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八年级下册Unit 2 What should I do?教学设计






八年级下册Unit 2 What should I do?教学设计

作者:李金兰发布者:李金兰[浮梁县南安中学] 来源:学员上传发布时间:2011-08-31 八年级下册Unit 2 What should I do?教学设计南安中学李金兰课题:Period 5 Integrating skills 教材分析:通过本课学习,学生不仅能谈论自己生活中的问题,而且能用could和should来提出建议,并对别人提出的建议进行评价;在掌握功能句式的基础上,要求学生能创造性地应用所学句型,向专栏写信


美国家孩子们繁重的学习和课外生活为话题,设计了4个Section: Section 1是阅读的热身,要求学生结合自己的课外生活完成表格,并且借助词典了解文章中将出现的生活的意思;Section 2呈现了阅读文章

以及阅读策略,阅读策略帮助学生学习用learner’s dictionary 学习词汇;Section 3是对阅读效果的

检验及语言知识的学习,形式为讨论、生词造句以及写一封建议信;Section 4是阅读内容的延伸,形式

为班级调查和角色扮演,培养学生的语言应用能力和解决问题的能力。教学目标目标语言Target languag e 1. 重点词汇和短语Words and expressions except, upset, find out, do wrong, what to do, lone ly, argue, get on well, have a fight with 2. 重点句子Key sentences You could be more friendl y. You should try to be funny. Everyone else in my class was invited except me. I’m very up set and don’t know what to do. 能力目标Ability goals Enable students to read about a boy’s problem and write an advice letter. 学能目标Learning ability goals Help students learn how to write an advice letter. 教学重难点Teaching important and difficult points How to write an advice letter. 教具准备Teaching aids No special material is needed for this period. 教学过

程与方式Teaching procedures and ways Step Ⅰ Revision Check the homework. Ask some students to read the sentences they have made with the key words: in style, original, the same as. St epⅡ Reading and writing In this step, students will read about a boy’s problem and practic

e writing an advice letter. T: In the last period, Erin called the radio programme for advic e. Sometimes people write to magazine or newspaper editors for advice. Have you tried that?

I think it is good way of solving problems when you don’t know whom you can ask for help. A lonely kid did that. Please turn to page 14. Look at the picture in 3a. The boy is writing a letter to a newspaper advice column for help. Read the letter and underline his problem. Wh en students have underlined the problem, ask one of them to read the problem. Explain: excep

t prep. not including except(for) sb/sth Everyone is here except Jim. The restaurant is open

except Monday. I can answer all the questions except for the last one. Upset adj. (not befo

re noun) unhappy and worried because something bad has happened The kid feels upset. (right)

upset kid (wrong) be upset about / over / by What are you upset about? She was upset at her

mother’s death. T: What should the lonely kid do? S1: He should ask his friends why. S2: H

e shouldn’t be upset. S3: He could buy a nice present for his friend. S4: He could ask his






teacher for help. T: Suppose you are the editor of this advice column, think about some advi ce for the boy and finish the letter in 3b. Sample letter: Dear Lonely Kid, There are a lot of things you could do. You could ask your friends why. Maybe you should buy a nice present for your best friend and go to the party yourself. If you didn’t do anything wrong, you wil l be welcomed. Good luck! Step Ⅲ Writing In this step, students will practice writing about their own problems and asking for advice. T: What problems do you have? Would you like to w rite a letter to the newspaper advice column? Think of other advice columns you know, and wr ite a letter about your problems. You are given 3 minutes. 3 minutes later, collect their pa pers. Then hand out the papers to different students. Ask students to answer the letter he/s he has got.. On one hand, students will practice writing an advice letter, on the other hand, they will help each other hand, they will help each other to solve the problems. Step Ⅳ Gr oupwork Ask students to complete activity 4 in groups. Each group chooses one problem and ma kes similar conversation as the example. Let them choose the best advice in each group. T: T here is a list of problems in activity 4. Now work in groups and give your advice. In each g roup, one will be the one with the problem. The others try to give some advice .Then decide who gives the best advice in your group. While students are making conversations, move aroun d and check their work. Step Ⅴ Homework Finish the exercises in Self Check. 教学反思:本课主要是为了呈现本单元的主题语言,并进行适当地听说练习。 1a呈现了一些学生日常生活中可能会遇到的问题,让学生根据问题的严重与否进行分类,初步了解一些重要词汇。在进行词汇教学时应当让学生自然地学习语言,而不能强硬地教给学生,不能把语汇学习变成语法讲解课,这样学生会学得枯燥无味。 1b

是一个听力练习,学生听录音然后把听到的问题圈出来,学生通过听一段口语对话较为简单,对大部分学生来说听一遍就能懂。因此,教师可能根据本班学生的实际情况,通过多媒体教学手段适当地增加其它的有关目标语言的听力对话,让学生能够为1c的活动积累的语言素材。 1c是口语练习,学生结对谈话1a

中呈现的问题并提供建议,练习用could和should提建议的功能句型。此部分重点是对学生进行说的练习,在1a、1b训练的基础上,相信多数学生能够较为熟练的适用目标语言,在此部分的练习时,有的教师可能会因为不重视学生的听说训练而不进行训练,但是正是因为学生听说能力强,不能对英语感兴趣才会更好地促进读写的教学,所以教师不能因此而压缩此部分的教学。在开展会话中,我始终以学生为主体,引发他们的联想思维,由单一的讨论内容过渡到综合内容,把几个不同内容的话题串联起来,既复习旧知识,又开发了学生的智力。在编对话这个环节时,我临时让学生在对话的时候将病痛表演出来,即形象又生动轻松的达到了教学的目的。在整个教学过程中,我特别注意中差生,鼓励他们大胆实践,并注意发现他们的"闪光点",有点滴进步就给予表扬肯定,以增强他们的自信心。在教学中,我十分重视听说训练,尝试让学生在口语运用中学会表达他们的个人意见,抒发个人情感。如,本课学的What should I do ? 这课,我发动全班学生都说出自己问题,烦恼和解决方法,整个课堂在热烈气氛中学会并运用所学的句型,提高了运用语言交际的能力。同时注重语感教学,加强培养语感和学习兴趣。功能话题是谈论个人问题和烦恼,







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