回忆起 nod v. 点头 body language 身体语言,肢体语言 yawn v. 打呵欠 sigh v. 叹气,叹息 look away from 把目光从??移开 social rules 社交规则 in addition 除此之外,另外 find out 了解(到);找出(信息) opportunity n. 机会obligation n. 责任;义务prize n. 奖品,奖金application n. 申请 form n. 表格 immigration n. 移民 visa n. 签证 impolite adj. 不礼貌的 tidy v. 使??整洁,整理refund n. 退款 favour n. 恩惠,照顾reception n. 欢迎会;招待会 embassy n. 使馆 certain pron. 某些 reply n. 回答,答复,回信 saleswoman n. 女推销员, 女销售员 firm n.公司 fax n. 传真(机) outspoken adj. 直言不讳 的,坦率的,不客气的 human being 人类 motto n. 座右铭,格言 put one ’ sfoot in one ’ s mouth 犯使人难堪的错 误,说错话 shortcoming n. 缺点,短 处 absence n. 缺乏,不存在 as a consequence 因此, 结果 systematic adj.非偶然 的,经常的 coincidence n. 巧合 customer n. 顾客,客户 mature adj. 成熟的 awkward adj. 尴尬的 tease v. 戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄 typist n. 打字员 contradict v. 反驳 pregnant adj. 怀孕的 apology n. 道歉,致歉 cautious adj. 谨慎的,慎 重的,小心的 acquaintance n. 熟人 messy adj. 棘手的,难办 的 divorce n. 离婚,离异 cheer sb. up 使某人高兴 / 振作起来 fool n. 傻瓜,笨蛋 clerk n. 职员,办事员 haircut n. 发 型,发式 anyhow adv. 不 管怎么说,无论如何 modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊 的 brunch n. 早午餐(早餐与 午餐合并吃的一餐) anniversary n.周年纪念 日 hostess n. 女主人 interrupt v. 打断 leave out 省去,删去 factual adj. 实际的,事实 的,确实的 genuine adj. 纯粹的,真正 的,真实的 hospitable adj. 好客的,殷 勤的 secretive adj.秘而不宣 的,隐藏的 violate v. 骚扰,妨碍,侵 犯 define v. 解释,给??下 定义 (be) aware of 知道 take the lead 带头,领先 graciously adv. 优雅地 show off 炫耀 function n. 功能 psychologist n. 心理 学家 successful adj. 成功 的 formula n. 法则;原则 imagine v. 想象 purpose n. 目的 circumstance n. 情形, 情 况 apologise v. 道歉 comfortable adj. 舒适的, 舒服的 Module 2 series n. 系列,丛书 subtle adj. 精致的,精巧 的 amber n. 琥珀 spyglass n. 小型望远镜 heroine n. (小说、电影 中的)女主角 hero n. (小说、电影中的) 男主角 novel n. 小说 philosophical adj.哲学 的;达观的 direction n.方向 vanish v. 消失 behave v. 表现,举动 bush n. 灌木,矮树 definitely adv. 确定地,一 定地 hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑 scent n. 气味,香味,芳 香 doubt n. 怀疑 direction n. 方向 rub 蹭,摩擦 knuckle 指节,掌指关节 Bite咬,咬伤 Pad (有规律地)悄悄 行走 stupefied 神志不清的,昏 昏沉沉的 Exhaustion 疲惫,精疲力 尽 Tabby 斑猫 longing 渴望 scald 热泪盈眶 patrol 巡逻, 巡查 hornbeam 角树, 【植】鹅 耳枥 paw n. 爪子 pat v. 轻拍,轻打 invisible adj. 看不见的 arch 拱起,成弓形 tail n. 尾巴 stiffly 僵硬地,不灵活地 alertly 警觉地,警惕地 patch n. (与周围部分不 同的)斑,小块 hedge 灌木(或小树)树 篱 alarm 惊慌,恐慌 sniff (以鼻)吸气,嗅, 闻 whisker (猫的)胡须, 触须 twitch 抽动,颤动 wariness 谨慎,小心 blink v. 眨眼睛 edge n. 边,边缘 roughly 大概地, 粗略地


外研版英语选修六课文Module 1

Module 1 Small Talk Introduction Read the dictionary definitions of small talk and answer the questions. 1.Which definitions make small talk sound like a positive thing? 2.Which definitions refer to places where small talk might take place? 3.Why is it a problem if someone has no small talk? 4.What do you think is the Chinese for "small talk"? small talk informal conversation about things that are not important Macmillan English Dictionary small talk light conversation that people make at social occasions about unimportant things: We stood around making small talk. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary small talk polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

外研版高中英语选修六 1-6单元知识点归纳

外研版高中英语选修六1-6单元知识点归纳 Module 1 【词条1】lack 【点拨】lack动词, 意为"缺乏,没有"。如: He is good at his job but he seems to lack confidence. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 【拓展】 1. lack的常用短语有:be lacking"欠缺,缺乏";be lacking in"缺乏(某种品质、特点等)";lack (for) nothing"应有尽有"。如: Money for the project is still lacking. I think the film is lacking in pace. They have got everything ready and they lack for nothing. 2. lack还可作名词,常与of连用,意为"缺乏,没有"。for lack of "因为缺乏……"。如: The work had to be stopped for lack of funds. The flowers withered for lack of water. 【词条2】reply 【点拨】名词,意为"回答,答复",常与介词to 连用。如: Is it a reply to the first or the second letter To my anger, she made no reply to my question. 其常用在短语in reply to中,意为"作为对……的回答,回复"。如: What did he do in reply to your challenge 【拓展】reply也可作动词,意为"回答,答复",reply (to ... / that ...) 。如: The teacher gave me no chance to reply to her question. Lily replied that she knew nothing about it. 【词条3】apology 【点拨】apology名词,意为"道歉,歉意",常用于短语:offer / make an apology to sb."向某人道歉", accept an apology"接受道歉"。如: It’s impolite of you to leave without a word of apology. In my judgment, we should accept their apology. You’d better make an apology for your absence. 【拓展】其动词形式为apologize,意为"道歉,表示歉意",常用短语为: apologize to sb.(for sth.)"(因某事)向某人道歉"。如: I must apologize for not being able to meet you that day. I think Tom might have apologized to Jane for what he did. 经典短语透视 【短语1】think of 【点拨】think of可意为"想起,想出"。如: The photo made me think of my child-hood. It was Tom who thought of the good plan.


Module 1 Book 6 How Good Are Your Social Skills? 你的社交技能有多高? 你是否看见认识的人以后,故意过马路以避免与其说话?你愿意参加聚会并自信的和每位来宾交谈吗?你想结交更多的朋友,但是又缺乏与陌生人交谈的信心吗?你是否一想到要在别的国家参加社交活动就觉得忐忑不安?别担心——我们能帮助你! 如果你具备了良好的社交技能,你就不用担心这样的情景。而这些技能是很容易学习的。具有良好社交技能的人能很好的和别人交流并且知道该怎么样说话。要是预先做点准备,将会对你有所帮助。 下面为你出些主意。 Learn how to small talk 学会怎样聊天 聊天时很重要的,并能帮助你为一些更严肃的谈话做准备。准备好!准备一些不太会出错的开场白。例如: ·想出一个最近的新闻故事——不要太严肃,譬如,一个有关于电影明星或体育明星的故事·想出一些有关于你的学习的事情告诉人们 ·想出一些“不会出错”的事情询问别人的意见——音乐,体育,电影等 ·想出一些和陌生人谈话时要回避的话题——并且要避免谈论这些话题!那样,你的信心就不会被伤害了! Develop you listening skills 提高倾听的技能 倾听是大多数人所缺乏的技巧,而交流时双向的过程——它涉及说和听两个方面。永远记住——话太多并不会给人留下怎样的印象。下面是一些使你成为更好的倾听者的建议: Do… 做下面的事情…… ·用一些鼓励的声音或姿势表示你正在倾听——微笑,点头,说一些“嗯”或“对啊”之类的话等等 ·保持得体的目光接触 ·使用积极肯定的肢体语言 ·询问更多的信息表示你的兴趣 Don’t… 不要做下面的事情…… ·看自己的手表 ·打哈欠 ·叹气 ·把目光从正跟你说话的人身上移开 ·改变话题 ·替别人把话说完 要牢记19世纪英国首相本杰明·迪斯累里的话:“和一个人谈论他自己,他会和你说上几个小时!” Learn the rules 学习规则 如果你在另一个国家去参加一个社交场合,要记住会有不同的社交规则。例如,在一些国家,你得准时参加聚会;而在另一些国家就不需要。另外,你需要知道该待多久,该在何时离开。


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 综合能力测试六(选修6) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1-5CCBAA6-10ACBCA11-15BCBCC16-20 CBCAB Text 1 M:Can you tell me how to get to the bus stop? W:OK, go down the street and take the second turning on the right. It is between a bank and a park. Text 2 W:Oh, Paul, when is your birthday party? M:Well, you know, the final exam is on July 12. And it's the day after that. Are you free then? Text 3 W:Where are you going this Christmas? M:I thought about going to my brother's, but now I'd like to go to my mother's. What about you? W:Well, maybe I'll go to my sister's. Text 4 W:Do you have any wish?

M:Yes, I want to buy a car for my wife, because she has to pick up our daughter every day. What about you? W:I wish my parents can stay healthy. And I don't want to see their present situation any more. M:Wish your parents good health. Text 5 M:Hi, Julie, what did you do in the summer holiday? W:Nothing special. I surfed the web, read a few books, and did physical exercise. How about you? M:I traveled to Hawaii. W:That's really a good place. But the holiday is already over and we have to study hard again. Text 6 W:David, do you often get onto the Internet? M:Ah, not very often. You know I'm very busy. W:Yeah, but when you're online, what do you like to do? M:I send some e-mails to my friends or colleagues. W:Oh, good. In the past, we used to write letters with pen and paper. But now we send e-mails. It's fast, convenient and free. M:Yes. What about you? W:Well, I spend 2 or 3 hours surfing the net every day. You know, to make my lessons more interesting, I have to look up more information. Text 7 W:Good morning, Mr. Wang, I have some trouble in learning English. Could you give me some advice? M:Sure.


外研版高中英语选修6《Module 1 Small Talk》word同步测试 课时作业(三十一) Small Talk 闲谈 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.Once upon a time,a(n)________famous scientist said that life was not easy for any of us but first of all we should believe in ourselves. A.another B.sure C.some D.certain 2.—Look!He’s running so fast! —Hard to________his legs were once broken. A.know B.imagine C.realize D.find 3.—You must apologize________your sister________being so rude. —No way.It was her fault. A.with;about B.at;for C.to;with D.to;for 4.Jack’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but________didn’t help. A.he B.which C.it D.she 5.—It sounds to me as if he knows a lot about computers. —He is a person who is fond of________. A.showing up B.making up C.showing off D.making out 6.How strange!The old man sleeps with his mouth________and his eyes________. A.closing;open ing B.closed;opened C.closing;open D.closed;open 7.There is a new problem________in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need improving. A.involved B.to involv C.involving D.being involved 8.The film star suddenly found herself on an occasion________she was surrounded by reporters and fans. A.where B.when C.why D.that 9.Will you________me a favour and carry this box?It’s too heavy for me. A.give B.make C.do D.bring 10.I can hardly imagine Peter________across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed 11.________money,it remains to see whether we can put the idea into practice. A.Lacking B.Lacked C.To lack D.Having lacked 12.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is________I disagree. A.why B.where C.what D.how 13.He always thinks________he can d o more for the people. A.what B.how C.of how D.of what 14.We did all that we could to________him________going abroad,but we failed. A.encourage;from B.discourage;from C.persuade;to D.suggest;to

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