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Task 1- practice

Task 1- practice
Task 1- practice


Describe a character in a book,movie or TV program that deeply impressed you. Explain why you like this character. Include reasons and details to support your response.

Describe a person you’d like to know more. Explain what you’d like to know more about this person. Include reasons and examples in your response.

Describe a special friend in your childhood,why he or she is special to you? Include reasons and details to support your response.

Describe an elder person that you respect. This person could be one of your grandparents or neighbors. Explain why you admire this person,and how this person influenced you.


Describe a popular gathering place where people in your town usually go for relaxation. Explain why people in your town like to go there. Include reasons and examples to support your response

Choose one of the following natural environment and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain,forest,desert,prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use

specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Describe an outdoor place you’d like to go for outdoor activities in nice weathers. Explain why you’d like to go to this place.

Choose a school which is very impressive to you and explain why it is impressive to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.


What was your favorite toy or game in your childhood? Explain why this toy or game was special to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response

Describe a special and valuable object that is important to you. Explain why this object is important to you. Include details and examples in your explanation.

Describe a special gift you gave to some one else. Explain why it is a special gift? Include details to support your explanation.

Describe a tool or equipment that you rely on often in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

What do you think is the most important invention in the past 100 years? Explain why this invention is important. Include details and examples in your explanation.

Which technology has made the greatest impact on people’s life in your country? Airplane,computer or television. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.

Which transportation do you think is the most enjoyable for you? It could be bicycle,automobile or train. Explain why you think this transportation is important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.


托福口语task1模板汇总 为了帮助大家顺利的通过托福口语模板考试,今天文都国际小编为同学们分享托福口语task1模板汇总,建议大家在备考的时候不妨练习一下哦。 托福口语task1模板:人 In my family, my mother has influenced me greatly because she has so many good qualities. She Is very well educated and keeps an open mind. Her thinking is very modern. She is able to understand people from different generations. In addition, she is a good listener. This makes her tolerant of other people’s opinions. Her personal values set a good example for me to follow in my own life. The way she treats people and thinks makes me want to become the best person I can be. And she helps me to keep a balance in my subjects and in my marks. She also tells me how to see the point of studying so many formulas and equations that seemed so abstract. This is why I think my mother has influenced me the most in my life。 托福口语task1模板:事件 My high school graduation is the most memorable event in my life because it was such a special day. During our graduation we were each called up one at a time to the stage. We each received our diploma and


精心整理1.利弊分析模板 Itisundeniablethatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhobelievethat sth.havemoren egative/positiveeffects,I holdoppositeattitude. Thedrawbacksofsthareobvious.Somepeoplearereallyconcernedabout…Theyholdt hat…(请解释)。个弊 端),whichwilldamage…/endager…. Itisoftenthecasethat…(此处总结)。Butwhenitcomesto…,…,and…,(此处处), … 。 msthat…写调查结果, 1.Besides,。。。(另外一个好处种说法解释)。Thisisanotheraspectofhowsthbenefitsus. …Ithasbothupsidesanddownsides.Buti tismyfirmbeliefthatitsdisadvantages/advantagesof…outweightheadvantages/di sadvantages. 2.同意与否模板 Thereisnodenyingthatthespecificissueofsth./或接whether从句hasbecomecontroversial.However,inspiteofthosewhoareagainst/for…,Iapprov ewholeheartedlyof/或Istronglyobjecttotheideathat…


通知 【文种说明】通知是上级向下级传达指示、批转或转发公文、布置工作与周知事项时所用的一种下行公文,常见有会议通知、工作通知及任免通知。 【模板格式】 1、标题。一般写成“关于xxx的通知”。 2、通知对象。如“各单位”。 3、通知内容,如“会议名称、目的、时间、地点、出席人及会议内容”等。 4、其它特殊事项补充说明。 【参考实例】 控股公司12月份工作例会通知 各子公司、控股公司各部门: 按照公司工作计划,现将控股公司12月份工作例会事宜通知如下: 一、会议时间:2017年12月31日8:00 二、会议地点:总部3#楼二楼第一会议室三、参加人员:各子公司总经理、控股公司各部长 四、会议议程安排另见材料。 五、其他事项 1、此次相关会议资料已以电子版形式已发至各子公司、各部门负责人及相关联络人员处,会议材料中材料六《控股公司2005年度资金平衡计划》暂缺,将在例会上通报,请各位参会领导携带笔记本电脑参加会议。 2、按照董事长指示和相关会议纪要精神,为充分做好会议准备,请各子公司、控股公司各部门办公室人员提前组织本单位相关部门和专业人员对会议议题材料进行专题讨论并形成具体意见提供给参会领导,并将本单位上会意见请于12月29日前反馈至人事行政部行政组××,人事行政部将整理各部门意见汇总及时提供董事长参阅。

3、外埠子公司领导请于12月30日报到,请各子公司办公室人员及时将领导来京时间告知会议联系人。 4、住宿、用餐安排在××俱乐部。 5、联系人:×× ××有限公司 二○xx年十二月二十七日 请示 【文种说明】请示是下级向上级请求决断、指示、批示或批准事项所使用的呈批性公文。请示属于上行公文,应用范围较广泛。 【模板格式】 1、标题。一般写成“关于xxx的请示” 2、主送机关。只能写一个,如“人力资源处”;忌多头请示,如“人力资源处、行政管理处”。 3、请示的原因。 4、请示的事项。 5、结语。一般写成“以上请示妥否,请批示” 【参考实例】 关于购置无线麦克及扩音设备的请示 信息化部: 控股公司总部10楼会议室是总部最大的会议室,主要用于召开人员较多的培训和相关会议。最近一段时间通过使用发现,10楼会议室因较为空旷,若不使用扩音设备,讲课或发言人声音显得较小,会议效果难以保证,不能适应工作需要。因此为提高会议效果,拟请信息化于3月底前购进一套无线扩音设备(无线麦克和相关扩音设备)投入使用,费用约500元。 以上建议妥否,请批示。 人事行政部


托福口语Task1四类话题整合及思路整理 托福口语当中,task 1,2作为independent tasks,是很多考生比较头疼的问题。虽然它相较于后面的integrated tasks来说形式简单,给你一句话的题目直接说出你的思路即可,但是它所涉及到的知识面是非常广泛的,甚至会涉及到我们之前完全没有思考过的领域,甚至是不熟悉的领域。这就要求着我们在复习的时候对于不同话题的思路整理,包括相似话题的整合、以及陌生话题的思路扩展。 Task 1无非就是让我们描述一个与我们生活息息相关的一些事物,我们较为常见的一些话题可以简单来说归纳为四个字母——“OPPE”,及O(object), P(person), P(place), E(event)。 一、object类话题 根据以往常出的题目总结来看,object往往可以分为tangible object(有形物体)以及intangible object(无形无体)。 Tangible object,顾名思义我们能够看得见摸得着的实物,除了一些比较常规的special gift,meaning object之外,还包括出题者最爱考的一些关于book类的话题,即让我们描述最喜欢看的、或是读过的最有意义的一本书。另外,较为常见的一些题目还包括描述a song, a film, a painting, a photograph等题目。在这样的题目当中,很多同学因为不知道要说什么或是不熟悉这样的事物导致完全说不出或是表述不流利,结结巴巴说不到重点。在遇到此类题目,一个比较简单的思路就是不要纠结于一些大家都要知道的名著,我们完全可以从自己比较熟悉的一些话题展开,如自己画的第一幅全家福。另外,尽量避免每个人都在讲的一些话题,比如大部分人都在说《Harry Potter》,那我们如果换成《How to win friends》会不会好很多呢?一定不要给自己挖坑,怎么便于表述怎么来。 至于intangible object,较为常考的有让我们去描述positive invention,favorite subject,important characteristic等话题。在这里还是一样,就我们容易表述的说,每个想法列出两个关键词,再去展开就可以了,在这里表述以简单易懂为主,千万不要说一些高深曲折的大道理。掌握了这些素材之后,object类题目就没问题了。所以建议在考试之前,先把所有可能会考到的题目先过一遍,想到要说什么就已经成功了一半了。 二、person类话题 Person类话题在task 1的考试中形式不多,总结起来无非两类人,一种是我们比较熟悉的在我们身边的人,例如family member, best friend, favorite teacher, an old person you respect 等,由于这些都是我们较为熟悉的,所以比较容易想到,在表述的时候也较为简单。相对来说会有一定难度的就是第二类人——famous person名人了。在task 1,它有可能让你去描述一位你钦佩、喜欢或是想见面的名人,甚至给你规定一定领域。这是如果碰到一些不关注这一领域的就不太好说了。比如一些女生平时对体育不感兴趣,但考试的时候让你去描述一个你最喜欢的足球选手,那可能一下子就懵圈了。但是遇到这样的题目也不用怕,在我们备考时完全可以提前准备好相关素材,在考试的时候也不是任何领域都会考我们,常见的也就actor/actress, singer, spotsman, business man, leader这几类,所以就算我们不喜欢不感兴趣,只要我每个领域都想出来一个人就完全没有问题啦。 在这里给到两个我们凡事涉及到人都非常通用的一些素材思路,一是表述ta在专业领域上的卓越表现。比如ta是歌手,我们说ta歌唱得好,是演员我们说ta演技精湛,是商人我们说ta把公司


雅思写作模板精选 大家都在找的雅思模板来啦,小编现在就分享给大家。 雅思写作模板精选1 1. there is not a great deal of differencebetween...and... ...与...的区别不大。 2. the graphs show a threefold increase in thenumber of... 该图表表明...的数目增长了三倍。 3. ..decreased year by year while...increasedsteadily. ...逐年减少,而...逐步上升。 4. the situation reached a peak(a high point at) of [%]. ...的情况(局势)到达顶(高)点,为...百分点。 5. the figures/situation bottomed out in... 数字(情况)在...达到底部。 6. the figures reached the bottom/a lowpoint/hit a trough. 数字(情况)达到底部(低谷)。 7. a is ...times as much/many as b. a是b的...倍。 8. a increased by... a增长了... 9. a increased to... a增长到... 10. high /low /great /small / percentage. 比低高(低) 雅思写作模板精选2 1. there is an upward trend in the number of... ...数字呈上升


论文格式 一、纸型、页面设置、版式和用字。 毕业论文一律用国际标准A4型纸(297mmX210mm)打印。 页面分图文区与白边区两部分,所有的文字、图形、其他符号只能出现在图文区内。白边区的尺寸(页边距)为:天头(上)25mm,地脚(下)20mm,订口(左)25mm,翻口(右)20mm。 文字图形一律从左至右横写横排。文字一律通栏编辑。 使用规范的简化汉字。除非必要,不使用繁体字。忌用异体字、复合字及其他不规范的汉字。 二、论文封面 封面由文头、论文标题、作者、学校、年级、学号、指导教师、答辩组成员、答辩日期、申请学位等项目组成。 文头:封面顶部居中,占两行。上一行内容为“河南广播电视大学”用小三号宋体;下一行内容为“汉语言文学专业(本科)毕业论文”,3号宋体加粗。文头上下各空一行。 论文标题:2号黑体加粗,文头下居中,上下各空两行。 论文副题:小2号黑体加粗,紧挨正标题下居中,文字前加破折号。 作者、学校(市级电大)、年级、学号、指导教师、答辩组成员、答辩日期、申请学位等项目名称用3号黑体,内容用3号楷体,在正副标题下适当居中左对齐依次排列。占行格式为: 作者:XXX

学校:XXX 年级:XXX 学号:XXX 指导教师:XXX 职称:XXX 答辩组成员: XXX(主持人) 职称:XXX XXX 职称:XXX …… 答辩日期:X年X月X日 申请学位:学士(不申请可省略此项) 由于论文副题可有可无,学位可申请可不申请,答辩组成员可以是3、5、7人,封面内容占行具有不确定性,为保持封面的整体美观,可对行距做适当调整。 三、论文 论文由论文目录(提纲)和题目、作者姓名、完成日期、摘要、关键词、正文、注释、参考文献、附录等项目组成。 需要列目录的论文,目录要独占一页。“目录”二字用3号黑体,顶部居中;以下列出论文正文的一、二级标题及参考文献、附录等项及其对应页码。用小4号宋体。 论文题目用3号黑体,顶部居中排列,上下各空一行; 作者姓名:题目下方居中,用四号楷体。 完成时间:作者姓名下方居中,字样为“X年X月”,用四号楷体。 摘要:作者姓名下空一行,左起顶头,写明“摘要”字样加粗,

托福口语Task 1 范文及答题模板(涵盖各种高分表达)

Task 1 Personal Preference 语境分类: 1. 人物 2. 活动和经历 3. 社会现象和文化现象 4. 物件和个人物品 ① A favorite person Describe the author whom you most admire. Include details and examples to support your choice. Preparation Time: 15 seconds Response Time: 45 seconds Sample There are many wonderful authors, but if I had to choose a favorite, I’d pick John Steinbeck. (主题句)John Steinbeck is an American author who wrote a lot of books about poor people in California.(提供背景信息)For example, he wrote about migrant farm workers during the Great Depression.(举例)One reason I admire Steinbeck is that his writing is very simple. Another reason is that his characters are so realistic.(给出理由)In Steinbeck’s famous novel Of Mice and Men, I was moved by the characters George and Lennie. They each have weakness, but Steinbeck shows the depth of their friendship.


标准个人简历模板参考范文模板 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《标准个人简历模板参考范文模板》的内容,具体内容:一份准确、简洁的简历能够让求职者在众多求职者中脱颖而出。下面是我为大家带来的标准个人简历模板参考,相信对你会有帮助的。标准个人简历模板参考(一)个人信息zhun... 一份准确、简洁的简历能够让求职者在众多求职者中脱颖而出。下面是我为大家带来的标准个人简历模板参考,相信对你会有帮助的。 标准个人简历模板参考(一) 个人信息 zhuna 目前所在:海珠区 年龄: 22 户口所在:湖南 国籍:中国 婚姻状况:未婚 民族: 诚信徽章:未申请 身高: 164 cm 人才测评:未测评 体重: 53 kg 我的特长:

求职意向 人才类型:普通求职 应聘职位:人事专员/助理 工作年限: 2 职称: 求职类型:全职 可到职日期:随时 月薪要求: 3500~4499元 希望工作地区:广州,不限, 工作经历 广州**物业管理有限公司 起止年月:2013-08 ~ 2014-01 公司性质:民营企业 所属行业:物业管理/商业中心 担任职位:行政人事文员 工作描述: 1、负责对来访人员的接待与新员工入职手续的办理; 2、负责公司员工出勤记录考核与部门考勤制作; 3、负责对公司的档案管理、文件的上传下达及公司月报制作; 4、办公文具的申购、公司固定资产的申购与管理; 5、会议室管理并负责公司例会会议纪要; 6、负责公司证件的年审; 7、协助部门完成公司活动的组织与安排;

8、公司领导安排的其他事宜。 离职原因: 广州市**内衣有限公司 起止年月:2012-07 ~ 2013-07 公司性质:民营企业 所属行业:服装/纺织/皮革/鞋业 担任职位:行政人事助理 工作描述: 1.简历的筛选,面试人员的预约与接待; 2.负责员工的入职、离职手续办理,管理整个中心的员工考勤; 3.负责文档资料整理、生产中心资产管理、生产中心办公室日常管理; 4.协助后勤主管,管理部门后勤事宜,包括员工住宿、报餐、水电费的计算等; 5.公司制度检查与监督,贯彻并推进执行公司各项管理制度; 6.组织、安排生产中心活动; 7.生产中心经理交办的其他事宜。 离职原因: **物业管理有限公司 起止年月:2011-12 ~ 2012-06 公司性质:民营企业 所属行业:物业管理/商业中心 担任职位:实习 工作描述: 1、负责客户日常需求处理;


新托福口语task1人物类真题及答案模板1: 1. What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have? (06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题) Sample answer: In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he never cheats and will be impartial (偏向) and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart. Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience. Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way. Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge ‘cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession. 新托福口语task1人物类真题及答案模板2: What are important characteristics you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 0 7.1.27 考题) Sample answer: I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone who's honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. It is a well known saying that "A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED." Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend won't leave me if I'm in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine and in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great.


15句逻辑框架 Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace rather than pure knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 第1句:背景介绍

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education. 现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。 Explanation: ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that … ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves. ●Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities. ●Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. 如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。 ●I agree with this opinion. Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。 第2句:交代辩论话题 A. “是否应该……” However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue. 但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。


托福独立口语人物类话题 人物类话题是托福独立口语比较常考的话题之一,为了让各位TOEFLer更游刃有余地备考此类话题,下面就和大家分享托福独立口语人物类话题梳理,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。 托福独立口语人物类话题梳理 1.你认为领袖必需的素质是什么 (1)信任下级:鼓励讲真话/show confidence in team-members (2)赏罚分明:制度面前人人平等/be equal to everyone without showing favor to any particular one (3)努力学习、勤奋工作:给大家做榜样/work hard to inspire people (4)鼓励下级:encouraging to team-members Etc Sample answer: (为了方便阅读,将每个小点分别列出) Well, first of all, I think, a good leader should be encouraging enough. For example, I had a boss, Jason, wh o used to say,”You are a capable young man, I know you can do it well” whenever I was not

confident enough with my job. With his encouragement I was so successful in my job and became a team leader in 6 months. Also, I believe a good leader should set good examples for all team-members. I remember my boss Jason used to workharder than any of us who were working with him in a team, even though he was the boss. We were so moved by what he did, and everybody followed his suit. So we were the most efficient team. Thats why I still remember Jason as my best boss till today. 2.你最敬重的一个人是谁? 思路:老师、父亲、母亲、领导、消防员、科学家、运动员、志愿者等等 eg. 父亲 (1)生活俭朴:live a simple life (2)敬业精神:work hard and diligent (3)乐于助人:be helpful to others Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例) 3.描叙你的好朋友要有什么样的characteristics?


新托福口语task1地点类真题及答案模板1: 10. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why? (06. 1.14; 06. 2.11考题) Sample answer: When I'm with friends, I like to go to the restaurant. We would head for some exotic (异国情调的,外国的)restaurant where we would choose our favorite dishes. And also, it should be one of the restaurants where the waitresses do not talk too much or disturb you. I would like to find a secluded (隐蔽的,角落里的) table just for 3 or 4, perhaps with a panoramic view(全景) over a river or the lights of the city. We would have some very mellow(醇香的), warming red wine in sparkling glasses twinkling in the candlelight, the hues(色调) and aroma(香味) filling our senses. We would eat slowly and carelessly for the joy of sharing and of being together. Our senses heightened, breathing deeply to the point of silent sighs, we would enjoy an endless evening there. That's the right place where I don't want to end our gathering. 新托福口语task1地点类真题及答案模板2: Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation. (06. 1.21; 06. 11.17 考题) Sample answer: I usually go to Beihai Park when I have the time and opportunity. I can go for a stroll in the park to relax. The park has some trees, and interesting and winding paths, where I can wander listlessly and contemplate my own thoughts or admire the various stages of nature. Sometimes I just like to feel the breeze on my face and savour(尽情享受) its coolness. It gives me a sense of freedom. It also has a lake on which I can go boating. I often go to the park with my friends on weekends. And we'll have a picnic if we stay there for the whole day. 新托福口语task1地点类真题及答案模板3:


好的东西,和大家分享,看这个帖子的人肯定比较多,大家别冒险背诵,了解一下范文的思路好了。 v105 some people claim that the disadvantages of the car are more than the advantages,do you agre e or disagree? 范文1 the birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one pl ace to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the inventi on of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.ca r is not exception. owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of tr ansportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always fo und driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.driver s always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe i n their cars when they are out at night. Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to ru n a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contr ibute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpeciall y in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traf fic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of c arbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contac t with frensh air. therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental poll ution can be avioded .and the strick law should be issued to keep the numbers of cars unde r control.thus,our heavier traffic can be solluted! 范文2 Private cars vs Public traffic As traffic problems become more and more serious in many cities of developed and developin g countries, their governments have to try hard and loads of money and energy have been spen t to deal with them. Firstly, it is not efficient for the commuters to use their private cars to and back from th eir workplaces. Occasionally we can see they have to sit on the wheels wasting time and fue


公务文书是法定机关与组织在公务活动中,按照特定的体式、经过一定的处理程序形成和使用的书面材料,又称公务文件。以下是本站分享的,希望能帮助到大家! 公文格式模板及范文 通知 【文种说明】通知是上级向下级传达指示、批转或转发公文、布置工作与周知事项时所用的一种下行公文,常见有会议通知、工作通知及任免通知。 【模板格式】 1、标题。一般写成“关于xxx的通知”。 2、通知对象。如“各单位”。 3、通知内容,如“会议名称、目的、时间、地点、出席人及会议内容”等。 4、其它特殊事项补充说明。 【参考实例】 控股公司12月份工作例会通知 各子公司、控股公司各部门 按照公司工作计划,现将控股公司12月份工作例会事宜通知如下 一、会议时间2017年12月31日800 二、会议地点总部3#楼二楼第一会议室三、参加人员各子公司总经理、控股公司各部长 四、会议议程安排另见材料。 五、其他事项 1、此次相关会议资料已以电子版形式已发至各子公司、各部门负责人及相关联络人员处,会议材料中材料六《控股公司2005年度资金平衡计划》暂缺,将在例会上通报,请各位参会领导携带笔记本电脑参加会议。 2、按照董事长指示和相关会议纪要精神,为充分做好会议准备,请各子公司、控股公司各部门办公室人员提前组织本单位相关部门和专业人员对会议议题材料进行专题讨论并形成

具体意见提供给参会领导,并将本单位上会意见请于12月29日前反馈至人事行政部行政组××,人事行政部将整理各部门意见汇总及时提供董事长参阅。 3、外埠子公司领导请于12月30日报到,请各子公司办公室人员及时将领导来京时间告知会议联系人。 4、住宿、用餐安排在××俱乐部。 5、联系人×× ××有限公司 二○xx年十二月二十七日 公文格式模板及范文 请示 【文种说明】请示是下级向上级请求决断、指示、批示或批准事项所使用的呈批性公文。请示属于上行公文,应用范围较广泛。 【模板格式】 1、标题。一般写成“关于xxx的请示” 2、主送机关。只能写一个,如“人力资源处”;忌多头请示,如“人力资源处、行政管理处”。 3、请示的原因。 4、请示的事项。 5、结语。一般写成“以上请示妥否,请批示” 【参考实例】 关于购置无线麦克及扩音设备的请示 信息化部 控股公司总部10楼会议室是总部最大的会议室,主要用于召开人员较多的培训和相关会议。最近一段时间通过使用发现,10楼会议室因较为空旷,若不使用扩音设备,讲课或发言人声音显得较小,会议效果难以保证,不能适应工作需要。因此为提高会议效果,拟请信息化于3月底前购进一套无线扩音设备(无线麦克和相关扩音设备)投入使用,费用约500元。


为了帮助大家高效备考托福,为大家带来托福TPO1口语Task1题目+满分范文,希望对大家备考有所帮助。 托福TPO1独立口语Task1题目: Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer 托福TPO1独立口语Task1满分范文: Recently, I read a book named Keep the aspidistra flying written by George Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story has something that touches my heart. The story talks about a man who wants to be a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I have a similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be a writer. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstore assistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment and sometimes have no money to buy food. Again, I’ve got similar experience. I once lived in a cramped apartment alone and had no money. The book is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist. 以上是给大家整理的托福TPO1口语Task1题目+满分范文,希望对你有所帮助!

2011雅思小作文 最全万能模板

2011雅思小作文写作万能模板 1、通过第一个曲线图,我们可以知道____,也说明了结果是___ According to the first graph, it can be seen that ______________, it can also be concluded from it that ______________. 2、一张有趣、有教育意义的、(内容)的图片(这句模板在雅思小作文中的应用非常的广泛。) There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: __________. 3、当前有一张涉及______的增长曲线图,许多人______,然而其他人倾向于___ Nowadays there is a growing concern over ______________. Many people like ______________, while others are inclined to ______________. 4、目前,共同之处是_________,许多人喜欢______因为_______除此之外还由于_____ Nowadays, it is common to ______________. Many people like______________ because ______________. Besides, ______________. 5、(图表所示)_____,就像许多其他事物,被____更加喜爱,然而这一观点正被________所抨击,一些人认为_________,他们指出___________ ______________, just like many other things, are preferred by ____________. While being attacked by the idea that ______________, some people consider ______________. They point that ______________. 6、每种事物都有两面性和________,是没有异议的,包括利和弊 Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages. 7、_____作为_____被观察了许多年,但是人们现在像发现新大陆一样注视着它 For years ______________ had been viewed as ______________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 8、政府保证________,对于这份保证,大多数人做出了强烈地回应,因为_____ It has stipulated by the government that ______________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because ______________. 9、_______出现在我们日常生活中是很平常的,无论我们做什么,_______都是不可避免的______________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided. 10、_____在人群中已经成为热门话题,特别是在年轻人中,激烈的争论无休止______________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way. 1 according to the chart```

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