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桑博1 兰惠清1 余学立1 何仁洋2 康正凌3 崔钺1

(1.北京交通大学机械与电子控制工程学院,北京 100044;2.中国特种设备检测研究院,北京 100013;

3.海军后勤技术装备研究所,北京 100072)


摘要:燃气管道的泄漏过程非常复杂,其发生、发展的一系列过程影响因素众多,存在诸多不确定性,且事故表现形式多样,因此一直都是管道安全技术领域的重要课题。国内外的相关研究非常活跃,针对泄漏过程的不同阶段、燃气种类和扩散介质的不同,相继提出了高斯模型、Sutton模型、BM模型、FEM3模型等经典气体扩散模型。给出了这些模型的适用范围,对比了其优缺点。在此基础上,介绍了AFTOX模型、HEGADAS模型、DEGADIS模型、HGSYSTEM模型、INPUFF模型、SLAB 模型等近年比较流行的气体扩散模型,并介绍了概率密度函数(PDF)输运方程模型、条件矩封闭模型、简化的PDF模型、关联矩模型等爆炸/火焰模型。根据工业生产需求,对燃气管道泄漏过程进行了分析,阐述了研究的分类并指出了该技术领域研究中存在的问题和未来发展的方向。


中图分类号:TE88 文献标识码:A


1 燃气管道的泄漏过程


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图 1 燃气管道泄漏扩散的影响因素



价事故后果的基础。泄漏源模型也称为速率模型,其研究对象是气体管道发生泄漏时气体的泄漏速率,是后续泄漏过程的研究基础。泄漏源模型的研究开展较早,目前已经提出3种典型的模型。3.1.1 一般泄漏速率模型




式中: p a 为环境压力,MPa ;p 为管道内气体压力,MPa ;

K 为气体的等熵指数。该模型适用于泄漏时管内气体压力恒定的工况,若因管内压力降低而影响泄漏速率时,它不再适用。3.1.2 孔口泄漏模型和管道泄漏模型

天然气管道泄漏一般为孔口泄漏,通常以圆孔口泄漏为基础建立孔口泄漏模型,当孔口不规则时,可采用当量直径[2]作为计算参数。根据孔径的大小,孔口泄漏可分为小孔和大孔两种泄漏。孔径小于20 mm 属于小孔泄漏,孔径为20~80 mm 属于大孔泄漏。管道横截面完全断裂的泄漏模型称作管道泄漏模型。




其次,由于气源类型不同,其摩尔质量不同,泄漏扩散的形式也不同。根据燃气的种类,可以将研究内容划分为两类:一是以研究天然气泄漏过程为代表的轻质/中性气体扩散模型,二是以研究液化天然气(LNG )泄漏过程为代表的重气扩散模型。



3.1 泄漏源模型


图 2



当管道发生完全断裂时,采用管道泄漏模型,利用机械能守恒方程和总能量守恒方程来描述管道内气体的绝热流动过程[2]。3.2 泄漏扩散模型



泄漏扩散模型,按照其授权方式可以分为开源免费模型和商业收费模型两大类;按照其本质特征可以分为经验模型、一维积分模型、箱及相似模型、三维流体力学模型以及浅层模型。3.2.1 经典气体扩散模型

关于燃气管道泄漏扩散过程的模拟和实验研究,国外从20世纪七八十年代业已开始,直至今天该领域的研究依然很活跃。国外学者提出了很多气体扩散模型,并开展了大量的风洞试验和全尺寸试验。其中,高斯模型(Gaussian Plume/Puff Model )、Sutton 模型、BM 模型(Britter and McQuaid Model )、

FEM3模型(3-D Finite Element Model )是相对经典的5种气体扩散模型(表1)。

表 1 国外5种典型气体扩散模型的比较

高斯模型是最早开发的管道泄漏扩散过程的数学模型,基于统计方法,考察扩散质的质量分数分布[4-5],适用于点源的扩散。高斯模型分为高斯烟团模型(Puff Model )和高斯烟羽模型(Plume Model ),前者适用于短时间泄漏的扩散,即泄放时间相对于扩散时间比较短,如突发性泄放,后者适用于连续源的泄放扩散。由于两种模型均未考虑重力影响,因此只适用于轻气体或与空气密度相差不大的气体的扩散。虽然高斯模型存在诸多弊端,但因其开发时间早,技术较成熟,模型计算简便,仍被广泛应用于污染物扩散领域。

BM 模型也称为唯象模型,该模型由一系列重气

体连续泄放和瞬时泄放的实验数据绘制成的计算图表组成,属于经验模型,外延性较差。Hanna 等[6]对其进行了无因次处理并拟合成解析公式,发现该模型与实验曲线吻合较好。该模型主要适用于中性或重气体的扩散研究,且更侧重于大规模泄漏扩散的情况,其计算简便,结果表现直观。

Sutton 模型与高斯模型一样,适用于两种气体压力相同且相对速度较低条件下的扩散过程[7],它采用湍流扩散统计理论处理湍流扩散问题,但用于可燃气体泄放扩散过程时误差较大。













天然气在空气中的扩散可以认为是湍流过程,目前湍流燃烧的模拟方法有:随机涡模拟、直接数值模拟(DNS)、关联矩模型、雷诺平均模型、概率密度函数输运方程模型、条件矩封闭模型(Conditional Moment Closure)、大涡模拟(LES)、简化概率密度函数模型、基于简单物理概念的唯象模型(如ESCIMO模型、EBU 模型及拉切滑模型)等。


该模型用于模拟有限反应速率的燃烧过程和考察详细反应动力学的问题具有较大优势,它的关键步骤是根据统计理论和概率建立湍流燃烧系统中变量的联合概率密度函数及其输运方程,并通过Monte-Carlo 方法进行求解。该方法的缺点主要表现在联合概率密度函数求解的复杂性和巨大的计算量,因而难以广泛应用于工程实际[17-18]。


















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Prospect prediction of domestic natural gas pipeline industry Pan Jiahua OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 601–602,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

The paper gives a brief introduction of the relationship between the energy structure and the environmental pollution ,presents the idea to improve air quality from two aspects :energy ef ? ciency and changing energy structure ,where the latter will come out to be the focus. The bottom line of energy efficiency is to wash out the outdated production capability and pursue the Green GDP .Domestic and worldwide energy structures are described. At present in China ,coal is main resource due to the lack of petroleum. The amount of discovered natural gas is also small. The energy structure is lagged behind compared to the international average level ,which is inappropriate for the economic development of China. The amount of discovered shale gas in China is at the top ranks of the world. Considering the successful exploration and utilization of shale gas in US ,China has established the Shale Gas Research Base ,which is anticipated to be helpful for changing Chinese energy structure. In order to reduce pipeline construction costs ,international researchers have utilized the TMPC technique (Thermo Mechanical Process Control )to optimally select the metallurgical structure of pipe material ,thus high-grade steel pipe materials X100,X120 have been successfully developed. In China ,researchers have even successfully developed the LSAW X100 and X120 pipe steels. The author predicts that China will be the pioneer constructing oil & gas pipeline with X100 or X120 pipes in the world.Key words :natural gas ,energy structure ,shale gas ,TMPC technique ,high-grade pipe material Pan Jiahua :PetroChina Pipeline Company,Langfang ,Hebei ,065000. Tel :0316-*******;Email :gdlilin@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/41763902.html, Application prospect of The Internet of Things technology for oil and gas pipelines Cui Hongsheng and Wei Zheng OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 603–607,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

Informatization construction of oil and gas pipelines consists of three layers ,

that is ,implementation layer ,management layer and strategic decision layer. Each layer is composed of different information systems. With the development of information technology ,the advent of The Internet of Things technology will bring a new growth to the three layers of informatization construction. Through analyzing the obvious contradictions produced in the course of development of oil and gas pipeline companies ,the architecture of The Internet of Things for pipelines is proposed ,which includes perception layer ,transport layer and application layer. And its application architecture is consisted of data integration application layer and intelligent network layer of pipeline. The Internet of Things for pipelines connects with assets and devices through sensors to establish data integration system to realize comprehensive data analysis and utilization ,and thus the optimal management over each link of pipeline operation based on the intelligent application platform developed for business demands will be realized.Key words :pipeline ,The Internet of Things ,informatization ,intelligent pipeline network ,data integration ,standard of data Cui Hongsheng :PetroChina Natural Gas & Pipeline Company ,Beijing ,100007.Tel :010-********;Email :hscui@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/41763902.html, The research progress of gas pipeline leak model Sang Bo ,Lan Huiqing ,Yu Xueli ,et al OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 608–613,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

The gas pipeline leak process is subject to many uncertain factors during its occurrence and progress with a variety of accident forms ,therefore ,the research of gas pipeline leak process is always an important issue in the technical ? eld of pipeline safety. And the research is very active at home and abroad. Several classic gas diffusion models have been proposed ,such as Gaussian model ,Sutton model ,BM model ,FEM3 model etc.,which are distinguished by the different stages of leak process and diffusion medium types. The application scope of these models has been given respectively ,and their advantages and disadvantages have been compared ,too. On this basis ,some other popular gas diffusion models which have been proposed in

recent years are introduced ,such as AFTOX model ,

HEGADAS model ,DEGADIS model ,HGSYSTEM model ,INPUFF model ,SLAB model ,etc.. Furthermore ,some explosion/? ame models are also described ,such as the probability density function (PDF )transport equation model ,conditional moment closure model ,the simpli ? ed PDF model ,association moment model. According to the requirements of industrial production ,the leakage process of gas pipeline has been analyzed ,and the classi ? cation of study has been explained. The problems in the current study and the future developments of the technical ? eld of pipeline safety have also been pointed out.



Vol. 30 No. 8 (Total 272) Aug. 25, 2011


Key words:gas leakage,pipeline,diffusion model,explosion/? ame,research progress

Sang Bo:School of Mechanical,Electronic and Control Engineering,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing,100044.


Displacement commissioning of the A-line modi? ed section of China-Uzbekistan Gas Pipeline

Jiang Jintian and Gao Bin

OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 614–618,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

The gas in the temporary section of China-Uzbekistan Gas Pipeline will be furthest imported to the A-line modi? ed section in the process of displacement commissioning. Through the process calculation and data simulation of displacement and pressure balancing,several parameters have been determined,for example,the initial pressure of commissioning is 0.2 MPa,and gas ? ow rate of displacement is at 5 m/s,gas temperature in the pipeline before throttling is approximately at 12℃. And so,the temperature should drop to -31 ℃ after throttling. Based on the actual calculations result of displacement rate and the pressure changes of valve back,and the vibration situation of pipeline and equipment,the flowrate has been controlled by adjusting the total revolutions number of hand wheel. The feasibility of importing gas from the temporary section to the modi? ed section has been demonstrated by analyzing various constraints and limitations,maximum allowable shutdown time for upstream and downstream pipeline,the optimum timing of pressure balancing etc.. Problems in displacement rate control and throttling for high-pressure gas pipeline have been solved by comparing the scheme of displacement commissioning. And the displacement commissioning process of importing gas and pressure balancing from the temporary section to the modi? ed section have been achieved under the condition of temporary shutdown.

Key words:China-Uzbekistan Gas Pipeline,modified section,displacement commissioning,differences of high pressure,throttling,pressure balance

Jiang Jintian:PetroChina Pipeline Company,Langfang,Hebei,065000.


Application of backtow ? otage balance technology in horizontal directional drilling engineering

Zhang Jie,Zhou Zhaoxia,Ye Wenjian,et al

OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 619–620,633,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

In the backtow process of horizontal directional drilling engineering for big-diameter oil/gas pipelines,mud ? otage impacts on the backtow with the increases of pipe diameter. In order to reduce the friction between pipe and formed hole caused by mud ? otage and reduce the risk of backtow process,the effect of mud ? otage is calculated and analyzed. A counterweight technology with PE pipe water injection and mud density adjustment are used to balance the mud ? otage in backtow process. With this technology,the friction area between pipe and the soil is reduced,and so the friction is lowered to 80%. Meanwhile,the risk of hole-wall collapse caused by the extrusion of pipe ? otage is also decreased. The ? otage balance technology is successfully adopted in horizontal directional drilling engineering of the main canal of South-North Water Transport Project in the Second West-to-East Gas Pipeline with remarkable economic and social bene? ts.

Key words:large-diameter pipeline,horizontal directional drilling,PE pipe,water injection,backtow

ZHANG Jie:Sichuan Petroleum Construction Engineering Ltd. Co.,Chengdu,Sichuan,610215.



Geological disaster risk analysis and management solutions for Mohe-Daqing Oil Pipeline in permafrost regions

Chen Pengchao,Yang Baoling,Wang Min

OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 621–623,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

Mohe-Daqing Oil Pipeline,with the highest latitude in China,is the ? rst complete pipeline of China in distance and diameter constructed in permafrost regions,where the lowest temperature in winter is at -52.3 ℃. There are about 440 km-long pipeline (Mohe-Dayangshu section of Jiagedaqi)traversing over the Greater Higgnan Mountains’ permafrost regions,which are consisted of the continuous permafrost and discontinuous permafrost including segregated frozen ground. The terrain which the pipeline is located at is higher in the North and lower in the South; great ups and downs are in the Northern area; the mountains,hills and river-valley landforms spread over the pipeline. The Southern area,the Songnen Plain,is ? at and open with complicated geographic environment,and the geological disasters such as frost thawing,avalanche,melting landslide,water damage erosion(bank collapse)and so on are easy to happen. All the above risks possible in Mohe-Daqing Oil Pipeline are discussed in the paper. Hazard management and risk mitigation measures are presented.

Key words:Mohe-Daqing Oil Pipeline,permafrost,geological disaster,risk,mitigation measures

Chen Pengchao:PetroChina Pipeline Company,LangFang,065000.


Rain-? ow counting analysis of the ? uctuation pressure for oil & gas pipelines

Jiao Zhongliang,Li Zhiwen,Li Zhiyong,et al

OGST Vol. 30 No. 8,pp. 624–628,8/25/2011. ISSN 1000-8241;In Chinese

Operation safety of pipelines will be seriously threatened by pressure fluctuation. Therefore,the cyclic statistics about the ? uctuation course of operation pressure for 5 inland oil & gas pipelines have been done by using the rain-? ow counting method. The cycle number and amplitude of pressure fluctuations are analyzed. And the characteristics and causes of pressure ? uctuations for the different type of pipes are also discussed. The authors present speci? c solutions and operational measures in the paper. Results show that the in? uences of transport medium,service life and external operating conditions are different for
