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成外小升初综合试卷二 (2)

成外小升初综合试卷二 (2)
成外小升初综合试卷二 (2)




1,面积减少( )。 2、一个两位数用四舍五入法取近似值,保留整数约等于51,这个小数最大是( ),最小是( )。

3、如右图,阴影部分面积是4.3平方厘米,则圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

4、甲、乙两车从A 、B 两地同时相向而行,在距离AB 中点的距离为五分之一处相遇,快慢两车的速度比是( )。

5、把3千克水加到盐水中,得到浓度是10%的盐水,再把1千克盐加到所得盐水中,这时盐水的浓度为20%,原来盐水的浓度是( )。

6、一本书有500页,编这本书的页码一共需要( )个数字。

7、植一批树,如果用12个小学生和5个中学生可以在规定时间内植完,或者7个中学生和6个小学生也可以在规定时间内植完。如果只派3个中学生,要在规定时间内完成,还需要派( )小学生。


1,大齿轮每分钟转40周,则小齿轮每分钟转( )周。

9、从1、2、3、4四个数字中任意取出三个数字,组成没有数字重复的三位数,在这些三位数中按从小到大排列的第15个数是( )。

10、把一个长10厘米、宽8厘米、高x 厘米的长方体表面涂成红色,然后切成棱长为1厘米的小正方体,在这些小正方体中两面涂色的有68个,则这些长方体的体积是( )。

11、如右图,两个正方体放在桌面上,露的外面的面有9个,四个正方体放在桌面上,露在外面的面有19个,如果有20个正方体按前面的放法放在桌面上,露在外面的面有( )个。

12、一个最简分数的分子与分母都加上分母,所得的新分数是原分数的2倍,原分数是( )。

13、火车进山洞隧道,从车头进入到车尾进入隧道口,共用a 分钟,又当车头开始进入隧道口到车尾离开隧道尾共用b 分钟,且b :a=8:3,又知隧道长315米,则火车长( )米。



1y (x 不等于y),那么x 与y 成反比例。 2、没有交点的两条直线互为平行线。




1。 三、选择(每题2分,共10分)

1、在自然数1到1000中,不能被7和13整除的数有( )个。





2、小明从A 地到B 地的平均速度是3米/秒,然后从B 地原路返回,平均速度是7米/秒。那么,小明来回的平均速度是( )。

A 、4.2

B 、4.8

C 、5

D 、5.4

3、一个零件的实际长度是7毫米,在图上量得是3.5厘米。这幅图的比例尺是( )。

A 、1:2

B 、1:5

C 、5:1

D 、2:1

4、甲乙两人各走一段路,他们所用的时间比是4:5,速度比是5:3,那么他们所走的路程比是( )。





5、下面说法正确的是( )



2-6。 C.分数除法的计算方法是:甲数除以乙数等于甲数乘以乙数的倒数。



(1)求未知数X :


.025.1X = (2)(2.25÷0.375×383.061?-)÷1.25 (3)19×21+18×22+17×23+……+1×39





2、下图ABCD 是一个平行四边形,DE=54AD ,BF=3

2AB ,已知三角形BFG 的面积是2.1平方厘米,求平行四边形ABCD 的面积。


1、如下图,一根木棒长4米,在木棒上有A 、B 两个点。从左端到到B 点的长度是37

2米,从右端到A 点的长度是2.6米,A 、B 两点之间的长度是多少米?








2015年小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c599765.html,e B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c599765.html,e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)desk. 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books?


小学六年级毕业综合素质测试英语试题 听力部分笔试部分总分一二三四一二三四五六 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(读一遍)(8分) ( ) 1. A exercise B excited C exciting () 2. A April B apple C airport ( ) 3. A give B get C gave ( ) 4. A peach B beach C teach ( ) 5. A 7:45 B 6:45 C 7:15 ( ) 6. A theatre B classmate C butterfly ( ) 7. A take a walk B have a chat C go for a walk () 8.A write a letter B write an e-mail C write to Peter 二、听录音,选择正确的应答句。(读两遍)(6分) ()1. A. It’s half past two. B. It’s two. C. It’s Thursday. ( ) 2. A .It’s in January B. It’s in January or February C. It’s in March ( ) 3. A. He’s Mr Brown. B. She’s Helen. C. She likes dancing. ( ) 4.A .Yes, there is. B Yes, there are. C Yes, they are. ()5.A.31 B.39 C.20 ( ) 6. A. He likes working. B. He is a worker. C. He can teach English. 三、听录音,判断所听对话内容是否与图片相符,相符的打“√“,不相符的打“×”。(听 两遍)(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,根据所听内容写出短文中所缺单词,每空一词。(读三遍)(10分) SuHai and SuYang visited LiuTao’s grandparents on _____ ______ last week .


08年7月12上地实验分班数学(时间一小时,满分120分) 1、(5分)除数和商都是29,则被除数是 2、(5分)根据下列数的规律,在横线上填上适当的数: ,12,5 ,,40,33,26 ,61,54 3、(5分)将下列各数由小到大排列,并且用“<”连接 ? ?73.1,%138,? 73.1,11 4 1,??373.1 答: 4、计算下列各题(写出计算过程,每小题6分) (1))1000 11()100111()200711()200811(-?-??-?-Λ (2)9 88]4.0433)3225.1[(2531÷-÷++ 5、请将下面等边三角形按要求分割成若干个形状和大小都一样的三角 形 (每小题3分) (1)分成2个 (2)分成3个 (3)分成4个 (4)分成6个 6、(9分)四川地震,抢险队员步行去深山村寨救援. 第一小时走了全程的30%,第二小时比第一小时多走了3千米,又走了15千米才到达村寨. 抢险队员从出发到村寨共走了多少千米?(写出解答过程) 7、(9分)右图中阴影部分的面积是 平方厘米(π取3.14) 8、(9分)四川地震形成的一个堰塞湖经过测量20天后水位将达到坝 的顶端,为了延长时间转移下游群众,开辟了一个泄洪渠道向外排水,这样可使水位到达坝顶推迟到30天,那么每天泄出水量是流入湖中水量的几分之几?(写出解答过程) 9、(9分)如图,梯形ABCD 中,AD BC 2=, E 、 F 分别为BC 、AB 的中点. 连接EF 、FC . 若三角形EFC 的面积为a ,则梯形ABCD 的面积是

10、(9分)右图是一个箭靶,二人比赛射箭. 甲射了5箭,一箭落入A圈,三箭落入B圈, 一箭落入C圈,共得30环;乙也射了5箭, 两箭落入A圈,一箭落入B圈,两箭落入C圈, 也得30环. 则B 圈是环 11、(9分)有一堆棋子,排列成n n?的正方形方阵,多余出3只棋子;如果在这个正方形方阵横纵两个方向各增加一行,则缺少8只棋子. 则这堆棋子有只. 12、(9分)如图,A圈内是42的约数,B圈内是56的约数,C圈内是63的约数,请在图中适当的位置上填上符合要求的数 13、(9分)一个圆柱体的容器的底部放着一块正方体铅块,现在打开 水龙头向容器内注水. 15秒钟时水恰好没过铅块的上表面, 又过了1分半钟,水注满了容器. 若容器的高度是24厘米, 铅块高度是6厘米,则容器底面积是多少平方厘米?(写出 解答过程) 14、(9分)现在父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的6倍,两年前父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的10倍,六年后父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的3倍. 那么这两位父母应该有几个子女?现在父母年龄的和是多少岁?(写出解答过程) 08年7月12上地实验分班数学答案: 1、841 2、47 , 19 3、% 138 7 3.1 7 3.1 3 7 3.1 11 4 1< < < < ? ? ? ? ? 4、2008 999 5、 5 1 1 6、(1)45 %) 30 2 1( ) 15 3(= ? - ÷ +, (2)设全程为x千米,则 x x x= + + +15 )3 % 30 ( % 30, 45 = x 7、107 8、每天入水量是 20 1 ,则每天的出水 量是 60 1 30 1 20 1 = -,出水量是入水量


2019年小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys 4.Ae B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) 1e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)desk.21cnjy 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books? A.or B.and C.with D./ 2.-________________on the desk? -Yes,it is. A.What‘s B.Where is


小升初英语模拟测试卷 单项选择 ()1.Tom plays tennis after supper every day. A. the;the B.a;/ C./;/ D./;the ()2.----Who_____in the morning everyday? ----Nobody. A.wake up you B.wake you up C. wakes up you D. wakes you up ()3.Tom studies very hard. He often _____at 10:00 p.m. A.gets up B.goes to school C.goes to bed D.has lessons ()4. We have a lot of ______at school, but we have _____ there too. A. homework ,fun B.homeworkes , fun C. homeworke , funs D. homeworkes, funs ()5. There _____ a lot of people in the building. A. is B. are C.be D. was ()6. She is a polite girl. She often says “Thanks” _____ others. A. about B.for C.with D.to ()7. ----Jim,can you _____this word in Chinese? ----Yes, I can ______a little Chinese. A.speak, say B.say ,speak C.tell, speak D.talk, say ()8. Everyone in the hall knew me, but I did not know _______. A.him B.her C.them D.those ()9.My grandfather is _____ years old. How _____ he looks! A. nineteen, happy B. ninth, happily C. ninety, happy D. nineieth, happily ()10.I must go and have some water. Can you ________my clothes here, please? A. look up B. look at C. look for D. look after ()11.----Can you see two red cars in the street? ----No, but I can see some white______. A. car B. one’s C. one D. ones ()12.---- your English teachers nice to you? ----Yes, they A. Does , do B. Is , is C. Are ,are D. Are ,do ()13. How do you play tennis every week? A many time B. many times C. much times D. time much () 14.----________is your mother? ----________teaches English at our school. A.Who , He B.What ,He C.Who , She D.What , She ()15.which word has the sound /e/ ? A.tennis B.enjoy C.hero D.he ()16. Everyone _____ here now .Let’s ______. A. are ; begin B. are ; to begin C. is ; to start D. is ; start ()17. Now it’s 22:30. Let’s go to bed. Say “” to your mother. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night ()18. He goes to school by bus, but he walks ______after school. A. to home B. home C. his home D. the home ()19. ---I want to be an astronaut(宇航员) like Liu Yang. ---I hope your dream .


2018-2019学年六年级小升初英语科 期末综合测试卷 一、英汉互译(12分)。 1.上周末_______________ 2.感冒______________ 3. 上学_______________ 4.骑马_______________ 5. 深呼吸_______________ 6. look like____________ 7. dress up____________ 8.sounds great! _____________9. go down__________ 10. both of ______________ 11.look up__________ 12. win the race __________ 二、按要求写出词语(10分)。 1. couldn’t (完整形式) _____________ 2. I would like (缩写形式)____________ 3.this (复数) ____________ 4. get(-ing 形式) _____________ 5. there(同音词) ___________ 6.I (宾格) ___________ 7. wake(过去式) ___________ 8. have(第三人称单数)_________ 9.American (复数形式)_____________ 10. different(反义词) ___________________ 三、选出下列单词中不同类的一项(10分)。 ()1. A. left B. shop C. right D. straight ()2.A. ship B. subway C. foot D. plane ()3. A. singer B. sound C. actor D. engineer ()4. A. China B. England C. Hong Kong D. Australia ()5. A. ninth B. fifth C. eight D. twelfth ()6.A. near B. go C. wear D. stop ()7. A. wait B. south C. east D. north ()8. A. morning B. afternoon C. living D. evening


测试题 一、选择填空。(20分) () 1. ______ a nice sharpener. A. This B. This is C. This’s () 2. ______ spell it? Yes, I can. A. Can B. Are you C. Can you () 3. What’s your name? __________. A. It’s Jiang Hong. B. This is Jiang Hong. C. I’m Jiang Hong. () 4. Look ______ the animals. A. in B. at C. to () 5. My bike is _______. A. black B. a black C. a green and grey () 6. ______is your favourite colour? A. What B.Whats C. What colour () 7. Clean the desks and chairs, boys and girls. _________. A. That’s right. B. That’s all right. C. All right. () 8. Can you see the playhouse over there? Yes,_______. A. I am B. I can C. you are () 9. That’s ______my new purple pen. A. a B./ C. is () 10. _______, is this your bed? A. Excuse me B. See you C. Thank you () 11. Five and seven ____ twelve. A. be B. are C. is D. am () 12. ______ is your toy car?It's on the desk. A. Who B. What C. How D. Where () 13. ______, please? -- It's eight o'clock. A. What's this B. What is the time C. What's your name D. What about it () 14. Mike is not at _______ school. A. a B. an C. the D. / () 15. -What's six _____ three? -It's nine. A. but B. and C. or D. for () 16. 当你询问照片上的女人是谁时,应说:


2011年?J 数学阶段调研试卷(一) (时间:100分钟 总分:100分) 一、认真思考,对号入座(每空1分,计15分) 3、甲数的 23 等于乙数的 4 5 ,甲数比乙数多( )%。 4、一个小数的小数点向右移动一位后比原数增加。这个小数是( )。 5、某车间今天48人上班,1人病假,1人事假,该车间这天的出勤率是( )。 6、一满杯纯牛奶,喝去20%后,加满水搅匀,再喝去60%,这时杯中的纯牛奶是杯子容积的( )%。 8、一个圆柱的底面半径是5厘米,高是10厘米,它的侧面展开图的周长是( )。 11、甲和乙进行50米赛跑,当甲到达终点时,乙落后10米,第二次两人分别按第一次的速度再赛,如果甲退到起跑线( )米开始跑,两人将会同时到达终点。 12、把边长为1cm 的正方形如下图那样一层、两层、三层……拼成各种图形。这个图形有4层,它的周长是( )cm ;如果这个图形有n 层,它的周长是( )cm 。 1、能与13 :14 组成比例的是( )。 ① 3 :4 ② 4 :3 ③1 3 :4 ④ 1 4 :3 2、一双鞋子如果卖140元,可赚40%,如果卖120元,可赚( )。 ① 20% ② 22% ③ 25% ④ 30% 3、小明和小方做种子发芽实验,小明50粒种子的发芽率是80%,小方30粒种子的发芽率是100%,那么他俩所做的这80粒种子的发芽率是( )。 ① 90% ② 85% ③ % ④95% ……

5、某班学生接近50人,在一次英语竞赛中,该班学生的18 获得一等奖,1 3 获得二等奖,1 2 获得三等奖,其余获得纪念奖。这个班的人数可能是( )。 ① 24 ② 50 ③ 49 ④48 2、脱式计算(能简算的要简算)(9分) ××× -+- 6×1 4 +13÷4-11×25% 3、求未知数(9分) 错误!=5∶错误! 4、列式计算(6分) ①180比一个数的50﹪多10,这个数是多少 ②5吨的325 比5 6 吨少多少 5、看图列式计算(3分) 五、动手动脑,实践操作(4分) 2、将一个圆柱分成若干等份后,拼成一个近似长方体,这个长方体的高为10厘米,表面积比圆柱


小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c599765.html,e B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c599765.html,e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c599765.html, 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books?


小升初英语模拟卷 姓名: 等第: I.选择填空 ( ) 1. --- Why is ___________ young lady busy all day? --- Because she has ___________ one-year-old baby. A. a, the B. the, a C. the, an D. a, an ( ) 2. He makes his class ______, so he always makes the students _______. A. interesting … laughing B. interested …laugh C. interesting…laugh D. interested … to laugh ( ) 3. ---I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind. ---________. A. No, you’d better not B. Not at all, anything you want C. Thank you all the same D. Yes, but not good ( ) 4. --- Shall we have a picnic after this exam? --- ________. A. Yes, We shall. B. No, we shan’t. C.I think so. D. Why not? ( ) 5. --- How can I get to Shuren International School? --- You can take Bus No.72 and ____________ at Chahar Road. A. get it off B. get off it C. get it down D. get down it ( ) 6. --- What kind of food would you like to have? --- _________ but Japanese. --- How about Korean, then? A. Anything B. Something C. Everything D. Nothing ( ) 7. --- Why do we listen to the radio? --- To get information on the air. --- _________. --- You are right. A. Do you m ean “ on the plane”? B. Oh, I see. Then we can know more about the world. C. Why not get information in the air? D. So we can get information on the radio. ( ) 8. The police caught the man _________ Jim Brown yesterday, who ______ some malls before. A. was called, had stolen B. was named, robbed C. named, had robbed D. called, stole ( ) 9. ---Do you feel like taking a walk in the park? ---________. A. You may ask your brother to go, too B. Yes, but I can’t afford the time C. No, I’m really not in the mood for it this evening D. No, I’d like it ( ) 10. --- How long can I _________ the book from the library? ---As _______ as you like. A. borrow, long B. get, soon C. lend, soon D. keep, long II. 完形填空 Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is


内江六中2019届分班考试题 语文 (考试时间90分钟,共100分) 一、积累与运用。(共30分) 1、下列各组词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A、辜.负(gū)创.伤(chuàng)柏.树(bǎi)奉若神.明(shén) B、时弊.(bì)透露.(lòu)杂.费( zhá)亡羊补.牢(bǔ) C、冷酷.(kù )劳驾.(jià)复述.(shù)屏.声静气(píng) D、厦.门(xià)特殊.(shū)谋.取(móu)囫囵.吞枣(lún) 2、下列各组词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A、赈.灾(zhèn)笙.歌(shēng)求证.(zhèng)无懈.可击(xiè) B、培训.(xùn )空隙.(xì)挑拣.(jiǎn)垂涎.欲滴(dàn ) C、别致.(zhī)橱.窗(chú)横.行(hèng)安之若素.(sù) D、沏.茶(qiē)商贸.(mào)思慕.(mù)鞭辟.入里(bì) 3、下面各组词语中,汉字书写不完全正确的一组是() A、修炼贪婪无所适从雨后春笋 B、钦佩支吾心腹之患顶天立地 C、翡翠天骄百折不挠初生牛犊 D、原料徘茴转弯抹角不厌其烦 4、下面句子加点词语使用正确的一项是() A、袁隆平是我国家喻户晓 ....的人。 B、天气炎热,他有一种奇思妙想 ....,想到水里游泳。

C、下课铃一响,他上气不接下气 ......地跑出教室。 D、花坛里,玫瑰花像霜打了的茄子 ......,开得娇艳美丽。 5、下列句子修辞辨析不正确的一项是() A、群鸭以他为圆心围成一个圈,好像给他站岗。(比拟) B、这里四季如画,春天花木欣欣向荣,夏季海滩阳光灿烂,深秋树木艳丽多彩,冬日冰雪充满神奇。(排比) C、太阳刚刚收威,人们就又下地了,麦收不等人呢。(比喻) D、古城墙的风光难道不是很值得我们喜爱吗?(反问) 6、在下文括号内,依次填入下列词语,最恰当的一项是() 书籍是人类进步的(),书籍是人成长的良师益友,与智者(),向圣人(),从他人的经历中取得经验教训,从前人的论述中获得启迪,赢得智慧,增长()。 ①阶梯②对话③阅历④讨教 A、①④③② B、①②④③ C、②③④① D、③②④① 7、下列表述有误的一项是() A、《猴王出世》选自《西游记》,作者吴承恩。《西游记》是一部古典神魔小说。 B、《水浒传》的作者是施耐庵,李逵的心粗胆大,率直忠诚,鲁达的谦恭,武松的勇武利落,心思精细,林冲的忍让,宋江的粗中有细、仗义刚正,吴用的足智多谋,无不让人如见其人,如闻其声。 C、丝绸之路是古代横贯亚欧的通道,它东起我国汉唐古都长安,往西一直延伸到罗马。出使西域的张骞,投笔从戎的班超,西天取经的玄奘的一些故事都和这条道路有关。 D、契诃夫是19世纪末俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家,其代表作《变色龙》《套中人》堪称俄国文学史上精湛而完美的艺术珍品。 8、下列没有语病的一项是()


英语—第八课时 一. 找出每组单词中与其他三个发音不同的一个,将其编号填入括号里。 1. () A. game B. table C. bad D. rain 2. () A. May B. play C. today D. says 3. () A. mountain B. paint C. again D. bay 4. () A. book B. food C. good D. wood 5. () A. soon B. moon C. look D. room 6. () A. cool B. tooth C. bedroom D. foolish 7. () A. sister B. ruler C. answer D. her 8. () A. for B. visitor C. mirror D. actor 二.选择正确的答案,将其编号填入括号里。 ( ) 1.Slow down and stop ____ a red light. A. in B. on C. at D. by ( ) 2. I _____ go to school by bike. But sometimes I go by bus. A. sometimes B. usually C. today D. never ( ) 3. I go to the park ____ foot. A. by B. at C. in D. on ( ) 4. --Let’s _______ to the cinema. –Great. A. go B. goes C. to go D. going ( ) 5. -- _______ do you go to school every day? --By bike. A. What B. When C. How D. How to ( ) 6. --What are you going to do tomorrow? --I’m going to have ________ art lesson. A. a B. an C the D. /


小升初英语试卷 找出在意义上不属于同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内。(5分)( ) 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. weather ( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. apple D. butter ( ) 3. A. cupboard B. desk C. window D. chair ( ) 4. A. sunny B. rain C. cloudy D. snowy ( ) 5. A. the B. near C. behind D. on 二、词汇。(5分) 根据首字母提示写出单词,完成句子。 1. --- Thank you very much! --- With p _______. 2. W__________ comes after Tuesday. 3. What do you have for b__________. 4. This is Peter's e________ life. 5. F________ is the second month of a year. 三、选词填空。(5分) 用at, on, to, like, for, in front of, from填空。 1. What's the weather _________ in Shanghai? 2. A storm is coming _________ South China Sea. 3. Here's the weather report __________ tomorrow. 4. Mr. Smith has many pigs ___________ his farm. 5. Father is cleaning his car ___________ the house. 6. I get up _________ six o'clock in the morning. 7. We are eating dinner _________ the table. 8. It's raining. We can watch TV _______ home. 9. What can I do __________ you? 10. It's five __________ twelve in the morning. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Linda can swim very fast. She is a good ___________ (swim). 2. It's late. We can't play any _________ (long). 3. Mary is much __________ (good) today. 4. That is a new boy. ___________ (He)name is Jack. 5. ---- Here's your book. --- __________(Thank) a lot. 6. Today is the _______ (nine)of June. 7. I ________(have) a shower at this time yesterday. 8. San was in the _________ (sit) room just now. 9. Lucy writes __________ (carefully) than Lily. 10. My father _________ (read)a newspaper last night. 五、选出与画线部分意义相近的词组或句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Excuse me. Where's Shanghai Zoo? A. How far is B. How can I get to C. Where can I go to ( ) 2. Which apple do you want? A. do you like B. would you want C. would you like


小升初分班考试语文试 卷及答案 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

语文试题 一、看拼音写词语。(8分) chōng jǐng chuǎi mó yán jùn yǎ zhì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) zhàng dān chì rèān yì chén jìn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、按要求写句子。(9分) 1.沿着这条路走,能到达学校。 改为反问句: 2.这地方太小,怎么容得下几个班的同学活动呢? 改为夸张句: 3.海燕在高傲地飞翔。 改为比喻句: 4.我国航天事业的飞速发展表明了社会主义制度的无比优越。 缩句: 5.渔夫拖着鱼网。 扩句: 6.诸葛亮对鲁肃说:"三天之内要造十万支箭,得请你帮帮我的。" 改为第三者转述: 7.王林把故事讲得那么引人注目,大家听得津津有味。 修改病句: 8.写一句表示学习方面的谚语: 9.写一句你最喜欢的歇后语: 三、判断下列说法是否正确,对的打"√",错的打"×"。(5分) 1."人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。"一句中的"或"字是"或者"的意思。( ) 2."死去元知万事空,但悲不见九州同。"是唐代诗人陆游写的诗句。( ) 3.她轻轻地啍起了《摇篮曲》:"月儿明,风儿静……"中的省略号表示引文的省略。( ) 4."下雪潮湿干燥炎热寒冷"是属于同一类词。 ( ) 5."哪怕工作再难做,他也不会退缩"这句话中的关联词用得不恰当。( ) 四、默写古诗《出塞》并回答问题。(9分) 出塞 这首诗的作者是代诗人。这是一首描写 的诗歌。三、四两句诗的意思是: 。 五、阅读:


xx英语模拟试卷(含答案) 一、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. I in Class 5. Ben in Class 5, too. We classmates. A.is,am,are B.am,is,are C.are, is, am ( ) 2. My shoes under the bed just now. But they there now. A.are,weren’t B.were,weren’t C.were, aren’t ( ) 3. There’s apple tree in my garden. In tree, there’s small house for the birds. A. an, the, a B. an, a, the C. a, the, a ( ) 4. -- that woman, Helen? –She’s Miss Li. -- is that dress? Is it hers? A. Who, Whose B. Whose, Who’s C. Who’s, Whose ( )5.I usually go to school seven the morning. A. at, on B. at, in C. about, on ( ) 6. This is our classroom. is next to . A. Your, our B. Your, ours C. Yours, ours

( )7.Mr White is from .He’s .He speaks . A. America, American, English B. American, America, English C. America, American, American ( ) 8. I a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it. A. have, There are B. there are, Have C. has, There is ( ) 9. There isn’t milk in the cup. Would you like juice? A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any ( ) 10. - Yang Ling see a film last Sunday? - No, she . A. Do, don’t B. Does, doesn’t C. Did, didn’ t ( ) 11.–What does “No parking” mean? - It means . A. We can park our bikes here. B. We can’t park our bikes here. C. We can’t ride our bikes here. ( ) 12.–This is an exciting holiday. People usually make pumpkin lanterns and go to parties. Children wear(穿,戴) masks and dress up in costumes. What holiday is it? - It’s . A. Halloween B. Easter C.

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