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国外商学院运营管理课件Lecture 2 - Service Operations Management

国外商学院运营管理课件Lecture 2 - Service Operations Management
国外商学院运营管理课件Lecture 2 - Service Operations Management


The Leadership Lesson They Don't Teach In Business School But Should 商学院没有教给你的领导力课程 I’ve always believed leadership exists to disrupt mediocrity, but I’m afraid in recent times many leaders are losing that battle. Somewhere along the way, they threw in the towel and settled for a weak-kneed, watered-down version of leadership –they have rationalized and justified themselves into an acceptance of mediocrity. 我一直相信,领导力的存在是为了打破平庸,但是我担心,当今的许多领导者正在输掉这场战斗。在前进途中的某个地方,他们缴枪投降,满足于软弱的态度,削弱了领导力——他们寻找借口,自圆其说,让自己接受平庸。 The sad reality is that in many cases, the education, training and development leaders receive today is woefully inadequate. We are producing analysts and risk managers and labeling them leaders. We’ve taught them to be practical, analytical, and risk adverse, but have failed to equip them to lead. 在许多情况下,这就是可悲的现实,现在领导者所接受的教育、培训和培养严重不足。我们在打造分析师和风险管理者,为他们贴上领导者的标签。我们告诉他们要讲求实际、善于分析和规避风险,但是没有教会他们如何做领袖。 Too many leaders look alike, think alike and act alike. It’s almost as if courageous leadership has been bled out of many of those holding positions of leadership. Great numbers of leaders seem to have wandered off course and are badly in need of a road map to help them regain their bearing. I have recently authored a new book, Hacking Leadership (Wiley), which is being released next Monday (12/16). It’s my hope this book will serve as just that road map.

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