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学生姓名张寅学号 2007244010102 成绩

学院食品科技学院专业班级食品科学与工程0701班指导教师姓名 __赵文______ 指导教师职称教授


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班级学号: 2007244010102







我国作为茶叶生产大国 ,如何利用现代化仪器替代传统的感官品评方法评价各种茶叶质量品质 ,显得十分重要。吴坚教授等构建了一种以铜片作为工作电极 ,铂电极为辅助电极 ,银/氯化银作为参比电极的伏安型电子舌 ,并对江苏碧螺春、浙江龙井、黄山毛峰 ,福建毛峰和浙江开化针尖五种茶叶品质差异进行了区分辨识应用。每次试验所用的茶溶液在试验之前配置 ,每5 g茶叶加入100 mL 的沸水。待茶溶液冷却后 ,再将每1 mL 茶溶液和4 mL 的1 mol/ L的氢氧化钠溶液混合。测试过程中 ,每个茶溶液样品被分成相同的四份 ,分别保存在不同的烧杯中 ,总共二十个烧杯 ,各烧杯以随机的顺序进行测试,最后在主成分分析图谱上可以看到 ,该电子舌能够很好地区分五种茶叶的不同品质差异。


目前,检测饮料质量的方法主要有化学分析和物理化学分析。化学方法繁琐,实时性也差,而物理化学分析方法又需要较贵重的仪器,并且对技术的要求很高,不适应快速分析的需要。有试验证明,使用4个工作电极(铂、金、钯、镉)的电子舌可检测不同饮料:两种类型的橙汁饮料、两种类型的苹果汁饮料,发现这种电子舌不仅能够区分不同饮料,而且还能检测果汁饮料的好坏。如法国的Alpha MOS公司生产的电子舌,利用7个电化学传感器组成的检测器及化学计量软件对样品内溶解物进行味觉评估,能很快可靠地提供所需数据,大大提高了产品全方位质控效率,可以应用于果汁饮料的质量检测。


在酒类品质质量区分辨识中 ,电子舌也体现良好的应用效果 ,其应用范围包括在酒类品牌的鉴定、异味检测、新产品的研发、原料检验、蒸馏酒品质鉴定、制酒过程管理的监控等多个方面。日本Toko教授等利用基于味觉传感器和葡萄糖味觉传感器的电子舌对日本米酒进行了检测 ,得到的数据采用主成分分析的方法进行处理。从模式识别分析上

看 ,电子舌的通道输出值与滴定酸度、糖度之间具有很大的相关性 ,对米酒的甜度预测作出了数学模型[。

(4) 电子舌在重金属分析检测中的应用

基于生物传感器的电子舌可用于检测食品和农产品中的重金属污染和农药残留。造成农产品污染的重金属种类繁多 ,主要是 Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd 和 Ni 等。Ramanathan 教授等利用 lacZ 基因和ArsD 基因在重组大肠杆菌中的融合表达制成高灵敏度的生物传感器 ,对亚锑盐的检出限为 1 ×10-15mol/L。Giardi 教授等发明了基于光合系统 II (PSII) 的生物传感器的电子舌系统 ,利用重金属替代叶绿素分子中的 Mg2+并引起 pH 变化的特点 ,将藻类细胞固定在 2 %的琼脂中 ,通过检测 pH值的变化在1μg/L 浓度水平下检测到 Hg、Pb、Cd、Ni、Zn 和 Cu 等离子的存在。Winquist 等的研究表明 ,电子舌能对原料乳进行监控 ,是个非常安全的检测手段。



[1]宿迷菊. 茶叶保健食品加工技术和研究现状. 福建茶叶,2005,1(1): 15-17

[2]陈宗掀. 中国茶经. 上海:上海文化出版社出版, 1992, 25-27

[3]徐晓村. 中国茶文化. 北京:中国农业大学出版社,2006,8-13

[4]东方,何普明,林智. 普洱茶的抗氧化活性研究进展. 食品科学,2007,28(5): 363-365


[6]周红杰. 云南普洱茶. 昆明:云南科技出版社,2004

[7]李娇, 杜子兽. 茶叶鉴定专家系统的研究与开发. 计算机时代, 2006, 6: 42-43


[9]严鸿德. 茶叶理化审评研究. 安徽农科院茶业科学研究资料汇编, 1959, 1-20

[10]陆松侯, 施兆鹏. 茶叶审评与检测. 北京:中国农业出版社, 1993, 44-45

[11]林刚. 多变量分析法在茶叶化学品质管理中的应用.日本名城大农学报,1984,20(2):25-26



摘要:五个等级的西湖龙井茶(成绩:AAA,AA,A、B、C、从同一地区和加工具有相同的处理方法Astree)是受歧视的使用e-tongue电子舌(II)加上模式识别方法包括主成分分析(PCA)、典型判别分析(CDA)和bp神经网络(bp神经网络组合)。结果表明,利用主成分分析法(PCA)和CDA样本受歧视的等级的除少量样品之间的重叠和等级a的AA级精度的歧视的训练样本集和预测样本集,分别为97.5%,二十分的bp神经网络组合的分析,来探讨所有的cross-validated。酶活92.9%训练样本集和100%的预测样本集是完全按照他们所属的压缩空气。样品的感官评价的基本吻合的e-tongue评价相结合。结果表明,e-tongue 是一种很有潜力的工具来辨识茶叶质量。




(Winquist苏达权等,1997),牛奶(Winquist高庆宇,1997;代购等,2000)、果汁(Legin etal. 1997;Winquist高庆宇,等,1997)、咖啡(1998),Schreyer代购、文?米克尔森、



摘要本研究旨在探讨方法,对五等级的西湖龙井茶通过thee-tongue加上模式认识(PCA,CDA与bp神经网络组合)。感觉测试也进行了为了证明了该方法的有效性。e-tongue 适合这种应用的。

2 试验材料和方法






使用一个-Astree实验进行了电子舌(αM.O.S二世公司、法国),其中包括一个数组的7个不同的液体cross-selective传感器(老公、钡、钙、遗传算法、BB,哈,JB),一个16-position汽车进样器和相关电子模块接口。传感器是基于一种创新的电化学电位传感器技术:用化学改性Field-Effect-Transistor(CHEMFET)技术。每个传感器构成的一个有机涂层敏感种群样品和传感器,它允许转换反应的膜处理成信号进行分析。该传感器响应之间的电压差传感器和银/ AgCl参考电极。因此,一个完整的信号电压为每个样本组成的向量与7单一传感器的测定。为每个样本,3克的茶泡入去离子化的同时用开水150毫升5分钟,然后树叶已经被移除。斯科拉很快就被冷却下来到25±2°C和80毫升的解决方案是用在每个样本的测量。测量程序是由计算机控制的程序。测量阶段持续120 s,这已经


在120秒是用于分析。这个传感器用蒸馏水清洗后被校准样品检验和测试一个不同的年级前样品带0.01组分/ L盐酸。


变異數分析单向分析)和邓肯的多变域测试进行了数据的样品用SPSS11.0 110。在实验中获得的数据也被处理法等方法对多变量分析中,主成分分析(PCA),经由典型判别Aanalysis(CDA)和反向传播神经网络(bp神经网络组合)。分析数据进行版本3.11(DPS数据处理系统统计软件包)(唐、风,1997)和《SPSS11.0.PCA是一种有用的和共同的统计方法在数据的查找pat-terns高维度。它有助于降低维数的不需要太多的损失的信息。主成分分析法(PCA)用于传感器阵列输出治疗小组可以想象不同的组。CDA经典线性判别分析也称为是基于费舍尔的规则。这是一个很有用的补充,利用主成分分析法(PCA)。在这个研究中的应用是为了评估Xihulongjing分类的正确性,集中在茶e-tongue响应信号中获得。bp神经网络组合是一种最广泛的使用人工神经网络的认识。一般来说,bp神经网络组合结构为一输入层、隐层和输出层。在研究、采用了bp神经网络组合预测的分类,不同等级的Xihulongjing茶。

3 结果与讨论

有一些差异值的平均反应(平均22个样品在120秒)响应值五年级的各个传感器茶叶样本(图2),这可能是主要归功于茶的味道的变化。因着神的变异数分析(ANOVA)、价值观的传感器CA和简森-巴顿存在显著性差异的茶采摘然后清明节(样品的等级AAA,AA,A)和清明节(后样品的B级和C级)(p < 0.05),n = 22)。对该传感器的哈,有显著差异,在样品的等级AAA,B级和C级(p < 0.05),n = 22)。所有的样品的含量没有明显差异,而在传感器的BB。然而,很难推断出一个全面的结论的不同传感器的响应值五种茶叶样本方差分析由于的局限性。因此,它是需要引进模式识别程序实现一个更可靠的茶叶等级分化。

在本研究工作,试图区别五等级的西湖龙井茶(从同一地区和处理的相同程序的使用e-tongue)。e-tongue分类结果的感官分析比较了专业品尝。五种不同的茶级别的趋势来,利用主成分分析法(PCA)的基础上CDA与bp神经网络组合传感器信号的e-tongue反应。二十分的精度和酶活92.9%,取得了的分类方法,它利用bp神经网络组合预测和CDA.100%正确的样品进行分组,相比之下,用CDA 97.5%使用bp神经网络组合的准确性。感官分析



Discrimination of Xihulongjing tea grade using an electronic tongue


Five grades of Xihulongjing r tea (grade: AAA, AA, A, B and C, from the same region and processed with the same processing method) were discriminated using Astree II electronic tongue (e-tongue) coupled with pattern recognition methods including principal component analysis (PCA), canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) and back-propagation neural networks (BPNN). Results of PCA and CDA showed that the grades of the samples were discriminated with the exception of a few overlap samples between grade AA and grade A. The discrimination of accuracy of the training sample set and the predicted sample set was 95.7 and 97.5%, respectively, by the analysis of BPNN. 92.9% of all the cross-validated training sample set and 100% of the predicted sample set were exactly grouped by CDA. The sensory evaluation of the samples was consistent with the evaluation based on the e-tongue. The results show that the e-tongue is a potential tool to identify the tea quality.

K ey words:Electronic tongue, tea, grade, pattern recognition


At present, analytical instruments have enabled the discovery and quantification of many of the key taste and aroma compounds known today in food (Linforth, 2000). Thus, researchers have endeavoured to develop instrumental methods for assessing the quality of tea (Liang etal., 2005; Seetohul et al., 2006; Yu and Wang, 2007;Sultana et al., 2008). An electronic tongue (e-tongue) is

abiomimetic sensing device that detects liquid information with a set of sensors array and has advantages such as objectivity, low cost, easy-to-handle measurement set-up and rapidness. The e-tongue, combined with powerful pattern recognition techniques, has been applied to evaluations of some foodstuff, for example, beer (Legin et al.,1997; Toko, 2000), mineral water (Winquist et al., 1997),milk (Winquist et al., 1997; Toko, 2000), juice (Legin etal., 1997; Winquist et al., 1997 ), coffee (Toko, 1998;Schreyer and Mikkelsen, 2000; Miyanaga et al., 2003), tomato (Vermeir et al., 2007; Beullens et al., 2008), etc.

The objective of this research is to explore the method to classify five grades of Xihulongjing tea by means of thee-tongue coupled with pattern recognitions (PCA, CDA and BPNN). Sensory test was also carried out in order to confirm the validity of the e-tongue for this application.

2 Materials and methods


Five grades of Xihulongjing tea (spring tea), supplied by HangzhouXihulongjing tea Ltd., were picked from the same area (120:10E,30:15N) and processed by the same procedure. Sample grade priority was AAA, AA, A, B and C (Picked day: March 25, March 30,April 2, April 12 and April 19, respectively). Samples of grade AAA,AA and A were picked before Qingming Festival (usually on April 4thor 6th) and the others were picked after Qingming Festival. Measurements were repeated 22 times for each grade and a total of 110 samples were prepared for the experiment.

Electronic tongue and data acquisition

Experiments were performed using an -Astree II electronic tongue(Alpha M.O.S company, France) which included an array of seven different liquid cross-selective sensors (ZZ, BA, BB, CA, GA, HA,JB), a 16-position auto sampler and associated interface electronic module. The sensors were based on an innovative electrochemical potentiometric sensor technology: the Chemical Modified Field-Effect-Transistor (CHEMFET) technology. Each sensor was composed of an organic coating sensitive to the species in the samples and a transducer, which allows converting the response of the membrane into signals that will be analyzed. The sensor response was the voltage difference between the sensor and the Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Therefore, an integral signal for each sample was comprised of a vector with 7 individual

sensor determinations. For each sample, 3 g of tea were infused with 150 ml deionized boiled water for 5 min and then the leaves were removed. The infusion was quickly cooled down to 25 ±2°C and 80 ml solution of each sample was used in the measurement. The measurement procedure was controlled by a computer program. The measurement phase lasted for 120 s, which was enough for the sensors to give stable values. The interval for data collection was 1 s.

A computer recorded the response of the e-tongue every second. When the measurement was completed, the acquired data was properly saved for later use. In this research, the signal of each sensor at 120th second was used in analysis. The sensors were cleaned with distilled water after a sample testing and were calibrated before testing a different grade sample with 0.01 mol/ L HCl.

Statistic analysis

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOV A) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test were carried out on the data of 110 samples by SPSS11.0. Data obtained in the experiment were also processed by multivariable analysis methods including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Canonical Discriminant Aanalysis (CDA) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). Analysis of data were carried out with DPS version 3.11 (the Data Processing System Statistical Software package) (Tang and Feng, 1997) and SPSS11.0.PCA is a useful and common statistical method for finding pat-terns in data of high dimension. It helps to reduce the number of dimensions without much loss of information. The PCA method was used for sensors array output treatment as a mean to visualize different groups. CDA is also termed Linear Discriminant Analysis based on Fisher rule. It is a useful complement to PCA. Its application in this study was to assess the adequacy of Xihulongjing tea classification ,focusing on the response signals obtained from the e-tongue. BPNN is one of the most widely used artificial neural networks. Generally, the BPNN architecture comprises one input layer, hidden layers and an output layer. In the research, BPNN was employed to predict the classification of different grades of Xihulongjing tea.

3 Results and Discussion

There are some differences in the average response values (mean of 22 samples response value at 120th second) of each sensor to five grade tea samples (Figure 2), which may be mainly attributed to the variations of teas’ taste. As revealed by the analysis of variance (ANOV A), the values of sensor CA and JB were significantly different between the teas picked
