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Word power

Word power
Word power

Unit 1 Word power

Teaching Objectives:

1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary。

2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to different industry.

3. To improve students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Important and Difficult Point:

Ss are expected to familiarize themselves with the new words and expressions. Teaching Approaches:

Task-based approaches

Form of Activities:

Individual, pair or group work.

Teaching Aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

1. What does your father do? And your mother? What about your uncle?

How many occupations do you know? What kind of jobs are you interested in?

Step 2 Industry

How many industries do you know? What are they?

Construction industry Catering industry publishing industry Information technology Tourism industry

2. Read the study guide about different industries in Part A on Page6 then fill in the table.

3. Complete the following sentences:

1) It’s my job to make sure all the tables are set properly for each meal. I work in the __________ industry.

2). I’m an editor for a nati onal newspaper. I work in the ____________ industry.

3). I love surfing the Internet and really enjoy my job designing websites. I work in the ______ industry.

4). I help people plan each stage of their holiday. I work in the _______ industry.

5). I work for a world-famous brand. I design handbags for them. I work in the _________ industry.

6). I often work on a building site and have to wear a helmet. I work in the _____________ industry.

4. Description your ideal future jobs and tell the reasons.

Step 3 synonyms

1. Look at the following groups of words. What does each group have in common? Add more words to each group.

large; huge; enormous

bad; terrible

content; happy

aged; senior; elderly

They are synonyms.

2. Read the instructions for Part A on page 7, understanding what a synonym is and the synonyms for the word ‘develop’, then fill in the blanks with the correct words from Part A.

1). My uncle has just opened a new seafood restaurant and he wants me to help him

__________ it. He hopes it will become the most famous seafood restaurant in the city.

2). The plan _____ from a very simple idea.

3). I want you to ________ a layout for me. I want to be able to see exactly how the finished product might look.

4). She is very talented. If she works hard and practices often, she will ________ into

a fine young pianist.

5). If they follow the plan, the town will _______ into one of the biggest tourist destinations in the country.

6). Their quality of life will _________ greatly with the addition of running water to their town.


1. Review new words and expressions in this part.

2. Preview grammar.


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 3 The world online 板块:Word power Thoughts on the design 本节课是以说、读、写为主的词汇教学课。本节课主要是和因特网相关的一些常用单词及因特网上较常见的一些缩写形式,既是对前面教学内容的拓展,又可扩展学生对因特网的词汇知识,本节课的教学努力遵循认知规律,按照学生温故知新——探索新知识——使用新知识——巩固新知识的客观规律进行教学,并兼顾学生的兴趣,以激发学生的学习热情。 Teaching aims: After learning this period, the students will be able to: 1.enlarge their vocabulary related to the Internet; 2.arouse their interest in learning more about the Internet. Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead-in 1. Lead in by reviewing the words about computers, which have been learned in Module 4, Unit 3. Show the picture about a computer; get students to give the names of the different parts. (PPT4-5) 2. Brainstorming. The Internet plays a very important role in our daily lives. To surf the Internet, we need to be familiar with some words and terms. How many words do you know related to the Internet? Ask students to give as many words as they can. (PPT6) [Explanation] 本节课通过复习前面第四模块曾学过的和电脑相关的单词,可自然引入和因特网相关的单词,后通过“头脑风暴”的形式,让学生列举尽可能多的相关单词,既拓展学生词汇,又能激发学生兴趣。 Step 2 Vocabulary learning 1.Ask students to read Part A. Make sure that students know what these words in blue mean or refer to in Chinese. 2.Get students to fill in the blanks with their books closed to see whether they have remember all the words listed in Part A. (PPT7-10) 1) When you _________ for something, you are looking for specific information. 2) You can click the button of _____________ to return to the previous page. 3) When you’re looking at information without a specific goal, you’re__________. 4) When you find something on the Internet that you want to save, you can __________ it onto your computer. 5) When you want to bring a page to full size, click the ___________ icon.

土地资源学 教学大纲

一、课程教学目的 土地资源学是研究土地资源的组成要素、类型特征、时空变异规律、土地资源调查与评价、土地资源整治保护与可持续利用等的应用型基础学科。通过课程讲授,使学生掌握土地资源学的基本概念、原理及方法,了解我国及世界土地资源分布的规律和特点,提高分析解决土地资源问题的能力。 二、课程教学的基本内容、要求及学时分配

三、实践性教学内容、要求及学时分配 室内试验 要求:掌握学时:8学时 包括认读土地资源土地利用现状图、土地评价图、土地利用规划图、遥感图片相关系列图件;土地自然条件与利用现状调查;模拟开展土地适宜性评价训练。 野外综合练习 要求:掌握学时:8学时 认识土地资源构成要素及其组合关系,掌握土壤要素观察和样品采集方法。引导学生实地感知土地资源类型,以及不同地形地貌对土地利用的影响。加深学生对土地资源学基本概念和原理的理解,培养基本技能及学习兴趣。

四、本课程与其它课程的联系及分工 该课程是一门专业基础课,也是自然科学和社会科学交叉学科,是其他专业课如土地政策与法规、地籍管理、土地资源遥感、不动产估价、土地利用规划、土地市场与房地产开发等课程的前导课。要求学生具有一定的地质地貌学、土壤学等基础知识。 五、教学方式 录像讲授、章节自学、实验模拟、野外实习(录像演示)相结合。 六、成绩评定办法 章节自测、实验或实习报告、在线综合练习(或测试)考试加权评定。 七、教材及教参,期刊名称 教材: 王秋兵.土地资源学.北京:中国农业出版社,2003 推荐使用教参: 刘黎明.土地资源学(第四版).北京:中国农业大学出版社,2008 期刊: 1.《中国土地科学》 2.《资源科学》 3. 《自然资源学报》 4. 《 Land Use Policy》


M7U3WordPower&Grammar语言点 1.be/feel worn out 疲惫的,筋疲力尽的;磨破的,穿旧的 ①Today I feel worn out. 今天我感觉筋疲力尽。 ②After so many days’ hard work, I __________________________. 经过许多天的努力工作,我疲惫不堪。 ③She looked worn out, as if she had missed a night’s sleep. 她看起来疲惫不堪,好像一晚上没睡觉似的。 回忆:筋疲力尽的其他表达法:___________________________________ 拓展:wear sb out (使某人)精疲力竭或厌烦 wear out 短语动词,表示“穿破,磨损,用坏;(使)疲乏,(使)耗尽 wear sth out (使某物)用的不能再用,用坏或耗尽 eg:_______________________________________________. 听着他的蠢话把我烦透了。 2.be happy / content / satisfied/pleased with 对。。。满意 3.predict 预言,预测,预计;预报 ①Mum predicts that I will become quite a good public speaker if I continue to take part in debates. 妈妈预言,如果我继续参加辩论,我会成为一名相当好的辩手。 ②China’s two satellites, Huanjing-1A and Huanjing-1B, ___________________________. 中国的两颗卫星,环境-1A和环境-1B,将帮助预报灾害。 ③______________________________inflation would continue to fall. 据预报,通货膨胀率将继续下降。 ④_______________________________________________________________ 预知未来的事是不可能的。 注:pre前缀,可与大量动词、名词、形容词、副词连用,表示“在。。。之前,先于”。 请举例:_________________________________________________________________ 4.eager (adj)热切的,渴望的 eg:When the market is considered healthy, ______________________________________。 当市场被认为是健康时,投资者渴望投资,将他们的钱投入公司。 拓展: be eager to do sth 渴望做某事 be eager for sth 热切盼望得到某物 eagerly (adv) 渴望地 eagerness (n) 渴望,热忱 5.The Internet is good for more than just e-mail. 因特网是好的,不仅仅是发电子邮件。


Unit1 Advertising Word power Teaching aims: 1. Get to learn that some words are divided by adding suffixes and prefixes to the root words. 2. Learn more words and expressions related to sales and marketing. 3. Enlarge our vocabulary by thinking about more words that are created by adding suffixes and prefixes. I mportant points & difficult points: Adding suffixes and prefixes to the root words. Teaching procedures: Preparation: Step 1 Lead-in (Blank-filling) Ask students to fill in the blanks with the derivatives of the given words. The short passage is related to the reading passage. Analyses: Step 2 Show more examples Show students more examples of derivatives to impress them with the knowledge of word formation. Step 3 Competition Divide the whole class into four groups and encourage students to think of more words that are created by using the knowledge of word formation. The group that has the most words wins Step 4 Create adjectives from nouns and adjectives Tell students that an English word can have several derivatives, some of which are formed by adding suffixes to the nouns and adjectives. Step 5 Detailed knowledge of creating adjectives Show students more examples of adjectives so that they can see that there are


课程内容简介 土地利用规划是土地资源管理专业的专业教育课程,也是土壤学、资源环境管理等专业的重要骨干课 程。本课程系统地阐述了土地利用以及土地规划发展历史、现状、研究实践的进展和发展趋势。重点讲授土地规划的基础理论;从土地规划思想发展的角度,介绍了土地规划的哲学观以及自然-空间—人类社会协调的可持续发展规划思想。分别选取代表性规划内容,介绍土地利用总体规划、详细规划和专项规划的规划模式、规划内容和编制方法。本课程是一门理论与实践性结合非常紧密的课程,配合课程讲授,安排了 大量的实验、实习内容。 课程教学大纲 (一)课程讲授部分

(二)实验、实习部分 本地典型土地利用类型调查 目的:在学习相关内容后,通过该实践,学生能更好地关注土地利用的现实状况。 内容:通过直接观察,区分不同的土地利用类型;选择不同土地利用类型的典型样本;总结、描述其用地特征,并拍照。 要求:同学们在自己的学习、生活、工作过程中,找到符合下列要求的土地利用类型,描述其特征,拍摄照片,并填写下表。至少要完成8种类型。 本地典型土地利用系统描述 目的:在学习相关内容后,通过本次实践,使同学们能更好地关注土地利用系统。 内容:通过直接观察,找出当地典型的土地利用类型;分析不同土地利用类型上的资本情况;分析不同土地利用类型上的劳动情况;总结、描述其特征,分析其构成要素; 要求:同学们在自己的学习、生活、工作过程中,找出本地典型的土地利用类型,并根据土地利用系统的构成,描述其特征,分析其构成要素。 本省土地利用系统分析 目的:在学习相关内容后,通过本次实践,使同学们能更好地关注土地利用的现实状况。实践原理。目前,各省市的土地利用规划均已编制完成并公布实施。通过阅读本省土地利用规划报告,可以了解本省的土地利用系统及分析结果,并根据给定材料进行分析训练。 内容:找到本省的土地利用规划;阅读本省土地利用规划报告,找出土地利用现状、人口与土地利用需求的情况;根据教学内容,进一步了解土地利用现状分析、人口预测与土地利用需求预测的方法;根据给定材料,进行土地利用现状分析、人口预测与土地利用需求预测;填写相关表格,完成相关报告。


●Word power We’ll learn in this section some common suffixes that can be added to nouns or verbs to create adjectives. And also some vocabulary related to sales and marketing. Step 1: Brainstorming 1. Please think about the following questions: How are the following words formed? health (noun) healthy(adjective) interest (verb) interesting (adjective) An English word can have several derivatives. And please pay attention to the fact that many English words share the same root word, even though they have different meanings or parts of speech. Now here’s more example for you to better understand word formation. breath (n.) breathe (v.) breathless (adj.) act (v.) action (n.) actor (n.) actress (n.) activity (n.) possible (adj.) impossible (adj.) possibility (n.) possibly (adv.) friend (n.), friendly (adj.), friendless (adj.), friendship (n.), unfriendly (adj.) As you can see, many words are derived by adding suffixes or prefixes to the root words. Often you may come across unfamiliar words while reading, try to use knowledge of word formation to guess their meanings. Will you? And can you give more examples about word formation? 2. Shall we have a competition to see who can give more examples or create more words by adding suffixes or prefixes to the root words? 3. As we know, sometimes an English word can be made up of three parts: a prefix, a stem and a suffix. A stem is the main part of a word. A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word. A suffix is a group of letters placed at the end of a word. Both prefixes and suffixes modify the meaning of a word or change it into a different word group. The following is a table of common prefixes: Step 2: Learning about Word formation The basic part of any word is the root; to it, you can add a prefix at the beginning and/or a suffix at the end to change the meaning. For example, in the word "un flatter ing," the root is simply "flatter," while the prefix "un-" makes the word negative, and the suffix "-ing" changes it from a verb into an adjective (specifically, a participle). English itself does not use prefixes as heavily as it once did, but many English words come from Latin, which uses prefixes and suffixes (you can use the word affix to refer


福建农林大学2018年硕士自命题考试说明 001作物科学学院 《作物生理学》考察考生对作物生理学的基本概念、基本原理,作物生长发育过程中涉及的相关生理过程,特别是在逆境条件下作物产量品质形成生理机制的掌握程度,以及如何运用学习的知识分析作物在生产过程中生理现象的能力。 《遗传学》考查考生对遗传学基本概念的理解程度,对遗传学基本知识和分析方法的掌握程度,以及对遗传学历史和发展现状的了解。内容涵盖孟德尔遗传、细胞遗传、分子遗传、群体遗传以及新发展的基因组学等。 《农业知识综合一(作物)》考查内容主要包括植物学基础、生态学基础和气象学基础三部分。 《农学概论》考查内容主要包括农学与作物生产、作物的起源与分类、作物生长发育规律、作物品种改良、作物栽培技术、作物种植制度、现代农业等。 002植物保护学院 《植物生理学与生物化学》考试内容范围说明:植物的水分代谢,矿物质营养的基本原理,呼吸作用与光合作用,植物生长物质,植物生长、生殖与逆境生理;核酸、蛋白质、酶及维生素等生命基本物质的分子组成、结构、性质和功能,生物氧化,糖、脂类、蛋白质、核酸等的代谢。 《植物保护概论》考试内容范围说明:农业有害生物及其发生发展的基本知识,农业有害生物防治的原理与方法。 《植物保护学》考试内容范围说明:植物病理学、昆虫学、农药学的基本知识,农作物主要病虫害的发生与防治。 《农业综合知识一(植物保护)》考试内容范围说明:植物学基础知识、植物生理学基础知识、遗传学基础知识。

003园艺学院 学术型: 《园艺植物生理学》:园艺植物物质代谢、能量转化、生长发育生理、环境生理及其生长发育的调节与控制。 《园艺植物组织培养》:植物组织培养基本设备、基本原理、方法与技术;植物组织培养的应用领域;植物组织培养在园艺植物(果树或蔬菜或花卉或茶树等)上的应用。 专硕: 《园艺植物生物学》:园艺植物的生长发育,环境条件对园艺植物的影响,园艺植物的繁殖,园地选择与建园。 《农业知识综合一(园艺)》:土壤学、植物营养学、现代农业基础知识(节水农业、设施农业、生物防治、园产品安全生产等)。 004林学院 《森林生态学》:森林环境,森林能量环境,森林物质环境,森林环境中的干扰因素,森林种群的结构与动态,森林种群内和种群间的关系,森林生物遗传变异与进化,森林群落结构,森林群落演替,森林生态系统,森林地理分布,森林与全球气候变化。 《林业基础知识综合》导论,森林及其分布,主要森林树种概述,森林的功能,林木良种生产与壮苗培育,森林培育基础及育林技术体系,森林健康,林业生态工程建设,森林资源可持续经营。 《景观生态学》:基本理论和原理、景观形成因素,景观结构和空间格局,景观生态流与景观功能,景观动态变化,景观生态分类与评价,景观生态规划,景观生态数量化方法。 《数理统计》:概率论、参数估计、假设检验、单因素方差分析、回归分析(备注:复试时考《数理统计》考生需带计算器)。 005生命科学学院


Unit 2 Growing Pains Period 3 Word Power Teaching aims: 1. Make sure students can identify the difference between American English and British English. 2. Enable students to identify and learn about the different expressions. 3. To develop the ability of understanding words in context. 4. Make sure students expand their prior knowledge and apply it practically. Important and difficult points: 1. Make students know some differences between American English and British English? 2. Make students know the meaning of some more colloquialisms and their usage. Teaching methods: 1.Individual work 2.Pair or group discussion https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b2305930.html,parisons Teaching procedures: Step 1.Lead-in: Talk about the differences and answer questions: 1.Do you think there are some differences between American English and British English? 2.If there are some, in which aspects do they exist? 3. Have you found any difference between American English and British English in the play? 4.Could you list the differences you know?


湖南省蓝山二中高一英语必修四《unit3 Word Power》教案牛津版 Word power deals with different expressions related to computers. By learning rules of word formations, such as adding suffixes to verbs, and adjectiv es to form abstract nouns, you’ll increase your vocabulary more easily. Brainstorming Revise the common suffixes that are used to form adjectives learnt in Unit 1. Compare the following two groups of words. You need to decide which part of speech each word is, and think about the similarities and differences between the two groups. Group1: house, milk, driver; game Group2: revision, preparation, decision, difference, information, All the words are nouns, but words in Group1 refer to physical things and those in Group2 refer to ideas, actions, and qualities. The nouns in Group2 are called abstract nouns, and we always use them to say something we cannot see or touch directly. For reference (https://www.wendangku.net/doc/4b2305930.html,/glossary/abstract-noun.html) A concrete noun refers to o bjects and substances, including people and animals that exist physically. They can be either an uncountable noun or a countable noun. eg: Clocks and watches exist physicall y and are Concrete Nouns. Time is a concept that has no physical existence; it is not a Conc rete Noun but an Abstract Noun. An abstract noun refers to states, events, concepts, feelings, qualities, etc. that have no physical existence. eg: Freedom; happiness; idea; music are all abstract nouns that have no physical existence. An abstract noun can be either a countable noun or uncountable noun. Abstract nouns that refer to events are almost usually countable: a noise; a meeting. For reference (http://www.arts.uottawa.ca/writcent/hypergrammar/nouns.html) Concrete Nouns A concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can perceive through your physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. A concrete noun is the opposite of a abstract noun. Abstract Nouns An abstract noun is a nou n which names anything which you can not perceive through your five physical senses, and is the opposite of a concrete noun. The highlighted words in the following sentences are all abstract nouns: Vocabulary learning Think about more abstract nouns you know. You may use a dictionary if necessary. For reference Abstract Nouns friendship peace civilizatio romance humor


《土地科学导论》课程教学大纲 Specialty Introduction 课程编号:08075101 适用专业:土地资源管理专业 学时数:16 学分数:1 执笔者:审核人: 修订日期:2008年6月 一、课程的性质与目的 本课程是土地资源管理专业入学的专业导论课,为必修课程。其任务是使学生了解土地资源管理的主干课程以及相关课程的学习方法。并为以后专业课的学习打下基础。并对土地资源管理专业产生浓的兴趣。 二、课程教学内容 1.土地和土地科学(2学时) 主要内容:土地简介、土地科学简介、土地科学和其他科学的关系以及我国土地科学的历史、现状和发展方向。 了解土地的概念,土地的属性,掌握土地的科学的学科体系以及与土地科学和其他学科的关系。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 2.土地资源学(2学时) 主要内容:土地资源学简介、土地资源的研究简史及发展前景、我国土地资源介绍。 掌握土地资源的研究内容和研究方法。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 3.土地经济学(2学时) 主要内容:土地的供给与需求,地租与地价理论,土地金融与土地税收,土地报酬递减规律及规模经济原理。 掌握土地的供给与需求,地租与地价理论;了解土地金融与土地税收,土地报酬递减规律及规模经济原理。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 4.土地利用规划学(2学时) 主要内容:土地利用规划的概念,土地利用规划的基本原理,土地利用规划总述及土地利用专项和详细规划。 掌握土地利用规划的概念,土地利用规划的基本原理;了解土地利用规划总述及土地利用专项和详细规划。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 5.土地法学与土地行政学(2学时)

主要内容:土地法学理论与体系、土地法的渊源及其与其他部门的关系、土地产权制度;土地行政的概念与职能,土地行政组织与土地行政方法。 掌握土地法学理论与体系、土地行政的概念与职能;了解土地行政组织与土地行政方法。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 6.地籍学(2学时) 主要内容:地籍制度、土地调查与土地分等定级、不动产登记。 掌握土地调查与土地分等定级;了解地籍制度;理解不动产登记。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 7.土地资源可持续利用(2学时) 主要内容:可持续发展理论、土地资源与可持续利用、土地可持续利用评价。 理解土地资源与可持续利用;掌握可持续发展理论 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 8.国土资源管理信息化建设与土地信息系统(2学时) 主要内容:国土资源管理信息化建设;土地信息系统构建。 了解国土资源管理信息化建设;土地信息系统构建。 (教学方式:讲授2学时) 附:学时安排表 三、课程教学的基本要求 本课程一课堂讲授为主,应根据学生平时听课的情况以及作业情况适当安排课堂讨论与习题课,采用精讲多练、加强课后答疑相结合的教学方法,使学生熟练掌握课程内容。 (一)课堂讲授 本课程以土地资源的学科为基础,由于学时比较少,授课时应精讲,重点讲土地资源管理的主干学科。通过有限的学时,使学生尽快掌握土地资源管理的基本概念和方法,并培养学生运用所学知识解决学实际问题的能力。 (二)课堂讨论


牛津高中英语教学设计 单元:Unit 2 Growing pains 板块:Word power Thoughts on the design: 本节课是以听、说、读为主的词汇拓展教学课。本节课的设计在教材原有的基础上增加了语言信息的输入:一方面提高了学生对语言的直观的感性认识;另一方面信息的选择也注重通过情感教育增加学生对语言的情感融入。此外,本节课对于教材的处理有所侧重,并适当延伸。在教授词汇知识和学习策略的同时,适当增加了词汇所蕴含的文化知识的输入。整节课应当在师生的情感互动、学生的情感融入和师生共同的情感体验的过程中进行。 Teaching aims: After learning this session, the students will be able to know and recognize some differences between American and British English, and some colloquialisms as well. With this teaching design, the students will experience more differences between American and British language and culture. Besides, the students will obtain more cultural background information as well as more interest in English language and culture. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Show a poster and introduce the movie ?the Parent Trap?. Show two questions about the movie: (1) What’s the difference between the twins? (2) Can you tell Annie from Hallie in the movie? Try to find the answers while watching the following movies and reading the texts concerned. [Explanation] 本单元的主题是成长,因此向学生推荐这部有关成长的电影。下面将通过视频与文本的形式具体讲述电影情节,因此此处只需简单介绍以引入下面的主题。 The Parent Trap, presented by Disney in 1998, tells a story of a pair of twins getting reunited after 11 years separation since birth. Lindsay Lohan elegantly played two main characters, the twins, one from the UK and the other from the USA. 说明:在介绍过程中,教师宜强调双胞胎姐妹分别来自英国和美国,提醒学生留心两人语言上的差异。也即随后的两个问题。这两个问题只需提出而不需要学生回答,仅仅要求学生在下面欣赏和阅读的过程中思考。 Step 2 Show the movies. Show the texts, and fill in the blanks according to the movies.


牛津高中英语教学设计:M2 Unit 1School life Word power 龙山高级中学彭海燕 Ⅰ.Thoughts on the design: 该板块设计的目的是引导学生通过以下两种方法学习词汇:一是让学生学习与单元话题相关的分类词汇;二是通过构词法学习单词。 该板块设计了图表、对话或短文,用以拓展学生对于话题相关的词语 的认识和运用。 Ⅱ.Teaching aims: 1.to cultivate students’ability of reading a map; 2.to develop and practice the way of asking and giving the way; 3.students are expected to gain a more general idea of school facilities; 4.to enlarge students’vocabulary and try to guide them to use the vocabulary correctly. Ⅲ.Teaching procedures: Step 1. Don’ttell me its name (Guessing game) [设计说明 ] Describe the features of the given place, but not to mention its name, let others guess.通(过此步骤使得学生充分熟悉有 关school facilities 的名词,为教学的下一步展开做好铺 垫,同时激发学生学习热情。


牛津高中英语教学设计 教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期 文档内容:教学设计—教案 单元:Unit 1 Laughter is good for you 板块:Word power 作者:刘青 Thoughts on the design: 本节课是与本单元主题相关的词汇课,分别涉及到与戏剧相关的分类词汇和与单元主题“Laughter”相关的习语,目的在于拓展学生对与话题相关的词语的认识和运用,而且为本单元的Project教学的展开做好铺垫。本课将教材的内容略作调整,便于教师操作。 Teaching aims: After this class, the students will be able to 1.know more about the idioms about smiling and laughing; 2.know more about the vocabulary about drama and performing; 3.know something about what they should take into consideration if they want put on a drama. Teaching procedures: Step 1 lead in (PPT4-8) 1.In the last two periods we have talked about laughter and things which can bring us laughter. Actually laughter is full of our life. We even have lot of idioms in English about smiling and laughing. (PPT4) 2.Page 7 Part D Ask the Ss to read to explanations and the example sentences and make sure they have got the meanings of two idioms.(PPT5) 3.Ask the Ss if they know any other idioms about smiling and laughing. If so, ask them to give examples. If not, give them two more. Give them example sentences first and allow them the chance to guess the meanings. Then give the exact explanations.(PPT6-7) 4.Ask them to find more idioms about smiling and laughter after class.(PPT8)[Explanation] 因为Part D涉及到有关于“smiling”和“laughing”的习语,正好和单元主题相吻合,教师可以顺延前两节课的话题,继续将Laughter,不突兀。因此将Parts D 提前作为导入,也作为新课的一个环节,起到承上启下的作用。 Step 2 Part A & Part B (PPT 9-12) 1.Many things in our life can bring us laughter and actually we can also do something to


第四章土地资源调查 定义:是以土地资源学的学科知识为基础,用遥感和测绘制图等技术,查清土地资源的类型、数量、质量、空间分布以及它们之间的相互关系和发展变化规律的系列过程。用于综合农业区划、土地资源评价、国民经济发展规划的制定以及土地资源的科学管理等。 土地资源调查的基本内容包括土地类型、数量、质量、权属、分布及利用现状等的调查。 大体分为:土地利用调查、土地类型调查、土地质量调查、土地权属调查。具体调查时,有时调查内容是综合性的,四种调查之间没有明显的界限 土地利用现状调查 定义:是在全国范围内,为查清土地的利用现状而进行的全面的土地资源普查,也属于基本国情调查。 1、任务: (1)查清土地的权属、界线及其土地总面积。 (2)按土地利用分类,查清各权属单位和行政单位的土地类型、数量、分布及其面积(本调查的重点),故又称土地数量调查。 2、内容: 调绘界线:土地利用现状类型界线;各级行政辖区(含村)范围界线;企事业单位的土地权属界线。 调研经验:调查研究土地利用和管理等方面的经验、教训及成因 量算面积:量算出各权属单位和各地类图斑面积。 编制图件:分幅权属界线图和县、乡土地利用现状图及其他图件(如土地利用分区图)等。 汇总面积:按土地权属单位及行政辖区范围汇总土地总面积和各地类面积。 编写报告:编写土地利用调查报告和技术报告,分析土地利用、管理的经验和教训,提出合理利用土地的建议。 土地资源质量调查 1、定义: 土地、土地资源、土壤的自然、社会、经济属性,相对于人类需求(生态系统平衡、食物安全、人类健康等)、特定用途(包括农业生产、林业、保护和环境管理等方面)所表现出的效果的优劣程度。 例如:土壤质量 Larson和Pierce(1991) 定义为土壤在以下方面的物理、化学和生物的特征: ①为植物生长提供生育的基质;
