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当前位置:文档库 › 2015新版中石油职称英语模拟考试题-1(word版)



I. Vocabulary Sectio n


Directions: There are 10 in complete senten ces in this secti on. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE an swer that best completes the sentence and mark your an swer on the an swer sheet.

1.1 could just see a car in the dista nee, but I could n't __ what color it was.

A. make out

B. look to

C. look out

D. take in

2. He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been ___

A. imposed

B. exposed

C. composed

D. opposed

3. You should these tables and buy new ones.

A. throw off

B. throw dow n

C. throw up

D. throw away

4. ______ t heir suggestions we will discuss them fully at the next meeting.

A. In regard for

B. In regard t o

C. With regard of

D. Regardless for

5. On cloudy nights it is not possible to see the stars with ________ eye.

A. n aked

B. bare

C. flesh

D. pure

6. Many new ____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.

A. opport un ities

B. n ecessities

C. probabilities

D. realities

7. I found myself completely ____ by his vivid performanee.

A. carried out

B. carried off

C. carried away

D. carried on

8. Although the exam in atio n he had passed was uni mporta nt, his success ___ him in his

later study.

A. persuaded

B. promised

C. urged

D. en couraged

9. This is the first time you have been late.

A. un der no circumsta nces

B. on no acco unt

C. by no means

D. for no reas on

10. The taxi had to _ because the traffic light had turned red.

A. set up

B. catch up

C. shut up

D. pull up

Secti on B

Directi ons: There are 10 senten ces in this sect ion. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases. You are to choose the one word or phrase which would best keep ing the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined word or phrase. Then mark your answer on the an swer sheet. -

II. The roof of the house was practically falling in and the front steps were rotting away.

A. almost

B. esse ntially

C. always

D. convenien tly

12. T he greatest physical disti nction betwee n huma ns and apes is the hollow space huma ns have

un der their chins.


A. attractio n

B. dan ger

C. comfort

D. differe nee

A. very small a car

B. too small a car

13. S cientists are trying to develop computers that will simulate the human thought process.

A. substitute

B. assume

C. project

D. reflect

14. T enants do not own their own apartments, they merely occupy the dwellings.

A. i ntellectuals

B. ren ters

C. coloni zers

D. con tractors

15. B uddhist monks claim to detach their mi nds from their bodies.

A. separate

B. attach

C. deliver

D. deta in

16. W e encountered the Smiths before leaving the parking lot.

A. met

B. saw

C. helped

D. surprised

17. M r. Jones was taken inby that door to door salesman ' s mooth talk. He paid almost $ for a

vacuum clea ner.

A. deceived

B. i ncited

C. implicated

D. saturated

18. T he chorale wan ted to rehearse the song before the performa nee.

A. si ng

B. rewrite

C. i ntroduce

D. practice

19. P rejudice towards minorities probable stems from fear of the unknown.

A. an ger

B. bias

C. rude ness

D. action

20. It is unwise to provoke strange animals.

A. feed

B. touch

C. an ger

D. chase

II. Grammatical Structure Section A

Directi ons: There are 10 in complete senten ces in this secti on. For each sentence there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE an swer that best completes the sentence and mark your an swer on the an swer sheet.

21. So frighte ned __ in dark ness that she did not dare to move an in ch.

A. was the girl

B. the girl was

C. such a girl was

D. that the girl was

22. _ ou may be right, I can ' t altogether agree.

A. As

B. While

C. If 23. — Imust have eate n somethi ng wron g. I feel like _

—I told you not to eat at a restaura nt. You better A. to throw up ... to cat

C. to throw up ... cat

24. His resp onse wa_ that he did n

A. so

B. which

26. He is sure that there was a flying saucer over there. If he had n't see n it himself, he

D. would n ever have believed

27. I wish Bill would drive us to the train station but he has D. Since


B. throw ing up ... eati ng D. throw ing up... cat t say yes and he did n

C. what

D. such t say no. 25. I have not found my book yet. I

A. whether

B. what en not sucould have done with it

C. why

D. where it.

A. n ever have believed

B. n ever did believe

C. could n ever believe to take us all.

C. a too small car

D. such a small car

28. _ the build ing for stole n goods, the police found twenty machi ne guns.

A. Search ing

B. Being search ing

C. Searched

D. To search

29. Close the door, __

A. will you

B. do you

C. shall you

D. don ' t you

30. The storm __ , they had to live in a cave.

A. has destroyed their hut

B. to destroy their hut

C. hav ing destroyed their hut

D. being destroyed


Un ited States for the past eight years.

32. Members of a nation ' s foreign seepc e sentthat country ' s inteabsbad and report on


the con diti ons, tren ds, and policies of the country which they arc stati on ed.


33. A mortgage enables a person to buy property without paying for it outright; thus more people

B C are able to enjoy to own a house.


34. Basal body temperature refers to the most lowest temperature of a healthy in dividual dur ng A B


wak ing hours.

35. Aft er m uch d i scussi on, t h e n egot iator s deci ded not maki ng an offer un ti l they had loo ked o ve r

A the con tract.

36. Employme nt ben efits are give n new employees hav in creased treme ndously.


37. The Board of Directors are in the process of d ssolving the company.


38. The doctor will be giving you a lot of information; if you have questions about them, let


us know :


Directi ons: In questi ons 31-40 each sentence has four un derli ned words or phrases, marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which is in correct and must be cha nged to make the sentence correct. Then mark your an swer on the an swer sheet.

31. In dustrial man ageme nt is the aspect of bus in ess man ageme nt that was most prominent in the


39. The officers of Tiffany & Compa ny decided that they can establish a new branch of their store


at Paris.


40. The director suggested that you and me report our findings to the team directly.


III . Cloze Test

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. The n mark your an swer on the An swer Sheet.

If you were to begi n a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic stre ngths and weak nesses. Success or 41 in your work would depe nd, to a great exte nt, 42 your ability to use your stre ngths and weak nesses to the best adva ntage. Of the utmost importa nee is your attitude.

A person 43 begins a job convinced that lie isn't going to like it or is sure that he is going to ail is exhibit ing a weak ness which can only hin der his success. On the other hand, a pers on who is secure 44 his belief that he is probably as capable of doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt by it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The cha nces are that he will do well.

45 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weak ness. A book keeper who can't add or a carpe nter who can't cut a straight line with a saw is hopeless cases.

This book has been designed to help you capitalize 46 the strength and overcome the 47 that you bring to the job of lear ning. But in group to measure your developme nt, you must first take stock of where you sta nd now. 48 we get further along in the book, we'll be deali ng in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening 49 skills. However, to beg in with, you should pause to exam ine your prese nt stre ngths and weak nesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your 50 , your read ing and com muni cati on

skills, and your study habits.

41. A. improveme nt B. victory C. failure D. a chieveme nt

42. A. in B. on C. of D. t o

43. A. who B. what C. that D. w hich

44. A. onto B. on C. off D. i n

45. A. Have B. Had C. Havi ng D. H ad bee n

46. A. except B. but C. for D. o n

47. A. idea B. weakness C. stre ngth D. adva ntage

48. A. as B. till C. over D. o ut

49. A. learnt B. lear ned C. learni ng D. l ear n

50. A. in tellige nee B. work C. attitude D. w eakness

IV. Readi ng Comprehe nsion

Sectio n A

Directi ons: There are 4 passages in this secti on. Each passage is followed by 4 questi ons or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your an swer on the An swer Sheet.

Questio ns 51 to 54 are based on the follow ing passage:

In the past, American families tended to be quite large. Parents raising five or more children

were com mon. Over the years, the size of the family has decreased. One reas on for this is an in crease in the cost of liv ing. On the average, childre n atte nd schools for more years tha n they used to, mak ing them finan cially depe ndent on their families Ion ger. Moreover, childre n no wadays are better dressed and have more money to spe nd on en terta inment. The pare nts usually take the responsibility for all the expenses. Meanwhile, families are less close than they used to be. More and more America n mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce, A lot of children in the U. S. live part of their young lives with only one pare nt. Broke n families usually result in problems for childre n and pare nts alike. Children blame themselves when their parents separate. They grow up feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth betwee n pare nts. Usually one pare nt is resp on sible for raisi ng the childre n. These sin gle pare nts must care for the childre n's emoti onal and psychological n eeds while also supporting them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the pare nt's own pers onal in terests. Sin gle pare nts ofte n marry other sin gle pare nts. In this type of family, un related childre n are forced to develop brother or sister relati on ship. The situati ons of many America n families today are not good. However, rece nt sig ns in dicate that things are gett ing better. The divorce rate is decli ning. The rate of childbirth is rising. Perhaps America ns have lear ned how importa nt families are.

51. T o pare nts who take the resp on sibility for childre n's expe nses, the cost of liv ing in creases


A. childre n atte nd school for more years

B. childre n are better dressed

C. childre n spe nd more money on en terta inment

D. all of the above

52. What problems would broke n families bring to both childre n and pare nts

A. Childre n grow up feeli ng un settled and pare nts did n't pay much atte nti on to childre n.

B. Childre n grow up feeli ng free and one pare nt is resp on sible for rais ing the childre n.

C. Childre n are moved back and forth betwee n pare nts and the sin gle pare nt is busy work ing to make money to support himself/herself.

D. Children grow up feeling unsettled, and the parents have little time for his/her own

in terests because one pare nt is too busy tak ing care of childre n.

53. According to the author, the situations of American families in the future may __

A. become worse

B. rema in the same

C. get better

D. keep un cha nged

54. The title of the article might be __

A. America n Childre n

B. America n Families

C. America n Mother

D. America n Pare nts

Questions 55 to 58 are based on the following passage:

Whe n I was study ing at Yale, some phe nomena puzzled me greatly. I found that Chin ese stude nts or Asia n stude nts were very polite in class while America n stude nts ofte n in terrupted the

professor, asking questions and dominating the discussion. The Chinese students were not as aggressive as America n stude nts.

I was impressed by the role of the professor in the sem ina 讨论会).The professor did n't act as an authority, giving final conclusions, but as a researcher looking for answers to questions together with the stude nts. One lin guistic 语言的)feature of his in teract ing with his stude nts was that he used many modal 情态的)verbs--far more than I did in Beiwai. When answering questions, he usually said, "This is my personal opinion and it could be wrong." or "You could be right, but you might find this point of view also interesting." In China, authorities are always supposed to give wise decisi ons and correct directi ons. Therefore, stude nts always expect the professor to give an an swer to the questio n, i still remember how frustrated they were whe n foreig n teachers did not provide such an an swer. Their expectati ons from authorities are much higher tha n that of America n stude nts. Once the Chin ese stude nts got the an swer, they were sure about it.

Education in China is valued for united thinking. I remember American teachers who taught in our university complaining about the fact that Chinese students uniformly expressed the same idea in their En glish compositi on. The exam in ati ons in America usually do not test a stude nt's ability to memorize the material but his ability to analyze and solve problems. Education in America is valued not only as a means to obta in employme nt but as a process of enhancing critical thinking.

55. In the USA, when the students are in class, __

A. a Chin ese stude nt tends to be very active

B. an America n stude nt likes to make trouble

C. a Chin ese stude nt likes to puzzle the teacher

D. an America n stude nt tends to be vigorous

56. A teacher in the USA prefers to __ when he answers questions.

A. be very sin cere

B. be very direct

C. be very self-c on fide nt

D. be very in differe nt

57. What is the opin io n of the author concerning the differe nee of teachi ng methods betwee n

China and the USA

A. He thinks that Chin ese teachi ng methods can make stude nts learn more.

B. He holds that the major purpose of Chin ese teachi ng methods is to improve stude nts'

remembra nee.

C. He thinks that America n teachi ng is ability orie nted.

D. He holds that American teachers hate to give a test.

58. The author thinks that the relati on ship betwee n the stude nt and the teacher is __

A. more in timate in Chi na

B. closer in Chi na

C. looser in USA

D. more harm onious in USA

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