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Unit3 A Healthy Life 综合练习

Unit3 A Healthy Life 综合练习
Unit3 A Healthy Life 综合练习

Unit3 A Healthy Life 综合练习


1. --Look! It looks as if it_________ going to rain. We must hurry.


A. was

B. is

C. were

D. will be

2. --Would you be here to attend the English party this evening?

--Yes ,. we

A. shall

B. would

C. will

D. must

3. --What did the doctor say yesterday afternoon?

--The doctor said, "_______on time , this medicine will be quite effective."

A. Taking

B. Being taken

C. Taken

D. Having taken

4. After a year's training, I'm sure he will_________ the target.

A. hit

B. strike

C. beat

D. knock

5. --Thank you for a wonderful meal.


A. The same to you

B. It's my pleasure

C. Thank you all the same

D. No, that's all right

6. --Where was it__________ the road accident happened yesterday?

-- In front of the market.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. how

7. –Have you read the books?

--Yes. I’ve rea d all the books__________ you gave me, because they are the best ones_____________ I have ever read.

A. which; that

B. that; that

C. what; which

D. who; what

8. During the typhoon, some people were scared to death and some got into a total_________.

A. fear

B. surprise

C. panic

D. scream

9. We must give up this plan because of_________ funds.

A. without

B. short of

C. the way of

D. a lack of

10. Sarah, hurry up. I'm afraid you won't have time to__________ before the party.

A. get changed

B. get change

C. get changing

D. get to change

11. He__________ the whole acident and can give you a detailed description.

A. glimpsed

B. observed

C. witnessed

D. glanced

12. I saw that the police were trying their best to save the ________ child, but I don't know whether or not

she was_________.

A. drowned; drowned

B. drowning; drowning

C. drowned; drowning

D. drowning; drowned

13. —Do you have anything in mind_________ you'd like for supper?

—Well,________ will do for me.

A. Which; everything

B. that; anything

C. what; whatever

D. that; either

14. How do you ________it and what should I _______ it ?

A. deal with; deal with

B. deal with; do with

C. do with; deal with

D. do with; do with

15. It's time that you_______home.I'd rather you ______ again tomorrow.

A. would go; would come

B. went; came

C. go; are coming

D. are going; will come


The hack door of the ambulance was suddenly shin and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the engine. Inside were the 16 parents, Mr and Mrs. Green, holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food 17 in her throat and could 18 breathe.

The driver, Mr White, turned on the siren(汽笛)and flashing light, and started speeding towards the 19 hospital, fighting against time. The ears ahead of him pulled out of the way 20 he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the car the parents were shouting at him to hurry, Since Ally had almost stopped 21 . In front of him he saw the traffic 22 . with the red "STOP‖ light shining. Mr White knew that he had23 time to lose, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking to his left and right as he did so.

Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows 24 since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not 25 the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight on, only to be 26 way of the ambulance.

Mr White tried to stop his ambulance but it was too 27 . It hit the taxi. 28 was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr White looked to see 29 little Ally was. He was astonished to see relief instead of 30 on the faces of the parents.

―Look!" cried Mr Green. "Sh e is breathing again. "

"It 31 have been the crash, "said her husband. "It 32 the food out of her throat. " The baby's color was turning to 33 and she was crying in a loud 34 healthy voice. They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi and the lines of 35 all around them.

1. A. worried B. angry C. young D. surprised

2. A. return B. stuck C. eaten D. wounded

3. A. never B. almost C. hardly D. simply

4. A. modern B. biggest C. children's D. nearest

5. A. that B. as C. if D. where

6. A. breathing B. seeing C. crying D. talking

7. A. signs B. policemen C. lights D. marks

8. A, no B. some C. much D. more

9. A. open B. cleaned C. up D. down

10. A. hear B. observe C. find D. find out

11. A. in a B. in the C. on the D. by the

12. A. dangerous B. late C. careless D. quick

13. A. The driver B. Someone C. No one D. Everyone

14. A. how B. what C. where D. who

15. A. pleasure B. anger C. fear D. surprise

16. A. may B. can C. should D. must

17. A. took B. picked C. knocked D. made

18. A. common B. normal C. usual D. ordinary

19. A. or B. with C. but D. and

20. A. people B. policemen C. lights D. ears


The Hawaiian Islands are situated about two thousand miles away from North America, right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Despite the distance the islands actually make up the fiftieth state of the United States. The islands were all formed by volcanic eruption and on the largest of the islands, Hawaiian, or the Big Island, there are still two active volcanoes, the Mauna Loa and the Kilauea, which still erupt every few years.

On the Hawaiian Islands the natives have a particularly strange way of indicating directions. They don’t use the north, south, east and west sys tem common to the rest of the world. They use the mauka and mamakai system. Mauka means "mountain". The mountains in Hawaii are always at the center of the islands, as these are volcanic islands. Makai means "the sea". The islands may be described in terms of where it lies in relation to the mountains and the sea. A typical conversation between a native Hawaiian and a tourist might go as follows.

Tourist: Excuse rile! Could you tell me where the Sherraton Hotel is?

Hawaiian: Well... Let me see! From here it's two blocks mauka, and then one block makai. You can't miss it!

1. This passage would be most likely to appear in which of the following?

A. A novel.

B. A collection of stories.

C. A women's magazine. B. A reference book.

2. Choose the most suitable title for the article.

A. The Big Island.

B. V olcanoes.

C. Giving Directions m Hawaii.

D. The Hawaiian Islands.

3. Which of the following items does the passage Not discuss?

A. Hawaii's location.

B. HOW to give directions in Hawaii.

C. V olcanoes. B. The climate.

4. In Hawaii the mountains are in the center of the islands because

A. of the weather

B. the islands were created by volcanic eruptions

C. of the geological conditions

D. of the islands" location in the Pacific


In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches. Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all the students are tested on the same questions, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Certainly, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines. One type of test is sometimes called an objective test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes the

correct answer and also three statements that look like answers to students who have not learned the materials properly.

5. Modern examinations are written due to_________.

A. more population and the development of modern industry

B. the invention of electric clocks

C. the demands of the teachers and the students

D. the manager's strong sense of responsibility

6. What is an objective test?

A. It is a test where all students are given the same question.

B. It is a test where all students must judge which one is correct from the four answers offered by the teacher.

C. It is a test which is about facts, not one's personal ideas.

D. Both B and C.

7. The main idea of Paragraph 2 is that_________.

A. workers now lake examinations

B. the population has grown

C. there are only written exams today

D. examinations are now written and timed

8. In the Middle Ages students__________.

A. took objective tests

B. were timed by electric clocks

C. specialized in one subject

D. never wrote exams


One silly question I simply can't stand is "How do you feel?" Usually the question is asked of a man in action a man on the go, walking along the streets or busily working at his desk. So what do you expect him to say? He'll probably say, "Fine, I’m all right,"hut

'you have put a bug in his ear" maybe now he's not sure. If you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he overlooked that morning. It starts worrying him a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else, "How do you feel?"

Every question has its time and place, It’s perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask "How do you feel?" if you're visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it's no time to ask him that silly question.

When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him "How do you feel?" Shaw put him in his place. "When you reach my age," he said, "either you feel all right or you're dead. "

9. According to the writer, greetings such as "How do you feel"

A. show one's consideration for others

B. are a good way to make friends

C. are proper to ask a man in action

D. generally make one feel uneasy

10. The question "How do you feel" seems to be correct and suitable when asked of__________.

A. a man working at his desk

B. a person having lost a close friend

C. a stranger who looks somewhat worried

D. a friend who is ill

11. The writer seems to feel that a busy man should________.

A. be praised for his efforts

B. never be asked any question

C. not be bothered

D. be discouraged from working so hard

12. George Bernard Shawls reply in the passage shows his ________.

A. cheerfulness

B. cleverness

C. ability

D. politeness


Life on earth depends on the sun. Day after day we see its light and feel its warmth, but we do not often consider their origin. Yet there are many remarkable things about the sun. One is its distance from the earth, even if it could be made, it would take several hundred years even in the fastest rocket.

The sun is a larger star. The planet earth is very small in comparison. One hundred and nine globes the size of the earth would be needed to stretch from one side of the sun to the other. The sun makes us feel hot , even at a distance of ninety-three million miles. This is not surprising. The temperature on the sun is about ten thousand degrees Fahrenheit. But we receive only a small part of this heat. The total heat of the sun could melt a column of ice two and a quarter miles thick and ninety-three million miles high in one second.

The brightness of the sun is equally astonishing. The sun gives such a bright light that 1,575,000,000,000,000,000,000 wax candles would be needed to give an equal light. This very long row of figures gives us some idea of the brilliance of the sun. As we said earlier, we receive only a very small part of its light. This is sufficient for the growth of trees and plants, and for the existence of living creatures on earth. Too much heat and light would destroy the balance of life. The heat and light from the sun come in the right quantities for life on earth.

13. The sun is__________.

A. the largest globe

B. the largest star

C. a large heavenly body

D. a large planet

14. The diameter of the sun is_________.

A. two hundred and eighteen times as big as that of the earth

B. ninety-three million miles

C. one hundred and nine times as large as that of the earth

D. 1,575,000,000,000,000,000,000 times as large as that of a candle

15. Which of the following is true?

A. Man only can get to the sun by the fastest rocket.

B. The heat we receive from the sun can melt a column of ice two and a quarter miles thick and ninety three million miles high in one second.

C. Nothing can describe the brightness of the sun.

D. The distance from the sun to the earth is 93 million miles.

16. The balance of life on earth would be destroyed if

A. the temperature on the sun should be ten thousand degrees centigrade

B. the earth should receive a small part of the sun's light

C. we should receive only a very small part of the sun's light

D. the heat and light from the sun should come in just the right quantities for us on earth


The elephant is an animal that lives in groups. An elephant herd usually has from twenty to forty members. The elephants in the herd depend on one another for help in time of trouble.

The leader of the group is usually a wise and strong female. She travels at the head of the herd and is followed by the other females and their young. The bull(雄的) elephants follow last. When danger threatens, the bulls form a circle around the weaker animals and guard them.

The members of the herd are loyal(忠诚的) to one another. A sick or wounded elephant is not left behind to die. If an elephant is sick, the whole herd stops traveling until he gets well. When an elephant is injured, two others walk on both sides of him and support him with their bodies. A member of the herd may be caught in a trap(陷阱). Then the others try to free him.

Elephants are fond of the youngsters in the group and give them special care. They help young animals stay afloat(漂浮的) when the herd crosses a river. They work together to rescue calf(幼兽)that has wandered into a dangerous place.

A female elephant that is about to give birth to her young leaves the herd for a short time. However, she takes another female along to act as "aunt". The aunt stands guard and helps the mother with her newborn calf. In this way, the whole herd protects its newest member.

17. A young elephant is called_________.

A. a bull

B. an "aunt"

C. a herd

D. a calf

18. The passage makes you think that___________.

A. elephants have no enemies

B. bull elephants are the strongest elephants

C. elephants do not care about one another

D. calf elephants are the strongest elephants

19. In times of danger, the males form a circle around_________.

A. the enemy

B. the "aunt"

C. the weaker elephants

D. the leader of the group

20. On the whole, the passage is about__________.

A. strong female elephants

B. a herd crossing a river

C. a calf caught in a trap

D. an elephant herd


Dear Abby,

How are you? Today I've got a wonderful news to tell you.


I have offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my.

2.________ further education. One hundred and twenty students took exam


for it, but only a few was chosen and I was one of them. However,


my parents are not happy about it. They are strong against me


going there. They say it is to far away that they will not see me


for a whole year and they are afraid of I will feel lonely. They


can't imagine a girl so young live alone. They advise me to study


in the capital instead. Then I’ll be able to continue living with

9.________ them. How can I persuade them to accept the fact I have grown up?


Best wishes,



有45%的中国人抽烟,甚至有一些烟民就是中学生.有些人认为抽烟是一种快乐, 甚至还有人认为抽烟能提精神。实际上抽烟非常有害。请根据提示内容写一篇120词左



数学课型模板 在义务教育各个学段中,关于数学部分,《新课程标准》安排了“数与代数”“空间与图形”“统计与概率”“实践与综合应用”四个学习领域。高中阶段的数学教学包括《集合与函数》《三角函数》《不等式》《数列》《复数》《排列、组合、二项式定理》《立体几何》《平面解析几何》等部分。综合来看,可以把数学课程模板分成两类,代数和几何。 一、代数课程模板(等差数列(第一节)) 导入 师:零花钱是大家都很喜欢的,老师每个月上交工资,然后也会收到零花钱。我们都希望零花钱越多越好,但往往不禁花。所以我每个月都会统计自己月初收到的零花钱和月末余下的零花钱。(ppt展示表格如下) 思考1:上述表格中的数据变化反映了什么样的信息?(通过学生喜欢的话题来吸引大家参与教学的兴趣,让同学们自由谈论) 师:大家可以看到,老师的生活多不容易啊,零花钱还不如同学们

的多。那么现在同学们能用数学文字语言来描述上述数列的特征吗?生:第一排月份和第二排收入是依次变大的数据,第三排剩余是依次变小的数据。而且每一排后一项与它的前一项的差等于常数(描述1)。 师:反例:1,3,5,6,12,这样的数列特征和上述数列一样么?生1:不一样,他们之间的差不是一个常数。 生2:每一项与它的前一项的差等于同一个常数(描述2)。 师:反例:1,3,4,5,6,7,这样的数列特征和上述数列一样么?生1:不一样,从第二项起往后和上述一样,但第一项第二项之间不符合规律。 生2:从第二项起,每一项与它的前一项的差等于同一个常数。(描述3) (把学生的回答写在黑板上,通过反例的说明,让学生深刻的理解这三组数列的共同特征:1、前后项为同一常数,2、从第二项起)新授 师:用数学符号语言: 生3:n a-1-n a=d 师:等价么? 生4:应加上(d是常数)n≥2,n∈N* (让学生充分进行讨论,注意文字描述与符号描述的严谨性)师:对式子进行变形可得:n a=1-n a+d(d是常数)n≥2,n∈N* ,如果我们能跳出d的思维定势,能得到很多的公式变形。(为今后更


小学数学教学课例 长方体和正方体的认识 张溪镇坦埠小学胡凌燕 教学内容:苏教版小学数学教科书六年级下册 教材分析:首先,教材呈现了一些长方体和正方体形状的生活用品,让学生观察它们的形状,然后从这些实物中抽象出长方体和正方体的图形,让学生感受到生活中的很多物品的形状都是长方体和正方体的,为进一步研究长方体和正方体的特征做准备。其次,教材让学生拿一个长方体的物品观察它的面、棱、顶点,引导学生看一看,摸一摸,量一量,数一数,逐步抽象概括出长方体的特征。最后,教材通过让学生观察正方体物品,抽象概括出正方体的特征,在此基础上比较长方体和正方体的相同点和不同点。 学情分析:在前几册教材中,学生学习了一些平面图形的特征,以及他们的周长和面积计算。在日常生活中,学生接触到了大量的立体实物,具有丰富的感性认识,本单元知识就是在此基础上进行的,通过对事物特征的抽象和归纳,让学生逐步建立空间图形的观念,进一步熟悉立体图形。 教学目标: 1.使同学们通过观察、操作等活动认识长方体、正方体的面、棱、顶点以及长、宽、高(棱长)的含义,掌握长方体和正方体的特征。 2.在活动中进一步积累空间与图形的学习经验,增强空间观念,发展数学思考。 3.渗透事物是相互联系,发展变化的辩证唯物主义观点。 教学目标确立分析: 本课的教学主要是运用观察、交流、操作等方法,进行一系列的探索活动,学生是通过观察、操作认识了长方体和正方体的特征。教师通过创设情境,让学

生自己发现问题,并在同学们熟悉的事物和已有知识背景下,开始新知识的学习。我力求让学生经历知识的探究过程,把学生置于主体地位,保证学生有充足的观察、交流、思考时间,使教学过程成为学生自主探究的过程。在教学中,我做到尊重学生的发现,尊重学生的思路,并有意识地促进学生进行深入探究和组织学生展开探究活动。 教学重难点:探索长方体和正方体的特征;理解长方体和正方体之间的关系。 教学资源:教师准备多媒体课件、一个稍大的纸盒及一个有相对的两个面是正方体的纸盒、学生每人准备一个长方体小纸盒、每个小组准备一个正方体 教学过程: 一、引入新课 1.由平面图形引到立体图形。 出示一张长方形的纸,让学生说出它的形状,然后把许多这样的纸摞到一起,问学生还是长方形吗? 接着电脑演示由面到体的过程,揭示课题“长方体的认识”。 2.引导学生认识什么是立体图形。 让学生用手摸长方体纸盒的面,使学生感觉它很平,再用两只手握一握长方体纸盒。问:有什么感觉?为什么会有这种感觉呢? 指出它占有一定的空间,像这样占有一定空间的物体的形状就是立体图形(电脑显示若干立体实物)。 问:这些物体的形状都是什么图形呢?在这里面哪些物体的形状是长方体呢? 3.举例。 让学生举出日常生活中见过的长方体的物体实例。 师:要知道这些物体为什么都是长方体,就要研究长方体的特征。 二、引导探究 1.出示例一: (1)拿一个长方体的纸盒来观察:


Teaching plan SUBJECT : ENGLISH INSTRUCTOR: LIU LI CLASS: CLASS THREE , GRADE TWO Teaching content: A healthy life ( Warming up and Reading) Teaching aims: 1.Improve the students’ reading ability. 2.Get the students to understand the text fully. 3.To talk about the importance of health and the harmful effects of smoking. Teaching important and difficult points: How to help the students understand the text fully. Teaching aids: A computer , a microphone and a tape . Teaching time:45 Mins. Teaching procedures: Step 1. Greetings. Greet the Ss as usual. Step 2. warming up 1.Ask students that what their hobbies are. 2. Show some pictures on the screen and get the students to answer the following questions: 1) What are they doing? 2) Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities? 3. Get the students to answer the following questions in class. 1). What kind of person can be regarded as a healthy person? 2). Do you think the people in the pictures are healthy? Conclusion:A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind. Step 3. Pre- reading. 1. Have you ever smoked? 2. Why do you think people start smoking? 3. Look at the following pictures and try to tell what the harmful effects of smoking are. 4. What advices would you give to someone who wanted to stop smoking? 5. Where could you get good advices on stopping smoking? Step 4. (part1) Skimming Listen to the first part and find out the main idea of each paragraph. A. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking. B. Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.


——小学数学教学案例分析 案例 1《除法的初步认识》教学片段 学生被分为6人一小组,每人手上有6根小棒。 A教学: 师:大家手上都有6根小棒。平均分成三份,每份是多少呢?生动手操作。 师:好!把刚才操作的过程在小组中交流一下。 B教学: 师:大家手上都有一些小棒,试着按要求进行平均分操作。要求是:平均分成1份,2份,3份,4份,5份,6份,并且不能损坏小棒。看那组最迅速。 学生开始分。有的很快地分好,有的开始小声议论。师:有困难吗? 生1:平均分成4份不好分。生2:平均分成5份也不好分。 师:是啊!有的多,有的少,不是平均分。最好怎么办呢?(生……) 师:好!同组内的小棒可以相互借调。再试试看。(生活动。) 师:哪个小组愿意来交流一下,你们的4份是怎么平均分的?分析:学生是由于需要而主动地合作交流,还是被老师安排去合作交流,两种心态会产生不同的效果。怎样激发学生合作交流的积极主动性?我感觉有两点值得我们去关注: 1、让问题更具有思考性和探索性。数学教学中的合作交流不能等同于日常随意性的谈话,它应具有一定的学习目标的指向性,是为解决某个具体的问题而进行的合作与交流。因此,教学中要不断地让学生产生思维的困惑,让他们在思维的压力下,主动地想到与别人的合作与交流。案例教学中,把6根小棒平均分成3份,只有1种分法,让他们交流什么呢?只会不断地重复。而要把6根小棒平均分成4份、5份,却是个伤脑筋的事。老师建议重新调剂,怎样调剂呢?小组成员之间必然要交流和合作。特别是平均分成4份,需要另一个人全部拿出,或者有4人拿出一根,剩下一位同学拿出2根,其间的讨论一定会热烈。“方便别人,也就方便了自己”,在这里不是很好地得到了体现吗?! 2、以组间竞争促组内合作。竞争和合作并不是一对相互排斥的概念,而是可以相互促进的。培养学生的合作意识、集体观念,可以通过竞争的机制去增强学生对集体的责任感和荣誉感,即用外部的压力去促进内部的团结。案例的B教学,引进了小组之间的竞争机制,这样就会促使小组成员之间主动地采取分工合作的方式,而无须再由老师去安排合作,组织交流。试想,在案例的B教学中,如果老师说的是“看哪位同学最快?”,他们之间的合作交流状况将会如何呢?所以在小组学习后全班交流的时候,老师关注的一定要是小组的整体意见而非个人。评判也应以小组为单位。 案例2《角的初步认识》教学片段: 课始。 A教学: 师:同学们,大家知道,这是什么图形吗?生:是角。 师:真好!在生活中哪些地方有角呢?生:…… B教学: 师:同学们,咱们今天一起研究角的有关知识。我知道,几天前,每个小组都进行了有关角的资料的收集,并进行了一定的整理。现在用你们喜爱的方式来交流一下,好吗? 各个小组代表开始交流。 分析:一节课中究竟安排几次小组学习为宜呢?我们经常这样讨论着。细细分析这种讨论,它其实是把合作交流局限在教学环节之上。试想,一节课都让学生在小组内合作交流,又有何妨呢?下节课再整理归纳就是了!打破知识的分割,建立一种大的课程观和教学观,我们完全可以在课堂内探索更大时空的合作与交流。同时,合作交流不能仅仅限于课内,学习小组不能是课内象集体,课外如“散兵”。课外的合作交流,更能发挥学生的积极性,更能调动他们的集体荣誉感。让我们从整体着眼,从形成氛围和培养习惯入手,积极地将学生学习数学的过程变成一种师生不断“对话”与“协作”的过程,让合作交流的学习方式发挥出它更大的效应。 案例3: 一位教师上“退位减法”的复习课时,创设了这样的情景,让人体会颇深。(1)直接大方地出示了6道题目,其中2道退位题。请你看一看,你能不能一眼就看出哪些是退位的,哪些不是退位的。(培养学生对数学较为敏感的知觉能力就在这样简短的问话里得以深刻体现。) (2)动笔做,互相检查。我们也来开个儿童医院,请你们把最容易得病的算式拿上来,我们一起来会诊,最后请学生们给得病的算式开个小处方。在这里老师提了个要求:请你用一句话来告诉病人应该注意什么。(改错题的呈现方式有很多,这里用的是“治病情境”。老师没有停留在热闹的场景中,而是专注于让学生总结错误的原因和改错的方法。(3)自己出一道退位减法题给同桌做。 (4)老师出题:3000—();再请每人写一道题。……

Unit2 The Olympic Games公开课教案

Unit2 The Olympic Games Period 1 Warming up I. Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2. Train the reading and speaking ability. 3. Train the ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information. II. Teaching important and difficult points Train the reading ability—skimming and scanning. Step1 Warming up 【知识链接】 你对奥运会了解吗?试着翻译以下词汇 Emblem (会徽) Motto (口号)Torch (火炬)Mascot (吉祥物) Stadium (体育馆)Green Olympics _________ The Olympic flag __________ Test your knowledge with this quiz. 1.How often are the Olympic Games held? A. once every 2 years B. once every 4 years C. once every 3 years 2. What events were there in the ancient Olympic Games? A. Running, jumping, shooting, throwing, wrestling, B. Table tennis, jumping, volleyball, swimming 3. When did the ancient Olympic Games stop? A. 398 AD B. 393AD 4. How many competitors from how many country competed in 1896 Olympic Games? A. There were 311 competitors from 13 countries. B. There were 1131 competitors from 113 countries. 5. When did China first take part in the Olympic Games? A. In 1932 B. In 1940 6. What’s the motto of Beijing Olympic Games? A. welcome to Beijing B. new Beijing, new Olympics C. One world, one dream. 7. How many competitors from how many country take part in the 27th Summer Olympics in Sydney? A.Over 10,000 athletes; 199 countries B. Over 10,000 athletes; 184 countries 8 .How many gold medals did China get in the 2008 Beijing Olympics? A. 50 B. 49 C.51


初中数学教学课例 ——平行线的特征本节课是北师大版义务教育课程标准实验教科书七年级数学(下册)第二章第3节内容——平行线的特征,它是直线平行的继续,是学生八年级学习平移等内容的基础,是“空间与图形”的重要组成部分。《数学课程标准》强调:数学教学是数学活动的教学,是师生之间、生生之间交往互动与共同发展的过程;动手实践,自主探索,合作交流是孩子学习数学的重要方式;合作交流的学习形式是培养孩子积极参与、自主学习的有效途径。本节课将以“生活·数学”、“活动·思考”、“表达·应用”为主线开展课堂教学,教师要留给学生充分探索和交流的空间,鼓励学生运用多种方法进行探索,要重视学生的实际操作以及在操作过程中的思考,这对于发展学生的空间观念、理解平行线的特征是非常重要的。 一、教学目标: 1、知识与技能:掌握平行线的特征,并能解决相关问题。 2、过程与方法:在平行线的特征的探究过程中,让学生经历观察、比较、 联想、分析、归纳、猜想、概括的全过程;通过探究平行线的特征使学生形成数形结合的数学思想方法,以及建模能力、创新意识。 3、情感态度与价值观:通过学生动手操作、观察,来发展他们的空间观 念,培养其主动探索和合作的能力。 二、教学重、难点: 1、重点:有两直线平行得到同位角相等、内错角相等、同旁内角互补。 2、难点:平行线的特征与直线平行的条件的综合应用。 三、教学方法:小组讨论法

四、教具准备: 1、教具:多媒体平台及多媒体课件 2、学具:三角尺、量角器、剪刀 五、教学过程 (一)创设情境,设疑激思 播放一组幻灯片:①火车的铁轨;②笔直的公路; 师:日常生活中我们经常会遇到平行线,你能说出直线平行的条件吗(针对问题,学生思考后回答) 生1:同位角相等两直线平行; 生2:内错角相等两直线平行; 生3:同旁内角互补两直线平行; 师:若两直线平行,那么同位角、内错角、同旁内角各有什么关系呢我们这节课就一起来探索平行线的特征。 (二)数形结合,探究特征 画图探究,归纳猜想 师:请同学们在练习本上任意画出两条平行线( a ∥ b),画一条截线c与这两条平行线相交,标出8个角。(统一采用阿拉伯数字 标角)(生动手画图,教师巡回指导) 师:请同学们指出图中的同位角,并度量这些角,把结果填入下表:

Unit2 The Olympic Games公开课教案

Unit2 The Olympic Games优质课课教案 Period 2 Reading I. Teaching aims and demands 1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period. 2.Train the students’ reading and speaking ability. 3. Train the students’ ability to use the Internet to search for some useful information. 4. Train the students’ ability to cooperate with others. II. Teaching important points Train the students’ reading ability—skimming and scanning. III. Teaching difficult points Describe the disasters. IV. Teaching aids CAI, reading mp3 V. Teaching procedures Step1 Warming up 1. Enjoy a video with a song which is to celebrate that Beijing win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games. 2. Guessing game: Which number is concerned with the Olympic Games? five rings flag

新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册江苏省省优质公开课赛课 Unit 7 Protect the Earth

Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story time) (江苏省优质课评比教案) Step1: Pre-reading 1.Lead-in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zheng. T: I’m very happy to be your teacher today. I hope we can enjoy this lesson. OK? Ss: OK. T: Thank you. As you kno w I’m from… Ss: Yancheng. T: Yes. It is a very beautiful city. There are some rare wild animals in Yancheng. Can you guess what are they? Ss: They are… (展示丹顶鹤和麋鹿的图片问学生) T: Look, They are red-crowned cranes and milu deers. They live happily in Yancheng. Today I bring you a short story about an animal. Look, what’s this? S: It’s a bird. T: Yes. Let’s watch the cartoon. After watching it, please tell me: What can you see in the cartoon? T: What can you see in the cartoon? S: I can see a river? T: Is the river clean? S: No, it’s dirty. …… T: What can you feel about the cartoon? S: … T: Yes. There are so many bad things. Who did these bad things? Ss: People. T: What do you want to say to these people? Ss: … T: Yes. We should protect the Earth, right? Ss: Yes. T: So t oday we’re going to learn Unit 7 Protect the Earth. (揭题,带领学生读课题)


§2.1.1 平面 第1课时 一、教学目标: (一)知识目标:1.能够从日常生活实例中抽象出数学中所说的“平面” 2.理解平面的无限延展性 3.理解公理1、2、3 (二) 能力目标:1.正确地用图形和符号表示点、直线、平面以及它们之间的关系 2初步掌握文字语言、图形语言与符号语言三种语言之间的转化 3.初步应用公理1、2、3解决简单的点、线共线共面问题 (三)情感目标:1.提高空间想像能力 2.通过图形、符号、语言的转换体会数学的美,激发学习兴趣 二、教学重点、难点 (一)重点:平面基本性质的三个公理 (二)难点:1.三种语言的转化 2.三个公理的简单应用 三、教 具:多媒体、黑板、整个教室 四、教学过程 (一)课题导入 在初中,我们主要学习了平面图形的性质平面图形就是由同一平面内的点、线所构成的图形平面图形以及我们学过的长方体、圆柱、圆锥等都是空间图形,空间图形就是由空间的点、线、面所构成的图形这节课我们就来认识够构成这些空间图形的基本元素及它们之间的关系和简单性质. (二)新知探研 1.平面的两个特征:①无限延展(在探究这个特征的过程中,有同学提到电视剧《西游记》中的一个情节,我感觉比较好,大致情节是:如来佛对孙悟空说:“你一个跟头虽有十万八千里,但不会跑出我的手掌心。”结果孙悟空真没有跑出如来佛的手掌心,如来佛的手掌可以看作是一个平面,可以无限延展,所以孙悟空逃不出去。学生对这个故事情节比较熟悉。这样学生容易理解,浅显易懂) ②平的(没有厚度,这跟如来佛手掌不太一样,可以增加一些趣味性) 平面是没有厚薄的,可以无限延伸,这是平面最基本的属性一个平面把空间分成两部分,一条直线把平面分成两部分 2.平面的画法及其表示方法: ①在立体几何中,常用平行四边形表示平面当平面水平放置时,通常把平行四边形的锐角画成45,横边画成邻边的两倍画两个平面相交时,当一个平面的一部分被另一个平面遮住时,应把被遮住的部分画成虚线或不画 ②一般用一个希腊字母α、β、γ……来表示,还可用平行四边形的对角顶点的字母来表示如平面α,平面AC 等 ③两个相交平面: 画两个相交平面时,若一个平面的一部分被另一个平面遮住,应把被遮住部分的线段画成虚线或不画(如图2) a β B βB βB α


数学教学典型课例评课、研讨 数学教学典型课例评课、研讨新课程与教师色转变新课程下教师角色有三方面的转变: (1)由传统的知识传授者向新课程条件下的知识传授者的变化; (2)教师成为学生的促进者; (3)教师成为研究者。 1、教师在教学过程中应与学生积极互动、共同发展,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习。教师应尊重学生的人格,关注个别差异,满足不同学生的学习需要,创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力,使每个学生都能得到充分的发展。 2、教师要改变过于强调知识传授的倾向,努力形成学生积极主动学习的态度,使学生获得基础知识与基本技能的过程成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程。这也是一个新旧课程与教师教学行为的逐步过渡、渐进与交替的过程。 3、新课程条件下知识传授者角色的变化:

4、教师成为促进者,其角色行为表现有 5、教师成为研究者 二、关于备课问题 1、新课程备课的要求 新课程给我们带来了全新的教学理念,传统的教学方式已不能适应现代教学改革的需要,因而如何把新的教学理念实践到课堂教学中来,是当前迫切需要解决的问题。上好课的前提是备好课,那么新课程对教师的备课应有什么样的要求呢? (1)体现发展之本,尊重学生差异 (2) 体现课标,注重三维整合 (3)体现教与学统一,注重学习方式的转变 (4)凸显教学过程,体现预设与生成 (5)体现教材,解读并超越教材 2.为学生找准真实的学习起点

3.生成与预设——综合的、最佳的动态平衡 (1)设计弹性化教学方案,在预设中留足空间寻求平衡 (2)适时调整,在促进预设与生成的融合中寻求平衡 ①质疑问难,插问追索 ②搁置、拒绝,在巧妙延伸中寻求平衡 三、教学情景创设问题 1、教学情景的内在要求 2、创设教学情境的基本思路 根据创设教学情景的目的差异,不同的教学情境在创设环节上各有不同。一般情况下创设一个较完整的教学情境大致需要经历一下几个过程。( 四、教师主导与学生主体作用问题 1、主导与主体 “主导”的本意应从两个方面理解:一是教导。意即教育、指导、引导,重在给学生“指明方向,引导上路”,全面发展;二是辅导。意即辅导与疏导。针对学生课内外学习中发生的一些难以解决的问题,予以辅助、帮助,如同流水受堵,需要疏导一样。长期以来,人们有一种错觉,认为发

高中英语译林版模块四Unit2 Sports events《Reading(1):The Olympic Games》公开课教师资格证面试试讲教案

高中英语译林版模块四Unit2 Sports events《Reading(1):The Olympic Games》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案 1教学目标 Teaching Aims: Check and enhance students’ reading abilities. Train Ss to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to adopt different reading strategie s. To understand new words, phrases and sentence patterns in the reading passage。 2学情分析 above average 3重点难点 Help Ss know some background knowledge about the history and the development of the Olympic Games about. Help them learn some language items. To help the students master the use of some important language points. Teaching difficult points: how to read a speech how to grasp the new words. 4教学过程 4.1第一学时reading 4.1.1教学活动 活动1【导入】M4U2Reading Teaching procedures: Step 1.lead in Talk about the Olympics: ask some questions. Encourage the students to share their information they have already know and to express their opinions freely.. Step 2.Fast Reading


A Teaching Plan for Module2 Unit2 Olympic Games Reading An Interview Designed by Xu Wenlu No.1 Middle School of Danzhou City Teaching Aims a. To know some basic information about the ancient and modern Olympics b. To catch the key words or phrases in the reading c. To enhance the skills fast-reading and careful-reading Teaching Keys Points a.To bear some new and important words and phrases in minds, such as ancient, take part in, stand for, Greece, magical, volunteer, athlete, slave, host, olive wreath. b.To improve the reading and speaking skills Teaching Difficult Points a.To summarize the similarities and difference between the earlier and latest Olympics through the long dialogues. b.To arouse the students’ interests of English-speaking. Teaching Aids Blackboard, Multi-media, and other normal teaching tools. Teaching Methods Students-centered approach and Task-based teaching and learing. Teaching periods Period 1 Warming up(3’) 1. Enjoy a video which is to celebrate that Beijing win the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games to lead in the topic: the Olympic Games. 2. Guessing game: Which ring is concerned with the Olympic Games? five rings flag five continents The five interlocking rings stand for friendship of five continents.

高中英语《A healthy life》优质课教案、教学设计

Learning goals: 1.Knowledge and ability: 教学设计 课题: Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 1: warming-up&reading (1)To learn important words and phrases about health. (2)To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. 2.Process and method: (1)To inspire students to think about things from different aspects. (2)To let students discuss the bad effects of smoking. (3)To help students make a summary of quitting smoking. 3.Attitude and value: To lead students to live a healthy life. Important points: To develop students’ ability of skimming and scanning. Difficult points: How to lead students to live a healthy life. Teaching methods: (1)Task-based method (2)Student-centered method (3)Pair-work and group work Teaching aids: CAI Teaching procedure:


《小学数学“数的认识”典型教学案例》 一、课题的提出 随着课程改革的进一步深入,教学案例分析研究为人们越来越关注,它已成为教师成长中不可或缺的中介。通过案例的分析可让教师把新的教学理念落实到教学实践中,有利于实现有效课堂教学。 教学案例研究是发达国家在学校教育、师资培训中非常盛行而有效的方法,它在我国起步较晚,基础教育阶段的案例研究是近几年随着新课程改革才出现的,有关教学案例研究的书籍不多,特别是学科按内容分类的教学案例研究更为鲜见。总而言之,教学案例研究在我国是起步晚、底子薄;缺乏深度、效度;可行性、权威性不大。但现在开始为我国教育界所重视,它十分适合于一线教师的运用,而被学校誉为“真科研”,被专家认为是培养研究型教师,全面提高教师素质,促进学校发展的最为有效的形式。 新课改以来,大家从“什么是教学案例?怎样写教学案例?逐步对“教学案例”一词有了清晰地认识。同时在教育教学过程中,记录自己的教学经历、撰写教学经验总结和反思教学得失,适时地矫正、调整自己教学行为,为同行间的交流提供了思路和载体。老师们对教学案例的结构、特性、撰写的了解和认识也正逐步趋向成熟。但对案例分系列进行深层面研究,才刚刚开始。且在现行的小学数学案例研究上,还有很多不成熟的地方。其表现在: (1)大多是教师各自根据自己的教学所得撰写教学案例,随意性较大,研究性不够。

(2)对同类教学案例的比较剖析,深层面的研究还不完善。 (3)针对数学学科的内容,进行分板块的系统性研究还较缺失。 为此,在“备好课,上好课”的大教研氛围下,为更好地开展校本研究,推动教研组的教研工作。我们想根据数学学科的内容,分版块研究,这样从下到上所有年级段的数学老师就可以围绕一个内容,有目的针对性地进行深入研究,教师之间也有了更多相互交流研讨的题材,教研活动将更为实效。现集中优势兵力,依据教材的内容体系,以小板块“数的认识”切入。 二、课题研究的目的意义 本课题研究的目的:申请此课题的研究旨在通过对“数的认识”这一内容教学案例的分析和研究,完善教师对教学案例的撰写,逐步提高教师对教学案例剖析能力;促使本校数学教师对该教学内容有着较为系统全面地认识;同时了解不同年级段学生在学习本内容时所出现的问题和成效,为他们把握本内容,在教学实践中及时调整教学策略和方法,提高课堂教学的有效性提供借鉴。 本课题研究的意义:1、发挥学校各数学教研组的功能,以促进学校数学教研。2、,积累教研经验,提高数学教师的教学自省能力。 三、课题的界定 典型即具有代表性的人或事。


Unit 3 A healthy life Advice from grandad (教学设计) 固市中学英语组何妮娜 【课程标准】 “要通过设计丰富多彩的课内外学习活动,使学生能从听力材料中提取信息,能从一般文字中获取主要信息,根据阅读目的使用不同的阅读策略,能对事情简单的表达自己的意见和见解。”和“教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们形成以能力发展为目的的学习方式,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能。” 【教学目标】 During the class, students are able to: 知识与技能目标 1. learn some useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. know the ways to become addicted to smoking and the harmful effects 3. learn the prohibition, warning and permission. 过程与方法目标 1.develop students’reading skills and enable them to learn how to use different reading strategies to read different reading materials. 2. enable students to understand how to give advice. 情感态度与价值观目标 1.have the right attitudes to their life. 2. develop their sense of group cooperation and teamwork. 【教材分析】 本单元以A healthy life为话题,通过谈论人们最关心的健康问题,使学生认识到吸烟、喝酒、吸毒、不良饮食等对健康的危害,了解吸烟的危害及怎样戒烟;功能句式要求学生学会如何表达聚会中的礼仪和禁忌。通过单元学习,要求学生意识到健康的重要性,养成良好的生活习惯,并学会帮助别人解决一些健康问题。Reading部分是爷爷给孙子的一封信,信中82岁的爷爷提到:他之所以长寿和充满活力,主要得益于他健康的生活方式。爷爷年轻的时候也抽过烟,甚至上过瘾,因此他知道上瘾容易戒烟难,并以亲身体会向孙子说明上瘾的原因,抽烟的危害和戒烟的方法,告诫孙子把烟戒掉。Writing部分改为学生自身可能存在的对网络游戏的痴迷话题,通过学生讨论其危害,加强对学生的教育。 【学情分析】 高二学生对这个话题比较感兴趣,积极性也比较高,但大部分学生对新学的词汇还是比较生疏,英语表达的能力还是比较薄弱的,因此教师可以利用各种各样的资源,在任务型教学下完成本课的学习。班级里的学生水平参差不齐,因此在教学过程中,布置的任务要兼顾各个层次的学生,使他们在听、说、读、写方面各有所获。 【教学重难点】

新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册优质公开课赛课教案 6A Unit8 Chinese New Year period2

U8 Grammar & Fun time 教学目标: 掌握一般将来时的句式结构,能用一般将来时谈论自己的节日安排。 教学重难点: 1、句型be going to …的用法。 2、介词in 、at在节日名称前的用法区别。 教学过程: Step 1 Revision 1、Say the words and phrases.映示课文插图,说出相应单词及 词组。 2、T:What is Su Hai going to do ? Guess!根据香港和大陆人的 节日习俗有所不同,来猜测苏洋的节日安排。 3、T: Chinese New Year is a popular holiday in China. What are you going to do this Chinese New Year ? I’m going to …(板书) 4、Practice in each group of four .指名学生提问:What is he/she

going to do ? He/She is going to …What are they going to do ? They are going to … Step 2 Grammar time 1、T: Let’s read the sentences. 呈现Grammar time中的句子,以问答形式朗读。 2、生试总结一般将来时的句式特点。 3、教师总结。 ⑴一般将来时表示在将来某一时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,也可表示将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或存在的状态。 ⑵结构:be going to + 动词原形 What is he going to do at Chinese New Year ? He is going to watch a lion dance . What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve ? We’re going to have a big dinner . 3、Practice . ⑴我打算明天打扫我的房间。 I ____ going to____ my bedroom tomorrow. ⑵他这个周末准备去拜访他的祖父母。

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