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The Pig And The Watermelon

The  Pig  And  The  Watermelon

The Pig And The Watermelon

The sun was burning like a fire,the mother pig said to the little pig:“LuLu, go to the field to pick a watermelon back ,OK?”

LuLu said happily:“OK, No problem.”

When LuLu got to the field, he chose one of the biggest watermelons and picked it from the vine.

“WOW , It’s so heavy” LuLu tried several times, but he failed .

Suddenly, he saw the monkey PiPi, he was playing with a hoop , LuLu patted his head and said :“I’ve got it !” The round hoop can rool ,the watermelon round too , then it can rool too. He then put the big melon on the ground and rolled it forward quickly . At last ,he got home with the watermelon.

The mother pig knew the story ,she exclaimed :”My child ,you’re really clever.”

peppa_pig 第一季英文文本

1. Muddy puddles This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. Muddy puddles. It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Al right, run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa, if you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. George, let's find some more puddles. Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look, George. There's a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud. Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy.


1.Muddy Puddles 泥水坑 It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能去外面玩耍。 Daddy,it's stopped raining. 爸爸,雨停了。 Can we go out to play? 我们可以出去玩了吗? Alright, run along you two. 好的,你们两个一起去吧。 Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 I I love muddy puddles. 我喜欢在泥坑里玩。 Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Sorry, Mummy. 对不起,妈咪。 George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢跳在泥泞的水坑。 George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 乔治。如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. 佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。 George, let's find some more puddles. 乔治,让我们找到一些更多的水坑。 Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩得很开心。 Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. 佩奇发现一个小水坑。乔治发现了一个大水坑。 Look, George. There's a really big puddle. 你看,乔治。有一个真正的大水坑。 George wants to jump into the big puddle first. 乔治希望第一个跳大水坑。 Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. 停止,乔治。我必须检查一下这个对你来说是不是安全的。很好。它很安全。Sorry, George. It's only mud. 对不起,乔治。那只是泥而已。 Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治很爱在泥泞的水坑里跳。 Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy! Goodness me.


第一集:Muddy Puddles 泥坑 Peppa:I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig 我是佩奇,这是我的弟弟乔治,这是我的妈妈,这是我的爸爸。 Narrator:It is rainning today.So Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天外面下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能在外面玩 Peppa:Daddy,it’s stopped rainning.Can we go out to play . 爸爸,现在雨停了,我们能出去玩吗 Daddy Pig:Alright,run along you two. 好的,你们两个去玩的 Narrator:Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇最喜欢在泥坑里玩, Peppa:I love muddy puddles 我最喜欢在泥坑里面玩了 Mummy Pig:Peppa.If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots. 佩奇,如果你要在泥坑里面跳,你必须穿上靴子才行 Peppa:Sorry Mummy 对不起,妈妈 Narrator:George likes to jump in muddy puddles,too. 乔治也喜欢在泥坑里跳 Peppa:George. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots. 乔治,如果你要在泥坑里跳,你必须得穿上靴子才行。 Narrator:Peppa likes to look after her litter brother,George 佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟乔治 Peppa:George,let’s find some more puddles. 乔治,我们再去找几个泥坑跳吧


综合实践活动是普通高中新课程方案中规定的一门必修课程。它包括研究性学习、社区服务、社会实践三个部分,总共配置 23 个学分,其中研究性学习占 15 个学分,社区服务和社会实践分别为 2 个和 6 个学分。研究性学习是普通高中阶段综合实践活动课程的最重要的内容。作为指导教师,要充分认识到研究性学习对学生的发展价值和意义,把握研究性学习的基本规范,掌握研究性学习的各种操作方法,提高指导的有效性。 综合实践活动课程是教师引导下,学生自主进行的综合性学习活动,是基于学生的经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会实际,体现对知识的综合应用的实践性课程。研究性学习是学生在教师指导下,从自然、社会和学生自身生活中选择和确定研究专题,主动获取知识、应用知识、解决问题的学习活动。 一、综合实践活动的课程性质 【课程解读】 作为普通高中的一门必修课程,综合实践活动课程超越具有严密的知识体系和技能体系的学科界限,它不是一门学科课程,而是有着不同于学科课程的规定性的课程。一般来说,综合实践活动课程具有如下基本规定。 1. 综合实践活动课程是一种经验性课程。 所谓经验性课程,是指一方面课程的设计是以学生的生活经验、生活背景、生活中感受到的问题与需要为中心的,强调学生经验在课程中的独特地位和价值;另一方面,课程的实施是建立在学生的活动经验和活动过程基础之上的,强调学生的亲身经历和参与。 经验课程的基本规定之一是强调学生经验的发展价值。一般来说,经验课程反对把书本知识作为现存的结论或定论直接告诉学生,而是通过经验获得、经验的重新组合或经验重塑,使学生获得成长的意义。经验课程基本组织方式是“问题中心”,注重学生通过自主的问题探究与问题解决实现课程的发展价值。可以说,在教育史上,经验课程从来都是与学科本位或知识本位课程相冲突的。经验课程重视的不是系统的知识的获得,而是经验重组与改造过程中学生兴趣、爱好、能力、情感、价值观等方面的发展,以及在经验生成与改造过程中学生的批判性思维的发展乃至生活方式的变革。 经验课程的基本出发点是学生在教育中的主体地位。应该说,历史上的各种经验课程的共同之处就在于强调学生在教育中的主体地位和自主发展的能力。学生是经验者、是经验改造者,是自主发展者。经验课程设计的意义在于为学生的自主发展提供一种以问题为中心的发展环境。如果在经验课程中学生的主体地位得不到尊重和发挥,那么,其课程价值就难以得到实现。 经验课程的设计面对的不是符号系统,而是鲜活的生活世界,面向学生的生活情景,面向学生的生活经历和生活领域,并以整合的方式组织经验,是经验课程的基本特点之一。在生活情景中发现问题、明确问题,通过自主探究和实践,形成问题解决的能力和组织生存的能力。日本新课程中的“综合学习时间”的基本活动领域之一就是自主生存。因为学生的发展不应该完全是在预设的课堂教学和学科知识的传递过程中实现的,如何面向现实的生活,引导学生通过自主实践、批判反思来获得发展,成为经验课程关注的核心问题。




[内容摘要] 根雕作为一种民间艺术,在中国的发展历史源远流长,博大精深。在现代社会中,它以其独具匠心、妙趣天成的艺术感染力,受到越来越多人的喜爱。在我们长兴也有许多民间艺人和根雕爱好者,默默传承着根雕这一传统文化,水口的东方梅园也在筹备根雕博物馆。为了让长兴的孩子更多地了解根雕,学会基本制作根雕的方法,我们开展了“走进根雕世界,聆听文化回音”综合实践活动。 在本次活动从寒假一直延续到今年3月份,过程漫长,活动丰富多彩。活动初期,同学们广泛调查与根雕相关的资料,拜访了根雕艺人,参观了根雕博物馆。活动中期在开展了一系列探究、考察、采掘、制作、拓展、创新的综合实践活动,活动后期进行了反思和成果展示。在整个活动的过程中,同学们体验了寻根、挖根、制作根雕的过程,还对根雕作品进行了改造和创新。不仅促进学生亲近自然,保护环境,而且在合作、探究的过程的能力,提高了我们创新意识和动手能力,将传统文化与实践创新紧密结合是我们这次活动的最大收获。

“走进根雕世界,聆听文化回音”主题活动报告 一、活动主题的产生 1.综合实践活动要因地制宜,因时制宜,并且具有一定的活动意义。根雕作为一种传统文化,为世人所喜爱。为了传承根雕艺术,认识根雕的类型,学习根雕的制作工艺,拓展我们实践和创新的能力,我们实小303的孩子们以根雕为载体,开展综合实践活动。 2.综合实践活动要以学生为主体,符合学生的兴趣爱好。从我们综合实践活动前的调查表显示出:同学们对根雕很感兴趣。而且根雕的创新过程中也会产生很多有意义的作品,开展有趣的活动,这些都将吸引孩子们将实践进行下去。 3.根雕的实践活动中有很多操作的环节可以锻炼学生探究的能力和动手实践的能力。还促进学生在合作、探究的过程中增强信息搜索和整理的能力。在改进和创新的过程中,提高了我们创新思维和动手能力。 4.根雕展示的活动可以让社会上的人们增加对根雕的认识和了解,起到传播传统文化的作用,培养学生制作传统工艺的兴趣。 二、主题活动的具体目标 知识目标: 1.了解根雕的文化背景和选材需要。 2.了解根雕的制作工艺和选材要求。 能力目标: 1. 培养学生调查访问、收集处理信息、语言表达的能力以及团队合作的精神。 2.学会根雕的制作过程,能制作简单的根雕艺术品。 3.通过活动培养学生的兴趣爱好,陶冶情操。并能对根雕制作进行改进和创新。 情感态度与价值观目标: 1.培养学生亲近自然,热爱传统文化的人生态度。 2.培养学生勇于创新、乐于学习的态度。 3.激发探究的热情,培养探究能力。 三、活动实施的具体过程: 第一阶段发动倡议阶段 活动时间:1周 一、活动的前期准备 1.讨论实践的课题。

peppa pig第一季 41 shopping 字幕 翻译

peppa pig第一季 41 shopping 字幕翻译Shopping 旁白:Peppa and George are going shopping! Peppa and George like shopping. George loves sitting in the trolley. So does Peppa. 旁白:佩佩和乔治要去买东西~佩佩和乔治喜欢买东西。乔治喜欢坐在推车 里,佩佩也一样 Peppa: Daddy, can I sit in the trolley ,too? 佩佩:我也想坐在推车里。Daddy: You're too big for the trolley, Peppa. 爸爸:佩佩,你太大了不能坐推车了。 Peppa: oh! 佩佩:哦.. Daddy:But you can help with the shopping. 爸爸:不过你可以帮忙找东西Peppa:oh!goody! 佩佩:好棒哦 Mother:We're got four things on the list. 妈妈:我们的购物单上有四样 东西 . Daddy:Tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit. 爸爸:番茄、意大利面、洋葱和水果 Peppa:I'll find it all! This way! 佩佩:我都找得到,走这边。旁 白:Peppa and George love shopping. 旁白:佩佩和乔治最喜欢来买东西了。Mother: Peppa first,we need tomatoes. 妈妈:佩佩第一样东西是番茄 Peppa: Hmmm! I can see them! I can see them! Here are the tomatoes, Mummy. 佩佩:哦...我看到了,我看到番茄了。番茄在这里妈咪。 Mummy:Well done,Pepaa! 妈妈:你好厉害啊。

Peppa Pig

Peppa Pig第1集:吹泡泡 【学习笔记】重点词组讲解 1. Bubble泡泡 吹泡泡:blow bubbles 例句:Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. 佩佩正往她的饮料里吹泡泡。 2. Orange Juice 橘子汁 柠檬汽水:lemonade 3. too 也…… 例句:George wants to blow bubbles too. 乔治也想吹泡泡。 4. play with your food 玩你的食物 例句:Geroge, you really shoudn't play with your food. 乔治,你真的不应该玩你的食物。 这句话经常可以听到外国的父母对自己的孩子说哦! 5. bubble mixture泡泡液 6. take a deep breath 深吸一口气 7. Now it's your turn. 现在该你了! 8. running out of breath 呼吸不过来了、喘不过气来了 9. be used up 用完了 例句:The bubble mixture is all used up. 泡泡液都用完了。 10. tennis racket网球拍 11. muddy puddle泥坑

Peppa Pig第2集:泰迪的一天 【小Car笔记】重点词组讲解 1, stuff 物品、东西 例句:have you go your stuff ready? 你们都带好自己的东西了吗? 2, look after 照看、看管 例句:You must look after them. 你们必须好好照看他们。 3, leave……(behind)忘带、遗留 例句:George left Mr. Dinosaur behind. 乔治忘记带恐龙先生了。 4, Here we go again! 我们又出发了! 5, day off 放假、假日 例句:It's my day off. 今天我放假。 6, picnic lunch 野餐 例句:We have a picnic lunch. 我们来野餐。 7, leave the table 离席 例句:Please may George and I leave the table? 我和乔治能离席去玩吗?8, play with 与 ... 一起玩 例句:I play with Zebi. 我要和泽比一起玩。 9, I got the picnic toy sets. 我带了一套野餐玩具。 10, pretend假装、装作 例句:We got pretend cake. 我们假装着是蛋糕。 11, The best cake ever! 有史以来最好吃的蛋糕! 12, Home time。回家的时间到了/该回家了。 13, Oh, no. You shouldn't be here Teddy! 噢,不。你不应该在这的,泰迪。


“利用本地资源,开发综合实践课程” 项目简介 一、项目概况 1、申报部门:XX小学。 2、起止时间:2006年6月至2008年12月 3、主研人员: 4、项目简介: “利用本地资源,开发综合实践课程”是“课题于2005年11月申报,2006年5月批准立项并正式开题,原计划2007年12月结题,但库区搬迁善后工作影响学生实地考察的安全性。因而课题研究不能如期完成。经全国教育学会批准,延期至2008年12月完成。整个课题分三个阶段,交叉滚动进行。 综合实践活动课程是基于学生的直接经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活,注重对知识技能的综合运用,体现经验和生活对学生发展价值的实践性课程。我们认为,要实施好这门课程,必须走校本化之路,因地制宜,利用本地资源,结合学校的特点和学生的需要,创造学校的特色与品牌。 我校从2006年3月起开始市级课题——《利用本地资源,开发综合实践课程》的研究。课题组人员本着“让学生来开发,在开发中学习”之原则,走“校本课程开发与学生社会实践活动相结合”之路,逐步建立了“开发——参与学习、整合——优化学习、评价——推进学习”的校本课程开发模式。 《国家基础课程标准草定初稿》中指出:“小学阶段以综合课程为主”。由此可见,符合地域与文化特点的综合性校本课程的开发,必须尽快实践和研究。学生学习科目多、学习周课时多、知识相对分散独立、缺乏综合应用和实践操作的培养是目前学校教育普遍存在的问题。同时,许多知识离现实较远,学生感悟不深。我校地处全国

AAAA级旅游胜地,著名的长江三峡、神女峰都在我县境内,风景名胜颇多、古文化资源丰富,有许多教育资源有待开发。 我校充分利用本地资源,开发综合实践课程达到如下目标:第一、认知目标1、了解家乡的长江三峡、小三峡、小小三峡以及三台八景十二峰等著名景点。2、了解家乡历史文化、自然地理、丰富资源、民族风俗、特色小吃。3、了解“三峡工程”规划史、三峡工程的建设给家乡带来的巨大变化。第二、情感目标1、通过了解家乡自然风景激发学生热爱家乡、热爱祖国的思想感情。2、通过了解家乡历史文化、风土人情,增强学生民族自豪感。3、推进学生对自然社会和自我之间的内在联系的整体认识,形成亲近自然、关爱自然、关心社会以及自我发展的责任感。4、学生之间分工合作,自主的交流中增强自信心。5、让学生知道三峡水利工程是世界最大的水利工程,体会中华民族的伟大,增强爱国意识和自豪感。第三、能力目标1、通过调查、访问、上网,培养学生学会收集处理信息的能力。2、通过综合实践活动,发展学生在自已的生活中发现问题、解决问题的能力,学会用手用脑发展认知能力,养成探究学习方法的态度和习惯。 3、在综合实践活动中养成合作意识、民主意识、科学意识、环保意识,善于交往,学会与他人共同生活的能力。 三、研究内容: 1、本地的乡情乡貌、乡土资源以及与三峡工程有关的内容。 2、研究周期从2006年6月至2008年12月历时3年,在这 3年里,我们按照计划确定以多维互助,提高学生的创新能力为核心,从最初申报课题时的“三峡工程我为你自豪”为主题的单一内容扩展到立足本土文化,了解家乡风貌风情,民族特色等一系列多元研究,重点进行七个方面的实践研究工作,实现三个预期目标。 四、研究方法: 1、基于学生的需要、动机、兴趣和直接经验来设计,实施相关实践活动,建构一具更贴近学生真实的活动空间。②回归生活世界,


Peppa Pig 第一季1 Muddy puddles This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. Muddy Puddles. It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Al right, run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. George, let's find some more puddles. Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look, George. There's a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud. Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy. Goodness me. Daddy. Daddy. Guess what we've been doing. Let me think... Have you been watching television? No. No. Daddy. Have you just had a bath? No. No. I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddles. Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddles. Ho. Ho. And look at the mess you're in. Oooh... Oh, well, it's only mud. Let's clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess. Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy Come and play, too? Yes, we can all play in the garden. Peppa and George are wearing their boots. Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots. Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles. Oh, Daddy pig, look at the mess you're in. It's only mud. I'm Peppa Pig. This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. 2 Mr. Dinosaur is Lost. George's favourite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. DineDine SawSaw. George loves Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. Sometimes, George Iikes to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Eeek. Too scary. At suppertime, Mr. Dinosaur sits next to George. I beg your pardon. Was that you George, or was it Mr. Dinosaur? DineDine SawSaw. At bath time, George shares his bath with Mr. Dinosaur.


小学生综合实践活动基地简介 一、基地基本概况 阜蒙县中小学素质教育实践基地,隶属于阜蒙县教育局,由阜蒙县教师进修学校承办。位于风景秀丽的国家AAA级旅游胜地——海棠山脚下,是一所多功能的实践型学校,始建于2005年5月。目前,实践基地有独立的活动用地3.13万平方米,其中:园田1.8平方米,大田0.67万平方米,。室外活动场地0.35万平方米。有独立的校舍4275.6平方米。其中:综合实验楼建筑面积为1675.6平方米,平房建筑面积为2600平方米。教室、活动室建筑面积为490平方米,师生洗浴用的浴池建筑面积为100平方米,教师和学生宿舍的建筑面积为1618平方米,教师、学生食堂建筑面积为640平方米,日均容纳食品人员约500人。有单独设置的人员编制15个,有从社会招聘工作人员26名。15个人员编制中专任教师13名,共产党员8名,具有大学本科学历的4名,专科学历的9名,有中学高级职称的教师3名,中学一级职称的教师3名,小学高级职称的教师6名。是一支师德高尚,既有较高的文化素质和业务水平,又具有艰苦创业、勇于奉献精神的队伍。他们每个人都能出色有完成所肩负的对入营学生进行活动指导、教育管理、安全保卫、后勤服务等工作,可谓一专多能。 二、课程设置原则与实施 (一)课程设置原则

1、活动内容的建立与开发以《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的原则为指导,坚持政策标准,严格审定程序,紧紧把握活动内容的内涵的容量、空间、价值、实现信息技术教育、研究性学习、劳动与技术教育、社区服务与社会实践四个指定领域的相互渗透和整合。 2、课程的内容围绕学生与自然、学生与他人和社会、这生与自我发展三条线而设计,充分考虑学生生活实际和学生世界观,让学生能够利用所学过的知识,剖析实际生活中遇到的问题。主要内容和过程的设计注意了综合性、实践性和探究性的特点。 3、课程建设体现主题化、和序化和系列化思想,整体规划教育资源。课程设置上充分考虑青少年的的身心发展特点和认知水平,对学生进行研究和分析,基于学生已有的知识水平和生活经验,密切联系学生的生活世界和认知世界。活动项目既要富有趣味性,密切联系学生生活,重视学科知识的综合运用,又能增强体质和身心健康,有利于塑造学生的人格品质。 4、以人为本,注重德育。基地将道德教育渗透于整个活动项目当中,给学生提供一个个鲜活的教育场景,让学生通过自主体验,获得自我教育和自我激励的机会。在青少年世界观、人生观、价值观逐步形成的时期,学生在自觉参与综合实践活动的时候,思想感情容易得到熏陶,精神生活会得到充实,道德境罗在升华,成长的动力在增加。


粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季_01_Bubbles Peppa and George are drinking orange juice. What a noise! Little piggies! "George, look at all the tiny bubbles." I can make bigger bubbles. Peppa is blowing bubbles in her drink. George wants to blow bubbles too. "Peppa, George, you really" shouldn't play with your food! "Sorry, Daddy." "Peppa, if you like bubbles," Why don't you play with your bubble mixture? Yes! My bubble mixture! "George, let's blow bubbles in the garden." Peppa is showing George how to blow bubbles. "First, dip the stick in the mixture." "Then, take a big breath and blow." Heeee... bubble! "George, now it's your turn!" "Dip the stick in the mixture," "hold it up," "take big breath," and blow! "George is trying really hard," but he. S running out of breath! "George, you didn't blow hard enough!" I know a way George can make bubbles. "Dip the stick in the mixture," then lift it up and wave it around. Bubble! It's even better if you run along. Wait for me! "George is having fun making bubbles," and Peppa is having fun popping. I love bubbles! "Oh, dear! The bubble mixture is all used up." "Daddy, Mummy!" There's no more bubble mixture! "Don't worry, Peppa. I have an idea." "Mummy Pig, bring me a bucket, please!" Yes! Daddy Pig. "Peppa, bring me some soap!" "Yes, Daddy Pig." "George, bring me my old tennis racket." "A bucket, some soap, a tennis racket!" What is Daddy Pig doing? "First, I need some water." "Then, the soap." "And now, the tennis racket, please!" Thank you! Now watch this! Woo... Wow! Daddy Pig has made his own bubble mixture. "Come on, everyone!" Be careful! Daddy Pig! Don't slip and fall. I'll be fine! Wow... "Are you Ok, Daddy Pig?" "Yes, I'm fine!" Wow! Daddy Pig has made the biggest bubble ever! Oh dear! I've spilled all my bubble mixture. "Now, we can't make any more bubbles!" But we can play jumping in muddy puddles! Look! Daddy Pig's bubble mixture has made a big muddy puddle! Hurray! Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles! Look! The bubble mixture has made the puddle all bubbly! Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles! Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy bubbly puddles! 粉红小猪妹Peppa_Pig第二季_02_Teddy_s_day_out Teddy's day out Peppa and her family are going out forthe day. Daddy Pig has made a picnic. "Peppa, George, have you got yourstuff ready?" "Yes, I'm taking teddy!"


Peppa Pig第一季 1 Muddy pud dles This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa pig. Muddy Puddles. It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Al right, run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. George, let's find some more puddles. Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look, George. There's a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud. Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy. Goodness me. Daddy. Daddy. Guess what we've been doing. Let me think... Have you been watching television? No. No. Daddy. Have you just had a bath? No. No. I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddles. Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddles. Ho. Ho. And look at the mess you're in. Oooh... Oh, well, it's only mud. Let's clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess. Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy Come and play, too? Yes, we can all play in the garden. Peppa and George are wearing their boots. Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots. Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

peppa pig 第一季字幕17

I’m Peppa Pig.This is my little brother, George. This is Mummy Pig. And this is Daddy Pig. 17 Picnic! It is a lovely bright, sunny day. Peppa and her family are going for a picnic! Daddy Pig is bringing the picnic basket. Picnic-blanket, bread, cheese, tomatoes and lemonade. Is there anything we've forgotten? Mummy's strawberry cake! I was just teasing! Mummy's home-made strawberry cake is there, too. Is everybody ready? Ready! Then let's go! This looks like just the spot for our picnic! Hurray! It’s great to be outdoors! We should run around a bit and get some exercise! I want to eat, and then have a nap. I certainly don't want to run around. Maybe Daddy should run around a bit. His tummy is quite big. My tummy is not big. But later, I will get some exercise, even if no one else does. Let's eat! Good idea, Mummy Pig! I’m really hungry! Hmmm... Delicious!


《中小学综合实践活动课程资源包》简介 XXXX年4月由出版 作者:管锡基主编,程福蒙、刘作建副主编 本书是烟台市教科院为了更好地落实《国家九年义务教育课程综合实践活动指导纲要》,提高全市综合实践实践活动课程教师的专业素养和课程实施水平,组织优秀教科研人员和一线教师编写的。书稿充分挖掘了地方课程资源,体现了烟台地域特色。全书共九章,除第一章外,其他各章先是专题综述,然后是6 个活动案例。每个案例大致包括活动主题确定、活动目标、活动计划和时间安排、具体实施过程、活动效果和反思、点评几部分。 目录 前言 第一章课程编制纲要 第二章物产资源调查 活动案例1.人间仙镜——蓬莱阁 活动案例2.走进“民间小故宫”——牟氏庄园 活动案例3.鲁菜故乡话鲁菜 活动案例4.百年开埠与朝阳街 活动案例5.走进黄金王国 活动案例6.品重醴泉——张裕葡萄酒 第三章民风民俗探源 活动案例1.探秘传统节日,传承民族文化 活动案例2.异族一家人的趣味过年 活动案例3.粽艾香里话端午 活动案例4.京剧与烟台 活动案例5.海阳大秧歌 活动案例6.古韵新风渔灯节 第四章环境保护与节能 活动案例1.我给垃圾找个“家” 活动案例2.绿满校园——校园绿化调查活动

活动案例3.拒烟总动员,健康到永远 活动案例4.聚焦空气污染 活动案例5.警惕身边的电磁污染 活动案例6.节能在行动 第五章心理调控与自我保护 活动案例1.感恩生命,爱心永驻 活动案例2.我认识了我自己 活动案例3.当地震发生时 活动案例4.做时间的主人 活动案例5.悠悠寸草心 活动案例6.让“心灵之窗”永远明亮 第六章农作物种植与管理 活动案例1.我与向日葵交朋友 活动案例2.小小西红柿 活动案例3.花生栽培和管理的调查与实践 活动案例4.苹果树冬春两季管理的调查与实践 活动案例5.小麦的种植与管理 活动案例6. 枣木的嫁接技术 第七章学科研究性学习 活动案例1:海事沧桑 活动案例2.汉字王国之旅 活动案例3.探秘饮食健康,遨游小数王国 活动案例4.我时尚,我追星 活动案例5.保护水资源——我们在行动 活动案例6.口袋食品距健康有多远 第八章小制作小发明 活动案例1.可调温的儿童饮水杯 活动案例2.花生地膜覆盖生芽果、腐烂果防治试验研究活动案例3.苍耳提取液对几种害虫的拒食性研究 活动案例4.创意贝壳 活动案例5.小小树根进课堂,民间工艺得弘扬

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