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基于消费者心理的中国奢侈品营销策略分析——以CHANEL为例 - 副本

基于消费者心理的中国奢侈品营销策略分析——以CHANEL为例 - 副本
基于消费者心理的中国奢侈品营销策略分析——以CHANEL为例 - 副本







Analysis of Chinese Luxury Marketing Strategy Based on Consumer Psychology: A Case Study of


Abstract:In the developed countries of Europe and the United States, consumers have been experiencing the consumption of luxury goods for hundreds of years. At this stage, China's economy has developed healthily and rapidly. The population of cities and towns is increasing day by day, which has continuously improved the public's spending power. At the same time, the concept of consumption has been continuously optimized, and more people have the willingness to enjoy luxury goods. Gucci and Louis Vuitton and Chanel and other foreign luxury brands have made great strides in the Chinese market and succeeded in operations.

China's luxury goods industry is bred with unlimited business opportunities, and the market's capacity continues to increase and tends to be huge. Chinese consumers continue to increase their awareness of consumption and increase their ability to consume, and the demand for luxury goods is increasing. Undoubtedly, China will become a big country in the consumption of luxury goods. However, its market is in its infancy, and many aspects need to be improved and optimized: its concept of consumption stays in the primary stage, and it needs to further enhance the cognition and understanding of luxury goods. . At the same time, based on the luxury goods industry, Chinese enterprises have shown a phenomenon of lack of position, that is to say, the brand of luxury goods has not been produced. Only foreign brands can be seen to enter the army and look forward to sigh, and they cannot actively and extensively participate in their competition.

This paper expounds the development history of luxury brands at home and abroad, expounds the main characteristics of its market, explores its development trend, and analyzes the opportunities and threats that local luxury goods need to face in the process of development from the external environment. The psychology of consuming luxury goods (taking Chanel as an example) as the research object, designing the research object, conducting in-depth research on it, analyzing the importance of the factors affecting diversification; some deliberately proposing effective marketing for the luxury goods market. Strategy and describe the prospects for development.

Keywords: luxury goods; consumer psychology; strategy


一、绪论 (1)

(一)研究的背景和意义 (1)

1、研究的背景 (1)

2、研究的意义 (1)

(二)研究的对象 (2)

(三)研究的主要内容 (2)

(四)研究的思路和框架 (3)

二、相关理论及文献综述 (4)

(一)奢侈品的定义 (4)

(二)奢侈品消费的心理分析 (4)

(三)基于消费者心理的中国奢侈品营销策略分析的研究综述 (5)

三、中国消费者奢侈品购买动机的实证分析 (7)

(一)影响中国奢侈品营销策略的问卷调查 (7)

(二)数据的收集与样本信息 (7)

1、样本的描述性统计分析 (7)

2、样本性别分布 (7)

3、样本的年龄分布 (8)

4、样本的月平均收入分布 (8)

5、样本购买奢侈品考虑因素分布 (9)

6、样本购买奢侈品花费金额分布 (9)

7、样本购买奢侈品渠道分布 (9)

8、样本购买CHANEL动机情况分布 (10)

(三)购买动机分析 (12)

1、奢侈品消费购买动机: 炫耀、追求质量、享乐主义与自我赠礼 (12)

2.不同收入层级购买动机比较 (12)

3、不同收入层级购买行为比较 (13)

4、不同性别购买动机比较 (14)

5、消费动机与赠送行为的关系 (15)

四、基于购买动机的奢侈品消费心理分析 (16)

(一)影响我国消费者奢侈品消费心理的因素 (16)

1、社会因素 (16)

2、个人因素 (16)

(二)我国消费者奢侈品消费心理的分析与引导 (17)

(三)奢侈品购买中存在的心理问题 (18)

1、做生意要讲排场 (18)

2、追求优越感,满足虚荣心 (18)

3、炫耀,要面子 (18)

4、跟随流行的从众、攀比性消费心理 (19)

5、模仿性消费心理 (19)

6、情绪性消费心理 (19)
