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Do Nonaudit Services Compromise Auditor Independence? Further Evidence

Hollis Ashbaugh

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Ryan LaFond

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Brian W. Mayhew*

University of Wisconsin – Madison

February 20, 2003

* Corresponding Author

Brian W. Mayhew

University of Wisconsin – Madison

975 University Avenue

Madison, WI 53706



We acknowledge the financial support in collecting the data for this study provided by the Department of Accounting at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and its many supporters. We appreciate the comments received at the 2002 American Accounting Association’s Annual Meeting, 2002 University of Illinois Audit Symposium, University of Missouri, University of Wisconsin – Madison, and from Jere Francis, Karla Johnstone, Bill Kinney, Joel Pike and Terry Warfield.

Do Nonaudit Services Compromise Auditor Independence? Further Evidence ABSTRACT: This paper challenges the findings of Frankel, Johnson and Nelson (FJN) (2002). The results of our discretionary accruals tests differ from FJN’s when we adjust discretionary current accruals for firm performance. In our earnings benchmark tests, in contrast to FJN we find no statistically significant association between firms meeting analyst forecasts and auditor fees. Our market reaction tests also provide different results than those reported by FJN. Overall, our study indicates that FJN’s results are sensitive to research design choices, and we find no systematic evidence supporting their claim that auditors violate their independence as a result of clients purchasing relatively more nonaudit services.

Key Words: independence, audit fees, discretionary accruals, biased financial reporting

Data Availability: Data collected from public sources. Authors will make sample firms available upon request.

Do Nonaudit Services Compromise Auditor Independence? Further Evidence


Regulators, financial statement users, and researchers are concerned that auditors compromise their independence by allowing high fee clients more financial statement discretion relative to low fee clients. Frankel, Johnson and Nelson (2002) (hereafter referred to as FJN) use the association between audit firm fees and two measures of biased financial reporting - firms’ discretionary accruals and the likelihood of firms meeting earnings benchmarks - to draw inferences on auditor independence. In addition, they conduct an event study to investigate whether the market reacts to the disclosure of auditor fees. FJN suggest that their results provide evidence that auditor independence is compromised when clients pay high nonaudit fees relative to total fees. We conduct the same three sets of empirical tests as FJN to investigate the sensitivity of FJN’s results to research design choices.

The motivation for FJN’s study and our own is based on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) concern about the growth of nonaudit fees relative to audit fees during the 1990s (e.g., see Levitt 2000). The SEC’s concern that the growth in the provision of nonaudit services compromises audit firm independence is based on the premise that the provision of nonaudit services increases the fees paid to the audit firm thereby increasing the economic dependence of the audit firm on the client. Prior research agrees that it is the strength of the economic bond between the audit firm and its client that reduces auditor independence (DeAngelo 1981; Beck et al. 1988; Magee and Tseng 1990). Yet, there is dissention on how to measure the economic bond. Much of the contemporaneous research investigating whether the provision of nonaudit services decreases auditor independence uses the ratio of nonaudit fees to total fees (hereafter referred to as the fee ratio) as the measure of the economic bond.1 However, the fee ratio

does not capture the economic importance of the client to the audit firm when the total client fees are immaterial to the audit firm.

Consider the following. Two firms in our sample have a fee ratio of 73%. One firm reports total fees of $71,000 and the other firm reports total fees of $5.7 million. Based on their fee ratios, both firms are considered threats to independence, whereas only the latter is economically significant to the auditor. Thus, we posit that the total fee, i.e., the sum of audit and nonaudit fees, rather than the fee ratio is the more appropriate measure of the economic dependence of the auditor on a client, although, we include the fee ratio in our empirical analyses to provide a complete assessment of FJN’s results.

Our first set of tests examine whether FJN’s discretionary accruals results are sensitive to the measurement of discretionary accruals. Recent research suggests that the discretionary accrual measure used by FJN systematically rejects the null hypothesis of no-biased financial reporting at much higher than stated rates because the measure does not account for the impact of performance on accruals (Kothari et al. 2002). We calculate two measures of discretionary current accruals that control for the impact of firm performance in the estimation of discretionary accruals. The first method measures performance adjusted discretionary current accruals as the difference between a firm’s estimated discretionary current accruals and the median discretionary current accruals from an industry and performance matched portfolio. The second approach follows Kothari et al. (2002) and includes a control for firm performance in the regression model used to estimate nondiscretionary current accruals.

Consistent with FJN, we document a positive association between the absolute value of firms’ discretionary current accruals and fee ratio, regardless of which performance adjusted accrual measure is used. We also find, like FJN, no evidence that firms’ total fees are associated with firms’ discretionary current accruals. However, in contrast to FJN, when we partition sample firms based

on whether they report income-increasing or income-decreasing discretionary accruals, and we employ our performance adjusted measures of current discretionary accruals, we find no association between the fee ratio and income-increasing discretionary accruals. Further analysis suggests the measurement error caused by not controlling for firm performance in the estimate of income increasing discretionary accruals is associated with the fee ratio. Thus we provide an explanation for why FJN find an association between the fee ratio and income-increasing discretionary accruals whereas we do not.

Our results indicate that the association between the fee ratio and the absolute value of discretionary accruals is driven by income-decreasing discretionary accruals. While income-decreasing accruals can be interpreted as a form of biased financial reporting, income-decreasing accruals also reflect a conservative application of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Typically regulators and financial statement users are more concerned with the opportunistic application of GAAP than the conservative application of GAAP, with the opportunistic application of GAAP more likely signaling problems with auditor independence (Becker et al. 1998).2 FJN also use the relation between audit firm fees and two earnings benchmarks – small earnings increases and meeting analyst forecasts - to draw inferences on audit firm independence. Our second set of tests replicate FJN’s earnings benchmark tests. Consistent with FJN, as well as with Francis and Ke (2001), we find no association between fee ratio and the likelihood of firms reporting small earnings increases. In addition, we, like FJN, document a negative association between total fees and the likelihood of firms reporting small earnings increases. However, unlike FJN, we find no statistically significant association between either the fee ratio or total fees, and firms meeting analyst forecasts.

In summary, based on the use of discretionary accruals and earnings benchmarks as proxies for biased financial reporting, we find little evidence supporting the claim that auditors violate their

independence as the result of clients paying high fees or having high fee ratios. Our discretionary accrual analyses appear consistent with concurrent research examining audit firm fees and measures of earnings management. Chung and Kallapur (2003) find no association between their audit fee metrics and the absolute value of discretionary accruals measured with the modified Jones model.3 They also explore four different sub-sets of firms where they expect firms to have greater incentives to manage earnings (i.e., firms with high market-to-book ratios, high leverage, low audit firm industry specialization, and high insider influence on the Board of Directors) and find no evidence of an association between audit or nonaudit fees and earnings manipulation. The inferences drawn from our discretionary accrual and earnings benchmark tests are also consistent with those reported by DeFond et al. (2002) who show no association between firms’ going concern opinions and magnitude of nonaudit services, and a positive association between the likelihood of issuing a going concern opinion and audit fees.

In addition to supporting the findings of concurrent audit research, the results of our discretionary accrual analysis extend the contemporaneous literature that addresses the estimation of firms’ discretionary accruals. Our results indicate that controlling for performance is important when estimating managers’ discretionary reporting practices. We also provide empirical evidence that measurement error in discretionary accruals can lead to erroneous inferences when the measurement error is correlated with the test variable.

The last set of tests that we conduct investigates the market’s reaction to the disclosure of auditor fees in firms’ proxy statements. FJN report that they find a significant negative association between share prices and the disclosure of higher than expected nonaudit fees, albeit they state the association is small in economic terms and insignificant when measured over long event windows. We have two primary concerns related to FJN’s market reaction analysis. First, when we calculate abnormal returns on firms’ proxy filing dates, we find that the 1-day market adjusted return is less

than a half of one-percent, and is not significantly different from zero. Our second concern is that firms are required to make a substantial number of disclosures in their proxy statements. Efforts to examine the relation between fee metrics and changes in market value without controlling for the other information contained in proxy statements can result in incorrect inferences being drawn on whether the market reacts to the disclosure of auditor fees. When we conduct market reaction tests examining the difference in abnormal returns on the filing of a firm’s 2000 versus 1999 proxy statements, unlike FJN, we find no evidence that the market, on average, reacts to the fee ratio. We posit that it is difficult to draw reliable conclusions about the market’s reaction to auditor fee disclosures without controlling for the firm-specific disclosures contained in proxy statements.

The paper proceeds as follows. The next section discusses the alternative ways to combine fee data to capture threats to auditor independence. Section III describes our sample and identifies the determinants of auditor fees that we need to control for in our empirical tests. Section IV presents the research design and results. The last section summarizes our findings relative to those of FJN.

II. MEASURING THREATS TO AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE DeAngelo (1981) models that as the economic bond between the audit firm and client increases the audit firm’s dependence on the client increases.4 Nonaudit fees further increase the client auditor bond by increasing the portion of audit firm wealth derived from a client (Simunic 1984; Beck et al. 1988). Nonaudit fees can also threaten independence when clients use them as contingent fees. Magee and Tseng (1990) note that while contingent fees are explicitly prohibited by audit standards, clients can create contingent fees by withholding profitable nonaudit services when the auditor does not allow the client to report its preferred financial condition. We argue that the sum of audit and nonaudit fees, i.e., total fees, best captures the explicit economic bond between the audit firm and client. We do not advocate the use of the fee ratio because the fee ratio does not

necessarily capture the economic importance of the client to the audit firm. The fee ratio does, however, capture the relative monetary value of the audit versus nonaudit services provided by the audit firm to a client, which may have an impact on the perception of independence held by regulators, as well as the general public. As stated earlier, we include the fee ratio in our empirical analyses to be comparable to FJN and contemporaneous auditor independence research.

Our research design, like FJN, investigates whether the degree of client auditor bonding is associated with evidence that the financial statements reflect a biased view of the client’s financial condition. We both use the magnitude of discretionary accruals and the likelihood of meeting earnings benchmarks as evidence of biased financial statements. Discretionary accruals and earnings benchmarks can be viewed as evidence of auditor independence violations based on three assumptions. The first assumption is that an independent auditor requires his/her client to file objective (i.e. unbiased) financial statements. Second, discretionary accruals provide a measure of the degree of bias inserted into the financial statements by management and allowed by the auditor. Third, that just meeting or beating earnings benchmarks such as prior years’ earnings or current analyst forecasts is not random, suggesting that managers bias financial statements to meet earnings targets (see Burgstahler and Dichev 1997). An objective auditor will not allow clients to bias earnings to achieve these benchmarks even as his economic dependence on the client increases.


Sample and Descriptive Statistics

We collected fee data for 4959 firms from U.S. registrants’ 2000 proxy statements that were available on Edgar or Global Access during November and December of 2001. We deleted 761 financial firms and 1028 firms that lacked the necessary financial data on Compustat to estimate our fee models arriving at a final sample of 3,170 firms.

[Insert Table 1 here.]

Panel A of Table 1 reports descriptive statistics for the four audit fee metrics that we use in our empirical tests. AUDIT and NONAUDIT are the audit and nonaudit fees reported in sample firms’ proxy statements, respectively.5 TOTAL is the sum of AUDIT and NONAUDIT. FEERATIO is defined as NONAUDIT divided by TOTAL. We also report fee metrics partitioned by Big5 and non-Big5 clients, where Big5 is defined as the audit firms of Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, KPMG, or PriceWaterhouseCoopers. We partition the sample by auditor choice because our fee data indicate that the magnitude of audit and nonaudit fees differ between Big5 and non-Big5. The mean (median) of AUDIT for Big5 clients is $562,420 ($212,000) and the mean (median) of NONAUDIT is $1,332,408 ($240,100). In contrast, the mean (median) of AUDIT for non-Big5 clients is $149,371 ($88,750) and the mean (median) of NONAUDIT is $136,483 ($33,360), resulting in TOTAL for non-Big5 auditors being smaller than for Big5 auditors. The descriptive statistics also indicate that the mean (median) FEERATIO is significantly smaller for non-Big5auditors [30.32 percent (27.87 percent)] than Big 5 auditors [49.60 percent (51.90 percent), p< .001].

To better understand the relation between client size and the demand for audit related services, we report in Panel B of Table 1 the mean (median) values of FEERATIO,

TOTAL/ASSETS, BIG5, ASSETS, and MVE across TOTAL deciles. MVE is equal to a firm’s market value of equity defined as price per share at fiscal year end (Compustat data item 199) multiplied by the number of shares outstanding (Compustat data item 25) measured in millions of dollars. TOTAL is directly related to client size. FEERATIO, ASSETS, and MVE are increasing in TOTAL, and the proportion of firms contracting with a Big5 auditor is increasing in TOTAL.

Panel C of Table 1 reports the distribution of our sample firms across the industry classifications reported in FJN, and shows that our sample’s industry composition is closely aligned

to the industry composition in the Compustat database. Our sample’s descriptive statistics are

similar, in all respects, to FJN’s.

Fee Determinants

We investigate the determinants of auditor fees for two reasons. First, 2000 is the first year

auditor fee data has been widely available for U.S. publicly traded companies. We want to establish

that the determinants of auditor fees identified by prior research using fee data from foreign

countries, as well as U.S. data collected via surveys, are valid for our sample. Second, we want to

determine whether variables that prior research documents are correlated with discretionary accruals

are also correlated with auditor fees. Identification of such variables is necessary in order to

properly assess the association between discretionary accruals and auditor fees. Failure to control

for these variables can result in a correlated omitted variables problem.

Prior research models auditor related fees as a function of a firm’s auditor choice, audit

complexity, audit risk, and the demand for consulting services (e.g., Firth 1997). We estimate the

following regression:


ββββββββββα∑=++++++++++++=13110987654321___ln 5i i MMIES INDUSTRYDU ITEM SPECIAL ROA NEGATIVE IN




FEE is set to FEERATIO, AUDIT, NONAUDIT, or TOTAL . With the exception of FEERATIO,

we take the natural log of each fee variable to normalize these variables’ distributions, allowing

the cross-sectional aggregation of observations;6

BIG5 is coded one if a firm is audited by Arthur Andersen, Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young,

KPMG, or PriceWaterhouseCoopers, and zero otherwise;

lnMVE is the natural log of MVE;

MERGER is equal to one if the firm is engaged in a merger or acquisition (as reported in AFTNT 1

of Compustat), and zero otherwise;

FINANCING is set to one if MERGER is not equal to one and any of the following conditions

apply: long term debt increased by 20 percent or more, number of shares outstanding increased

by 10 percent or more after controlling for stock splits, and/or the firm first appeared on the

Center for Research in Securities Prices monthly returns database during the fiscal year, and zero otherwise;

MB is the firm’s market-to-book ratio at its fiscal-year-end, which is defined as its MVE divided by stockholders’ equity of common shareholders (Compustat data item 60); LEVERAGE is equal to a firm’s total assets less stockholders’ equity of common shareholders divided by total assets (Compustat data item 6);

ROA is defined as net income before extraordinary items (Compustat data item 18) divided by beginning of the year total assets;

AR_IN is equal to the sum of a firm’s receivables (Computstat data item 2) and inventory (Computstat data item 3) divided by its total assets;

NEGATIVE_ROA is equal to one if the firm’s ROA is negative, and zero otherwise;

SPECIAL_ITEM is equal to one if the firm reports special items in year 2000 (Computstat data item 17), and zero otherwise.

We include industry dummies to control for cross industry differences in fees.7

BIG5 is in our model because the descriptive statistics reported in Panel B of Table 1 indicate that the proportion of firms audited by the Big5 is increasing in TOTAL. lnMVE and MB proxy for audit complexity. MERGER and FINANCING capture the demand for additional audit and consulting services associated with business combinations and obtaining capital. LEVERAGE, ROA, AR_IN, NEGATIVE_ROA, and SPECIAL_ITEM proxy for audit risk. MB, ROA, and NEGATIVE_ROA are also proxies for firm performance.

[Insert Table 2 here.]

Table 2 reports the results of estimating the fee regressions. In general, we find a positive relation between BIG5, lnMVE, MERGER, FINANCING, LEVERAGE, and SPECIAL_ITEM, and the four fee variables. We also find, in general, a negative relation between ROA and MB, and the four fee variables. The AUDIT and TOTAL models’ adjusted R2 s are 66 percent and 68 percent, respectively. In contrast, the NONAUDIT and FEERATIO models’ R2 s are 34 percent and 28 percent, respectively. The relatively low R2 s of the NONAUDIT and FEERATIO models is partially due to the 138 sample firms that do not purchase nonaudit services from their auditors. When we eliminate the firms that report zero NONAUDIT from the analysis, we find the R2 of the NONAUDIT model to be similar to the R2’s of the audit and total fee model. We include these

firms in our empirical tests because we want our sample to be representative of the population of publicly traded firms, thereby increasing the external validity of our results.8

The results of our fee analysis indicate that poorly performing firms, as proxied by MB, ROA, and NEGATIVE_ROA, pay higher audit and nonaudit fees. The payment of higher fees by these firms may threaten auditor independence. Alternatively, auditors may be pricing the additional risks associated with poorly performing clients.


The Association Between Discretionary Accruals and Auditor Fees

FJN examine the relation between estimated discretionary accruals and auditor fees to provide evidence on whether the provision of nonaudit services is associated with earnings management. FJN investigate three specifications of auditor fees; (1) a client’s FEERATIO, (2) the percentile rank, by audit firm, of a client’s nonaudit (RANKNON) and audit (RANKAUD) fees, and (3) the percentile rank, by audit firm, of a client’s total fees (RANKTOT). In their primary analysis, FJN estimate discretionary accruals with a cross-sectional modified Jones model that controls for the variation in accruals across industry classifications (see FJN for details on the cross-sectional modified Jones model). FJN report a positive and significant association between discretionary accruals and FEERATIO after controlling for factors that are correlated with firms’ discretionary accruals (see the Appendix for details on FJN’s OLS model). They also report a positive relation between RANKNON and discretionary accruals, and a negative relation between RANKAUD and discretionary accruals. FJN find no significant relation between RANKTOT and discretionary accruals. When we replicate FJN’s discretionary accrual analysis, we find similar results (not tabled).9 It appears that total fees have a different relation with discretionary accruals than the proportion of nonaudit fees paid by a client.

Alternative Discretionary Accrual Measures

Prior research documents that discretionary accrual estimates are correlated with firm

performance (Dechow et al. 1995; Kasznik 1999; Kothari et al. 2002). We investigate the

robustness of FJN’s discretionary accrual tests by employing two alternative measures of

discretionary accruals that control for firm performance in the estimation of discretionary accruals.

We label our first measure of discretionary accruals Portfolio Performance Adjusted Discretionary

Current Accruals (PADCA), where we control for firm performance through a portfolio technique.

Our second measure of discretionary accruals adjusts for firm performance by including a variable

for firm performance in the regression model used to estimate discretionary accruals. We label this

measure of discretionary accruals as ROA in Estimation Discretionary Current Accruals (REDCA).

Both measures focus on current accruals because prior research suggests that management has the

most discretion over current accruals (Becker et. al. 1998).

PADCA is calculated as follows. We partition the entire population of Compustat firms,

excluding firms operating in the financial sector, by two-digit SIC codes. We then estimate the

parameters of the following regression for each two-digit SIC code partition:

)Re ()1/1(21v asset lag CA ?+=αα (2)

where current accruals (CA) is net income before extraordinary items (Compustat data item 123)

plus depreciation and amortization (Compustat data item 125) minus operating cash flows

(Compustat data item 308) scaled by beginning of year total assets. Lag1assets is total assets at the

beginning of the fiscal year and v Re ? is equal to net sales (Compustat data item 12) in year t less

net sales in year t-1 scaled by beginning of year total assets.

We use the parameter estimates from equation (2) to calculate expected current accruals


)Re (?)1/1(?21AR v asset lag ECA ???+=αα (3)

where AR ? is equal to accounts receivable (Compustat data item 2) in year t less accounts

receivable in year t-1 scaled by beginning of year total assets. A firm’s Discretionary Current

Accrual (DCA) is equal to CA minus ECA.

Finally, we partition firms within each two-digit SIC code into deciles based on their prior

year’s ROA. PADCA is the difference between a sample firm’s DCA and the median DCA for each

ROA portfolio, where the median value excludes the firm of interest. We implement this portfolio

adjustment rather than a matched-paired design because our sample cannot be classified into

treatment versus control groups since all sample firms are required to be audited and the vast

majority of firms disclose that they purchase some nonaudit services from their auditor (e.g., 95.65

percent of our sample firms). This is in contrast to other discretionary accrual studies, which focus

on non-random samples that are driven by some economic event or management choice. The

portfolio approach controls for relative firm performance across random samples.10

Our second measure of discretionary accruals, REDCA, follows Kothari et al. (2002) by

including lagged ROA in the accruals regression to control for firm performance. Kothari et al.

(2002) report that matching on lagged ROA, as opposed to contemporaneous ROA, eliminates any

mechanical relation between current period’s discretionary accrual estimate and the performance

metric. The calculation of REDCA begins by estimating the following cross-sectional current

accrual regression by each two-digit SIC code partition:

εγγγ++?+=ROA Lag v asset lag CA 1)Re ()1/1(321 (4)

The parameters from equation (4) are used to calculate expected current accruals estimated with a

performance control (ECAPC)11:

ROA Lag AR v asset Lag ECAPC 1?)Re (?)1/1(?321γγγ+???+= (5)

REDCA is equal to CA minus ECAPC. In contrast to PADCA, which controls for relative firm

performance within two-digit SIC classes, the REDCA estimate of discretionary current accruals

controls for performance on a firm-specific basis.12

[Insert Table 3 here.]

Table 3 reports descriptive statistics on the variables used in our empirical tests for the 3069

sample firms having data to calculate PADCA and REDCA.13 The mean (median) values of

PADCA and REDCA, both of which are deflated by ASSETS, are -1.08 percent (0.08 percent) and

–0.66 percent (0.53 percent), respectively. The means of PADCA and REDCA are significantly

different at the .001 level. Panel B of Table 3 reports the correlations between the alternative

measures of discretionary accruals. While highly correlated, the correlations between DCA,

PADCA, and REDCA are significantly less than one, indicating each variable is a distinct estimate

of a firm’s financial statement bias.

Discretionary Accrual Model

We use the following OLS regression model to test the stability of FJN discretionary accrual




L BIG FEE PA DCA 121110987654321_ln 15_



DCA_PA is the discretionary current accrual measure adjusted for firm performance, which is set

equal to PADCA or REDCA;

FEE is set to FEERATIO, or the natural log of TOTAL, AUDIT or NONAUDIT;

L1ACCRUAL is last years total current accruals equal to net income before extraordinary items

(Compustat data item 123) plus depreciation and amortization (Compustat data item 125) minus

operating cash flows (Compustat data item 308) scaled by beginning of year total assets;

LITIGATION is set to one if the firm operates in a high litigation industry, and zero otherwise.

High litigation industries are industries with SIC codes of 2833-2836, 3570-3577, 3600-3674,

5200-5961, and 7370-7370;

INST_HOLDING is equal to the percentage of shares held by institutional owners at the beginning

of 2000 calendar year;

LOSS is equal to one if the firm reports a net loss in fiscal year 2000, and zero otherwise;

CFO is cash flow from operations, defined as Compustat data item 308 scaled by beginning of year total assets;

All other variables are as previously defined.

Equation (6) is different from the model that FJN use to test the association between auditor fees and discretionary accruals in several ways. First, FJN use total accruals and the absolute value of total accruals in their regression model to control for firm performance. We do not include total accruals or the absolute value of total accruals in our model because these variables are used to derive discretionary accruals, which results in an overstatement of the explanatory power of the model.14 We do, however, add the prior year’s current accruals (L1ACCRUAL) to the model to capture the reversal of accruals over time.

Second, FJN use one variable to capture firms’ business combinations and financing activities. We use two separate variables, MERGER and FINANCING, because the two types of transactions may have different consequences for firms’ accruals, and the results of our fee analyses indicate different relations between audit related fees and these two economic events. Third, we drop audit tenure from the FJN model,as this variable does not add any explanatory power to our model.15 We also exclude the absolute value of cash flows from operations from the model, as including this variable induces multicollinearity with the cash flow from operations variable. Finally, we transform the dependent variable, PADCA or REDCA, by taking the natural log of the absolute value to correct for violations of normality (Warfield et al. 1995).

Discretionary Accruals Results

[Insert Table 4 here.]

Table 4 reports the results of our unsigned discretionary accruals tests. We find a positive relation between FEERATIO and the absolute value of PADCA and the absolute value of REDCA. We find no significant association between TOTAL and either unsigned estimate of discretionary accruals. The results on AUDIT and NONAUDIT are conditional on the discretionary accrual

estimate used. The coefficient on NONAUDIT is positive and significant only in the PADCA model, whereas the coefficient on AUDIT is negative and significant only in the REDCA model. The coefficients on the control variables are, in general, significant and stable regardless of fee metric or discretionary accruals measure. The sign and significance of the coefficients on FEERATIO are consistent with FJN’s results regardless of the discretionary accrual estimate used. In contrast to FJN, however, we find the significance of the coefficients on NONAUDIT and AUDIT to be sensitive to the estimate of discretionary accruals used.

[Insert Table 5 here.]

To provide evidence on whether there is any differential relation between the fee metrics and our measures of discretionary accruals conditional on whether discretionary accruals are income-increasing or income-decreasing, we partition the sample into two groups based on the sign of firms’ discretionary accruals. Panel A of Table 5 reports the regression results estimated using sample firms that report PADCA or REDCA greater than or equal to zero. We find no significant association between FEERATIO and positive PADCA or REDCA measures. Likewise, our results indicate no significant association between TOTAL and positive PADCA or REDCA measures. Furthermore, we find no evidence that AUDIT or NONAUDIT is significantly related to positive discretionary accruals. These findings are in contrast to FJN’s results, where they report FEERATIO, NONAUDIT and TOTAL to be positively related to positive discretionary accruals and AUDIT to be negatively related to positive discretionary accruals.

Panel B of Table 5 reports the regression results estimated using sample firms having PADCA or REDCA values less than zero. We find a negative relation between FEERATIO and both negative PADCA and negative REDCA. We also find a marginally significant negative relation between NONAUDIT and negative PADCA. These results are similar to FJN’s findings.

However, unlike FJN, we find no evidence that AUDIT is related to firms’ negative discretionary accruals.

[Insert Table 6 here.]

Prior research indicates that the U.S. clients of the Big5 report higher levels of total accruals and smaller amounts of estimated discretionary accruals than the clients of smaller audit firms (Francis et al. 1999). Table 6 reports the results of the discretionary accrual regressions where we partition sample firms based on the sign of their accruals conditioned by their auditor choice. The results of the positive discretionary accrual analyses reported in Panel A indicate that our earlier findings of no relation between positive discretionary accruals and the alternative fee metrics is stable across firms’ auditor choice. These results are different from FJN who report a positive relation between FEERATIO and positive discretionary accruals reported by non-Big5 clients. Similar to FJN, however, the results of the negative discretionary accrual analyses reported in Panel B indicate that the negative association between FEERATIO and negative discretionary accruals documented in the full sample does not hold for non-Big5 clients. 16 Overall, the results of our discretionary accrual analyses indicate that the relation between auditor fees and biased financial reporting is sensitive to the estimate of discretionary accruals and the audit fee metric used to capture the economic bond between the auditor and its client.

Klein (2002) and Kothari et al. (2002) state that measurement error in discretionary accruals can lead to erroneous inferences when the measurement error is correlated with the test variable. To investigate whether this issue explains why our FEERATIO results differ from FJN’s in the positive discretionary accrual analyses, we do the following. First, we calculate DIFFERENCE as being equal to DCA, i.e., the estimate of discretionary current accruals used by FJN, minus PADCA.17 DIFFERENCE represents the bias in the measurement of discretionary current accruals when the estimate of discretionary current accruals does not control for performance. Second, we correlate

DIFFERENCE with FEERATIO, i.e., the test variable of interest, conditional on firms reporting income increasing or income decreasing DCA.

We find that for positive (negative) DCA firms DIFFERENCE is positively (negatively) correlated with FEERATIO. The positive correlation between DIFFERENCE and FEERATIO for firms reporting income-increasing discretionary current accruals indicates that as FEERATIO increases the measurement error in FJN’s dependent variable increases. Thus, the measurement bias in the dependent variable likely contributes to FJN’s findings of a positive and significant coefficient on FEERATIO in their positive DCA analysis. For firms reporting income-decreasing accruals, as FEERATIO increases the difference between FJN’s estimate and our estimate of discretionary current accruals decreases, which likely explains why our results are similar to FJN’s results for negative accrual firms.

It appears that FJN’s finding of a positive relation between FEERATIO and the magnitude of income-increasing accruals is driven by systematic bias in their discretionary accrual measure that is correlated with FEERATIO.

Earnings Benchmark Tests

FJN examine the relation between earnings benchmarks and auditor fees to provide further evidence on whether the provision of nonaudit services is associated with earnings management. Specifically, FJN investigate the association between auditor fees and the likelihood of firms reporting small earnings increases (INCREASE) and the likelihood of firms meeting or beating analyst earnings forecasts (SURPRISE). We estimate the following logit regression to replicate FJN’s earnings benchmark results:












+ +
















4 3






BENCHMARK is equal to INCREASE or SURPRISE. INCREASE is equal to one when the difference between a firm’s 2000 and 1999 net income (Compustat data 172),scaled by

beginning of year MVE, falls in the interval [0.00, 0.02), and zero otherwise. SURPRISE is equal to one when a firm meets or beats by one cent the mean consensus analysts forecast, as reported by FirstCall, for fiscal year 2000, and zero otherwise;

All other variables are as previously defined.

Our benchmark regression model is different from FJN’s in that we exclude audit tenure, CFO, MERGER, FINANCING, ROA, and annual market adjusted return from our regression model because FJN report insignificant coefficients on these determinants. We add PADCA to the BENCHMARK regression model to control for firms’ discretionary accruals, which likely is one mechanism that firms use to meet earnings benchmarks.18

[Insert Table 7 here.]

Panel A of Table 7 reports descriptive statistics for the sample used in the SURPRISE analysis. Requiring firms to have an analyst following reduces the sample to 1,666 firms, with the average sample firm being relatively larger than the average firm of the full sample. Panel B of Table 7 reports the SURPRISE regression results. We find no statistically significant association between any of the audit fee metrics and SURPRISE. These results also hold after partitioning firms by their auditor choice. Our results differ from FJN, who find a positive association between SURPRISE and FEERATIO. FJN also report a positive (negative) association between RANKNON (RANKAUD) and SURPRISE. We are unable to provide an explanation as to why our results differ from those of FJN.

[Insert Table 8 here.]

Panel A of Table 8 provides descriptive statistics for the variables used in the INCREASE benchmark regression. The descriptive statistics on the explanatory variables are similar to those of the discretionary accrual analysis. Panel B of Table 8 reports the INCREASE regression results. We find negative and significant coefficients on TOTAL and AUDIT, which is consistent with the findings of FJN, but is inconsistent with the claim that greater auditor fees increases the likelihood


外文翻译 原文: T h e V a l u e O f In t e r n a l A u d i t In C or p or a t e G ov e r n a n c e Today, corporate boards must provide close oversight of such vital issues as finance, accounting, risk management, and compliance in often-complex o r g anizati ons. Yet there i s an organization wi t hin the c ompa ny t hat ha s bee n shaping just the controls needed to effectively monitor these governance matters—internal audit. By making internal audit a stronger player in the governance team, smart boards can tap into a highly valuable source of expertise. Internal auditors are like a lighthouse. Their work provides a point of reference that enabl e s compani e s t o know w he re t hey are—and t heir gui dance c a n h elp provide the insights they need to navigate with confidence into the future. That is why expectations are high that internal auditors will “raise the bar”by continuing to improve operating efficiency as well as effectiveness—not just in controls, risk management, and governance, but across the enterprise as a whole. There a re th re e mess a ges I would like to shar e on how i nternal audi t ors ca n ke e p th e momentum going by building new value for today, and by becoming a source of leadership talent for business organizations tomorrow. First,internal auditors can help enable the“risk intelligent enterprise.” While management and the board may “o w n”risk, internal auditors can play a key role in ena b ling the “risk int e llige n t e nt erpri s e.”At D e loitt e, this is an outcome t hat we strongly advocate for our clients, for ourselves, and for any corporation that wants to grow and prosper. Think about it. In all companies, risk abounds—in governance, in strategy and execution, in operations, and in infrastructure. If the magnitude of this challenge were not already enough, other factors can leverage the impact of risk, from the speed at which events can unfold to the uncertainty that often accompanies them. It would be great if those were the only challenges but, of course, there are countless others to consider.


文献出处:C E Hogan. The Discussion of Audit Risk Control [J]. Contemporary Accounting Research, 2015, 25(1): 219. 原文 The Discussion of Audit Risk Control C E Hogan Abstract For any one market, seeking resources optimal configuration is its internal requirements, this requirement with complete information between market subjects, in reality, however, investors and by investors, creditors and debtors, regulators and inevitable existence of information asymmetry between the regulated, audit the generation of the industry is to eliminate the information asymmetry. Certified public accountants to verify statements of the financial information of foreign enterprises and other information, the truth of market main body with information as close as possible to complete information is the process of the audit. Since the audit conclusion is certified public accountants in sampling surveys on the basis of the subjective conclusion, usually can't be absolutely perfect information, the audit risk and the audit risk is the audit itself inherent cannot evade a question. Keywords: audit risk, audit risk management and risk control 1 Introduction Auditing profession development, has become an indispensable organic part of market economy, in the establishment and maintenance of the capital market development, holds an important place of audit, audit of the financial market is hard to imagine. In recent years, however, in view of the accounting firms and certified public accountants case erupted repeatedly, most lawsuits and high litigation of the damages to the whole industry development.2002 of the American journal of accounting statistics results show that the United States over the past 15 years for the auditor to accuse lawsuit, far more than the whole industry occurred in the 105 - year history of the total number of ['];European Ernst & young, KPMG, delete and PWC international accounting firms in 2007, a year only received compensation lawsuit, claim amount


中英文对照外文翻译文献 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 浅析内部审计风险的成因及解决途径 摘要 内部审计风险成因包括内部审计机构的独立性不够,内部审计人员的业务不精,内部审计方法的科学性不强,内部审计管理的制度不健全。为了降低内部审计风险,应加强内部审计的法制建设,保证内部审计的独立性,提高内部审计人员的素质,执行科学合理的审计工作程序,正确处理降低风险与经济效益的关系,开

展以风险为导向的风险基础审计。 一、内部审计风险形成的原因 1.内部审计机构的独立性不够内部审计机构是单位内设机构,在单位负责人的领导下开展工作,为单位服务。因此,内部审计的独立性不如社会审计,在审计过程中,不可避免地受本单位的利益制约。内审人员面临的是与单位领导层之间的领导与被领导的关系以及与各科室、部门之间的同事关系,所涉及的人不是领导就是同事,非直接有关也是间接相关, 审计过程及结论然涉及到具体的个人利益,因而审计过程难免受到各类人员干扰。 2.内部审计人员的业务不精审计人员素质的高低是决定审计风险大小的主要因素。审计人员的素质包括从事审计需要的政策法规水平、专业知识、经验、技能、审计职业道德和工作责任。 审计经验是审计人员应有的一种重要技能,审计经验需要实践的积累。我国的内部审计人员中不少人仅熟悉财务会计业务,一些审计人员不了解本单位的经营活动和内部控制,审计经验有限。另外,内部审计人员工作责任和职业道德也是影响审计风险的因素。由于我国内审准则工作规范和职业道德标准方面还有一些空白,许多内审机构和人员缺乏应有的职业规范的约束和指导。总之,目前我国内审人员总体素质偏低,直接影响到内审工作开展的深度和广度。面对当今内审对象的复杂和内容的拓展,内审人员势单力簿,这将直接导致审计风险的产生。 3.内部审计方法的科学性不强 我国内审方法是制度基础审计,随着企业内部经营管理环境复杂化,这种审计模式不适应开展内部管理审计的需要,因为它过分依赖于对企业内部管理控制的测试,本身就蕴藏巨大的风险内部审计一般采用统计抽样方法,由于抽样审计本身是以样本的审查结果来推断总体的特征,因此,样本和总体之间必然会形成一定的误差,形成审计的抽样风险。随着信息化程度提高,被审计单位的会计信息资料会越来越多,差错和虚假的会计资料掺杂其中,失察的可能性也随之加大。虽然统计抽样是建立在坚实的数学理论基础之上,但其本身是允许存在一定的审计风险的。同样,大量的分析性审核也会产生相关风险,使审计风险的构成内容更4.内部审计管理的制度不健全


内部和外部审计监督的实证比较 理查德?L.拉特利夫、理查德?L.詹森、詹姆斯 C.弗拉格 管理审计杂志,第8 卷,第2章,2006 年,第9-16页 ? MCB 大学出版社,0268-6902 引言 审计监督项目的对象包括所有可以确保审核有效地进行的必要活动。监督一个审计项目与向管理方提出的审计报告息息相关。新西兰社会会计师公会在其审计准则中明确提出正确的审计业务过程中应当包含约定计划和监督。内部审计师协会(IIA)以及其在美国的总部与新西兰的区域分会在其《内部审计专业实践标准》中也提到:“审计工作应妥善计划和监督”。 总体审计项目监督中很重要的一方面就是对那些计划已得到批准的审计工作的监督。 内部审计师协会(IIA)重点要求审计项目应得到“妥善监管”,其中包括: ●指导审计人员的工作分配 ●监督审计方案的批准 ●确保有足够数量的审计底稿 ●保证足够的审计报告 ●确保审计目标的实现 ●监督审计过程中记录并保留证据 新西兰社会会计师公会在审计准则4中明确指出:“审计工作者应当小心地直接监督和审查那些委托助理们完成的工作。”为达到本文研究目的,这里引用准则4中提到的审计监督方面的术语包括“方向”“监督”“审查”。 “方向”包括“告知助理他们的职责和审计程序的目标”,督促他们并且“让他们知道那些可能会影响整个审计程序的性质、时间及进度的事项……”。准则针对正确的审计工作列出了时间计划表、计划备忘和审计书面方案。 “监督”包括监察审计工作的进展、对审计工作计划中要求修改的部分提出警告以及用自己的专业判断来解决问题。准则中同时还指出:对每一项由助理完成的工作必须进行检查。 尽管内部审计师协会(IIA)和新西兰社会会计师公会提供了一些关于审计监督的指导性意见,但除了公会简要的未明确定义出规划的时间表、计划备忘以


文献信息: 文献标题:A Theoretical Discussion of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs(科威特工业中小企业内部审计有效性的理论探讨)国外作者:Awn Metlib AL-SHBAIL,Turki A.A.TURKI 文献出处:《International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences》, 2017,1(7):107-116 字数统计:英文2221单词,12805字符;中文4184汉字 外文文献: A Theoretical Discussion of Internal Audit Effectiveness in Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs Abstract This paper aims to scrutinise the association between the internal audit effectiveness and the four factors associated with International Standards for Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (ISPPIA): independence of internal auditors, scope of internal auditors, management support, and audited cooperation. The relationship between these factors and Satisfaction of internal auditors is also examined. Further, the moderating effect on the relationship between these factors (if present) and the effectiveness of IA among industrial SMEs in Kuwait are investigated through satisfaction of internal auditors. By ascertaining the effectiveness of IA at the industrial firms via theories as well as variables, this paper broadens the available literature on the effectiveness of IA. Key words:Internal audit effectiveness, satisfaction of internal auditors, Kuwaiti Industrial SMEs 1.Introduction Within the past few decades, internal audit departments have significantly contributed to organizational structure through value added services and thus, it has


中英文翻译 内部控制爆炸① 摘要:Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 关键词:机构理论;公司治理;外部审计;内部审计;内部控制制度;管理控制 1 概述 Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审 ①Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research and Education Center (MARC), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands s.maijoor@marc.unimaas.nl Fax: 31-43-3884876 Tel: 31-43-3883783

计制度和内部控制,它已然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。例如,在最近的对于欧洲联盟内外部审计服务的内部市场形成的辩论中,监管建议建立关于内部控制和内部审计制度。虽然对有关内部控制的价值期望高,但Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制是对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 在审计和公司治理的公共政策辩论中,内部控制的概念越来越得到重视。公共越来越关注内部控制,令人对power在1997年英国和北美的书中的审计社会的现状有所信服。此书的主题是在Anglo-Saxon经济体的审计活动:审计爆炸的扩散。Power表示,联合开发与审计爆炸带动了内部控制制度兴起。增加监管问责制是公众对审计和公司治理政策辩论机构内部控制系统的一部分。然而Power注意到,尽管公众对内部控制的关注度迅速增加,内部控制的概念还是很模糊。他支出,内部控制是什么,内部控制的有效性的界定是内部控制的最基本问题。 本文讨论研究内部控制的兴起,认为内部控制的研究也有一些潜在的问题。首先,在以往的研究中,长期的内部控制涵盖完全不同的概念。其次,有关的内部控制研究机构的规模是有限的,要从孤立的学科进行交叉使用得到结果很难。因此,内部控制是尚未独立的研究范畴。最后,以往的对内部控制的研究没有彻底解决在审计和公司治理的公共政策辩论中谈到的内部控制有关问题。假设的内部控制、财务报告和公司治理的基本关系也没有被证实。 本文解构如下:在开始对内部控制进行研究和讨论之前,先介绍了两个主要的,在Power1997的书中所提出的发展:第一部分讨论了审计爆炸,第二部分讨论了内部控制的崛起。两者也讲被从欧盟的角度评论。第三部分讨论了什么是内部控制,并从会计研究的三个主要观点出发,研究内部控制制度。第四部分确定了内部控制和公司治理的公共政策辩论所承担的四个基本关系,并讨论之前的相关研究。最后一节提供了一个总结和结论。 2 内部控制的崛起 不论是否存在审计爆炸,Power1997和1998在审计中变得越来越重要。根据Power (1997年83爷),因为内部控制系统的可审计假设使得审计爆炸成为可能。根据更具体


经营分析与估值 克雷沙·G.帕利普保罗·M.希利 摘自书籍“Business Analysis and Valuation”第五版第一章节 1.简介 本章的目的是勾勒出一个全面的财务报表分析框架。因为财务报表提供给公共企业经济活动最广泛使用的数据,投资者和其他利益相关者依靠财务报告评估计划企业和管理绩效率。 各种各样的问题可以通过财务状况及经营分析解决,如下面的示例所示: 一位证券分析师可能会对问:“我的公司有多好?这家公司是否符合我的期望?如果没有,为什么不呢?鉴于我对公司当前和未来业绩的评估,该公司的股票价值是多少?” 一位信贷员可能需要问:“这家公司贷款给这家公司有什么贷款?公司管理其流动性如何?公司的经营风险是什么?公司的融资和股利政策所产生的附加风险是什么?“ 一位管理顾问可能会问:“公司经营的行业结构是什么?该策略通过在工业各个企业追求的是什么?不同企业在行业中的相对表现是什么?” 公司经理可能会问:“我的公司是正确的估值的投资者吗?是我们在通信程序中有足够的投资者来促进这一过程?” 财务报表分析是一项有价值的活动,当管理者在一个公司的战略和各种体制因素完成后,他们不可能完全披露这些信息。在这一设置中,外部分析师试图通过分析财务报表数据来创建“中端信息”,从而获得有价值的关于该公司目前业绩和未来前景的展望。 了解财务报表分析所做的贡献,这是很重要的理解在资本市场的运作,财务报告的作用,形成财务报表制度的力量。因此,我们首先简要说明这些力量,然后我们讨论的步骤,分析师必须执行,以提取信息的财务报表,并提供有价值的预测。 2.从经营活动到财务报表 企业管理者负责从公司的环境中获取物理和财务资源,并利用它们为公司的投资者创造价值。当公司在资本成本的超额投资时,就创造了价值。管理者制定经营战略,实现这一目标,并通过业务活动实施。企业的经营活动受其经济环境和经营战略的影响。经济环境包括企业的产业、投入和产出的市场,以及公司经营的规章制度。公司的业务战略决定企业如何定位自己的环境中获得竞争优势。 2.1会计制度特点1:权责发生制会计 企业财务报告的基本特征之一是权责发生制,它们是以权责发生制而不是现金会计制备的。不像现金会计,权责发生制会计与经济交流活动和实际收付现金相关的成本和效益的记录之间的区别。净收益是应计制会计下的主要周期性业绩指标。计算净收入,生态影响的经济交易记录的基础上的预期,并不一定是


盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。 In depe ndent audit risk an alysis and preve ntive measures Abstract Previous studies have utilized a variety of approaches to determine appropriate criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the internal audit function. For example, con sidered the degree of complia nee with sta ndards as one of the factors which affects internal audit performanee. A 1988 research report from the IIA-United Kingdom (IIA-UK, 1988)focused on the perceptions of both senior management and external auditors of the value of the internal audit function. The study identified the difficulty of measuring the value of services provided as a major obstacle to such an evaluation. Profitability, cost standards and the effective ness of resource utilizati on were ide ntified as measures of the value of services. In its recommendations it highlighted the need to ensure that audit work complies with SPPIA. In the US, Albrecht et al.(1988)studied the roles and ben efits of the in ternal audit fun cti on and developed a framework for the purpose of evaluat ing internal audit effective ness. They found that there were four areas that the directors of in ternal audit departments could develop to enhance effectiveness: an appropriate corporate environment, top management support, high quality internal audit staff and high quality in ternal audit work. The authors stressed that man ageme nt and auditors should recognize the internal audit function as a value-adding function to the organization. In the UK, Ridley and D ' Silva (1997) identified the importanee of complying with professional standards as the most important contributor to the internal audit function adding value. Key words Audit,Risk, I nternal C on trol, Audit ing Complia nee with SPPIA A number of studies have focused on the SPPIA standard concerned with independence.Clark et al.(1981) found that the independence of the internal audit department and the level of authority to which internal audit staff report were the two most importa nt criteria in flue ncing the objectivity of their work. Plumlee (1985) focused on potential threats to internal auditor objectivity, 卑微如蜷蚁坚瀏以大象

管理 审计 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 内部控制爆X炸

外文出处:Maijoor S. The Internal Control Explosion[J]. International Journal of Auditing, 2000, 4(1):101–109. 内部控制爆炸① 摘要:Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已内部控制爆炸然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 关键词:机构理论;公司治理;外部审计;内部审计;内部控制制度;管理控制 1 概述 Power的1997版书以审计社会为主题的探讨使得审计活动在联合王国(英国)和北美得到扩散。由审计爆炸一同带动的是内部控制制度的兴起。审计已经从审计结果转向审计制度和内部控制,它已然成为公众对公司治理和审计监管政策的辩论主题。例如,在最近的对于欧洲联盟内外部审计服务的内部市场形成的辩论中,监管建议建立关于内部控制和内部审计制度。虽然对有关内部控制的价值期望高,但Power表示对什么是有效的内部控制各方说法不一。本人对内部控制研究方面有一个合理的解释。内部控制是对非常不同概念的各个领域的会计进行探究,并研究如何控制不同水平的组织。因此,内部控制研究的各类之间的交叉影响是有限的,而且,许多内部会计控制是研究是再更宽广的公司治理问题的背景下进行的。所以,许多有关内部控制制度对公司治理的价值观点扔需要进行研究。 在审计和公司治理的公共政策辩论中,内部控制的概念越来越得到重视。公共越来①Maastricht Accounting and Auditing Research and Education Center (MARC), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands s.maijoor@marc.unimaas.nl Fax: 31-43-3884876 Tel: 31-43-3883783


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内部控制透视:理论与概念 摘要:内部控制是会计程序或控制系统,旨在促进效率或保证一个执行政策或保护资产或避免欺诈和错误。内部是一个组织管理的重要组成部分。它包括计划、方法和程序使用,以满足任务,目标和目的,并在这样做,支持基于业绩的管理。内部控制是管理阶层的平等与控制可以帮助管理者实现资源的预期的有效管理的结果通过。内部控制应减少或违规错误的风险关联未被发现的,但设计和建立有效的内部控制不是一个简单的任务,不可能是一个实现通过快速修复短套。在此讨论了内部文件的概念的不同方面的内部控制和管制。 关键词:内部控制,管理控制,控制环境,控制活动,监督 1、介绍 环境需要新的业务控制变量不为任何潜在的股东和管理人士的响应因子为1,另外应执行/她组织了一个很大的控制权。控制是管理活动的东西或以上施加控制。思想的产生和近十年的发展需要有系统的商业资源和控制这种财富一个新的关注。主题之一热一回合管制的商业资源是分析每个控制成本效益。 作为内部控制和欺诈的第一道防线,维护资产以及预防和侦查错误。内部控制,我们可以说是一种控制整个系统的财务和其他方面的管理制定了为企业的顺利运行;它包括内部的脸颊,内部审计和其他形式的控制。 COSO的内部控制描述如下。内部控制是一个客观的方法用来帮助确保实现。在会计和组织理论,内部控制是指或目标目标的过程实施由组织的结构,工作和权力流动,人员和具体的管理信息系统,旨在帮助组织实现。这是一种手段,其中一个组织的资源被定向,监控和测量。它发挥着无形的(重要的作用,预防和侦查欺诈和保护组织的资源,包括生理(如,机械和财产)和乙二醇,声誉或知识产权,如商标)。在组织水平,内部控制目标与可靠性的目标或战略的财务报告,及时反馈业务上的成就,并遵守法律,法规。在具体的交易水平,内部控制是指第三方采取行动以实现一个具体目标(例如,如何确保本组织的款项,在申请服务提供有效的。)内部控制程序reduce程变异,导


会计学内部审计 中英文资料外文翻译文献 内部审计在沙特阿拉伯的发展:协会理论透视 内部审计职能的价值1 早先的研究已经运用各种各样的方法来制定适当的标准以评估内部审计职能的有效率。比如说,视遵照标准的程度为影响内部审计表现的其中因素之一。一份1988年国际会计师协会英国协会的研究报告就致力与研究内部审计作用价值中高级管理层和外部审计员的认知力。这项研究证明了衡量所提供服务的价值的艰难性就是做评估的主要障碍。收益性,费用标准以及资源利用率都被确认为服务价值的衡量标准。在这项研究里,它强调了确保内部审计工作应遵从SPPIA的必要性。 在美国,1988的Albrechta研究过内部审计的地位和作用,还为了能有效的评估内部审计的效率特别制定出一套框架。他们发现有四个能让内部审计部门发展从而提高内部审计效率的要件:一个合适的企业环境,高级管理层的支持,具备高素质的内部审计人员以及高质量的内部审计工作。在这项研究里学者们强调管理层和审计人员都应该承认内部审计职能对于企业来说是一种具有增值性的职能。在英国,1997年,Ridley和D’Silva证明遵循专业标准的重要性是促进内部审计职能增值功能的最重要的因素。 遵循SPPIA 大量的研究都特别专注于内部审计部门对于SPPIA遵从性的研究。1992年,Powell et al对11个国家的国际会计师协会的成员进行了一项全球性的调查以证明是否有全球性的内部审计文化。他们发现对这11个国家的国际会计师协会成员的调查中,有82%的是遵循SPPIA的。这个蛮高的百分比率促使学者们建议SPPIA提供内部审计这个职业全球化的证据。许多的研究已经关注涉及到独立性的SPPIA标准。1981年,Clark et al发现内部审计部门的独立性和内部审计人员所做报告的权威性是影响他们工作 Abdulrahman A. M. Al-Twaijry, John A. Brierley and David R. Gwilliam * Internal Audit Research


会计师审计独立性中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 变化中的会计师审计独立性——与当前环境与时俱进 2005年8月——具《注册会计师专刊》的主编罗伯特科尔森在他2004年3月的专栏里的研究表明,“会计师审计的独立性”的概念,在过去的150多年中,是不断变化的。从一般意义上说,会计师审计的独立性与当前的商业环境是存在着密切的关联的。但是,不同的“会计师审计的独立性”的概念之间,并没有明显的过渡。通常情况下,许多审计的独立性的不同概念的提出,都是围绕着专业的会计师、审计师、监管机构和一般公众之间的独立性,所展开讨论的。 会计师审计的独立性的最初概念,出现在19世纪。它的出现,是基于这样一个前提的,即主要是英国本土的专业会计师和审计师,对整个大英帝国以前的和

现有的殖民资本承担监督的责任。在此期间,数量上相对来说较少的会计师事务所,却要对相对来说大数量的群体执行审计的任务。这些专业的会计师和审计师就有可能同时对不同的实体出具财务报告、为不同的投资群体工作。 在这个时代,会计师审计独立性的概念,并没有把审计设想为一个独立存在的审计实体;英国投资者明确禁止审计者在其审计的企业工作或参与投资。与此同时,只要会计师保持对主要投资者的审计服务,他们的专业会计服务的范围,是可以合理地扩大的。例如,审计师被允许可以帮他们所审计的企业编制财务报表。 会计师审计的独立性这一初步的概念在19世纪末到20世纪初发生了改变。在这段时期,经济上有了一个大的变化,那就是资本的主要来源由国内市场转向到外国资本市场。这一变化的出现是与美国的大型工业公司,如采矿,铁路,能源,电力和电信,的出现相关联的。伴随着这些美国大公司的出现的,也包括着对公司商业性的理解的改变。在上世纪30年代,经济学家阿道夫贝尔和伽尔迪纳指出,推进对这一变化的理解的,是大型企业所有权的分离,以及会计和审计对于公司的财产权益的重要性。在这一新思路下,审计的主要职责,就是为集体的所有权益的需要而服务,而不是某个具体的无所有权的利益。这种集体的所有权益,基本上是由国内的股东组成,通常往往是大银行或非常富有的投资者。 联邦证券法在新政时代的通过,以及美国证券交易委员会的成立,使会计师审计的独立性的概念,有了再一次的转变。美国证券交易委员会的成立,对建立出具财务报告和审计法规的标准,有着最重要的影响。通过这种努力,公共的会计师和审计师不再认为他们的主要职责,是为那些特定的物主,或某些集体的所有权益;而是按照一套既定的专业标准,来编制财务报表,和进行财务决算的审计工作。会计师审计的独立性的概念,转向为在财务状况和经营业绩的报告中保持客观性和中立性,而不是忠于某一政党。这一观点,由西澳佩顿教授,在理论上和书面上被阐述出来,他着重强调了公司财务报表的重要性。 会计师审计独立性的客观和中立的概念,一直趋于上风,成为主流。直到20世纪70年代,当财务会计准则委员会成立,成为独立的、权威的会计标准制定者。大约从那个时候开始,公共的会计公司开始改变其客观和中立的原则,并开始对他们的审计客户宣传和提供关于会计和审计的事项。同时,在全球范围内,


IIA“内部审计”定义中文翻译修改说明 自1941年成立以来,国际内部审计师协会(以下简称IIA)共发表了7个内部审计定义,这些定义的修改和完善,记录了国际内部审计发展的进程。1999年6月,IIA理事会批准了关于内部审计的新定义。其英文如下:“Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organiz ation’s operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.” 该定义反映了国际内部审计实务的重大变革,扩大了内部审计的职能,它明确了内部审计的宗旨、服务目标、工作范围、技术方法和人员素质要求。正因如此,该定义引起了世界各国内部审计人员的广泛关注。 过去几年,由于种种原因,对IIA内部审计定义存在多种不同的中文译法。最近,我协会组织内部审计领域的专家、学者和实务工作者对IIA《内部审计实务标准》(以下简称《红皮书》)的内部审计定义及目录的中文译法进行讨论。经过认真细致的讨论,大家对IIA内部审计定义的中文译法取得了较为一致的意见,即:“内部审计是一种独立、客观的确认和咨询活动,旨在增加价值和改善组织的运营。它通过应用系统的、

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