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MODULE 1U nit 1 I want a hot dog,please.


本教学知点第八册 Module 1 第一元 .本教学知点“在快餐店点餐”展开教学的 .学“hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy ”等及“What do you want?/I want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five ce nts. 重”

点句型展开教学使学生在情景中掌握教学内容 ,培养学生自主学英的能力和运用英

分析、解决的能力 ,以及交流和合作的能力 .



(1)四会: hamburger、cola、dollar、cent、enjoy

(2)能灵活运用重点句型 ,并清楚其运用的合和言: What do you want?/I

want a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.


(1)通情景交活 ,造探究的学氛 ,引学生自我探究 ,培养学生的听、、、写等

合能力及英行交的能力 .

(2)通会表演、小比、游等活多角度激学生自主探究学的极性 ,培养学生

学英的趣 .


(1)根据学生的心理特点及情况有意的教学活 ,激学生的极性,使学生懂得如

何在西式快餐店用英点餐 .

(2)使学生能利用所学的知与人合作、交流得成功的喜悦 . 三、教学


1、教学重点: What do you want?

I want a hot dog,please.

How much is it?

It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.





(一) Warming-up( 3 分)


T:Hello,everyone!How are you today?

Ss:I am fine.Thank you And you ?

T:I am fine too.Thank you Are you

happy?[ Ss:Yes.

2、Listen and do

T:Stand up/Turn left/turn west?

Ss:Do the actions.

(意:生互致候 ,沟通感情; Listen and do 达到激学生的情趣 ) (二)Lead in ( 4 分)

1、教拿出堡的片 ,T:What is this? Ss:堡 .T:Yes,this is hamburger从.而引出新“hamburger”,教教学生 hamburger 的音 ,并要求学生在桌上拼写h-a-m-b-u-r-g-e-

r,hamburger.通 one by one接式学生快速站起来 .教又拿出可的片 ,T:What is this? Ss:可 .T:Yes,this is a cola. 教起堡和可的片:“How much is it?共多少?”Ss:$13.25 T:Yes,It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.Ok,now enjoy your meal. 又

引出“cola、dollar、cent、enjoy ”用同

的方法教授 ,通提的方式抽学生掌握的情况.


(三) Presentation ( 25 分 )

1、教学活 1(Listen,point and find“I want)?”


T:Boys and girls,do you like hamburger?


T:I like hamburger too.Do you like cola ?


T:Ok,now let′s look at activity 1.

Who are they? Can you guess what are they doing?(出示本挂)

(2)教播放第一遍音 ,要求学生画出不懂的句子和.

(3)播放第二遍音前 ,教要求学生着小黑板的去听,如:①Is a hot dog really a dog?② What does Daming want? ③ How much is it?

(4)教再播放音 ,每句停 ,学生跟并模仿音,以提的方式解决

小黑板上的 .

(5)教教学生SB 活 1 的 .

(6)把全班分成四人一小 ,分扮演 Simon、Daming、Simon′dad、Waitress的角色朗文 .[

2、教学 SB activity 2 (Listen and say)


T:(出示片 )What do you want?

S1:I want a hamburger.

S2:I want a cola.

S3:I want a hot dog.

S4:I want ?.

T:How much is it?

Ss:It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents


教拿出卡“hamburger、cola、hot dog、dollar、cent.

①播放音 ,教学生朗几个 .然后教随意抽取卡片 ,学生朗上面的 .最后个

抽 ,并以小画作励 .


画作励 .

3、教学 SB activity 3

(1)教利用多媒体件呈 SB part 3 (Ask and answer)的 .T:What can you see? What are they doing?学生察并作答 .

(2)T:What do you want?(鼠指向任意一幅 )Ss:I want ?,please. T:How

much is it?

Ss:It is?


把台布置成快餐店的柜台 ,邀自愿者站到台后扮演服 ,再邀几名学生上前扮演客,表演点餐的程 .了鼓励下面的学生极参与,教可以提出:“What does he/she want?全”班同学答 .


六、 Summary ( 5 分 )



七、 Homework ( 3 分 )

(1)熟文 ,并完成活手册的 .

(2)同桌之相互 SB part 2 的 . (意:



Module 1

Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please.

What do you want?

I want a hot dog,please.

How much is it?

It ′s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.


Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?



(1)能运用chicken, orange juice, tea.

(2)能掌握运用句型What do you want to eat\ drink? I want a hamburger,please.行交流 .

(3)学歌曲 What do you want?

2、能力目:能口运用How much is it?句物品价格 ,并能口运

用 It ’s ten yuan. 句回答 .



1、重点:句型 What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?


点笔、有价的食物片料片一餐里的点菜 .



Step Ⅰ Warming up


2.家庭作中的 ,小表演上的 .

(意:复上所学内容,学新知做好 ).

Step Ⅱ Presentation

1、Learn the text

(1) Lead in

上我了解了在美国快餐店点餐用餐的全程,在我要跟随Ling ling 和 Lingling 's dad 一起学怎用英在中国快餐店就餐的 ,瞧他正在一家快餐店里点餐 ,我先来听听吧 .(2) Look and listen for "What do you want ..."

Listen to the tape.

教可以通肢体言来解“eat和” “drink”.

(3) Listen and answer

播放第二遍音 ,学生着听音并找答案.

(1)What does Lingling want to eat and drink?

(2)What does Lingling ’s dad want to eat and drink?

音播放完后 ,学生行口表述 ,教及正答案 .

(意:学生着听音并找答案 ,培养学生分析 ,解决的能


(4) Listen and repeat.


播放第三次音 .每个句子后停后 ,要求学生行指和跟 .并把以下句子行板:

What do you want to eat/drink?

I want?


(意:运用多种形式学生行充分的听 ,使学生具有良好的音)

Step Ⅲ Practice

1、引学生看 SB 第二元活 2 Look the menu 中的菜 ,要求学生能

:chicken, orange juice, tea并能写: rice, tea.然后教扮演服来个

学生:“What do you want to eat/drink?鼓励学”生根据自己的喜好来点餐 , 小内点餐 .

2、引学生看 SB 第二元活 3 中的 ,并一步引学生运用 How much is it?句

物品价格 ,并能口运用 It ’s ten yuan. 句回答 .小内

(设计意图:通过小组对话练习 ,让更多的学生参与学习活动 ,激发学生的学习积极性 ,提高学习效率 .)

Step Ⅳ Development

1.Make a Chinese fast food restaurant学生自制菜单 ,自取店名来开一家中国快餐店 ,学生来扮演服务员和顾客进行以小组为单位的情景短剧的表演.

(设计意图 :通过 Make a Chinese fast food restaurant情景练习活动促使学生在

实践中运用所学英语 ,增强对所学英语的体验 ,培养学生的合作精神 .)2.学了这些后我们知道了在中国快餐店吃饭点餐的一些日常用语 ,下面有一位非常热情的老板在招呼客人 ,让我们一起去看看 .学习 SB 第二单元活动 4 中的歌曲 , 播放录音 ,先请学生听歌词朗读 .播放歌曲 ,先让学生整体欣赏歌曲 ,并确定学生在理解歌词时 ,是否有疑问 .再次播放歌曲 ,每句后停顿 ,让学生跟唱 .最后集体演唱 .

Step Ⅴ Summary

用英语在中国快餐店就餐会用到哪些句子呢? What do you want to

eat/drink?How much is it? It ’s ten yuan.

(设计意图:师生共同回顾总结,加深对所学知识的印象 .)

Step Ⅵ Homework


(设计意图:帮助学生复习有关食物的单词 ,为学生提供创作的空间) . 板


Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?

New words 小组评价

What do you want to eat/drink?

chicken, orange How much is it? It ’s ten yuan.

orange juice,tea.

Module2 Unit1 We’re going to have a picnic



握本课中的四会单词:duck, noisy, picnic ⑶掌

握句型:simple future tense: be going to

When are we going to eat?

We’re going to eat at half past twelve.

What are we going to do? We are going to walk around the lake.

⑷能模仿课文 ,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话;

2.技能目标:会用 be going to 谈论意图和计划


度二、教学重点:四会单词及句型 ,课文的掌握

三、教学难点:能模仿课文 ,运用重点句型进行扩展性的情景会话

四、教学准备:点读笔 ,图片 ,单词卡片等 .


Step 1 Warm-up

1.Sing an English song.

2.Ask the children: What do you like doing in your spare time? (Let more students answer)

Step 2 Introduction

1.Teach the new words in different ways: duck, noisy, picnic

Then let Ss remember the words in their own small groups.

2.T: I’m going to go to the park with my friends this weekend?

I ’m going to go at nine. How about you,children?(板重点句型 )

What are you going to do?I ’m going to?.

When are you going to go?I ’m going to go at?.

3.Practice the sentences by different ways.

4.Finish activity 3 of Page7. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.


T:Do you want to know what did Daming, Simon and Simon ’s mother do during the weekend?

⑴Put the chart on the blackboard and ask the children to look at the picture carefully. Listen to the dialogue carefully and ask several questions.

⑵ Play the cassette and circle the new words.

⑶ Play the cassette and ask some questions.

When are they going to eat?What are they going to do?

⑷Play the cassette again and pause after each sentence for the children to repeat.

6.Practice in groups and act out the dialogue.

Step 3 Summary

Group work: 生自己“ be going to”的用法 . Step 4

Expanding Language

Free talk: 生情景 ,子用“ be going to” 行 ,并行展示 . Step 5 Homework

1.Read the text in roles.

2.Learn SB Activity 3 by themselves.

Blackboard Writing:

We’ re going to have a picnic

New words:duck, noisy, picnic

What are you going to do?I ’m going to?.

When are you going to go?I ’m going to go at?.

Unit 2 It ’s going to snow in Harbin


能力目:能运用所学句型“ It ’s going to snow in” ?行表演和口交,激

学生学英的趣 ,

情感目:培养学生关心生活 ,生活的情感 .

[教学重点 ]

1、操句型:be going to?


[教学点 ]

运用句型“ It ’s going to snow in Harbin. It’s going to be windy and cold”描in Xi


[教具 ]点笔等

[教学程 ]


(1)生好后 ,出示一些描述天气状况的片 ,复相关 sunny, warm, cool, windy, cold, hot, snow, snowy, rain, rainy等.


,用“ What's the weather like in Weifang today? It ’s ??”句型省内几个城市的天

气情况行答 ,并把相的点拖拉到地上 .


教指着地上坊的位置:“What's the weather going to be like in Weifang tomorrow? It ’s going to ??”并板句子 ,展示全国地反复操后 ,教原来表的位置 ,学生在本上写出相的答 ,教点示答案后 , 及表和鼓励学生 .


(1)“超模仿秀”:了培养学生的自信心 ,学生的口表达能力特安排了此活 .同学

模仿播音来天气 .要求同学互相帮助至少能一两个城市 ,很好地完成了活 2 的

任 .

(2)“ 交流”:要求 2 人一 ,排一 .每个都要假自己居住在不同的城市 ,而要通打

来各个地方第二天的天气状况 .

(3)“魔法眼”:展示活 3 的片 ,先了解上各城市的天气情况 ,然后快速所要学生描述的城市的天气情况 ,学生行答 .猜多者幸运者 ,可得星励 .此活比有趣 ,也可在小行 .


教提:“What are you going to do today?”待学生回答后 ,教介:“下面我来看看屏

幕画中的小姑娘今天会做些什么?”要求学生看跟 .


学生描述某地将来天气状况的句型:It ’s going to snow in?

It ’ s going to be warm in?


根据活 5 提供的一周天气和活 ,制定一个你自己一周的活划( C 同学可以写一

天的活划 ,划必是可行的 .)

Module 3Unit 1The sun is shining.


1、Teaching material:Students Book:Module3Unit 1Activity1, 2, 3

2、Teaching aim and demand

a. Using Ability task :Using present continuous tense: be+ doing

b. Moral task: Students can describe a secene

Key words:shine everyone out of

wrong send sing

Key sentences: A: In this photo,the sun is shining.

B:The brids are singing in the tree.

The ducks are eating our picnic.

3. Teaching point:

Words: shining sending singing eating

Teaching difficulty:

Be +Ving S +is+ doing???

He is playing with dogs.S +are+ doing???.

We are watching TV now. S +am +doing ??.

I am singing now.

4 Task design: The task: 1:SB Unit 1

5 Teaching things: casseete radio wordcards

二、堂教学程序{ Period two} 第二

1 Greetings: T—Ss Ss—Ss

2 Warm up

Do a chant“ what do you want to eat”


A: Review :

What are you going to do this weekend?

T: I ’ m going to go to a bookstore

I am going to buy some books, what about you, S1?

S1: I ’ m going to play the piano.

S2: I’ m going to?

S3: I’ m going to?

T: Let’ s watch PPT?

B: Learn words: shine everyone out of

wrong send sing

Target: To make students master the structure.

He is playing with dogs.

We are watching TV now.

I am singing now.

4 Presentation:

a. Ss open their books.

b. Listen to the tape.

c. Look at the PPT again and answer questions.

Question1: Where are the birds singing?

Question2: What are the ducks eating?

Question3: What is Lingling sending?

Question4: Who loves picture books?

5Read after the tape.

Under line the key words.


A:Copy the new words.

B:Dictation tomorrow.

C:Read and listen the text three times.

Unit 2I am looking out of the window


1、Teaching material:Students Book:Module3Unit 2Activity1, 2, 3

2、Teaching aim and demand Using Ability task: Using present

continuous tense: be + doing Describing scenes.

A.Basic Demands:

Vocabulary:sleep mountain train station out of words ending in -ing B.Further Demand:

1.Students can describe things that is happening.

2.Students can describe the text according to the picture.


The using way of present continuous tense: be + doing

3、Teaching difficulties: be + doing to describe things that is happening

4、Teaching aids:Tape recorder, photos, word cards, ppt.

二、堂教学程序{ Period One} 第三

1、Warm up

⑴Greetings: T—Ss Ss— Ss

(2)Free Talk:

Topic: What do you like doing?

T:I like reading story books, what do you like doing?

S1: I like watching TV.

S2: I like playing?

2、入(Leading )

A.1 T: I like dancing, look what am I doing

Help students say: You are doing something.

2.Now, look at PPT, look at the pictures and tells what is he or she doing. Students read the phrase together:

Reading singing dancing running eating playing

Ask students say: He is reading.

She is singing.


3. Game: Guessing game

One student does action, the other says what is she or he

doing 4. PPT

Show some scenes and give an description for example:

In this photo, They are in the park, they are rowing a boat.

T:Simon, Daming and Simon’moms had a special weekend, do you want to know where did they go and what happened?

(1)Ss open their books

(2)Listen to the tape, students pay attention the blanket.

(3) According to the listening material, students finish the blankets.

B. Practicing

Students do dialogue in pairs with sentence structures on the board

A: In this photo, we’ re having a picnic.

B:You are in the park.

A:That ’ s right.

C. Homework

1. Read the text fluently.

2. Prepare the photos.

Module 4 Unit 1 I`m making Daming`s birthday card


1.学习目标语句: I’m making Daming’s birthday card.

学习词汇: card, careful, balloon, fly away

2.学会运用 I’m making Daming ’s birthday card.并能口头运用说明自己正在做某事因此不能做另外的事 .

3.识别词汇: card, careful, balloon, fly away 书写单词 card, cake.



1.通过听录音、网络等方式预习本单元将要学习的新单词、课文 .将不会读的单词和句子进行标注 ,不明白的地方找出来 .



在超市 ________________买东西____________

举行生日聚会 ______________生日卡片___________________

小心 ______________飘走____________

4.阅读课文 ,小组讨论并回答下列问题:

(1)Where is Simon’ s mum?

(2)What is she doing ?

(3)Can Simon help his mum?

(4)What is he doing?

(5)Who can help Simon’s mum?

(6)What are happening?





在超市 ________________买东西____________

举行生日聚会 ______________生日卡片___________________

小心 ______________飘走____________


1. 自主学习


(2)展示导学案 ,学生讨论 ,小组展示(可小组长带领 ,也可组内成员轮流) ,回答预

习学案中的问题 .

(1)Where is Simon’ s mum?

(2)What is she doing ?

(3)Can Simon help his mum?

(4)What is he doing?

(5)Who can help Simon’s mum?

(6)What are happening?


学生在学习新单词后,自主学习新课文 .遇到不懂得地方可在小组内交流解决.记录好重点、难点 .

2. 合作探究


(2)讨论如何用句型 Who can help me 向别人寻求帮助 ,且给寻求帮助的人以回答.(3)讨论一下 P15 Activity 3 的图片 ,并在小组内相互交流 .


(1)Fly away 与 fall down 的区别 .

(2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动词的 ing.



1.Who can help? Yes, ______ can.

A. me,me

B. I, I

C. me, I

2.We ______ going to have a picnic in the park.

A. is

B. are

C. am

3._______ sun is shining.

A. A

B. An

C. The

4.The ducks are eating ______picnic.

A. our

B. we

C. I

5.It ’ s going to _______hot in Beijing.

A. is

B. be

C. /


1. am, going to, I, have, birthday, party, a (?)

2. I’ m, birthday, card, Daming’ s, making(.)

3.help , you, can, I (?)

4.help , you, can , I(.)


5.she , your birthday, buying things, for, is (.) —————————————————————————————


Unit 1 I ’ m making Daming ’ s birthday card

My balloons are flying away.

Who can help me?Yes, I can .

My book is falling down.No, I can’ t.

Unit 2The apples are falling down the stairs.


1.学习目标语句: The apples are falling down the stairs.

学习词汇: stairs, mess

2.学会运用 The apples are falling down the stairs并.能口头运用说明正在发生的事情 .

3.识别词汇: stairs 书写单词 :apple



1.通过听录音、网络等方式预习本单元将要学习的新单词、课文 .将不会读的单词和

句子进行标注 ,不明白的地方找出来 .


捡苹果 ________________洗苹果___________

在电话里交谈 ______________ 打扫楼梯 ___________________





捡苹果 ________________洗苹果___________

在电话里交谈 ______________ 打扫楼梯 ___________________




(2)展示导学案 ,学生讨论 .让学生听录音 ,学习录音中的语音语调 .用自己的话说一

说图片中究竟发生了什么 .


学生在学习新单词后 ,自主学习新课文 .遇到不懂得地方可在小组内交流解决 .记录好重点、难点 .



(2)小组讨论 Activity 1 的图片 ,在小组内描述图片中的内容,让小组记录员做好交流学习的笔记 ,比一比谁描述的更精彩.


The girl is crying

The apples are falling down.

The eggs are falling down, too.

The cola is falling, too.

The girl is sitting on the floor.

(4)小组内交流 Who can help the girl?

听录音 ,连线 .听两遍 ,请部分学生重复录音内容,全班共同连线检查 .然后分小组讨论 ,用自己的话以第三人称单数的形式描述一下这些人会帮助小女孩吗?如果会,他们是如何帮助小女孩的 .为降低难度 ,教师可以将人称写出 ,引导学生完成后面部分 , 如:

The woman ________help the girl. She ______ __________———————————————————

The man _______ help the girl. He __________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________

The boy ________ help the girl. He ________ ___________ __________ _____________

The girl _________ help the girl. She _________ ____________



(1)Who can help ______?这.里如果是代词用宾格 .

(2)现在进行时句子的结构:主语+be+动词的 ing.

(3)一般将来时句子的结构:主语+will+ 动词原形 .

(4)谈论能不能干某事 : can/can’动t+词原形 .



1. The woman is talking ______ the phone.

A. to

B. on

C. at

2. The apples are falling _______ the stairs.

A. down

B. to

C. at

3. The man will pick _______ the apples.

A. up

B. to

C. /

4. The girl will ______ the floor

A. clean

B. cleaning

C. cleaned

5.Mum is________ in the kitchen.

A. cooks

B. cooking

C. cook


1.-What is he doing ?

He __________(clean)the blackboard

2.-What is the boy doing ?

He ____________(carry) a bag.

3. What are they doing?

They ____________________

4.What are the boys doing?

They ______________________


写一写你会帮助人干什么,至少三句 .例句: I can help my mum. I will clean the floor.


Unit2 The apples are falling down the stairs.

The girl is crying→I can help her. I will give her some paper.

The apples are falling down.→ I can help her. I will pickapplesupthe.

The eggs are falling down, too.I can help→ her. I will?

The cola is falling, too.

The girl is sitting on the floor.→ I willcanpullhelpherherup..

Module 5Unit 1Daming is having a birthday party .

一、教学内容Daming is having a birthday party .



(1).学生能听、、、trumpet ,ring ,doorbell,loudly 四个 .

(2).使学生掌握 Daming is having a birthday party

和 Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing 句型 .


(1)、培养学生的听、能力以及能用所学的言描述片 .



鼓励学生用所学的言去描述生活中的景 .通多种形式的活激学生学英的趣 .


本所出的新和句型Daming is having a birthday party .

及 Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing .

四、教学点能用所学的和句型交流 . 五、教学步

Step 1.Warming up


T: Hello ,boys and girls .Nice to meet you !

Ss: Hello,teacher,Nice to meet you !

2.T: Let’s say a chantsay. and do actions .

Play ,play .I’ m playingRun ,run. .He’ s running

Eat ,eat . She eating’s. Sing,sing .They are singing

Have ,have .We ’ re having .

T:You ’ve done a good job.

Step 2.Presentation.

Ss look and listen .

T:What are they doing ?

Ss: They are having a birthday party .

T: Yes ,today is Cubby‘s birthday ,He’s having a .birthday party

( Suddenly ,teacher’s phone is ringing ,)

T: We ’re having a class ,but my phone is ringing .

It ’s Daming .today is Daming’s birthday ,He is having a birthday party too.

Do you want to go to Daming’s birthday party ?

T: What ’s mingDa doing ?

Ss: Daming is playing the trumpet .

T:What ’s happening ?

The phone is ringing .

T:Daming is playing the trumpet ,but the phone is ringing .

4.Play the tape again ,Ss listen and underline the important sentences .

5.Read after the tape .

Step 4. Practice

T:Daming is having a birthday party now .

Let ’s sing a song for Daming .

Sing“Happy birthday“song

T:I will give Daming a present .Look birthday cake .

2. Make sentences

T:Look at the blackboard who can eat cake first ?


3. Play a game Do and say

e.g Lingling is speaking English ,but Fangfang is playing .

4. Pair work Fill in the blanks

Step 5 Summary Say a chant

Step 6.Homework

1.Read the text three times .

2.Copy some important sentences .

3.Do exercise 1and 2

Unit2He`s riding his bike,but it`s startint to rain.


1. The students can finish the exercises with the help of the teacher.

2. Get the Ss to master the Present Continuous Tense..
