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[00:04.41]Lesson 5 1.Look,listen and say

[00:11.08]Hello!Are you Wei Hua?

[00:14.42]Yes, I am.

[00:17.19]Excuse me.Are you Li Ming?

[00:21.24]No,I'm not.I'm Li Lei.

[00:25.03]Sorry.That's all right.

[00:29.15]Hi,Jim! Hi,Li Lei!

[00:33.70]This is Wei Hua.

[00:36.86]Wei hua,this is Jim.

[00:40.62]2.Read,say and write

[00:45.37]Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt

[00:59.32]3.Read and say

[01:03.37]PRC CCP PLA PE OK IQ IOC PC IDD EMS RMB IT p.m. [01:28.35]Lesson 6 1.Look,listen and say

[01:38.40]What's your name,please?

[01:41.85]My name's Jim Green.

[01:45.61]Can you spell it,please?

[01:49.14]yes,J-I-M,Jim,G-R-double E-N,Green.

[01:58.80]Mum,this is my teacher,Miss Gao.

[02:03.17]How do you do? How do you do?

[02:07.53]2.Read,say and write

[02:12.39]Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

[02:31.33]3.Read and say


[02:58.29]Lesson 7 1.look,listen and say

[03:08.92]Excuse me.Are you Mr Read?

[03:13.18]No,I'm not.Sorry. That's all right.

[03:20.33]Excuse me.Are you Mr Read?

[03:24.90]Yes,I am. Oh,good!I'm Li Fen.

[03:31.36]How do you do? How do you do?

[03:35.90]Welcome to China! Thank you!

[03:40.45]2.Can you say the English letters?

[03:45.70]A H J K B C D E G P T V F L M N S X Z I Y U Q W

[04:39.17]Lesson 8 1.Look,listen and say

[04:49.31]Good afternoon. Good afternoon.

[04:54.27]What's your name,please?

[04:57.51]Sue Read.

[05:00.88]Can you spell it,please?


[05:14.49]Thank you! You're welcome!

[05:18.64]Goodbye! Bye!Bye-bye!

[05:24.60]See you later! See you!

[05:28.96]3.Sing this song Sing the ABC song Sing the ABC song

[05:40.04]A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[06:00.99]X Y Z Now you see,I can say my A B C.

[06:12.53]10 Sing this song

[06:17.78]Hello!How are you?

[06:22.22]Hello!How are you?I am fine.Thank you.Thank you very much


初中英语听力教学设计 我们一般把听力教学分为三段,即:听前阶段(pre-listening),听时阶段(while-listening),听后阶段(post-listening)。 1. 听前阶段(pre-listening) 此阶段虽是准备阶段,很重要。学生能否顺利获取信息在一定程度上取决于他们对听力材料背景知识的熟悉程度。因此,在听力活动前应巧妙设计过渡性的任务作铺垫,可根据相关话题提些启发性问题及必要的热身训练激活背景知识,给学生提供必要的语境,引入话题,导出生词,降低难度,使之产生联想,激发其“听”的欲望,让学生想听、会听。所以,听前阶段应该激发学生的“听”欲,使其“想听”。 2. 听时阶段(while-listening) 此阶段是听力训练的实质性阶段,教师应有目的地教给学生一些听力技巧。如:要指导学生“要边听边记,强化记忆,记录时要有重点,有技巧:先填该词的前几个字母,可节省时间来听下一空,稍后再补充完整。培养学生听“主题大意、抓关键信息、合理推理及捕捉具体细节”等方面的能力。因此,听中设计要充分考虑这些要求,使学生能听,听懂。教师要多点引导,少点批评,使其发挥正常的听力水平。听力任务设计要把握好“难”度,使其“能”听。 3. 听后阶段(post-listening) 这是听力训练的巩固阶段。听说读写四项技能既相对独立,又相互联系,要全面发展。即使是单项技能课,教师也要体现语言技能综合性原则。因此,在以提高听力技能为主的听力课上,也要根据实际初中英语听力,将它与说、读、写有机地结合起来,既有侧重,又全面发展。所以在听之后应该充分挖掘资源,使其“延”听。我们平时的课堂上在听力之后还有填空、pairwork等。 听力设计虽没有固定的模式,却有其内在的规律。教师只有树立“以人为本”的思想,精心设计听力教学的各个环节,充分调动学生积极性,有效开展听前、听中、听后活动,才能把学生通过听力材料所获得的语言知识和语用知识有效地转化为听、说、读、写的综合能力。总之, 提高听力理解能力是一个反复实践的、持久的过程,需要我们教师在实际教学中不断探索新的听力教学策略,再掌握一些合理的听力技巧,师生共同努力初中英语听力,课内外结合,才能取得良好的效果。 我们一直在进行听力教学研究,但是很多老师对初中听力教学很是迷惑,因为根本就没有明确的一些指导思想或明确的实施方案,而很多老师又缺乏在课堂实践过程中进行探索,其实这也是有点不切实际的,我们的平时课堂都是听说课型和读写课型及单元复习课型,很少有专门的听力教学课型。今天晚上阅读了《浅谈初中英语教学中的听力设计》一文,对听力教学设计略有感想。

2020年中考英语策略复习 听力短文理解技巧

听力短文理解技巧 听力主要考查学生理解和获取信息的能力,考查学生对语言的识别和理解能力。近年来,人们已经认识到听力在英语学习中的重要性,听力试题分值在各地中考试题中也逐渐加大。短文理解是中考听力中的重头戏,也是听力中最令我们头痛的题型,既要听那么长的文章,又要阅读试卷上的问题,往往顾此失彼,得分也就少得可怜。不过在做短文听力时,只要我们掌握一些技巧,实际上也还是能做到得心应手的。 听力中的短文理解题又称“独白”题,主要都是由说话人独自讲述一段话,其内容往往是讲述某一件事,短文提供事件发生的时间、地点、人物和主要情节。当然,提问的方式很多,常见的疑问词有who, whose, why, when, where, how many/much/long/often等。这些疑问词包含了听力材料的主体信息,是听的重点,在听的过程中要注意捕捉与其相关的信息。 【常见题型】 1、根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 2、根据短文内容,完成表格。 3、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 4、根据短文内容,在空白处填上适当的单词。 【听前准备】 在放录音前,同学们应先稳定一下自己的情绪,集中注意力,做好答题的准备,同时树立必胜的信心。答题前,先快速浏览各题的三个备选答案,并确定从录音中获取关键的信息是什么,以保证在听的过程中有的放矢。同学们还可以通过比较每小题的三个备选答案的不同点的方法来加深对每题关键信息的印象。必要时,可将不同点用笔注出来,使之更加醒目。【解题步骤】 1、浏览选项并根据内容猜测该材料中可能出现的内容,做到心中有数。如: 26. Peter Brown is _______.(06年徐州) A. an old farmer B. a young farmer C. an old doctor Script: My name is Peter Brown. I live on a farm with my children and my grandchildren. Our farmhouse isn’t large, but it is very nice. We keep some cows in a building, and that building is more modern than our own house. We also have a simple chicken house. We have about twenty hens and ducks, so we a ways hart enough eggs for tile family. And we have large fields over there. We grow wheat and corn. I often ride horses across the hills behind the farm. We like to farm. Farming is a healthy life. 通过比较这三个选项,我们可以得出本题是考查Peter Brown的职业,了解了这一点之后,在听的过程中,注意捕捉这方面的信息即可。 2、在听短文时,要注意听短文的首句,听清它的主语、谓语、宾语或状语,因为首句往往是文章的主旨句,听懂首句有助于推断全文的大概意思。当然,文章的主旨句有时也可能出现文章的末尾。 One day Zhang Liang was talking a walk when he saw an old man sitting on a bridge. The old man saw Zhang Liang coming. He threw one of his shoes into the water and said, “Young man, get my shoe up.”…(06年济南市)听了以上材料后,我们不难发现第一句便是文章的主旨句,文章接下来的内容都是围绕Zhang Liang与an old man展开的。 3、注意不同题材短文的特点有助于理清文章的主要脉络,从客观上确定应注意的范围。一般情况下,听完前两、三句就能确定该短文属于哪一类。对于对话、故事一类的材料,应注


人教版七年级英语听力练习题 一、听力部分(每小题1分,满分20分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出你所听到的字母组合或单词。录音读两遍。 1.A.CDB.DGC.CG 2.A.NBAB.CBAC.MPN 3.A.thankB.FrankC.Eric 4.A.GraceB.AliceC.thanks 5.A.jacketB.keyC.quilt Ⅱ.听录音,填入所缺的字母(大小写与字母组合的其余部分一致)。录音读两遍。 6.F 7.E 8.B 9.hl10.nc Ⅲ.听句子,选择恰当的答语。每个句子读两遍。 11.A.Goodmorning,Jim.B.Goodbye,class.C.Goodafternoon,Tony. 12.A.Fine,thankyou.B.Hello,Alan.C.It'sapen. 13.A.Thisisapen.B.It'sanorange.C.Thatisanapple. 14.A.Green.B.It'sgreen.C.G-R-E-E-N. 15.A.Yes,itis.B.No,I'mnot.C.Yes,heis. Ⅳ.听对话,补全所缺内容。对话读两遍。 M:Goodmorning,Helen. W:Goodmorning,16.

sthisinEnglish? 'M:What W:It'sa17. M:Whatcolorisit? W:It's18. M:19it,please. W:20. 二、单项填空(每小题1分,满分10分) 1.在书写下列字母时,占上中下三格的字母是。 A.i B.y C.B D.f 2.下面与字母B发音没有相同之处的是。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/466932911.html, B.Ff C.Dd D.Gg 3.当你在上学路上遇到好朋友时,你应向他(她)说来打招呼。 A.Goodnight. B.Hello! C.Thankyou. D.Goodbye. 4.—isthepen? —It'sblack. A.What B.Whatcolor C.Howcolor D.How 5.—,John! —Hello,Tom! A.Fine B.Good C.Thankyou D.Hello 6.—What'sthis? —


2020 学年第二学期奉贤区质量调研 九年级英语听力文稿及答案
A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分) 1. My aunt,Vicky, amazed everyone by passing her driving test. B
2. Students of Senior 3 and Junior 3 in Shanghai returned to their classrooms on April 27. A
3. We shouldn’t share too much private information on the school networks. H
4. I don’t like coffee, so I generally drink orange juice for breakfast. C
5. Joan always has a half hour all by herself and play the piano to relax. F
6. These days you may hear people talking about a new word or you might hear it on the news.
B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (8 分) 7. W: Is your home far from your school,David? M: No. It’s quite close. I usually go to school by bike. I seldom walk to school. Q: How does David go to school? A 8. W: John, why are you late again? M: Sorry, Miss Chen. I wasted nearly an hour on the road as a result of the traffic jam. Q: What’s the relationship between two speakers? D 9. W: Which sport do you like best, Simon? M: Football is my favorite. I play it from 4:00 to 5:00 every day. Q: How long does Simon play football every day? C 10. W: Hi, John. Is Miss Green at home? M: No, she isn’t in. She took the children to school in the morning. Then she drove to work. You can make a call to her office. Q: Where is Miss Green now? B 11. W: How much is the ticket for the film “Pianist”? M: It’s $45. But there’s a special offer for students buying on line. It’s one third the price. Q: How much is the ticket for students buying on line? D 12. W: What’s wrong with my computer? Have you checked it? M:Yes. I have checked the main unit, the screen and keyboard. They all worked properly. But your monitor doesn’t work. You’ll have to change it. Q: What’s wrong with the woman’s computer? D 13.W: Tom, I’m too worried these days. It is a strange time for everyone, isn’t it? M: Yes. But if you wash hands very often after touching things; wear masks when you are going out; stay at home as often as possible and don’t get the relatives together. I think that will be all right.
W:Great. I’ll take your advice.


教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

初中英语听力教学设计优秀案例 听力是语言学习的一项重要技能,是语言学习的基础。多年的教学现状表明:学生在英语学习上听的能力大大低于该学科的其它能力。因此,对中学英语听力的现状进行分析,找出障碍,决定对策就显得十分必要。通过学习,我对听力教学有了新的认识,现做如下概述: 一、听力教学的目的: 1. 培养学生捕捉信息的能力 2. 培养学生推导和预测的能力 3. 逐步培养学生做笔记的能力 二、听力教学使用的策略 1. 充分利用学生已有的知识 2. 充分利用文字和图表等信息 3 .预测 4. 根据语气和语调推断 三、听力课教学设计 听力教学一般分为三个阶段,即:听前阶段(pre-listening),听时阶段(while-listening),听后阶段(post-listening)。 (一)听前活动设计 1. 听前活动的目的: 听前活动的目的是引导学生进入主题听力状态,为更好地听做各方面的准备。内容包括让学生明确听力学习的目标任务,对听力材料的内容引起注意,提起兴趣,以最佳状态进入听力活动。准确把握听前活动的设计,结合学生实际,设计既贴近学生生活实际,又满足听力准备的需求。 2. 听前活动设计需要注意: (1)听前活动设计不应包括词汇扩展 听前活动的目的是为听力活动的开展做必要的准备,扫清会对听力理解产生障碍的词汇及必要的背景知识准备是必不可少的。但是这项准备工作只是要学生认知生词即可,词汇的扩展学习应放在听力理解之后,这样能使教学层次清楚,又重点突出。 (2)听前活动内容设计要融入对新语言知识的感知 通过听前活动使学生感知听力课文中出现的新语言知识如核心词汇句型,这样不仅能降低听力理解的难度,还能增加新知识学习的层次与复现率,使学习过程更系统、更扎实。(3)听前活动所占时间不宜过长,且内容紧扣听力材料。 (二)听中活动设计 1. 听中活动的目的: 听中教学目的是理解语篇承载的信息和感知新语言结构在实际情景中的运用。教师应根据学生认知水平和需求,创造有效的听力理解环节教学活动设计。 2. 听中活动设计的基本原则 (1)培养学生运用语言的能力是教学设计要遵循的原则。 教师要根据听力内容的需要,学生语言知识和技能的发展需要设计听力活动。让学生按要求完成某种任务,如做笔记、填写表格、写摘要、进行实际操作。 (2)要充分发挥多种媒体功能。 把声音与图画或实物等配合帮助学生理解听力材料的内容。可减低难度,使教学情景化,增加趣味性。


2017年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(新) Everybody thinks I have a real gift for painting. However, I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I was playing with some paint as usual in Ms Lou’s art lesson. I mixed the paint with water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I blew harder. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture! “That’s a very good picture, Sandy.”Ms Luo encouraged me to keep trying. Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints. 2(新) Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in Harbin. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and beautiful. My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. We also make snowmen and use carrots for their noses. They look funny. Winter is great! 3(新) My farther has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. My father has always been kind and helpful. He has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love. 4 Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong. Wetlands are important because they provide food and shelter for wildlife including some endangered birds, and they also help prevent floods. We must protect the home of plants, fish and birds in Zhalong.


英语听力教学的方法与技巧 第一节《标准》与初中英语听力教学 一、《标准》对初中听力教学的分级要求 shan 听力分级目标解读 1. 3 ~ 5 分级听力的综合能力目标 (1) 语音语调的辨音判断能力: a. 辨别并判断不同句式的语调对意义的影响; b. 通过重音强调判断说话意图。 (2) 通过听力材料上下文推断词义、理解大意的能力。 (3) 听力识别理解能力: a. 识别语篇中关联句子之间的意义联系,理解因果联系; b. 归纳听力大意,识别段落主题; c. 理解情节、人物和事件; d. 理解初级广播英语。 (4) 听力记忆能力:训练学生在速听过程中的快速记忆能力,要求学生在思想上始终绷紧 “信息线” (what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、“方式线” (how) 、“因果线” (why) ,听力训练因此思路清晰,目标明确。 (5) 听力反应能力:提取信息观点,听后记录简单信息,根据连续指令完成任务。 2. 听力教学应遵循的原则: 听法指导原则、整体理解原则、真实生活化原则、听力难度i + I 原则( 听力材料难度超出学生现有水平) 、激发兴趣原则、任务型设计原则等。 3. 3 ~ 5 级听力训练的年级特点 一年级的听力训练应充分体现启蒙性,即从听力的基本功抓起,听音辨词义、听调辨句意、听令表行为、听后写单句、听曲唱歌谣、听篇知大意。具体的操作方式有:听音写数字、听音 选图、听音标号排序、听写单句、听音猜谜、听唱歌曲、听后画图、听后用肢体语言表达、听 令做事、听后填表格、听后回答等。 二年级听力教学应体现听力的技巧性,包括听辨技巧、听力记忆技巧、听短文抓大意和抓主要信息的技巧、初级英语教学节目的听读和听后记录技巧、任务型听后做的技巧等。 三年级听力教学应体现听力的形成性,即形成听力的基本技能和基本能力,包括快速听 音会意能力、听段落提取字面信息的能力(what/who/whom/where/when/whose/which) 、听后深层次因果理解(why) 能力、听后的行为能力(how) 、在听力材料的上下文中猜词理解大 意的能力、听语段快速记录能力和听大意提取观点的能力。 第二节听力训练的策略运用 初中听力教学要让学生过听力训练的三关,即单词、句子和语篇,并把语流的识别作为突

初一英语听力 人教版

初一英语听力人教版 初一英语听力人教版:定语从句:(一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,练习1.I like cities___________are quiet and clean. 2.I prefer students _________are hard- working.3.I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boring.4.The music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot.5.The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy.6.Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen.7.The books ____________ are written by Lu Xun are worth reading.8.The town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.The book ___ he bought is very interesting.(二)特例:只用that的情况1先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用that,2.被修饰的先行词为________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用that.3.先行词被_____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用that,而不用which。4.先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room.5. 以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that.如:Who is the girl that is crying?练习1. I am interested in everything___ is about the 2006 World Cup.2. Is


九年级英语听力试题及答案 九年级英语期中试听力试题 一、听力(选择题,共三节,满分25分) 第一节听句子(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 听第一个句子,回答第1小题。 1. Where did the man come from? A. China. B. Canada. C. England. 听第二个句子,回答第2小题。 2. When did Mary clean his bedroom? A. After supper. B. Just now. C. Yesterday. 听第三个句子,回答第3小题。 3. What does the man want to buy? A. A blouse. B. A skirt. C. A T-shirt. 听第四个句子,回答第4小题。 4. Where are they going? A. To the library. B. To the museum. C. To the train station. 听第五个句子,回答第5小题。 5. Who does the woman want to speak to? A. Mr. Smith. B. Mr. Black. C. Mr. Green. 第二节听对话(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面7段对话,从每小题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听

每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答6小题 6. Why did Bob go to the cinema with Peter? A. Because Bob is too young to go there by himself. B. Because Peter is old enough to go there by himself. C. Because Peter is too young and Bob takes care of him. 听第二段对话,回答7、8小题 7. What’s the weather like to day? A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny. 8. When will there be a party? A. Next Saturday. B. Last Sunday. C. This Saturday. 听第三段对话,回答9、10小题 9.Was the game playing on Saturday morning? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn’t. C. No, it was. 10.Was the Japanese team stronger than the Chinese team? A. Yes, it was. B. No, it wasn’t. C.No, it was. 1 听第四段对话,回答11、12小题 11(Why doesn’t the man buy the tickets this evening? A(Because there are no tickets left. B(Because it is too late to set off. C(Because the weather is too bad. 12(How much does the man pay for the tickets in all?


如何进行有效地初中英语听力教学 《英语课程标准》对英语的听力提出了更高的要求,所以,英语听力培养也放在了很重要的位置。目前,我们使用的的《新目标》每个单元的Section A 的1b, 2a, 2b Section B 的2a, 2b都有听力训练,这些听力材料新颖,取材地道,英语纯正,时代性强,材料内容比较贴近学生生活,趣味性浓厚;但有的材料有点深度。为了提高学生听力效果,这就要求我们教师不能照本宣科,要善于针对不同难度的材料,联系自己的学生做灵活的处理。下面笔者想结合自身教学实际,谈谈如何切实提高听力教学的有效性。 1、听前(before listening) 教师在听前要激发学生听的兴趣和激情,教师可以根据听力内容,结合学生生活实际或课堂实际,设置一定的情境,通过师生的交流互动,导入听力相关的信息,如单词、句型、语法、背景知识等,为下一步听做好准备和铺垫。教师在课前要认真钻研教材,预先听一下材料,掌握听力练习的难易程度,分析材料内容和难度是否适合学生使用,是否与新课程教学目标描述相适应,是否符合学生的认知水平,做到心中有数。对一些较难材料要做些删减或适当的调整,重新设计听力练习,降低难度和要求。 2、听中(whiling listening) 在听的时候,教师要教会学生听的策略,边听边记,学会听关键词。对于一些难度较大的材料,教师可以自己设计不同层次的听力题型来练习,做到由易到难,以防挫伤学生的信心。对一些较容易的听力练习,让学生听一遍就可以,而一些难度大的要放两遍甚至三遍录音,必要时使用暂停键,这样才能使听力真正有实效。教师可以通过要学生举手或巡查的形式了解学生的答题情况,同时因势利导,给予他们适当的鼓励性的评价,对他们的任何成绩都要肯定,让他们树立战胜困难的意志力,体会成功后的喜悦。 3、听后(after listening) 在学生做完听力后,教师要可以要学生对听的内容进行加工处理,教师可就听力内容对学生提问,以巩固听力内容;也可以在黑板上提供一些关键词,复述听力内容或课后做书面表达。采用这些方法,学生由信息输入转为信息输出,做到学以致用,听说结合或听与写结合。例如在做完七年级上册Unit9 SectionA 2a我安排学生复述对话内容:Sally likes documentaries but he doesn’t like action movies.Ben likes documentaries,too, but he doesn’t like thrillers because they are too scary.这样, 巩固了听力材料,训练了学生的口语,还训练了第三人称单数。再如在做完九年级Unit5 SectionB 2a和2b听练习后,我安排学生写一篇书面表达叙述对话中man和woman所看见所感,这很好的训练了学生的书面表达能力,巩固了这节课的内容。 此外,在课堂上,教师还可以利用教材中的阅读材料的朗读带,就阅读材料来设计若干问题,让学生听磁带回答问题,以提高学生听力。教师要用英语组织教学,课堂上增加学生用耳朵感知英语的机会,以期提高听力水平;举行定期的经常性的听力测试,以测代练,以提高学生的听力水平,教师要教给学生听力技巧,学会预听,预测听力材料,猜猜听力练习的答案。


2017年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料朗读短文 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/466932911.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

2017年江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试训练材料 第一部分朗读短文 用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文 1(新) Everybody thinks I have a real gift for painting. However, I once did not like art lessons because I could not draw very well. One day, I was playing with some paint as usual in Ms Lou’s art lesson. I mixed the paint with water. As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper. Looking at the mark, I decided to blow it. The paint began to run, so I blew harder. The paint ran in all directions and made a very interesting picture! “That’s a very good picture, Sandy.” Ms Luo encouraged me to keep trying. Since then, I have been crazy about crayons and paints. 2(新) Winter is my favourite season. It is very cold and everyone has to wear thick warm clothes, but I always enjoy the winter here in Harbin. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy. Everything is covered in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen. During this season, you cannot see beautiful flowers or green trees, but the land is quiet and beautiful. My friends and I love playing outside in winter. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. We also make snowmen and use carrots for their noses. They look funny. Winter is great! 3(新) My farther has worked in a local factory for years. You will not find anything unusual about him until you learn more. My father has always been kind and helpful. He has donated blood many times since 1990. The blood he has donated is enough to save over 70 lives. He has also donated blood cells to people with blood cancer. To my surprise, he has decided to donate his body for medical research after his death. When I was a little girl, I could not understand why my father always seemed to be kinder to others than to his own family. Now I realize that he has a heart full of love. 4 Zhalong Nature Reserve is in North-east China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The area provides food and cover for a lot of wildlife. It is a perfect place for some rare birds. Some people want to make the wetlands smaller in order to have more space for farms and buildings. This will lead to less and less space for wildlife. Now the Chinese government has made laws to protect Zhalong.


如何提高初中英语听力教学技巧 一、初中学生英语听力的现状和原因分析 1.1学生听力实践少 1.2适合初中生联系的听力材料严重不足 1.3听力方法不正确 二、营造和谐氛围,扩大听的渠道 三、教授一定方法,提高听力水平听力 3.1识别技能 即识别语音、词汇、语法、语义等知识的技能。例如能辨别出听力材料中多数单词的词义,组合成的词组意义;同单词在此处的具体义项;能听懂对话里一些明显的连读、典型句型等。 3.2预测能力 3.3抓主干 即通过听关键词、语调等手段来抓内容大意。因为事实上我们也只需要知道其主题大意,而不需逐字逐句,一字不漏地全部接受,那也是不可能的。教师可教给学生用摘录、画图等方法来做听力,特别是一些有地点、方位的内容,或者有比较性内容的短文,用这样的方法效果尤其好。 一、用英语组织课堂教学,营造英语听力教学的环境 二、加强英语课外阅读量,克服听力知识性障碍 三、精听与泛听相结合,全面提升学生的听力水平

听有两种方式:精听与泛听。泛听是指任何听力材料先完整地听一遍,重点放在语篇的理解;而精听则是指在泛听的基础上反复再听 几遍,将文章分成语段,语段分成语句,语句分成意群,逐个击破,或者做逐词逐句的听写练习,重点是确保语句的理解。 精听的目的是训练基本功,逐步习惯外国人讲话时的语音语调在语流中的变化,听熟基本词、常用语和常用句型。泛听的目的是巩 固和扩大精听的成果,接触更多的语言现象,更快地提高听觉反应 能力。 x可以说,泛听是目标,精听是达到目标的手段,要有效地提高 实际交流活动中的听力,在听力训练中必须采用泛听和精听相结合 的方法,泛听先行,精听在后。只有精泛结合,才有利于提高学生 的听力。 四、听说读写融合,四项技能齐头并进 2、听读结合。对于那些来自生活真实语言的不太长的阅读文章,可以先听后读,要求学生主要以听觉而不是视觉来吸取语言知识, 听后可让学生回答一些如who、when、what、where之类的问题,待 学生阅读材料之后再讨论疑难问题或书面回答问题。另外,加强朗 读训练对提高辨音能力和形成语感及提高听力作用很大。 五、运用听力策略,加强英语听力技巧训练 教师在进行听力教学时,不仅要学生多听语言材料,而且要教会学生如何根据自己的特点采取一些策略与方法来提高听的效率。我 们必须认识到听力学习策略教学的意义,在听力训练时,应向学生 指出听力训练不是学生被动地听教师准备的语言材料,而是主动吸 取信息的过程,因此,要积极思考,有意识地采取一定的策略,提 高学习效益。主要的学习策略有: 1、在听前根据问题和选项对文章大致内容进行预测;在听独白的过程中,可根据首、尾句对文章的内容进行预测。


人教版九年级英语听力 9A Unint 4 Integrated Skills Part A Types of TV programmes Task One: ⅠThe teacher Shows some pictures of types of TV programmes. Ⅱlet the students remember these words of types of TV programmes. 注:教师通过展示图片教授相关单词,引入本节课学习的话题——各种类型电视节目。 Task Two: ⅠThe teacher shows the pictures of Part A and let students match scenes with the correct types of programmes. ⅡLet students talk about the answers in pairs and checks the answers. 注:教师通过完成听力材料前的练习。为以下的听力任务完成做好铺垫。 Task Three: ⅠRead th rough the dialogue and fill the blanks that you can according to Part A ⅡStudents listen to the tape twice and complete the dialogue using the words in PartA

Sandy: what types of TV programmes do you like Millie? Millie:I like watching ____because I learn a lot about nature,history and real-life events from them. Sandy: I prefer_____.I hope one day I can take part in one of them,answer all the questions and win a great prise! Daniel:I like ____because the actors in them are always very funny and they make me laugh. Simon: If I have time I will watch a ____.There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. Amy: I love____so much.My favourite one is Hello Kitty. Andy: Do you like____? I think they are grate.They always have such Interesting things. Sandy:Yes, but sometimes they are too long.I don't have time to sit in front of the TV for hours every night.

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