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1.1 引发变压器的继电保护装置误动,使变压器的投运频频失败;

1.2 变压器出线短路故障切除时所产生的电压突增,诱发变压器保护误动,使变压器各侧负荷全部停电;

1.3 A电站一台变压器空载接入电源产生的励磁涌流,诱发邻近其他B电站、C电站等正在运行的变压器产生“和应涌流”(sympathetic inrush)而误跳闸,造成大面积停电;

1.4 数值很大的励磁涌流会导致变压器及断路器因电动力过大受损;

1.5 诱发操作过电压,损坏电气设备;

1.6 励磁涌流中的直流分量导致电流互感器磁路被过度磁化而大幅降低测量精度和继电保护装置的正确动作率;

1.7 励磁涌流中的大量谐波对电网电能质量造成严重的污染。

1.8 造成电网电压骤升或骤降,影响其他电气设备正常工作。










式中α为 t=0时U1的初相角如忽略电阻R1,即


求解( 2.3)式微分方程得磁通Φ的表达式为










图2-3是铁磁材料的磁滞回线,它描述在磁路的励磁线圈上施加交流电压时,磁势H 也相应的从-Hc到Hc之间变化,由H产生的磁通Φ(或磁通密度B=Φ/S)将在磁滞回线上作相应的变化。如果H在回线上的某点突然减到零,则B将随即落到对应B轴的某点上,该点所对应的B值即为剩磁Br。可以看出剩磁的数值和极性与切除励磁电压的相位角有关,如果在第Ⅰ、Ⅱ象限切断励磁电源(即H=0)则剩磁为正或零,在Ⅲ、Ⅳ象限切断励磁电源,则剩磁为负。



变压器初级电压u、主磁通Φ、剩磁ΦRes及偏磁Φp与分闸角和合闸角的关系曲线图,以及电源电压u分闸初相角α’与剩磁ΦRes的关系曲线。变压器处于稳态时主磁通Φ滞后电源电压u 90°.变压器空载上电时所产生的偏磁一定与稳态时对应上电时电压u曲线上电点的稳态磁通大小相等,极性相反,其最大值可达稳态磁通Φ的峰值Φm,而剩磁ΦRes幅值与磁路材料的特性有关。不难看出对应同一个合闸初相角α或分闸初相角α’所产生的偏磁和剩磁的极



图3-1选录了四条励磁涌流Iy与分闸角α’和合闸角α的关系曲线,可以看到,在合闸角α为90°或270°时,空投变压器的励磁涌流与变压器的前次分闸角无关,原因是在变压器初级电压过峰值时上电不产生偏磁,不论变压器原来是否有剩磁都不会使磁路饱和。当然,如果使用三相联动断路器是不可能做到三相的偏磁都为零。而当合闸角α为0°或 180°时则空投变压器的励磁涌流与前次分闸角α’密切相关,当α与α’相近(大约相差±60°)时励磁涌流被抑制,此后α与α’偏离越大,励磁涌流也越大。由此可以看到如断路器的合闸时间漂移在±3ms时对涌流的抑制基本无影响。当今的真






Transformer inrush current suppression

Transformer inrush current leads not only to the protective relaying misoperation, derived from the power grid voltage sags, harmonic pollution, and the inrush current, ferromagnetic resonance overvoltage in power system operation, to bring the negative effect that cannot underestimate. For decades the people through the identification of inrush current feature method to reduce the relay misoperation rate, but did not gain a good return, malfunction rate is still high. As for the voltage sag, harmonic pollution, and the inrush current, elimination of the more be nonplussed over sth.. The reason is that people think the inrush current appears irresistible, can only use" recognition " countermeasure, namely "hide " countermeasure. In fact, change a train of thought --" inhibition", can be fully realized, and have achieved.


Transformer inrush and surge suppression capacitor chargingprinciple is completely similar to the inductance and capacitance are energy storage devices, the former does not allow current mutation, which does not allow voltage surge,power drop will induce a transient process. Access in the power transformer no-load transformer outlet power failure andprotection devices to be removed, because of a side of the transformer windings to feel the surge applied voltage values are sometimes generated a great inrush current. Inrush currentpeak is not only large, and contains very many harmonics andDC component. Electrical equipment on the grid and thusresult in an extremely negative impact.

1. the danger of inrush current

1.1 caused by the transformer protection devices malfunction,the frequent failure of the transformer and put into operation;

1.2 removal of the transformer short-circuit fault outlet voltage generated when the sudden increase in the protection induced by transformermalfunction, so that each side of the transformer load all thepower;

1.3 A power station access to a power transformer no-load inrush current generated, inducing other B power station nearby, C power station transformers are running a "and should surge" (sympathetic inrush) and false tripping, resulting in a large area power failure; large inrush currentvalue of

1.4 would result in electric power transformers andcircuit breakers due to excessive damage;

1.5-induced over-voltage, damaged electrical equipment;

1.6 inrush current of the DC component lead to over-current transformermagnetization and magnetic significantly reduce themeasurement accuracy and the correct action rate ofprotection devices;

1.7 magnetizing inrush current in a large number of harmonics on power quality caused by pollution.

1.8 caused by voltage sags or swells, affecting the normal operation of other electrical equipment. For decades, people have taken to the inrush current approach is to "hide", but

because of inrush current form and characteristics ofdiversity, through mathematical or physical methods toidentify its characteristics difficult to improve the accuracy ofthat inrush current in this field has been a historical problem.

2. the magnetizing inrush currentcauses

Suppressor is an important feature of the strategy adopted bymagnetizing inrush current is not "escape", but "suppression." Inrush current theory and practice that can suppress or even eliminate, because the source of inrush current is generated in the transformer windings on either side felt the applied voltage increases, based on fluxconservation theorem, the windings in the magnetic circuit will produce a single polarity of the magnetic bias, such as partial pole and transformer of exactly the same as the original remanence polarity, it may bias magnetic remanence andsteady-state flux superimposed with the result of magnetic saturation, thus greatly reducing the magnetizing reactance ofthe transformer windings , and then induced a significantinrush current value. As the partial magnetic polarity and the value is applied voltage switch by selecting the phase angle control, and therefore, if we can grasp the power transformer when the last of remanent magnetic polarity, they can drop by when the control transformer the supply voltage phase angle, which allows magnetic bias with opposite polarity remanence, which eliminate the inrush current of the soil -magnetic saturation, to achieve the inrush current .

For a long time, people found it impossible to measure thetransformer polarity and remanence values, and thus had to abandon the use of the idea of partial remanence magneticoffset. Inrush current in response to the strategy does notappear on the two smooth road, a road through the control power transformer voltage drop closing phase angle, so that it does not produce magnetic bias, in order to avoid magnetic saturation occurs when the power drops . The other way is the use of physical or mathematical method foridentifying the characteristics of magnetizing inrush current, in order to lock in the power transformer protection devices drop, that the aforementioned "avoid" strategy. The two fatal road has its problems, capture does not produce magnetic bias voltage closing angle of only two, namely, the two sinusoidal voltage peak point (90 ° or 270 °), if you deviate from these two points, partial there will be magnetic, which requires control of the closing part of all institutions (including circuit breakers) should be accurate, stable operating time,because, as 1 millisecond time drift action, closing phaseangle of 18 ° will produce the error. In addition, three-phase voltage of the peak is not at the same time coming, but the difference between 120 °, to completely eliminate the three-phase inrush current, must be time-phase three-phase circuit breaker closing can be achieved, and the current operating rules prohibit such power will be lead to time-sharing-phasesplit-phase operation running, not to mention some circuit breakers in the sub-phase structure can not operate.

dentification with the physical and mathematical methods of magnetizing inrush current rather difficult, because the characteristics of magnetizing inrush current and a lot of factors, such as closing phase angle, the electromagnetic parameters of the transformer and so on. A large number of scholars and engineers through decades of unremitting effortsstill can not find an effective way, because of its high degree of difficulty, that is to "avoid" strategy difficult, the Achilles heel ofthis strategy is to tolerate the other excitation inrush current occurs, the pollution of its power grid and electrical equipment,there is still destructive.

Transformer diagram 2-1

Figure 2-1 is a single-phase transformer structure, we can write the no-load voltage of the primary winding of the equation

Where N1, R1, respectively, for the primary winding turns and the resistance


(2.1) can be rewritten as Where α t = 0, U1, such as ignoring the initial phase angleresistor R1, which

Let R1 = 0, we obtain the solution (2.3)-type equations have an expression for the magnetic flux Φ

Based on flux conservation theorem, in the closing momentsmagnetic flux can not change suddenly, you can find theintegration constant C.

The amplitude of the total flux from equation (2.6) is not difficult to see that the applied voltage transformer u1 in the early phase angle α diffe rent when closing the magnetic fluxgenerated by Φ is not the same, the equation (2.6) is rewritten as

(2.7) for the transient flux, that is, magnetic bias, in the closing moments Φp value of α for the 90 ° or 270 ° drop at Φp = 0, at 0 ° or 180 ° when dropped up to the peak Φm Φp . Equation

(2.7) in f or the steady-state flux, as a periodic function. Figure 2-2 for the drop-closing angle α = 0, the flux curve, the steady-state flux diagram Φs, Φ is Φs and Φp total flux synthetic (not taking into account t he remanence Φres), Φsat for the transformer saturation flux. For the lossless transformer (R1 = 0) magnetic bias Φp will not decay, the solid line shows, for lossy transformer (R1> 0)

Closing angle α = 0, the flux curve of Figure 2-2

Dashed line. As can be seen from Figure 2-3 in the voltage phase angle range θ1 to θ2 greater than the total flux Φsaturation flux Φsat, magnetic saturation, resulting inrush current iy, iy has a discontinuity.

For the lossless transformer Φ and iy is about even symmetry of the

waveform, while the discontinuity in theiy = 0 is the angular range of Φt he even symmetric waveform. For Φ and iy is detrimental tothe transformer will no longer symmetrical relationship.

When taking into account the remanence, the remanence will be the total magnetic flux, magnetic bias (transient flux) andsteady-state flux of the three components. Difficult to see inFigure 2-2 Bias in the case, such as remanence is positive, the total flux curve upward shift,

that more saturated magnetic circuit, inrush current amplitude will be greater. If remanence is negative, the inrush current is suppressed.

Core material hysteresis loop in Figure 2-3 、

Figure 2-2 is the hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic materials,which describes the excitation coil in the magnetic circuit on the AC voltage applied, the corresponding magnetic potential H-Hc to Hc from between the change in magnetic flux Φ generated by H (or magnetic flux density B = Φ / S) in the corresponding hysteresis loop changes. If the H line at some point suddenly back to zero, then B will then fall into the B-axiscorresponds to a certain point, the point corresponding to theB value is the remanence Br. Remanence values can be seenwith the removal of excitation voltage and polarity of the phaseangle, and if in the first Ⅰ, Ⅱexcitation power off quadrant (ie,H = 0) then the remanence is positive or zero, in Ⅲ, Ⅳquadrant cut off the excitation power, the remanence is negative.

3.the magnetizing inrush current suppression method

Transformer energized during normal working hours, the main magnetic flux in the applied voltage waveform and the waveform is basically the same, that is a sine wave. Magnetic flux lags the supply voltage of

90 °, by monitoring the supply voltage waveform to achieve the flux waveform monitoring,then get off when the supply voltage polarity remanence. Dropon the power transformer magnetic bias Φp also generatedas a result of magnetic bias, the power supply voltage when the initial phase angle α in Ⅰ, Ⅳquadrant bias generated within the range of magnetic polarity is positive, while the initial phase angle α in Ⅱ, ⅲquadrant bias generated within the range of magnetic polarity is negative. Clearly, the remanence polarity shows that the magnetic polarity bias control, so long as the power drop and remanence magneticpolarity opposite side, he incurs surge suppression.

Figure 3-1for the transformer primary voltag e u, the main magnetic flux Φ, and the bias magnetic remanence ΦRes Φp with sub-gate the relationship between the angle and closing angle curve, and the sub-gate supply voltage u beginning ofthe phase angle α 'with the remanence ΦRes curve. The main transformer in the steady state flux Φ lag the supply voltage u 90 °, tTransformer no-load power generated when the magnetic bias must correspond with the steady state voltage u at power point on the curve of steady-state flux power equal,opposite polarity, The maximumsteady-state flux Φ up to the peak Φm, while the

amplitude of magnetic remanence ΦRes material characteristics. Easy to see the early phase corresponds to the same angle α or closing the sub-gate initial phase angle α 'and the resulting magnetic remanence of the very partial.Transformer primary voltage u, the main magnetic flux Φ, and the bias magnetic remanence ΦRes Φp with sub-gate the relationship between the angle and closing angle curve of the opposite, that is measured by the sub-gate sub-gate voltage angle α ', and α ' preserved, the selection of the transformer in the next drop in the closing angle α equal to α', when coupled with power, and bias magnetic remanence can reverse, theywill be less than the synthesis of magnetic flux saturation f lux Φsat .(Due to saturation flux is generally larger than the steady-state flux peak selection), the magnetic circuit is not saturated, in order to achieve inrush current suppression. As the three-phase three-phase supply voltage of the circuit breaker when the linkage has been cut three-phase sub-phase of thedifference between the gate 120 °, the phase difference between the remanence polarity is 120 °, and when closing the three-phase three-phase co-linkage initial phase angledifference between the gate is 120 °, the phase difference between the partial pole is also 120 °, so that the naturalrealization of the three-phase transformer magnetic circuitbias magnetic and remanence are offset to avoid a circuit breaker must be with a time share in order to suppress inrush current demanding, that support for three-phase three-phasecircuit breaker linkage surge suppression.

As long as the partial inhibition of inrush current and remanent magnetic polarity opposite to, are not required to fully offset,so when the closing angle relative to a greater angle of the previous sub-gate bias, as long as no magnetic bias and remanence are added together, the magnetic circuit not saturated, which greatly reduces the operating time of circuit breaker operating mechanism precision requirements for the practical application of this technology laid the foundation.Suppressor and fast cutting of such devices and equipmentcan be realized from the investment unit linked by cold stand by spare transformer run, which will greatly reduce no-load transformer hot standby mode energy consumption.

Figure 3-3presents selected four inrush current Iy and thesub-gate angle α 'and the closing angle α of the curve, you can see, in the closing angle α of 90 ° or 270 °, drop the transformer inrush current and transformer before sub-sub-gate angle has nothing to do, because the transformer primary voltage over peak power does not produce magnetic bias, regardless of whether the original transformer magnetic saturation remanence will not. Of course, if you use three-phase circuit breaker is not possible linkage phase of themagnetic bias is zero. And when the closing angle α is 0 ° or180 ° when the drop the transformer inrush current and the previous sub-gate angle α 'is closely related to, when α and α'are similar (about a difference of ± 60 °) when the inrush current is suppressed, then α and α 'the greater the deviation,the greater the inrush current. It can be seen as closing the circuit breaker when the time shift at ±3ms surge suppression for no influence. Today's vacuum circuit breakers and SF6 circuit breaker, closing time drift are within1ms, can accurately achieve the inrush current suppression.

Tripping angle α 'and closing angle α of the inrush current of Figure 3-1

It should be noted, after a stay in the three-phase power transformer magnetic circuit remanence under normal circumstances will not decay away, and not to change polarity.Only in the transformer core material above the Curie point bythe high temperature will decay or disappear after the remanence, but generally the power station site will not happen. Say the least, remanence disappeared a good thing,as long as there is no residual magnetism, magnetic bias alone will not cause magnetic saturation.


Drop charging power transformer phase angle phase anglewith the previous removal of the power matching principle, in theory and practice have proved that the joint operation in the use of three-phase circuit breaker can be completely suppressed when the inrush current. Similarly, the power capacitor charging phase angle with the last drop cut powerphase angle matching principle, can be achieved when thecircuit breaker closing inhibit the interaction of three-phase capacitor charging surge. The technology protection malfunction eradication, improvement of power quality, improve operational reliability are important. The same variety of voltage levels of power system reactive power compensation, long-distance transmission line series compensation control is also important.


译自<<科技英语>> 变压器 1. 介绍 要从远端发电厂送出电能,必须应用高压输电。因为最终的负荷,在一些点高电压必须降低。变压器能使电力系统各个部分运行在电压不同的等级。本文我们讨论的原则和电力变压器的应用。 2. 双绕组变压器 变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。两个线圈之所以相互耦合,是因为它们连接着共同的磁通。 在电力应用中,使用层式铁芯变压器(本文中提到的)。变压器是高效率的,因为它没有旋转损失,因此在电压等级转换的过程中,能量损失比较少。典型的效率范围在92到99%,上限值适用于大功率变压器。 从交流电源流入电流的一侧被称为变压器的一次侧绕组或者是原边。它在铁圈中建立了磁通φ,它的幅值和方向都会发生周期性的变化。磁通连接的第二个绕组被称为变压器的二次侧绕组或者是副边。磁通是变化的;因此依据楞次定律,电磁感应在二次侧产生了电压。变压器在原边接收电能的同时也在向副边所带的负荷输送电能。这就是变压器的作用。 3. 变压器的工作原理 当二次侧电路开路是,即使原边被施以正弦电压V p,也是没有能量转移的。外加电压在一次侧绕组中产生一个小电流Iθ。这个空载电流有两项功能:(1)在铁芯中产生电磁通,该磁通在零和 φm之间做正弦变化,φm是铁芯磁通的最大值;(2)它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。这两种相关的损耗被称为铁芯损耗。 变压器空载电流Iθ一般大约只有满载电流的2%—5%。因为在空载时,原边绕组中的铁芯相当于一个很大的电抗,空载电流的相位大约将滞后于原边电压相位90o。显然可见电流分量I m= I0sinθ0,被称做励磁电流,它在相位上滞后于原边电压V P 90o。就是这个分量在铁芯中建立了磁通;因此磁通φ与I m同相。 第二个分量I e=I0sinθ0,与原边电压同相。这个电流分量向铁芯提供用于损耗的电流。两个相量的分量和代表空载电流,即 I0 = I m+ I e 应注意的是空载电流是畸变和非正弦形的。这种情况是非线性铁芯材料造成的。 如果假定变压器中没有其他的电能损耗一次侧的感应电动势E p和二次侧的感


变压器励磁涌流产生机理及抑制措施探讨论文范本 1、变压器励磁涌流及特点 变压器是一种依据电磁感应原理制造而成的静止元件,是交流输电系统中用于电压变 换的重要电气设备。当合上断路器给变压器充电时,有时候,能够观察到变压器电流表的 指针有很大摆动,随后,很快又返回到正常的空载电流值,这个冲击电流通常就被称为励 磁涌流。 总的来说,变压器励磁涌流有以下几个特点:第一,波形呈现尖顶形状,表明其中含 有相当成分的非周期分量和高次谐波分量,其中高次谐波以二次和三次为主,并且,随着 时间推移,某一相二次谐波含量可能超过基波分量的一半以上。第二,励磁涌流幅值与变 压器空载投入的电压初相角直接相关。对于单相变压器来说,当电压过零点投入时,励磁 涌流幅值最大。由于三相变压器各相间有120度相位差,所以涌流也不尽相同。第三,在 最初几个波形中,涌流将出现间断角。第四,涌流衰减的时间常数与变压器阻抗、容量和 铁心材料等都相关。 2、励磁涌流产生机理 变压器励磁涌流是由变压器铁心饱和引起的。在铁心不饱和时,铁心磁化曲线的斜率 很大,励磁电流近似为零;一旦铁心出现饱和,磁化曲线斜率变小,电流随着磁通线性增长,最终演变为励磁涌流。 下面以单相变压器空载合闸为例分析励磁涌流产生机理。设变压器在时间t=0时合闸,则施加于变压器上的电压为: 1 又,变压器电压与磁通间的关系为: 2 故: 3 式3中第一式为稳态磁通,后两式为暂态磁通,为铁心剩磁,与合闸时刻的电压相关。 计及成本和工艺,现代常用的`电力变压器饱和磁通一般设为1.15~1.4,而变压器运行电压一般不应超过额定电压的10%。因此,变压器稳态正常运行时,磁通不会超过饱和 磁通,铁心也不会饱和。但在暂态过程中,如变压器空载合闸时,由于剩磁的作用,运行 磁通就有可能大于饱和磁通,从而造成变压器饱和。例如,最严重的是电压过零时刻,合闸,假若此时铁心的剩磁,非周期磁通为经过半个周期后,磁通达到,将远大于饱和磁通,造成变压器严重饱和。 3、抑制措施


变压器励磁涌流抑制技术研究 发表时间:2018-10-17T14:36:31.510Z 来源:《电力设备》2018年第19期作者:李鹏飞薛彬张家瑛 [导读] 摘要:空载运行时,变压器的工作电流基本上用以励磁,其数值往往不大,与额定电流相比,仅仅为0.35%一10%,但空载合闸时,会伴随很大的电流,经一段时间后才会达至稳态,与额定电流相比,其最大值可达至6-8倍,称之为励磁涌流。 (国网山西省电力公司检修分公司山西省 030032) 摘要:空载运行时,变压器的工作电流基本上用以励磁,其数值往往不大,与额定电流相比,仅仅为0.35%一10%,但空载合闸时,会伴随很大的电流,经一段时间后才会达至稳态,与额定电流相比,其最大值可达至6-8倍,称之为励磁涌流。励磁涌流严重影响着电气设备、电网等,造成的破坏不容忽视,抑制励磁涌流成为当下研究的主流。 关键词:变压器;励磁涌流;抑制技术 1励磁涌流的分析 1.1励磁涌流的特点 励磁涌流特点鲜明,与短路电流有很大的区别,总结其特点可更好地认识励磁涌流。运用MATLAB这一仿真工具,与磁通表达式相互配合,模拟单相变压器空载合间时励磁涌流的相关情况,通过观察并分析其电流波形,总结励磁涌流的特点。励磁涌流的特点:(1)与额定电流相比,其幅值可达至6-8倍,数值与短路电流差不多。(2)波形呈现尖顶状,谐波和非周期分量含量很高,较其它谐波,二次谐波大且偏离时间轴。(3)波形有间断角,其大小与电压初相角、剩磁、饱和磁通均有关联。在实际应用中,电流互感器的饱和可能使间断角由有到无,影响励磁涌流的判别,监测励磁涌流应选择一定裕度的监测工具。(4)波形呈指数衰减,衰减常数与变压器的类型有关。小型衰减较快,而大型较慢。理论上来说,励磁涌流的衰减时间常数与暂态磁通的衰减时间常数相同。 1.2励磁涌流的危害 (1)数值很大,一般会超出继保装置的整定值,造成装置误动,使得变压器无法正常投入运行。 (2)从相同的母线引出的几个电站,当某一电站发生这一状况时,因为存在“和应涌流”,容易引起鄉近电站运行的变压器发生误跳间,造成整个片区停电。 (3)电动力与励磁涌流的数值有关,过高的电动力容易引起绕组及断路器受损。 (4)合闽时存在操作过电压,危害设备。 (5)造成互感器产生饱和现象,使检测精度进一步下降,提升了保护装置的误动率。 (6)大量谐波和非周期分量严重污染电网。 总体而言,励磁涌流的存在影响电气设备的正常工作,影响电力系统的安全,严重时会损坏电气设备,造成电力系统的崩溃,带来安全隐患和经济损失。 2励磁涌流的抑制技术 2.1内部采取抑制措施 内部措施从变压器结构入手,需要重新配置变压器,甚至重新设计变压器。大量更换变压器比较繁复、极不经济,励磁涌流抑制技术在外部采取进行是很好的选择。 2.2外部采取抑制措施 外部措施从变压器线路入手,有内插电阻法、合闸回路串电阻法、低压侧并联电容器法、软后动法、预充磁绕狙法和选相合间技术等。 2.2.1内插电阻法 内插电阻法主要用于带中性点的三相变压器,将电阻串接在中性点处。因励磁涌流一般无法达到平衡,此电阻起到衰减的作用。接地电阻接于中性点,在合间结束后可用旁路断路器予以切除。此电阻除了承受不平衡电流,还减小电压,防止铁也发生饱和。用此方案时,断路器可选用规格较低的或者不用。三相同时合间时,励磁涌流基本平衡,内插电阻法所起的作用很小,但当先合一相,而后合另外两相时,励磁涌流均会发生很大程度的衰减,抑制效果明显。 2.2.2合闸回路串电阻法 合闸回路串电阻法主要改变合闽回路的电阻,在变压器空载合间时投入电阻,抑制磁通的幅值,增加衰减速度。合闸回路串电阻法可以减小磁通幅值、低压侧并联电容器法可以去磁,将两种方法配合使用具有很好地效果。改进的合闸回路串电阻法就是在串联电阻的基础上串联电容,从而减弱磁通幅值、减小励磁电感。 2.2.3软启动法 软启动法通过软启动器调整一次侧电压,尽可能减小合闸时的电压,依据设定曲线逐渐将电压提升至额定电压。软启动器的实现可依据可控硅相角触发技术,预先设定的曲线针对具体的变压器,具有单一性。 2.2.4预充磁绕组法 预充磁绕组法是在给变压器增加充磁绕组,用以改变变压器的磁通,让变压器合闸时的工作点处于膝点以下。具体实施时利用充磁绕组改变剩磁,以减弱合成磁通。预充磁绕组法额外增加充磁绕组,其实现比较麻烦,剩磁也难以控制精确,造成磁通的弱化具有一定的随机性。预充磁绕组法要与其他方法相互结合才能够真正有效地减小励磁涌流。 2.2.5选相合闸技术 选相合闸技术按照磁通变化情况及合闸时剩磁大小,合理控制电压投入时的初相角,在直流偏磁和剩磁极性不一致时准确投运。针对单相变压器,一般选择偏磁为零的电压角进行合闸,即峰值点90o或270o。针对三相变压器,具体有三种合闸策略:一是快速合闸策略,二是延时合闸策略,三是同步合闸策略。快速合闸是指一相先合闸,其余两相在其磁通与剩磁抵消时合闸,三相在一个周期内完成合闸。延时合闸策略是指一相选择直流偏磁与剩磁相互抵消时先合闸,经过铁心磁通的平衡效应,大约2-3个周期后,剩余两相同时合闸,合闸时刻为首合闸相的电压过零点。目前延迟合闸策略与中性点串电阻法、合闸回路串电阻法配合使用,抑制效果有了进一步提升。快速合闸策略和延迟合闸策略均对剩磁要求苛刻,快速合闸策略要预先检测所有剩磁且要求剩余两相合闸时剩磁相互抵消,延迟合闸策略要预先检测首


附录 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD POWER TRANSFORMERS 1. Scope and service conditions 1.1 Scope This part of international Standard IEC60076 applies to three-phase and single-phase power transformers (including auto-transformers) with the exception certain categories of small and special transformers such as: -single-phase transformers with rated power less than 1 KV A and three-phase transformers less than 5 KV A; - instrument transformers; - transformers for static convertors; -traction transformers mounted on rolling stock; -starting transformers ; -testing transformers ; -welding transformers ; When standards do not exist for such categories of transformers, this part may still be applicable either as a whole or in part. 1.2 Service conditions This part gives detailed requirement for transformers for use under the following conditions: a)Altitude A height above sea-level not exceeding 1000 m . b) Temperature of ambient air not below - 25℃and not above +40℃.For water-cooled transformers , a temperature of cooling water at the inlet not exceeding +25℃. c) Wave shape of supply voltage A supply voltage of which the wave shape is approximately sinusoidal. NOTE This requirement is normally not critical in public supply systems but may


变压器励磁涌流的抑制 变压器励磁涌流不仅导致继电保护误动,由其衍生的电网电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流、铁磁谐振过电压等都给电力系统运行带来不可低估的负面影响。数十年来人们通过识别励磁涌流特征的方法来减少继电保护的误动率,但并未获得良好的回报,误动率仍居高不下。至于对电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流等的消除更一筹莫展。究其原因是人们认为励磁涌流的出现不可抗拒,只能采用“识别”的对策,即“躲”的对策。其实,换个思路——“抑制”,是完全可以实现的,而且已经实现了。 引言 变压器励磁涌流与电容器的充电涌流抑制原理完全相似,电感及电容都是储能元件,前者不容许电流突变,后者不容许电压突变,空投电源时都将诱发一个暂态过程。在电力变压器空载接入电源时及变压器出线发生故障被继电保护装置切除时,因变压器某侧绕组感受到外施电压的骤增而产生有时数值极大的励磁涌流。励磁涌流不仅峰值大,且含有极多的谐波及直流分量。由此对电网及电器设备造成极为不利的影响。 1、励磁涌流的危害性 1.1 引发变压器的继电保护装置误动,使变压器的投运频频失败; 1.2 变压器出线短路故障切除时所产生的电压突增,诱发变压器保护误动,使变压器各侧负荷全部停电; 1.3 A电站一台变压器空载接入电源产生的励磁涌流,诱发邻近其他B电站、C电站等正在运行的变压器产生“和应涌流”(sympathetic inrush)而误跳闸,造成大面积停电; 1.4 数值很大的励磁涌流会导致变压器及断路器因电动力过大受损; 1.5 诱发操作过电压,损坏电气设备; 1.6 励磁涌流中的直流分量导致电流互感器磁路被过度磁化而大幅降低测量精度和继电保护装置的正确动作率; 1.7 励磁涌流中的大量谐波对电网电能质量造成严重的污染。 1.8 造成电网电压骤升或骤降,影响其他电气设备正常工作。 数十年来人们对励磁涌流采取的对策是“躲”,但由于励磁涌流形态及特征的多样性,通过数学或物理方法对其特征识别的准确性难以提高,以致在这一领域里励磁涌流已成为历史性难题。 2、励磁涌流的成因 抑制器的重要特点是对励磁涌流采取的策略不是“躲避”,而是“抑制”。理论及实践证明励磁涌流是可以抑制乃至消灭的,因产生励磁涌流的根源是在变压器任一侧绕组感受到外施电压骤增时,基于磁链守恒定理,该绕组在磁路中将产生单极性的偏磁,如偏磁极性恰好和变压器原来的剩磁极性相同时,就可能因偏磁与剩磁和稳态磁通叠加而导致磁路饱和,从而大幅度降低变压器绕组的励磁电抗,进而诱发数值可观的励磁涌流。由于偏磁的极性及数值是可以通过选择外施电压合闸相位角进行控制的,因此,如果能掌握变压器上次断电时磁路中的剩磁极性,就完全可以通过控制变压器空投时的电源电


Circuit breaker 断路器 Compressed air circuit breaker is a mechanical switch equipment, can be i 空气压缩断路器是一种机械开关设备,能够在n normal and special conditions breaking current (such as short circuit cur 正常和特殊情况下开断电流(比如说短路电流)。 rent). For example, air circuit breaker, oil circuit breaker, interference circ 例如空气断路器、油断路器,干扰电路的导体uit conductor for the application of the safety and reliability of the circuit 干扰电路的导体因该安全可靠的应用于其中, breaker, current in arc from is usually divided into the following grades: a 电流断路器按灭弧远离通常被分为如下等级:ir switch circuit breaker, oil circuit breaker, less oil circuit breaker, compr 空气开关断路器、油断路器、少油断路器、压缩空essed air circuit breaker, a degaussing of isolating switch, six sulfur hexaf 气断路器、具有消磁性质的隔离开关、六氟luoride circuit breaker and vacuum breaker. Their parameters of voltage, 化硫断路器和真空断路器。他们的参数有电压等级、current, insulation level of breaking capacity, instantaneous voltage off ti 开断容量的电流、绝缘等级开断时间的瞬时电压恢复和me of recovery and a bombing. Breaker plate usually include: 1 the maxi 轰炸时间。断路器的铭牌通常包括: 1.最大可承


摘要 XF 110KV变电所是地区重要变电所,是电力系统110KV电压等级的重要部分。其设计分为电气一次部分和电气二次部分设计。 一次部分由说明书,计算书与电气工程图组成,说明书和计算书包括变电所总体分析;负荷分析与主变选择;电气主接线设计;短路电流计算;电气设备选择;配电装置选择;变电所总平设计及防雷保护设计。 二次部分由说明书,计算书与电气工程图组成。说明书和计算书包括整体概述;线路保护的整定计算;主变压器的保护整定计算;电容器的保护整定计算;母线保护和所用变保护设计。 计算书和电气工程图为附录部分。其中一次部分电气AutoCAD制图六张;二次部分为四张手工制图。 本变电所设计为毕业设计课题,以巩固大学所学知识。通过本次设计,使我对电气工程及其自动化专业的主干课程有一个较为全面,系统的掌握,增强了理论联系实际的能力,提高了工程意识,锻炼了我独立分析和解决电力工程设计问题的能力,为未来的实际工作奠定了必要的基础。 关键词:变电所;变压器;继电保护

Abstract XF county 110KV substation is an important station in this distract, which is one of the extremely necessary parts of the 110KV network in electric power system. The design of the substation can be separated in two parts: primary part and secondary part of the electric design. The first part consists of specifications, computation book and Electrical engineering drawings about the design. The specifications has several parts which are General analysis of the station, Load analysis, The selection of the main transformer, Layout of configuration, Computation of short circuit; Select of electric devices, Power distribution devices, General design of substation plane and the design of thunderbolt protection. The second part also consists of specifications, computation book and electrical drawings about the design。Specifications and computation book include following section: General, The evaluation and calculate of line protection, Transformer protection, capacitor protection, Bus protection and Self-using transformer protection. Computation book, Electrical engineering drawings and catalogue of drawings are attached in the end。There are nine drawings total, in which four are prepared by hand, others are prepared by computer in which installed the software electrical AutoCAD. From other view, it also can be classified as first part and second part. This is a design of substation for graduation design test. It can strengthen our specified knowledge. Key-words: substation;transformer;Relay protection


变压器励磁涌流不仅导致继电保护误动,由其衍生的电网电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流、铁磁谐振过电压等都给电力系统运行带来不可低估的负面影响。数十年来人们通过识别励磁涌流特征的方法来减少继电保护的误动率,但并未获得良好的回报,误动率仍居高不下。至于对电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流等的消除更一筹莫展。究其原因是人们认为励磁涌流的出现不可抗拒,只能采用“识别”的对策,即“躲”的对策。其实,换个思路——“抑制”,是完全可以实现的,而且已经实现了。 0、引言 变压器励磁涌流与电容器的充电涌流抑制原理完全相似,电感及电容都是储能元件,前者不容许电流突变,后者不容许电压突变,空投电源时都将诱发一个暂态过程。在电力变压器空载接入电源时及变压器出线发生故障被继电保护装置切除时,因变压器某侧绕组感受到外施电压的骤增而产生有时数值极大的励磁涌流。励磁涌流不仅峰值大,且含有极多的谐波及直流分量。由此对电网及电器设备造成极为不利的影响。 1、励磁涌流的危害性 1.1 引发变压器的继电保护装置误动,使变压器的投运频频失败;1.2 变压器出线短路故障切除时所产生的电压突增,诱发变压器保护误动,使变压器各侧负荷全部停电; 1.3 A电站一台变压器空载接入电源产生的励磁涌流,诱发邻近其他

B电站、C电站等正在运行的变压器产生“和应涌流”(sympathetic inrush)而误跳闸,造成大面积停电; 1.4 数值很大的励磁涌流会导致变压器及断路器因电动力过大受损; 1.5 诱发操作过电压,损坏电气设备; 1.6 励磁涌流中的直流分量导致电流互感器磁路被过度磁化而大幅降低测量精度和继电保护装置的正确动作率; 1.7 励磁涌流中的大量谐波对电网电能质量造成严重的污染。 1.8 造成电网电压骤升或骤降,影响其他电气设备正常工作。 数十年来人们对励磁涌流采取的对策是“躲”,但由于励磁涌流形态及特征的多样性,通过数学或物理方法对其特征识别的准确性难以提高,以致在这一领域里励磁涌流已成为历史性难题。 2、励磁涌流的成因 抑制器的重要特点是对励磁涌流采取的策略不是“躲避”,而是“抑制”。理论及实践证明励磁涌流是可以抑制乃至消灭的,因产生励磁涌流的根源是在变压器任一侧绕组感受到外施电压骤增时,基于磁链守恒定理,该绕组在磁路中将产生单极性的偏磁,如偏磁极性恰好和变压器原来的剩磁极性相同时,就可能因偏磁与剩磁和稳态磁通叠加而导致磁路饱和,从而大幅度降低变压器绕组的励磁电抗,进而诱发数值可观的励磁涌流。由于偏磁的极性及数值是可以通过选择外施电压合闸相位角进行控制的,因此,如果能掌握变压器上次断电时磁路中的剩磁极性,就完全可以通过控制变压器空投时的电源电压相位角,实现让偏磁与剩磁极性相反,从而消除产生励磁涌流的土壤——


摘要:合空载电力变压器时会产生数值相当大的励磁涌流,易造成变压器差动保护装置的误动作。针对这一问题,介绍了两种削弱励磁涌流的方法:控制三相合闸时间或在变压器低压侧加装电容器。理论分析和实践均证明这两种方法是行之有效的,但利用控制三相合闸时间来削弱励磁涌流在实际应用中更具有潜力。 关键词:励磁涌流;变压器;控制开关;电容 1概述 电力变压器在空载合闸投入电网或外部故障切除后电压恢复时,由于变压器的非线性,会产生数值相当大的励磁涌流,严重情况下其峰值可达额定电流的10到20倍[1],从而导致变压器保护的误动作。为了解决这一问题,目前变压器的差动保护都采用了或门制动方式,即三相电流中有一相制动,则三相全部制动。这样虽解决了涌流时的误动问题,但当变压器有涌流时,如果发生单相或两相内部故障,差动保护因健全相的涌流制动而不动作。大型变压器时间常数都很长,一般涌流过程超过5 s[2],在发生上述故障时,主保护等到振荡消失才能动作,实际就是拒动。理论分析和动模试验都证实了这种现象。为了保证差动保护装置的正确动作,必须要降低励磁涌流的幅值。目前,削弱励磁涌流的方法主要有两种:控制三相开关合闸时间,或在变压器低压侧并联电容器。本文将对这两种方法的原理、效果一一介绍。 2控制三相开关合闸时间以削弱励磁涌流 2.1理论基础 该方法的理论基础是:将变压器看作一个强感性负载,即看作一个非线性电感,当合闸时,变压器上的电压在变压器内部也产生一个磁通,当变压器有剩磁时,合闸后所产生的磁通如果和剩磁极性相同,则变压器内部的总磁通就会随着电压的升高而增加,从而励磁涌流也会随之增加,如果合闸后所产生的磁通和剩磁极性相反,则变压器内部的总磁通就会随着电压的升高而减小,从而削弱了励磁涌流;如果合闸时变压器内无剩磁,则可在合闸角为90°(即电压峰值时)时合闸,这样在变压器内产生的磁通最小,产生的励磁涌流也最小。在单相变压器中,可以很容易地分析出如下结果。假设单相变压器无漏抗,电源为无穷大,如图1所示:


变压器励磁涌流特点及控制技术 【摘要】本文分析了变压器励磁涌流及其特点,以单相变压器为例,分析了励磁涌流产生的机理,并给出了有效的控制技术。 【关键词】励磁涌流;二次谐波;变压器 1 变压器励磁涌流概念及特点 变压器是交流输电系统中用于电压变换的重要电气设备,是一种依据电磁感应原理制造而成的静止元件。当合上断路器给变压器充电时,有时候,能够观察到变压器电流表的指针有很大摆动,随后,很快又返回到正常的空载电流值,这个冲击电流通常就被称为励磁涌流。 变压器励磁涌流有以下几个特点:第一,波形呈现尖顶形状,表明其中含有相当成分的非周期分量和高次谐波分量,其中高次谐波以二次和三次为主,并且,随着时间推移,某一相二次谐波含量可能超过基波分量的一半以上。第二,励磁涌流幅值与变压器空载投入的电压初相角直接相关。对于单相变压器来说,当电压过零点投入时,励磁涌流幅值最大。由于三相变压器各相间有120°相位差,所以涌流也不尽相同。第三,在最初几个波形中,涌流将出现间断角。第四,涌流衰减的时间常数与变压器阻抗、容量和铁心材料等都相关。 2 励磁涌流产生原因 变压器励磁涌流是由变压器铁心饱和引起的。在铁心不饱和时,铁心磁化曲线的斜率很大,励磁电流近似为零;一旦铁心出现饱和,磁化曲线斜率变小,电流随着磁通线性增长,最终演变为励磁涌流。 计及成本和工艺,现代常用的电力变压器饱和磁通一般设为 1.15~1.4,而变压器运行电压一般不应超过额定电压的10%。因此,变压器稳态正常运行时,磁通不会超过饱和磁通,铁心也不会饱和。但在暂态过程中,如变压器空载合闸时,由于剩磁的作用,运行磁通就有可能大于饱和磁通,从而造成变压器饱和。例如,最严重的是电压过零时刻,合闸,假若此时铁心的剩磁,非周期磁通为经过半个周期后,磁通达到,将远大于饱和磁通,造成变压器严重饱和。 3 控制技术 对于现场中常用的三相电力变压器,防止变压器励磁涌流引起差动保护的措施主要有以下几类。 3.1 采用速饱和中间变流器 差动保护按照躲开最大不平衡电流进行整定时,带速饱和原理的差动保护能


变压器 摘要:变压器是变电所的主要设备,功能是实现电网电压的等级变换,基本工作原理是电磁感应。变配电所是实现电压等级变换和电能分配的场所。对供电电源进行电压等级变换,应对电能进行重新分配的场所称为变电所。建筑变电所是供配电系统的枢纽,供电电源由电网引到变电所,在变电所完成降压,电能分配等功能。 1. 介绍 要从远端发电厂送出电能,必须应用高压输电。因为最终的负荷,在一些点高电压必须降低。变压器能使电力系统各个部分运行在电压不同的等级。本文我们讨论的原则和电力变压器的应用。 2. 双绕组变压器 变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。两个线圈之所以相互耦合,是因为它们连接着共同的磁通。 在电力应用中,使用层式铁芯变压器(本文中提到的)。变压器是高效率的,因为它没有旋转损失,因此在电压等级转换的过程中,能量损失比较少。典型的效率范围在92到99%,上限值适用于大功率变压器。 从交流电源流入电流的一侧被称为变压器的一次侧绕组或者是原边。它在铁圈中建立了磁通φ,它的幅值和方向都会发生周期性的变化。磁通连接的第二个绕组被称为变压器的二次侧绕组或者是副边。磁通是变化的;因此依据楞次定律,电磁感应在二次侧产生了电压。变压器在原边接收电能的同时也在向副边所带的负荷输送电能。这就是变压器的作用。 3. 变压器的工作原理 当二次侧电路开路是,即使原边被施以正弦电压V p,也是没有能量转移的。外加电压在一次侧绕组中产生一个小电流Iθ。这个空载电流有两项功能:(1)在铁芯中产生电磁通,该磁通在零和 φm之间做正弦变化,φm是铁芯磁通的最大值;(2)它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。这两种相关的损耗被称为铁芯损耗。 变压器空载电流Iθ一般大约只有满载电流的2%—5%。因为在空载时,原边绕组中的铁芯相当于一个很大的电抗,空载电流的相位大约将滞后于原边电压相位90o。显然可见电流分量I m= I0sinθ0,被称做励磁电流,它在相位上滞后于原边电压V P 90o。就是这个分量在铁芯中建立了磁通;因此磁通φ与I m同相。


附录A 译文 变压器 1. 介绍 要从远端发电厂送出电能,必须应用高压输电。因为最终的负荷,在一些点高电压必须降低。变压器能使电力系统各个部分运行在电压不同的等级。本文我们讨论的原则和电力变压器的应用。 2. 双绕组变压器 变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。两个线圈之所以相互耦合,是因为它们连接着共同的磁通。 在电力应用中,使用层式铁芯变压器(本文中提到的)。变压器是高效率的,因为它没有旋转损失,因此在电压等级转换的过程中,能量损失比较少。典型的效率范围在92到99%,上限值适用于大功率变压器。 从交流电源流入电流的一侧被称为变压器的一次侧绕组或者是原边。它在铁圈中建立了磁通φ,它的幅值和方向都会发生周期性的变化。磁通连接的第二个绕组被称为变压器的二次侧绕组或者是副边。磁通是变化的;因此依据楞次定律,电磁感应在二次侧产生了电压。变压器在原边接收电能的同时也在向副边所带的负荷输送电能。这就是变压器的作用。 3. 变压器的工作原理 当二次侧电路开路是,即使原边被施以正弦电压V p,也是没有能量转移的。外加电压在一次侧绕组中产生一个小电流Iθ。这个空载电流有两项功能:(1)在铁芯中产生电磁通,该磁通在零和 φm之间做正弦变化,φm是铁芯磁通的最大值;(2)它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。这两种相关的损耗被称为铁芯损耗。 变压器空载电流Iθ一般大约只有满载电流的2%—5%。因为在空载时,原边绕组中的铁芯相当于一个很大的电抗,空载电流的相位大约将滞后于原边电压相位90o。显然可见电流分量I m= I0sinθ0,被称做励磁电流,它在相位上滞后

于原边电压V P 90o。就是这个分量在铁芯中建立了磁通;因此磁通φ与I m 同相。 第二个分量I e =I 0sin θ0,与原边电压同相。这个电流分量向铁芯提供用于损耗的电流。两个相量的分量和代表空载电流,即I 0 = I m + I e 应注意的是空载电流是畸变和非正弦形的。这种情况是非线性铁芯材料造成的。 如果假定变压器中没有其他的电能损耗一次侧的感应电动势E p 和二次侧的感应电压E s 可以表示出来。因为一次侧绕组中的磁通会通过二次绕组,依据法拉第电磁感应定律,二次侧绕组中将产生一个电动势E ,即E=N Δφ/Δt 。相同的磁通会通过原边自身,产生一个电动势E p 。正如前文中讨论到的,所产生的电压必定滞后于磁通90o,因此,它于施加的电压有180o的相位差。因为没有电流流过二次侧绕组,E s =V s 。一次侧空载电流很小,仅为满载电流的百分之几。因此原边电压很小,并且V p 的值近乎等于E p 。原边的电压和它产生的磁通波形是正弦形的;因此产生电动势E p 和E s 的值是做正弦变化的。产生电压的平均值如下 E avg = turns×给定时间内磁通变化量 给定时间 即是法拉第定律在瞬时时间里的应用。它遵循 E avg = N 21/(2)m f = 4fN φm 其中N 是指线圈的匝数。从交流电原理可知,有效值是一个正弦波,其值为平均电压的1.11倍;因此 E = 4.44fN φm 因为一次侧绕组和二次侧绕组的磁通相等,所以绕组中每匝的电压也相同。因此 E p = 4.44fN p φm 并且 E s = 4.44fN s φm


变压器励磁涌流的危害及抑制策略 变压器是电力系统中非常重要的电力设备,其工作性能关乎整个系统的安全运行。文章详细分析了变压器励磁涌流及其特点,针对它给电力系统所带来的危害,提出了抑制的对策。 标签:变压器;励磁涌流;危害;抑制策略 1 引言 处在正常工作状态下的变压器,其励磁电流通常只有额定电流3%到8%,容量较大的变压器则不超过1%。图1为稳态状态下磁通与电压之间的关系,励磁回路中的电阻可以忽略,磁通滞后外加电压90°,因此建立了稳定的磁场来抵消外部电源磁场的变化。此时,铁心饱和程度较低,励磁电流很小。然而一旦变压器在空载情况下使用,受到变压器铁心饱和与铁心非线性的影响,励磁涌流将激增,这给变压器与电力系统的运行带来危害。所以,对变压器励磁涌流展开研究具有现实意义。 图1 稳态状态下磁通与电压之间的关系 2 励磁涌流产生机理 变压器是基于电磁感应原理的、适用于静态交流电力系统的一种重要电力设备。变压器在空载状态下合闸充电,能观察到电流表指针出现大幅度摆动,之后极快地恢复正常,指向正常的空载电流值,这个冲击电流一般被称作励磁涌流。 励磁涌流的产生与变压器铁心饱和程度密切相关。变压器处于空载状态进行合闸充电时,受到外加电压的影响,绕组磁场将在一定程度上发生变化。与此同时根据磁链守恒定律,绕组在磁路中将出现单极性偏磁情况。由于变压器铁心材料具有非线性的特征,为了与绕组磁场变化相抵,铁心饱和程度将发生变化。当铁心饱和程度较低时,铁心磁化曲线斜率极大,这时励磁电流极小。当铁心饱和程度较高时,其磁化曲线斜率极小,励磁电流随着磁通的增长而变大,最后变为励磁涌流。若变压器存在剩磁,并且极性绕组偏磁一样,就会减小变压器绕组的励磁电抗,从而出现巨大的励磁涌流。 3 励磁涌流的特点 磁化曲线斜率影响着变压器绕组的励磁电流与磁通之间的关系。铁心饱和程度越高,励磁电流越大产生的磁通也就越大,其磁通密度甚至能达到稳态状态下磁通密度的2倍以上。根据励磁涌流产生机理,可知励磁涌流的特点。 3.1 大量的高次谐波分量存在于励磁涌流中,其中二次与三次谐波占据大部分。根据基尔霍夫定律,励磁电流磁通的感应电压大小需与外部电压相同,目的


变压器励磁涌流产生机理及抑制措施 1、变压器励磁涌流及特点 变压器是一种依据电磁感应原理制造而成的静止元件,是交流输电系统中用于电压变换的重要电气设备。当合上断路器给变压器充电时,有时候,能够观察到变压器电流表的指针有很大摆动,随后,很快又返回到正常的空载电流值,这个冲击电流通常就被称为励磁涌流。 总的来说,变压器励磁涌流有以下几个特点:第一,波形呈现尖顶形状,表明其中含有相当成分的非周期分量和高次谐波分量,其中高次谐波以二次和三次为主,并且,随着时间推移,某一相二次谐波含量可能超过基波分量的一半以上。第二,励磁涌流幅值与变压器空载投入的电压初相角直接相关。对于单相变压器来说,当电压过零点投入时,励磁涌流幅值最大。由于三相变压器各相间有120度相位差,所以涌流也不尽相同。第三,在最初几个波形中,涌流将出现间断角。第四,涌流衰减的时间常数与变压器阻抗、容量和铁心材料等都相关。 2、励磁涌流产生机理 变压器励磁涌流是由变压器铁心饱和引起的。在铁心不饱和时,铁心磁化曲线的斜率很大,励磁电流近似为零;一旦铁心出现饱和,磁化曲线斜率变小,电流随着磁通线性增长,最终演变为励磁涌流。 下面以单相变压器空载合闸为例分析励磁涌流产生机理。设变压器在时间 t=0时合闸,则施加于变压器上的电压为: (1) 又,变压器电压与磁通间的关系为:(2) 故:(3) 式(3)中第一式为稳态磁通,后两式为暂态磁通,为铁心剩磁,与合闸时刻的电压相关。 计及成本和工艺,现代常用的电力变压器饱和磁通一般设为1.15~1.4,而变压器运行电压一般不应超过额定电压的10%。因此,变压器稳态正常运行时,磁通不会超过饱和磁通,铁心也不会饱和。但在暂态过程中,如变压器空载合闸时,由于剩磁的作用,运行磁通就有可能大于饱和磁通,从而造成变压器饱和。例如,最严重的是电压过零时刻,合闸,假若此时铁心的剩磁,非周期磁通为经过半个周期后,磁通达到,将远大于饱和磁通,造成变压器严重饱和。 3、抑制措施 对于现场中常用的三相电力变压器,防止变压器励磁涌流引起差动保护的措施主要有以下几类。 3.1 采用速饱和中间变流器 差动保护按照躲开最大不平衡电流进行整定时,带速饱和原理的差动保护能够减少非周期分量造成的保护误动,如BCH-2型就是一种增强型速饱和中间变流器的差动保护。这种差动保护的核心部分是带短路线圈的饱和中间变流器和差动电流继电器。短路线圈的存在使得在具有非周期分量电流时继电器的动作电流大为增加,从而提高了躲避励磁涌流和外部短路时暂态不平衡电流的性能。采用BCH-2型差动保护要注意短路线圈匝数的确定匝数愈多躲避涌流的性能愈好,但内部短路时继电器的动作延时就长。对中小型变压器,由于励磁涌流倍数大,内部故障时非周期分量衰减快,对保护动作要求又较低,一般选较大的匝数,而对大型变压器,内部涌流倍数小,非周期分量衰减慢,又要求保护动作快,则应


摘要] 变压器励磁涌流不仅导致继电保护误动,由其衍生的电网电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流、铁磁谐振过电压等都给电力系统运行带来不可低估的负面影响。数十年来人们通过识别励磁涌流特征的方法来减少继电保护的误动率,但并未获得良好的回报,误动率仍居高不下。至于对电压骤降、谐波污染、和应涌流等的消除更一筹莫展。究其原因是人们认为励磁涌流的出现不可抗拒,只能采用“识别”的对策,即“躲”的对策。其实,换个思路——“抑制”,是完全可以实现的,而且已经实现了。 [关键词]励磁涌流磁路饱和涌流抑制器 0、引言 变压器励磁涌流与电容器的充电涌流抑制原理完全相似,电感及电容都是储能元件,前者不容许电流突变,后者不容许电压突变,空投电源时都将诱发一个暂态过程。在电力变压器空载接入电源时及变压器出线发生故障被继电保护装置切除时,因变压器某侧绕组感受到外施电压的骤增而产生有时数值极大的励磁涌流。励磁涌流不仅峰值大,且含有极多的谐波及直流分量。由此对电网及电器设备造成极为不利的影响。 1、励磁涌流的危害性 1.1 引发变压器的继电保护装置误动,使变压器的投运频频失败; 1.2 变压器出线短路故障切除时所产生的电压突增,诱发变压器保护误动,使变压器各侧负荷全部停电; 1.3 A电站一台变压器空载接入电源产生的励磁涌流,诱发邻近其他B电站、C电站等正在运行的变压器产生“和应涌流”(sympathetic inrush)而误跳闸,造成大面积停电; 1.4 数值很大的励磁涌流会导致变压器及断路器因电动力过大受损; 1.5 诱发操作过电压,损坏电气设备; 1.6 励磁涌流中的直流分量导致电流互感器磁路被过度磁化而大幅降低测量精度和继电保护装置的正确动作率; 1.7 励磁涌流中的大量谐波对电网电能质量造成严重的污染。 1.8 造成电网电压骤升或骤降,影响其他电气设备正常工作。 数十年来人们对励磁涌流采取的对策是“躲”,但由于励磁涌流形态及特征的多样性,通过数学或物理方法对其特征识别的准确性难以提高,以致在这一领域里励磁涌流已成为历史性难题。 2、励磁涌流的成因 抑制器的重要特点是对励磁涌流采取的策略不是“躲避”,而是“抑制”。理论及实践证明励磁涌流是可以抑制乃至消灭的,因产生励磁涌流的根源是在变压器任一侧绕组感受到外施电压骤增时,基于磁链守恒定理,该绕组在磁路中将产生单极性的偏磁,如偏磁极性恰好和变压器原来的剩磁极性相同时,就可能因偏磁与剩磁和稳态磁通叠加而导致磁路饱和,从而大幅度降低变压器绕组的励磁电抗,进而诱发数值可观的励磁涌流。由于偏磁的极性及数值是可以通过选择外施电压合闸相位角进行控制的,因此,如果能掌握变压器上次断电时磁路中的剩磁极性,就完全可以通过控制变压器空投时的电源电压相位角,实现让偏磁与剩磁极性相反,从而消除产生励磁涌流的土壤——磁路饱和,实现对励磁涌流的抑制。 长期以来,人们认为无法测量变压器的剩磁极性及数值,因而不得不放弃利用偏磁抵消剩磁的想法。从而在应对励磁涌流的策略上出现了两条并不畅通的道路,一条路是通过控制变压


外文翻译 Transformer A Transformer is a device that change ac electric energy at one voltage level into ac electric energy at another voltage level through the action of a magnetic filed .It consists of two or more coils of wire wrapped a common ferromagnetic core. These coils are (usually) not directly connected. The only connection between the coils is the common magnetic flux present within the core.One of the transformer windings is connected to a source of ac electric power, and the second (and perhaps third) transformer winding supplies electric power to loads. The transformer winding connected to the power source is called the primary winding or input winding, and the winding connected to the loads is called the secondary winding or output winding. If there is a third winding on the transformer, it is called the tertiary winding. Power transformers are constructed on one of two types of cores. One type of construction consists of a simple rectangular laminated piece of steel with the transformer windings wrapped around two sides of the rectangle. This type of construction is known as core form. The other type consists of a three-legged laminated core with the windings wrapped around the center leg. This type of construction is known as shell form. In either case, the core is 1
