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通过考试是每个学生的梦想,通不过考试则是噩梦, 所以为了通过考试,许多学生尝试各种各样的方法: 去看算命先生,买幸运符(lucky charms),甚至遵循一些古老的传统。在韩国,许多学生将自己的一件物品埋到自己想就读的大学校园里, 因为他们相信这件物品会像磁铁一样将他们“吸”进这所大学。是否有效没人知道,但至少这能减轻学生们关于考试的紧张情绪。不过,你不能总是靠运气,取而代之的只有努力工作。

Passing exams is every student’s dream while failing them is their nightmare. So, to realize their dreams, many students try every means such as going to fortunetellers, buying lucky charms and even following old customs. In Korea, many students bury something personal in the university they want to enter because they believe that these things will act as magnets and “pull” them into the university. Whether it works or not, nobody really knows. At least it does ease the students’minds about passing e xams. Remember, though, you can’t always rely on luck. There is no substitute for hard work.


Vegetarians have an enormous health advantage. One of the major health problems threatening heath in modern societies is not too little protein but too much food, especially in the form of animal fats. Medical evidence suggests that animal fats, including butter, contribute to the development of cholesterol in the human body. High amounts of cholesterol seem to be part of the cause of heart disease. High amounts of animal fats also seem to lead to certain kinds of cancer. Most vegetarians have low level of cholesterol. Overall, studies comparing the health of vegetarians and meat-eaters show that meat-eaters are twice as likely to die of heart disease as vegetarians are.

Translation 1





Dear Red,

If you’re reading this, then you’re out. One way or another, you’re out. And if you’ve come this far, you might be willing to come a little further. I think you remember the name of the town, don’t you? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. Meantime, have a drink on me—and do think it over. I will be keeping an eye out for you. Remember that hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you, and finds you well.

Your friend


Translation 2


In November 1952, the American people voted a Republican President into office, breaking the

Democratic Party’s 20-year hold on the Presidency. The successful candidate, General Eisenhower, defeated the Democratic candidate, Stevenson, by a decisive margin, and he repeated the victory four years later. The Eisenhower years saw continued and gradual progress toward fuller political, social and legal rights for black Americans. Meanwhile, the Eisenhower Government followed a policy described as “Modern Republicanism”. In this period, Americans enjoyed a rising standard of living. Despite an increase in unemployment after 1957-1958 recession, wages continued to rise, business gained momentum, and optimism prevailed.


第一单元词语的翻译(1) 增词法 汉英两种语言在词法和句法结构方面存在着极大的差别。例如,英语中有词形变化,汉语中没有;英语中大量用连词、介词、关系代词等,而汉语中各成分往往通过内在的关系贯串在一起,不一定或很少使用连词和介词,也没有关系代词。所以,翻译时常常有必要在译文的词量上作适当的增加,使译文既能忠实地传达原文的内容和风格,又能符合译入语的表达习惯,但是增词必须是根据具体情况增加非增加不可的词语。 汉译英中的增词 一、根据句法结构需要增词 1.增补主语 汉语里无主语的句子相当多,汉译英时常常要根据上下文的意思选择适当的代词或名词补做主语。增加什么样的主语则取决于上下文。 例1:不坚持就会失败。 One will fail unless —one perseveres. 例2:怕要下雨了。 I am afraid it is going to rain. 例3:又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草,简直可笑! You want the horse to run fast and yet you don’t 1et it graze.Isn’t it ridiculous! 2.增补非人称的或强调句中的it 英语中it除了指天气、时间等外,还常用来表示强调、代替不定式等。汉语中有许多表达方法,英译时需增补it。 例4:一天天冷起来了。 It is getting colder day by day. 例5:是我们采取有效措施的时候了。 It’s time we took effective measures. 例6:尝试而失败还是比不尝试好。 It’s better to try and fail than never try at a1l. 从以上例句可以看出汉英语言表达思想顺序的不同。如果一个句子里既有叙事部分,又有表态部分,在汉语里往往是叙事在前,表态在后。叙事部分比较长,表语部分一般都很短(如句中的“不容易”、“容易”、“好”)。在英语中则往往相反,表态在前,叙事在后。所以译文中要增补it作先行主语,以便把较短的表态部分放在前面。 下面两个例句中it起强调作用。 例7:我们费了很大力气才解决了那些问题。 It was with great effort that we solved those problems. 例8:我们这样做都是为了你好。 It was for your benefit that we did all that. 3. 增补作宾语的代词或先行宾语it 在汉语中,只要从上下文能正确理解,宾语常常可以省略,但在英语中凡及物动词都得有宾语,因此在英译时经常要增补宾语。 例9:我们认为理论与实践相结合是十分重要的。 We think it most important that theory should be combined with practice.

选修 课文翻译 全析

选修8 Unit 1 大课文多样性的土地 加州 加州是美国第三大洲,但是人口最多。它也有不同的是最多元文化国家在美国,有吸引了来自世界各地的人们。的习俗和语言的移民活在新居。这个文化多样性并不令人惊讶当你知道他的历史加州。 本土美国人 什么时候到的第一批人我们现在知道的加利福尼亚,没有人真的知道。然而,很可能在加利福尼亚居住美国印地安人是至少一万五千年前。科学家们认为这些定居者穿过白令海峡在北极到美国的一种方法中存在的陆地桥在史前时期。在16世纪,欧洲人到来之后,当地人中蒙受了重大损失。数千人的死亡或被迫成为奴隶。另外,许多人死于这种疾病所带来的欧洲人。然而,从一些这些可怕的时代,今天还有更多的美国人住在加州比任何其他国家。 西班牙 在18世纪,加州被西班牙。名西班牙士兵初到南美洲,在16世纪早期当他们攻打当地人,把他们的土地。两个世纪以后,西班牙人定居在大部分南美和沿西北海岸的我们现在所称的美国。第一个西班牙去加州,大多数都是虔诚的教徒。他们的部门是要教导天主教给当地人。1821年,墨西哥取得了他们的从西班牙独立。加州的一部分

则成了墨西哥。1846年美国宣战墨西哥和战争结束后获美国、墨西哥不得不给加州到美国。然而,仍有强烈的西班牙影响国家。这就是为什么今天超过40的加州人说西班牙语作为第一或第二语言。 俄罗斯人 在19世纪初,俄罗斯的猎人,这些原本,开始去阿拉斯加定居在加州。在那里的今天是大约2.5万美籍俄裔住在旧金山市区和郊区。 黄金生产商 1848年1月24日,美墨战争后不久,有人在加州发现了黄金。快速致富的梦想吸引了来自世界各地的人们。最近的,因此第一个到达,是来自美国人民和来自美国。然后从欧洲和亚洲的冒险者随之而来。事实上,一些达到了他们的梦想成为富足。一些死亡或回到家,但是大多数住在加利福尼亚使自己的生活不顾大的困难。他们就住在新城镇或在农场工作。在加州成为31日当选美国的联邦州在1850年,已经是一个多元文化的社会。 晚来者 尽管中国移民开始到在淘金热期间,他们的建筑……(文件丢失) 从西方的铁路网络到东海岸带来了更大的编号到加州十九世纪六十年代。今天,美藉华人住在加州的所有部分,尽管大部分选择呆在“唐人街”的洛杉矶和旧金山。 意大利人等其他移民,主要渔民还酿酒师,到达了加州在十九世纪。在1911年移民建立了镇来自丹麦的自己,今天仍然继续他们的丹麦文化。到了二十世纪二十年代


Web服务发现基于行为的签名 沈中南 计算机科学部门 加州大学 圣芭芭拉,CA 93106 - 5110 szn@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, 苏建文? 计算机科学部门 加州大学 圣芭芭拉,CA 93106 - 5110 su@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, 摘要 服务发现是一个关键的问题是一些服务预计将大幅度增加。服务发现目前主要是基于关键词,或接口的网络服务通过使用本体论。我们认为,“行为签名”操作说明应发挥重要作用服务发现过程。在本文中,我们提出一个新的行为模式的服务利用自动机逻辑形式。大致上,联想信息模型活动和采用iopr OWL - S 模型描述活动。一个新的查询语言是表达时间和语义特征对服务行为。查询评估算法的开发;特别,一个优化的方法使用re-tree和启发式显示性能的改善。具体来说,实验结果表明,使用re-tree降低了查询评价时间的一个数量级,启发式它的性能提高了2个数量级。这显然是一个令人鼓舞的起点。 1、介绍 网络服务已经收到越来越多的利益从电子商务,科技,电信应用,和研究社区在不同的领域,很明显最近的研究(的社区活动,icws,鳞状细胞癌,等。)。一个根本问题的网站服务涉及服务发现。例如,服务组成可能开始寻找适当的存在可以使用的服务和集成在一起。要求用于选择服务可能侧重于不同方面网站服务,从不同的服务类别服务语义,从服务接口服务行为。目前的工作对服务发现的重点功能描述,我们认为,行为特征[ 11 ]随着业务水平的描述应该发挥重要作用的服务发现。

以激发讨论,我们考虑购买服务的例子在图1。复合服务的需求找到一个购买服务,满足以下要求。 R1: A service in the purchase service category and provided by some company A. R2: A service that provides aWSDL operation PlaceOrder with input message PurchaseRQ and output message AcceptRS. R3: A service whose behaviors satisfy all of the following properties: (P1) Charging activity is before Shipping activity. (P2) To purchase a product, the requester first needs to log into the system and finally log out of the system. (P3) The product can be out of stock, and the credit card is not charged in this case. (P4) The credit card is charged at most once. (P5) The service accepts American Express.


FINANCIAL INNOV ATION Like other industries, the financial industry is in business to earn profits by selling its products. If a soap company perceives that there is a need in the marketplace for a laundry detergent with fabric softener, it develops a product to fit the need .Similarly, in order to maximize their profits, financial institutions develop new products to satisfy their own needs as well as those of their customers; in other words, innovation-which can be extremely beneficial to the economy-is driven by the desire to get (or stay) rich. This view of the innovation process leads to the following simple analysis: A chance in the financial institutions for innovations that are likely to be profitable. Starting in the 1960s, individuals and financial institutions operating in financial markets were confronted with drastic changes in the economic environment: Inflation and interest rates climbed sharply and became hard to predict, a situation that changed demand conditions in financial markets. Computer technology advanced rapidly, which changed supply conditions. In addition, financial regulations became especially inconvenient. Banking institution discovers many old ways of doing business being able to not have earned money again; they provide the masses finance with service and financial products sale neither well. Many financial intermediary is discovered they have no way to raise having arrived at a fund, but these self that will not a suspense of business right away with original tradition finance implement. For existing under new economy environment, research and development puts up banking institution be obliged to being able to satisfy customer need moreover the new product being able to gain a profit of and serving, this process is called financial engineering. In their case, necessity was the mother of innovation. Our discussion of why financial innovation occurs suggests that there are three basic types of financial innovations: Escapism to responding to needing condition change, to the small advantages supplying with condition change and to controlling. We have had one now understandable that banking institution is innovative for instance the cause institutions, let’s look at examples of how financial institutions in their search for profits have produced financial innovations of the three basic types. 1


①化学这门科学在当今世界非常有用。 ②y对于x的依赖关系用y=f(x)来表示。 ③各种物质的导热能力差异很大③各种物质的导热能力差异很大。 ④这个参数可以准确地加以测量。 ⑤半导体的导电率随温度的变化而变化。 ⑥原子能的恰当名称是核能。 ⑦工程材料的性质依赖于(取决于)它们的成分、结构、合成、加工。 ⑧材料科学与工程这个术语将材料科学与材料工程结合在一起,材料科学在材料知识谱的基础知识端,材料工程在应用知识端,两者之间并没有分界线。 ⑨材料的许多性质强烈依赖于其结构,即使材料的成分保持不变。这就是为什么材料中结构-性质关系或者显微结构-性质关系至关重要。 ⑩上面的两个等式极为重要。 The two equations above are of great importance. 十一.金属棒热端的分子随着那里的温度的增加而振动得越来越快。 Molecules at the hot end of a metallic rod vibrate faster as the temperature there increases. 十二.通常这些参数中有一些是已知的。 Usually some of these parameters are known. 十三.当温度低于临界温度时,电子能自由地通过晶格运动。 As temperatures below the critical temperature, the electrons move freely throughout the lattice. 十四. A随温度的这种变化主要是由B的变化引起的。 This variation of A with temperature is due primarily to variations in B. 十五.这种复杂的关系必须用图解来表示。 This complicated relationship must be representedgraphically. 十六.原子间的键合作用部分取决于原子的价电子如何结合在一起。键的类型包括金属键、共价键、离子键、范德华键。 十七.键能与键的强度有关,特别是离子键和共价键结合的材料键能很高。高键能的材料常常具有高的熔点、高的弹性模量和低的热膨胀系数。 ③许多陶瓷材料中发现的离子键是当正电性的原子失去电子给负电性的原子,产生带正电的阳离子和带负电的阴离子而形成的。


Adam Smith and His The Wealth of Nations 亚当斯密和他的国富论 There is a fundamental dissent between classical and neoclassical economists about the central message of Smith's most influential work: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Neoclassical economists emphasise Smith's invisible hand, a concept mentioned in the middle of his work – book IV, chapter II – and classical economists believe that Smith stated his programme how to promote the "Wealth of Nations" in the first sentences. Smith used the term "the invisible hand" in "History of Astronomy" referring to "the invisible hand of Jupiter" and twice – each time with a different meaning – the term "an invisible hand": in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and in The Wealth of Nations[69] (1776). This last statement about "an invisible hand" has been interpreted as "the invisible hand" in numerous ways. It is therefore important to read the original: As every individual, therefore, endeavours as much as he can both to employ his capital in the support of domestick industry, and so to direct that industry that its produce may be of the greatest value; every individual necessarily labours to render the annual revenue of the society as great as he can. He generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest, nor knows how much he is promoting it. By preferring the support of domestiek to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other eases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Nor is it always the worse for the society that it was no part of it. By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. I have never known much good done by those who affected to trade for the publick good. Those who regard that statement as Smith's central message also quote frequently Smith's dictum: It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. Smith's statement about the benefits of "an invisible hand" is certainly meant to answer Mandeville's contention that "Private Vices … may be turned into Public Benefits". It shows Smith's belief that when an individual pursues his self-interest, he indirectly promotes the good of society. Self-interested competition in the free market, he argued, would tend to benefit society as a whole by keeping prices low, while still building in an incentive for a wide variety of goods and services. Nevertheless, he was wary of businessmen and warned of their "conspiracy against the public or in some other contrivance to raise prices." Again and again, Smith warned of the collusive nature of business interests, which may form cabals or monopolies, fixing the highest price "which can be squeezed out of the buyers". Smith also warned that a true laissez-faire economy would quickly become a conspiracy of businesses and industry against consumers, with the former scheming to influence politics and legislation. Smith states that the interest of manufacturers and merchants "...in any particular branch of trade or manufactures, is


be all ears ------专心倾听 set persons by the ears ------挑拨离间 win one’s ears ------获得某人的好感 ●He who would search for pearls must dive deep. 不入虎穴、焉得虎子 ●Talk for the devil and he is sure to come . 说曹操、曹操就到。 ●To lose face ---丢脸 ●Mary left for New York as soon as she received the letter.玛丽一接到信就启程赴纽约。 ●I cannot bear the sight of that man. 我一看到那个人就难受。 ●There is nothing like leather for shoes. 用皮革做鞋再好不过了。 ●Is it necessary for you to be so serious? 你一定要那么严肃吗 “披着羊皮的狼” ---- wolf in sheep’s clothing “同舟共济”---- in the same boat “破土动工”---- break earth “三思而后行”---- think twice before you act “蓝图”----blue print ● A research-oriented hospital 一所以搞科研为重点的医院 ●Something important 重要的事情 ●The banker’s little garden (两个以上的单词做定语,前置) 银行老板的小花园 ●The ancient Chinese alchemists (两个以上的单词做定语,前置) 中国古代的炼金术士 ● A little yellow, ragged, lame, unshaven beggar -----一个要饭的,身材短小,面黄 肌瘦,衣衫褴褛,瘸腿,满脸短髭(后置) ● A building project of high-rise apartment houses .(后置) 一个多层公寓大楼的建 筑项目 ● a candidate with little chance of success (后置) 一个当选希望极微的候选人 ●the decimal system of counting (后置) 十进制计算法 ●John did not distinguish himself as a student , but he was very active in class. 约翰当年并不是出色的学生,但他在班上很活跃。 ●Modern science and technology are developing rapidly. 现代科学技术正在迅速发展。 ●The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions. 译文:气体的分子非常迅速地向四面八方运动着。 ●He is running fast enough. ●Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of the dawn. 我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍,在晨曦中穿过了花园。 ●*He was quick to use self-deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent. 为了迷惑别人,他机灵地说些自我挖苦的笑话。 ● A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching (湿透) me in spray.

11064089 胡平 英文翻译材料

中南民族大学 毕业论文(设计) 英文翻译材料 学院: 计算机科学学院 专业:自动化年级:2011 学生姓名: 胡平学号: 11064089 指导教师姓名: 张宇职称: 讲师

原文摘自:lvar Jacobson.Object-Oriented Software Engineering.第1版.北京:人民邮电出版社,2005.10 外文资料原文 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, PAGE OBJECT MODEL Summary: Learn about the eventing model built around https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, Web pages and the various stages that a Web page experiences on its way to HTML. The https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, HTTP run time governs the pipeline of objects that transform the requested URL into a living instance of a page class first, and into plain HTML text next. Discover the events that characterize the lifecycle of a page and how control and page authors can intervene to alter the standard behavior. (6 printed pages) Introduction: Each request for a Microsoft? https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, page that hits Microsoft? Internet Information Services (IIS) is handed over to the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, HTTP pipeline. The HTTP pipeline is a chain of managed objects that sequentially process the request and make the transition from a URL to plain HTML text happen. The entry point of the HTTP pipeline is the HttpRuntime class. The https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, infrastructure creates one instance of this class per each AppDomain hosted within the worker process (remember that the worker process maintains one distinct AppDomain per each https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, application currently running). The HttpRuntime class picks up an HttpApplication object from an internal pool and sets it to work on the request. The main task accomplished by the HTTP application manager is finding out the class that will actually handle the request. When the request is for an .aspx resource, the handler is a page handler—namely, an instance of a class that inherits from Page. The association between types of resources and types of handlers is stored in the configuration file of the application. More exactly, the default set of mappings is defined in the section of the machine.config file. However, the application can customize the list of its own HTTP handlers in the local web.config file. The line below illustrates the code that defines the HTTP handler for .aspx resources. An extension can be associated with a handler class, or more in general, with a handler factory class. In all cases, the HttpApplication object in charge for the request gets an object that implements the IHttpHandler interface. If the association resource/class is resolved in terms of a HTTP handler, then the returned class will implement the interface directly. If the resource is bound to a handler factory, an extra step is necessary. A handler factory class implements the IHttpHandlerFactory interface whose GetHandler method will return an IHttpHandler-based object. How can the HTTP run time close the circle and process the page request? The IHttpHandler interface features the ProcessRequest method. By calling this method on the object that represents the requested page, the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/452589608.html, infrastructure starts the process that will generate the output for the browser. The Real Page Class


公共选修课选课须知 一、关于公共选修课开设的规定 按培养方案,关于公选课的学分要求及选修时间规 二、公共选修课上课时间为每周三下午。 三、学校公共选修课的类型简介: 学校公共任选课分为素质课程群和专业课程群两类。 (一)素质课程群 素质课程群由以下五类性质课程组成:(1)人文素质类(2)科学素质类(3)社会素质类(4)身心素质类(5)艺术素质类。 素质课程群由校内素质课程和网络素质课程组成。 校内素质课程(附件1)的开设方式是由学校各院系开课,固定周三下午上课,由校内老师授课并考核。 网络素质课程的开设方式是由学校引进网络课程资源,选定课程的学生在规定的时间段自主学习,完成网上课程学习并考核。 (二)专业课程群 专业课程群由各专业核心课程组成,每个专业五门,

也称为专业核心课程群。 专业课程群分为本科层次核心课程群(附件2)和专科层次核心课程群(附件3)。 四、公共选修课的选课要求: 公共任选课开设的主要目的是提高学生综合素质,给予学生更多个性化学习和跨专业学习的选择自由,选课充分体现自主性。 1.学生可任选上述三类课程群中的课程,但须注意以下要求: ①理工类专业至少选修文科类课程2学分、艺术素质类课程2学分; ②文科类专业至少选修理科课程2学分、艺术类课程2学分; ③艺术类专业至少选修理科、文科课程各2学分。 2.核心课程群为学生选课参考,选课同学可选修其中一门或几门感兴趣的课程,提升相应的素养,也可以系统修完某一专业的所有核心课程,掌握该专业的核心专业知识。学生选课时应尽量避免本专业开设课程,也不能重复选同一门课程。 五、附件部分: 附件1.豫章师范学院公共选修课(素质课程群)


精心整理 选修8 Unit1大课文多样性的土地 加州 加州是美国第三大洲,但是人口最多。它也有不同的是最多元文化国家在美国,有吸引了来自世界各地的人们。的习俗和语言的移民活在新居。这个文化多样性并 来之后, 西班牙 在18 人, 天主教给当地人。1821年,墨西哥取得了他们的从西班牙独立。加州的一部分则成了墨西哥。1846年美国宣战墨西哥和战争结束后获美国、墨西哥不得不给加州到美国。然而,仍有强烈的西班牙影响国家。这就是为什么今天超过40的加州人说西班牙语作为第一或第二语言。 俄罗斯人 在19世纪初,俄罗斯的猎人,这些原本,开始去阿拉斯加定居在加州。在那里的今天是

大约2.5万美籍俄裔住在旧金山市区和郊区。 黄金生产商 1848年1月24日,美墨战争后不久,有人在加州发现了黄金。快速致富的梦想吸引了来自世界各地的人们。最近的,因此第一个到达,是来自美国人民和来自美国。然后从欧洲和亚洲的冒险者随之而来。事实上,一些达到了他们的梦想成为富足。一些死亡或回到家,但是大多数住在加利福尼亚使自己的生活不顾大的困难。他们就住在新城 晚来者 ,美藉 年移民 定居。1942年到1945年之间在船上工作和航空工业。 最近的人数 在最近几十年,加州有成为家里更多的人来自亚洲,包括韩国人、柬埔寨人、越南和老挝人和。从它开始在20世纪70年代,计算机工业吸引了印度人和巴勒斯坦人到加州来。 未来

来自世界不同区域的人们在气候和吸引的生活方式,还移民到加州来。人们相信,在长混合民族会相当大,将有不具有明显的主要的民族和文化团体,只是不同种族和文化的混合物。 小课文GEORGE’SDIARY12TH—14THJUNE 乔治的日记 6月12日,星期一 世纪末, 6月13 走。这是一个79km往返,将所有着名的旅游景点。停止许多次,欣赏眼前的景色的城市从不同的角度和拍照。现在有一个很好的主意的那个城市是什么样子。 傍晚,去唐人街彼得和特里。中国移民定居在这个地区18世纪50年代。穿越战线装饰的建筑物都看起来像旧建筑在中国南部。看到一些有趣的庙宇在这里,大量的市场和许多餐馆。也美术馆和博物馆包含文本、图片和各种各样的物体的中国移民的历史,但它是关闭的晚上。要回去在白天。了美味的一餐然后步行下山来我们酒店。


债权人(商业银行)视角的企业经营业绩评价体系设计框架 ———基于工业工程理论 严化川 (东南大学,江苏南京210000,中信银行南京分行,江苏南京210000) 摘要:每个企业都是一个复杂的、有生命力和连续变化的“社会—技术”系统。系统本身与周围环境有着物质和能量的交换。在公司进行财务活动的过程当中,最为典型的“物质和能量”交换便是现金的交换。现金的流动带动了公司相关的供应链和价值链的正常运转。公司的筹资、投资和股利分配三大理财活动构成企业现金交换的完整过程。作为企业融资的主要提供者的商业银行,面对为数众多的数额巨大的资金需求者,深刻感到单纯以企业个体信誉或对企业状况的主观判断和经验估测作为贷款的依据,必然身陷泥潭,血本无归。因此债权人(商业银行)必须对企业经营业绩进行自主的评价。本文基于工业工程理论,对债权人(商业银行)视角的企业经营业绩评价体系设计框架进行浅析,以期基于此框架所设计的企业经营业绩评价体系能够帮助债权人实现维护自身利益的目标。 关键词: 中图分类号:F832 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-4428(2009)08-71-03 企业业绩的测试、评价与改进,是组织系统管理的重要组成部分。作为企业融资的主要提供者的商业银行,面对为数众多的数额巨大的资金需求者,深刻感到单纯以企业个体信誉或对企业状况的主观判断和经验估测作为贷款的依据,必然身陷泥潭,血本无归。因此债权人(商业银行)必须对企业经营业绩进行自主的评价,并且作为企业业绩的评价主体,必须基于自己的视角构建企业经营业绩评价体系,以满足自身对企业经营业绩评价的需求。 基于债权人视角的企业经营业绩评价体系的框架结构应当由评价理念、评价程序、评价方法和评价指标共同构成,它是商业银行以防范信用风险和操作风险为目标的内控制度的重要环节。 一、确立正确的评价理念 管理首先是一种理念,管理的实践是一项系统工程,管理是在一定的理念指导下为了实现现实目标的系统工程。 评价理念是指导企业经营业绩评价的基本原则,是整个评价体系运行的前提。根据工业工程的基本原理,我们应当确立系统变异的观点,从全局\ 整体系统思考的观点,以及价值定向的观点。 (一)系统或过程/流程变异的观点 分析和掌握系统或过程/流程变异的观点是工业工程建立有效的测量系统的重要出发点。 设计企业经营业绩评价体系,需要考虑组织背景对企业经营业绩评价的影响。这里所说的组织背景是指企业的生产经营活动所面临的外部环境和内部环境,包括外部环境、技术、组织战略、组织结构、规模、文化等变量。 工业工程理论提出:企业是一个复杂的,有生命,连续变化,“今天和昨天不一样”的大系统,具有时变的动态特征。近些年来,经济全球化使企业变得更加复杂化和动态化,企业面对市场变化、竞争规则、经济、市场和资源条件都同已有的经验极不同,企业面临着日益增大的商务风险,并且这种风险还处在不断变化当中。 因而在设计企业业绩评价体系时,我们必须按照工业工程所指出的那样,利用数据统计方法和量化分析掌握系统或过程/流程的变异,了解变异的本质,并对之实施管理控制。鉴于了解工作性能/业绩方面统计思考起着更加关键的作用,我们应当按照以下要点进行统计思考: 1、所有的工作都是相互关联的过程或流程的一部分。 2、变化(变异或变差)总是存在于每个过程/流程中。 3、85%以上的问题是过程流程变化造成的。 4、过程决策必须建立在合适的过程数据基础上。 (二)从全局/整体进行系统思考的观点
