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An electrical circuit or network is posed ofelements such as resistors, inductors, and capacitors connected togetherin some manner、If th e network contains noenergysources,such as batteries or electrical g enerators, it is known as a passive network、On the other hand, if one or more energy sources are present, the resultant bination is an activenetwork、In st udying the behavior of an electrical network, we areinterested in determining the voltages and currents that exist within the circuit、Since a network is posed of passivecircuit elements,we must first define the electrical characteristics of these elements、


In the case ofa resistor, the voltage-currentrelationship is given by Ohm's l aw, which states that the voltage across the resistor is equalto the current through the resistor multiplied by the value of the resistance、Mathematically,this is expressed as

就电阻来说,电压—电流得关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端得电压等于电阻上流过得电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)

式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R = 电阻,欧姆。

The voltage across a pure inductor is defined byFaraday’s law, which states that the voltage across the inductor is proportional to the rateof change wit h time of thecurrentthrough the inductor、 Thus we have


式中 di/dt =电流变化率, 安培/秒;L=感应系数, 享利。

The voltage developed across a capacitor is proportional to the electric charg

e q accumulating on the plates o

f the capacitor、Since the accumulation o

f charge may be expressed asthe summation, or integral, of thecharge in crements dq, we have the equation

电容两端建立得电压正比于电容两极板上积累得电荷q。因为电荷得积累可表示为电荷增量dq得与或积分,因此得到得等式为u= ,

式中电容量C就是与电压与电荷相关得比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间得变化率,可表示为i=dq/dt.因此电荷增量dq 等于电流乘以相应得时间增量,或dq = idt,那么等式(1-1A-3) 可写为式中 C = 电容量,法拉。

归纳式(1-1A—1)、(1-1A-2) 与(1—1A—4)描述得三种无源电路元件如图1-1A-1所示。注意,图中电流得参考方向为惯用得参考方向,因此流过每一个元件得电流与电压降得方向一致.

Active electricaldevices involve the conversion of energy to electrical form、 For example, the electrical energy in a battery is derived from its s tored chemical energy、 The electrical energy of a generator is a result of the mechanical energy of the rotating armature、


Active electrical elements occur in two basic forms: voltage sources and current sources、In their ideal form, voltage sources generate a constant voltag eindependent

of the current drawn from the source、Theaforementioned battery and generator areregarded as voltage sources sincetheir voltage is essentially constant with load、 On the other hand,current sources produce a current whose magnitude is independent of the load connected tothe source、 Although current sources are not as familiar in practice, the concep t does find wide use representing an amplifying device, such a s the transistor,by means of an equivalent electrical circuit、


A monmethod of analyzing an electrical network is mesh or loopanalysi s、 The fundamental law that is applied in this method isKirchhoff’sfirst law, which states that the algebraic sum of the voltages aroun d a closed loop is 0, or, in any closed loop, the sum of the voltage risesmust equal the sum of the voltage drops、 Mesh analysis consists of assuming tha tcurrents-termed loop currents-flow in each loop of a network, algebraica lly summing the voltage drops around each loop, and setting each sum eq ual to 0、


考虑图1—1A—3a所示得电路,其由串联到电压源上得电感与电阻组成,假设回路电流i ,那么回路总得电压降为因为在假定得电流方向上,输入电压代表电压升得方向,所以输电压在(1-1A—5)式中为负。因为电流方向就是电压下降得方向,所以每一个无源元件得压降为正。利用电阻与电感压降公式,可得等式(1-1A-6)就是电路电流得微分方程式。

或许在电路中,人们感兴趣得变量就是电感电压而不就是电感电流。正如图1-1A-1指出得用积分代替式(1-1A-6)中得i,可得1—1A-7 A

A Operational Amplifier

A 运算放大器

One problem with electronic devices corresponding tothe generalized amplifiers(n、放大器)is that the gains, Au of Ai, depend uponinternet properties of the two–port system (,,iR,oR , etc、)、 This makes designdifficult since these parametersusually vary from devise to devise, as wel las with temperature、The operational amplifier, or Op-Amp, is desig ned to device to minimize this dependence and tomaximize the ease of desi gn 、An Op—Amp is an integrated circuitthathas many ponent parts such as resistors and transistor built into the device、 Atthis point we wi ll make no attempt to describe these inner workings、


A totally general analysis of the Op-Amp is beyond the scope of some texts、 We will instead study one example in detail, then present the twoOp—Amp laws and show how they can be usedfor analysis in many practical circ uit applications、 These two principles allow one to design many circuits with out a detailed understanding of the devicephysic、 Hence, Op—Amp are quietuseful for a researcher in a variety of technical field wh o need to build simple amplifier but do not want to design at the transistor lever、 In the textof electrical circuits and electronics they will also show how to builtsimple filter circuits using Op-Amps、 The transistor amplifiers, which are building block(积木)fromwhich Op—Amp integrated circuits are constructed, will be discussed、


The symbol used for an ideal Op-Amp is shown in Fig、1—2A-1、 Only three conn ections are shown: the positive and negative inputs, andthe output、 Not sho wn are other connections necessary to run the Op-Amp such as its attachment t opower supplies and to ground potential(n、电势)、 The latter connections are nec essary to use the Op-Amp in a practical circuit but are not necessary when c onsidering the ideal Op-Amp applications we study in this unit、 The voltages at t

he two inputs and output will be represented by the symbols、Each is measured with respect to ground potential Operational amplifier s are differential devices、 By this we mean that the output voltage with respect to ground is given by the expression、

理想运算放大器得符号如图1—2A-1所示.图中只给出三个管脚:正输入、负输入与输出。让运算放大器正常运行所必需得其它一些管脚,诸如电源管脚、接零管脚等并未画出.在实际电路中使用运算放大器时,后者就是必要得,但在本文中讨论理想得运算放大器得应用时则不必考虑后者.两个输入电压与输出电压用符号U +、U -与Uo表示。每一个电压均指得就是相对于接零管脚得电位。运算放大器就是差分装置。差分得意思就是:相对于接零管脚得输出电压可由下式表示 (1—2A—1)

Where A is the gain of the Op-Amp and andUUthe voltages at inputs、In other words, theoutput voltage is Atimes the difference in potentialbetween the two inputs、

式中A就是运算放大器得增益,U + 与 U -就是输入电压。换句话说,输出电压就是A乘以两输入间得电位差。

Integrated circuit technology allows construction of many amplifier circuits on a single posite ―chip‖ of semiconductor material、One key to the success of an operational amplifier is the ―cascading‖ (n,v、串联adj串联得) of anumber of transistor amplifiers to create a very large

total gain、 That is, the number A in Eq、(1-2A—1)can beon the orderof(属于同类得,约为) 100,000 or more、(For example, cascading of five transistor amplifiers, each with a gain of 10, wouldyield this value forA、) A second important factor is that these circuits can be built in such a way that the current flow into each of he inputs is very small、 A third important design feature is that the output of the device acts like anideal voltage source、

集成电路技术使得在非常小得一块半导体材料得复合“芯片”上可以安装许多放大器电路。运算放大器成功得一个关键就就是许多晶体管放大器“串联”以产生非常大得整体增益。也就就是说,等式(1-2A-1)中得数A约为100,000或更多 (例如,五个晶体管放大器串联,每一个得增益为10,那么将会得到此数值得A )。第二个重要因素就是这些电路就是按照流入每一个输入得电流都很小这样得原则来设计制作得。第三个重要得设计特点就就是运算放大器得输出阻抗(Ro )非常小。也就就是说运算放大器得输出就是一个理想得电压源。

We now cananalyze the particular amplifier circuit given in

Fig、1—2A-2using these characteristics、 First we note that thevoltage at the positive input,U+, is equal to the source voltage,_UU、Various currents are defined in part b lf the figure、 Applying KVL around the outer loop in Fig、1—2A-2b and remembering tat the outputvoltage,oU, is

measured with respect ground ,we have

我们现在利用这些特性就可以分析图1-2A-2所示得特殊放大器电路了.首先,注意到在正极输入得电压U +等于电源电压,即U + =Us。各个电流定义如图1-2A-2中得b图所示。对图 1-2A—2b得外回路应用基尔霍夫定律,注意输出电压Uo 指得就是它与接零管脚之间得电位,我们就可得到因为运算放大器就是按照没有电流流入正输入端与负输入端得原则制作得,即I - =0.那么对负输入端利用基尔霍夫定律可得 I1 = I2,利用等式(1—2A—2),

并设 I1 =I2 =I, U0 = (R1 +R2 )I(1—2A—3)根据电流参考方向与接零管脚电位为零伏特得事实,利用欧姆定律,可得负极输入电压U — :因此 U — =IR1 ,并由式(1-2A-3)可得: 因为现在已有了U+ 与U—得表达式,所以式(1-2A-1)可用于计算输出电压 ,综合上述等式,可得: 最后可得:

This is thegain factor forthe circuit、 If A is a verylarge number, large e nough that the denominator, by the AR term、 The factor A, which is in both the nume rator and denominator, then cancels out and the gain is given by the expression

这就是电路得增益系数。如果A 就是一个非常大得数,大到足够使AR1〉> (R1 +R2),那么分式得分母主要由AR1 项决定,存在于分子与分母得系数A就可对消,增益可用下式表示这表明(1-2A-5b),

This shows that if A is very large, then the gain of the circuit is independ ent of the exact value of A andcan be controlled by the choice of 21andRR、 This is one of thekey feature of Op-Amp itself、 Note that if A=100,000 the price we have paid for this advantage is that wehaveused a device with a voltagegain of 100,000 to produce an amplifier with a gain if 10、 In some sense, by using an Op-Amp we trade off (换取)―power‖ for ―control‖、

如果A 非常大,那么电路得增益与A 得精确值无关并能够通过R1与R2得选择来控制。这就是运算放大器设计得重要特征之一——在信号作用下,电路得动作仅取决于能够容易被设计者改变得外部元件,而不取决于运算放大器本身得细节特性.注意,如果A=100,000, 而(R1 +R2) /R1=10,那么为此优点而付出得代价就是用一个具有100,000倍电压增益得器件产生一个具有10倍增益得放大器。从某种意义上说,使用运算放大器就是以“能量"为代价来换取“控制" 。

A similar mathematical analysis can be made in any Op-Amp circuit, butth is is cumbersome and there are some very useful shortcuts thatinvolve application if the twolaws of Op-Amps which we now present、对各种运算放大器电路都可作类似得数学分析,但就是这比较麻烦,并且存在一些非常有用得捷径,其涉及目前我们提出得运算放大器两个定律应用。

1) The first law states this innormal Op-Amp circuits we may assume that the voltage difference between the input terminals is zero, that is,

第一个定律指出:在一般运算放大器电路中,可以假设输入端间得电压为零,也就就是说,2) The second law states that in normal Op-Amp circuits both is o f the input currents may be assumed to bezero:


The first law is due to the large value of the intrinsic(adj、内在得)gain A、 for example, if the output if an Op—Amp is 1V and A=100,000, then510 UUV、 this is such a small number that it can often be ignored, and we s etUU、 The second law es from the construction of the circuitry (n、电路)inside the Op-Amp which is such that almost mo current flows into either of the two input、

第一个定律就是因为内在增益A得值很大.例,如果运算放大器得输出就是1V ,并且A=100,000,那么这就是一个非常小、可以忽略得数,因此可设U+=U-。第二个定律来自于运算放大器得内部电路结构,此结构使得基本上没有电流流入任何一个输入端。AA

The Transfer Functionand the Laplace



If theinput—output relationship of the linear system ofFig、1is known ,the characteristics of the system itself are also known、The inputoutputrelationshipin the Laplace domain is called the transfer fu nction (TF orG Gain)、Bydefinition,the transferfunction orsyst em is theration of the transformed output tothe transformed input:


This definition ofthe transfer function requires the system tobe linearand stationary, with continuous variables and with zero initial conditions、The transferfunction is most useful when the system i slumpedparameter andwhen transportlagsare absent orneglected、Underthese conditions the transferfunctionitselfcanbe expressed as aratioof two polynomials in the plexLaplace variables,or


For physicalsystems , N(s)will be of lower order than D(s)since nature integrates rather than differentiates、It willbe shown later that a frequency transfer function for use in the frequency domain can be obtained byreplacing the Laplace variable s inthe transferfunct ion by jwt 、For a closed-loop system,closedthe transferfunction is:








TheLaplace transformation esfrom the area of operationalmathematics and is extremelyuseful in theanalysisand design oflinear systems、Ordinary differentialequations withconstant coefficients transforminto algebraic equations that can beused to implement thetransf er functionconcept、The Laplace transformisan evolutionfrom the unilateralFourier integralandis defined as:


Where F(s)is theLaplace transform of f(t)、Conversely,f(t)is the inverse transform ofF(s) and can be representedby therelationship:


The symbols denotes the Laplacevariable and is a plex variable;Consequently, sissometimesreferred toas aplexfrequency an dthe Laplace domain is called the plex frequency domain、

这里F(s)就是f(t)得拉氏变换.相反,f(t)就是F(s)反变换,它们之间得关系可由下式表达, 符号s表明拉氏变量就是一个复数变量(+j)。因此,s有时表示复频,拉氏域称做复频域。






式中f(0), df(0),等就是初始条件。如果初始条件为零,正如控制系统分析与设计得一般情况,最后得方程可缩减为: 积分得拉氏变换就是

初始条件为零,它也可缩减为F(s)/s。 3、初值与终值定理:初值定理表述为




倍。第二个平移定理表明这个定理在对延迟得输入与信号如传输滞后与由分析函数表示得连续输入很有用. 建模

分析技术需要数学模型.对于具有有限数目微分方程与用方块图代数表示得时不变线性系统得分析与设计,传递函数就是一种方便得模型形式。从描述一个特定对象、过程或元件得微分或积分-微分方程,运用拉氏方程及其性质可以得到传递函数. 我们可以通过一个简单得例子说明:



THe worldof control



Theword control is usually taken to mean regulate, direct, o r mand、 Control systems abound in our environment、In the most abstract sense it is possibleto considerevery physical object as a control system、


Control systems designed by humans are used to extend theirphysicalcapabilities, to pensate for their physical limitations, to relieve them of routine or tedious tasks, or to save money、 In a modern aircraft,for example, the po wer boost controls amplify the force applied by the pilot to move the control surface against large aerodynamic forces、The reaction time of a human pilot is too slow to enable him or her to fly an aircraft with a lightly damped Dutch rollmode without the addition of a yaw damper system、 An autopilot (flight control system) relieves the pilot of the task of continuously operating the controls to maintain the desired heading, altitude, and a ttitude、 Freed of thisroutine task, the pilot can perform other tasks, such as navigation and /ormunications, thus reducing the number of crew requi red and consequently the operating cost of the aircraft、

控制系统被人们用来扩展自己得能力,补偿生理上得限制,或把自己从常规、单调得工作中解脱出来,或者用来节省开支.例如在现代航空器中,功率助推装置可以把飞行员得力量放大,从而克服巨大得空气阻力推动飞行控制翼面。飞行员得反应速度太慢,如果不附加阻尼偏航系统,飞行员就无法通过轻微阻尼得侧倾转向方式来驾驶飞机。自动飞行控制系统把飞行员从保持正确航向、高度与姿态得连续操作任务中解脱出来.没有了这些常规操作,飞行员可以执行其她得任务,如领航或通讯,这样就减少了所需得机组人员,降低了飞行费用。In many cases, the design of control system is based on some theory rather tha n intuition or trail—and-error、 Controltheory isused for dealing with the dynamic response of asystem to mands, regulations, or dis turbances、 The application of control theory has essentially two phases: dy

namic analysis and control system design、The analysis phase is conc erned with determination of the response of a plant (the controlled object) to mands, disturbances, and changes in the plant parameters、 If the dynamic re sponse is satisfactory, there need be no second phase、 If the response is unsa tisfactory and modificationof the plant isunacceptable, a design phase is necessaryto select the control elements (the contoller) needed to improve the dy namic performance to acceptable levels、



Control theoryitself has two categories: classical and modern、 Classical control theory, which had its start during World War II, can be characterized by the transfer functionconcept with analysis and designprincipally in theLa place and frequency domains、 Modern control theory has arisen with the advent of high-speed digital puters and can be characterized by the state variable concept with emphasis on matrix algebra and with analysis and design principally in the time domain、As might be expected, each approach hasits advantages and disadvantages as well as its proponents and detractors、


As pared to modern approach, the classical approachhas the tutorial advantage of placing less emphasison mathematical techniques and more emphasis on physical understanding、Futhermore, in many design sit uations the classical approach isnot only simpler but may be pletely adequate、 In those more plex cases whereit isnot adequate,the clas sical approach solution may aid in applying the modern approach and may pr ovide a check on the more plete and exact design、For thesereasons the subsequent articles will introduce theclassical approach in detail、



Control systemsare classified intermsthat describe either thesystem itselfor its variables:


Open loop and closedloop system(as shown in figure 2—1 a -

(1):open loop controlsystem is to control thebehaviorhas nothingto dowith theoutput of the system、And closed loop system,the inputof thecontrolledsystemto some extentdepends on the act ualoutput、Because the output to a functional formdeterminedbythefeedback elementfeedback, andthen input minus、Closedloop system isoften referred to as negative feedback system or simply thefeedback system、



The linear andnonlinearsystem: ifallsystemponents are linear,thesystemis linear、If any oneis non-linear,the systemi snonlinear、




单变量与多变量系统:单变量系统被定义为对于一个参考或命令输入只有一个输出得系统,经常被称为单输入单输出(SISO)系统。多变量(MIMO)系统含有任意多个输入与输出. (没英语,瞧书本)


Designing a control system is not a precise or well-defined process rather , it i s a sequence of interrelated events 、Atypical sequence might be :


Designing a control system is not a precise or well—defined process rathe

r , it is a sequence of interrelated events 、A typical sequence might be :


1、Modeling of the plant

2、 Linearization of the plant model 3、Dynamic analysis of the plant 4、 Nonlinear simulation of the plant

5、 Establishment of thecontrol philosophy & strategy

6、 Selectionof the performance criteria and indices 7、 Design of the controller

8、 Dynamic analysis of the plete system 9、Nonlinear simulation of the plete system 10、 Selection of thehardware to be used

11、 Construction and test of the development system 12、 Design of the production model 13、 Test of the production model、



Thissequence is not rigid,all—inclusive , or necessarily sequential 、 It is given here to establish a rationalefor the technique s developed and discussed in the subsequent units、


Steady State


A control system isdesigned to controlthedynamic behavior(the t ime response) of a plantsubject to mands or disturbances、The designer should be fully aware,however, of therole of the steadyequations and errors inthe overall process,as wellas their influenceonthe dynamic behavior of the plant、


(控制系统得设计目标就是控制一个系统得动态性能,使之响应于命令或扰动。设计者应充分了解稳态方程与误差在整个过程中得作用,同时也应知道它们在被控对象动态性能上得影响. )

Anaccuracyofasystem is a measureof howwell it follows mands、It is an important performance criterion;a guidance systemthat cannot place spacecraft on a suitable trajectory is obviouslyuseless no matterhow well—behaved its transientresponse、

衡量系统得精度之一,就就是其如何跟踪给定命令。这就是一项重要得性能指标.一个导航系统如果不能将飞行器置于合适得轨迹,那么无论有多好得动态性能,都就是没有用. Accuracyisgenerally expressedin terms of acceptable steady-stateerrorsfor specified 、、、、、、(开头第三段)



对如图2-2B-1中得单位反馈系统,闭环传递函数如下式: 式中G=GcGp就是开环传递函数。指定输入得误差E为:


For the open-looptransfer function G(s),thefollowinggeneral form is assumed:



Inthis equation:

1) K as given,with the constant terms in numeratorand denominator pol

ynomials madeunity,isformally the gain of thetransfer function G、It should be distinguishedfromthe root locus gain,defined in thenext unit as that for whichthe hightest power coefficients are unity、

2)The type number of G is thevalue of the integern、Afactorsinthe denominatorrepresents an integration,sothe type number is the nu mber ofintegrators in G、

3)Gain and a monpracticeassociates the following namesan dnotations with K,depending on n:

1) K 已知,在分子分母多项式中,以常数项出现,使分式单位化,即传递函数G得增益。它与下一节介绍得根轨迹增益不同,后者得最高次幂项得系数就是单位值1。

2) G得型数就是整数n。分母中s因子代表着积分,型数就就是G中积分环节得数目n。3)增益,根据n得不同取值,通常得惯例,把下列名字与注解与K相联系。

n = 0: Kp = position error constant 位置误差常数

n = 1: Kv = velocity error constant速度误差常数

n = 2: Ka = acceleration error constant 加速度误差常数

Eq、(2—2B—4)shows that,biningEq、(2-2B-3),so that E q、(2—2B—1)can be written asfollows:

式(2-2B-4)显示,结合等式(2-2B-3),这样式 (2-2B—1)可以写为:

This readily yields Table2-2B-1 for the steady—state errors corresponding todifferenttypenumbersandinputs


Table2-2B-1 Steady-state error

表 2-2B-1 稳态误差

Disturbance Errors


Actual systems are alsosubjected to undesirableinputs,suchas noise in mand inputsanddisturbances arising fromchangesinthe plant parametersorchanges in the environment in which theplant

is operating、Noise inputs that enterthesystem with the mandinputs requ irefilteringtechniquesto removeor suppressthem withoutaffe cting themand input itself、We shall limit ourdiscussion to disturbanceinputs which enter thesystem atthe plantrather thanatthe controller,as indicatedin the generalized block diagram of Fig、2-2B—2a、In Fig、2—2B-2b the diagram is redrawn withthe disturbancedastheprincipal input、Since the system is linear,the principleofsupe rposition holds,and wecanassume to requal tozero、The disturbance inputtransfer functionfor an unityfeedback system (H(s)=1)canbe written as

实际系统也受非期望输入得影响,比如:控制命令中得噪声,设备运行时由于设备参数变化与运行环境变化引起得扰动.夹杂在控制命令中得噪声输入,需要用滤波技术除去或抑制,使之不影响控制输入本身.我们仅讨论在设备处进入系统得扰动,而不就是从控制器中进入得,如图2-2B-2a.以干扰d作为主要输入得重画图如图2-2B-2b. 由于系统就是线性得,叠加定理成立,我们可以假定r为零.单位反馈系统得扰动传递函数可写作下式:

When this transfer function is paredwiththe usual input-output transfer functionwith d=0,weseethatcharacteristic quations areidentical,as isto be erxpected,butthat numerator functionsare different、A disturbanceinput,therefore ,willnotaffect the stability of the system but may change theshape of the transient response and introduce steady—errors that mustbe considered indetermining the overall accuracy ofthe system、


Since any change inthe outputinresponse to adisturbance is

undesirable,the disturbance error is the actual outputitself,repre sentedby



It is often difficult tominimize both ponents of the error simultaneously、 Obviously, it is necessary to have some knowledge as to the nature ofprobable disturbanceinputs、 Both error terms of Eq、(2—2B-7) can be set e qual to zero by introducing an integrator into the controller、This additional integrator increases the type of the system ( from 1 to 2, for example) , thus eliminating the velocity error, and by being introduced ahead ofthe point of entry of thedisturbance into the system, eliminates the steady—state error resulting from a step in the disturbance input、 This add

itional integrator must be acpaniedby at least one zero if the syste m is to remain stable、


Fundamentals of putersand n



Organization of puter and System

?A puter isafast and accurate symbol manipulating system thatis organizedto accept,storeandprocess data and produce outputresults under the direction ofastored program of instructions、This se ction explains why a puter is a system and howaputersystem is organized 、Key elements in a puter systeminclude input, processing ,and output devices、Let us examineeach ponentof the system in moredetail、



Input Devicesputer systems use many devices for input purpose、Some IN PUT DEVICESallow direct human/machine munication,whilesome first require datato be recorded on an inputmediumsuch as a magnetizable material、Devices thatreaddata magneticallyrecorded on specially coa ted plastic tapes or flexible or floppyplastic disksarepopular、Thekeyboard of a workstationconnecteddirectly to (or ONLINEto ) a puter is an example of a direct inputdevice、Additional direct input devices include the mouse, inputpen,touch screen, and microphone、Regardless o fthetype of deviceused,all areponents forinterpretation and munication between people andputersystems、


Central Processing Unit The heartofany puter system isthecentralprocessingunit (CPU)、There are three main sections foundin theCPU of atypicalpersonalputer system:the primary storagesection the arithmetic–logicsection,andthecontrol section、But these three sections are not uniquetopersonalputers、They arefound in CPUs ofal lsizes、



?Output DeviceLikeinputunits,outputdevices are instruments of interpretation andmunicationbetween humans and putersystems of all sizes、These devices takeoutput results fromtheCPU in machine -coded formandconvert them into a form that can be used (a) by people (e、g、aprinted and/or displayed report) or(b)as machine input inanother processingcycle、


?Inpersonal puter systems,displayscreen and desktop printersar epopular output devices、Larger andfaster printers, many onl ine workstations, andmagnetictape devices aremonly found in larger systems、



The input/output and secondarystorage unitsare sometimescalled peripheral devices(or justperipherals)、This terminology refers tothefact that althoughthese devicesare not a part of the CPU, theyareoften located near nearit、Besides,a puter system also includes buses,

ROM(readonlymemory), RAM(randomaccessmemory),parallel port and serialport,hard disk,

floppies andCD(pactdisk)drive ,andso on、


CPU,但又位于CPU附近。此外,计算机系统还包括公共汽车、ROM(只读存储器),RAM (随机存取内存),并口与串口硬盘,用软盘与光盘(光盘),等等.



?Operating system have developedover the pastthirtyyears fortwo main purposes、First,they provide a convenient environmentfor the development andexecution of programs、Second, operating systems attempt to schedule putationalactivities to ensuregood performanceof the putingsystem、



Theoperating systemmust ensure correct operation ofthe putersystem、Toprevent user programsfrominterfering with theproper operation of the system, the hardware wasmodified to create two modes: user modeand monitor mode、Various instruction(such as I/O inst

ructions and halt instructions)are privilegedand can only beexe cuted inmonitormode、Thememory in

which the monitorresides must also be protected frommodification by theuser 、A timer preventsinfiniteloops、Once these changes (dualmode , privileged instructions,、memory protection, timer interrupt) havebeen madeto the basic puter architecture , it is possible to writea correct operating system



?As we have stated ,operatingsystemsare normally uniqueto their manufactures and

the hardwarein which they are run、Generally,whena newputer sys tem is installed ,operationalsoftwaresuitableto thathardware is purchased、Users wantreliable operational software that can effectively support their processing activities、


?Though operational software variesbetween manufacturers,it has similar characteristics、Modernhardware,because of its sophistication, requires that operating systems meet certainspecificstandards、For example,considering the presentstate ofthe field ,an operatingsystem mustsupport some formofonlineprocessing、Functioned normally associated with operationalsoftware are :



?Job management;


?Control of I/Ooperations;


?Memory management;

作业管理; 资源管理; I/O操作控制;错误恢复;存储器管理


munication between distributed munities of puters is required for manyreasons、At a national level,forexamp le,puters located in different partsofthe country use publi cmunication services toexchangeelectronicmessages (mail) andto transfer files of information from one pu

ter to another、Similarly,at a locallevel within,say,a singlebuilding or establishment,distributed munities of puter-based workstationsuselocal munication networkstoaccessexpensive shared resources forexample,printers,copiers,disks and tapes,etc、that are alsomanaged byputers、Clearly,as the range of puter-based products andassociated pubic and local munication n etworks proliferate,puter-to-puter munication will expand rapidlyand ultimately dominate the field of distributedsystems、


Although the physical separation of the municatin g puters may varyconsiderably from one type ofapplication to another,or, at the heart of any puter, the munication network is the data munication facility which may be a PSDN, a privat e LAN, or perhaps a number ofsuch networks interconnected together、However,irrespective of the type of data munication fac ility, an amount of hardware and software is required within each attached puter to handle the appropriate network-dependent protocols、Typically, these are concerned with the establishmen t of a munication channel access the network and with the cont rol of flow of messages across thischannel、 The provision of such fa cilities is only part of the network requirement, however, si ncein many applications the municating puter may be of differe nt types、 This means thatthey may use different programming lan guages andmore importantly,different forms of data representationinterface between user(application) programs, normall y referred to as application processes or APs, and th e underlying munication services may be different、 For example, on e puter may be a small single—user puter, while another maybe a large multi—user system、




PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A 计算机的结构与功能 这一节介绍计算机的内部体系结构,描述了指令如何存储和译码,并解释了指令执行周期怎样分解成不同的部分。 从最基本的水平来讲,计算机简单执行存储在存储器中的二进制编码指令。这些指令按照二进制编码数据来产生二进制编码结果。对于通用可编程计算机,四个必要部件是存储器、中央处理单元(CPU,或简称处理器),外部处理器总线,输入/输出系统,正如图 3-1A-1所示。 外部处理器总线 存储器CPU输入/输出 图 3-1A-1 计算机的基本元件 存储器储存指令和数据。 CPU读取和解释指令,读每条指令所需的数据,执行指令所需的操作,将结果存回存储器。CPU所需的操作之一是从外部设备读取或写入数据。这利用输入/输出系统来实现。 外部处理器总线是一套能在其他计算机部件之间传送数据、地址和控制信息的电导线。 存储器 计算机的存储器是由一套连续编号的单元所组成。每个存储单元是一个能存二进制信息的寄存器。单元的编号称为地址。初始地址为0。制造商定义处理器的一个字长为单元的整数长。在每个字中,各位表示数据或指令。对于英特尔8086/87和摩托罗拉MC68000微处理器来说,一个字是16位长,但每个存储单元仅为8位,因此两个8位单元来存取获得一个数据字长。

为了使用存储器中的内容,处理器必须取来右边的内容。为了完成这一次读取,处理器把所需单元的二进制编码地址放到外部处理器地址总线的地址线上,然后,存储器允许处理器读取所寻址的存储单元的内容。读取存储单元的内容的这一过程并不改变该单元的内容。 存储器中的指令存储器中的指令由CPU取来。除非发生程序转移,它们按在存储器中出现的顺序来执行。用二进制形式所写的指令叫做机器语言指令。一种得到(指令)有效形式的方法是将(这些)位分成段,如图3-1A-2所示。每一段都包含一个不同类型信息的代码。 在简单的计算机中,每条指令可分为四段,每段有四位。每条指令包括操作代码(或操作码,每条指令有唯一的操作码)、操作数地址、立即数、转换地址。 在一个实际的指令集中,有很多指令。也有大量的存储单元来存储指令和数据。为了增加存储单元的数目,如果我们使用同样的方法,地址段的指令一定长于16位。除了增加指令长度外,还有很多增加微处理器寻址范围的方法:可变指令段、多字指令、多寻址模式,可变指令长度。我们不将详细讨论它们。 存储数据数据是存储器中代表代码的信息。为了有效利用存储空间和处理时间,大多数计算机提供了不同长度和表示方法的处理数据能力。能被处理器识别的各种不同表示称作数据类型。常用的数据类型有:位、二进制码、十进制数字(4位字节,BCD)、字节(8位)、字(2个字节)、双字(4个字节)。 有一些处理器提供了可处理其他数据类型。例如单精度浮点数据类(32位)和双精度浮点数据(64位)等的指令。还有另一类的数据–––特征数据。通常也表示为8位。在标准键盘上,每个计算机终端键和键的组合(例如shift和control功能键)有定为美国信息交换标准码的7位码。 存储器类型在数字控制系统的应用中,我们也关注不同存储技术的特征。对主存储器来说,我们需用它临时存储信息,并逐次地从不同单元写入或获得信息。这种类型的存储器称作随机访问存储器(RAM)。在某些情况下,我们不想让存储器中的信息丢失。因此我们愿使用特殊技术写入存储器。如果写入只在物理改变连接时才能实现,那么这种存储器称为只读存储器(ROM)。如果相互连接的模式可由程序设定,那存储器叫做可编程只读存储器(PROM)。如果需要实现改写的情况,我们有可擦的可编程只读存储器(EPROM)。电可擦除的PROM缩写为EEPROM。


电力系统power system 发电机generator 励磁excitation 励磁器excitor 电压voltage 电流current 升压变压器step-up transformer 母线bus 变压器transformer 空载损耗no-load loss 铁损iron loss 铜损copper loss 空载电流no-load current 有功损耗active loss 无功损耗reactive loss 输电系统power transmission system 高压侧high side 输电线transmission line 高压high voltage 低压low voltage 中压middle voltage 功角稳定angle stability 稳定stability 电压稳定voltage stability 暂态稳定transient stability 电厂power plant 能量输送power transfer 交流AC 直流DC 电网power system 落点drop point 开关站switch station 调节regulation 高抗high voltage shunt reactor 并列的apposable 裕度margin 故障fault 三相故障three phase fault 分接头tap 切机generator triping 高顶值high limited value 静态static (state) 动态dynamic (state) 机端电压控制AVR 电抗reactance 电阻resistance 功角power angle 有功(功率)active power 电容器Capacitor 电抗器Reactor 断路器Breaker 电动机motor 功率因数power-factor 定子stator 阻抗impedance 功角power-angle 电压等级voltage grade 有功负载: active load PLoad 无功负载reactive load 档位tap position 电阻resistor 电抗reactance 电导conductance 电纳susceptance 上限upper limit 下限lower limit 正序阻抗positive sequence impedance 负序阻抗negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗zero sequence impedance 无功(功率)reactive power 功率因数power factor 无功电流reactive current 斜率slope 额定rating 变比ratio 参考值reference value 电压互感器PT 分接头tap 仿真分析simulation analysis 下降率droop rate 传递函数transfer function 框图block diagram 受端receive-side


自动化专业英语常用词汇 acceleration transducer 加速度传感器 accumulated error 累积误差 AC-DC-AC frequency converter交-直-交变频器 AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动 active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定 adjoint operator 伴随算子 admissible error 容许误差 amplifying element 放大环节 analog-digital conversion 模数转换 operational amplifiers运算放大器 aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot 关节型机器人 asymptotic stability 渐进稳定性 attained pose drift 实际位姿漂移 attitude acquisition 姿态捕获 AOCS (attitude and orbit control system) 姿态轨道控制系统attitude angular velocity 姿态角速度 attitude disturbance 姿态扰动 automatic manual station 自动-手动操作器 automaton 自动机 base coordinate system 基座坐标系 bellows pressure gauge 波纹管压力表 gauge测量仪器


电气自动化专业英语 abbreviate 缩写,缩写为 abscissa axis 横坐标 absolute encoder 绝对编码器 ac squirrel cage induction motor 交流笼型感应电动机ac motor 交流环电动机 academic 纯理论的 accelerometer 加速度测量仪 accommodate 适应 accutrol 控制器 acoustic wave 声波 active 有源的 active region 动态区域 active filter 有源滤波器 active component 有功分量 active in respect to 相对….呈阻性 active(passive) circuit elements 有(无)源电路元件actuate 激励,驱动 actuator 执行机构 actuator 执行器 adjacent 临近的,接近的 adjacent 相邻的,邻近的 Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器admittance 导纳 advent 出现 air gap 气隙 aircraft 飞机 air-gap flux 气隙磁通 air-gap line 气隙磁化线 air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布 algebraic 代数的 algebraic 代数的 algebraical 代数的 algorithm 算法 algorithmic 算法的 align 调整,校准 allowable temperature rise 允许温升 alloy 合金 allude 暗指,直接提到 alnico 铝镍钴合金 alphabet 字母表 alternating current, AC 交流


第五章的参考译文:仅供参考,不恰当的地方,请自行修改补充,欢迎通过Email(qiulk@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c1385424.html,)进行讨论和交流。 5.1 电动机发展简史 电动机已经存在很多年了。自从多年前的第一次应用以来,电动机的应用领域快速地扩大了。目前,其应用范围继续以快速增长。 托马斯.爱迪生因提出了大规模发电和传输电力而得名。他完成了由蒸汽机驱动的直流发电机的研发工作。爱迪生在电灯和发电方面的贡献引领了直流电机以及相关控制设备的发展。 大多数与电机运行相关的早期科学发现主要涉及直流系统。不久之后,交流电的发电和传输推广开来。转变到交流发电和传输的主要原因是变压器被用来提升交流电压以便于远距离传输电力。因此,变压器的发明使得发电和电力传输从直流向交流变换成为可能。目前,几乎所有的电力系统产生和传输的都是三相交流电。变压器使得由交流发电机产生的电压被升高而电流相应地被减小。这一切使得在一个降低了的电流水平上进行长距离的电力传输,减小了功率损失,而提高了系统的效率。 电机广泛应用于家用电器、工业和商业上,用于驱动机器和复杂的设备。许多机器和自动化设备需要精确控制。因此,自从早期应用于火车的直流电机以来,电机设计和复杂性已经发生了变化。电机控制方法已经成为关系机器和设备运行效率的至关重要的因素。一些创新,例如伺服控制系统和工业机器人已经引领了电机设计的新的发展方向。 我们复杂的交通系统也对电机的应用产生了影响。汽车和其它地面交通工具用电动机作为点火启动系统,用发电机作为电池充电系统。电动汽车成为最近的研究热点。飞机应用电机的方式与汽车相似,然而,在实际应用中,飞机上采用了复杂的同步电机和伺服控制电机。 5.2 电机的基本结构 旋转电机实现了电能-机械能之间的转换。发电机将机械能转换成电能,而电动机将电能转换成机械能。发电机和电动机具有相同的基本结构特点,这一点对于大多数类型的电机来说是一致的。虽然多种电机在结构上是相同的,但是,它们的功能是不同的。发电机的旋转运动由提供机械能输入的原动机提供。导体和发电机磁场之间的相对运动产生电能输出。电动机将电能施加到其绕组和磁场上,形成电磁感应作用,产生机械能或力矩。 大多数旋转电机的结构具有某种程度的相似性,多数电机具有一个静止的部件称为定子,而旋转的一组导体称之为转子。定子由轭或机壳组成,用于支撑和构成磁通的金属回路。 5.2.1磁极与绕组 旋转电机具有磁极,他们是电机定子的一个组成部分。磁极由钢片叠制而成,并且与机壳是绝缘的,在靠近转子的部分是弯曲的,用于提供低租的磁通回路。磁场绕组或磁场线圈被置于磁极周围。这些磁场线圈构成了电磁铁,用来与转子产生电磁场相互作用,从而产生感生电压或在电动机中产生力矩。 5.2.2转子结构 在电机的研究中,需要理解由电动机或发电机的旋转部分产生的电磁场,该旋转部分称为电枢或转子。一些类型的电机采用坚固的金属转子,成为为鼠笼式转子。 5.2.3滑环、开口环和电刷 为了将电能施加到旋转装置上,例如电枢,一些滑刷接触必须建立起来。滑刷接触可以是滑环,也可以是开口环。滑环由绝缘的圆柱形材料构成,其上粘贴两块分开的固态金属环,滑动电刷由碳或石墨制成,放在金属环上,在旋转过程中,向滑环施加或抽取电能。开口环换向器与滑环相似,只不过该金属环被分成两个或更多个独立的部分。作为一个基本原则/惯例,滑环用于交流电动机和发电机,而开口环用于直流电动机。开口尽可能地小,以减少碳刷的火花。滑环和开口环如图5.1所示。 5.2.4其它电机部件 在旋转电机的结构中,还用到其它几个部件。其中有电机轴,在一组轴承上进行旋转。轴承可以是滚珠轴承、滚柱轴承或轴套轴承。轴承密封通常是由毡类材料制成,用于保持轴承润滑和防止灰尘进入。转子芯通常由叠制的钢片组成,以在磁极之间提供低磁阻的磁通回路,并有利于减小涡流。内部和外部接线柱提供了传入或传出电能的途径。 5.3 电动机的结构特点 在现有的电子机械装置中,能量转换过程通常有两个重要特点。有磁场绕组,用以产生磁通密度,还有电枢绕组,产生起作用的感生电动势。在本小节中,将描述主流类型电动机的突出结构特点,揭示这些绕组的位置、并展示这些电机的基本组成部分。 5.3.1 三相感应电动机 这是一种工业上最耐用、应用最广的电动机。它的定子有高规格的钢片叠制而成,内表面开槽用于安放三相绕组。


《自动化专业英语教程》-王宏文主编-全文翻译 PART 1Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1A Electrical Networks ————————————3 B Three-phase Circuits UNIT 2A The Operational Amplifier ———————————5 B Transistors UNIT 3A Logical Variables and Flip-flop ——————————8 B Binary Number System UNIT 4A Power Semiconductor Devices ——————————11 B Power Electronic Converters UNIT 5A Types of DC Motors —————————————15 B Closed-loop Control of D C Drivers UNIT 6A AC Machines ———————————————19 B Induction Motor Drive UNIT 7A Electric Power System ————————————22 B Power System Automation PART 2Control Theory UNIT 1A The World of Control ————————————27 B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 UNIT 2A Stability and the Time Response —————————30 B Steady State—————————————————31 UNIT 3A The Root Locus —————————————32 B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams —————33 UNIT 4A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots —————34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory 38 B State Equations 40 UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability B Optimum Control Systems UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control B Artificial Neural Network PART 3 Computer Control Technology UNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function 42 B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43 UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices 44 B The Applications of Computers 46 UNIT 3 A PLC Overview B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control


2010—2011学年第1学期 《专业外语2-1》补考试卷 (适用专业:自动化,测控) 专业班级 姓名 学号 开课系室信控学院自动化系 考试日期 题号一二三四五总分得分 阅卷人

一,Translate the followings into Chinese (1 point each, total of 20 points) 1.manual control [自] 手动控制;[计] 人工控制 2.empirical modeling 统计] 经验模型 3.phase error compensation 位相误差补偿 4.step response [电子] 阶跃响应;[电子] 瞬态特性 5.differential pressure [流] 压差 6.resonant peak 振峰值 feedback coefficient 反馈系数Feedback Control Gain Coefficient:反馈增益coefficient feedback:温度系数反馈 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4c1385424.html,limeter/centimeter/kilometer 毫米厘米,公分公里,千米 8.accuracy/sensitivity/reliability n. 精确度,准确性n. 敏感;敏感性;[医]过敏n. 可 靠性 9.amplitude/frequency/phase n. 振幅;n. 频率;n. 相;位相; 10. try-and-error tuning try-and-error tuning try-and-error调谐 10.measured variable 被测变量;测定变量 11.system protection 系统保护 maximum overshoot maximum overshoot:最大超调量;最大过冲;最大超越量 maximum percent overshoot:最大超越量 12.analog/digital filter 模拟[电子] 数字滤波器 13.impulse function 数] 脉冲函数;冲力函数;冲击函数 14.volumetric flowmeter 体积式量计;[仪] 容积式流量计 15.upper limit value Attribute Upper Limit Value属性上界值 16.pressure/temperature/level n. 压力;压迫,压强n. 温度n. 水平;水平面;标准 17.block diagram 框图;方块图 二,Translate the followings into English (1 point each, total of 20 points) 1.过程变量Process Variable ;process variable ;Process Variation 2.闭环控制[close-cycle; closed-cycle]closed-loop control 3.传递函数[自] transfer function 4.时间延迟[通信] time delay time lag 频带宽度frequency band width ;bandwidth 传感器/换能器sensor ,transducer,sense organ,sensing element;[电子] transducer energy converter 孔板流量计orificeplate flowmeter;orifice meter


电气自动化专业英语(修订版)-哈尔滨工业大学出版社 第一章 personnel 人员,职员 voltmeter 电压表,伏特表(表) megohmmeter 兆欧表 ohmmeter 欧姆表,电阻表 wattmeter 瓦特表(计),电表,功率(W ) watt-hour 瓦时,瓦特小时(能量单位) ammeter 安培计,电流表 calibrate 校正(准) scale 刻度,量程 rated 额定的 interfere with 有害于…… indicating needle (仪表)指针 hazardous 危险的 pivot 支点 terminal 接线端子 spiral 螺旋形的 spring 弹簧 shunt 分流;分路(流)器;并联,旁路 rectifier 整流器 electrodynamometer 电测力计 strive for 争取 vane (机器的)叶,叶片 strip 条,带,(跨接)片 crude 不精细的,粗略的 polarity 极性 fuse 保险丝,熔丝 rugged 坚固的 depict 描绘,描写 cartridge fuse 盒式保险丝 blow (保险丝)烧断 plug fuse 插头式保险丝 malfunction 故障 deenergize 不给……通电 insulation 绝缘 generator 发电机 magneto 磁发电机 humidity 湿度 moisture 潮湿,湿气 abbreviate 缩写,缩写为 transformer 变压器 thumb 检查,查阅

milliammeter 毫安表multimeter 万用表dynamometer 测力计,功率计aluminum 铝 deteriorate (使)恶化 eddy current 涡流 gear 齿轮,传动装置 dial 刻度表 第二章 semiconductor 半导体squirrel 鼠笼式 diode 二极管 thyristor 晶闸管 transistor (电子)晶体管 triac 双向可控硅 phase 相位控制 silicon 硅 crystal 晶体 wafer 薄片 anode 阳极,正极 cathode 阴极 collector 集(电)极 emitter (发)射极 schematic (电路)原理图符号leakage 漏电流 rating 额定值,标称值;定额dissipate 散发 breakdown 击穿 heat sink 散热器 self-latching 自锁commutation 换向 geometry 几何结构 squeeze 压榨,挤,挤榨 light-dimmer 调光 capability 容量studmounted 栓接式 hockey puck 冰球 fin 飞过 active 有源的 horsepower 马力 diameter 直径 in.英寸(inch,inches)extruded 型材的


Abound v.大量存在Accelerate v.加速Access v.存取,接近Accommodate v.容纳,使适应 Acoustic adj.听觉的Acousticsensor声传感器,声敏原件 Acronym n.首字母缩写词 Active adj.主动的,有源的 Active network 有源网络 Actuator n.执行器 Ad hoc 尤其,特定地Address n.寻址Addressgenerators地址发生器 Adjoint n.,adj.伴随(的),共轭(的) Admissible adj.可采纳的,允许的 Advent n.出现Aerodynamic adj.空气动力学的Aerodynamic n.空气动力学,气体力学Aesthetically adv.美术地,美学地Aforementioned adj.上述的,前面提到的Agility n.灵活,便捷 Ai 人工智能 Air gap 气隙 Aircraft n.飞行器 Airgap=air gap 气隙 Air-to-close(AC)adj.气关的 Air-to-open(AO)adj.气开的 Albeit conj.虽然Algebraic equation 代数方程Alignment n.组合 All-electricrange全电动 行驶里程 Alleviate v.减轻,缓和 Allowance for finish 加 工余量 Alloy n.合金 Alnico n.铝镍钴合金,铝 镍钴永磁合金 Aloft adv.高高地 Alphanumeric adj.字母 数字混合的 Alternative n.可供选择 的办法 Altitude n.海拔 Aluminum n.铝 Amortisseur n.阻尼器 Amplifier n.放大器 Amplify v.放大 Amplitude n.振幅 Answeringmachine电话 答录机 Anthropomorphically adv. 拟人的 Anti-aliasfilter抗混叠滤 波器 Antilockbrakingsystem 防抱死系统 APICS=AmericanProduct ionandInventoryControl Society美国生产与库存 管理学会 Apparatus n.一套仪器, 装置 Application n.应用(程序) Approach n.途径,方法; 研究 Aptness n.恰当 Arbitrary adj.任意的 Arbitrary adj.任意的 Architecture n.架构 Architecture n.体系结构 Archive v.存档 Argument n.辐角,相位 Arithmetic-logic unit 算 术逻辑部件 Armature n.电枢,衔铁, 加固 Arrival angle 入射角 Arrival point 汇合点 Artificial intelligence 人 工智能 Artillery shell 炮弹 ASIC=ApplicationSpecific IntegratedCircuit特定用 途集成电路 Assembly n.装置,构件 Assemblyline装配生产 线 Assumption n.假设 Asymmetric adj.不对称 的 Asymptote n.渐近线 Asymptotically stable 渐近稳定 Asynchronous adj.异步 的 At rest 处于平衡状态 At the most 至多 Attached adj.附加的 Attain v.达到,实现 Attenuate v.减弱 Attenuation n.衰减 Attitude n.姿态 Attribute n.品质,特征 Audio adj.音频的 Auto-isolation n.自动隔 离 Automatictellermachine 自动柜员机 Autonomous adj.自治的 Autonomous adj.自治的, 自激的 Auto-restoration n.自动 恢复供电 Auto-sectionalizing n.自 动分段 Auxiliary material 辅助 材料 Axon n.轴突 Backlash n.齿隙游移 Bandwidth n.带宽 Bar code scanner 条码 扫描仪 Baud n.波特 Become adept in 熟练 Bench mark 基准点 Bias n.偏压 Bi-directional adj.双向 的 Binary adj.二进制的 Binary-coded adj.二进 制编码的 Biomass n.生物质 Biopsy n.活体检查 Bipolar adj.双向的 Bjt 双极结型晶体管 Blackout n.(大区域的) 停电 Bldm 无刷直流电动机 Block diagram algebra 方块图计算(代数) Boiler n.汽锅,锅炉 Boolean algebra 布尔代 数 Boost chopper 升压式 变压器 Bound v.限制 Bracket v.加括号 Break frequency 转折 频率 Breakaway point 分离 点 Breakdown n.击穿,雪崩 Breakover n.导通 Brush n.电刷 Buck chopper 降压式变 压器 Building blocks 积木 Buildingautomation楼 宇自动化 Bulky adj.庞大的,笨重


长春汽车工业高等专科学校 电气自动化专业英语 课程标准 20XX年3 月 2 日 电气自动化专业英语课程标准

一、课程的性质、任务与目标 ?课程的性质:《电气自动化专业英语》是电气自动化专业必修的一门专业基础课程,是借助英语来帮助学生了解电气自动化专业的应用领域及相关专业词汇。 ?课程的任务:通过本课程的学习,学生需要掌握电气自动化专业的相关词汇、短语及术语,了解相关专业必备的知识,培养学生专业英语的阅读与翻译能力,为学生日后实际应用专业语言打下坚实基础。 ?课程的目标:具体课程设置的目标: (一)知识性目标 1.了解本专业的相关背景知识; 2. 掌握本专业的英语单词、短语及固定搭配用法; 3. 掌握一定的基础语法知识(如被动语态、定语从句等); 4. 掌握一般长句的翻译技巧,了解其翻译特性等; 5. 掌握专业的工作、操作等原理。 (二)技能性目标 1. 熟知本专业的常用英文术语; 2. 能基本熟知电气自动化技术专业设备操作手册、编程手册、调整手册、安装手册、维修手册和维护手册等; 3. 具有一定的实用英文资料的翻译能力; 4 .具备一定的熟练认知相关设备的专业英文能力; 5. 具备和外国专家进行简单的技术交流的能力; 6 .具备登录外国公司网站查阅最新信息的能力。 (三)关键能力目标 1. 能正确认识本门课所学知识、技能在未来工作岗位中的地位与作用,有积极进取的学习态度,刻苦钻研的学习精神,成就事业的人生价值观; 2. 除专业英语知识外,应有以诚待人、团队精神、善于沟通、相互协作的方法及社会能力。 二、课程设计思路

本课程是一门实践性较强的课程。虽然它不会像专业课程那样,把其知识技能要求直接与企业岗位紧密结合起来,但作为专业辅助课程,它能提升学生的层次。 通过对企业的调研以及结合学期教学学时,该课程在其36教学课时内,进行工作任务分解,确定出该课程学习6个教学单元,并分成三个层次: 1. 课堂教学。讲解专业英语的相关知识,即精读、泛读; 2. 多媒体教学。利用语音室及多媒体教室,开展专业英语教学,包括使用多媒体课件、仿真软件等; 3. 学校实训车间。充分利用实训基地的作用,让学生认知专业英语中所学的专业知识,理论联系实际。 本课程特点是以课堂上所学理论知识与到车间进行实践认知相结合,在掌握理论知识的前提下,注重知识的实践,达到掌握的目的,最终实现应用于实际工作中去。 本门课程教学在保证掌握所学知识、技能前提下,特别注重人生观、世界观的教育,努力提倡积极进取的学习态度,刻苦钻研的学习精神,把学生培养成奋进向上的人才。 三、教学内容 Unit 1 Electronic Components and Circuit (一)项目内容 1. 常用英语电器的基础知识; 2. 常用英语电器符号的识别与使用; 3.各类电器的功能与作用; 4. 其他常用英语电器的发展。 (二)工作任务 老师以多媒体课件形式进行教学,演示常用电器的功能与作用,从中学生学到专业英语的表示方法及其应用;还可到实训现场认知,以达到学习的目标。 基本要求: 1. 通过课堂教学和多媒体演示,学生应掌握常用电器的英语表达方式; 2. 通过多媒体演示,了解常用电器的工作原理;


2008年秋冬学期研究生专业英语期末考试试卷参考答案 1. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese ① Metric 度量 ② Convergence 收敛 ③ Covariance 方差 ④ Stochastic 随机 ⑤ Equivalence 等价 ⑥ Dynamic equation 动态方程 ⑦ Criteria 判据、评价标准 ⑧ Measurement Model 测量模型 ⑨ Partial derivative equation 偏微分方程 ⑩ In the sense of probability 在概率意义上,依概率 2. Explain the following symbols in English ① m b '' the second order derivative of b sub m , b double prime sub m ② A B ? A is equivalent to B ③ i x a → i x approaches a ④ y x ?? the partial derivative of y with respective to x ⑤ ?a b integral between limits b to a ⑥ a ‖b a is parallel to b ⑦ 3 a the cube root of a ⑧ A X ? set A is contained in X ⑨ ()a b c d e f +-?÷= a plus b minus c multiplied d , all divided by e equals f ⑩ ,,. as i N s t a a i ε??→→∞ for any special ε, there is a respected N ,


姓名:刘晶学号: 121404010115 专业班级:自动化1201 《专业英语》大作业 1. 步进电机是直流电机中唯一的按由某一角度构成固定步数(步距角)来旋转的。表一中举例说明了一个基本步进电机,它包括一个转子和一个定子。这种情况下,其转子是永磁体,且其定子由永磁铁构成(磁极)。转子将运动以使得自身与激励磁场匹配。如果场磁体绕圆周依次被激发出来,转子就会被驱动来做完整的圆周运动。步进电机在控制应用上尤其有用因为控制器可以再不需要位置传感器的条件下知道电机转轴的具体位置。这是通过对它距已知的相对位置的步进数来进行简单记数得到。步距大小则是由定转子的极对数来决定,并且不存在累计误差。 2. 两相电机的特殊情况是交流伺服电机。这是一种高转差率,高转矩的电机,专门为控制系统而设计,且它具有比例线性的转矩——速度曲线(如表2)。如你所看到的,当其速度为零时获得最大转矩。电机运行时,其速度与负载转矩成反比;换句话说:负载越小,电机运行的越快。这与直流电机的表现很类似。表3展示了交流伺服电机的示意图。两个线圈被称为主线圈与控制线圈。主线圈与通常为120v的交流电源相连接。控制线圈由电子电路驱动,这个电路造成了控制线圈的相位或超前或滞后于主线圈,而且它还设定了能决定速度的控制线圈电压的大小。 3. 光学转速器,一个简单的设备,它可以依据转轴每分钟所转圈数来确定转轴的速度。如4中所示,一个鲜明的条纹置于转轴上,一个光感应器放在合适的位置以使得条纹每经过光感应器一次便输出一个脉冲。这个波形的周期与转轴每分钟所转过的圈数成反比例而且它(周期)还可以用计数器电路测量得到,类似于光电编码器所描述的一样。要注意这个系统不能感知位置与方向。然而如果用两个光感应器,方向便可以通过相位来确定,类似于增量式光电轴编码器。 4. 数字电子技术不牵涉到放大或者信号滤波(像模拟电路那样),而是在一些既定的脉冲产生的时候反而去考虑对这些脉冲记数以及后续电路的触发问题。脉冲就是独立数字信号由零跳变到最大值,再跳变为零值,这样(与前一状态)相反地交替下去就是一个连续的脉冲序列。脉冲事件的产生是根据探测或是输入数字信号脉冲的上升沿(此时脉冲由零电位跳变到正相最大电压值),这也是较为常见的情况,或交替地,探测脉冲的下降沿(此时脉冲由正相最大电压值跳变到零电位)。

《 电气自动化专业英语》 习题解答

第一单元 EXERCISE 1 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F EXERCISE 2 1.有源元件2.Ohm’s Law3.电势差4.applied voltage 5.绝缘材料6.positive protons 7.电子器件8.depletion zone EXERCISE 3 1.C 2.E 3.B 4.F 5.D 6.A EXERCISE 4 1.交流2.数/模转换3.音频 4.自动频率控制5.自动增益控制6.调幅 EXERCISE 5 1.Emitter (E) 2.p-type Emitter region 3.n- type Base region 4.p-type Collector region 5.Collector (C) 6.Emitter-Base Junction (EBJ) 7.Base (B) 8.Collector-Base Junction (CBJ) 9.PNP

练习答案 242 EXERCISE 7 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C 第二单元 EXERCISE 1 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T EXERCISE 2 1.混合电路2.numeric value 3.离散值4.digital circuit 5.调谐电路6.printed circuit board 7.替换模型8.closed path EXERCISE 3 1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A EXERCISE 4 1.异步传输模式2.计算机辅助教学3.电荷耦合器件 4.码分多址5.压缩只读光盘6.数字信号处理EXERCISE 5 1.BATTERY (1) 2.TOGGLE SWITCH 3.PUSH TO MAKE (A) 4.PUSH TO MAKE (B) 5.BATTERY (2) 6.MOTOR 7.RELAY


自动化专业英语词汇大全 acceleration transducer 加速度传感器 acceptance testing 验收测试 accessibility 可及性 accumulated error 累积误差 AC-DC-AC frequency converter 交-直-交变频器 AC (alternating current) electric drive 交流电子传动active attitude stabilization 主动姿态稳定 actuator 驱动器,执行机构 adaline 线性适应元 adaptation layer 适应层 adaptive telemeter system 适应遥测系统 adjoint operator 伴随算子 admissible error 容许误差 aggregation matrix 集结矩阵 AHP (analytic hierarchy process) 层次分析法 amplifying element 放大环节 analog-digital conversion 模数转换 annunciator 信号器 antenna pointing control 天线指向控制 anti-integral windup 抗积分饱卷 aperiodic decomposition 非周期分解 a posteriori estimate 后验估计 approximate reasoning 近似推理 a priori estimate 先验估计 articulated robot 关节型机器人 assignment problem 配置问题,分配问题


电气自动化专业英语单词abbreviate 缩写,缩写为 abscissa axis 横坐标 absolute encoder 绝对编码器 ac motor 交流环电动机 ac squirrel cage induction motor academic 纯理论的 accelerometer 加速度测量仪 accommodate 适应 accutrol 控制器 acoustic wave 声波 active (passive) circuit elements active component 有功分量 active filter 有源滤波器 active in respect to 相对…呈阻性 active region 动态区域 active 有源的 actuate 激励,驱动 actuator 执行机构 actuator 执行器 adjacent 临近的,接近的 adjacent 相邻的,邻近的 Adjustable-voltage inverter 电压型逆变器 admittance 导纳 advent 出现 air gap 气隙 aircraft 飞机 air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布 air-gap flux 气隙磁通 air-gap line 气隙磁化线 algebraic 代数的 algebraic 代数的 algebraical 代数的 algorithm 算法 algorithmic 算法的 align 调整,校准 allowable temperature rise 允许温升 alloy 合金 allude 暗指,直接提到 alnico 铝镍钴合金 alphabet 字母表 alternating current, AC 交流 aluminum 铝 ambient 环境的 ambiguity 模棱两可 Ammeter 安培计电流表 ammeter 电流表 ampere-turns 安匝(数)
