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What makes a good place

What makes a good place
What makes a good place

What makes a good place?

A good place always desired by everyone. People regard the good place is a point which influences people to a large extent. A story talks about the MengZi's mother moved their house for three times in order to choose the best living condition to MengZi is known by everyone. Finally, what makes a good places?

As far as I am concerned, countryside is a good place. An eminent place should be peaceful, quiet, having gorgeous view and comfortable temperature. If someone lived in a noise and dirty place, it would drive him up to the wall. Furthermore, the good air quality would let off steam and make people feel enjoyment. Away from the hustle and bustle cities is a refreshing and super comfy thing.

On the other side, the crowded city does not mean to be the worst place. The leisure village makes you relaxed, in contrast, quickly living paces make you keep dynamic and passionate. The prevalent cruel competition always inspiring. At the same time, working under enormous stress is an arduous but rewarding thing, easily would you find having had a progress, Thanks to the demanding job, hardly feeling bored and idle any more.

In conclusion, there are a various of conditions consist

of a good place. Therefore, whether the place regarded to a good place or not depend on what kind of living style you want to have. To some of people, planting flowers as happy as working in a pile of documents.



关于介绍自己家庭的英语作文5篇每个人都有自己最温暖的家,那么你想知道介绍家庭的英语作文要怎么写吗?下面是橙子整理的介绍自己家庭的英语作文范文,以供大家参考学习。 介绍家庭的英语作文一 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice. From I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, 1 / 5


1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. (杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义) 2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into) 3, I bet I screwed up.(我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up) 4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度) 5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird) 6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit) 7, Drop it! I'm tired out.(打住,停止: drop it=cut it out) 8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out) 9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts) 10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure) ------------------------ 11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek) 12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts?(生气: ticked off =pissed off) 13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call) 14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch) 15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny)


优秀英语作文范文高一6篇 为让读者更好地理解所传递的信息,使用英文进行写作时,行文一定要注意做到清晰、准确、简洁这三点。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的优秀英语作文范文高一6篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏U查看,谢谢! 优秀英语作文范文高一1 There was a big stone in front of my living zone? Though so many people lived here and they came in and out everyday, they just ignored the stone and walked through it directly. Some day, when I went home after school, I found the stone was moved to another side? It was so comfortable to see the road back to its original way. I was so curious, in my eyes, the person who did this was a hero. So I asked the security guard, he told me that it was a new guy who just moved to here did it. A few days later, the security guard suddenly pointed to me the new guy, as he just passed? I saw him. He looked very ordinary, and a little thin in the middle age? I looked at his back, and admired him so much. Though he did the small thing, he was a hero. 优秀英语作文范文高一2 People always feel unsatisfied with themselves, because no matter what they


小学生我的家庭英语作文(五篇) 【篇一】 There are four people in my family, my father, my mother,my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard. My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much. 【篇二】 My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too. My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife. I have a happy family. I like it very much.


经典的法律美剧 1. Boston Legal《波士顿法律》 Boston Legal is an American created by and produced in association with for . The series aired from October 3, 2004, to December 8, 2008. 《波士顿法律》讲述的是美国波士顿市一家律师事务所的故事,主要是两位活宝Alan(James Spader)扮演,曾凭该剧三夺艾美奖最佳男主角奖)和 Denny (William Shatner扮演),每集一般有两个官司要打,穿插办公室和个人生活的趣事,每集最后Alan和Denny在阳台夜话的是粉丝的一大爱好,只有这一刻,得一知己,把酒言欢,足以。 《波士顿法律》可以算是一朵奇葩,把不同律师辩护的若干个独立的案子剪切成碎片,用一些生活琐事连接在一起,浇上一些重口味幽默,就做成了这道口味独特的律师剧大餐。 抛开那些长篇累牍的传统庭审环节,《波士顿法律》把更多的焦点放在了律师本人上面,你不需要去关注案件的结果,无罪还是有罪无关重要,甚至案件结束你都无法确定。所以这是一部“律师剧”,还不是“法律剧”。 2. The Practice《律师本色》 The Practice is an American created by centering on the partners and associates at a firm. Running for eight seasons on ABC from 1997 to 2004, the show won the in 1998 and 1999 for Best Drama Series, and spawned the successful and lighter series , which ran for five more seasons, from 2004 to 2008. The Practice, Bobby Donnell带领下的波士顿律师事务所以维护社会道德,种族平等为宗旨,在很多案件中成功为当事人争取应有的权力。在故事的发展中,Jimmy, Eugene, Ellenor和Lindsay等一众年轻律师逐渐积累了一定的经验,在以地方检察官为对手的诉讼中明争暗斗,大放异彩。里面有大量的法庭辩论。以交叉询问为主,精彩的美国法庭戏。此剧是完全仿真的以法律调查为主题的系列剧。这是一家充满激情的律师事务所。对他们来说,每一个案子都是重要的,也会为每一个客户的利益争取到底。运用合法的策略是他们的工作方式,他们更依靠科学,把最受质疑的论点变得具有说服性。并且仍把追求正义放在首位,直到最终的结果被宣布……有时也会在宣判之后。然而追求正义,也常常使他们要面对伦理道德的是非问题。


漩涡中的婚姻:银幕十大致命伴侣 1、克洛伊——猜忌是破坏婚姻的一大利刃剧情、惊悚 2、夺命手术——骗婚计是一个令人头疼难忍的阴谋剧情、惊悚 3、危情24小时——用绑架调制一锅重口味心灵鸡汤犯罪、惊悚 4、冰血暴——有时候愚蠢的阴谋更加致命剧情 5、双重阴谋——以最不能二罚,真正的凶手终会受审判剧情、惊悚、悬疑 6、金福南杀人事件始末——极端的压抑会引发更加残暴的反抗犯罪、惊悚 7、赛末点——在三角恋上押错宝输掉的可能就是性命犯罪、惊悚、剧情 8、不明身份——迷失自我是攻心阴谋中的最高境界剧情、惊悚、悬疑 9、超完美谋杀案——深陷情杀的漩涡即是猎手又是猎物犯罪、惊悚 10、破绽——不管多完美,破绽永存于阴谋的起点悬疑、惊悚、法庭 北美影史十大卖座爱情喜剧 1、美国之旅——1988 非洲王子微服出访,美国之旅趣事横生 2、爱到房倒屋塌——2003 网友见面,引发啼笑皆非的搞笑故事 3、尽善尽美——1997 奖项与票房双丰收,尽善尽美 4、好孕临门——2007 主要真心相待,或许意外的开始,也能有美满的结局 5、欲望都市——2008 四个女人一台戏,热播美剧精彩再续 6、假结婚——2009 假结婚萌生真感情,皆大欢喜 7、我为玛丽狂——1998 笨拙骑士追求美丽公主,坚持就是胜利 8、全民情敌——2005 爱情顾问亲自上阵,赢得真爱 9、男人百分百——2000 意外获得读心术,坠入爱河 10、我盛大的希腊婚礼——2002 两个人两个家庭因为爱走到了一起 光影中的十大非常学校之最疯狂 1、逃学威龙(疯狂)——在疯狂当中体会清醒中的无奈 2、X战警(神奇)——最离奇的课程,传授最本分的道理动作、科幻 3、哈利波特(梦幻)——全世界人都向往的学校冒险、奇幻 4、摇滚校园(坚持)——坚持是一条道路,让摇滚走向校园喜剧、音乐 5、放牛班的春天(悠扬)——用悠扬的音乐,带给人内心的洗涤剧情、音乐 6、警察学校(搞笑)——最荒唐的警察,最欢乐的学校喜剧、犯罪 7、西点揭秘(讽刺)——无辜的学校,虚构的丑闻剧情、惊悚、犯罪 8、死亡诗社(启发)——在人生中,最重要的一课是启蒙剧情、励志 9、一个都不能少(较真)——用较真的火苗点亮希望工程的火把剧情 10、黑板(简陋)——最简陋的学校,最震撼的课程 电影中的十大特性老师 1、功夫梦——高手隐于市井,最深藏不露的功夫老师动作、剧情 2、我的野蛮女老师——驯服恶魔学生,最野蛮可爱的家庭女教师喜剧、爱情 3、蒙娜丽莎的微笑——向旧观念挑战,最维护女性权利的艺术史老师 4、极道鲜师——黑道大姐大,最全力以赴的热血老师喜剧 5、一个都不能少——最执着的代课老师剧情 6、麻辣教师GTO——不良少年大变身,最火爆的问题老师 7、音乐之声——用歌声教学,最别具匠心的家庭教师剧情、歌舞

A good heart英语作文

A Good Heart When it comes to a good heart,different people hold different opinions.As far as I’m concerned, a man who owns a good heart not only helps people get out of hard situation,but also makes them know the final meaning of the help. The experience on one rainy day has a good impact on me.One day,not until I went out of the library did I realize that I hadn’t brought an umbrella in such a rainy day.There was no one I could turn to for help so I had to throw myself in the rain.On the way to the dormitory,people who held umbrellas passed me quickly one after another.The rain made my body deeply cold as well as my heart.At this moment,a pink umbrella broke into my sight.’’Can I help you?’’a sweet voice and a smiled face warmed my whole body.Excited and shy,I couldn’t say a word to her.’’Which domitory do you live in?’’And then,I knew that we lived in different ones but she stuck to sending me to my domitory.I said’’thank you’’to her sincerely when we arrived.What a pity was that I had forgotten asking her name and class.If I met her again,I would ask this and make friends with her. Above all,the good hearted girl helped me get out of being wet and made me understand the true meaning of the help.What’s more,from then on,I always try my best to reach out a hand to others wheather I know or not.The warm from a good heart will be passed to everyone by this way. 审计Q1241 刘宇娟12060299 2012.11.05


精心整理 关于我的家庭的英语作文 Ihaveaveryluckyfamily.Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily,mydad,mom,sisterandbr other. 我有一个很幸福的家庭。在我的家庭有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和弟弟,还有我。 much. Mysisterisasportsplayer.Sheistallandstrong.Shehasbigeyes,smallnoseandmou thandtwosmallears.Sheisprettyandcute.Shelikeslisteningtomusiceverymuch.“Proudofyou”isherfavouriteEnglishsong.Shecansingverywellandsheeventeac hesmesingthissong.

我的姐姐是一个运动员,她又高又壮。她大眼睛,小鼻子、小嘴,两个小耳朵。她非常漂亮、可爱。她喜欢听音乐,“为你骄傲”是她最喜欢的一首英文歌,她能 唱得非常好,甚至教我也唱这首歌。 Iamahappygirl.Ilikelisteningtomusic,too.likeplayingpingpong.Ilovemyparen tsandtheyloveme,too. 我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢听音乐、喜欢打乒乓球。我爱我的父母,他们也 爱我。 e. Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,butsometimes shemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shewashedclothesinth ewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehadn'tfilledthewasherwi thwater. 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心 而做错事。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中 放水。


关于情绪的英语作文3篇 各位读友大家好!你有你的木棉,我有我的文章,为了你的木棉,应读我的文章!若为比翼双飞鸟,定是人间有情人!若读此篇优秀文,必成天上比翼鸟! 关于情绪的英语作文一:有个好心情on mood(1475字)what accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. as man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable as the cars coming and going on the super-high way. a favor from a neighbour, a kiss of a child, a praise from others are like warm sunshine that makes us comfortable. bat a rough word from a stranger, a false product bought from the store, or an insulting remark in fun would put you in a bad mood and make your heart sink. a good mood makes one happy, energetic and creative. i was once shut in


关于介绍自己家庭的英语作文5篇 每个人都有自己最温暖的家,那么你想知道介绍家庭的英语作文要怎么写吗?下面是小编整理的介绍自己家庭的英语作文范文,以供大家参考学习。 介绍家庭的英语作文一 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River. Haimen is a modern city. There are lots of high buildings in it. Most of us live in flats. We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends. In the center of Haimen, there are many shops. You can buy some nice things here. Things in most shops aren’t expensive. You can pay a little money and they are yours. My hometown is a beautiful city. On each of the roads, there are some big trees and nice flowers. The roads are also very clean. They make people happy and comfortable. The seasons here are very nice. From I like autumn best. It’s neither hot nor cold. A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing, then fly away. And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, just fall there with a sign.” It’s very cool.I love Haimen. It’s a nice place to live. Welcome to my hometown. 介绍家庭的英语作文二 My hometown, which is in the south of × Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their children to school. But ,great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past twenty years. Many families .have not only color TV sets, but also telephones, fridges, computers, and so on. New roads, houses, schools, hospitals have been built. People in my hometown are working hard for a better life. 我的家乡在××南部,是一个非常漂亮的村庄,它位于一条小河的东岸,为绿色的 大山所环抱。过去,我的家乡很穷,人们过着艰难的生活,孩子读不起书。但是在刚 刚过去的二十年里,我的家乡发生了翻天覆地的变化口许多家庭不仅有了彩色电视机,而且电话、冰箱、电脑等应有尽有。新修了公路,新建了房屋、学校和医院。家乡人 民正在为过上更好的生活而辛勤工作。 介绍家庭的英语作文三

The trust in my heart_内心的信任英语作文200字

The trust in my heart_内心的信任英语作文200字 When I was a girl,I was very bad.I often drew pictures on the English book and laughed loudly with my classmates.I never listened to my English teacher carefully.Of course,my English was very bad. When I was in Grade 5,my mother sent me to an English school.My English was still very bad there and I didn't stand up when the teacher let us stand up and dance.But to my surprise,that English teacher called Angela didn't hate me and she still gave me another chance.One day,Angela found me and said:"Janice,you are very good,I trust that you can study English very well and you can be a good girl, my clever Janice,study English carefully from now on.Can you do it"Angela looked at me and I looked her,She looked like mysister who smiled at me. I was moved by Angela.I said to her:"Yes,of course.I promise to study English well forever." From that day on,I study English carefully and my English started improving.Now,my English is very well. "Why do you study English well?"my classmates often ask me.My answer is:Angela.Yes,Angela's trust made me study English well.Thank 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考


小学四年级英语作文:我的家庭 【篇一】 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 我家有三口人,我爸爸,妈妈和我。 我的父亲是一个商 人。他总是忙于他的工作,他经常去出差。但当他是免费的,他和我们在一起。我 妈妈是一个工人。她也努力工作。她努力工作照顾我们的家。我爱我的父母。 【篇二】 Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、 my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 大家好!今天我很高兴告诉你关于我的家庭。 我有一个幸福的家庭。 有四人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的弟弟,和我。我的父亲是在另一个城市工作。他 很忙,他没有时间回来看我们。我们非常想念他。我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。每一 天,她烹饪美味的饭菜和做很多家务。 我的弟弟和我都是学生。 我们工作很努力。 在我的家人,在我周围有很多的快乐。我爱我的家人!


从美剧的消沉反思英剧崛起 [摘要] 2012年英剧的走红是一个无法忽视的娱乐现象。英剧与美剧有许多类相似的地方,它们有着相似的受众群体,类型与模式也比较相似。在世界电视产业中,美国电视业的影响巨大。英剧能从美剧的包围中脱颖而出,的确有许多值得反思的地方。 [关键词] 英剧美剧差别类型风格 在日剧、韩剧、美剧你方唱罢我登场后,如今在中国走红的海外剧轮到英剧唱主角。正如七年前一部《越狱》将美剧变成时尚热词一样,2012年《福尔摩斯》第二季曝红,正式宣告英剧时代到来。新年第一天,BBC热门剧《福尔摩斯》结束了18个月漫长的间歇,迎来新一季。第二季同样只有三集,每集90分钟,短短三集片带来的后续反应用摧枯拉朽来形容也不为过。三个周末过去,关于《福尔摩斯》的讯息扑天盖地,从两位男主角零敲碎打的新闻旧故到台前幕后若有若无的小道消息,从台词造型到音乐制作到服装道具,无一不是粉丝津津乐道的话题。仿佛突然之间,《福尔摩斯》红了,英剧也红了。 2012年年关前后,英国三大电视台推出三部重头戏,BBC推出《福尔摩斯》第二季,ITV推出《唐顿庄园》第二季,Channel4推出《黑镜》,英剧三大制作基地的三部重磅炸弹,悄悄取代了美剧迷们津津乐道的NBC、CBS、ABC和HBO的一众热剧,成了海外剧剧迷的新宠。BBC推出名著新编《福尔摩斯》的第二季,编导们别出心裁让维多利亚时代的名侦探福尔摩斯穿越到现代伦敦,玩IPHONE用现代科技破案,却依然机敏睿智、目光犀利又不谙世事,刻薄都刻薄得创意无限。新版《福尔摩斯》外表时尚,剧情紧凑,节奏跳跃,翻拍每一案都力图有所创新,剧集处处又表现出对原作的尊崇。ITV推出的典雅庄重的时代剧中国影视《唐顿庄园》代表着英剧中典雅华贵的一派,它承接时代剧的古典风范,既华丽又细致,展示了在新时代即将到来之前最后的贵族生活众生相。它的时间设置在

A reading report on A good heart to lean on 善心可依读后感

泛读读后感11实用翻译创新1班姚天天114175336 A reading report on A good heart to lean on Recently, I read an article called A good heart to lean on. It is a well-done article because the author, from the essay, let me see a sincere love of him toward his father. The author describes his changes during his growth. At first, he thinks it embarrassed to walk with his father. But when he grows up, he feels regretful to do things like this to his own father. Whatever he says or does to his father, the latter is so kind that he choose to ignore or forgive what his son has done, to his only son. And the author says that his father goes to work almost everyday without a day off, even when it is rainy or snowy. But he never complains or envy what others have. He does what his son does. Although he can not do as a young man does, but he tries his best. At first, I can’t understand. Why does an old man have to do this? But finally, I got it. That’s because he loves his job; he loves his son; he loves to live. He has a good heart to lean on! And actually he has influenced his son so deeply. The author later also knows the good quality of his father. He tries to do as his father did in the past. He tries not to complain his life and envy what others have. He is a good son and I believe he also has a good heart to lean on!

My Family(我的家庭)(初中英语作文)

My Family (我的家庭) There are five people in my family. They are my grandmother, my father, my mother, me and my brother. My grandmother is a kind person. She makes breakfast for us every morning. At noon, we eat at school. Grandma eats at home and prepares dinner for the evening. When we go home in the evening, we can have the meal made by Grandma as soon as we enter the door. Dad is a primary school teacher. During the day, my father works in school and teaches students to learn knowledge. When I got home in the evening, my father liked reading newspapers. Dad likes computers, too. Sometimes, Dad likes to writes articles. Dad likes watching news on the computer and learning all kinds of knowledge on the computer. Dad often works late into the night. Dad said, "If you don't study, you can't be a good teacher." Mother is a worker. Working in a factory for a long time every day. Although the work is very tiring, but the salary is not high. My mother often said to my brother and me, "Study hard and become a useful person in the future." Mother likes watching TV best. Mother knits sweaters while watching TV. The sweaters


看美剧必备150句高频口语 1, This fat bastard is trying to move in. (杂种: bastard=son of a bitch=asshole,老外喜欢在动词后用副词up, in, on, out等,有时可忽略其意义) 2, He's just not that into you. (那么: this, that 喜欢: into) 3, I bet I screwed up. (我肯定: I bet 搞砸了:screw up) 4, Well, all I can say is: you have changed your tune. (change your tune 改变态度) 5, But I'm such a creep. I'm a weirdo. (讨厌的人: creep 怪人: weirdo 奇怪的: weird) 6, To tell ye the truth , I don't give a shit. (不在乎: don't give a shit) 7, Drop it! I'm tired out. (打住,停止: drop it=cut it out) 8, Will you chill out? (冷静,闲逛: chill out)9, You're checking to see if I went nuts , if I was gonna tell. (发疯: nuts) 10, So we figured that Tony might know something.(猜想: figure) 11, I want a role model, not some horny geek boy. (好色的:horny 怪人,怪才: geek) 12, I'm so ticked off! Are you nuts? (生气: ticked off =pissed off) 13, Come to think of it, that might be a close call. (好险:close call) 14, The scoundrel pinched money from my grandpa. (恶棍: scoundrel 捏,勒索: pinch)15, Here’s another thorny problem facing our new boss. (棘手的: thorny) 16, And then I stuff the crackers down his throat. (塞,填: stuff 咸饼干: crackers) 17, Save your breath! (别费口舌) 18, lt'll be the other way around. (不一样)19, What's he running for?County treasurer or something like that. (诸如此类: or something like that) 20, You come a long way to stick your nose into other people's business.(管别人闲事) 21, Now if you'll bear with me for a few minutes... (忍耐我听我: bear with me) 22, You've been framed, you poor wooden-headed sap. (陷害: frame 傻瓜: sap=idiot=moron)23, The daily grind was too much for him ; the novelty wore off. (每日必干的苦工:daily grind)24, Her days are numbered.(来日无多) 25, Some said he was boring and stiff. (呆板, 僵硬: stiff) 26, He ’s just plain stupid! (简直就是: plain)27, You totally crossed the line. (过份了) 28, You fool. lf you had guts, you'd print this. (勇气: guts=grit) 29, I drifted from job to job.(流动: drift) 30, Harrison's dummy! (笨蛋: dummy=hick)31, Nail up anybody who stands in your way. (抓住: nail up) 32, lt's a far cry from where l come from to this house.(完全不同: a far cry) 33, He's two-timing Lucy. (脚踏两边船: two-time) 34, My feet are killing me. (脚痛死了) 35, Don't mumble. Speak up. (咕哝: mumble)36, l'll take your word for it.(相信你的话)37, It was meant to be.(注定) 38, You cannot imagine how much I'm counting on you. (信赖: count on) 39, Don't be coy with me. (腼腆: coy) 40, Lo and behold, it begins to rain. (你瞧: lo and behold) 41, You used to toss and turn all night. (翻来翻去: toss and turn) 42, I’m up to my ears in work, so I’ll have to take a rain check.(take a rain check: 改日) 43, I have lost count of time.(lose count: 记不清) 44, It must have cost him an arm and a leg. (an arm and a leg: 昂贵) 45, Try to meet each other half way. (相互妥协)46, I am going to tell him once and for all. (最后一次: once and for all) 47, Sorry, dear, I can’t stick around. (stick around : 逗留) 48, Let’s just straighten it out some other time.(straighten out: 扯平,结清) 49, No dice, we'll stick with the original one. (stick with: 继续做) 50, I adore you. (爱慕: adore) 51,Off with you, faker.骗子:faker=fraud=phony)

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